Thursday, April 23, 2009 Sean is replying about the charges against him as "enhanced interrogation techniques" which he was in favor of and now is arguing for. Is he saying Obama is going to water board him or is he going to water board others? Let's put it this way. If they don't tell us, they are the ones who are advancing the entire idea of using torture. It is like Scooter Libby and Valerie Plame. They argued this already. They have a double standard but are guilty as hell. Rush says Sean does not know what is going on. I disagree, Sean knows exactly what is going on and has said a lot to me.
He said "it is used on harsh terrorists who do not care... think how the Arab world loves Clinton... not a word was raised at the time it was outrageous... President declared war on them... we are going to have the President of... bow to the... politics trumps everything for these guys... risk of becoming vulnerable again... nobody gives George W. Bush any credit for anything... it is going to happen sooner than later... it is a matter of when... what they decide to put out in public view... what they can only argue is what is worse... none of this would work... good luck, I do not believe the American people are that dumb..." Sean knows exactly what is going on. Sean feels this is about Hamadi and information for their arrest. He does not know what this case is about? Is this damn IRA fool that stupid? Not a word from him. Do you see how clever this one is.
Said, "its because we are backwards." Sean is like any union leader and master spy. They are in control. They are the boss. They will not stop or quit until caught. It is about money. We are dumb and fooled easily. This is a deep passion about loyalties. None of the union bosses ever respect the boss or bosses. That is just how they operate. To them it is about throwing down money and influence. We are stealing from them and it is their money at risk. It is about every penny they deserve. There is a tax on profits to them, their share. What they do is leech off the right wing and Republicans, not protect it.
He obviously understands the charges. He must be calling it "the full picture of what we did" as "enhanced interrogation techniques." If it is official CIA directives, why would he keep it hidden? Says to protect it from radical left wing base? Sean is lying. Intel says he is hitting the 10 levels of lying. They have evidence on him. He understands it but the causes and reasons are being covered up and hidden. He admits it is a conspiracy to protect the right wing not destroy it. It is about "our safety and security." It is never about his security or his conviction. Sean thinks he has the brains of Doctoral graduates and also attacks them; he claims it is how to become conservative and right wing.
Clearly, he is a hardened criminal and felon. The way he is acting reflex this deep sense of evil and deliberate lying. Intel says it is atheism. He is not one of them unless he wishes to challenge it. I concur. After I witnessed his actions, behavior, and understand the entire plot; Sean is clearly trying to get close and refuses to let go. He strikes out and he uses this access to hurt others; not escape or become self sufficient. He uses it for theft and to lie and cheat while claiming how he protects and keeps the conspiracy from the radical left wing. He is the radical left wing. He has to be interrogated and tested. He is too hardened of a criminal and a liar. I observed him and felt sorry for him at first.
(Commercial says "was it insanity or cold blooded murder." ) Intel says it began as... but it grew to enormous size. "Sean says that if you are the terrorists... who were behind 911... you are lucky that is all we do to you." Sean knows it is a conspiracy but the reasons he provides is so disingenuous it is murder. Says he is "sitting through rants against America... missiles firing by Iran... he had a chance... dragging this country left and he does not like it" Sean associates left with Israel. Anything Israel is left and not right wing or conservative? Why? He says, "it is church policy... accused our men of killing in cold blood... wanted political power." Oh so he knows. Sean do you think you are the police? If so, cite to me why or what reason.
"I am bias.. not particularly helpful... if you are going to tell history you have to tell it accurately... Jimmy Carter's weakness... get them right... " Said welcome to my program! I am glad to hear you targeted your boss and lied about it because you are greedy, a weasel, and a cold blooded liar. Did I mention the events with Ann and why you did that yet? Comments Sean? (Caller says CIA memos is a disgrace) Sean says CIA did this to give in to the left wing... "we know the torture worked... only revealed the techniques... lives were saved and plots revealed... why would you release that information... Eric Holder to go after these people... (Sean) will begin a legal defense fund... expose them for the political frauds they are... not only did they know, they encouraged it... they knew about it and supported it... they were aware of every detail... playing games with National Security." Welcome to my show Sean!
Caller now says "to discredit them." A very good political tactician almost as good as Rush. Where and how did he learn it or use it before? Both Rush and Sean has no military experience, clandestine work, and does not consider themselves extremists. They have never fought terrorism head on or seen them. Why and how do they have more fight then the real soldiers and real military? How did they learn clandestine work and spy games at this level? Both Rush and Sean are on a very high level and with no college or education. Yet they are so self assured and so confident? Says, "just who was involved in this Clinton... he knows exactly what was going on... just confirmed we are following... chief of staff during the time... " Intel says where have you been all this time Sean. Sean says "known" and confirms.
"We have evidence they are torturers... Pinetta's role... integrity... Egyptians were not stupid but they would not say they tortured our people... no knowledge of Clinton torture and rendition program... no knowledge of what country they were sent to." Now Sean says when did they know and what did they know. Intel says EVERYTHING Sean. Intel says it is huge Sean and we need your help. People upstairs said, "oh my god." Tell me about it... we are their victims. We are who they wanted to recruit and we had plans to be one of them. They bungled that also. They are clearly well seasoned in conspiracy while not being honest about why.
Intel says they are as hardcore as they have seen in other regions of the world and they spy on lots! Rush was correct when he said he was the teacher. They can do this night after night and day after day. All they have to do is change the reason and change the goals why. That is all they are doing. That is all they have to do if they blame someone. The British said they have learned how to take whenever they want and as the police there is unlimited power; all they have to do is create an enemy when they need it. Rush calls this the proper use of terrorism. Sean says it is to protect the right wing and deny the left. Do we see this fight from him? Is he that effective and understands?
All Sean is saying is how he used "effective enhanced interrogation techniques" on us because Clinton failed. What they failed we do not know but Sean says he effectively did this to us and it was to protect the right wing and America. Is he that great of a fighter or a fraud? Where did he obtain his clandestine experience? We got it from the US Army and US Generals. How can he challenge us on this level? The US Army will vouch for me and I will vouch for Ann. We are on a mission; how is he on a mission also? They are looking to have a meeting with the "right people." As described on the Rush pages, we knew what they were hunting and why.
Sean will never mention the word union or union violence, never. He will never mention Irish or some of the problems, never. Listen carefully to what he fails to say or point out and how strong this fight is. Now overlap it to the left and ask; where the hell is this goon? I can go into court and draw a Venn Diagram of topics, repittion, and level of fight; and prove this. Is he that right wing as he says or is it merely a disguise? People upstairs, the Clinton emissaries, said "oh my god" again.
Episode is what Congress knows and when they knew it. Congressman says his opponents were in support of the terror programs and all the sudden they are up in arms. WE DO NOT SUPPORT TERRORISTS NOR BLAMING THEM! GOT IT? WE DO NOT BLAME THEM FOR A CONSPIRACY. WE WILL KILL ANYBODY; FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC FOR ANY AND ALL GOOD REASONS. Do not suggest we do this to you and you are seeking revenge or drawing fire in a tactical flank. I know all moves and all military strategies. You are on my god damn battlefield and on that battlefield; you are as good as dead or on my side? That is how military people think but they are trained to be observers. We are observers. You are in my den and I want some honest answers.
Intel says you are guilty and cannot be honest. What is the "blood pact" you have? Who is it with and why? Intel says they know about it. We will confirm the blood pact and verify it. Sean gives a long explanation, "not true by any sense." Blame. You give us this verification Sean and we can get Gitmo open again; intelligence and DoD has that power over Obama. I can confirm this, you are in my show and in my den. I have the ability to release something to make them act. You tell me the blood pact intel is speaking of not blame. It is up to the conspiracy to provide the information; it is not up to us! If they are attacking, then stop or reveal to us their attack before; okay do not stop. Sean says they cannot reveal their methods. It can seriously jeopardize personnel and certain people who are in position to strike them or gain our advantage.
"They were on board" is his reply. He knows it. He is willing to "raise money for anyone in the CIA and the defense of the country... includes Nancy Pelosi... Jane Harmon... and anybody else in the Democratic Party." Sean, why would the Democrats fight moles in the Republican Party you idiot? They would push you and open doors for you. Do you think we are idiots? Intel says you are the best we have ever seen before. Even better than Rush. Rush is too complex and obvious. If I knew the liberals turned into conservatives, would I complain for put them on TV?
Also, you and Rush (along with several others) were duplicating Ann and almost copy catting her. I see you refuse to step down or have not let go of your grip on her life. Ask why she put you in pain and why you looked like a rapist. I have never heard you speak on rape or sexual abuse. Intel says that is wrong but it is not infrequent; you have done sexual crimes before. Oh, Intel reminds me how odd you are with sex while portraying to me some bizarre rapist mentality. I have no idea, only what you said to me.
Sean acknowledges he is in a conspiracy but he says it is for the protection of the right wing and this fight of theirs. Also, someone says Obama and others did not like Bush policies. They do not see it as a crime or trashing the Constitution; only policies. There is a line and there is a difference in moral and ethical actions. Treason is designed for this "indifference to policy." Sean America is a very screwed up place if you just woke up. There are very stupid people here and all over the world. Howard Stern says you are "agenda driven." Others call you disingenuous and even in serious denial. They know you are an excellent liar.
Something about this DUI again. The level of fraud being committed is grotesque. It is being used to hinder or derail this massive problem they have. The failure rate they grew into is incredible. They can strike. They have the perfect excuse. They can take on a whim. They can trick anyone or put the ball in the enemies court. We know he is not innocent but we cannot identify them on a surface or transparent level. Sean knows he is a suspect and is linked to Rush and this terror plot. He does not make any effort to deny this. He is merely says "there is a reason... that reason is the right wing." Thank you for the attacks and the low quality work. I am glad you are there to strike and take us out!
Do you deny you tried to take us out Sean and it was not "competition." Who is next and why? "What this guy did was despicable and unspeakable..." I confirm they are with Clinton. Ann has confirmed they are with Clinton. Intel took them out by referring to the Justice Department. l "Clinton is expedient and ambitious... she has to follow the directions of her boss... some people just don't get it... " Sean does not say or mention about Hillary. Intel says okay they will, unions. Sean comes back and says, "they are just not happy" and then rolls off a massive list why; then laughs. Very good Sean, honesty is the best policy. Sean did not say how they are on a homicidal rampage and this crime spree which the FBI does not even understand; the club of lunatics and liars where anybody is welcomed. I wonder why "they are just not happy?"
So lets ask Sean why they are so unhappy and what will make them happy? Sean says intolerance. Happily married. Sean says, "I will tell you why... government police... (dirty business)...gets paid to express views... political agenda... " So Sean will the left be happy being the right wing? Yes or no? If crime is eradicated, will the left feel happy? Sean cannot answer, "those like myself... perfectly clear... raising my children... try to persuade them... it is in your best interest." It is in our best interest, very personal to them and us. this is not about the right wing; this is the left wing and their voice; why it is our best interest for them to follow? Who is leading Sean, us or them? "Can have a spirited discussion... allies... " Sean is not able to determine who is leading or following; who is the same and who is inferior. Says wants to make them happy, who is them? (Momma's boy?)
Note: Sean did not mention how or why the left wanted us to fix everything for them while the right wing had to have him. He cannot fix crap and is a total blunt. The Buffalo region and local police should give us information so we can put an end to this or suggest GM cancel all of their contracts. We will post it for the residents to pressure them. Either they put an end to it or we will. This is an ongoing investigation and the largest attack on the nation and intelligence national security in the history of America. It is a god damn side show and they ought consider contracts being cancelled and being negotiated. This idea they are the police is no comfort but they portray it as essential.
So lets ask Sean. Which areas are you working for Sean that are essential and the police? Name some states for me. Sean says do we know "the masterminds name?" So if we give you the name and information on the next plot, as Rush was doing, "is that good or bad?" What the fuck is wrong with you boy? Exactly Sean, we need you to do it first before we bring you to trial. That is what we are on now; not gutless future terror plots you idiot. So you know and admit it. He said he is laughing at you and I will quote Rush, "we cannot hit anything." Sean says, "so you are on our knees?" We are know too much to be on our knees Sean. Sean failed to say embrace me we are the same. Read that again and understand it, there are about 4 different meanings.
Sean said, "so we are on our knees now?" Can we ask if he is? Wait, has he been? "Do you like him... vote for him (bingo)... " Intel says Sean finally shows his cards. Now he brings up "the mastermind (bingo)... what attacks he was also planning." He said, did we know? We don't care. Another 911? We are still on the first one Sean. The military is not done with this are they? Sean bleeps out, "get down... (mumbling crap go home?)... " Sean says, "we are going to pay... on their knees... that makes us a Marxist because Marx said that." Sean we have nuclear powered submarines and ultra top secret weapons; why would we "go home." I thought that was what you want?
So why do you want me to go home? Sean hits a brick wall and goes to commercial. Maybe you are too weak and too dumb? Maybe you lie, cheat, and steal for a reason? Sean is going to tell me why I have to go home (mad). Is that an act of treason, good or bad? You are in my show and in my den; you copy and read my material; then resell it as your own work and at ten times the price. Plus, it is junk. I do not copy crap from you or have to. So why do we have to go home Sean? Are we illegals? The left wing and Marxists as you claim? Are we sick of being poor and sick of being discriminated? If you want I can call the Klan (KKK) and ask them why?
I did not shut Detroit down. My brother in law was an engineer for Ford. My uncles are all engineers. Did they really save American lives? Sean says, "Deliver US from Evil." I was raised by Generals. I am a fully decorated veteran. I am a legend. People like you try so hard to be like me or cover up what you had tried. Sean said we have or had information which can stop the next attack on America (Rush did) but we did not stop it. He means 911 in 2001 and not the future. He is saying we ponder on history, are liberals, and do not think about the future. Says we knew about this and feigned outrage. We are collecting evidence and there is an ongoing investigation Sean. We had unconfirmed and tips which we are working with. We are verifying each and every bit; how about you? We cannot simply use accusation and tips from spies Sean.
So why should we or they go home Sean? Killer or kill her? You mean that girl? Sean I am asking why we should go home, why do I want to kill her? Who is her? Stopped what? Oh I stopped you from killing Ann. Yes, but that is not enough for me to go home. We should "put them lawyers in jail... figure it out?" Yes what? You do not want me to meet her? Who is her? The mastermind? Sean I am asking why I should go home and you are confusing me. "The government should help... because they want to and should give it to them..." oh you and the rapist problem I was going to kick your ass about when you said you are IRA? Do you honestly think you are some military soldier and hero for raping a woman? Yes I did foil and stop you, you are welcome. Oh I heard a threat, can you repeat it Sean? Why should I go home? I am a Marxist? Are you nuts?
Sean why should I go home? Why do I do drugs and have random sexual encounters? Well, in high school it was cool but after high school I got a life? Is that good enough? Sleeping with women is not in my agenda, I am with Ann and we have stalkers and someone shadowing us. We do not know who. I think it was them. I had a lot of childhood indiscretions. But I also had Reagan pardon them obviously backed by US Generals. How did you find out about this? Nobody was ever given access to my files and what I was pardoned for. I have been accused of everything. I get blamed for everything unless I give money to ruthless people.
So why should I go home Sean? You and Michelle Malkin keep citing Reagan and do not even know I was pardoned for my childhood indiscretions. Who is the boss here and who is the subordinate? What did I do to you personally? I can roll off lots on you and what you did to me and Ann. Now tell me, what did we do to you and why should we go home? "Because you go along... you are doing well... perfect discussion... releasing this memo... this debate has morphed now... disagree with definition... Japanese soldiers... we should tell the Americans the whole story... able to stop it... arrest me... debating it... no evidence he flew planes into buildings... we have specific intelligence... " Damn Sean says, "we are running out of time... think of your wife, think of your sister... she loves me... only your wife... only available until tomorrow... how happy they will be if you thought of them?" I think you are too stoopid to kill me or Ann Sean; and I would kick your ass.
Sean would not repeat this more than... but he said it only once. Why should Ann and I go home and what we did to him or them? He said it once only and would not confirm or say it again, "because you... (you) are good." Sean knows that we know he is a mole and also he knows who the mastermind is... she. Which is false. It is Rush not Clinton. Clinton is under Rush not above the Kremlin. Nobody is above the Kremlin and they do not share power. We are good and they are not very happy.
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