


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Monday, December 27, 2010




We know one of the principle employees behind this is involved with or in control of the US Army Mental Health or Psychiatry Department. We also know based on the Anthrax attacks how connected they are to the World Trade Center attacks. The people behind this insanity are the Army Psychiatry. The doctors and nurses do not see eye to eye at times and the gap between this can be devastating to each side. So not only do they not see eye to eye; they do not get along well with those they serve with; specially the Pentagon; the secret side. In danger, a human being must conceal or use camouflage; and this applies to all involved, a degree of insanity. The courage to express this insanity is the first step to recovery and denial.

The laws protect the rights of individuals in many ways. Slandering the name or reputation of someone is a crime. Slander can turn into bullying or sheer terror. We know this was a negative impact and also slander; to smear or impose negative outcomes or opinions. The source is difficult to flush out but the FBI has their HQ working diligently on cracking the case and undercover agents are constantly seeking new leads. The problem is this enemy has waged war on us and we are under full attack; full attack modes. No single individual is every a sole accomplice but based on these "individual" attacks; it is made to appear as if no goal is intended or harm. We know who is behind it and why; it is the labor unions, the Democrats, those near skid row, the liberal radicals, the mafia and their army of the damned, the Catholics, Jews, and anything from washouts to ruffians; the finances of the undesired but born in America politics. They leap out, hide behind corners, and try to keep the pressure on others while incessant demands or communication is set up with the established power. It has been described as a hostage situation and extortion effort. Without payment or the proper respect, it can lead to negative or career slander; a form of suicide not prosecutable by law. These attacks and bizarre events are intended to have maximum damage; not peaceful protest or non-violent types of protest.

These attacks were or are consistent with previous attacks. They are creative insofar as they block or deny expulsion by a rival. The primary financiers are both black and white suspects; all linked to foreign and adversarial foreign foes. The problem is the rights of individuals and their right to participate or seek employment. When this rival and unknown element is panicked or cornered; they make false claims, seek pity, use sex as a weapon, harass or harangue others with verbal abuse, use baseless threats, touch or tinker, and concoct an authoritative response such as police actions.

Since enlisting for service in 1992, nothing in life has been right. Things fall apart constantly and it is a struggle to fight off one surprise or attack after the other. War was waged in an informal way by these domestic radicals; a larger group than expected. It begins with slander and a downfall; it leads to being cornered, expelled, or a total blockade as a hostage. There is no escape and death is the only way out. The slander is compiled over time and decades; as wool and a gag order by the courts. The false or misleading events, some facts or events are repeated and propagated to influence or bias authority and power. Slander is used to silence, submit, and also to poison individual lives until total destruction is reached; with no end in sight. When a vulnerability or handicap is exploited; it is intended to impose grief, pain, emotions, and a volcano of vulnerability. These type of attacks show up repeatedly in 1992, 2002, 2006, 2009, and again on December 15, 2010.

Since joining the Army, it has been uphill and a struggle just to get by in life. The mystery is inescapable and also unexplainable; a total denial and blockade. There is nothing but daily problems and anguish; a sense of ruining into objects and blindness. The end result or goal is disgruntled Army service or opinions. The voice of the enemies permeate the trouble and bad employees; a sense of disgruntled service with rivals or adversaries. Life goals become undesirable outcomes. Even in a state of "Retired with full honors" it is a nightmare and terror. Nothing good ever comes out of these outcomes when this rival and political enemy is present; we know them to be Democrats, liberals, and labor unions (mafia, left wing, criminal spies, Italians, Irish, and Jews); all lack a sense of Protestant ethics. They conceal the inaccuracy or harm imposed on others; those they feel are weaker, lesser, or subhuman. It is even more difficult to prosecute for robbery or slander. The gap or the degree of bad employees is similar to a virus or disease; it spreads. The problems hang over the heads or remain a cloud of doubt for decades and even centuries.

The use of background or finances is the open loophole. It is an upsetting triumph over this "Born in America" trickery and lies. Those behind it or escaping expulsion avoid ridicule or adverse punishments. To them, it is one step from skid row; government service and military service can be the last stop and hope of those groups identified and banished by regulations. These attacks are diverse forms of scare tactics, propaganda, ridicule, anger, bullying, slander, false information, misleading investigators, and happen in a sleep mode human beings are constantly in. Human beings exist in a dormant and ommiting dormant mode; it is more superior than any reality. Only those highly involved with psychiatric procedures, medicating others, and terrorizing them; know about this dormant state and how to manipulate it. All of this trace back to the black bag and dirty tricks of specific groups who are or have been banished. The way to avoid or conceal this is to point out or make others aware of dangers, enemies, and violence; terrorism. People are in a dormant state, they are reluctant to look or observe when danger is coming or in front of them.

The motive of this slander is either bad blood, a gap between two sides of authority, a bait tactic (lure), control, Godless crisis, or trying to inflict the maximum violence and damage on others (subordinate or superior ranks). This enemy terrorizes people and keeps them as prisoners; mostly by allegations, rumors, or incoherence. There is a hedge-dodge of irrational behaviors and a life line; born in America and superior by standards of the law. The officers involved are in dire straits and facing extreme expulsion procedures. They use protections or exploitation of weaker or subordinates to hide or conceal this adversarial courtship; an infidelity with the law. In politics, it has surfaced with hidden agendas, bribery, kickback, or corruptive procedures. It is a secret union of leaders around the world and high technology simplifies their communication and expansion. Their strategy is to win at all cost and defeat any opposition. Where they find or run into an eruption of difficulty is when they are unaware of top secret careers, undercover, or surveillance by the legitimate authority. They seek handicaps or vulnerabilities; then set forth a plan to erupt more and more. Over time and by careful planning or paling around; they are able to seek judgments or nit-pick at will.

On December 15, 2010 I boarded a bus for Washington DC at 12:45am. I arrived in DC at approximately 10am and took the metro to the DMV in Virginia; then headed back to DC. I boarded the city bus and headed to Walter Reed Army Medical Center around 2pm and arrived at 3pm approximately. The information desk referred me to Ward 73 and an appointment was set for a follow up. I have or had internal complications I was worried about. After the sit down, I asked that an open wound be looked at or asked if I would need to wait until the follow up; the assistant referred me to the Emergency Room and said to walk in there and ask for a bandage and treatment. I proceeded to the ground floor and emergency room. They admitted me and asked a few questions; uneventful and pleasant, the staff very friendly and warm. Then they sat me down on a bed and began to treat the wound. The nurses left and in walked a female; I presume they are or were officers; not someone who just walked in. They began to chat with me on an informal way; never asking if they could talk to me or not, if anything I said was part of any arrest, or disclosed my rights. I did not ask them for ID or knew who they were because it was informal; I felt they were nurses and part of the treatment; to determine how the wound occurred. Two females did this over the course of an hour; an hour had elapsed from 4pm and now it was 5pm almost 6pm.

Then out of nowhere the nurses treating me turned belligerent and were in what appeared to be a "gang mentality." In their mind, I was the enemy and they had made up their mind how and to what degree I should be mistreated. They began to tell me they were admitting me to the hospital; this caused me to answer back "no you are not because I am only here today for this wound and have to go home to NY tonight." The tone of their voice began as orders; then it escalated to in-your-face loud and with the intent of making me agree or submit. During this exchange I did try to talk my way out of it; telling them I know my rights and basic detainment procedures. The maximum detainment time had elapsed (2 hours) and if they were not pressing charges; they could not stop me from leaving. The person who was in my face and screaming at me was a nurse with a beard; he also wore glasses and his mental condition was psychotic; keeping me in the dark and explaining to me they had all the right to do as they pleased. It felt as if I was a prisoner; so I began to ask questions. By then we were shouting at each other, "Stop, stop... if you do not want to treat my wound, then just say so, there is no need to harass me... Listen, if you want to keep me here, then you must press charges; otherwise, you have to call the police... Okay, I can tell you are not helpful or wish to help; I no longer need your medical assistance or care; I will treat the wound myself with a doctor... Can we get the police here; I would like to press charges." Four officers from the DC Police arrived on the scene in 10 minutes; the entire office must have heard the yelling back and forth. The treatment and how they make you feel is abominable and abhorrent; always thinking they are the police or some security force; yet not knowing any rules or laws of detainment and arrest.

After the police arrive; the nurse finally discloses probable cause. He says a female said I threatened her, I said "what?" I felt they had really lost their minds now. I began to argue with him in front of 4 officers and asked them to witness the exchange; I knew something was wrong with the female and this male nurse. He was psychotic and wanted to harm or impose his will on others in an illegal and harassing manner; to bully them. He was best to let the DC Police handle the situation. He began to say how the psychiatrist had accused me of something; I did not even know who he was talking about or what rank they were; if they were only nurses or if they were hitting on male patients in a romantic way. Our chats were joking, laughing and trading jokes. Now they had gone nuts. I took the care of making sure all 4 officers were present and witnessed any exchanges. They saw what occurred; the male nurse had convinced himself without any accuracy to the charge. He repeated and kept repeating the same thing when I asked him to tell me why he was detaining me and on what grounds, "You threatened a female." I kept on asking him after I heard this, "Did you say I did this or did you just say I am being charged or accused of this?" He refused to say a word and looked away as if he was frustrated or having a bad day; as if I was difficult and making things more complicated. I told him he had no right to treat me this way; my distinguish life and career in the military. Nothing could or did deter him and the female was very suspicious while I was joking with her; unresponsive or unemotional to good jokes. To the naked eye, this appears to be intimidation and a scare tactic; the reason is there is a very important law suit and criminal case with the labor unions and politicians in upstate NY at this time; already underway. The injuries had arisen by combat and battle with a radical labor union group and locals, known for antics, crime, mafia ties, and violence. The female psychiatrist said more than once, "I am from Buffalo, NY" while talking to me and it just went by my head what exactly she was speaking of.

So this scare tactic or harassment was terrorizing me. I asked to press charges and to speak to the DC Police. He said he would accept the complaint and would get all facts; beginning my counter or my right to file charges for making false or misleading statements to investigators. He inevitably interviewed and spoke to the female. When you are telling jokes and the only response the female makes is "I am from Buffalo"; there is something wrong. The DC Police officer said he just got there and does not know what is going on and will begin to get names, compile events, and wanted to ask me a few questions. He said to tell him what happened that day and how this went from getting a leg wound treated to detainment or police involvement; I told him I had no idea but would tell him what occurred that day. Also, I said I was upset because I am expected on the return bus at 10pm that night. This was a major frustration, the treatment was horrible, and I was made to feel like war was waged and I was a prisoner. If there was brass involved; it is clear and obvious they are criminal elements. Also, if there are damages from slander or defamation; any business loss will have to be charged to the Department of the Army and punitive claims. I did not want this and kept saying, "Hey, forget it. Don't worry about the wound, you are not helpful and I no longer need your help. Can I go now?" Each question I gave was followed by a facetious comment or some condescending comment to impose a will on someone. The intelligence of those involved must be questioned and scrutinized because the violation and the treatment were outrageous; what if I walked out and they laid a hand on me; to restrain or impose brute force? I knew my rights and they were way over the line; and getting more aggressive. When you detain someone; you must make it clear to them; if they flee or walk away, then you can charge them with fleeing the scene. You do not get in altercations or argue with them on guilt or impose sentence; this is why the police are called. If you are the police then you can exercise police powers. This was a lunatic and a psychopath. He was not only hostile; he was in your face hostile.

The DC Police saw everything and how nuts these nurses were. The female was spreading paranoia and involving her staff or buddies in the melee; so it should be scene as violent because they are rattling the swords in this manner. It could be romantic or some game they play among coworkers; possible more than known presently. So they were and are loyal to the baseless and false claims. If it was so serious or such a threat; why did they not ask for escort, witnesses, or make an effort to apprehend the crime in progress? This was a harassment or scare tactic; meant and intended for a reason; or a hate crime. They are also testing the limits of lying in the military UCMJ; but on a retiree and distinguished military veteran who has been proven and well known at the Pentagon and FBI. So there are 4 officers to witness this while they have no witnesses of who is doing what. I had to ask the officer to press charges if they were going to hold me; to make a formal arrest. I had to inform to the nurse; if you wish to do what you say, you will need the police and you will have to arrest me and file formal charges. They skirted this also with no accountability. As legal eagles they were jeopardizing their career and the US Army as an entity in this standoff. This will go up the chain of command and spread like wildfire because the FBI is already involved in a criminal case and the person writing this is the principle investigator. The group is based out of Buffalo, New York and there is a long rap sheet and history of violence, espionage, trickery, lies, and all sort of chicanery to include death threats, murder, and scare or intimidation tactics.

In the presence of the police they threaten to use chains and if needed; will use restraints. I kept on saying, "You are nuts and lost your mind." Then the lead DC Police Officer took me aside and said, "Mr. Nguyen, just go along with it and everything will be okay; you have my word. If you just do as they tell you, this will go better. We are here to make sure no harm is imposed and I will take your complaint and follow up on it. Just go along with it for now and things will be much better." I trusted him and agreed; telling him a few comments I will not disclose and why. I also told him this has to be the same people involved with Major Hassan; totally nuts. This was slander and defamation in front of the entire emergency room, staff and patients. You do not expect people on duty or in the military to act in this way. The reasons is very easy and this will be brought out later how it is related to Major Hassan and the Fort Hood attack; they do not get along with those they serve with; formed a close unit relation; and this was some test or litmus. It is the same behavior and intimidation tactics of the labor unions which is intended on testing their leaders. They will sue for not taking their best interest in mind or an adversarial relationship; a hostile work place. It felt terrorizing and inescapable; I even said, "Stop, you are now terrorizing me." So this was about control and minorities; do they think alike or act similar? The only threatening comment I had made to the psychiatrist was how I did not like the grunts I served with and was in schooling; a top secret MOS. I did feel that nothing in life worked or improved once I joined the Army; being changed out by blacks primarily and even fist fights with a few while in Basic and AIT. The stronger force won and they chased me out because after 11 months I asked to go back to college; the fittest and strongest prevailed.

So this attacked felt like they were trying to throw a wrench in the system. The people behind it trying to toil and tinker; to ruin travel plans, business strategy, to panic people, to act as if they were valuable or a victim; and doing so in the most condescending way possible, in your face. Had they been successful and made this detainment on baseless or empty charges; the criminal and civil law suit would be won; it is expected to go to trial in 20 days. So from Walter Reed they cart me on a stretcher to the Washington Psychiatric Hospital. There are no more confrontations and the DC Police are doing an acceptable job; following up and fact finding. I told the investigator to contact Jennifer Amo of the FBI; to know I am and have worked as her partner for the past 4 years. I do undercover and very dangerous assignments for the FBI and my handler is Agent Amo. This was an attack and it was a major risk; intended to railroad the pending criminal trials. The Washington Psychiatric Hospital treated the situation differently. They felt or viewed me as possible drug addicts who wandered in the emergency room and required detoxify or a quick interview for possible detox treatment. The doctor made sure to point out, "If you get lawyers involved, the Army will retaliate and you could be asked to pay back any retirement paid to you and this can be $400,000 or even $900,000 for the entire life of your career. Are you trying to tell me you lied and are faking your paranoia and mental illness?" I looked back at him with a blank stare and told him; am I guilty of something or are you? They release me the following Monday and treat my wound; the stay was excellent and the staff acceptable to friendly. They did use "admit to psychiatric ward" as a panic button or scare tactic by psychiatrists. There are many cases of sexual abuse or harassment by females (Tailhook, murder plots, insurance scams, love triangles, training fiascos, rape at USMA, etc...) The FBI is on the case in Buffalo and knows the skill level of these lawyers and the possible punishments by the federal government.

Also, when asked about my career; I made it clear I have a Top Secret MOS and write books on this; an expert. What you see is not what you get; not always. I am the author of 4 books and the Pentagon knows me by name; also my family history and those who raised me as a child. The question here is who they were. Why are they using race to toy with or tinker with other races? That question will unlock the Major Hassan case and unlock the Fort Hood attacks. Almost similar to enlisting in the Army; things were ruined or a total disaster once again. There are clients waiting for me and there is a schedule or itinerary. Therefore, like before and so many other attacks; the treatment or abuse on a subhuman level points directly at the US Army; also imprisonment or cruel torture. This was paraded all over the TV and around the world as if it were a secret the Army was trying to hide or could not escape. All of this comes to one single ending; the Pentagon does not like or want the personnel they hire or serve with; it is a hostile and adversarial relationship. This message is to stay away from WRAMC. The baseless accusations were not directed at military officers and did not involve rape, sexual harassment, groping, or any romantic interludes. This was just a pure threat and attack, random and senseless. It was also concealed and hidden. Luckily, the damage was minor and the counter measures were effective. Had this been a suicidal bomber; the result would be difficult and catastrophic. John Muhammad, another Army veteran, had targeted the NIH and Bethesda Medical Facility about his life ending mental problems. He claimed the Army turned him into a serial killer; the same with Timothy McVeigh. All of this was a total disaster and intended to have very negative impact. Due to the involvement of the FBI, a report must be generated and logged to all HQ investigators who are arresting or prosecuting the other cases; this is still an open case and the investigators are closing in as backup. It is also very political and a lightning rod; the use of race, force, and killing. This report will prove the merits of these facts and truth.

Based on the totality of understanding, these bizarre and unexplainable attacks are intended to have negative or debilitating impact on major operations and plans. The risk levels indicate a high value target. The support group goes into the chain of command and immediately identifies them as a possible target. It is intended to be "in your face" and to the maximum irritation. It is not an upsurge of nuisance when taken dead serious and will result to bad judgment and career ending bad decisions. The only conclusive summary is negative, life pending, and negative impact on others or circumstances. All of this paranoia and dislike of coworkers or those who serve in the military; trace back to the Psychiatric Department; specifically, do dark and light skinned personnel think similar? Are minorities as violent as or more violent than their counterparts, why or why not? What effective measures can be implemented to communicate an effective strategy avoiding mental illness or anguish of myth, mystery, or conspiracy charges? The concluding facts indicate a power grab or an exasperation; to escape expulsion or dereliction of duty because military and government service can be a saving grace for some while others outgrows the potential of government service and go on to bigger assignments. The fear and paranoia brings out violence in some, especially when they are the enemies or a rogue element deliberately and purposefully doing negative or life impacting chicanery. It is an adversarial relationship and they do conceal this secret or the violence we have witnessed imposed on others in the most senseless and debilitating ways. The FBI and the government are in constant battle and struggle with these outlaws or criminal spies; not able to detect them until it is too late and too weak to respond. They do and say what you expect to dull your senses and then out of nowhere; you get the biggest and terrifying surprise of your life. As we have witnessed in the past; it goes past the officer ranks and involves minorities both dark and light skinned. This enemy is a soldier’s worst nightmare and they must be stopped before it is devastating. If not, then it is your worst nightmare as these criminal trials ongoing indicate. In a military system, there is no escape for either sides or anybody. The acts are done out of spite and the evidence is baseless to completely false; senseless or incoherent. At the core of all this is espionage; high technology and weaponry. This is not about rank and file, coworkers, or those who serve; it is those you serve with and what they are willing to do.

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