Articles about the bloodbath at San Antonio based Clear Channel Communications Production (CCCP) and the demise of the too big to fail radio hosts.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Sean, there are two articles relating to clear channel; I see you have escaped the guillotines and the embassy has the helicopters for you and Rush Limbaugh. Your top generals are circling and also hanging together; to go down with the ship. Well, Miss America does not need you to defend herself and the pictures of her modeling are kiddie, not even enough for Kylie Cyrus to worry about. The picture was not lewd and in bad taste but it was an image of temptation and appealed to the sexual desires of men. I did not take it seriously and she is young; I do not think it is the end of the world. If she feels embarrassed about it then she made a mistake and should say so but if she feels it is a big deal then she should make it a big deal. I have seen women do a lot worse and show a lot more in both private and modeling photos.
This is an example of who you are though Sean. You only save your own butt and do not have what they call uncommon valor, something that is both unique and prized. If you did, you would have defended the reputation of either me or Ann Coulter instead of stealing it. You tried to pull that trick for years and how you were doing some public service when all you were doing was to hide the truth and boost your near psychopathic criminal rampage. You said it best, you are a weasel. If I was Miss America, I would be very careful around you and hear what I am trying to say or warn about. I am dead serious when I say you are psychopathic. Yet you have no excuse or can use some oxymoron to explain your drug induced rampage. This is who you are and you need no help at it.
I still cannot understand why you would throw your life, career, and family on the line defending Rush Limbaugh when his ship is sinking quickly; however, you seem talented and gifted to block it all out and take him at surface level with no idea you have very similar charges against you. So if Rush gets busted, I assure you that you will be soon afterwards. My assessment is your wife will see the light and make a break for it and your true character will shine because she has only one open doorway and future. To base alimony or a future on a fugitive is a test of how guilty she is. Maybe she has a backup plan and money hidden and maybe these audits will track them down. Madoff did the same thing and his wife mad-off with at least a few million. I know that NYPD was active on the case before I told you and she had been working with them; however, Rush is really nervous while your little secret story is unshakeable. I hate to be the ones who have to knock your doors down from what I know; you wreak maximum havoc and then more.
Here is who you are Sean Hannity. To this day, you have not once defended or came to the defense of Ann Coulter. Meanwhile, you have poured into my ear how you and she are engaged; you dine with her mom, knew her family well and were a major influence in her life and career. You have told me flat out lies and some of the most wanton and lewd sordid stories about how you and she were much more than 2005 to 2009. You have fought this idea that she rescued me from a deadly kidnapping and hit and how I had to turn around and focus my guns on the same group who did it to begin with who had taken her in and made her one of their top Colonels. I cannot recall once or one instance where you have done a random act of goodness in this case and investigation.
When it came to terror plots and seeking those who were behind this, you have thrown up just about every defense and wall to both me and my investigative team. I cannot stress the level of effort you threw at me or any other unit who were going to smash up this terror and communist plot. Meanwhile, you kept professing how you would not be taken alive or could ever falter because you had us as prisoners or captive. Not one occasion or one effort to seek the truth. You brought one personality after the other to speak on your behalf while you recite line after line of Ronald Reagan who would smack you and physically drop kick you if he ever found out what you were doing or are. That is the true Sean Hannity I know and the one who is hiding behind his kids and family. Instead I hear how popular you are and how Mr. Conservative and Republican you became; you knew it was a disaster and could not hide the fact or the inevitable. I gave it no attention and when I did; you were ready. That is the mistake you made.
I chipped away at Rush daily and gave you meager moments and all you did was come forth as a psychopathic nut. Meanwhile, I am pouring out information on Ann and I and you are pouring out or trying to stampede it by bring on Newt Gingrich, Pat Buckhannon, Dick Cheney, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, etc... So I hope you get paranoid about your wife because you need it. The moment professional spies or agents turn her; you are in serious hot water "it is not happening... I wish it were true... suffering the most... getting the least out of plan." Sean, this is procedural and you freak out at things like random and typical audits for spy suspects. You freaked out about an audit as if it was the end of the world "darn right I did... I hope the stock market comes back for everybody who invested in it... long term... I hope the money is due... now explain the wisdom of that to me." As I see it, there is a treasure trove there. Somebody is sitting on top of a massive pot of gold and a massive investigative case.
I cannot recall one event or fact you have lain forth which can bring us closer to the truth "made it difficult to pursue" is what you just said and properly describes it. "It is the hard left and helped the President get into office... when you become successful... aggressively pursue cases... monopolists... harm consumers." If you call this your entrepreneurial spirit then you my dear is bone insane. You hit on Ann for months and even on entire shows while you act on behalf of the Clintons. So there must be a rational reason why you fought us tooth and nail, at level 10 day after day, while the degree of helpfulness was a -10 and precision focused at some escape and steam rolling the truth finding process. Obstruction of justice was a joke to describe it and intimidating the witnesses was also a joke to describe your behavior. Had nobody been around or nobody watching, things would be much worse. Can you repeat for me how spiritual and conservative you are again?
The worst part was how you had lied to me and Ann at the beginning of this from April to August of 2008 before November 2008. You were trying to pull off some hoax and psychopathic lie, a conspiracy I call a murder plot on Ann, about how you had circled her life and were managing all threats. I had known and she had told me how Clinton was behind you and you were cleaning up for the Clintons. The idea you are family friends and also dining with her mom and pretending to be such protectors is the exact same communist trick I had to deal with; so I saw it and knew it immediately. The word is called false consciousness and that is a perfect example of how to execute it. All communists are trained and taught this false consciousness; it is one of the heart and soul of their engines. So I knew right off from the get go who I was dealing with and I am so seasoned I know how to navigate and negotiate through you all and smash you up. Ask Rush how many battles I have been in the last 11 years? There are over 10,000 accounts. You and your group are so aggressive; you logged 10,000 ambushes and attacks.
You call yourself conservatives? Pat Buchanan says "we are the king of the hill... let’s go and look for a fight with these guys... let them know this... this is how conservative we are Sean... “Since Reagan, I have avoided Pat Buckhannon and the Chicago Tribune army of commentators. They popped up everywhere in DC and it was this bold and harsh derangement I am seeing now. Pat Buckhannon says "you cannot win if you do not fight... “Or his fighting Irish attitude. I have avoided him for decades and do not take him serious; but he lingers like a disjointed dinosaur. He is still around and outlasted the others who have since wilted off. I came to the conclusion he was the voice of labor and a low quality of boldness. He calls it common sense and the common sense conservatives, the right wing and Christian coalition. Man you all have issues and the derangement is severe. I have avoided them for decades. Pat Buckhannon is proud of Sean Hannity and the work of Rush Limbaugh. He says the more they fight the more they win and when I ask him about a terror plot he goes nut silent.
So the moment the topic is a communist and terrorist plot, your group pretends as if it is not your problem, you know nothing, it is not your country, it is not a threat, it is no big deal, the truth is no big deal, and how American has mistreated you (Irish) and blacks because you are an ethnic group. Other than this you own the country and are too big to fail. The more you fight the more you win. You speak about how poor you were and how your history of poverty caused you to love America. You speak about how poverty taught you all these lessons about conservatism. You speak about discrimination and abuse as though it is being repeated today and you are passing it on to us. You want us to know how you have been treated or how the government abused our and your people. If you were not white, I would think you were some terror plot or communist plot to take over the world. If you check the records, there is not once account of being helpful or even making an effort to come to our rescue or seek the truth. It is all lies and what you do is talk over or around the problem; you are spies and terrorists.
The most disturbing part is how you are right wing, the Party of Reagan, and conservatives. You cannot lie and act psychopathic more than I have seen and we know about. You do it to piss us off and destabilize the nation. You caused me to be angry with Ann for months on end and I asked her and she said it was all lies; she said she will go on the show herself to prove Sean was lying all about her and was terrorizing her. Not once did Sean ask her or clear the air; meanwhile he lied duped everybody day after day. The defense they put up to crack this communist and terror plot was murderous and cold blooded lies. Had I not been so used to it, I would have freaked as Ann typically did. She was sitting right next to Maher and Hannity; she even traveled around the country with them. So I asked her if she can stop and express a thank you and thank me or my work which has been invaluable to her own life. If Ann cannot show her appreciation and respect, then do not waste my time and make me angrier. I do not wish to be mad or slide into hell; I want to love and respect her. It is hard when she does this but she calls it a masterpiece and a stroke of courage and brilliance because while they were attacking and trying to corner her in this murder plot, she had them eating out of her hand. They were obsessed with her for some reason.
So we get to watch them do their magic on this gorgeous girl Carrie Preteen whose father fought with Patton. I would not let her near them or let them sink their hooks in her life. I have watched and studied this group and it does not surprise me if they go on a rampage or some suicidal last act of evil. Listen to their attitude about the more they fight the more they win. They logged over 10,000 terror hits on us and the military and now act as if they are great Americans and subordinates who will lead the charge for us. Is that a traitor or good enough of an example? Does Sean Hannity want to describe a weasel and a traitor if there is any difference? Sean just said it "hypocrisy... double standard... and we are getting used to it." So Sean and this group came to our side and invaded so we get used to this. They want us to get used to them and how they take over. They want us to get used to traitors and weasels. We are used to this and he is the voice of the Conservative movement. He just said "it is over... I do not know who you are and not putting it up... “That is the psycho and mole I know of Sean Hannity. That is the terror and communist plot I know and had massive battles with. Sean says he will keep the country safe.
This is the same guy who tracks Ann Coulter around the USA and goes to her house or down to Florida on his vacation. He was giving her presents and gifts as a "gesture of friendship" while acting for Clinton and weaving a web of deceit for Ann to walk into. He brings his kids there (FL) also and says he plays tennis or has lessons there. Do I get mad at Ann and feel she is on thin ice? If I had kids would I ever expose them to her life and these people? My God. I told Ann, "no more fighting Ann... no more... I want love and to love you and that is all I want to hear. If I hear anymore shit, I can only love you back, no more fighting." When Ann calls and talks to me; I tell her no more fighting; call me when and if you want love and to be loved back, no more fighting. Ann is going to thank me for the high quality work I did and how I did not get paid one red cent. That is who I am and that is why she wants to be known as my best friend and how authentic she is. So Ann knows all I want to hear from her is thank you and how we are best friends and she wants love.
So I know how terrible these people truly are and how Ann wants to be known as my best friend. To take on these people, you loose your soul and develop what Ann calls "blind hatred." You are dealing with the most vicious communist and terrorists alive and they feel the more they fight the more they win. I would describe it as a bunch of sissies who would rather die in suicide bombings then go to jail. They would rather go to jail then be poor and humans are in their way. Get rid of the human being and nobody will be in their way. They are oppressed and being liberated. Sean views these women who terrorize others as tough and how tough America is. He views us as weak and our flaw is helping people with the truth while lies cut them down. So when they say the war on poverty, they truly mean the war on terrorism. When it comes to hate and racism in America, the Irish and the Jews fight the same battles as the black movement. However, the real spy masters are of course the white element; they have the money and the organizers.
For anybody who have ever watched or studied real life moles and spies, this is a good learning experience for them. After a decade of fighting them I am so seasoned and so accustomed to battling them, nothing even fazes me. I can even tell them, did the military school you and give you the defeat of your life? Even Rush said they cannot hit anything and are terrified with the outcome and getting beat. Rush and Ms. Clinton is very similar to Ann and myself. Ann is a subordinate but a person of action. She does the dirty work and has to go undercover. If Rush talks, then I will get all the details and can teach a course on it. If he does not, then the military will know they want a fight. It is a test between this communist and terrorist global group and the military. The dog shit Nazi, Sue, said they "do not want to die... do not want war... and are ready for us... “It is their home and we have to share it with them. They are above us politically and can cut us down at any moment. Like usual, I make them lick the ground after they eat those words I heard. So far, they do it and come right back like a cartoon character. They want Ann dead and gone so they can take care of me and fulfill this need they have with our family. They had targeted the US Generals in the 1970s and 80s while we were growing up by pulling rank and also massive attacks on DC.
After the 1960s, they felt the open door was a massive opportunity to attack and take over DC but instead it was a trap set up by US Generals and now they finally got it. Ask Rush and ask if he is scared of the military who has all the files and can either attack or rock their world overnight. The CIA and FBI might get the evidence and files on them at any time. There is an open test and challenge out there. It is their pride and reputation on the line. To face the guillotines before the public and in open public is like raiding them for child molesting or rape. It is the most humiliating act in political history. Their legacy and their spirit are pared. They loose the fight and their fight. Rush said it best, they are terrified at the outcomes and how it turned out. Where they viewed it as a victory every single time; they finally notice it was a deadly trap and the doors were opened intentionally. Now they are scrambling to find the exit and the window and I told them we left one escape route which he has not discovered yet. He has tripped over at least 20 or more trap doors. They know they are in a trap and they know each step is the wrong one. The worst part is what I had told Rush, the military has the evidence, leave Ann and I alone. If they are wishing to survive, they must take that evidence or destroy it; otherwise it is suicide.
Even US Generals, the FBI, the CIA, and MI6 are sitting there in awe. They are hearing the most unbelievable story and can even see it. I have injrectred so much detail they can retrace the steps, double check the records, and put themselves in our shoes. They can even see the remainder of options as I shut each down or close one after the other. I have no doubt about whom they are and why they came to us or our soil. It is not as if we went to their homes or their lives. To sum up what the case on Sean Hannity is and why he said he would go on a rampage and final act of drug induced or act of defiance; Sean has put up a level 10 defenses to block this communist and terror plot investigation.
Meanwhile, he knew Ann was investigating and also on the hot pursuit of the master minds. Ann knows so much about the Clintons and Billary loves her! Sean came in and sunk his hooks while acting on behalf of the Clintons, what Rush says finishing up the interrogation and work Bush failed. They were cleaning up. They were suspicious what Ann knew, what I knew, and did not know the entire military is behind me or US Generals are on the line with me. I have my commandos hiding in the bush and observing; one false move by them is fatal. Now I tell them to check and verify with Rush who knows about them and who the rival out there big enough to beat them is? Could it be the military and if so, then decide how to take, steal, and destroy the evidence on them. If they do not, then battle plans will take effect. You have no voice when the evidence is already collected and recorded. Just like the movies, if those files surface, their life will change overnight. The military has total assurance over the matter and is expecting them.
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