I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
Before I ask you about other suspects; I want to bring to light some very important facets of this case that not only was happening to myself, but was done to Ann, my life partner. If you look at these pictures; she is doing this on purpose to hurt a deadly stalker and threat to both her life and mine; also a few very close associates who love to “talk about boys” with her. Was she driven to desperation and madness; had her back against the wall and did not have long before they overran her, controlled her, and had no way out? The pictures baffled me and she kept telling me she had stalkers and was trying to stop them but sounded delusional and even hallucinating. Then they walloped me and us around June or July 2009 and were even stronger than before. Why is the Republican Party or the right wing forcing us and others to plug into a terrorist network, Mussad spies, and captured and exposed frauds? Now they want to run for President, say it is choice and the market, a team effort, with us to the end, and focus only on "the other side." It is time to crack some skulls and not plug into them and hear them run amuck in our life sabotaging and hitting us hard.
I personally asked Ann what was most important in her life and asked about what she wanted in 5 or 10 years after 20 years with her. I asked if she sees me with her or not. Then I said, if I told you to leave, would you or do I have to make you? She then said she was quitting. She said there was a good reason and I too had the bear trap she copied from me on my own leg; and boy was I mad and super angry; telling her to take it off now. It was humiliating to teach her how to set it and now it was on me and it hurt like hell. But I felt sorry for her and knew what she was doing or up to; I refused to go along with it and eventually she grew jealous or reality hit how ridiculous her demands were getting. So I am really upset with these men and wonder or ask her all the time if any man touched her today or she had another photo op dinner. At the same time, the stalker problem is unbearable and her story is ridiculous. She is copying them while they copy and study me. I am not happy with her but I understand what she is doing and do not like being part of her joke or for so long.
I was a joke for all of them while they were scared of being busted and exposed for all of this. They pampered Ann and she was treated as their property and a tool. They said they wanted to have equal voice and chance; I was brainwashing and pressuring her and they showered her with anything she wanted; now she wants me to like her? Ann has revealed a side of her that I have not seen and it is very undesired and unwanted. She blames it on them for putting her in this mess and forcing her to take drastic actions and to continue it to either catch them or stop them from getting away. I believed her and began to call her a pathological liar and a weasel when she would not stop or was able to control herself. I told her if I ever have to go through that again for her image or ego; I will impregnate every single one of her enemies and have them brag what kind of an insect rodent she is. All of them are like that and worse Ann will call all day long; wait until the last minute, lie and make excuses, and we love insect rodent like beggars; but that is how you earn rank and climb their tree. Remember, Ann did not come from royalty or the top 2% of her heritage; she has to earn it or prove it. That is how the law of the universe works; we did not write it.
To gain their love and honor, you must be a thief, a pathological liar, a pussy, a slut, and a human log of turdles. How the hell do you love that or live with that rodent like insect every day? So I look at Ann a little odd and different now while they claim she is one of their Mussad warriors and recruits. Now I have to deal with what they tell me on this end with the upstairs contact; they are protecting their communist spies and will kill and fight to the death if we do not move on and forget this or her. What they did to her also with me when I was kidnapped; it hurts and that hurt her badly also; why she went after them and sought revenge. Also why I am and will.
I am not happy with her but know how she feels or what they did to her and me; this was what she felt taking orders; she disobeyed those orders as I have indicated and maybe in a gross manner; I have not heard their side or hers. I view her almost like a little sister; they can be annoying and always want to copy you and speak like you are God; they want to tag along when they should not and get in trouble and feel badly. She views me like a mom or a big sister; her role is to care and there for support; her role is to provide love and comfort; that person who you can run to and hug. Ann is more in love than I am; always been madly in love and scared to mess up or disappoint. At the same time, she did not have Olympic strength or can do natural tornado kicks with killer instinct; she is not a natural at all things.
Let me describe the problem with this spy, communist, and terrorist guru who is head and on the board of the Zionist and Catholic conspiracy in America. After getting caught, they kept suggesting they were only protecting their interests and making death threats so we leave their agents alone and do not attack them. In other words, they were employing self defense and death threats after raided and trapped; spies and terrorists on US soil. Even if they had targeted military targets, they claim they are protecting their agents and interests; it is a stalemate, a no win matter, and we must back down and move on. We must swallow the bitter pill and just forget this ever happened or what they did and tried to do. That is what we get on this end; read what Bin Sean 911 and Bin Rush said. As I said, how they see themselves and how they see others is the major problem. Who and what do they respect and honor; then who and what do we? How can they just remain silent and just run amuck on our side and steal everything in sight; a complete fraud by a low life convict.
• This is a human being we have to yell 20 to 500 times no thank you at every single day for over 20 years; if that is not a sign of a lunatic or a maniac, then what is? They have to explain the pictures Ann did and the false stories; is it self defense? Also, they must explain what they did and why I left to Canada; Sean Bin 911 says to escape charges he wants to file or some fabricated allegation. • The FBI already knows Ann has a major problem with a stalker (s) and I have identified them as her close associates. Also, Lisa had the itinerary of Barbara Gold and met Ann in 1998-1999 at a Clare Luce event; who was behind these hits and this entire stalking problem? Who am behind drive me away from Ann or doing this to the Republicans and right wing? I am not accusing Lisa, but the girl who arrested and did the hit on me while my home was invaded was named Lisa also; then some Jewish and Portuguese women from Toronto kept contacting me online for love or a relationship. I asked them about culture and cuisine; also to speak it. It is odd how they are not affected and not the slightest bit shocked or affected as we were. • I have in the records indicated an effort right after Ann contacted me in 2008 by my own kidnappers; they were offering her head and said she had a chip on her shoulder and did not care about anybody; the same criticism they had about me when they kept answering why they kidnapped me as “what you are going to do and how you are going to help the little guys.” Karl Rove and Dick Cheney were two of those who pitched me and were scamming me to abandon Ann and leave her for dead and I refused; read the transcripts and what they said every single day. • Our original plan was to meet in Canada and could not; I was blocked at the Canadian border and began to write and post my story in 2007; so by accident or unforeseen and unintended consequences; Ann was trying her best to drive them away and lessen the hit on me or her man. I was mad at her for the stampede which steam rolled over me; harassed me every day; bombarded me with lies and smears about Ann; and blamed her and me for all of this. So when I was blocked, Ann prepared a contact and meet finally; I wanted nobody there and they were chasing her still and had her as some captive. • Ann is trying to break off or smash someone (s) spies like humility. I noticed she would cry and get very depressed when I was affected by her defenses. I also use the same defense; to abuse them. She hurt them badly and it shows; she hurt me also but has cleared this up. I want the public to look at these pictures and ask what the meaning is. Also, the dinner-lunch at Elaine’s and in South Florida to ward off my own kidnapper and Ann’s stapler; he finally had to give up when they could not keep up. I also pulled rank and ID; next was password; next was the real deal. As I indicate, the torture was so severe I was near broke and decided to make it to the border and meet up with Ann for a secondary disappear and visit to the British intelligence services. • I report getting very mad at Ann when a stampede of stalkers came in my life and claimed Ann was their Mussad agent; they had captured her and was trying to recruit her and also had a murder plot; I ID Bin Rush 911, Bin Sean 911, and Lisa D and her bodyguard as the primary threat. She even got attacked and pied and they would just watch and make it worse. Now they are trying this on me; to break the cohesion and chorus I had built up using the Texas Republicans.
Just look at them and how they are acting after getting caught and busted. What they did and then what they did after getting caught with no way out of it. They must be elusive and invisible to avoid this massive threat and spy ring; they hit so hard and bite; then never let go; not even after 20 years. We traced and trapped them in the core; the upstairs union, Israel, Clinton, and Bin Rush-Sean and a few rogue dirty Republican Mussad agents; such as the Bush family. The Bush family made first contact and was watching us in our home first; then they became some cover or mega hit in 2002; it shut us down finally and nearly ended our life. We fingered and indicate the Bush-Cheney ring as primary recruiters who pulled rank on us and now deny it all or refuse to answer any questions. All they say is they are well intentioned and do not need to discuss it. They do not admit to the over the chart level torture efforts or erasing our mind; they claim it is National Security and blew it all off as their job. Nobody can shoot them or criticism because they are Republican, some secret spy ring, important in this industry, cannot be removed or kicked out, and crucial to our survival. They just do not want to test it or see if it is true.
They also suggest they are spreading democracy, freedom and are taking care of people. What if they got their hands on this and did break me; I felt it and left; fled to safe ground as I wrote and informed with my partner; but was blocked. So Ann did a final effort before contacting; then we had to fight back to back. Look how seasoned I am and how many fist fights I was in federal prison; winning all of them before being jumped and knocked out; then I was going to break and kill; killer instinct hand to hand mode; but a fat Jew laid on my back while I had the attacker in a single leg takedown; a Black Muslim with a beard who tried to be friendly and get close before flipping out. I won all their attacks until that ambush and multiple attackers. After 2006, they never used single attackers; only multiple attackers. It was as if they studied my fighting style but still did not know how far they could go or get. Now they are using satellites as the only reach to access or life while the raid is ongoing. They refuse to vacate or turn over their spy and VC terrorist ring. They say they have to have one or have to have our arsenal; but no ID and no way to stop them.
I love how Lisa D. Pasquale; a menacing eye sore for the right wing is using my relationship or wrecking good relationships because of their conspiracy. Add Sean Bin 911 and Rush Bin 911; they have no way out so they must try to wedge others or include them. Lisa should be fired immediately and will never in my eyes recover; we know Rush and Sean Bin 911 is up the creek; so is Knewt and the Texas crew. The entire Texas clank is plugged into and all tied to the Bush era and this massive infiltration by the union. These are enemies on our side and supervisory positions exacerbating good working relationships for their corrupt, espionage, and terrorist plot. Now they use this spy ring and terror plot to isolate, make mad, upset, and turn the most powerful voices against each other because they are a mousy nuisance. Dick Armey should know better and we know there is a Trojan horse on the Republican side. They are getting bigger and better on the right wing and Republican side.
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