Introduction of “Tyranny” by Mark Levin:
Best and perfect parts:
1. Oil and Energy Statists: superb description of oil and the realities of it.
2. Economic summary of crisis and how it summoned big government: superb observation of media events and recent reports of this crisis.
Statist Analysis: a form of religious persecution and insanity?
1.The “Statists” replace the terms skeptic and liberal. The book attempts to supplant a new mode of liberalism. Liberalism is associated with libertarian at times and it appears the enemy of libertarianism is the statist. So there are four creatures and they all are more identifiable creatures here; the statist, the conservative, the conservative-statist, and the liberal-statist; they statist being the opposition to each while the conservative is some fusion of liberalism or free market laissez faire principles.
2. Based on the analysis, the military can be statists because it advocates an increase of government. However, anarchy and the statist are not compared; “a counter revolution or at least lessen resistance to it. Support of the statist should not be confused with criticism of the government as is… state of imperfection… obsessed with the task… “ This is the same analysis as Janet Napolitano when she described veterans as extremists because it is a form of government or seeks to subjugate a subject for a specific reason or purpose. The statist has no reason or purpose “because it cannot explain the existence consciousness… (Science) cannot address the spirit of man… directs him to a force greater than his own… will always exist… each individual is a unique individual with a divine province… the law of our creator… natural law of our creator…
3. Nothing is right or wrong to the statist because it is based on archaic and randomness. No outcomes can be reproduced and thus is a form of insanity.
4. Without the ability to reproduce a moral order or an identical outcome, there is no formula and there is no truth. Again, the use of natural law must include the positivist view or not because it does not clearly describe anarchy and peril.
5. Natural law is not the same idea as fundamentalism. In this analysis natural law is human rights and the founding fathers wrote human rights in the Constitution. The fake badge and the attitude of an individual is most important to the founding fathers because they sought to produce random events with the police because science sought to replace the human rights God gave to man.
6. "backwards and destitute like most authoritarian societies... is a circular argument... an unworkable formula... a way to exploit it... profess to represent... relieve responsibilities for his own deeds by outsourcing; hiring (people) from abroad instead of American workers... (free market outcasting)"; Mark Levin is saying the statist is anti-union or non-union free traders. Thus, they create the conditions which hinder or give the perception of big government, degradation of individualism and human rights, and the appearance of slow growth and unfriendly business competition.
7. To Mark Levin the statist sole responsibility is not to government but an invisible reality which has the mentality of resistance. Therein, an unrestrained seed of growth by the inabilities of the goverment to induce leverage and a unfactual slash of the fundamental principles which the Constitution and founding fathers saw when they inherently said, "inalienable rights." He also describes the Smoot-Hawley Act as a "slam on produce and goods to foreign markets... subsidies to farmers... jumped from 24% to 63%... Roosevelt promised to slash... but changed this when he took office."
8. Statist create what "Schumpeter described as creative destruction... revolutionizes from withing... destroying the old one.... and the new... every capitalist has to live in... the American automakers are saddle with cost which make it impossible to compete with nonunion automakers overseas... UAW workers cost... compared to... the UAW worker cost $130,000 a year while the nonunion worker cost... not laid off... retire after 30 years... Ford's contract with the UAW is 2, 250 pages long... however the power of the UAW under the Wagoner Act ultimate made the resistance futile... the current model of manufacturing automobile is unsustainable and so is the governments... " the statist does not want change and resist change.
9. To deny secret ballot and to utilize the full benefits of the unions is to the statist "is a dimunition of... a intoleration for... coercion from all sides... the statist engages in creative destruction and tempted only by the moment... a regretable fate."
10. “For the conservative… deconstruct the statist argument… the free market is the only economic system that produces on a sustainable basis… an abundance of food, housing, and medicine; the staple of survival… the free market recognizes… improve circumstances… appeal to man’s nature… his own labors… populated by strangers… preserved and multiplied… his object of his own economy… “ The statist act contrary to this and human spirit. “Who then decides who is good for the public interest… parameters… intended to secure liberty… against the tyranny of all too powerful government serve the public interest? … from his ideology… maze of agencies… grow from year to year… interfere… perversions to blame the free market and create the failures to correct it.”
Chapter 5: On Federalism
Summary: Sought a better form of government and drafted the Constriction. There were exclusive powers not prohibited by the states. Government was necessary to safeguard society. No two states would be the same and allowed to express their own interests. Affected by their own decisions; more direct locally. This is the purest form of government. Seeks to dictate rather than represent. Serve as a laboratory without any risk to the country. Change was a matter of prudence. Change is by tradition and experience of a society. Change unrestrained by prudence produces despotism and what conservatives hold dear; a need to change. All experimentations produce desired results but other states learn from this experience. Government has an open mind to change. “There is no escaping the reach of the federal government unless a person abandons the country altogether… not care much to abolish the punishments… 17th Amendment changed the method which Senators were chosen… the statist… remained a major obstacle to obtaining power… subvert the constitution.” The federal government essentially contracts and constricts the value of hindsight by keeping exclusive the state powers.

Flaws in the authorship of Mark Levin's book, "Tyranny": Chapter 1 and Introduction gives us a broad overview of what we are reading. Economic tragedy and progress produces the statist who is fueled by the resistance of the Constitution. Conservatives produce statists and statists produce conservatives because they resist change. Conservatives want progress because economic failure produces statists and this resistance to change which the economy fails to produce because it is a free market. The Constitution protects the free market.
1. We live in a world where the enemy changes shape, form, and ideals. With hindsight we grow with them and we change our own methods. Conservatism is not resistant to the enemies but reactionary.
2. Mentions how conservatism is based on perspectives which cannot be pinned down or self described. Thus, the solidifying way it resists change. Then what is liberalism a set boundary of experiences and a definable entity?
3. The father of modern conservatism is Edmund Burke? The father of it is Daniel John Chatsworth. I can roll off at least 10 philosophers ahead of Edmund Burke in thought and with world class stature. Philosophy was based on the understanding of religion and Edmund Burke did not invent religious perfection. The Constitution is based on the Virginia system of a bicameral legislature. It is also based on English common law. It is not based on Edmund Burke. In English common law, there is a hierarchy of punishments to suit the crimes, a differentiation which curtails the most egregious, murder. "Neither will I attempt to give birth to totally new theories. Instead what follows are my opinions and conclusions of fundamental truths based on decades of observations, exploration and...? “(Insanity)
4. Conservatism is an attempt to understand reality. Yes. You must define and explain for me the difference between trinity, self determination, and predestination; that is if you define man as with a "soul." Then you have to define for me whether morals lead you to the same conclusions as others before explaining judgment and moral order.
5. "The modern liberal believes in the supremacy of the state" is not true. They believe in strong defense and national security. "As the word is... liberal is in its classical meaning... opposite of authoritarianism, the liberals..." Liberals hate Bush.
6. It took the British Army to restore order in the colonies due to the Articles of Confederation which was a predecessor to the other treatise and the Mayflower Compact. However, the British Army had to defeat several other Armies such as the French and the Americans prior to 1775.
7. Federalist Papers 51 and the "greatest of all reflections (on earth..." again this is a age long debate about the role of the military and the inability of the government to encourage the military or any standing army to represent either the populous or the immediate government. Militaries tend to favor and choose governments who are long term and can provide the resources which can satisfy their lusts. Refer to the Portuguese philosophers and the reference to the rule of law.
8. During the New Deal, the Supreme Court ruled FDR unconstitutional and "the new statists began to replace the old statists?" "Increasing its control over economic activity (Prohibition)... huge public works and pensions... expand political alliances... the Democratic Party and government would become intertwine." I am not going to fault FDR from the period of Reconstruction to the "Roaring" twenties because a lot of what we call American culture prospered and developed during this time. However, it was seemingly out of control. Therefore, when "Black Friday" hit in 1929 to end the era; overnight happiness turned into suicidal tendencies. What FDR did and how he did it is still lingering. Whether or not it was to forge a new time period or to address the lack of it; we do not know. What is this "New Deal" and new period? Was it the return to the 1920s or a new period of American euphoria gone amuck? We still do not know how the Democratic Party defines them.
Summary of Chapter 1:
If you ask me, I do not think Mark Levin wrote the part on statists. To take a static position on the first chapter was bland and to use research precision on statism is unequal. I think he is copying or trying to my partnership with Ann and her research genius. I have so much floating in my mind that I tend to overlook details and skip protocol which I was criticized heavily over. The part on the static’s is very good and is almost identical to a crime scene or police report written by the author. The author is able to describe the people behind this with alacrity and clairvoyance citing some of the best crime scene examples ever countered. The emphasis of the book is thievery and the relationship with the Constitution or traditional values. Revolution and atheism are closely interconnected to revolution and tyranny as the French Revolution, the Jacobins, and the Cromwell radicals displayed with tyranny.
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