Wednesday, May 13, 2009 So there is no discussion of the cuts on defense spending but it is damaging the security of America? Any evidence of this or specific examples Sean? So now you are saying how you were scared to death and you were terrorized? I think the story is how you terrorized and tried to cause more and more harm; you should check the records Sean Hannity and what you said to me and did. It is like taking our guns away; why don't you do this first or stay out of our life? Why would a terrorist want our guns if it is our home you are going into without any permission or consent? We are showing good will and playing by the rules. That is the message. You were given the benefit of the doubt, never forced to do anything or "scared to death" as Sean describes the rampage they were on before we stopped them. And we have lawyers and plenty of contacts and ongoing dialogue. How much more can we bend over backwards?
Sean, Rush said CIA is after you now and you just said "we know." So you know that we know that you know we know. Wait, what about the outdated terror list of over 20,000 people? What about names and people who are genuine threats and genuine links who are left off of there? Now you heard it was about contractors who were not experts, never worked in intelligence, and had no experience. They taught the SERE's program and how to resist. They were not interrogators they taught courses on resistance. Also, they said Al Qaeda is taught to resist interrogation and the FBI agent who infiltrated and testified against Al Qaeda felt some of the practice was near torture. He also reported it and nothing was done. In other words, it was like Abu Gharib prison. Some feel a fellowship and pride when others were disgusted with them because their demeanor and actions were traitorous or enemies.
The Pentagon or analysts said we won the cold war and we will right the rules of the game. The loser of the cold war has no say in how the rules are written. They show a fellowship and a pride in their country witch reeks of havoc and traitors but also an empty promise of pride and reputations not genuine or revealed but now on the line. They must have it and must keep the power or else they are fatally stopped. So the rules were written for them to take it and the Pentagon is chosen as the holder of the evidence and the history of the cold war. The future is on the line. A charge d'affaire has been file and posted; we did get a response "this is not how it goes." Once a charge d'affaire is issued and the spy group receives it, they are obligated to pass it on to the leader or handler. Then if there is evidence on them and also in violation of the charge d'affaire then all international rules and laws are forfeited. It is a conscious and voluntary escalation into a lethal zone with more on the line and more resistance.
You only issue a charge d'affaire once you are hit by a spy group and must take drastic actions to stop them. It means you caught them bugging your embassy or residence. It means you do not know who exactly bugged or spied on you. So if there is evidence and the rule is ignored; if no ID is produced, if nothing is responded or addressed; the secret escalation is into a lethal zone. That is how the rules are and it is a gentleman's agreement between nations to respect their sovereignty. It is an announcement to a lethal zone and also the production of evidence or reception of evidence which is incriminating. A charge d'affaire means we caught you doing something we do not like and if you will admit to it or vacate immediately before things go into a lethal zone. You can admit to it and vacate or just vacate by admitting to guilt. Spying on other countries is a serious matter. Bugging their homes and stealing is a serious matter, so is sabotage and stealing military secrets. At most the head diplomat or emissary must speak on behalf of the spying. It is basically a warning before forfeiting international laws or rights.
The victim hood excuse, tired of being poor, grew up poor, tired of being discriminated, mistreated, scared to death, and did it for the love of country; are all gross lies. Did you intentionally pursue victims with the intent of terrorizing them? Did you consider the victims of your (not ours) act before you began something you could not get out of? Did you fail to accept any responsibility and blamed it on political enemies and chasers to maximize the damage? Did you make any effort to pursue the truth or help others who were? That is Sean Hannity and classic victim hood he always goes into when in trouble. Then he will have others rally and speak on his behalf as nice, never doing anything wrong, such a strong conservative, a Reagan fanatic and cold warrior, she flirted with me, she would not put the brakes on, I did not stalk her, etc... He calls it the essence of a weasel. All you have to do is tell me about the Clintons and why you did it.
So you "were pissed off... between governments... what do you think this is... definition of socialism... “Sean you are in search of the best form of government; not in search of capitalism. Your spy group and links have spilled the beans; nothing you say is coherent. That is like "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" and then us finding out what is is. You were going around saying you did have sexual relations with 'THAT' woman when it was total lies. Worse, you threw them at me and did this for months in a relentless and unstoppable demeanor which terrorized Ann. Then you stalked her around the country and in her own home thinking you would catch her in the act with me.
I always try to keep the dialogue on a good level. You do not seem to understand how language works. I personally am not interested in your sex life but what is going on behind that. Why or what is your goal and intention of doing this. You can fuck a moose. "Because we love this country... voice has got to be loud... fundamental debate... they are backing off... they do not want the country getting angry... sacrifice political capital over this... “Do I hear a retreat or admission? "It is your patriotic duties... vote on... “It is not what we are voting on or what you say; we vote and you pull this trick and grand deception. You say it is about "trailing badly... about to engage in full debate over... “Sean if a man screwed your wife and had a child; then said it was an accident and to forgive him; then blamed you for harsh treatment, is that real language?
"Tough luck you are on your own" not the way to look at it; maybe your wife is evil and maybe you and her should not be married? Maybe you are a very bad judge of character and did something to make her insult you so badly and call it an accident? Do you have any idea what Ann told me about you? Why do you act so coy and on such good behavior on Fox News? You are putting them deep in liability especially when you hit on Ann the entire show and declare a rampage if you get upset over getting fired. There is plenty to fire you and you are putting Fox in a lot of liability. You are jeopardizing other employees and hiding lies while your life explodes. What the British called "on the air suicide." Do you see Rush and how things went for him? Now why would you fight tooth and nails for him and blame others? Why have you finally stopped telling me or accusing me of being a liberal; call me what you want, I do not even care. How many times did you "warn me" and attacked surreptitiously like a Gestapo or hit man?
So if you do anything crazy, Fox is liable. You hear me, if you harbor lies while it explodes and they pull you aside and ask you; you are obligated to tell them the truth. However, you cannot say you got set up or took out your anger on people who know this is a very dangerous game and gave you the benefit of the doubt and took you in as their own. You see me and Ann and how we work? Do you see how much Ann messes up? She has to do the dirty work and get used to insanity. You see how she was cut down? I was kidnapped, tortured, and made to defect for a communist and terrorist spy master who has a grudge on me over Vietnam and the cold war. We get the best and I get on the best list. We are the most trustful and desired and look what you did to my life then covered it up along with Ann's rescue attempt? Now I unleashed a full force rescue and you were on the front lines hitting back. You were set up and scared to death?
There are people scared you are going to terrorize them next. They can read what you guys do and what your modus operandi is. You are teaching Rush Limbaugh how to resist while commandos and the Pentagon try to apprehend you without any injuries. Look at the care and the kindness we allow you while you cut us down! My life is wrecked and I spent time in prison while Ann had to plea for my life. She had to be my lawyer to stop you. I had to be her lawyer to stop you also. Sean, they can take you aside and ask you if any of this is true and fire you even if it was off the job. I think they are being really too nice and you are taking advantage of it and us. Were you scared to death when Rush was announcing terror hits? Were you scared to death and set up when he said, "If you all knew, why didn't you stop us?" So tell me about this rampage Sean and I will stop you okay.
I promise you I will stop you quicker than you know. It is an open challenge and test and I may take a little time because I am powerless but I will eventually stop you. I know you all and I will admit I really do not like you one bit. Fox News is very liable if anything bad happens. I would just stay away and I hope your wife hurries up and gives the NYPD what they want and need. I also hope you stop terrorizing Ann so she does not probe you or take a measure. I get mad when she does. I think she is stupid and crazy while she views it as courage and necessary. That is my move and she must have been scared by me or worried before but now she does it to me. It is this woman thing and earning her rank with me. I know your group and I know you Sean. You are a total psycho. You can always spill the beans on Rush, why not? He is a sleeper, the most deceptive and dangerous element on earth in the spy zone. I was to defect and go to Africa to rebuild embassies; want to help me bust him Sean? Who is scared to death here, you or me?
"Arresting someone is never a pretty thing to watch... retaliating against our soldiers is always a... we having Karl Rove here to... “I am glad you have food on your mind and eating. Next, you have to eat and do what you do to eat. "This is a dangerous, dangerous precedence... not telling the world the whole story... " (god damn Rove goes off and says things about how the left wing gets what they want) "applauding him for reversing himself... did not see this on his own from the get go... " (Rove goes off again about French, arrogance, we are bad, let the world see it, all the badness, get the world to know we are better now and get it, can defend this world) "they understood this was the overriding question of his trip... “(Rove goes off again but says nothing about how it hurts and injures the image of government) then they should quit and get real people and high quality people instead of saying how it injures government. The exact crime is called "dereliction of duty" and "treason."
(Rove goes off more... difficult situation, Iran not stupid, deep underground, our stockpile, upgrade weapons stocks, Congress blocks this, removes leverage we have, now on the table) what about who he is and what he is up to? What or why is Iran in this? I'm lost now. How about Osama going to Chavez or Santa Clause will be severely weakened and no longer eager. Rove says to at least see his motives. I do believe he is trying to make America safe, I do not think he would blatantly do something so insane as a terror plot or espionage for Israel.
(To Karl Rove) I do think if the US was attacked he would retaliate and respond, no doubt. Do I think he would attack and respond? Yes. Do I think he would sell out or betray others if his skin was on the line? Yes. Do I think he is dangerous? Yes because he can dial up power when he needs it. He can blame our enemies when it is not them. He can beat and make it work every single time and we cannot respond or defeat him. It is about America and he does want to protect it or have absolute power and control to attack anyone and anytime. It is his watch and not our watch. I do not doubt he would not slaughter men, women, and children in the name of the national interest; no doubt. I do not doubt he would slaughter men, women, and children if his life was on the line. How he got there is another story.
Do I think he is honest when he says he will defend the country with his life? Sort of. Do I think he will bomb Iran? Yes, no doubt. Do I think he will invade any country for any reason? Yes if it is in the interest or for PR of the United States. Rove says, "They should be prosecuted for being an accomplice if any crime occurred." Is this national security and all interest or loyalty? Yes. Is it self love? Yes. Is he in bed with Rush and Sean? Yes. Do I think they deserve to die if they are hiding and harboring this communist and terror plot? Yes. We are talking pure evil and then justifying it. I saw how they treat innocent people who know what they are up to or how they shut them up and make them go away. If I was not on duty or Ann; the military would be succumbed and overran quickly. These people are undetectable. The CIA is overrun by them, the FBI is overrun by them, and the Pentagon was almost broken by them. This was a do or die move and it blew up on them.
The strategy and essence of these people or this very deep spy group is to fight fire with fire. First to the punch wins, knee jerk reactions show bravery and steel impulse, a real intent and no hesitation. So to fight terrorism, they use terrorism. To fight enemies, they use enemies. To fight danger, they use danger. To combat speed, they go faster. Is it high quality, hell no? Are they gross liars, hell yes. They have power, greed, and control in their eyes; when they see it nobody will stop them. If you walk in a room and they were doing something very wrong; you better run for your life. If they can win by blatantly lying, they will. They see or view it as mere oppression and it is widespread in politics. To them it is not traitorous. To them it is not terrorizing others. To them it is real and a super tough act. To them it is not espionage. This is how they show their patriotism by attack their own country. Now they say we do this and we attack the country to gain power or a reputation. This is insanity and out of control and I am going to put my foot down and stomp on this fire by myself. Who wants to fight me can but I will not be intimidated as I do and while I do, by myself, a one man army. Stop me if you can and have the guts. I have been through it all "Sean said we have to kill him... god bless you, you are a great American." They are insane and in some zone of evil which makes them an entirely new species of life where the truth is a sign of inferiority or a second class citizen. It is a crime to be a real human being.
Listen up Sean Hannity. In 1998 I got out of college and was heading to get married and work for the first time. I have always done my homework and was a good person, always. I am the coolest MF you will ever meet and one of the most talented. I was so excited about marriage and family; I get serious looks. My life long bride and fiancé came to DC and said dating sucks. Next thing I know our life is turned upside down and both of us are on the run for our life while DC is attacked. For ten years, both she and I did what we could to survive and fight back or expose and fight for what we think is right and moral. You can read the portrayal if you have a problem with the facts and the story; do not tell me write it. Cite facts and cite specific written events and state why you are against it. So ten years later, I popped up under heavy encirclement and Ann had rallied so many eyes; the lights and cameras came on at once. Shocked into paralysis - those chasing us froze and disappeared only to show up months later still scared for their life and who knew. Overnight I pushed the front lines, by myself, to the other side and got the enemy and this terror plot on the run and in deep regret; overnight. Would you like to try it or reproduce it?
After being fatally wounded, I crashed into a girl who was on the run herself and had been captured and in danger. I carried Ann again, not once twice on my back under odds which you will never believe. She was fighting me because she was trying to carry me and I told her to shut up and do what I say or else we cannot be partners. She agreed as usual as a subordinate and was so angry about how I denigrated her and blamed her. Ann has admitted she messed up but it was good enough for government work. She flagged me down and I just laid it down on top of her and was now stuck. She got busy and really surprised me. I never knew she was this good. She took everything I taught her and reproduces it to the exact T. I knew how successful it was and where the errors were. So now we both are back to back and like a life team and the sun and moon; every step is doubled. You ask Generals if they had ever witnessed this in their life. You ask people how long it took for me to turn Ann's life around, what they call a miracle. What the hell are you trying to tell me? You think I do this for kicks or fun? You think it animates me and makes me feel alive? Do you think I was handpicked by Generals after Vietnam because I am a good comedian? You ask Generals if they ever saw the frontline move overnight so far and so fast. I took that fire, stomped on it, and ate it. The anger and the fuel inside me after ten years as a prisoner and hostage overtook me but do you see any flaw or imperfection? Do you hear the orders I give to Ann and the Pentagon?
The last century was about war and constant warfare. So fuck you and your terror and communist group; they are lucky this is a slap fight. Don't ever judge me with your arrogant and gross lies. All of that because we know who you are, what you are up to, and are not the same. You my little boy will find out you have met your match and how bad of a mistake you truly made. I did not go to you, you came to me "your people have been here for 400 years and you do not have a Walgreen’s to show for it... go home" again, I am not going to cry or pour over how you are victims for immigrating to the USA and how angry and homicidal you are while you claim it is just oppression. I honestly do not give a fuck if your people are dirt poor and stupid for the next 400 years. You reproduce and are a domestic nuisance once you grow up and get this sick and insane ambition about how you deserve something from America. I do not see you hitting the A levels at the best colleges, I do not see you churning out the best engineers; I do not see you in the annals of US military history. Why does the country owe you and why do we owe you something? You are a domestic nuisance and we cannot seem to rid you or deal with how criminal you are. The word is self sufficiency, learn it; repeat self sufficiency every show. Rush has banned it, Google it and see how many times he says it.
(Black callers) "There is racism in America" and everywhere in the world. If blacks or the Irish immigrate to Japan, they will experience real racism. If they immigrate to Russia, they will know real hate. I am not here on earth for Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh to lie, cheat and steal. I have been called everything but I back up why I am who I am. Blacks, Jews, and the Irish or Italians are a bad mix to America. Their story is not as successful as others. They are not known as scientists and serious academics. It is a combustible mix and the fuel is slavery. Slavery is evil. Slavery is the most evil event in US history and it produced a legacy we cannot outlive. We and this country are terrorized by the slaves and the issue of slavery because people like Sean Hannity use it or Rush Limbaugh uses it for communism and to destroy the country. They said it themselves, "too big to fail" and "the unstoppable army of the damned." If they can stop the bad in the world, let me know who and how. We can only stop the good, not the bad. Now what can they do? Can the stop the left wing or evil? Can they stop Rush Limbaugh or Sean Vanity? I have a vision of and for this country and Ann Coulter know it all; we work closely together on it. Go and ask her.
Sean Humility is stupid and that is why he is not successful in America. He said can anyone be all they can be in America? Not while they are living. They are so oppressive and blame. Why does it depend on anyone else? Why do you need my approval and my graces? Why do you seek my gratitude? Why do you want my gratitude? What does this have to do about me? It is about them. It is about Sean Penny and Rush Limbaugh, not me. You pursue me ferociously and then tell me how you cannot succeed in America and nobody or anybody can do this overnight. Then I hear about your people and how you have been here in America or immigrated 900 years ago and still cannot get anywhere. Do I hear American Indians who are communists and radical terrorists? I happen to be classified as Eskimo or American Indian so my people have been here since animals roamed. They see me as one of them and their family. They see me as not a cruel inhabitant of their land but a welcomed guest. Now do you want to tell me about your people or my people? You all rip off everybody and you screw over your own kids but you blame others when it is you. My people roamed this earth at 1 BC; we cannot even work in America.
That is all I have to say about that and your asinine arguments or complaints about how you are a communist and terrorist group who loves the country more than we do. You cannot be a protector of the nation if you are a liar, criminal, or a domestic nuisance angry about how the country owes you a life you do not deserve. Sean Sanity explains how long he is friends with Rush and how they are life long lovers. When he dies, Sean will die. Odd, he says the same about Ann Coulter and speaks in such candor about me and her. I thnk they fight the same battles and in the same boat; I do not think it is about friendship or how long they were friends. They eat humans alive and he does not know the meaning of marriage or same sex marriage.
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