Thursday, April 30, 2009 So Hannity, did you know the NYPD is talking with your wife? They are going to find the audits and the Long Island Lolita; it is not long Hannity. Comments on your wife ratting you out or the NYPD cutting a really good deal with her? It is over Sean, ask her what she wants and what the NYPD told her to tell you. I am sure everybody loves you, you are a stud and give flowers and gift certificates, and your family loves you Sean.
1. Comment? Sean said something about some woman dying already or some woman is going to die. Wow, what next Sean, some mall or school? You are the psycho Ann said you were and you are the spy and homicidal nut I know you as. I am not even surprised. I have seen you in action and you are always hidden.
2. Any comments on Jason Conte and Lisa Joseph and my home invasion you goon? That just proves how insane you and the Clintons are and what length you will go to. At the heart of this is a terror plot, not you trying to court Ann or spy on me about my love life. You wanted information and you were demanding stuff from me about Ann while you made up all kinds of stuff. You IRA guys have no shame and worse, no honor. That is why America hates you and discriminated you. So you are risking your life for a night of passion or dinner? Yeah right. You are risking your career and life for what reason? Can you tell me? At least we are honorable people and not a terrorist or some Long Island union goon. If Ann Coulter liked you as a person or admired you then this is one thing; but you are risking your life for what reason? Can you tell us? You are going to put your wife and kids on the line for what? (Pat Bu says it is about father and family and he is talking for Sean instead of apprehending him) It has to do with JFK Sean. It has to do with the Clintons she designed and is actually your boss. Sean, we were talking to Chelsea and she did not know. Do you know how many times I hooked up and scored? Ann is laughing her ass off because you could not put a point up there and I was hitting them at three point ranges. "Sucking up to dictators... not a professional... do not do this for a living” You are a terrorist, not a dictator. You threaten everybody you goon. All that work for nothing right you dictator? Now you are risking your life, career, and your family to just escape and go away? Pluh lease Sean. Your own wife is turning on you so that is your fault. It is on your score card. Do I see anybody trying to save your skin besides Pat Bu? Nope. Wait, Newt did.
3. Any comments on this lady Carla in California and meeting her in a hotel for sex? She was your messenger and had two kids. How many times do we have to tell you? All I did was talk to her and tried to see where she was going with this. She was not speaking on behalf of Ann; can you guess why or how I know? Oh she was a messenger. I had no intentions of moving to California or flying out there to meet her in a hotel you goon. Do you know how I have such a vivid memory and know every detail? Ann is on the other line with me. She was very liberal also so she must speak for you. She was polite and very nice; not a police goon and terrorist like you. Pat says, "Sean they won." Sean says, "I don't hear that from them." "The folks on the other side put out... helping out the Contras... (So did Rush Limbaugh Pat Bu... want a medal?) “Pat Bu knows we know. Does it pay to stalk us and keep us as some captive or a prisoner? Does all that effort make your life hell or bring you happiness Sean? Your goon and communist group are all predators and you sell out anybody for your own skin. Was kidnapping us worth it, really? You are saying Reagan kidnapped us and use him name for this (a joke?).
This is how fake you are to use Reagan's name and legacy like a goon. Let me explain Reagan. Reagan has done everything he can for the US Army and Marines to preserve and support them over Vietnam. When he was President, he was a tremendous help to both Ann and I, tremendous. You do anything you can to destroy him and his legacy and it is over Vietnam. Moreover, Reagan had pardoned the internment of the Japanese during World War II. I investigated this and interviewed families and went to the National Archives and Library of Congress to study the case and review documents and pictures and video footage. I met with the leaders of the organization who were trying to get a pardon and I even went to school with his son who was 3 years older. I reviewed the case thoroughly and was shocked. How was this done back to me? Someone smashed up my work while in 9th grade and it went to the Reagan Administration at that age. So you wish to tell me about Reagan? How about Michelle Milking and whoever decided to abuse and wrecks my life over a 9th grade project to the deepest annals of Washington DC? (Sean says this was about an apology and humiliation) No Sean, this is about derangement, disgruntled, hatred, and some terrorist group of radical spies.
People do not know how fake you and Newt Gingrich are. You are reversing and trying to hijack the Reagan years. You did the same to me and to Ann Coulter and when it did not work; your terrorist group made threats and attacked us day and night. We are the Vietnam crowd and Reagan did everything for it; not you. He hated you liberals and communist spies. You union goons and gangsters who screw your own kids to save your skin. What do you think Reagan would say to you if he knew? If Reagan was here and heard you make threats and screw over your wife and kids like some suicidal radical terrorist; what do you think Reagan would say?
(Rendell) "You would do anything for you country... disaster for the country." Sean says, "he was about to loose... an act of selfishness" "being honest about that... being clear about that... credit for honesty... people's interest ahead of his own... about credibility... why people so cynical... only sane... no principles involved... he was needed in the Republican Party to keep balance of super Democrats... won't press you because you are being forthcoming... you have to look at the man... he does not take orders from anyone... won't follow the party line... already indicated he will vote against... remain a democrat... a lot to contribute... don't see anything wrong with that... “Going back and forth between Rendell and Hannity. "When did you first know this... been after him since he first... comes to our party and you will have an easier time... knows they will come out for him... you will support him and whoever runs against him... (Yes Hannity you are a moron and everybody knows you are a total psycho, you cannot even pull that act off you terrorist; run against me Sean and use Reagan’s name and my own work for this you fake and bake). "I have worked for the guy for years... he knows... will not let anyone stop him... will vote for the stimulus... if you were the President... and he was trashing our country... it is a mistake but your overall point of view... when the country is attacked viciously... arrogance of the country... believe he is sane... we know best to screw the rest of you... there is more terrorism now then before 911... Do not sit down with them... but in that case you have to and negotiate... you should not be in American politics (Rendell says to Sean and he says he knows)... Sean says he apologizes too much for this country... did give the order to kill... "
(Total psychopathic loser; Sean if your crimes and lies come out; you will blow your brains out, go on a Columbine rampage, or feed your family Kook Aid)... and you say you have the guts to pull the trigger you communist? Did I just accuse you? What do you think? I am not the one who has the death penalty and is a terror plot suspect. I am not willing to commit murder to save my skin because I am a communist spy or IRA. So if that is an accusation, then yes. This has been ongoing for over 12 months and Ann has been trying to expose you for over 3 or 4 years. You still stalk her like some assassin and psychopath. I mean some of us have some smell and semblance of honor and truth; we do not have to live like you and suck up or lie, cheat and steal to get ahead in an already bruising industry. With you it is trickery and psychopathic deranged felony charges.
Comments about how you knew about Ann's mom ill and passing away when you are not even welcomed in our family? How did you find out and why are you spying on us Sean? Can you at least be honest and not a coward? How did you know about Ann's mom? You are her stalker and a deranged cold blooded murderer and you consider yourself our family? You were so mad Ann is so happy with me and added me in her mom's eulogy even if I have been with her for over 20 years. Who do you think her mom cherishes? If her mom read this (Ann says she did) what do you think she would say? Would she say you and her are more than friends Sean? Get real, are you kidding me? Do I accuse you of being a liar? No worse, a terrorist. Can you show me military training or some degree on this topic? I am one of the leading experts and what do you say? You kidnap me and my future wife. Then you get caught and threaten your own family and I have to talk you down. Why are you criticizing me and blaming me? Why are you claiming to throw it all on the line for your country? You say the exact same thing the communist said. You say the exact same thing the Muslim radicals say. You use the same scare tactics and threats when there is not even a shred of truth; not a shred.
Do you want to comment on Ann and her mom and you? How about what her thoughts were about Ann when she died after reading about me and me? She knows I gave my work to Ann and my life. She wrote me some thank you letter Ann has sealed to thank me for this. Ann's mom died peacefully and with the knowledge her daughter found happiness and tragedy but she knew the truth. Ann said she wanted to say something to her son or some US Army commando who don't care for a thank you. They said Ann' recovery was a miracle they never have witnessed before. You can go around and trash who and what you want but I do not think you got the full Monty from her mom or Ann yet. I think you probably stalked her mom and raped her if you could get your kicks from it. Then you would turn around and call her mom and kiss her goodbye so she could not put you in jail. Admit you are a stalker and a psycho Sean and you cannot leave either Ann or me alone. Rape is not a bad word in your vocabulary. Consent to you is evil.
"I know a lot of you are getting nervous... know it is fake... taking efforts to contain it... threat level from 5 to 6... Certainly something going on here... very young victims (Sean says he was abused when young... same age group devastated... some fear...) “Sean your behavior to me, to Ann, to Reagan, to Ann's mom, to your work friends, and to everybody is odd; but a few got to see your true colors. "So destructive to our survival... ants... stopped everything... ants are famous for work... when handed everything they sleep... ceased to exist...." Sean I am not going to believe anything you say or Rush Limbaugh. You are at war with the country; Rush said this, you said this, and what happens or what you do to you is a process of it. Nothing is true and nothing makes sense. How you spy and stalk, how you strong arm, and how violent you are to violate others with no whim is a testament of your war. After I have seen Rush, I know you all are virtually undetectable. Until they can throw out more traps and bait for you all; I do not trust or know you.
What are you after Sean? Power? Money? Family? Caller says, "we are unhappy... decisions he is making... stay motivated... stay involved... loud voices... need to get their act together... why their program will keep us safer... how this is a good thing... we do not need to suck up to... urge people to share your concern... not going to happen if... that is the answer... this is politics and this is what we do” Well no shit. Tell me why I have to suffer and be blamed for your stupid errors and blame? Can you tell me you goon and communist psycho? I will give you safety and credit when you give me the truth about you. I will open the door for you when you show me your true colors. So far in my book you are a psycho and a terrorist. Got it? You do not have a choice in this matter but you do have a voice by hating the boss or hating the military experts. So you want some credit and "do not hurt your credibility? Thought it was a nice gesture... but it aside... good idea... “You do not hate your country; you hate the boss and they want nothing to do with you and your terrorist plot. We fight you, not let you run over us. What the fuck do you want from me Sean? You want me to just drop it and close my eyes? Is that it? You do not drop it and close your eyes and watch me day and night; you stalk Ann day and night and you even stalk her mom and screw your own kids over.
You say Ann's name like she is someone you know or you friend in life. You say it like you are such a help and doing her a favor. For real Sean. You all kidnapping me was for my own good right and was for the country? That is like 911 is constitutional you psycho.
I know your type and how you union goons and communist think Sean. This is some favor and we should thank you. Ann should thank you. Her mom owes you a debt of gratitude. Fox News is lucky to have you in their company and you do such a good job; we should thank you and this is some favor. I know your types. That is not the problem here. It is much worse. It is so bad that you have one and only one option. Do you dare to mention it to me or admit this? You should ask Rush exactly how good and how much we know before you answer that one. Tell me what you are up to and how invaluable it is Sean. Why are you stalking us and why would you screw your own kids to escape? It is not as if you are going to do it; it is because you did it and now are keeping it secret. So you and Rush are doing me a favor and America a favor? For real? You are the second wave goon, you goon. Your boss is Clinton.
If you compare Rush and You; Rush looks much better Sean. You are cold and psychotic inside. Rush says you do not know what you are doing and what is going on. What you are fighting for is your liberty and to do this it is war. You forgot something that is eating you up and causes you to become very violent. Oh you have done it before Sean? Really? Wow, you are a pro. How did I know? Think of a number and a code okay but do not tell anybody. I have a séance and a voodoo doll. I know the spirit world. I am protected by spirits Sean. Do not think we do not know what you know.
Sean who cares if you pay taxes. Where you are going, you do not need taxes and you will not survive it. How does taxes are going to excuse you? There are two things certain in life Sean and it is not taxes with you. Does Ann also know? Yes. Did she say to you? Hmmm, you tell me Sean because she tells me everything. You watch me day and night and her; how do you figure you and Rush are in this peculiar situation? Sean I am an expert at this and US Army; not local or state, global. This is the big leagues Sean. We win world wars and foil terror plots or capture terrorists who are the most dangerous and those who are undetectable. I caught Rush didn’t I and you think you can beat Rush? I will ask him if you can beat Rush and if Rush is done or not? You and I know how dangerous Rush is or how powerful he is.
Wait Sean. It is not only Ann and I. There is a commando team. (You did not make out with Ann, she told me everything; you tried and you wanted to but she would and did not. SHE fought you and kicked and screamed at you while you were in pain and stalking her around the country; she tried being your friend and when that did not work; she knew you had intelligence; you are on a mission; that is like kissing a terrorist or a murderer; she knew and I knew okay but that is not good enough Sean.) You are one violent and dangerous person; you don’t need weapons. Sean we cannot just go into court with some idea you kissed a girl. I talk to Ann day and night; if I kick over or drown in the ocean; Ann would know and would be screaming at me to wake up. It happens all the time. Ann made out with you? False and a total lie; I’ll ask her right now… (Ann says you are lying through your teeth and there is so much animosity and tension between you two it is a total act and a game to see who can keep it ongoing and loose. You are trying to beat her on how fake and how manipulative you are she said.) Another test Sean? YOU ARE ON A MISSION AND YOU CANNOT LET GO. I DO NOT THINK YOU KNOW HOW BIG THIS PROBLEM IS.
Sean looks at the skill level here. Do you think I would give a crap if you murdered someone? Do you think the US Army would waste their best experts and this much talent and skill if this was not a really strange situation? You are at the world class level boy and real level espionage and battles with terrorists. Even the CIA is taking notes and calls me “Sir.” One way or the other I would be running the show anyhow. Kidnapping me did not change anything as you and others can clearly see. You are the second wave for the Clintons being impeached and when they came to New York. You also are deeply involved in construction. I know and investigated the construction industry back in 1986 under Reagan. The amount of money they give to fight union goons is incredible. Construction companies do not even ask; they just give. They know the problem.
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