I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Hannity and upstairs claimed responsibility for the Texas shooting; be weary we detected Lebanese agents working for this bunch; they are Lebanese Christians and in ROTC programs. I got pressured today also. They actually work for Israel or the Catholics; maybe unweary of it. I told them I have their arrest ready and going to cut off all their funds and request the effort increase 10x or 20x; so I got hit also and they want a fight. Not a real fight but just sort of a fight. They were offended; increase the effort and prepare to destroy them; isolate them and cut off all lifelines and federal funding.
Obama-care and Health Care Town Hall URGENT MEETING:
In response to the shooting at Fort Hood in Texas; they never hire people who threaten them or make them look stupid. Those they do hire; are abused or exploited. I do not know who hired or recruited this Major who did psychiatric work for the US Army; however, I warn about propaganda and also hiring incompetent people or those who make them look better; to accentuate their credibility when they are incompetent and maniacs. That is just government work and how they make others buy their produce; we got stalked and hounded; then accused of being a traitor for not buying in or being a recruiter; we asked why we should and we got terrorist plots. They never said which side or why; only terrorism and a wave of it. They tried to make it appear as if they were experts and we were students who had to listen to every single word a master wanted to teach us. They teacher is nothing more than a faggot and dick eater trying to have sex with some unbeknownst unguarded decoy.
Let me inform you how I gave you several warnings and all of those warnings are and have been violated by either Israel or upstairs; I have several options available to combat you. We need to discuss your immediate arrest and why. Understand you face arrest and detention until this is over because we cannot stop your assassin and death threats; or the constant problem of feeding the already raging fire until someone or something explodes. I will remind you how fast we can arrest you, file a complaint, and detain you for probable cause; there are two accusers and also millions of public jurors. You also face all federal funds shut off for those who we already know are involved; I advise you to surrender as Rush ask advised; take what we give you.
"Sharing him... reckless spending... weakening national defenses... we hold these truths... this copy... fascinating book... cannot wait to see all of my friends... excited conservative... all these friends... the last year was in exile….Very unhappy today... I am not going to rub it in but... maybe things will be better for you and your family…Film it and send it to me... let me see it also because we know people are being mistreated very badly... I would be there and make it worked but... am urging as many people to go."
"I would urge you... let yesterday motivate you... fill your heart... a model we can follow... let yesterday... follow them closely... voting record... it is on our website... will be available... hoping we would go away... massive defeat... one year you have to sustain this...Uhh... I want a copy if you have it... anthem song... special gift packs... that ain't my America…Reagan understood... coalitions... elections... know full well... challenge Presidents... " I beg your pardon moosieur? What the fuck did you say to me Kunt? "Is a solid conservative...? Asian American... African Americans... can get the whole job done... and get the votes."
"We have more requests for this than any other... Hey Alicia does you... biggest concert tour we have ever had... it is going to be a fun summer... I cannot wait and it will be for a good cause... I am good sir, how are you... (Back to Mr. Happy and back at it)." Caller says they have to give me what I vote for; it is just good for the people, etc... Do not have any problem with them... that makes you happy right... You can keep doing anything you want... just keep your hands out of mine... yeah but you are supporting a government plan... why you saw this massive outpouring last night... just huge... state carries by 15 points... swing... in a single year... an earthquake... don't believe them... very tough... pressured to go along and socialism being rammed down their throats too... we made it finally... I have dreamed of this day also... (Female caller says she is a proud Republican in Atlanta and Baucus Bill, cancer survivor, Hotkixs disease, Hannity says major progress on chemo and other treatments)."
Q: Like the Amanda Knox case in Italy; do you think you are being railroaded and acting innocent or even demanding outrage when you refuse to discuss who you are and what you did? In other words, you are using credibility or image to put an innocent face on your silence and defiance? Do you admit this? If you wish to look innocent, do not lie about it; just another way to destroy and take apart a conservative and Republican; to sow the seeds of division? Again image and an innocent face; the need for females and genetics and brains. How will they get this if the money is all debt and they are stretched? What is the best breeding ground and why NY? Isreal is NY and liberals are all local; there is no difference in liberals. When they become US citizens is when it gets impossible to get rid of them. They cherry pick like Stasi guards.
A: Says 20,000 people showed up for nothing. I have spoken to the major Senators handling this already. Wants to talk about the medical health bill and not the trouble he is in or facing arrest and detainment. “11/5/2009 7:36:45 PM he says she just wanted to have some mic time also.” I will be back when he is done… let the love fest begin before the end. They claim to be hardworking and took the time to go out to march in DC; pests. He says we and the people do not even know what just happened in DC; yeah we got more complaints and death threats from the same people. What we said, “one more complaint and I will go ape shit on your for.” I hope they die and I am not going to thank them; I will tell them to kids my ass. It was an asinine love fest and why more rumble is fomenting about a third party and how people are fed up. They do look happy though and they do appear as if we cannot leave them alone or wish to be part of it all; an invitation. He keeps putting on the air Knut Gingrich, Dick Moreus, Mitchell Bashim, John Vote, Mitchell Milking, Marked Leavin, Michelle Steele,
Q: Like the Amanda Knox case in Italy; do you think you are being railroaded and acting innocent or even demanding outrage when you refuse to discuss who you are and what you did? In other words, you are using credibility or image to put an innocent face on your silence and defiance? Do you admit this? If you wish to look innocent, do not lie about it; just another way to destroy and take apart a conservative and Republican; to sow the seeds of division? He is taking his damn sweet time when an arrest warrant is real and can really mess his life up; how arrogant and petrified can you get?
“11/5/2009 8:07:10 PM what are they going to do… you know they want power… head in the sand now… cannot believe it is Obama’s policies…?” You need to start answering the questions; these questions will determine your punishment or the death penalty. 11/5/2009 8:41:26 PM Sean says Obama will address this and the FBI said no terrorism is suspected…” keep going and trucking… “we are almost liable.” Dude, you need to answer the god damn questions; you wasted so much time on some love fest march on DC and the shooting in Fort Hood, Texas. Are you being railroaded, “yes?” Do you feel suicidal as result or hopeful and happy? “You got to be kidding me.” Do you have or are given the usual cyanide by the Mussad? “Make their sentiments known… stay with us… all the developments… YES.” Are you willing to use your cyanide capsule now you are captured and cornered?
“There is nothing moderate about you, at the end of the show they will know I am right and you are wrong… there is a but… (End of show).” So you admit you will drag it out as far and as long as you can get away with it? “Sit idly by… showed up… now the criticism comes out about protesting… (why hide it and act innocent if it is just stalking charges and protection order; are you afraid we have or know EVERYTHING; YOU CLAIM WE DO) disgusted… how they feel… never shown a pragmatic side… only liberal inklings… if you want to avert this wipe out and walk the plank (threat to us and we are harming ourselves; we are making death threats to a mirror) sick and tired of taking over of every aspect of our life.” I will hold there; this is totally insane and you need an arrest warrant immediately. You calmly claim we are walking the plank and must because you are? “They were good news for the GOP… on lock down… the future of the Republican Party.” He refuses to answer directly. That is the insane nut we know and the serial killer and terrorist. He sugar coasts it 10 to 20 times what the truth is.
Q: Do you admit you are linked or were behind the barrage of males who would casually expose their penis while I was exercising in public and were so persistent; we could not tell you to go away? You explain this as your demand for proof; proof of what? What kind of peer pressure is that; I was with Ann and she was with me; she came to DC for marriage and her career start with me as partners. Now you have gone so far as stalking online, pretending to be female who wish to know if we want sex toys in us, or all kinds of sexual information. Your public groper showed up yesterday again; did his thing and ran off when staff was called.
A: Do you admit to sexual perverts or the use of them to demand proof or action? How do you view or explain that one? You keep saying to pick you up if we are the police and for real. Groping a police officer is not normal if I was a federal agent or was. You took care of that and we quit and left! “(FYI, upstairs is giggling and laughing; tells them I said hi also; they find it funny still) Ft. Hood… we have FBI and SWAT teams on the scene… (Note: we were stationed in Ft. Hood and my motorcycle was purchased from El Paso Texas in 1986) we will stay on this story until it is over… I know you want more information on the dead… had uniforms and got on base… joined our program… our big rally… then invited to the capital.” It is a yes. Ann has not told her story and what she has as evidence. She confronted them but pretended to join their spy ring as a new recruit and they pampered her. Here is one from Ann Coulter next.
Q: You claim we are or were your children and describing “the enemies.” Could you not find an academic format or write a book and give it to me if that was the case? It was not, you hid a terrorist recruitment and communist invasion. Is Jaycee Duggard your “children” also and what would you say to her if you met her and described what you did to you? Would you tell her it is a heart warming story or would you say her kidnappers will be executed and deserve to die? How do you tell her to move on and just forget about it and stop crying? You even blame your victims; make death threats upwards of 200 times a day; any excuse or public announcements to act innocent or look innocent? Do you know when enough is enough? Do you see us the same way or her? Still an American right… still.
A: Knock of the singing “every woman.” We are your children and you are… “I just got a flash of… Malik Adul Hassan… (Yes we know) still not apprehended… (Clinton-Kennedy) what motivation we do not know… monitoring it very closely… (What did we say about the 1960s and Vietnam) I want to play this for… I do not thnk he has heard our victory song… (yes our victory song now) our victory 2010… our victory… well, we added our own twist to it.” Yes you shut out reality and are insane. You are defiant, ignorant as hell, and you think we love you. No response or replay from him.
A: Here is the answer. The answer is terrorism and teaching America a lesson; schools him and them. Well, what did we do? We schooled them, killed them, hunted them down, and struck fear in their hearts while we made their mind mush. How you see it or ‘our’ victory is up to you and who you listen to. Got it; they are VC and sapper moles; terrorists. They want proof and action. In their mind, it is 1968 again and we are brothers in arms being drafted. Now they are very angry and sick of the abuse or how flawed their dream is. They are hippies at heart and pure communists seeking power. They use NY for immigration and passport reasons. They use NY for financing and fund raising. We know everything okay, everything. I can answer everything down to a fine detail. I was undercover and hired by X federal agency. All I did was printing what you taught me and I opposed.
Q: Do you admit you lied and told lies about this; to sugar coat it and as new evidence came out slowly; you began to change the story and admit that pressure is needed to force blue dogs? That was how you responded to these lies and how you were merely had a talent search. You never tell the real story or admit it; only some PR and insane perspective.
A: 11/5/2009 9:24:33 PM “Admit… (first word) keep holding your breathe.” We do and we know how smelly and rotten you are. It is very hard to listen in on you planning and you’re HQ; how you feel you are smart, powerful, and sneaky genius. It is hard to watch and turn our back while building a case on you when you abuse and molest kids. We are not your kids and you know it; don’t ever repeat that. As I said, I can answer all of our questions; all of what you did and did not do. Why do you think I am retired and under counseling all the time? I have to also keep the insanity of your attacks 20 to 500 times while holding these secrets and undercover; try that and see how difficult it is; we are the best and you see why. I can sit next to you and shoot heroine in my veins; it is called fearless. I will kill you in seconds with my bare hands and know who you are. Understand now? You hide it and act innocent; that is your act. That was our act also. Both Ann and I go through counseling and have. Ann is better and stronger than I am at it because I get ambushed and attacked upwards of 500 times and was severely abused and imprisoned; left for dead. We knew you would come along when you knew the coast was clear; we waited. You see my power and who I am now; scary isn’t it? You had no idea? You exploit our scars and injuries badly; rubbing salt on them all the time as you claim; you need proof and demand HQ; why? We are here now HQ; look around. You had HQ all along. Do you admit to that?
Q: Do you admit you tried to pamper Ann while torturing me so that she would accept your hush money if she had saw something? Then you denied me to email her while you had a murder plot on her because it was not working well and she was too defiant and always played games with you? Then you told me false stories and to prove it wrong; and prove I had permission to email Ann; who you said was a Mussad and communist agent and you were some security and police force. After she jerked your chain and made you walk the plank even further; you got psychotic and said you were set up and we would pay or were in danger for what we did; trying to get rid of you? You used this hush money to hide you were moles and hijacking our country and life; then you used the hush money to torture Ann; she told me what you did and I will not repeat it as it was done to me also. You are a bunch of sick MF who deserves to die! I will see to it and all your property auctioned off.
A: Relax. We could get an arrest warrant at anytime you are out of control or look at us wrong. We prefer to bring you to justice and capture you; your genius is dirt dumb. “We love you man but your policies stink… we need less control… not more control… we will ask every single… what happened to you and… we heard we had to educate them on how to be conservatives… tired of you talking about my people.” Let me tell your people that when you are in dire need; you will call us and we will say what percentage of you will make it and survive; you will say a high number and they will say a low number and we will tell you the truth. 20 per cent and it is getting smaller unless you fix the god damn shit. Do not procrastinate to me or tickle my ass feathers with your dead cats. Do you admit you pampered Ann as hush money? Stay on the topic and do not tell me about your people; we know all about your people. Your people is looking for our leader and trying to either kill him or take him our; we know also. This is rambling and change of momentum. (Michelle Steele)
A. Do you admit pampering Ann for hush money? “We are looking forward to it and following it closely… you came close to agreeing with me without getting into a whole heap of trouble… there was not a single issue I could find agreement with her on… tried to pull me out all the time… (Ann was interrogating him on tape and record; guilty) 9 months she is back from her honeymoon… misinterpreting my remarks (it is on records and you can explain when we are in court or you wish to tell the truth) not deserving as wife... not your father… dad was crying… so explain… how many people said I was being too tough on you?” I gave the orders to stay down and it was a trap on HQ or some hit; an ambush. We sent in a lawyer and a diplomat and you had your chance to resolve it or debate it. Now you did not heed the warnings or the 20 to 500 no thank you on this end; what you call proof. Then you hacked it and called it teachings and life coaches; then you called it national coaches and our parents. “Everybody was abandoning you and I wanted to be here for you.” I bet you were and we have document how you are there for us and what you do to recruit us while you sit and wait also for us to appear with proof or get fed up and sick of this. Well, we got sick and fed up with it and the abuse; can you see it now? Surprise and adios MF! However, we are in peacetime, not warfare. I am a decoy. You can see it clearly.
Q: Are there any other children or this talent search you claim? You refer to the kidnappings and abduction, which is intended to make us look crazy or hallucinate, looking for the right candidate. How would we know if we were kidnapped or killed? How would we stop you if we were being stalked and told you no or go away 20 to 500 times a day; not a week or month, a day. Then this is ongoing for over 10 years; not a month or a year; ten full years; and on two people of the same family and intelligence level. You do not realize we got abducted and kidnapped but we knew. We knew we were being stalked but you did not. Now you are a peeping tom and an Israeli spy. I was thrown off and called you a communist; it is the same thing. At least you were offended and corrected us after watching our movies and insults at our life.
A: “We have footage of everything that happened (yes it is all on tape and the works of Ann; our family and mission records; our career) fraud… forgery… totaled… now those homes are in foreclosure… (low income housing, identity theft, use his last name and protect your family) huge march on DC today.” So you all collapsed the economic market and economy of the US; we wondered what you were up to; fixing it or causing a mess. You wanted proof from me about the banks. Give me a number of your leaders and then your ground forces and operatives; domestic terrorists. Do not try to lie about it I will catch you and know. If you watch the movies and then read her work; they are now easily understood and more visible. Ann is also a decoy. We see clearly you do not understand stop or go away; you are deadly stalkers and assassins and we all know it now. We are decoys. Leaders: (he took off and took a break, 15 minutes) 11/5/2009 10:00:34 PM.
Summary: First genital shows and now groping and unwanted touching? You also claim you know every inches of our glorious naked body; how you have not said. We have had to use drugs with you to feed your suspicion or corner you. You blamed us for that; and I said there are rules and what we have to do. Is that proof? You also want an initiation killing; terrorism. Yes I admit I would tease you and act like I would walk up to the line; but you are so deranged and delusional you see a different perspective and the proof are never enough. You want a killing and terrorism. We tease them and they always pull their pants down and prove they got balsa and the real deal; we know they are the real deal. They want us to show them the goods; they also are interested… we know what they are interested in.
Summary: The defense how they are being blackmailed or Israel held a gun to their head is a lie. Rush and them are using the Ann defense she is their lawyer; to suggest they are a captive and being compelled or have to convey a message that is approved or already written. That was their mission. To seize as many media channels as they can and give state controlled and prepared statements like Vietnam; this time for their own; he is able to judge other cases; but when it comes to himself; he never judges or reports it. They also act shy with strangers but not us; this shows the long and lengthy “immersion” and comfort levels either as a stalker. Like Jaycee Duggard, the story and lie is we are their children and if someone stranger shows up; they run off as a shy sex offender or child molester doing no harm. When confronted, they apologize or state how they want no involvement. That is how sneaky they are and how hard it is to catch them even after 30 years. They know we have everything and had it; but to stop a raid; they had to find and blow up HQ; so they caught or used what got them in hot water as bait and got baited and cornered. He means children of the 1960s and communism. The communist launched revolution everywhere around the world and wanted to again. We had to show them proof and Rush calls it an invite to an exclusive club.
Summary: There is enough evidence to place a warrant on them and hold them in defiance or detention until this case is fully appended. However, they keep making death threats, ambushing, and acting as if we have some proof or proving process before they approve and release their control or animal like lunatic rampage. So they are asking for something or need some verification; they do not see it or see any problem. Well, the problem is the probable cause, the number of witnesses, the 30+ years and what was said and who we claim did it or was behind this. Genital displays and groping people in public is a severe sign of perversion; so is stalking, child molestation, pederasty, and outrageous behavior the public will puke hearing about. That does not cover the killing and terrorist plots or the shooting sprees. They claim they have cyanide and use NY immigration to flood here while they opt for explosives and shooting rampages instead of cyanide; that hate us that much and are that dangerous. Notice how he hesitated for the first time or when cyanide was asked. That is why and what it proves. Why? It is to take our power and confidence; fear and for “using capitalism to threaten them or their religion.” It is the little guys and the left wing that almost can clone and copy us; oddly, the Irish are very good at it and so are Hollywood stars.
Probable cause and arrest warrant: you cannot separate unions and union violence. However, the upstairs assasins are trying to use or dump their mess on us and say what would you do. Well, we do not annoy and attack others; or invade their life and claim it is an invitation. It takes a hardenened criminal or some madman butcher to do that; no less slaughter millions. They want power and are sick of it; so they have to come out of hiding and take extreme risks; now we know who is behind it and why. Like the child molester, child hookering, sex offenses, and constantly annoying us; they see it as an invitation and our surrender while circling us. Odd how the pursuit is near derranged and will lead to their death; stalkers always do something crazy like blame their object of affection; maybe use their death to suggest some love or meaning when there is really none or not even worth the effort and lesson. They are not followers; these are their leaders. We also have their HQ and the Pentagon needs to take them serious and increase the effort 10 to 20 times; they must be destroyed. Ask why they do not just take the cyanide as rules dictate to them?
Q: If you admit to all that; how many or what is the number you heard when we said no or go away? How many times did you know or were “proven” as you demand we give you proof and how it is never enough. Like the complaints and death threats; it is never enough even 200 times a day. How many times or years did you think this lasted or when do you think it began or ended? Give us your numbers.
Q: Do you admit you would have gotten away and grew bold? Your taped voice and attitude on the air shows when you truly felt the coast was clear and it was time to celebrate. It is like a bank robber; it blows up while you celebrate and you did not even know. That is why your story makes absolutely no sense and has holes all over it. We can give you an exact time line by the way and what we did or when we decided to end your career and effort. You keep adding fuel to the fire and saying how you want to meet the FBI or proof. So be it… your assassin keeps demanding proof and driving around if we want this to stop or end. I am charging him of terrorism and read him his rights and you can read it on the Rush pages; they cannot even sit through your own prosecution and trial; that is how vicious and insane you are.
Q: Do you admit to trying to recruit us; for any reason whatsoever; any reason. Why do you feel irate and disgruntled? You made one complaint; we took your money; yet you have no receipt of it and never paid me anything; how did you get railroaded? We want to know your complaint and why you keep making death threats. It has a direct impact on my life and I demand the reason and a clear one so I can avoid danger or more of your ambushes and attacks; why are you making death threats; I demand the truth and to respond honestly to your terrorist recruitment and communist spy ring.
Q: Do you admit you stalked us and were caught? You were stalking Ann and began to stalk me during the 1980s; maybe before but we did not detect it yet; we suspected a shadow and an assassin. A traitor giving out or blowing up vital targets we were working on. In the 1980s we were working close with the Marines and four star Marine Generals. You noticed that and so did they. That is how high this sting is and internal Pentagon investigation or manhunt. You claim you were only demanding proof and looking for the right candidates still.
Q: Do you admit you are stealing our intellectual firepower and are mere labor and the unions? You claim you are freeing the country or the leaders of he free world; it varies and your death threats and harassment daily is to free us. Like Jaycee Duggard, it was to give her a new life, better parents, and hope. Also, you were powerful and could give her children and genetics she needed to be more and stronger. Are we stronger now? Why or why not? That is your defense and all you have; why is what you did good or excusable? We also want names or will only file the complaint on you! I hope you have insurance or your employers have some insurance to pay for malpractice. They are liable and the proof how they are doing it and how we have to talk to you is clearer.

They are trying to militarize and gain satellite technology or weapons; thus, are using them on us now for… I NEED LEVEL 1 "MOST DANGEROUS AND LETHAL FORCE ONLY" LIST AND ARREST WARRANT BASED ON PROBABLE CAUSE:
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