It began in the 1960s and ever since the labor pool and revenue from the labor base has been reduced to nothing. While they claim motives and intentions which surpass any explanation; they fomented revolution globally and fighting the capitalist forces. Thus, this angry upheaval and criticism of Vietnam; and the changes to block out anti-war, conscientious objectors, and bleeding heart liberals; they feel it is an injustice and also a violation of the Civil Rights laws which protect certain groups. Now those same groups are vulnerable. Also, they were locked out by the Pentagon and must strike back.

In the wake of national destruction and the decapitation of the left wing and communist forces in America; our community was growing in the Northern Virginia region. One of the biggest introductions was the Mobil compound built on Gallows Road, Merrifield. The Mobil compound was only 2 miles away; however, this was before the high technology explosion. When they closed down the First Virginia Bank and AAA building across the street (visible from 495 and major landmark) Mobil became a major employer; a new big employer to Fairfax County.
So we all grew up with this. We were propositioned and put into some forced leadership program causing very adverse reactions. It took 20 years to figure out who was behind it, how they were doing it, and most of all to flush them out and trap them. They must either deny it all or admit it all; there is no way out. We fashioned the prosecutor trap and I designed it so that there was no way out. I knew they had to show up and would just play the waiting game; we needed millions of witnesses also.

If you listen to what they attack and criticize with; this is a battle over natural resources. They want to be the caretakers of it. We are expert fishermen and this was some pro level or industrial level power play. My childhood along the Chesapeake Bay was about crabbing and long nights on the water. There is no use to question them about the Exxon Valdez; he and they will do the exact same thing. They will refuse to answer questions and only state their reasons and intentions. It is and was from the same playbook and formula; therefore, the cleanup or cover-up is the exact same or off the same playbook.
So what did they want? They needed help and felt it was a conspiracy. They were willing to hire and pay; to use money for information. Who and what they are is Al Qaeda; spies and terrorists who were paranoid and being destroyed politically. Also the affect on the Jewish and Catholic reputation was brutal. As a protected class and part of victimology; the politics was being violated now. So they wanted to join forces and go after the people who did this; they were following us and would do these terrorist hits to say how they were following us. However, if we go against them, we would be punished or scolded; tortured and this became not only a nuisance but extremely painful. It nearly led to suicide while fighting them and it feels like a ship was being sunk; plug one hole, they create a new one.

All you have to do is replace 911 with Exxon Valdez and you will get the exact same thing. It has to do with natural resources, common ground, liking or loving us and what they are doing or how we work for them. As a protected class of the 1960s; they now created new victims and perpetuated this. They eviscerated the US with crime and used low quality lunatics to garner jobs. No damn good but claim they how it is their home. No damn good lunatics who feel this is their home and it does not belong to anyone; hence they are in our residence. Victimology only applies to them but never anybody else; they are special and they are a hate group or supremacy group; only reverse and bottom of the barrel.
They would pound us with demands for temperance. This temperance can go to hell; they need to know why they are no damn good and prove this. We do not go around and say it is our home, why must they? Are they superior or do they outrank us? Do we need people in our life who are dumber than dumb but think they are superior or powerful? Almost as stupid as a human being can become, they use a criminal conviction or penchant for genius to challenge and combat injurious politics. In the end, it is total paralysis and we all commit suicide; a form of cannibalism. So like us, if they sink, then we sink with them and they follow us. We have to save them or give them an answer they approve of. Nothing is approved; they tell you what they want while we tell them to get lost and go away. That was who we caught. They did not admit to it, they only stated their reason, intention, goal, and motives. They did not apologize; they rationalized and explained the logic behind it.

So this no damn good problem surfaced and severely humiliated their protected class or victimology; a product of the 1960s. Now the natural resources and labor were out of whack and both blacks and whites were fighting for menial jobs. They had to unify and undergo some indoctrination; how we grew up experience; or else their lives would change drastically; like our own life and how it was denied. The problem in the 1980s was how worthless their wages became while their property doubled or tripled in value. How do you explain that? They use crime and terrorism to fight because they are dumber than dumb and this is how that terrorism becomes a holocause.

The second panic is when Mobil built a massive compound near our home in the 1980s. It meant jobs and two lives splitting. If they were going to infiltrate our ranks and try to stop this; they had to address the energy and oil problem in the Middle East. We can see how they used the Exxon Valdez accident to drive a wedge with what we love; working the water, fishing, and crabbing on the Chesapeake Bay since childhood. When World War II Rangers are your baby sitters and protection; they take you to fishing grounds and teach you about the outdoors. It becomes who you are and part of you. Trust me when I say I want to murder them; it is too bad I never got a shot at it but brought them to justice instead.
They were told to shut up until questioned by the FBI or else we will promote why they need an ass beating daily by inmates who desire parole. They were told they will get the chance to talk and tell the story to the FBI when we are ready.

Ask how many reporters or journalist pick through my material, work, and books. Serious, ask how many reporters read my things or are assigned to us; so what is the difference? Who cares what they worry about; worry about your life and where your life takes you. You will be graded on how you conduct yourself and how well you earn your ranks. If you want to play hard to get, then I am sure many others will play that game with you.

Several questions you posed from upstairs such as "following us", "on our side", "with us all the way", or "approve of us." When I look at your dead corpse talking to me or how you feel some grant to comment and talk to us in our own home; I literally wish you dead. The four or five pages of felony charges explains how you are with us or on our side; also, how stupid you truly feel yelled at daily for being bad human beings, workers, or worthless. You tend to have this unusual view of yourself and a self invitation. When you talk, it is a monologue or pollution breathed out. What makes you all or upstairs feel we take you more serious now, before, or in the future? Is that how stupid you truly are or is it just pretend again?

As far as your transformation, you are already there. If you look in our society, rock bottom is as high as you can keep up or get. The more you try, the more you sink. So if you are laughing at blacks, let me tell you how you do not need a transformation; you are already there. You think you are following us and you think we respect you; do you even know or have a clue yet? Milk will not solve your problems; you are trash and trash needs to be burned.
This idea of selling Freedom tickets is absurd. What you need to do is worry about your loved ones and make sure things are taken care of before you go off the deep end. I would suggest you make some plans, draft a plan, have relatives come to care for the kids, sell off a few bills, and make sure things are paid for. That is unless your family is made of money. I extend much more gratuity then you ever allowed for me; only because I am fairer and know you are guilty as hell. It is not some shock treatment, it is the real deal. Do not expect to post bail and if you mortgage the house; do not expect to return to work. To post bail you must answer honestly or agree to cooperate. The upstairs who were your terrorist surrogates; turned into a legal defense now. It went from "go home" to "this is our home." Your troubles and life is just beginning. You need to figure out how to enjoy the last bits of your life. You need to make sure things are taken care of when you are not there or will never be returning. If you miss that window of opportunity; then that is it; no second chances. You can slam things all day and stomp on the floor all day long; that will not do a god damn thing nor has. I personally hope they throw hot oil on you heated in a microwave and give those who do parole until you show much more human respect.
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