I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
Massive fight between the Washington Post and Rush Bin 911:
Does Ann Coulter want to just throw her life away; double agent or not; she withers her life away with the little guys and convicts? What kind of people are they? Who would let this stuff happen and not stop it? These were the ones staking out her servers and reading our emails. He is a super stalker or she is really hung up on that loser and Clinton goon; that is what they get for messing with me! Then blocking me and circling her servers to harass and make me dump Ann. Hey Ann, did they screw up and mess up your life completely? So go cry and then go to dinner and hug them! Even better, spend Christmas and waste your life away as their high priced escort. That will be your legacy. She messed them all up and is who they were looking for and she crawls back to our side? A real high class act Ann, really jolly good job you did there. How about that Maher guy you are still hung over; and that Sayet guy with the Ross and Jimmy dumb act; really first class act to cry over day and night; then act like you have everything under control and on top of it all. So why are you still dating and dining with these men while on your knees?
So they wanted me to wither my life away also and be kidnapped; rewrite my life. So do you honestly think people will put up with your bad work and do business with you? Grade your work on a scale of 1 to 10 and grade how you wanted this to end or the story to be; look in the mirror and grade yourself honestly. Now can you tell me the truth and the horrific job or life you have created? I bet and I am sure they love you and wish to spend their life with you! Anybody understand why these low life and gonad menaces are in my life and show? Any idea why the fuck Ann is insubordinate when I have told her many times to get them out of my life for blocking my emails to her and causing me to not even consider her a friend any longer? So she thinks she has fight and is a warrior; or is see arm candy for the little guy and losers; a high price annoying... who cannot be trusted and messes them up more than they can mess her up; or is it the reverse?
'Law & Order' Takes on Jon & Kate: October 8, 2009 By: Inside TV Staff Tired of all the Jon & Kate drama that's hijacked everything in sight over the last few months? Hope not, because on an upcoming episode of 'Law & Order' entitled 'Reality Bites,' the "ripped from the headlines" plot features a few details that any J&K gossip hound will recognize....Sound vaguely familiar? Of course it does. The "Larry" character even has a girlfriend on the side, a young babysitter.
While we haven't gotten a sneak preview yet, we can only hope that somewhere in the script, there's a joke made regarding a spinoff series called 'Larry Plus 10 Minus 1.' And while this storyline surely is current, we almost feel that anything "inspired" by the Jon & Kate saga should be approached with extreme caution. The last thing Jon Gosselin needs is the ability to tell his straphangers that he has extremely popular TV shows written about him ... or that he's inspirational in any way. No word yet on whether or not the episode features a movie star's estranged dad as the defending lawyer , but we can only hope so. Or not. -- By Michael D. Ayers _________________________________________________________________ IF THE FBI AND DELTA FORCE WANT TO MAKE YOU SCREAM FOR MERCY OR ASK IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO DO THE CRIME LITTLE GUY; HERE IS HOW!
I am glad to know your Irish goon upstairs and the union upstairs enjoys sitting down with us every night and listening to you and “wants to help” but wanted to know what we would do for the little guy. You all act properly only when others put a gun to your head; otherwise, you steal everything and are such a pest and insect like menace; you literally have to be destroyed or perish. But we know all about your history. Trust me, if they get you fort terrorism or espionage; they can jail your family and make you put the bond up and keep them until you talk. It is up to you to play games and think you will blow up the FBI or Delta; to use your politics to suggest we are dead if we take you down. We were supposed to be their secret weapon to destroy and terrorize the right wing or die refusing; we were supposed to bow down and surrender to their bosses and managers, to embrace their little guy and low life politics; we were supposed to be maniacs and monsters and now Bin 911 says, “nobody can make us fix this.” Bin 911 was comparing the entire plot with Mary Jo Kopeckne and her murder.
Just so you know; if the counter offense wants to squeeze you and make you talk; all they have to do is get you for conspiracy and squeeze say your nephews or brothers; if your family is a spy family and a terrorist cell; then you must have the money to do the crimes; their bond will be up to you and your hijinx; they can hijack your life and make you talk or turn state’s witness for this terrorist plot and 911; there are many ways the FBI can play your own game. Hey, if you do not have the money little guy; then you should not be doing the crime and crying about it or telling us to move on and stop moaning. Now it is how we want you and wish you help; we invited you and you changed all the factors on us; it is not a kidnapping and terrorist plot; you wish to help. (Bin 911 is saying how they need help and all we want to do is clobber them and the American people; it is all us and he had nothing to do with it or did nothing wrong.) Just like their politics; they sink their life and their family and blame others; just like the unions; just like these great Americans and iRush. __________________________________________________________________ WE WILL LET HIM PLAY HIS GAMES AND TALK HIS WAY OUT OR MAKE THREATS AND BLOCKS AS IF HE CAN WIN AND ESCAPE THIS (LET HIM HANG HIMSELF, HIS FAMILY, AND HIS CLOSE ASSOCIATES; IS HE A REAL HUMAN BEING?) IN THE END, IT IS HIS FAMILY AND CLOSE ASSOCIATES WHO WILL SUFFER AND HAVE THEIR LIFE TURNED UPSIDE DOWN BECAUSE OF THEM. JUST LIKE THE SPIES AND TERRORIST WE KNOW THEM AS.
“7:15:04 PM Never seen such dictatorial tactics by those in power in my whole life… the polls be damned… trashing the American people… taking the freedom out of politics… used as a weapon against Republicans… toss them in the street… got clobbered by this… (Guilty as hell and fighting to the end and trying to blame others; began show about his family and made some comment) it is extremely arrogant… 7:23:20 PM it is deeply dishonest… want only power… we must expose what they are doing… (I am glad he is on the job; when he is ready to tell us why they are doing this to Ann and what they did to me instead of telling the world nobody can force them to fix this or tell the truth; it shows how evil and why we view them the way we do; they deserve the wrath of this world) give them some credit… FBI who infiltrated… 7:36:52 PM feeling the heat... seeing their political careers come to a potential end… want to stand before their voters and tell them.”
Caller says photo op. “We were not invited… obviously desperate… hardcore left wing activist… (Michael Moore; just listen to the two):
Caller and Bin 911 are talking about his moral courage, “leave my kids alone.” Yeah, no thank you and for the 199 time a day, what the hell is wrong with you and why do you not understand no thank you or we are not interested or wish your help; we are not your staff or employees; you are not our boss, lovers, hookers, or managers. He does the crime (3 pages of felonies) and then turns around and says to leave his kids alone. We cannot help and did not try or make him a terrorist; we did not put a gun to his head and said to be a communist spy or target the FBI, Delta, or the Marines over WWII and how the capitalist system works for us and not for them. If they hate America and freedom or human beings to be doing this; to want danger and to hijack the Presidency and nation; then they can die trying and not tell us how it is a dictatorial method, ruthless, or against his will. That is like putting a gun to his son’s head or family and saying how he will harm them if we arrest and bring him to justice; oh, so it is our fault? That is the mind of a deranged and sick bastard of a terrorist; it is always our fault and no thank you only applies to them. We can say no thank you all day long; there is any way to prevent harm or being raped by them; it is our fault and our dictatorial methods. This is why he calls himself a weasel and makes excuses for it.
(Saying help or hell… in psychotic manner) Has Boehner on from Ohio (don’t tell me another one). Both of them says it is pathetic; shoving it down the American people life; “let me tell you what is going on… huge power grab… Republicans locked out of the process… Bill cannot be read… no desire, look at the polls… will use the reconciliation process… do you see it the way I do?” 8:11:44 PM Boehner says it is their big chance and the closest they will ever get in their life and they are intent on doing it. “Are they willing to sacrifice their careers and go with Nancy Pelosi…? I think they are being taken serious (Boehner is unsure who he is talking to; Bin 911 wants to help and agree; same trick and scam he pulls with me, Ann, and Boehner).” I heard enough of this and know Bin 911, Knewt, Michelle, Bachmann, Levin, Limboat, etc… will hijack and lie through their teeth. Either they will lie pathologically after being caught or they will step down and quit while awaiting arrest and a warrant.
We are still repelling their attacks. Boehner say why would anybody invest in this when there is so much uncertainty; Bin 911 deflects it and blames Pelosi to tickle his buddy so he can be confirmed; Boehner says he is following it and on top of it (Bin 911 is using our work to trick him or appeal to his good conscience). Boehner says there is a giant abuse of power and the only way is to speak louder; Republicans are going to stand on principle and want to hear them. Bin 911 will not stand with him and talk; he will get the death penalty. Says they want to see him do this and wants to encourage him to speak louder. OUT! LOUDER OR ELSE YOU WILL BE OUT YOU LOSER AND SPY! SING YOU GOD DAMN 911 TERRORIST OR ELSE WE CALL YOU A RAPIST AND STALKER!
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