Monday, April 27, 2009 So Vanity has been exposed. He knows his cover is over. Sean says he "is not hiding... not in fear... do you hear it... I hear it... when asked will expose this as a disaster... what America is buying into... “Oh so Vanity got Ann on his show, let’s ask Ann what she is doing in LA. "Get a map... concern, fear... “For a married man "I like her a lot" Hannity is lying through his teeth. Even after everything Ann has done to him, Maher, and Rush; they still refuse to leave her alone or end this kidnapping. I myself will go to court and testify I had broken up a murder plot and tried to scare them off. They began to attack me from all sides and I was like "Ann, holy fuck it is a replay of this nightmare again." They prevented me from talking to her and I went to the FBI in July 2008.
I know what Ann is going to talk about. She was assigned by Generals and saw the parallels with the death of my mom. Her death was suspicious and it was her mother in law. We cannot accuse anyone of it and there is mixed evidence to suggest foul play. It was just a bizarre event considered either suicide or an accident in 1976.
Ann just said "they know I am madly in love with you and how real it is." Clinton already reacted with a disbelief she was really in love and in a fairy tale. Well, what she needs to know is they are doing anything they can to wreck it, ruin it, attack me, and suggest she is a horrible spouse. Even she plays along. Hannity needs to hear it from Ann how madly in love and how we know everything. I know everything about him and Rush is finding out slowly. We were busy with Rush and did not give attention or worry about Sean but we had and knew everything at the time. Sean when interrogated could not answer specific questions or did not know something I am looking for. Moreover, Rush kept saying he was the teacher and how much better he was. Sean did not say this.
Ann just said, "Do you remember the married woman who was having sex with the black man and who wanted to marry you?" Yes, I do and she said that was why she did the same thing. She is duplicating everything they do as a way to document all events as I asked her to. Thank you sweetie, you did a really good job. Everything they did Ann duplicated and did back. Ann said they wanted to know if you were interested or would marry an older woman and liberal. She said they were suspicious and began to catch on and she said they are super stupid because she made it so obvious.
Just so you know Hannity, we have been fighting these people and you for over 10 years and you keep on saying how you are fighting Al Qaeda. "They pointed me to you... that is odd why you do not have a response... isn't it spectacular and unbelievable... F15's flying over New York... Air force One photo op startles New Yorkers." I am ready to disembowel them, how dare you say it is us. You blame the investigators because you do not like the facts and truth. Rush exposed you already and already told us very crucial information. We know it is you Sean but you were not able to answer a few questions.
"Folks do you know how bad this is... it is madness... “Sean forgets that it was us who wanted Obama to be the President and we advocated it. Now he is stating how we are supporters of Obama and he is not. This is the level of pathological lying Sean Vanity is engaged in. Sean knows we know and even knows he is exposed; yet he still says we are Obama sympathizers. "Had their offices raided... scandal ridden organization like... should not get a dime of tax dollars which is exactly right... (Why he is such a great American)”
Sean, I am closer to Ann while growing up than my own sister. I am closer to her than my own father. My older sister takes care of my father and her marching in line also. We come from a family of spy hunters. You are not supposed to be hear on our soil doing this. About Guns N Roses, when I was in High School our band in 8th grade had a guy named “Doug Carter” who wanted to be the singer. He sucked but looks identical to Axle Rose look it up. Even his hair is the same. The band was a heavy metal and he was a break dancer but he looked cool and he liked to scream.
Hannity you are a pathological liar so I will clear up the facts. Ann Coulter is the best partner you can have. She cannot manhandle men but when it comes to thinking and outsmarting you; she cannot be beat except by me. Ann is a great partner and we are lovers and life partners. Your problem with her is you hate her as a partner and her work. This drove you insane and she put you in pain when you wanted more and more. You crossed that line. Your angst against her is how she is in love with another man and got the better out of this fight. You already spilled your guts to me and I jotted it with Ann on the line. I also verified everything she told me and I am prepared to swear on the bible and go into court. You are missing it and going backwards by blaming again after you could not strong arm her or “pull her away.” So you are in hiding again and say she is “a great person.”
Now you are going on TV about how you are in love with her or have some crush. You are a pathological liar and sell out anyone to save your skin. You failed betraying me and telling me to go away or leave and now you are our best friend and our closest friends. “Everybody knows you are a liberal” yes they do Sean and they are not amused at all. Happily married my ass you weasel.
Bring on Ann and ask her if she is in love and if we are intimate with each other. She is the woman of my dreams and I know she did not cheat; I am angry at some other things. I am not worried about that, I know she is fully loyal and been waiting for this for over 20 years. Bring her on and I will tell her how sexy she is when sleeping, what kind of kisses she likes, or what snuggle position is her favorite. Bring her on Sean and you can watch with your own eyes.
Hannity says, “I knew her mom” but did her mom know you? Then you can prove it. You can also ask Ann directly. Or tell Ann how close you are to her face or get fired! Got that Hannity? If you do not leave her alone, you will be fired and never get a job again! Hannity is saying that Ann Coulter’s mom chooses him to marry Ann and how close he was with Mrs. Coulter. Yet he claims he is happily married and not interested in Ann, “I like her a lot.” Sean we are spy hunters you goon. We hate the unions you union goon.
So Sean wants to throw his job on the line. If he lies and does not accept the challenge, he wants to be fired and never again work in the industry. He says he is very close to Ann Coulter and her mom, “I knew her mom (very personally).” Just like he knows Ann and just like he is so close to me. He just said it on the air and to everybody’s faces, even Ann. Check the records when the black guy calls in asking about Ann’s mom. Sean you are a god damn stalker and a total pathological liar. You can ask Ann directly and say it directly; not pull you act. They should pull the plug on you and ban you from the industry; kick you to the curb and make you poor until you give us the truth.
First you and her were having sex. Then you and she are supposed to be married. Then you and she are really close. Then you and she are partners. Then you and she have your own show. Then you and her cancel out me and her. Then you degrade me and her like the Clintons. Sean you are on a stalker list, why the hell would you come and talk to her mom? Do you know you are a stalker and stalking Ann? Do you know you are on that list? I confronted every single person on that list. Ann was so mad at you all I had to subdue her and we were fighting with each other because of you goon.
Caller says, “They try to win your trust and then turn into terrorists.” Sean you are a psycho. If you want the world to hear you, then you better ask Ann directly and do not play word games or else you will loose your job and never work again. You are a god damn 911 terrorists. You come over our house and I will physically harm you. You been playing this game with Ann and I for a long time but keep admitting you are wrong and you will “hands off” while we are working this case. Once you are in it is hell and a terrorist after us. Ask her if she is going to the Freedom Concert to celebrate “mom” Sean.
You think about your god damn job Sean; think real hard and if you decide to not be direct then you will loose your job and never work again in this industry. The charges against you are immense. You think about your lovely wife and kids before you keep this charade ongoing. So you think you and Ann are married and Mrs. Coulter is your mom? Do you know or not see Ann and I are partners? You and she are not partners Sean; what the fuck is wrong with you? You are like the god damn terminator and you keep saying how happily married you are and how you are in love with someone else’s spouse. If you think she is going to save your skin, you better ask her directly. You go to her house. You hold these secret dinners. You wreck her family and life.
Ask her if she is going to deliver you from evil and save your skin. You have been playing this game with us for almost a full year. I am near the point of leaving Ann because of it. Ann knows this and is scared as heck. I am the last person who can help and save her and you block all my efforts. Ann has not told me everything you have done but I witness only your grip on us. I asked her why or how did he get like this. I did nothing. I do not even know your ass or you goons. You attack me and spy on me day and night. You were asking me if I had information about Ann’s sex life because she was yours. I said yes; we are life partners. How about you? Who the hell are you? Now I tell you Ann and I have been intimate for over 20 years and it is some total shock to you.
After all these years obsessed, you have made up the entire facts and story. So ask Ann directly when she comes on Sean and ask her if she wants to Freedom concert with you. Honesty is the best policy and I have no problem with truth or honesty. You asked how Ann is doing. “for those of you who do not know… lost her mom recently… I knew your mom… brought her to the TV show all the time… (Wow, you sure know her)… went to dinner with mom that one time… “
Ann says the first time she went to Hannity she gave him a hug. Hannity says for those who do not know Ann. I guess I need to start dating and dump Ann on her ass because she knows I am fed up. Thank you also Ann, it has been very inspirational and your life. Our enemies are laughing at us? You and Hannity are lovers and his mom is your mom Ann. Well decide and choose whose mom she is? Is she my mom or his? You think it is creepy, I am fucking totally freaked out he is a total psycho. Your lover and best friend, have you heard what the fuck he is saying to me?
Ann talks about torture. Sean has not said anything direct and he knows he will loose his job; time to retire Sean. Hannity says bones broken. You are totally nuts. Now you think Mrs. Coulter is your mom and you and Ann have a romance and special relationship? Sean says he will ask her how special and what it is. Is it enough to loose your job? Ask Ann if she will save his ass? Go ahead Sean ask if Ann will save your ass and stop you from being fired? Do it Sean or else they will do it for you.
Ann have I ever made you scream in ecstasy or spoken to you like a husband? It is a yes or no. Do I know every inch of your body and more? Yes or no? Do you think for one second if you lied I would forgive you? I kiss you when and if I want and you kiss me back. I grab your butt and it is just regular touching. Even I do not think anything of it. Does Ann wish to comment or does Sean want to comment for her? Ann says Sean should know this is insane. Ann if I denounce you in public and treat you like a slut or unloved, will you get depressed and cry? Ann do you do everything possible to please me? If I tell you not to wear this outfit or this one, would you? Ask her Sean or else it is your job and career.
Sean says they are exploiting it. Sean it is your god damn reputation. You have no credibility you moron. Do you know how many people read this? Do you? The only way out is to ask Ann and hope she saves your ass. Ann says she loved both of you a lot. Bam, one after the other Sean; Sean says why, he is such a nice guy and has no friends left. Ann says this is why. You are not a liberal Sean and you are not a left wing communist; no terrorist in you at all. The question now is how much you love your wife and kids; or do you? Are you using them as a human shield as you did before about how poor you are and people should feel sorry for you?
Sean then says it, “fear and panic.” What a god damn terrorist and a psycho. Sean at least back down while you can; you are not a sweet person and if you are then you can ask Ann to her face and directly. You been doing this and playing this game even if she has been away; only I talk to her daily and she does not tell me everything; Ann has been fighting her entire life to be my wife and life partner; I know the only person she will sleep with is me but I am mad at her for the attacks on me and my god damn family.
Do you understand, you goons and terrorists are going through my records and threatening my family; so I said to Ann, god damn fucking Ann you better knock the shit off. She said she is quitting and not going to write more books until I approve and am not mad at her any longer. So now are you going to blame me for risking my family Sean? You are going to play some god damn head game with me and my family? I am not the 911 terrorist, you are you goon. I am the mother fucker capturing you and fighting them shit for brains. Ann is my god damn sidekick not my employer or boss. I give her orders you idiot. You and she give me orders and she wants me to go away? Then ask her directly you goon. She is not going to ask you what your problem is, everybody knows. Now how much do you love your wife and kids Sean? Or do you even love them? You screw everybody over to save your skin.
Ann said if I did not profess my love and tell our story, she would keep taking these risks. The more risks she takes, the more she wants me to say I love you to the public. She is not going to say anything; that is what she did for me and she wants me to do the same back. It is how she says I love you too. Do you want me to describe her body and every part? Hell she does it to me and says Clinton does it. I am the one behind it so I cannot blame her.
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