Friday, May 29, 2009 Sean Hannity of all people knows the Republican Party has been infiltrated by the left wing. He knows first hand they are a radical "Special Forces" Group of spies that the CIA cannot detect and the FBI is not even able to catch. This Freedom Concert is a direct insult. The Virginia assembly of the Republican Party asking him to be the voice of the Party is how apathetic they are to the situation. We know and we had detected a massive infiltration and why, it is very subtle and to rewrite the Constitution.
Sean is suggesting that Ann Coulter has a son now who loves tennis. He needs to know that tennis has been my teenage love and I have one of the most beautiful and aggressive games he will ever witness; I played very young and resemble Ivan Lendl and Boris Becker. Sean also needs to be upfront about what he is trying to do and how he is pulling Annie to the dark side. He has been caught infiltrating the right wing and Republican Party along with Rush Limbaugh and a few massive contingency.
Sean Hannity said something which really irked me, "liberals are sanctimonious" to follow Rush's lead today, "their pusillanimity" which are all phrases from Annie's work. The author of sanctimonious is from me. Liberals are materialists. Sean is so deceptive; he boasts how much charity he gives and how much money he gives out. The term "sanctimonious" is from deep and very advanced religious teachings; specifically the debate between the protestants and Catholics. Sanctification is a process where actions stress the religious process instead of the justification process. Unless you spend years studying this; you will use it with no knowledge or idea what it is about. Sean is a classic example of a hypocrite because he is sanctimonious. He does not understand what it is or where it is from. I can gauge and probe him on his religious beliefs.
The point is the Republican Party has been infiltrated and in a very big way. I personally would not even get near it or those who are messing it up. We had detected and caught a few of them; then interrogated them; they are a hard left group and psychopathic. The "hits" and assassinations are coming from an inside source on the right wing and we know it is the same people. The hits and ambushes I am receiving are coming directly from this same infiltration group. Who the hell would join the Republican Party when it has been infiltrated and the top leadership has to be replaced? It is suicide. Who would sign up when they know or find out they are being tricked, were fooled, and in grave danger? I would stay away until we can take them out or the FBI can come in and get reinforcements. They will claim they are reformed by then or rehabilitated. This is a very dangerous group and very professional spies; extremely difficult to detect and very stubborn when flushed out. You are in danger.
"The infiltration of the right wing is very subtle. While everything looks like the Republican or the right wing; what the ultimate goal and the secret grand deception being pulled on the American public while they sleep is the rewriting of the Constitution. therefore, these claims of being conservative and Republican is actually the same strategy of the left wing and the liberal Democrats to rewrite and change the fundamental way reality interacts with the free market. When these problems such as using spending to win elections or bloat out social problems; the system is on automatic and cannot be stopped by anything but the electoral process. Therefore, the fiscal budgets on the local levels are maximized while the economy is good and tax and debt is also maximized when things go sour or south. This strategy was deployed in World War II and it is called the "stepping stone" tactic where ground is conquered and never given back or corrected. All you need now is a judgment or ruling to put the nails in the coffin." (From the upcoming masterpiece "Looking Good and Feeling Better by the Moment" by Author; Friday, May 29, 2009).
"President Obama has nominated Federal Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court... Sotomayor was previously nominated to the federal bench by President George H. W. Bush... Sotomayor was later elevated to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York by Bill Clinton..." - The Kudlow Report, May 26, 2009 -
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