Thursday, May 21, 2009 Sean you speak as if you are in love and Dick Cheney granted you freedom and clemency. Let me tell you something important, Cheney had my college papers in 1999. I remember I wrote a five page policy for the Pentagon called "US Resolve" which said the nuclear debate was not the primary focus any longer and conventional forces have reached the same par. Nuclear and conventional forces are almost equal. I have not heard Dick Cheney admit this or explain it. How did he get my college work? How did Mark Levin get my work? Why did Rush tell me they "kidnapped me" when he describes it as "promoting us" both Ann and I? It is the language. Murder is called "killing enemy combatants." Treason is called, "acting out a love of country we will never understand deep enough." To hear Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Dick Cheney made me almost puke and disgusted. It is like hearing a total criminal say "I took your daughter and she will forever miss you." That is what it feels like.
I want to cover the use of the APS satellite on me and using me as a lab rat. Do you admit you did this and I was unaware of it and could not verify you? Then you will not disagree when and if you are a lab rat or have something much bigger and stronger using you as a lab rat correct? We need you to earn your pay and this country needs volunteers like you all. If you admit to this, then you will most likely have been signed up for some future program. Sean Hannity says “it was necessary and we did a wrong thing.” Well, he has to figure out how to get his name off that list if he did; not my problem or concern; talk to the Pentagon. They are the ones who draft him and apply his own work on him. I tried to warn them and I said; one day, you will regret it. Most likely, if you are choosing people to be lab rats, you will be one. You have no complaint or say in the matter when you wrote this. It is not as if you stand for truth either or we can understand you. The APS satellite is kiddie stuff; understand? So if you have the APS satellite and are using me; keep me in mind when you hear me say “I told you it was kiddie stuff… we need brave people like you all to volunteer and write your own work.” I am not joking, that APS satellite is a joke. I had to teach them how to use some of it; such as immobilize the trigger finger and how I fight in combat. If I was on the other end of that APS satellite, I would be terrified when the officer in charge says “if you like that, then it is a joke.” Here is my comment, F you too!
When my hard drive was zeroed because you all meddle too much and feel you are my despot or some partner, I was not sure who it was and if the kidnappers and terrorist had changed their story and position. I know the people blocking my email and internet had to do with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and Hillary Clinton. It was like guard duty, each of you had an 8 hour shift and no matter what we said; it never changed anything. It is not as if we cannot agree, it is how evil and liars we must agree with, no truth. You all take us in and open your arms; we never invited you or asked you for funds, promotion, name, jobs, or being kidnapped. It is and your entire fault. Now Dick says "...operatives stopped them in their tracks... op-ed makes it sound like they were going to the movies." So he did not know what was occurring with Ann and me. Now all the sudden you say how you love America, love Ann Coulter, and love the guy Miss America is fighting for; our future and the military. You are a flat out liar and so is Dick Cheney. You are caught red handed and you cannot lie about it.
If you love America, then you can explain what you did to Ann Coulter because she is America and she is fighting for me, the guy with Miss America. Understand? We know who truly hates and loves America; we are the future. You are trying to steal and grab the future right from our hands and worse you lied grossly about it because you were linked to a terror plot. Dick Cheney is there and lingering for a reason and it is not to rescue us because he had eight full years to do that which we got the heaviest attacks, counter-attacks, resistance, and abuse. There is no lie he can tell which can compensate or fit the situation and story, none. Like when he shot his best friend and said it was courage and an act of friendship. The fact is he is incompetent and cannot even handle a firearm. Who the hell shoots someone with a shotgun? He is that good with firearms. I am certified and ranked as an expert, world class levels.
I have never sent Dick Cheney or the Bush family any Christmas cards. The Clinton family was never on our guest lists or invited ever into our life. Why both of those names have us under surveillance and want some love back is the same reason. If you do not kiss their hand, they hit you and punish you. Got it? You cannot lie and tell us you love America and are a patriot because Ann Coulter is Miss America and I am the future of America; got it? How did we catch you all you can read and deny or address line by line; not broad strokes and big summaries which mean nothing and address nothing? What you did was knock me offline last week, my drive got zeroed, I lost every picture of Ann and all her videos (like baby pictures and watching your own daughter grow up), and lost a lot of material. However, I am so used to it and used to attacks. I flip out because of the level of attacks and ferocity of the abuse and torture. Now you tell me they are Middle Eastern and hippies who hate the Vietnam War? No instead you use proxies for an unlimited supply of religious fanatics to suggest we should hate religion and become atheists.
If Dick Cheney was this honest and not lying in a gross manner; let me ask the FBI to avoid the New York FBI and their civil rights division who views America as "everybody welcome" and then they end up wishing "nobody welcomed." Explain why a Navy ship was attacked and why that ship is named after or has the same name as my nephew who lives in San Diego, a Navy town? Am I being attacked and terrorized here because there is no excess of supply of Middle Eastern hippies who hate America, Miss America, and the man she is with? Want to know how we can test this and get you to show your true colors? Read the next chapter. Rush Limbaugh did a very bad thing today; he went on the record and wrote down for the first time an official response. Maybe that is or was the last choice and option; like a lawyer saying, "If you do not testify, they will hang you." It was a blatant lie and there are more lies also; none of you have credibility; none. You all lie so blatantly and blame so blatantly and viciously. You give treason and traitors a new name and it cannot keep going like you are trying to do. So you all did not contact or try to recruit me for some terrorist group like you did not mistreat Miss America, America, and try to prevent her from her future? You are a liar and you will earn the death penalty; I promise you and those observing. We can see the inside job with New York and the timing of all this.
I will tell you right now. If there is a real enemy out there, there are 10 military targets that are hidden and can cripple the USA overnight. We are talking terrorizing me and terrorizing the country. Of course you will have what you want if I told you; but I would never anyhow. The goal is to get you to find it and them. The goal is to throw out bait and get you to chase us while we try to strip your camouflage off because we know you are a communsit and terrorist spy group. Now without camouflage, you cannot fight and we see this. Right know you are doing a counter-attack but do not want a real fight because you can tell the security forces if you truly want a fight and are a genuine traitor. We are dealing with genuine traitors and it is for real. You moles and spies are so dangerous; your only escape and only way to freedom or escape from prosecution is murder. That is the only way. You do and get so high up; you become trapped and the only way to escape is the violence, harassment, and oppression on others; especially the military and real police.
That is why we cannot verify any of you and you never allow us to. You would get ripped apart; if you left business cards; you would be arrested immediately. Now you sleepers and moles are in a very dangerous situation and will have to fight out of it. It is your survival on the line and a lot of espionage. Don't try to do us any favors and play our friends and protections. You all make me sick and ashamed to call myself an American, sick to my stomach. Worse, I am fighting for the future of this nation and the military and the anger and blood is boiling inside but I know we got you and how trapped you truly are now. The moment the evidence comes out; we will see how you react to that new discovery and trap. Read the next chapter, you will love your country and future. When you have nothing to give, then all you can do or do is taking. That is why you are upset and maybe rightly about this country; it gave your future away and you had to find someone to take from, us.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Sean, is your wife sneaking around on you? Well, you may wish to ask or have a serious dialogue on the topic. I personally was going to ask if you were giving up on Annie yet or are you still stalk ring her around the US? You said you vacationed in FL but never said in her neighborhood, so it was not that scary. New Yawk, New Yawk... Glissando and taxes. This is the first time I have ever heard both Rush and Sean speak out on the unions. However, they both reference it to New York and California and how liberals are finally complaining about spending. I think it is slightly odd. All of the sudden they see a revolution and speak out against the unions and tax and spend policies. Before it was just jobs and spend. You are pulling off the grandest deception and how nobody knows or it is not big deal. How long can you do it before it blows up on you is a laughing matter. I do not want to make things worse for Ann so I spend most of my time with Rush. Rush is more dangerous but you are a total psycho. I can track Rush much easier because he thinks much bigger. You go into some playful act and a deranged psycho routine as you pretend to be a naval officer. Your mind is obsessed with fabrications and total fantasy with Ann and even when the camouflage is gone.
You are such a liar, Ann could and would water board you and you would call it romance, a sexual affair to never be told. So ask her face to face and do not use camouflage. I have to use a lot of camouflage; but I am sure you love her this much to sacrifice your life and career.
Sean I see you are trying to set up a secret meeting tonight and blocked my entire internet. Now that Congressman you had on said some really bad things and was really deep with you; if I knew his name I would spend day and night on him. I am getting bored with Rush and that snide attitude you have. Also, you have not gone into public and said or admitted to what you were doing such as 1. Murder plot 2. Rape 3. Stalking 4. Surveillance 5. Bugging our homes 6. Lying through your teeth 7. Harassing both Ann and I and telling me the most blatant lies about you having all this steamy relations and romance with her. So you said I was warned and it was all in good fun and intent? You and I will talk one day and if the CIA cannot beat you all and the FBI cannot catch you; imagine what the hell I would do to you? Do you think I am scared or am a novice at this? It is not as if I am trying to bully you, it is because you failed to terrorize and bully us but we had to fight while you had camouflage. Now you have no camouflage and it does someone as seasoned as I am to show you how displeased I am with you and a few of your cohorts. You come across as very confident but your true identity is how you use camouflage to hide while attack and presenting yourself as bigger. In no way am I scared of you but are you scared of me? You have violated every rule in the book and you play dirty; never using truth and never considering if your "weasel" criminal act will get you in trouble.
Raping someone's spouse is not amusing. Stalking them and telling the husband this is horrible. Listening to your lies and how they were intended to maximize harassment and do a "character hit" is disgusting. Worse, I hold Fox liable if any happens and I heard you threatened to sue them and also some rampage. After what I have seen and heard you tell me; I would throw you in the street. It is no joke how you broke every rule. It is no joke how the CIA and FBI is looking for you and could not beat you; but I did both. Maybe I am cocky and over confident and maybe I just know you too well? What you did would get you life in jail. Attacking me and harassing me to complete it and finish your handiwork was the last straw. I will deal with you later and need you to show yourself. The worse part is how you carry on as if you did nothing wrong; Fox is liable if anybody gets hurt or you go on some rampage. I heard you and your wife are sneaking around on each other but that is your business, not mine. My business with you is on a whole other level and I think that justice will be eventually served, I will be satisfied with this but if you ever cross me or meet me in an alley; you will see my teeth and your ear. I do not like rapists, terrorists, and most especially the stalker of my wife and her tormentor. There comes a point where you have to back off and understand you cannot terrorize a woman and how disgusting your acts and behavior is.
You are in a world of trouble already; why would you go a target someone who can do what the CIA and FBI could not? The audacity of how you talk to me and what you say is incredible. It is like you rape someone's kid and just walk into their home and grab a drink out of the frig not knowing how they feel. Don't you think they have a problem with you nor do you think you have a problem with them? You would also tell them to get out of your house. You know and knew Ann was my lifeline and rescue; you knew you had to come between us. That is how intentional and criminal you truly are. If you were a decent and honest person, it would be one thing; but your act is so deceptive. Look at the video of you and how you are. I think you are truly scared of me because you do not have camouflage or anything to hide with any longer; so deception does not have a full impact. Yes, you do hit hard but it is easier to fight you know where before nobody was there or "it works every time" as Rush said. If I was a novice and you play dirty or illegal all the time; that would be one thing; I am no novice okay.
I do not think I will ever get to have a face to face with you and challenge you. I think they will nail you for a much bigger problem before this time. It is okay because I know it is all an act and camouflage is how you survive and prevent others from hitting back or stopping you. It is too bad you will never know how big of a piece of shit you truly are because I would not have a problem giving you a piece of my "dirty" "misbehaving" and "resistant" mind. Not one problem. And do you want to hear the worst part of this? It is all true. That is the worst part of it. Your show, the Freedom concert, the total charade and how you pull it off disgusts me. Rush says jobs justifies any evil. You think your fame and celebrity is bullet proof. You actually think you are something special. I will have to ask Ann one day why the hell she would hang out and tag along with all of you suspects but I have fun while watching your star crash and burn. You are like those Hollywood communist and blacklisted spies making a come back. How does it feel talking to the people who stopped you in your tracks and listening to the way you were beat and how you torture and fight so dirty and illegally? That shows you who you are. You are not a bully, you are a psycho.
I hold Fox accountable and Clear Communications or WABC. So you think about it before you say how you will hit back and hard if they get rid of you or if British Intelligence decides to raid you because you are on the police force and infiltrated. I think your life is going to fall apart before any of this insanity surfaces or the evidence is presented. When you are ready to speak the truth; do so because if you don't, someone will and like Rush; it probably will show up with "DoD" on it and in another country. Right now your employers are liable if anything happens as the EIB is if Rush does a terror hit on this country. You make no bones about your affection for Rush. I am tired of this and will end it there but; let me remind you that I am no novice and even when you have all that camouflage, I did manage to do what the CIA and FBI could not because I had DoD on my side; and when DoD is on your side, it is not survivable. Why you are still an irritant and still hitting us or calling hits; blocking and obstructing is beyond me. It makes no sense but you still use camouflage when you have none. Intel says you have connections in NY politics and are able to use the instruments of oppression. Intel says you also have private help.
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