I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
I want to thank the upstairs Mussad, Clinton, and terrorist cell (little guys and communist subversion unit assigned to us) who keeps unlocking my front door when I step out and to inform me they have access and can touch men when and if they wish. Also unlocking my bike locks and telling me it is only oppression and their superior power talking. I see they are not scared and saying they will fight back and to bring it on; however, we are not allowed to fight back or retaliate, only them.
I want to talk to you about fear. You are infused and obsessed with pain, fear, suffering, brutality, domination, and a very dark character of human form. Now I want to talk to you about kidnapping the brightest and those with superior genetics. Why do you see resistance or fighting you “enemy” or some form of traitorous illegality; then call it Nazism? Could it merely be they victim or the child being kidnapped does not want to trust you or want you to make the effort? Why do you kill off children who resist you? Also, the last 18 months indicates you must be physically removed and this requires lethal force.
This is your subversion and grand plot; you call it peace and these terror plots are to humiliate our military while you skirt around as the boss. Do you realize and know you are fucking with the most powerful and dangerous military on this earth; you do so with such ease and care. You fuck with the leader of the free world and the greatest militaries on this earth as if you are invincible and will win. Do you even wish to address the three-four pages of constitutional laws violated on the leader of the free world and the new greatest and most dangerous military on this decrepit earth? If so, now is your choice. We know you will die for your cause; but will you cause us to die for your cause? I personally fee they are off their rocker but so evil it is rational and logical only to them. ____________________________________________________________________ BRINKMANSHIP AND GAME; FEAR WHO LOSE TO FEAR WHO WINS, FEAR VICTOR; FEAR SUPERIOR FORCE; FEAR ENEMY UNKNOWN; FEAR UNKNOWN; OCT 19, 2009; FRIENDS AND FRIENDSHIP; LOOKING GOOD AS USUAL; WILLING TO OVERLOOK AND ALWAYS BE THERE AS A POSITIVE…
So let me see what you are all about and what you are trying to accomplish. It begins with a kidnapping or abduction. You want to pass your throne or create as many insane creations as you can. So you stalked and harassed us in order to have us jump through hoops. When we refused and told you to leave or go away; you began to fight and retaliate as if you were in control and dominate. You then began to abuse and torture; to use severe punishments in order to break a human being; then bond to them by suggesting how it does not have to be this way. It ends up as communism and a terrorist recruitment because you despise what capitalism did to the little guys and how your reputation has dropped and is still plummeting since World War II. Only debt saves you. You even knew we were hunting you and were attempting to trap and expose you; you felt you were invincible and would win.
Then when Ann and I joined; she was so happy to see me and the same on this end. You then began to abuse both of us, refusing to believe it was true. You pretended to be police officers and you had medics and police ready; to vouch for your care. All they did was drive off when they knew it was a kidnapping and severe abuse was undertaken and ongoing. You called this “the last man standing” or the “best man wins” where we are guilty of revolting against your success. As your handiwork began to seep out; my view of Ann changed and I began to ask her questions which paralyzed her; she said it was total lies and all used to destroy her name and make others distrust her. You had circled her also. Now your abuse was coming out in the form of the affect it had on the victims.
So like a hostage rescuer coming up to a prison sight or during World War II; the mental abuse is severe and they react negatively to the rescuers. You made Ann not want to touch me or distrust me; to question why I would rescue her; to make us question our life and to hate ourselves by severe abuse and harassment. We describe it as 20 to 500 “no thank you” a day which is gainfully ignored and we are some lab rat fed lies and demands daily. I would call it brainwashing. There are clear signs of abuse and what you did; also the animosity or the reaction between Ann and me. Then you wrote how she lived well under your captivity and angst. She had to pretend and play along or else be your victim also; that is clearly how it turned out as you began to use extreme force and methods to prevent exposure and capture.
Then you began to blame me for abusing Ann or the reverse when the truth was how your abuse and attempted brainwashing caused our mental psychosis to worsen or fear each other. You began to say I was beating her up or abusing her. Then you began to say how she was neglecting me and was a hoe and unfaithful. The severe emotional abuse at your hands had broken us down but not our will to fight you. Ann’s job was to lure you and let you circle her as I break down her door; the same with what she did. However, when you were raided; you acted like a rescue or some police on the scene before us and taking notes. You pretended to be not part of the crime but the actual rescue. You even had Bin Hannity and others pretend to be her man when she hates your guts and you do not even know it; you did the same with me.
So like POW’s we retracted and responded with the love of our life negatively. We argued incessantly and I report signs of severe abuse or some severe mental stress because of your captivity or kidnapping both of us to cover up your terrorist recruitment plot when you mistook me as a Delta Force commander. When you saw how your abuse did have some affect or worked; you jumped on it, along with Bin Hannity, thinking it was an exit plan and the only way out. Moreover, you began to suggest how you had a reach and how vulnerable we were after being rescued; our hell was not over and would never be over. You wanted to impose this idea we were going to fear you for life and all along; it was you and you committed all the crimes and terrorism.
So you used the liberties of a vote to hijack and seize both sides. You fooled everyone and used the little guys to set up some legal system where you could dish out one favor or bribe after the other; a safe haven for the little guys. Then you used the little guys vote to push and advance the police, chaos, and penetrated government; moles and spies everywhere. The truth was the little guys would not and could not win; so you made sure they did for a fee or for power; to steal anything you could and redistribute it until Judgment Day; you would hand it over to the left wing and the communist. How behavior and actions was one thing; what happened when you were caught and trapped was repulsive and shows who you are.
Not only this, you had us chase your mirror reflection of evil all over the world such as dictators, swine, moles, spies, and low lifers; so the military would go to their homes and destroy them while you set your police to come to our homes and tell us to shut up. Also, you wanted to know if the government or the Pentagon would fight you or kill you; so you started these wars and built up these warlords, like crime, until it was overwhelming. Then you said shut up, this is who and how things are going to be done; if you cannot win, then maybe you should consider signing up because you are the prisoner and you are being oppressed. Then you would steal our methods, attack plans, and build a defense by acting like us or being who we are. This was polling by the “real soldiers” what they call “the war on terrorism” and “the proper use of terrorism” where business, votes, and accolade is driven and herded to their new poll and new masterpiece of fear. To them it is all a lie; not their direct hands or work. ____________________________________________________________________ LET’S START YOUR INTERROGATION AND DEBRIEFING ON HOW WE CAUGHT YOU AND WHAT WE DID AND WHAT YOU DID; IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO TELL US; OCT 19, 2009
1 Calling me collect 20-500 a day and then charging me for the call. Now unlocking my front door and how accessible I am or how easy it is to make collect calls and charge me for them. Tax like thieves and deem themselves superior and some gift to this nation. 2 Reputation of their companies and the reputation of the little guys in capitalism and America; they suck trash and their business sucks. I avoid or try to avoid any conversation or these collect calls they refuse to pay for; they think they are special and wish to reproduce. They kidnap children because some of them are locksmiths and police officers. 3 Upset with the former enemies of America who turned their life around or changed to meet the requirements of capitalism and victors of WWII. The little guys are upset with how World War II turned out and moving to America to escape the little guys in Europe. Now we have to deal with their anger and what they call a ruined business or reputation in America and capitalism. 4 Unlocking my front door and acting bold is a joke; now they will act silent and tell us the Mussad and communist will leave America if we call it off and all charges on them? Denied. We filed a charge D’affaire already and they ignored and violated that decree while engaging in foreign espionage. 5 Your vote and communist secret politics to use democracy does not give you the right or power to violate 3 to 4 pages of felony charges and treason charges; punishable by death and explained in “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” section of the Constitution. You did not even make an effort to give aid or medical care to the people you injured; instead you drove off and claimed you were a hero and stopped a terrorist plot. Not a phony soldier but a total phony. So you think you are special and must spread your gift; and you came to America for this but we outlawed crime and now you are super pissed off and want war. 6 At least you did not try to do this on America and only her leaders and future; yeah, kidnap, hijack, rape, murder plot, steal it, lie about doing it, terrorist plots, recruitment, collect calls, etc… For a worthless loser of a fat ass; you sure are a lot of trouble and pathetically apathetic. You must really be special to be kidnapping children and acting like a drunken fool and God. For drunken ass losers; we love you in our life and you are more valuable dead. 7 If you called me collect 20 to 500 times a day, then filled me with anger and rage, then was a pest and menace in my life while claiming to be the police or in power, rewrite my life and try to recruit Delta Force or steal the most advanced military weapons; I may hold strong feelings for you; but to target Ann Coulter who was supposed to be my wife and partner; or do this for 20 years with no compunction to what you were doing? Are you desperate or suicidal? Now you did 911 and got caught; what is your problem and why can you reach me or call me collect? So you tax me and I am a thief? ____________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS: UNDERCOVER MUSSAD AGENT; UNDERCOVER CONSPIRATOR; UNDERCOVER RESCUE; UNDERCOVER BROTHER; UNDERCOVER MISTRESS-MONEY; OCT 19, 2009
“Do you really want to go down that road… 10/19/2009 7:08:56 PM distract from facts (death certificates) given up on ideas… American people are mad… will help the system collapse… things are not going well but they are still pushing through and pushing through… you have to wonder why… ratchet up battle… he then ratchets up battle against fox… (more on fox news and profits) helping it collapse… mentioned David Germen… don’t pick this fight with Fox… can only take you down, you cannot kill the messenger… stay out of this fight… fired first shots in the latest battle… dumb was just simply and utterly wrong (Not Anita Dunn)… friends over at Newsbusters… (Cameron and Bush) it was Fox who… (Bingo Tammy Duckworth; he knows) gall to fact check… (Advice to Axlerod, Germen, Dunn, etc) he looked at me and was not happy… Mao and Mother Teresa… false quotes against Rush Limbaugh… tail wind, sound familiar…
“10/19/2009 7:39:25 PM (Dunn and Mao again) take our talking points and run with it… not willing to be manipulated… I am not a journalist, I am a radio host… others like Fox are journalist, they exist on news media… now they pretend like they distract others from… get their friends to… correctly believe (now he says he is only a radio host and nothing more; don’t blame him)… Sharpton threatens to sue Limbaugh… regurgitated all the stuff he never said… tried to hurt him… never said he supported slavery… (Lawsuit of NY prosecutor for defamation… Tawana Brawley case) killed in Crown Heights… assist Mr. Limbaugh… Rosenbaum… folks if you remember… it was bad in those times; real bad… diamond merchants… said if the Jews want to get it on, then pin their Yamahas back and come over… (Upstairs people are doing the same thing and almost identical use of same hoax; but it is a hoax that is real; Mussad and Clinton is upstairs; the low lifers and little guys) as their leader… use less incendiary language… (Sharpton on David Dinkins; has bunch of quotes I call “fighting language” to greet their fighting actions and silence) if anyone has grounds for defamation, I would say it is Rush.”
Here is the problem with this coward and my own experience; they are silent and they claim works, words, and actions; however, they hide the truth. “I think they have a stronger case, so if anyone should file a suit it is Rush… 10/19/2009 7:47:50 PM (caller says bashing Fox News for not telling the truth; says Fox news got them; Bin 911 Sean does not resort to the Obama card but instead uses Tsars and radicals)… (New caller speaking on Mao) facing criminal charges… arrest… woman was charged with… man was charged with… the reason why I am telling you this is because no one will stop identity theft… this is where security lies…”
“10/19/2009 8:09:53 PM (really dark and gloomy) oh gods, on every level thing are not going well… almost everyone agrees the outlook is bleak… maybe they will go away… Keynesian solution, government intervention… did not do anything for anybody… things have soured on him but here is some good news… green energy has backfired… golf carts… just drive around for free in golf carts… your government is paying you to buy that great necessity… if you repeat a lie in liberal land enough, it becomes the truth 10/19/2009 8:19:35 PM hang on a second… did the President make a promise… did he make a promise… did he say definitively.”
“10/19/2009 8:36:29 PM He is doing everything Reagan did… he is doing what Reagan refused to… he is doing what Reagan… what conservative victory is in 2010 folks… great information… doesn’t matter, they will find a way to tax you… a proud member as I am.” Rambling, will cut off at 9pm and deadline; nothing has hit bull eye and the quiver is almost empty. I need at least one or two rings near the bulls’ eye. “What Rush said… lawsuit… didn’t go anywhere… qualifications of candidates… (Cloning and copying us for qualifications) bring up all these old comments… brought up recently… does he really want this… comments he made… comments he made, did that contribute to… violence that incurred… (ask him; he claims 911, our kidnapping, and a lot more; he claims and is still claiming to be winning but will not say why or what he did to win; at least we did tell him how and what we did to win and drag his fat corpse out; then he said himself if he talks, he must commit suicide and someone will take him out if not the cops, FBI, CIA, or Pentagon. We requested the Pentagon put satellites on them 23 hours and rip them to pieces; begin with there arms and one finger and toe at a time; he can decide how to fight it and this war.)” We want to be exonerated quickly and immediately; not sit here while he is killed or going to upset the public for silence and ignorance to the facts.
Any more threats or comments what we have asked or advised the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon; if the public wants to help out there may be a large reward for them; Al Quesada had several million; can you imagine a tool like this dirt bag and loser who rapes and stalks us and little kids? Do we threaten to sue them or inform the authorities who was doing it and what they propositioned us for but denied once caught on tape? This is called witness intimidation and also a federal crime called malicious prosecution; also done by the ACORN case. Clearly that law suit is being used as an intimidation and punishment; malicious uses of the law to cover up a crime, facilitate it, or silence those who refused to participate and go along with the recruitment. Sucks to lose now doesn’t it? Sucks to be caught doesn’t it? Sucks to have to explain doesn’t it? Well, then it is angrier to sit and listen to this 20 to 500 times a day while yelling no thank you; know how that feels yet?
I do not have time for threats or BS loads of more abuse. We have gone through this already and now he is going to bring on Knewt to back him up and use factualism their escapades or audacity and criminal boldness? I say turn it up to 10 and make sure this terrorist and mother fucker crawls until he is unable to crawl any further; maybe then he will learn a lesson and show human beings respect instead of taking more guesses with exit plans and cover ups or adding more conspiracy. We do not go along with this or the plot because we caught them; we saw them in action and we flipped the switch and shut them down in a heartbeat. What a dirt bag and a low life honky white trash to add to the peasant like little guy feces that has invaded and crawled in our life and tried our windows and widows. 10/19/2009 8:49:43 PM This effort to capture them dead or alive needs to kick up and be doubled or quadrupled; they have not learned and wish to turn it up more. ____________________________________________________________________ Rush and UFO Balloons:
Bin 911 Rat Dog “El Quesada” Rush Limbaugh Quotes:
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