I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Thursday, April 30, 2009 So Hannity, did you know the NYPD is talking with your wife? They are going to find the audits and the Long Island Lolita; it is not long Hannity. Comments on your wife ratting you out or the NYPD cutting a really good deal with her? It is over Sean, ask her what she wants and what the NYPD told her to tell you. I am sure everybody loves you, you are a stud and give flowers and gift certificates, and your family loves you Sean.
1. Comment? Sean said something about some woman dying already or some woman is going to die. Wow, what next Sean, some mall or school? You are the psycho Ann said you were and you are the spy and homicidal nut I know you as. I am not even surprised. I have seen you in action and you are always hidden.
2. Any comments on Jason Conte and Lisa Joseph and my home invasion you goon? That just proves how insane you and the Clintons are and what length you will go to. At the heart of this is a terror plot, not you trying to court Ann or spy on me about my love life. You wanted information and you were demanding stuff from me about Ann while you made up all kinds of stuff. You IRA guys have no shame and worse, no honor. That is why America hates you and discriminated you. So you are risking your life for a night of passion or dinner? Yeah right. You are risking your career and life for what reason? Can you tell me? At least we are honorable people and not a terrorist or some Long Island union goon. If Ann Coulter liked you as a person or admired you then this is one thing; but you are risking your life for what reason? Can you tell us? You are going to put your wife and kids on the line for what? (Pat Bu says it is about father and family and he is talking for Sean instead of apprehending him) It has to do with JFK Sean. It has to do with the Clintons she designed and is actually your boss. Sean, we were talking to Chelsea and she did not know. Do you know how many times I hooked up and scored? Ann is laughing her ass off because you could not put a point up there and I was hitting them at three point ranges. "Sucking up to dictators... not a professional... do not do this for a living” You are a terrorist, not a dictator. You threaten everybody you goon. All that work for nothing right you dictator? Now you are risking your life, career, and your family to just escape and go away? Pluh lease Sean. Your own wife is turning on you so that is your fault. It is on your score card. Do I see anybody trying to save your skin besides Pat Bu? Nope. Wait, Newt did.
3. Any comments on this lady Carla in California and meeting her in a hotel for sex? She was your messenger and had two kids. How many times do we have to tell you? All I did was talk to her and tried to see where she was going with this. She was not speaking on behalf of Ann; can you guess why or how I know? Oh she was a messenger. I had no intentions of moving to California or flying out there to meet her in a hotel you goon. Do you know how I have such a vivid memory and know every detail? Ann is on the other line with me. She was very liberal also so she must speak for you. She was polite and very nice; not a police goon and terrorist like you. Pat says, "Sean they won." Sean says, "I don't hear that from them." "The folks on the other side put out... helping out the Contras... (So did Rush Limbaugh Pat Bu... want a medal?) “Pat Bu knows we know. Does it pay to stalk us and keep us as some captive or a prisoner? Does all that effort make your life hell or bring you happiness Sean? Your goon and communist group are all predators and you sell out anybody for your own skin. Was kidnapping us worth it, really? You are saying Reagan kidnapped us and use him name for this (a joke?).
This is how fake you are to use Reagan's name and legacy like a goon. Let me explain Reagan. Reagan has done everything he can for the US Army and Marines to preserve and support them over Vietnam. When he was President, he was a tremendous help to both Ann and I, tremendous. You do anything you can to destroy him and his legacy and it is over Vietnam. Moreover, Reagan had pardoned the internment of the Japanese during World War II. I investigated this and interviewed families and went to the National Archives and Library of Congress to study the case and review documents and pictures and video footage. I met with the leaders of the organization who were trying to get a pardon and I even went to school with his son who was 3 years older. I reviewed the case thoroughly and was shocked. How was this done back to me? Someone smashed up my work while in 9th grade and it went to the Reagan Administration at that age. So you wish to tell me about Reagan? How about Michelle Milking and whoever decided to abuse and wrecks my life over a 9th grade project to the deepest annals of Washington DC? (Sean says this was about an apology and humiliation) No Sean, this is about derangement, disgruntled, hatred, and some terrorist group of radical spies.
People do not know how fake you and Newt Gingrich are. You are reversing and trying to hijack the Reagan years. You did the same to me and to Ann Coulter and when it did not work; your terrorist group made threats and attacked us day and night. We are the Vietnam crowd and Reagan did everything for it; not you. He hated you liberals and communist spies. You union goons and gangsters who screw your own kids to save your skin. What do you think Reagan would say to you if he knew? If Reagan was here and heard you make threats and screw over your wife and kids like some suicidal radical terrorist; what do you think Reagan would say?
(Rendell) "You would do anything for you country... disaster for the country." Sean says, "he was about to loose... an act of selfishness" "being honest about that... being clear about that... credit for honesty... people's interest ahead of his own... about credibility... why people so cynical... only sane... no principles involved... he was needed in the Republican Party to keep balance of super Democrats... won't press you because you are being forthcoming... you have to look at the man... he does not take orders from anyone... won't follow the party line... already indicated he will vote against... remain a democrat... a lot to contribute... don't see anything wrong with that... “Going back and forth between Rendell and Hannity. "When did you first know this... been after him since he first... comes to our party and you will have an easier time... knows they will come out for him... you will support him and whoever runs against him... (Yes Hannity you are a moron and everybody knows you are a total psycho, you cannot even pull that act off you terrorist; run against me Sean and use Reagan’s name and my own work for this you fake and bake). "I have worked for the guy for years... he knows... will not let anyone stop him... will vote for the stimulus... if you were the President... and he was trashing our country... it is a mistake but your overall point of view... when the country is attacked viciously... arrogance of the country... believe he is sane... we know best to screw the rest of you... there is more terrorism now then before 911... Do not sit down with them... but in that case you have to and negotiate... you should not be in American politics (Rendell says to Sean and he says he knows)... Sean says he apologizes too much for this country... did give the order to kill... "
(Total psychopathic loser; Sean if your crimes and lies come out; you will blow your brains out, go on a Columbine rampage, or feed your family Kook Aid)... and you say you have the guts to pull the trigger you communist? Did I just accuse you? What do you think? I am not the one who has the death penalty and is a terror plot suspect. I am not willing to commit murder to save my skin because I am a communist spy or IRA. So if that is an accusation, then yes. This has been ongoing for over 12 months and Ann has been trying to expose you for over 3 or 4 years. You still stalk her like some assassin and psychopath. I mean some of us have some smell and semblance of honor and truth; we do not have to live like you and suck up or lie, cheat and steal to get ahead in an already bruising industry. With you it is trickery and psychopathic deranged felony charges.
Comments about how you knew about Ann's mom ill and passing away when you are not even welcomed in our family? How did you find out and why are you spying on us Sean? Can you at least be honest and not a coward? How did you know about Ann's mom? You are her stalker and a deranged cold blooded murderer and you consider yourself our family? You were so mad Ann is so happy with me and added me in her mom's eulogy even if I have been with her for over 20 years. Who do you think her mom cherishes? If her mom read this (Ann says she did) what do you think she would say? Would she say you and her are more than friends Sean? Get real, are you kidding me? Do I accuse you of being a liar? No worse, a terrorist. Can you show me military training or some degree on this topic? I am one of the leading experts and what do you say? You kidnap me and my future wife. Then you get caught and threaten your own family and I have to talk you down. Why are you criticizing me and blaming me? Why are you claiming to throw it all on the line for your country? You say the exact same thing the communist said. You say the exact same thing the Muslim radicals say. You use the same scare tactics and threats when there is not even a shred of truth; not a shred.
Do you want to comment on Ann and her mom and you? How about what her thoughts were about Ann when she died after reading about me and me? She knows I gave my work to Ann and my life. She wrote me some thank you letter Ann has sealed to thank me for this. Ann's mom died peacefully and with the knowledge her daughter found happiness and tragedy but she knew the truth. Ann said she wanted to say something to her son or some US Army commando who don't care for a thank you. They said Ann' recovery was a miracle they never have witnessed before. You can go around and trash who and what you want but I do not think you got the full Monty from her mom or Ann yet. I think you probably stalked her mom and raped her if you could get your kicks from it. Then you would turn around and call her mom and kiss her goodbye so she could not put you in jail. Admit you are a stalker and a psycho Sean and you cannot leave either Ann or me alone. Rape is not a bad word in your vocabulary. Consent to you is evil.
"I know a lot of you are getting nervous... know it is fake... taking efforts to contain it... threat level from 5 to 6... Certainly something going on here... very young victims (Sean says he was abused when young... same age group devastated... some fear...) “Sean your behavior to me, to Ann, to Reagan, to Ann's mom, to your work friends, and to everybody is odd; but a few got to see your true colors. "So destructive to our survival... ants... stopped everything... ants are famous for work... when handed everything they sleep... ceased to exist...." Sean I am not going to believe anything you say or Rush Limbaugh. You are at war with the country; Rush said this, you said this, and what happens or what you do to you is a process of it. Nothing is true and nothing makes sense. How you spy and stalk, how you strong arm, and how violent you are to violate others with no whim is a testament of your war. After I have seen Rush, I know you all are virtually undetectable. Until they can throw out more traps and bait for you all; I do not trust or know you.
What are you after Sean? Power? Money? Family? Caller says, "we are unhappy... decisions he is making... stay motivated... stay involved... loud voices... need to get their act together... why their program will keep us safer... how this is a good thing... we do not need to suck up to... urge people to share your concern... not going to happen if... that is the answer... this is politics and this is what we do” Well no shit. Tell me why I have to suffer and be blamed for your stupid errors and blame? Can you tell me you goon and communist psycho? I will give you safety and credit when you give me the truth about you. I will open the door for you when you show me your true colors. So far in my book you are a psycho and a terrorist. Got it? You do not have a choice in this matter but you do have a voice by hating the boss or hating the military experts. So you want some credit and "do not hurt your credibility? Thought it was a nice gesture... but it aside... good idea... “You do not hate your country; you hate the boss and they want nothing to do with you and your terrorist plot. We fight you, not let you run over us. What the fuck do you want from me Sean? You want me to just drop it and close my eyes? Is that it? You do not drop it and close your eyes and watch me day and night; you stalk Ann day and night and you even stalk her mom and screw your own kids over.
You say Ann's name like she is someone you know or you friend in life. You say it like you are such a help and doing her a favor. For real Sean. You all kidnapping me was for my own good right and was for the country? That is like 911 is constitutional you psycho.
I know your type and how you union goons and communist think Sean. This is some favor and we should thank you. Ann should thank you. Her mom owes you a debt of gratitude. Fox News is lucky to have you in their company and you do such a good job; we should thank you and this is some favor. I know your types. That is not the problem here. It is much worse. It is so bad that you have one and only one option. Do you dare to mention it to me or admit this? You should ask Rush exactly how good and how much we know before you answer that one. Tell me what you are up to and how invaluable it is Sean. Why are you stalking us and why would you screw your own kids to escape? It is not as if you are going to do it; it is because you did it and now are keeping it secret. So you and Rush are doing me a favor and America a favor? For real? You are the second wave goon, you goon. Your boss is Clinton.
If you compare Rush and You; Rush looks much better Sean. You are cold and psychotic inside. Rush says you do not know what you are doing and what is going on. What you are fighting for is your liberty and to do this it is war. You forgot something that is eating you up and causes you to become very violent. Oh you have done it before Sean? Really? Wow, you are a pro. How did I know? Think of a number and a code okay but do not tell anybody. I have a séance and a voodoo doll. I know the spirit world. I am protected by spirits Sean. Do not think we do not know what you know.
Sean who cares if you pay taxes. Where you are going, you do not need taxes and you will not survive it. How does taxes are going to excuse you? There are two things certain in life Sean and it is not taxes with you. Does Ann also know? Yes. Did she say to you? Hmmm, you tell me Sean because she tells me everything. You watch me day and night and her; how do you figure you and Rush are in this peculiar situation? Sean I am an expert at this and US Army; not local or state, global. This is the big leagues Sean. We win world wars and foil terror plots or capture terrorists who are the most dangerous and those who are undetectable. I caught Rush didn’t I and you think you can beat Rush? I will ask him if you can beat Rush and if Rush is done or not? You and I know how dangerous Rush is or how powerful he is.
Wait Sean. It is not only Ann and I. There is a commando team. (You did not make out with Ann, she told me everything; you tried and you wanted to but she would and did not. SHE fought you and kicked and screamed at you while you were in pain and stalking her around the country; she tried being your friend and when that did not work; she knew you had intelligence; you are on a mission; that is like kissing a terrorist or a murderer; she knew and I knew okay but that is not good enough Sean.) You are one violent and dangerous person; you don’t need weapons. Sean we cannot just go into court with some idea you kissed a girl. I talk to Ann day and night; if I kick over or drown in the ocean; Ann would know and would be screaming at me to wake up. It happens all the time. Ann made out with you? False and a total lie; I’ll ask her right now… (Ann says you are lying through your teeth and there is so much animosity and tension between you two it is a total act and a game to see who can keep it ongoing and loose. You are trying to beat her on how fake and how manipulative you are she said.) Another test Sean? YOU ARE ON A MISSION AND YOU CANNOT LET GO. I DO NOT THINK YOU KNOW HOW BIG THIS PROBLEM IS.
Sean looks at the skill level here. Do you think I would give a crap if you murdered someone? Do you think the US Army would waste their best experts and this much talent and skill if this was not a really strange situation? You are at the world class level boy and real level espionage and battles with terrorists. Even the CIA is taking notes and calls me “Sir.” One way or the other I would be running the show anyhow. Kidnapping me did not change anything as you and others can clearly see. You are the second wave for the Clintons being impeached and when they came to New York. You also are deeply involved in construction. I know and investigated the construction industry back in 1986 under Reagan. The amount of money they give to fight union goons is incredible. Construction companies do not even ask; they just give. They know the problem.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Okay Sean, you listen up because I am going to give it to you good buttercup. We have so far raised 10 dollars for the kid. Think about it, his only crime is he was born stupid and he cannot get laid. Give him a break Sean and don't even think about it. Look at the boy, he hates you and he recognizes who you are. Now I am going to give it to you good. I will call my horny partner (Ann) and ask her to chip in another five dollars; I want you to think about it. We can give the horny boy a good life Sean and teach him right boy. He will grow up to despise you. You and your momma can sort this out, "take your momma out" to Ruth Chris and work it out buttercup. She is working with us and the NYPD is feeding her intel and keeping her safe.
Do not even try it. You tell her to her face and you ask her if she approves Sean. She no fool and knows everything you hear me? 10 dollars Sean, I want you to think about it and good. I will be in touch boy! I will ask all your colleagues and friends to chip in five dollars Sean, I promise. You play with me and I will make sure go back to asking Ann out to dinner or a date, do you hear me? Now, do you want that to be a reality and some more ass whooping? Think about it... your nightmare can end peacefully and she can remember you as just a stupid goon and not a bloodthirsty boy who screws his own kids. I can make it happen Sean you stupid boy! End this horny streak Sean and give it up.
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Talk you terrorists! You had a murder plot. You and her "were supposed to do it." You stalked her across the country since 2002 beginning in Cinn. OH.
Now... would you like to tell the story or "kill her" Ann? It is your ass and job on the line Sean, think about your wife and kids.
1. Ann has already told me it was all lies. However, there was one thing she felt "guilt" about and would not tell me.
2. I am just as disgusted with her as I am with you.
3. She is fighting for her own marriage with me, I have given up.
4. I do not find her private life amusing or enjoying; she does and she claims she is having the time of her life!
5. You will be wifeless and the charges against you so damaging Sean. You are already guilty of a terror conspiracy and have been exposed. Now you are going to take Ann down with you because she can implicate and nail you.
6. I told her to shut up and go away also!
7. If she wants to save 20 years, then it is her fight and her option to tell the truth. I have no fight in this any longer. If she has no fight then she can shut up and go away because unless she saves your skin; you have the death penalty with Rush.
8. We know who you are; but we do not know who Ann is or who she claims to be. I am sick and tired of her telling me, "Please Alex, this hurts and I am hurting so bad, will you just give me love back because I need you."
9. I am not in love with you Sean and I am pushing Ann away until she shows this love or proves it.
10. Like I said, it is your ass and your career and life on the line. If you get nailed, then you will be trapped. It is up to Rush and Ann to save your skin. Rush will, but will Ann? I already know who you are from Intel; you are one dangerous monster and animal.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Sean I think you got a message from the Republican Party today about self sufficiency and being banned forever. However, you are in so much trouble that getting banned from the political industry is not going to save you. It might save those close to you and how they do not even notice. Here is an idea, you and Ann Coulter get along great and you even know her mom or claim to be engaged. Why don’t you do us a favor and take her with you because everybody is suffering from some disease that Ann is foraging us with. It makes us angry and screams back at her to sit down and shut up.
In order to clean this up you all have to be honest and head for the borders, go to the other side so the transition is smooth and uncomplicated. We cannot even get high quality work and some degree of truth from even the right wing. Imagine the problems in the left wing. Ann and you walk into screen doors all the time and when I try to tell you; you snap back and tell me how courageous you are. Ann tells me it is blind rage but Miss America tells me that it is a biological problem. She has been pleading with me about how it is lies, how terrified she is, how hard she worked, how good she is, and her mom and dad were die hard Republicans and even revolutionary puritans. I think she truly feels she is Jesus and a leader. I think she feels like a washed up cop or spy hunter who is outclassed by military pedigree. There are a lot of problems with these wash up cops. They just lack this certain and specific formula the military has or the discipline.
You are not a washed up cop but both of you are looking for a good assignment. Even if she gave her life for me, I would not let her in Special Forces or let her lead people off the cliff. We are all hanging on the cliff now. Want to know who to blame? Washed up cops and spy hunters who did not do a very good job, blame the people who did not do their job well and got a paycheck for work which lands on us; life is not fair but I don’t want to be angry every single day listening to Ann Coulter. I really enjoyed and like listening to Miss America, Carrie Prejean. I can listen to that all day. Everybody is sick now because of Ann and you all. You all have a secret war and taking a lot of risk to gain some love from others and it is asinine. I feel like some radio loser. I feel like I hang out with some radio loser. I feel like a New Yorker, I hate New York though.
I wish Ann well and even I cannot shut her up or get through to her. She walks into ambushes. She is not able to see the difference in her and Miss America. She feels she is the most dominant woman in the room and has self hate for herself which makes others angry and hateful. Ann has made the Republicans mad and the Democrats humiliated. She thinks she is me and I never knew the whole story.

Monday, April 27, 2009 So Vanity has been exposed. He knows his cover is over. Sean says he "is not hiding... not in fear... do you hear it... I hear it... when asked will expose this as a disaster... what America is buying into... “Oh so Vanity got Ann on his show, let’s ask Ann what she is doing in LA. "Get a map... concern, fear... “For a married man "I like her a lot" Hannity is lying through his teeth. Even after everything Ann has done to him, Maher, and Rush; they still refuse to leave her alone or end this kidnapping. I myself will go to court and testify I had broken up a murder plot and tried to scare them off. They began to attack me from all sides and I was like "Ann, holy fuck it is a replay of this nightmare again." They prevented me from talking to her and I went to the FBI in July 2008.
I know what Ann is going to talk about. She was assigned by Generals and saw the parallels with the death of my mom. Her death was suspicious and it was her mother in law. We cannot accuse anyone of it and there is mixed evidence to suggest foul play. It was just a bizarre event considered either suicide or an accident in 1976.
Ann just said "they know I am madly in love with you and how real it is." Clinton already reacted with a disbelief she was really in love and in a fairy tale. Well, what she needs to know is they are doing anything they can to wreck it, ruin it, attack me, and suggest she is a horrible spouse. Even she plays along. Hannity needs to hear it from Ann how madly in love and how we know everything. I know everything about him and Rush is finding out slowly. We were busy with Rush and did not give attention or worry about Sean but we had and knew everything at the time. Sean when interrogated could not answer specific questions or did not know something I am looking for. Moreover, Rush kept saying he was the teacher and how much better he was. Sean did not say this.
Ann just said, "Do you remember the married woman who was having sex with the black man and who wanted to marry you?" Yes, I do and she said that was why she did the same thing. She is duplicating everything they do as a way to document all events as I asked her to. Thank you sweetie, you did a really good job. Everything they did Ann duplicated and did back. Ann said they wanted to know if you were interested or would marry an older woman and liberal. She said they were suspicious and began to catch on and she said they are super stupid because she made it so obvious.
Just so you know Hannity, we have been fighting these people and you for over 10 years and you keep on saying how you are fighting Al Qaeda. "They pointed me to you... that is odd why you do not have a response... isn't it spectacular and unbelievable... F15's flying over New York... Air force One photo op startles New Yorkers." I am ready to disembowel them, how dare you say it is us. You blame the investigators because you do not like the facts and truth. Rush exposed you already and already told us very crucial information. We know it is you Sean but you were not able to answer a few questions.
"Folks do you know how bad this is... it is madness... “Sean forgets that it was us who wanted Obama to be the President and we advocated it. Now he is stating how we are supporters of Obama and he is not. This is the level of pathological lying Sean Vanity is engaged in. Sean knows we know and even knows he is exposed; yet he still says we are Obama sympathizers. "Had their offices raided... scandal ridden organization like... should not get a dime of tax dollars which is exactly right... (Why he is such a great American)”
Sean, I am closer to Ann while growing up than my own sister. I am closer to her than my own father. My older sister takes care of my father and her marching in line also. We come from a family of spy hunters. You are not supposed to be hear on our soil doing this. About Guns N Roses, when I was in High School our band in 8th grade had a guy named “Doug Carter” who wanted to be the singer. He sucked but looks identical to Axle Rose look it up. Even his hair is the same. The band was a heavy metal and he was a break dancer but he looked cool and he liked to scream.
Hannity you are a pathological liar so I will clear up the facts. Ann Coulter is the best partner you can have. She cannot manhandle men but when it comes to thinking and outsmarting you; she cannot be beat except by me. Ann is a great partner and we are lovers and life partners. Your problem with her is you hate her as a partner and her work. This drove you insane and she put you in pain when you wanted more and more. You crossed that line. Your angst against her is how she is in love with another man and got the better out of this fight. You already spilled your guts to me and I jotted it with Ann on the line. I also verified everything she told me and I am prepared to swear on the bible and go into court. You are missing it and going backwards by blaming again after you could not strong arm her or “pull her away.” So you are in hiding again and say she is “a great person.”
Now you are going on TV about how you are in love with her or have some crush. You are a pathological liar and sell out anyone to save your skin. You failed betraying me and telling me to go away or leave and now you are our best friend and our closest friends. “Everybody knows you are a liberal” yes they do Sean and they are not amused at all. Happily married my ass you weasel.
Bring on Ann and ask her if she is in love and if we are intimate with each other. She is the woman of my dreams and I know she did not cheat; I am angry at some other things. I am not worried about that, I know she is fully loyal and been waiting for this for over 20 years. Bring her on and I will tell her how sexy she is when sleeping, what kind of kisses she likes, or what snuggle position is her favorite. Bring her on Sean and you can watch with your own eyes.
Hannity says, “I knew her mom” but did her mom know you? Then you can prove it. You can also ask Ann directly. Or tell Ann how close you are to her face or get fired! Got that Hannity? If you do not leave her alone, you will be fired and never get a job again! Hannity is saying that Ann Coulter’s mom chooses him to marry Ann and how close he was with Mrs. Coulter. Yet he claims he is happily married and not interested in Ann, “I like her a lot.” Sean we are spy hunters you goon. We hate the unions you union goon.
So Sean wants to throw his job on the line. If he lies and does not accept the challenge, he wants to be fired and never again work in the industry. He says he is very close to Ann Coulter and her mom, “I knew her mom (very personally).” Just like he knows Ann and just like he is so close to me. He just said it on the air and to everybody’s faces, even Ann. Check the records when the black guy calls in asking about Ann’s mom. Sean you are a god damn stalker and a total pathological liar. You can ask Ann directly and say it directly; not pull you act. They should pull the plug on you and ban you from the industry; kick you to the curb and make you poor until you give us the truth.
First you and her were having sex. Then you and she are supposed to be married. Then you and she are really close. Then you and she are partners. Then you and she have your own show. Then you and her cancel out me and her. Then you degrade me and her like the Clintons. Sean you are on a stalker list, why the hell would you come and talk to her mom? Do you know you are a stalker and stalking Ann? Do you know you are on that list? I confronted every single person on that list. Ann was so mad at you all I had to subdue her and we were fighting with each other because of you goon.
Caller says, “They try to win your trust and then turn into terrorists.” Sean you are a psycho. If you want the world to hear you, then you better ask Ann directly and do not play word games or else you will loose your job and never work again. You are a god damn 911 terrorists. You come over our house and I will physically harm you. You been playing this game with Ann and I for a long time but keep admitting you are wrong and you will “hands off” while we are working this case. Once you are in it is hell and a terrorist after us. Ask her if she is going to the Freedom Concert to celebrate “mom” Sean.
You think about your god damn job Sean; think real hard and if you decide to not be direct then you will loose your job and never work again in this industry. The charges against you are immense. You think about your lovely wife and kids before you keep this charade ongoing. So you think you and Ann are married and Mrs. Coulter is your mom? Do you know or not see Ann and I are partners? You and she are not partners Sean; what the fuck is wrong with you? You are like the god damn terminator and you keep saying how happily married you are and how you are in love with someone else’s spouse. If you think she is going to save your skin, you better ask her directly. You go to her house. You hold these secret dinners. You wreck her family and life.
Ask her if she is going to deliver you from evil and save your skin. You have been playing this game with us for almost a full year. I am near the point of leaving Ann because of it. Ann knows this and is scared as heck. I am the last person who can help and save her and you block all my efforts. Ann has not told me everything you have done but I witness only your grip on us. I asked her why or how did he get like this. I did nothing. I do not even know your ass or you goons. You attack me and spy on me day and night. You were asking me if I had information about Ann’s sex life because she was yours. I said yes; we are life partners. How about you? Who the hell are you? Now I tell you Ann and I have been intimate for over 20 years and it is some total shock to you.
After all these years obsessed, you have made up the entire facts and story. So ask Ann directly when she comes on Sean and ask her if she wants to Freedom concert with you. Honesty is the best policy and I have no problem with truth or honesty. You asked how Ann is doing. “for those of you who do not know… lost her mom recently… I knew your mom… brought her to the TV show all the time… (Wow, you sure know her)… went to dinner with mom that one time… “
Ann says the first time she went to Hannity she gave him a hug. Hannity says for those who do not know Ann. I guess I need to start dating and dump Ann on her ass because she knows I am fed up. Thank you also Ann, it has been very inspirational and your life. Our enemies are laughing at us? You and Hannity are lovers and his mom is your mom Ann. Well decide and choose whose mom she is? Is she my mom or his? You think it is creepy, I am fucking totally freaked out he is a total psycho. Your lover and best friend, have you heard what the fuck he is saying to me?
Ann talks about torture. Sean has not said anything direct and he knows he will loose his job; time to retire Sean. Hannity says bones broken. You are totally nuts. Now you think Mrs. Coulter is your mom and you and Ann have a romance and special relationship? Sean says he will ask her how special and what it is. Is it enough to loose your job? Ask Ann if she will save his ass? Go ahead Sean ask if Ann will save your ass and stop you from being fired? Do it Sean or else they will do it for you.
Ann have I ever made you scream in ecstasy or spoken to you like a husband? It is a yes or no. Do I know every inch of your body and more? Yes or no? Do you think for one second if you lied I would forgive you? I kiss you when and if I want and you kiss me back. I grab your butt and it is just regular touching. Even I do not think anything of it. Does Ann wish to comment or does Sean want to comment for her? Ann says Sean should know this is insane. Ann if I denounce you in public and treat you like a slut or unloved, will you get depressed and cry? Ann do you do everything possible to please me? If I tell you not to wear this outfit or this one, would you? Ask her Sean or else it is your job and career.
Sean says they are exploiting it. Sean it is your god damn reputation. You have no credibility you moron. Do you know how many people read this? Do you? The only way out is to ask Ann and hope she saves your ass. Ann says she loved both of you a lot. Bam, one after the other Sean; Sean says why, he is such a nice guy and has no friends left. Ann says this is why. You are not a liberal Sean and you are not a left wing communist; no terrorist in you at all. The question now is how much you love your wife and kids; or do you? Are you using them as a human shield as you did before about how poor you are and people should feel sorry for you?
Sean then says it, “fear and panic.” What a god damn terrorist and a psycho. Sean at least back down while you can; you are not a sweet person and if you are then you can ask Ann to her face and directly. You been doing this and playing this game even if she has been away; only I talk to her daily and she does not tell me everything; Ann has been fighting her entire life to be my wife and life partner; I know the only person she will sleep with is me but I am mad at her for the attacks on me and my god damn family.
Do you understand, you goons and terrorists are going through my records and threatening my family; so I said to Ann, god damn fucking Ann you better knock the shit off. She said she is quitting and not going to write more books until I approve and am not mad at her any longer. So now are you going to blame me for risking my family Sean? You are going to play some god damn head game with me and my family? I am not the 911 terrorist, you are you goon. I am the mother fucker capturing you and fighting them shit for brains. Ann is my god damn sidekick not my employer or boss. I give her orders you idiot. You and she give me orders and she wants me to go away? Then ask her directly you goon. She is not going to ask you what your problem is, everybody knows. Now how much do you love your wife and kids Sean? Or do you even love them? You screw everybody over to save your skin.
Ann said if I did not profess my love and tell our story, she would keep taking these risks. The more risks she takes, the more she wants me to say I love you to the public. She is not going to say anything; that is what she did for me and she wants me to do the same back. It is how she says I love you too. Do you want me to describe her body and every part? Hell she does it to me and says Clinton does it. I am the one behind it so I cannot blame her.
It is not what you did but how to escape it. If it is for survival then there is no other choice. We were cornered to a financial stress that was unbelievable while garnishments were arriving quickly; bankruptcy was very easy to end the siege. Everything is a weapon until you are delusional and deranged you must offer some tribute and payment. The truth is, if the local governments do not get 60 billion dollars to pay off the government spending spree; they will have to fire or lay off workers. It is easier to tamper with a red light camera and corner someone to pay a ticket. It is easier to nit-pick and writes tickets in a way to ask if the benefits of fighting balance the cost of subjugation. That is what they call the proper use of terrorism. - Religion, Revolution, and the Coming Technological Armageddon: Starving for our Attention and Atheism
(Coming out May 3, 2009) by Author -

Introduction of “Tyranny” by Mark Levin:
Best and perfect parts:
1. Oil and Energy Statists: superb description of oil and the realities of it.
2. Economic summary of crisis and how it summoned big government: superb observation of media events and recent reports of this crisis.
Statist Analysis: a form of religious persecution and insanity?
1.The “Statists” replace the terms skeptic and liberal. The book attempts to supplant a new mode of liberalism. Liberalism is associated with libertarian at times and it appears the enemy of libertarianism is the statist. So there are four creatures and they all are more identifiable creatures here; the statist, the conservative, the conservative-statist, and the liberal-statist; they statist being the opposition to each while the conservative is some fusion of liberalism or free market laissez faire principles.
2. Based on the analysis, the military can be statists because it advocates an increase of government. However, anarchy and the statist are not compared; “a counter revolution or at least lessen resistance to it. Support of the statist should not be confused with criticism of the government as is… state of imperfection… obsessed with the task… “ This is the same analysis as Janet Napolitano when she described veterans as extremists because it is a form of government or seeks to subjugate a subject for a specific reason or purpose. The statist has no reason or purpose “because it cannot explain the existence consciousness… (Science) cannot address the spirit of man… directs him to a force greater than his own… will always exist… each individual is a unique individual with a divine province… the law of our creator… natural law of our creator…
3. Nothing is right or wrong to the statist because it is based on archaic and randomness. No outcomes can be reproduced and thus is a form of insanity.
4. Without the ability to reproduce a moral order or an identical outcome, there is no formula and there is no truth. Again, the use of natural law must include the positivist view or not because it does not clearly describe anarchy and peril.
5. Natural law is not the same idea as fundamentalism. In this analysis natural law is human rights and the founding fathers wrote human rights in the Constitution. The fake badge and the attitude of an individual is most important to the founding fathers because they sought to produce random events with the police because science sought to replace the human rights God gave to man.
6. "backwards and destitute like most authoritarian societies... is a circular argument... an unworkable formula... a way to exploit it... profess to represent... relieve responsibilities for his own deeds by outsourcing; hiring (people) from abroad instead of American workers... (free market outcasting)"; Mark Levin is saying the statist is anti-union or non-union free traders. Thus, they create the conditions which hinder or give the perception of big government, degradation of individualism and human rights, and the appearance of slow growth and unfriendly business competition.
7. To Mark Levin the statist sole responsibility is not to government but an invisible reality which has the mentality of resistance. Therein, an unrestrained seed of growth by the inabilities of the goverment to induce leverage and a unfactual slash of the fundamental principles which the Constitution and founding fathers saw when they inherently said, "inalienable rights." He also describes the Smoot-Hawley Act as a "slam on produce and goods to foreign markets... subsidies to farmers... jumped from 24% to 63%... Roosevelt promised to slash... but changed this when he took office."
8. Statist create what "Schumpeter described as creative destruction... revolutionizes from withing... destroying the old one.... and the new... every capitalist has to live in... the American automakers are saddle with cost which make it impossible to compete with nonunion automakers overseas... UAW workers cost... compared to... the UAW worker cost $130,000 a year while the nonunion worker cost... not laid off... retire after 30 years... Ford's contract with the UAW is 2, 250 pages long... however the power of the UAW under the Wagoner Act ultimate made the resistance futile... the current model of manufacturing automobile is unsustainable and so is the governments... " the statist does not want change and resist change.
9. To deny secret ballot and to utilize the full benefits of the unions is to the statist "is a dimunition of... a intoleration for... coercion from all sides... the statist engages in creative destruction and tempted only by the moment... a regretable fate."
10. “For the conservative… deconstruct the statist argument… the free market is the only economic system that produces on a sustainable basis… an abundance of food, housing, and medicine; the staple of survival… the free market recognizes… improve circumstances… appeal to man’s nature… his own labors… populated by strangers… preserved and multiplied… his object of his own economy… “ The statist act contrary to this and human spirit. “Who then decides who is good for the public interest… parameters… intended to secure liberty… against the tyranny of all too powerful government serve the public interest? … from his ideology… maze of agencies… grow from year to year… interfere… perversions to blame the free market and create the failures to correct it.”
Chapter 5: On Federalism
Summary: Sought a better form of government and drafted the Constriction. There were exclusive powers not prohibited by the states. Government was necessary to safeguard society. No two states would be the same and allowed to express their own interests. Affected by their own decisions; more direct locally. This is the purest form of government. Seeks to dictate rather than represent. Serve as a laboratory without any risk to the country. Change was a matter of prudence. Change is by tradition and experience of a society. Change unrestrained by prudence produces despotism and what conservatives hold dear; a need to change. All experimentations produce desired results but other states learn from this experience. Government has an open mind to change. “There is no escaping the reach of the federal government unless a person abandons the country altogether… not care much to abolish the punishments… 17th Amendment changed the method which Senators were chosen… the statist… remained a major obstacle to obtaining power… subvert the constitution.” The federal government essentially contracts and constricts the value of hindsight by keeping exclusive the state powers. 
Flaws in the authorship of Mark Levin's book, "Tyranny": Chapter 1 and Introduction gives us a broad overview of what we are reading. Economic tragedy and progress produces the statist who is fueled by the resistance of the Constitution. Conservatives produce statists and statists produce conservatives because they resist change. Conservatives want progress because economic failure produces statists and this resistance to change which the economy fails to produce because it is a free market. The Constitution protects the free market.
1. We live in a world where the enemy changes shape, form, and ideals. With hindsight we grow with them and we change our own methods. Conservatism is not resistant to the enemies but reactionary.
2. Mentions how conservatism is based on perspectives which cannot be pinned down or self described. Thus, the solidifying way it resists change. Then what is liberalism a set boundary of experiences and a definable entity?
3. The father of modern conservatism is Edmund Burke? The father of it is Daniel John Chatsworth. I can roll off at least 10 philosophers ahead of Edmund Burke in thought and with world class stature. Philosophy was based on the understanding of religion and Edmund Burke did not invent religious perfection. The Constitution is based on the Virginia system of a bicameral legislature. It is also based on English common law. It is not based on Edmund Burke. In English common law, there is a hierarchy of punishments to suit the crimes, a differentiation which curtails the most egregious, murder. "Neither will I attempt to give birth to totally new theories. Instead what follows are my opinions and conclusions of fundamental truths based on decades of observations, exploration and...? “(Insanity)
4. Conservatism is an attempt to understand reality. Yes. You must define and explain for me the difference between trinity, self determination, and predestination; that is if you define man as with a "soul." Then you have to define for me whether morals lead you to the same conclusions as others before explaining judgment and moral order.
5. "The modern liberal believes in the supremacy of the state" is not true. They believe in strong defense and national security. "As the word is... liberal is in its classical meaning... opposite of authoritarianism, the liberals..." Liberals hate Bush.
6. It took the British Army to restore order in the colonies due to the Articles of Confederation which was a predecessor to the other treatise and the Mayflower Compact. However, the British Army had to defeat several other Armies such as the French and the Americans prior to 1775.
7. Federalist Papers 51 and the "greatest of all reflections (on earth..." again this is a age long debate about the role of the military and the inability of the government to encourage the military or any standing army to represent either the populous or the immediate government. Militaries tend to favor and choose governments who are long term and can provide the resources which can satisfy their lusts. Refer to the Portuguese philosophers and the reference to the rule of law.
8. During the New Deal, the Supreme Court ruled FDR unconstitutional and "the new statists began to replace the old statists?" "Increasing its control over economic activity (Prohibition)... huge public works and pensions... expand political alliances... the Democratic Party and government would become intertwine." I am not going to fault FDR from the period of Reconstruction to the "Roaring" twenties because a lot of what we call American culture prospered and developed during this time. However, it was seemingly out of control. Therefore, when "Black Friday" hit in 1929 to end the era; overnight happiness turned into suicidal tendencies. What FDR did and how he did it is still lingering. Whether or not it was to forge a new time period or to address the lack of it; we do not know. What is this "New Deal" and new period? Was it the return to the 1920s or a new period of American euphoria gone amuck? We still do not know how the Democratic Party defines them.
Summary of Chapter 1:
If you ask me, I do not think Mark Levin wrote the part on statists. To take a static position on the first chapter was bland and to use research precision on statism is unequal. I think he is copying or trying to my partnership with Ann and her research genius. I have so much floating in my mind that I tend to overlook details and skip protocol which I was criticized heavily over. The part on the static’s is very good and is almost identical to a crime scene or police report written by the author. The author is able to describe the people behind this with alacrity and clairvoyance citing some of the best crime scene examples ever countered. The emphasis of the book is thievery and the relationship with the Constitution or traditional values. Revolution and atheism are closely interconnected to revolution and tyranny as the French Revolution, the Jacobins, and the Cromwell radicals displayed with tyranny.

Thursday, April 23, 2009 Sean is replying about the charges against him as "enhanced interrogation techniques" which he was in favor of and now is arguing for. Is he saying Obama is going to water board him or is he going to water board others? Let's put it this way. If they don't tell us, they are the ones who are advancing the entire idea of using torture. It is like Scooter Libby and Valerie Plame. They argued this already. They have a double standard but are guilty as hell. Rush says Sean does not know what is going on. I disagree, Sean knows exactly what is going on and has said a lot to me.
He said "it is used on harsh terrorists who do not care... think how the Arab world loves Clinton... not a word was raised at the time it was outrageous... President declared war on them... we are going to have the President of... bow to the... politics trumps everything for these guys... risk of becoming vulnerable again... nobody gives George W. Bush any credit for anything... it is going to happen sooner than later... it is a matter of when... what they decide to put out in public view... what they can only argue is what is worse... none of this would work... good luck, I do not believe the American people are that dumb..." Sean knows exactly what is going on. Sean feels this is about Hamadi and information for their arrest. He does not know what this case is about? Is this damn IRA fool that stupid? Not a word from him. Do you see how clever this one is.
Said, "its because we are backwards." Sean is like any union leader and master spy. They are in control. They are the boss. They will not stop or quit until caught. It is about money. We are dumb and fooled easily. This is a deep passion about loyalties. None of the union bosses ever respect the boss or bosses. That is just how they operate. To them it is about throwing down money and influence. We are stealing from them and it is their money at risk. It is about every penny they deserve. There is a tax on profits to them, their share. What they do is leech off the right wing and Republicans, not protect it.
He obviously understands the charges. He must be calling it "the full picture of what we did" as "enhanced interrogation techniques." If it is official CIA directives, why would he keep it hidden? Says to protect it from radical left wing base? Sean is lying. Intel says he is hitting the 10 levels of lying. They have evidence on him. He understands it but the causes and reasons are being covered up and hidden. He admits it is a conspiracy to protect the right wing not destroy it. It is about "our safety and security." It is never about his security or his conviction. Sean thinks he has the brains of Doctoral graduates and also attacks them; he claims it is how to become conservative and right wing.
Clearly, he is a hardened criminal and felon. The way he is acting reflex this deep sense of evil and deliberate lying. Intel says it is atheism. He is not one of them unless he wishes to challenge it. I concur. After I witnessed his actions, behavior, and understand the entire plot; Sean is clearly trying to get close and refuses to let go. He strikes out and he uses this access to hurt others; not escape or become self sufficient. He uses it for theft and to lie and cheat while claiming how he protects and keeps the conspiracy from the radical left wing. He is the radical left wing. He has to be interrogated and tested. He is too hardened of a criminal and a liar. I observed him and felt sorry for him at first.
(Commercial says "was it insanity or cold blooded murder." ) Intel says it began as... but it grew to enormous size. "Sean says that if you are the terrorists... who were behind 911... you are lucky that is all we do to you." Sean knows it is a conspiracy but the reasons he provides is so disingenuous it is murder. Says he is "sitting through rants against America... missiles firing by Iran... he had a chance... dragging this country left and he does not like it" Sean associates left with Israel. Anything Israel is left and not right wing or conservative? Why? He says, "it is church policy... accused our men of killing in cold blood... wanted political power." Oh so he knows. Sean do you think you are the police? If so, cite to me why or what reason.
"I am bias.. not particularly helpful... if you are going to tell history you have to tell it accurately... Jimmy Carter's weakness... get them right... " Said welcome to my program! I am glad to hear you targeted your boss and lied about it because you are greedy, a weasel, and a cold blooded liar. Did I mention the events with Ann and why you did that yet? Comments Sean? (Caller says CIA memos is a disgrace) Sean says CIA did this to give in to the left wing... "we know the torture worked... only revealed the techniques... lives were saved and plots revealed... why would you release that information... Eric Holder to go after these people... (Sean) will begin a legal defense fund... expose them for the political frauds they are... not only did they know, they encouraged it... they knew about it and supported it... they were aware of every detail... playing games with National Security." Welcome to my show Sean!
Caller now says "to discredit them." A very good political tactician almost as good as Rush. Where and how did he learn it or use it before? Both Rush and Sean has no military experience, clandestine work, and does not consider themselves extremists. They have never fought terrorism head on or seen them. Why and how do they have more fight then the real soldiers and real military? How did they learn clandestine work and spy games at this level? Both Rush and Sean are on a very high level and with no college or education. Yet they are so self assured and so confident? Says, "just who was involved in this Clinton... he knows exactly what was going on... just confirmed we are following... chief of staff during the time... " Intel says where have you been all this time Sean. Sean says "known" and confirms.
"We have evidence they are torturers... Pinetta's role... integrity... Egyptians were not stupid but they would not say they tortured our people... no knowledge of Clinton torture and rendition program... no knowledge of what country they were sent to." Now Sean says when did they know and what did they know. Intel says EVERYTHING Sean. Intel says it is huge Sean and we need your help. People upstairs said, "oh my god." Tell me about it... we are their victims. We are who they wanted to recruit and we had plans to be one of them. They bungled that also. They are clearly well seasoned in conspiracy while not being honest about why.
Intel says they are as hardcore as they have seen in other regions of the world and they spy on lots! Rush was correct when he said he was the teacher. They can do this night after night and day after day. All they have to do is change the reason and change the goals why. That is all they are doing. That is all they have to do if they blame someone. The British said they have learned how to take whenever they want and as the police there is unlimited power; all they have to do is create an enemy when they need it. Rush calls this the proper use of terrorism. Sean says it is to protect the right wing and deny the left. Do we see this fight from him? Is he that effective and understands?
All Sean is saying is how he used "effective enhanced interrogation techniques" on us because Clinton failed. What they failed we do not know but Sean says he effectively did this to us and it was to protect the right wing and America. Is he that great of a fighter or a fraud? Where did he obtain his clandestine experience? We got it from the US Army and US Generals. How can he challenge us on this level? The US Army will vouch for me and I will vouch for Ann. We are on a mission; how is he on a mission also? They are looking to have a meeting with the "right people." As described on the Rush pages, we knew what they were hunting and why.
Sean will never mention the word union or union violence, never. He will never mention Irish or some of the problems, never. Listen carefully to what he fails to say or point out and how strong this fight is. Now overlap it to the left and ask; where the hell is this goon? I can go into court and draw a Venn Diagram of topics, repittion, and level of fight; and prove this. Is he that right wing as he says or is it merely a disguise? People upstairs, the Clinton emissaries, said "oh my god" again.
Episode is what Congress knows and when they knew it. Congressman says his opponents were in support of the terror programs and all the sudden they are up in arms. WE DO NOT SUPPORT TERRORISTS NOR BLAMING THEM! GOT IT? WE DO NOT BLAME THEM FOR A CONSPIRACY. WE WILL KILL ANYBODY; FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC FOR ANY AND ALL GOOD REASONS. Do not suggest we do this to you and you are seeking revenge or drawing fire in a tactical flank. I know all moves and all military strategies. You are on my god damn battlefield and on that battlefield; you are as good as dead or on my side? That is how military people think but they are trained to be observers. We are observers. You are in my den and I want some honest answers.
Intel says you are guilty and cannot be honest. What is the "blood pact" you have? Who is it with and why? Intel says they know about it. We will confirm the blood pact and verify it. Sean gives a long explanation, "not true by any sense." Blame. You give us this verification Sean and we can get Gitmo open again; intelligence and DoD has that power over Obama. I can confirm this, you are in my show and in my den. I have the ability to release something to make them act. You tell me the blood pact intel is speaking of not blame. It is up to the conspiracy to provide the information; it is not up to us! If they are attacking, then stop or reveal to us their attack before; okay do not stop. Sean says they cannot reveal their methods. It can seriously jeopardize personnel and certain people who are in position to strike them or gain our advantage.
"They were on board" is his reply. He knows it. He is willing to "raise money for anyone in the CIA and the defense of the country... includes Nancy Pelosi... Jane Harmon... and anybody else in the Democratic Party." Sean, why would the Democrats fight moles in the Republican Party you idiot? They would push you and open doors for you. Do you think we are idiots? Intel says you are the best we have ever seen before. Even better than Rush. Rush is too complex and obvious. If I knew the liberals turned into conservatives, would I complain for put them on TV?
Also, you and Rush (along with several others) were duplicating Ann and almost copy catting her. I see you refuse to step down or have not let go of your grip on her life. Ask why she put you in pain and why you looked like a rapist. I have never heard you speak on rape or sexual abuse. Intel says that is wrong but it is not infrequent; you have done sexual crimes before. Oh, Intel reminds me how odd you are with sex while portraying to me some bizarre rapist mentality. I have no idea, only what you said to me.
Sean acknowledges he is in a conspiracy but he says it is for the protection of the right wing and this fight of theirs. Also, someone says Obama and others did not like Bush policies. They do not see it as a crime or trashing the Constitution; only policies. There is a line and there is a difference in moral and ethical actions. Treason is designed for this "indifference to policy." Sean America is a very screwed up place if you just woke up. There are very stupid people here and all over the world. Howard Stern says you are "agenda driven." Others call you disingenuous and even in serious denial. They know you are an excellent liar.
Something about this DUI again. The level of fraud being committed is grotesque. It is being used to hinder or derail this massive problem they have. The failure rate they grew into is incredible. They can strike. They have the perfect excuse. They can take on a whim. They can trick anyone or put the ball in the enemies court. We know he is not innocent but we cannot identify them on a surface or transparent level. Sean knows he is a suspect and is linked to Rush and this terror plot. He does not make any effort to deny this. He is merely says "there is a reason... that reason is the right wing." Thank you for the attacks and the low quality work. I am glad you are there to strike and take us out!
Do you deny you tried to take us out Sean and it was not "competition." Who is next and why? "What this guy did was despicable and unspeakable..." I confirm they are with Clinton. Ann has confirmed they are with Clinton. Intel took them out by referring to the Justice Department. l "Clinton is expedient and ambitious... she has to follow the directions of her boss... some people just don't get it... " Sean does not say or mention about Hillary. Intel says okay they will, unions. Sean comes back and says, "they are just not happy" and then rolls off a massive list why; then laughs. Very good Sean, honesty is the best policy. Sean did not say how they are on a homicidal rampage and this crime spree which the FBI does not even understand; the club of lunatics and liars where anybody is welcomed. I wonder why "they are just not happy?"
So lets ask Sean why they are so unhappy and what will make them happy? Sean says intolerance. Happily married. Sean says, "I will tell you why... government police... (dirty business)...gets paid to express views... political agenda... " So Sean will the left be happy being the right wing? Yes or no? If crime is eradicated, will the left feel happy? Sean cannot answer, "those like myself... perfectly clear... raising my children... try to persuade them... it is in your best interest." It is in our best interest, very personal to them and us. this is not about the right wing; this is the left wing and their voice; why it is our best interest for them to follow? Who is leading Sean, us or them? "Can have a spirited discussion... allies... " Sean is not able to determine who is leading or following; who is the same and who is inferior. Says wants to make them happy, who is them? (Momma's boy?)
Note: Sean did not mention how or why the left wanted us to fix everything for them while the right wing had to have him. He cannot fix crap and is a total blunt. The Buffalo region and local police should give us information so we can put an end to this or suggest GM cancel all of their contracts. We will post it for the residents to pressure them. Either they put an end to it or we will. This is an ongoing investigation and the largest attack on the nation and intelligence national security in the history of America. It is a god damn side show and they ought consider contracts being cancelled and being negotiated. This idea they are the police is no comfort but they portray it as essential.
So lets ask Sean. Which areas are you working for Sean that are essential and the police? Name some states for me. Sean says do we know "the masterminds name?" So if we give you the name and information on the next plot, as Rush was doing, "is that good or bad?" What the fuck is wrong with you boy? Exactly Sean, we need you to do it first before we bring you to trial. That is what we are on now; not gutless future terror plots you idiot. So you know and admit it. He said he is laughing at you and I will quote Rush, "we cannot hit anything." Sean says, "so you are on our knees?" We are know too much to be on our knees Sean. Sean failed to say embrace me we are the same. Read that again and understand it, there are about 4 different meanings.
Sean said, "so we are on our knees now?" Can we ask if he is? Wait, has he been? "Do you like him... vote for him (bingo)... " Intel says Sean finally shows his cards. Now he brings up "the mastermind (bingo)... what attacks he was also planning." He said, did we know? We don't care. Another 911? We are still on the first one Sean. The military is not done with this are they? Sean bleeps out, "get down... (mumbling crap go home?)... " Sean says, "we are going to pay... on their knees... that makes us a Marxist because Marx said that." Sean we have nuclear powered submarines and ultra top secret weapons; why would we "go home." I thought that was what you want?
So why do you want me to go home? Sean hits a brick wall and goes to commercial. Maybe you are too weak and too dumb? Maybe you lie, cheat, and steal for a reason? Sean is going to tell me why I have to go home (mad). Is that an act of treason, good or bad? You are in my show and in my den; you copy and read my material; then resell it as your own work and at ten times the price. Plus, it is junk. I do not copy crap from you or have to. So why do we have to go home Sean? Are we illegals? The left wing and Marxists as you claim? Are we sick of being poor and sick of being discriminated? If you want I can call the Klan (KKK) and ask them why?
I did not shut Detroit down. My brother in law was an engineer for Ford. My uncles are all engineers. Did they really save American lives? Sean says, "Deliver US from Evil." I was raised by Generals. I am a fully decorated veteran. I am a legend. People like you try so hard to be like me or cover up what you had tried. Sean said we have or had information which can stop the next attack on America (Rush did) but we did not stop it. He means 911 in 2001 and not the future. He is saying we ponder on history, are liberals, and do not think about the future. Says we knew about this and feigned outrage. We are collecting evidence and there is an ongoing investigation Sean. We had unconfirmed and tips which we are working with. We are verifying each and every bit; how about you? We cannot simply use accusation and tips from spies Sean.
So why should we or they go home Sean? Killer or kill her? You mean that girl? Sean I am asking why we should go home, why do I want to kill her? Who is her? Stopped what? Oh I stopped you from killing Ann. Yes, but that is not enough for me to go home. We should "put them lawyers in jail... figure it out?" Yes what? You do not want me to meet her? Who is her? The mastermind? Sean I am asking why I should go home and you are confusing me. "The government should help... because they want to and should give it to them..." oh you and the rapist problem I was going to kick your ass about when you said you are IRA? Do you honestly think you are some military soldier and hero for raping a woman? Yes I did foil and stop you, you are welcome. Oh I heard a threat, can you repeat it Sean? Why should I go home? I am a Marxist? Are you nuts?
Sean why should I go home? Why do I do drugs and have random sexual encounters? Well, in high school it was cool but after high school I got a life? Is that good enough? Sleeping with women is not in my agenda, I am with Ann and we have stalkers and someone shadowing us. We do not know who. I think it was them. I had a lot of childhood indiscretions. But I also had Reagan pardon them obviously backed by US Generals. How did you find out about this? Nobody was ever given access to my files and what I was pardoned for. I have been accused of everything. I get blamed for everything unless I give money to ruthless people.
So why should I go home Sean? You and Michelle Malkin keep citing Reagan and do not even know I was pardoned for my childhood indiscretions. Who is the boss here and who is the subordinate? What did I do to you personally? I can roll off lots on you and what you did to me and Ann. Now tell me, what did we do to you and why should we go home? "Because you go along... you are doing well... perfect discussion... releasing this memo... this debate has morphed now... disagree with definition... Japanese soldiers... we should tell the Americans the whole story... able to stop it... arrest me... debating it... no evidence he flew planes into buildings... we have specific intelligence... " Damn Sean says, "we are running out of time... think of your wife, think of your sister... she loves me... only your wife... only available until tomorrow... how happy they will be if you thought of them?" I think you are too stoopid to kill me or Ann Sean; and I would kick your ass.
Sean would not repeat this more than... but he said it only once. Why should Ann and I go home and what we did to him or them? He said it once only and would not confirm or say it again, "because you... (you) are good." Sean knows that we know he is a mole and also he knows who the mastermind is... she. Which is false. It is Rush not Clinton. Clinton is under Rush not above the Kremlin. Nobody is above the Kremlin and they do not share power. We are good and they are not very happy.
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