Make up your mind if you are begging for freedom or invincible and going to win this. Your bio-terrorist and assassin upstairs is fainting how they are able to strike us at any time... who do you think we are; who the fuck... we are arresting and charging you! Got it; you are begging for freedom and for us to let you go; we are not begging for this to end. I am getting ready to make an arrest and wish to counsel you and hear your state of mind.

Save it and as I said, your game now is to avoid any appearance of impropriety whatsoever; not increase it and scream back how "you don't have shit on us." Knock off the stalking and how you are following us now or have changed your life during this "period of mutual respect" as Clinton puts it; again, an example of your outrageous behavior and more spitting on counter terrorist personnel while making an arrest. I told him we know he would never resist arrest or put up any opposition; am I correct? Your outrageous behavior is one thing but begging for your freedom while being outrageous is another; notice I said you all are or have been begging for mercy and racking charges up the totem pole. I hope you rot in hell and your federal funds starve you to death. What does it matter if I break all your damn shit or not? It is going on the curb anyways. It is not as if you have an explanation or can lie your way out. One lie and you go into detention and isolated until further questioning. Do you want me to really go ape shit on your worthless union and drunken ass? Don't you think I am done all we can and you do not even have a life left? What more can we do to you? Do you want to see me go ape shit on you? They can explain why you were talking to us using them or why they kept talking to us up until you were arrested and thrown in prison.

Do you want to explain why you are still trying to suggest you will hit me with another bio-terrorism when you already did?
A: "The 911 commission said they were at war with us... we were not at war with them... it is frightening this is happening." Are you suggesting I did or was behind bio-terrorism? You keep begging for freedom and I want to ask if you are suggesting you are a danger to society now? "We all must be careful and not jump to conclusion about any case... killed in cold blood... fueled biggotry." Okay, I have warned Rush already; we do not need to know your reason or intentions; understand?

A: "The fear of appearing anti=Muslim... folks you have to consider what we have here... radical Islamic cleric... suburban Va. mom... 10 to 20 emails." I asked you why they are talk to us and on your behalf. (talking about how terrorist shout out; "they complained to superiors about his statements... swear allegiance... defend America and have this conflict." I think you are saying I am a threat; do you see five felony pages or report saying no thank you 20 to 500 times a day you maniac and loser? Here you go with this dumb act and you have no way out or any defense. Do you want me to wreck and destroy your stuff? Are you ready to wage war while we arrest you? "Potent adversary... we love death more than life... please life... condone by Isalam... hurting or killing believers will vary." So that is what you are saying? Listen, shut up okay; you are in serious trouble. You are begging for freedom and mercy at this time.
What in hell are you overstepping your bounds and talking to us? Why the ongoing complaints and we are counter terrorist forces and arresting you?
A: Are you going to hit me with a bio-terrorism hit or some new terrorist debate? "Victim of religious harassment... made him snap... lonely... goes on and on."
Do you admit to lying or trying to paint a picture of how well cared for or how good of a job you are doing? Until you actually ask the captives and those you kidnapped or used to indicate you are kind and working hard. (ie: pampering Ann and throwing me in prison while she had invites to dinners and parties; then fattening me up by 30 pounds in prison when I cannot gain 5 lbs normally) Do you admit playing this hoax and fraud?
A: "To kill... combat of others... furious... twisted interpretation... victim... I cannot believe it... I have to get him on the phone... he cannot believe any of this." Do you admit you are denying mistreating us? "Buying into... fanaticism... we recognize that point... the whole story needs to be told... we face an enemy... far more widespread than any of us." Do you admit you did this or not? "You cannot wish it away... turning the truth away... more dead bodies... " So you are saying you are a potential and major threat? "Still ongoing... need enhanced interrogations... did not have to happen." So we are not telling the full story and the truth or just not your story which is total lies? "From derranged from the get go... societies do not have the authority to get to the truth... political correctness or saving lives... we will continue."

A: "Afraid... intimidate... we are afraid and intimidated by all of this also... all of these people came out... (kidnapping and terrorism is a scary charge, so is stalking) making contact from Al Quesada... how do we get to the bottom of this (we were and are cold warriors, are you stupid and blind)."
Why is your recruiter and communist agitator upstairs continuing to talk to us or serve as your voice, representative, and punishment? They had already claimed you were behind 911, bioterrorism, and going to keep attacking because you are bold and bloodthirsty. When we said it was an assassination plot; they immediately dispelled it for the first time; all the sudden, the story took a 360 degree turn and you were on our side and good followers now; teaching us and guiding us like any responsible person would. There is one report after the next; not one or two; 100s of them and the dates. Now you deny it all and everything you told us or this "Contact with Al Quesada." The FBI said to contact them when and if you did; do not tell us at the last minute. So you claim we are Al Quesada or you are?

Why does he keep talking to us and setting up meetings for you and says, "suck my balls... you have nothing on me... go ahead." Why are you talking to us and who are we? Do you have any idea or can you take a guess why or how it got here? "I do not think you can get any more evidence than this." Caller is asking about which prison they are sending him and B Sean Hannity is not manly and amused.

I don't care if you are Jesus Christ; I avoided laundry this weekend so you went and did it today with me; what did I say about any appearance of impropriety; you are accused of bio=terrorism and waging war; your recruiter and union agitator is being accused and charged of all of this as well; unless you need Army experts and undercover agents. You were charged with this; we are not making new charges or need an explanation; I keep stating this clearly. You keep coming back and back at us; how this is a new period of respect, you are stunned, your intentions are good now and you are not a threat any longer. If you need experts; say so, otherwise follow your orders and instructions if you wish to live or survive this. We happen to be the best commandos and officials on this case and teach the people arresting you and millions of people; understand?

A: There are two people and many witnesses to this; yes or no? Focus on you and your problems. "Warned higher up... posed threats if forced to fight... lecturing his superiors and upper... fighting others in... pretty bizarre." We are amused; worry about yourself and what will be unleashed on you okay. "Retreat... how dangerous... dangerous for all of us." Let the records show he was and is making threats all the way up to the end about how they are forced to fight and kill for freedom and liberty. I have ordered a shoot to kill standing order and asked him if he needs Army experts on this case or the FBI on this complexity? You piss me off, I will break all your stuff; am I clear; then sue you for terrorism or the appearance of impropriety. I do not care who you think you are or what we force you to do. I don't even care if you feel pressured or are under siege; we asked you a question; test it.
Do you admit to stalking?
A: "Left... left WH." We seem to have a problem who is giving orders and who is following or claim to be following. If you need experts; say so, otherwise follow your orders and instructions if you wish to live or survive this. Let me guess, you did not know? So you came at us and we... were you warned? Want me to take a sledge hammer to your car if it will instruct you better in a very dangerous predicament and stand off? We know Al Queda is on the other end and making threats; I said I would kill the mother fucker and he said he was limping and walking away; apparently, he is back now for some bio-terrorism. He is just afraid of dying; that is all and wants to take a cheap shot; hundreds and thousands of them.

Man I am fed up; SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR LIFE AND MINE WHILE WE FIX YOUR MESS AND DUMB LIFE; YOU ARE A FAILURE AND A TOTAL LIAR; GET LOST. YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT AND WE CAN TEST YOUR INTELLIGENCE AND QUESTION YOU. WHO IS HE? UNKNOWN US INTELLIGENCE CONGRESSMAN; NO NAME AND ORDERING US ILLEGALLY. YOU BASTARDS AND FAGS ARE ALL THE SAME AREN'T YOU; NOBODY TRUST YOU OR WISH TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU; KNOW WHY BEFORE YOU MAKE AN ORDER? Fact to Congressman, not a damn person in the military, right wing or conservatives respect politicians and Congress is a bag lady in our life. What do you want to do with a bag lady when she claims she is hurting noone and to leave her alone? It is not just us; white people hate your guts also and want you gone. You are some form of Neanderthal and you think you are the boss and some major impetus in our life. We are ruined and in hell because of your major league personality disorder and looting our 401k. You seem fine and happy about it now. You insist you need to know and must be kept abreast of what a good job you are doing. Right...

A: Dick eater, are you the devil or just white trash we cannot remove or get rid of? Your qualifications are being scrutinized; for a good reason also. Nobody wants to do business with you and you steal or wreak hellacious hell; total chaos. Then you lie about how great and important you are and beg us for another chance. Who controls you? "Aide... philosopher is Mao... based on precedence... incalculable cruelty... attacked again." Communism and federal aid does not talk to you; who orders you to lie and cheat; also steal? "Pass the bill... even if it is not what you want... sign his party is making progress... inflamed because we are winning... framed his case... I tried to do this and they did not let me and now I am paying the price." What? So the Constitution and America is not what you cherish? How about your fellow man; do you respect human beings and honesty or can be honest to them; you claim to be a host or enabler. "I am a... first... an American second... is a radical... (you appear normal and even polite if you ask me) snapped... hasn't every terrorist lost tough with reality... (not you, you are in total control and tell us every single day) stretching... all the evidence is before you... premeditated murder and terror by someone who believes in this... I will say it first here... they are buying into radicalism and we are responsible for the reckless death and murder of innocent people." Wow, for the first time in your life; you told the truth! "Not a crime to call Al Queda is it... common sense... if you did then I want you investigated... (call the FBI or document your case) how many people know the President?"
Will you put up anymore fight or will you assist and fully?
A: You need to worry about your mess and your robotic problems; you are a total mess and exploding on everybody and it sucks because you smell so bad and stinks! You want to help or obstruct and torment us?
Will you come quietly or will do anything possible to end our life?
A: "We have a lot of gifts if you want to get them... going to be there soon... obviously do not want to hear it." Either you hear it now or hear it again; you must and have to answer; we demand answers unless you tell us what the hell you did and why. "We do not want to help... (we never asked you for help only to get lost and leave us alone while we do our thing) this is like the greatest compliment... pass this along to your son (what son, you made sure and took care of that; what do we care about your son? You threaten and make death threats hourly for ten full years; what hell would you impose on a kid?) you cannot fail... encourage your son to keep going and do not let any obstacles... don't give up and just go back to work."

Are you trying to walk, limp, or run away?
A: "That is dangerous... we do not know what they are up to... you would think our military would get some peace and refuse... maybe we should remove them from... just a thought... the liberal." Yes or no is fine. Caller says no matter what we say; they will never do the right thing anyways. That is clearly the case. "They are all in cahoots together... Let me answer... you cannot have these great generalizations." Oh we are jumping to conclusions and we cannot hit the target or bulls-eye at all? Who is or keeps missing? Do the right thing; 3 strikes and you are out; not 10 years and 100,000 efforts; that is the magnitude of your personality disorder and what led you to 911 and terrorism. That shows you who we are dealing with, "I do not understand this... set this up before... incorporate your own business... deduct expenses... tax deductions." your do not understand C students, F students, A students; and you cannot see or hear the voice of God? You do not know what right and wrong is or how your life got this way? Either you have a short term memory or you are a good liar; you cannot remember or do not know? You gave us every single detail. Now you do not even understand America or what is going on with your own life or why you will be locked up forever and the remainder of your feces life?

Do you admit the Mussad and communist spies (Russian Jews) were behind 911?
A: What are you doing in our country and our life if you do not understand it? Get lost and run; you are in danger. Who told you to attack and kill real human beings and military personal? Who told you to lie, cheat and steal in order to rape and loot? Can you answer that one without lying also? You just said you and your people are suffering ten minutes ago; does that sound like you are suffering or create suffering? By the way, that is life; some get A grades and others get B or C grades; leave them alone. You were jealous how we never fail or how amazing we are.

A: Let's try this again? "Political correctness... our government... Allah is greatest... refuses to fight war on... rises up against Americans (rise up against lies and failure; also crime)." I asked a question about who you are not who you think or do not understand what is going on. Who is behind this? Are you in a state of denial and cannot talk or sworn to secrecy? Rudy Gillian is on the phone advising you to tell the truth and only truth; so help you God. We can test what kind of American you truly are. Tell me who you are and who is behind this; unless you are not an American and are a foreign spy and terrorist so brainwashed you will kill to keep this sworn secret. "They were at war with us... we were not at war with them... (Rudy Gilliann says a mistake, that is the same, pick up signals and know they are in trouble, know danger and punishment, acting on their own insane ideas)." They are debating and talking. "What signals have this administration sent... brag." Look, it is a simple question; are you a traitor or are you an American; tell us who is behind it; we have given you two foreign groups. Decide who you want to be or say to us. We know the truth.
Muslims are tools like Christians and Americans. These spies and terrorist; like myself in war; will step on any dead body so long as I can kill the fucker who shoots at me and threatens my family and beliefs. I am not embarrassed or such a criminal to lie about this or what I am about. The will to live and the ability to surpass others is part of war and champions. You are talking to champions and those who always rise to the top and you will feel them around them and looking in their eyes. These people are fake and not great; they do know violence and are bigger or more powerful.
Do you admit the Mussad and communist spies (Russian Jews) were behind 911?
A: We never said their common people were; we said specially trained and hardened seasoned spies. "This was held up as bigotry and hatred against..." It is a simple answer; who the hell cares about them; just tell me who the hell it is and why. You go on everyday and claim to be an American and following us; your cause. Now tell us who you identify with? Who are you or identify with; you are talking to Americans and the US military right now; the most advance and best in the world MF. I have rage and hell boiling in my skin. My eyes; you have scene is for real and I wiped you out at 10K to 1 ration; is that real enough for you? I have hell in my blood and your raided us and unleashed hell. "Man caused disasters... (blah)" It is a simple question. Do you wish to be identified as a criminal, a spy, or a foreigner? You are very deceptive and also hiding valuable information which can save American lives and our military; understand? Rudy Gillian says it is the mafia and to go after them. This is not the mafia. It is up to B Sean Hannity.

Do you admit the Mussad and communist spies (Russian Jews) were behind 911?
A: "Freedom... just great... come as you are... I hope he does not mistake my remarks... risk jail time... it does not matter to them as long as they have their power... (WTF) this weak... our anthem... that is not my America... (Caller said she will see him again and will always; he will be around again)." Look MF, we may be recalling your bunch and containing this problem; care to help so we do not get more of this or more attacks hourly? "We are clueless (then answer yes or no)... got more than two responses... fear to say what is so painfully obvious... war on terror... war is ongoing... fear of being called bigoted or... those who destroy innocent human life (you are innocent; is that a fucking joke)... I appreciate the call." Says liberal and that is all. Claims they are innocent, clueless, and do not have to follow laws or has any respect for human life or other human beings.

A: Before you answer that; do you think we have enough to conclude you must be destroyed? You are a danger ot yourself and others? You claim you are suffering and do not understand what is going on with your life or nation and we have to tell you, give you all our worth, and embrace you. Are you saying you have no idea or clue what we are talking about?
Do you admit you were going to use a dirty bomb and also plan future attacks based on the success of these?
A: Okay Mr. Innocent; do you admit to this and the core or source? We can stop them or at least watch them closely. You watched us for over 20 years; why are we so special? You did say the source of this right and how it is ongoing? "You are really full of yourself... I will take your word for it... yes we can, yes we can... that is close enough... I am very good thank you... (associate Catholic and not communist) endless sorrow... endless worries... how sad... they can never let their guards down... (oh really? we caught all of you and you know we have it all and can wipe you out) I cannot disagree... it is really sad... just put it all up for sale... all for a great cause... lost their lives for... all have kids... beneficiaries... it is for a really good cause and that is why we do it." So this is your match and your version of sustainability; to match our sustainability? You want a state of fear and doubt who we are while you are innocent and clueless? "I hope you can join us next summer... it is a lot of love... (reads off areas) biggest show we have ever done... great gifts." You can help to surpass all others before you or after you Mr. innocent and sustainability.

A: So you know we can wipe you out and we prefer to bring you to justice; never forget that. I will ask you again if we know who and what you are already. You are much further and beyond America; liar. Do you admit to trying to acquire a dirty bomb? "Ignore them... are we going to give up our sovereignty... our Great American panel." That is who you are dealing with and they got a dirty bomb and need a target; that target is HQ, Delta HQ, and this brain center on them who wiped them out and are hunting down those clueless and innocent; yeah we do that and all day long. My God, we cannot control ourself and we lie profusely and nothing is true or real; we even freely refuse to tell who we are or who made us this way and who we are. I think by telling us; there is a lot of love and he can tell us how many innocent and clueless people he can save or wishes to; does he have to will to fight and save innocent people who did nothing to him? Nothing. Make sure he is hounded on this and the source; who has it and who is targeting or has us in the cross hairy. See the problem; there is no value, no price, no meaning, no future and no fate; they are damned and doomed; he claims they are innocent and cluess; never criminal or the enemy. We know he is communist; he refuses to tell us Israel and Jews, the little guys are behind this; why? Is he afraid of being recalled or labeled defective?
How insane do you natural born losers get in order to win this or add more confidence to your future?
A: You know you are used to this.
Do you need to be beaten down again and again?
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