Final and Full Analysis of the Baucus Bill:
Afghanistan Briefing:
Strange article by Ann “Sweetheart” Coulter: (?) Any ideas what it means?
“I don't blame Keith personally for this blatant distortion: He gets all his research material from Markos Moulitsas and other left-wing bloggers, so he can't be held responsible for the content of his show. Keith's principal contribution to the program is his nightly display of self-congratulation and pompous douche-baggery. Remember, Keith, like his MSNBC colleague Contessa Brewer, majored in "communications" in college, not a research-related field, such as political science. In his coursework, he learned such skills as: Dramatically Turning to Camera, Hysterical Self-Righteousness, Pausing Portentously and Gravely Demanding Apologies/Resignations From Various Public Figures.

Given this background, it's understandable that Keith will make errors. As viewers witnessed recently, he can't even pronounce the name of prominent American economist and philosopher, Thomas Sowell. (Although he did spend three weeks at a Berlitz course in Arabic honing his pronunciation of "Abu Ghraib" to razor-sharp prissiness.) The bloggers and Keith bring different skill sets to the game. They provide the tendentious half-truths, phony opinion polls and spurious social science, while Keith provides his booming baritone, gigantic "Guys and Dolls" suits and gift for ridiculous, fustian grandiloquence. Keith is far better equipped than, say, the pint-sized, girly-voiced, Frito Bandito-accented Markos Moulitsas to deliver the party line.
But here's the fly in the ointment: Keith has once again been victimized by left-wing blogs into thinking that the 1988 Bush ad showed Willie Horton's picture, when in fact, Horton's race was deliberately scrubbed from the ad. Again, in fairness to Keith, he's never been a "content guy." He was a communications major. (The agriculture school Keith attended offered a degree in this field.) He lifts the material for his show from liberal blogs, overwrites it, and throws in his trademark smirking and snorts. But that's all he does because, again, he was a communications major.” THE GRATING COMMUNICATOR; by Ann Coulter; October 21, 2009.

How Much Obamacare Costs the Average Family
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
Monday, October 19, 2009
What's In and What's Out of Health Care Legislation
Phyllis Schlafly
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tolerance Gone Wild
Rebecca Hagelin
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Enemies List
Rich Galen
Monday, October 19, 2009
Alienated & Radicalized
Pat Buchanan
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
How Turkey Was Lost
Caroline Glick
Monday, October 19, 2009
Why the Democrats Can't Govern: BY Jonathan Chait; April 15, 2009: (same author above)

“At this early date, nobody can know whether or not Barack Obama will escape this fate. But the contours of failure are now clearly visible. In Obama's case, as with his predecessors, the prospective culprit is the same: Democrats in Congress, and especially the Senate. At a time when the country desperately needs a coherent response to the array of challenges it faces, the congressional arm of the Democratic Party remains mired in fecklessness, parochialism, and privilege. Obama has made mistakes, as did his predecessors. Yet the constant recurrence of legislative squabbling and drift suggests a deeper problem than any characterological or tactical failures by these presidents: a congressional party that is congenitally unable to govern. George W. Bush came to office having lost the popular vote, with only 50 Republicans in the Senate.

After his disputed election, pundits insisted Bush would have to scale back his proposed massive tax cuts for the rich. Instead, Bush managed to enact several rounds of tax cuts that substantially exceeded those in his campaign platform, along with two war resolutions, a Medicare prescription drug benefit designed to maximize profits for the health care industry, energy legislation, education reform, and sundry other items. Whatever the substantive merits of this agenda, its passage represented an impressive feat of political leverage, accomplished through near-total partisan discipline. Obama has come into office having won the popular vote by seven percentage points, along with a 79-seat edge in the House, a 17-seat edge in the Senate, and massive public demand for change. But it's already clear he is receiving less, not more, deference from his own party. Democrats have treated Obama with studied diffidence, both in their support for the substance of his agenda and (more importantly) their willingness to support it procedurally.”

“The first sign of how the Senate would respond came on February 27, when Kent Conrad, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, gave an interview to cnbc. Conrad listed three objections to Obama's budget. First, he opposed a provision to limit tax deductions for high-income earners. Second, he opposed a new cap on crop subsidies to farmers who take in more than $500,000 per year. And, third, he upbraided Obama for not doing more to reduce the budget deficit. You might think a performance like this--demanding that Obama do more to reduce the deficit while simultaneously opposing his deficit-reducing measures-- would have turned Conrad into a punch line. Instead, it launched him as a symbol of fiscal rectitude and encouraged fellow Democrats to follow in his hypocritical wake. Numerous Democrats have since stepped forward to join what news reports have accurately described as a "revolt" against Obama's budget.

What's maddening is not that Obama's budget is a perfect document--though it does a better job of setting priorities than any presidential budget in at least the last 30 years--but that the deficit-reducing measures Democrats object to are the most sensible parts of the budget. Take the farm payments Conrad endorses. It is virtually impossible to find an economist on the left, right, or center who defends agriculture subsidies, which are costly, distort the market, and hurt the Third World poor. Obama does not dare phase out crop subsidies. Instead, he modestly asks to save about $1 billion per year by eliminating payments to farmers who gross more than $500, 000 per year--the least justifiable slice of a totally unjustifiable program.

Conrad the Deficit Hawk, joined by other farm-state senators (such as Nebraska's Ben Nelson) and representatives, cannot abide it. Or consider Obama's plan to limit tax deductions for the rich. If your goal is to raise revenue without imposing pain on the middle class or unduly harming incentives, this is about the best way one can do it. (Because limiting deductions would not raise marginal tax rates, objections from conservative economists have been generally muted.) Democrats in both chambers have declared this proposal dead on arrival. But, if they want to reduce the deficit and fund health care reform, the money needs to come from somewhere.” READ THE REST AT .

If he has something to add, then there is an open microphone as he is bugging and watching us closely to see our cards, read them, and try to play them. “gives them a moment of pause… pause… throw away their efforts… provide access… provide it to all… medical care to all… it is brutal out there… 10/21/2009 7:18:16 PM (I asked you if you know who you are talking to and your boss and partner said YES; but he is not disconnected from reality and knows we can and will destroy your communist and terrorist problem right now; I and we have cut you 100 times and you ought to know that when you have a cut on your eye; it is the beginning of the end) white house is targeted… targeted Rush Limbaugh… new volley recent days… now Wall Street and Fox representatives… some of the most powerful adversaries… cut them out of serious discussion… limited access… some of the most important policies… most important Republican policies… their programming…
10/21/2009 7:38:18 PM We are going to target Rush Limbaugh by name… Sean Hannity by name… White House said to watch 9 o’clock… seek out and destroy people they disagree with… different opinion… they will come after you… they are not only wrong, they are evil… there may be some form of retribution… right out of Saul Lewinsky… isolate, targeting… what Chicago politics is all about… this is the game they know… how they grew up… the only way they know… only way they can govern… if they do not have enemies, then they create them… coming down now… I really believe in their mind, they think they are correct… superior mindset and way of thinking about themselves… antidote to this kind of politics… if there is legislative retribution… score settling… bad idea… Lamar Alexander is saying in a polite way ‘you do not want to go down this way’… really bad recession… unemployment… focus on those things… DOW (ABOVE 10,000 this week, 9950 right now)

Starting to get nasty on radio; the guy is a psycho and stalker; 10/21/2009 7:40:29 PM (caller on phony). Letterman and some girl in compromising position “if tape gets in the wrong hands, will… marriage into smithereens” (Restoration Weekend and the Breakers Hotel; come on over for a nightcap; 2006, 2007) knows I am not paying attention and looking at pictures (Celebrity pictures, party pictures, etc…)
10/21/2009 8:38:48 PM “There are people who listen to me everyday because they hate me… know they will catch me saying something stupid and fire me… now they got me… because they do agree… (Acting like economics professor and specialist on communism and Marxism) need major overhaul… dropped the top rate and revenue doubled… why did this happen… spent on expensive yachts… created jobs (caller is really into him, a sexy female, has sharp criticism; wants him to explain to her) I am not the smartest person in the world… it is a system that brings out the best in people (yeah we got a taste of his excellence and serial killer power of a low life and scum bag communist with absolute freedom and liberties talking about how bad government is and how great his work can be if we let him go and leave him alone) 10/21/2009 8:46:14 PM Obama is… (Wow) tell your professor if he had any guts he would come on this show… his snot nose… brat.” Wow, this man is incredible.

The usual Bin Hannity stale show; swine flu 10/21/2009 9:18:56 PM; the Fox show is more upbeat than the radio show; “Why do you think the WH keeps on targeting me… going after me… targeting fox news… we probably agree more on issues… you can turn it all off all you want but the world goes on… we are trying to stop it… trying to make as many people aware as possible… I am doing my… not saying I am perfect… been very critical of… a lot of reasons to be… did not support… when they were in power… very critical of over… when they challenged… when he gave his speech in… said there is a movement out there… is it a third party or revitalized… you say there a difference between the parties and I disagree… the party of Reagan lost its way… agree on principles… there is not a dimes worth of difference between the parties… is there a dimes worth of difference between… is there a dimes worth of difference between… is there a dimes worth of difference between… there is a huge difference between them… forced to admit… we are not in disagreement here… valid criticisms of… what I am saying is… I want… I am asking… I demand…. Mad at… what I want for 2010… promises.”

Here is what I want. I want Sean Bin 911 to shut up and give up this chase 10/21/2009 9:43:04 PM. Rush says that if it ever gets out, they will have to commit suicide or face the ultimate punishments. “The Republican establishment has made a big mistake… I have gone into details… others of us… the bottom line is they support the most liberal… supports… supports… supports… you have to stick with me here and understand my values are stronger than ever.” Here is what I also want Bin 911 to do. Stop mother fucking calling me collect 20 to 500 times a day about how you want ## $$$ and! @ Or else we will be #@$#@$#$ and be recruited for terrorist plots and communist attack us. What the fuck is your problem when we have to yell and fight you to the death about no thank you?

We yell no thank you, and have to yell no thank you at you all day, upwards of 20 to 500 times a day and there is something very wrong with you; to include stalking and peeping tom. You merely claim you are wrong? It sounds much more serious than you were wrong and made a mistake. The lying problem and communist mole problem needs to be addressed also. From a military family, I have never seen a knuckle dragger, ape, dirt bag, or scum bag as I have witnessed with my own eyes. You cannot reach lower on the barrel or the totem pole.
“Yep… you are right… I am glad you get it… because I am being attacked for this all the time… 10/21/2009 9:49:44 PM I have got to run… I am glad you are out there… we are getting lectures about Wall Street… I have to ask Deidre if I can… it is an inside joke.” If military families and the military fight wars; then this is who we fight. This is the enemy and who our mortal enemies are. How did they become our boss and some stalker, promoter, and some recruiter who shut our life down?
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