


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011


I recall around 5th or 6th grade; there was a fight between three guys over this girl Michelle Quinn. I was there but I had given up on Michelle. The two other guys who were dueling were Greg Mason and Kevin Karlburgh. Greg Mason was a momma's boy type; looks identical to Chris Matthews on MSNBC. Kevin and I were good friends and Kevin's father was working at the Pentagon, a full US Marine Colonel. So there was a lot of tension over Michelle and also friendship. Kevin came off as a jock, the athlete type. Greg was like all the losers I had grown up with except for a few who later rise to greatness in HS. Kevin and Greg got in a fist fight and it was a slaughter. Greg's mom probably got word of this and she was single (Marsha Mason). There was a lot of diva like single moms; why I do not know. I presume their husbands were officers in the military and may have been killed during the Vietnam War. So a lot of these kids grew up without fathers and had strong mothers.

After 6th grade; Greg moved away and so did Kevin. During my time knowing both; I got along better with Kevin and did not know what a momma's boy really was. I had no idea I was surrounded by liberals or a predator; maybe a spy and enemy. So JHS I had a new scene and new friends; but Kevin was a really dumb jock type. He got bad grades, was good at sports, and copied my math homework all the time and got respectable grades (B and C). I let him copy my work. Ben and Adam are from upstate NY and I remain friends with them until graduation; then moved on to Ann's companionship and love. So Amy Baker and Michelle Quinn did somehow pop up on this radar screen and if there was some tension or suspects; I would think it was either Kevin, Greg, or their parents. Kevin had no mom. Greg had no father. One was masculine while the other was a little feline. How Michelle or Amy got involved or caught in this is not known; I presume it had to do with this stalker and predator we keep having problems with also. So there is a love triangle and it involved the US Navy or US Marines. The only girl who pops up on the radar in 1988 or 1989 is Moynihan and New York.

Here is how I saw it or observed it. Michelle was very demure, never went to a dance, never dressed sexy, had strict parents, was the only child, and did not give guys the time of day. I did get to know her friends in 3rd grade and hang out in her neighborhood; she was not allowed to go outside or play with other kids. Michelle was a girl you take serious, never flirtatious but really hot. She used to pass me secret notes and did come back later on in life; but times had changed and we were friends. I suspect this copy cat would and did try to form the same three way love triangle she did. Michelle was just hot when we were growing up and the top 3 fastest girls in the state of Virginal (600 meter run in less than 2 minutes). This is how I remembered Moynihan; except she was not demure. She acted and dressed it; than showed me her butt, her breasts, and blew me off several times as I wondered what the hell she was doing. Now my life is flooded with nappy runts who admire my teeth, hair, and think I am the second coming of Christ while trying to kill off or chase my life partner away, Ann. It all traces back to Kennedy and Moynihan; New York and the 1960s; the hippies and the drug wars in America; the Manson Klan and serial killers; radicals and bombings all across America. This was not about hot chicks or sex; it was about stealing or passing military secrets. This was about kidnapping, abduction, terrorism, crank calling, stalking, and the most psychopathic behaviors imaginable. This was about the poor, communism, and the role of America.

Hannity used to compare Kathy Ireland to Moynihan. He made comments how he met her one time in Sacramento and how nice she was; no lewd comments or phony marriage stories. Kathy Ireland is a striking resemblance to Moynihan; only her hair is darker. The two come off as drop dead gorgeous; both named Kathy either talking through or trying to duplicate the hotness of a lot of Michelle's. I would guess Kathy is their Queen of looks, Queen of Hollywood, and Queen of politics. All Queens need Kings and it sounds like I was snatched or stolen to be or become this King of nappy runts and miserable SOB traitors. Based on what we know; this predator, molester, rapist, spy, and dirt bag was watching or studying how females and males cohabitated; they were studying. Then they tried to use what they learned to cause or create a defection; much the same as a spy ring. What they are seeking or want is military secrets which are then passed to NY and on to Israel where the trail goes cold. So they did come off as a dirty nappy foreigner with flaring nostrils and the most absurd lies. We did run over or humiliate them 1000s of times daily and they did not let up once. They would come back the next day; grow more unstable; and try to increase or return the pressure. Now they claimed they learned valuable lessons about America and know much better now Americans. What they learned is supposed to enhance how they got along with others or whether America is their home. They kept repeating this in the most deranged manners. Then they kept a deception or story about total control, power, mental illness, and terrorism. That is the traitor and who we caught as a psychopathic murderous rapist and terrorist. That is also who we destroyed and who keeps threatening, invading, or wishing to either slander our name or sue.

Hannity on Jan. 14, 2011 asked on the radio phone, "Have you ever been to an Irish wake?" Both Sannity and Limbaugh were familiar with this and the smear on me in 1989. I had just escaped and tried to dump a girl; get rid of her and move on in life. This did not help or caused suspicion; on everybody. I assume it was the same smear as the DC Sniper, Tim McVeigh, Virginia Tech Shooter, Major Hassan, and now the Tucson Massacre. Ann says it best:

1. After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors. At least I think that's what the mainstream media are trying to tell me. Liberals instantly leapt on the sickening massacre at a Tucson political event over the weekend to accuse tea partiers, Sarah Palin and all conservatives who talk out loud of being complicit in murder by inspiring the shooter, Jared Loughner.
2. Of course, to make their case, they first must demonstrate: (a) Right-wingers have called for violence against anyone, especially conservative, pro-Second Amendment Democratic congresswomen;
(b) Loughner was listening to them; and (c) Loughner was influenced by them. They've proved none of this. In fact, it's nearly the opposite. Needless to say, no conservative has called for violence against anyone. Nor has any conservative engaged in any "rhetoric" that was likely to lead to violence. Every putative example of "violent rhetoric" these squeamish liberals produce keeps being matched by an identical example from the Democrats.
3. Similarly, every time liberals produce an example of military lingo from a Republican -- "we're going to target this district" -- Republicans produce five more from the Democrats. President "whose asses to kick" Obama predicted "hand-to-hand combat" with his political opponents and has made such remarks as "if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun" -- making Obama the first American president to advocate gun fights since Andrew Jackson. These are figures of speech known as "metaphors." (Do liberals know where we got the word "campaign"?) It's not that both sides did something wrong; neither side did anything wrong. The drama queens need to settle down. The winner of the most cretinous statement of 2011 -- and the list is now closed, so please hold your submissions -- is MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who on Monday night recalled Palin's statement, "We're not retreating, we're reloading," and said, I quote, "THAT'S not a metaphor."
4. As for Loughner being influenced by tea partiers, Fox News and talk radio -- oops, another dead-end. According to all available evidence, Loughner is a liberal. Every friend of Loughner who has characterized his politics has described him as liberal. Not one called him a conservative. One friend says Loughner never listened to talk radio or watched the TV news. Throw in "never read books" and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal. Being completely uninformed is precisely how most liberals stay liberal. According to voluminous Twitter postings on Saturday by one of Loughner's friends since high school, Caitie Parker, he was "left wing," "a political radical" "quite liberal" and "a pot head." If any public figure influenced this guy, my money's on Bill Maher. But liberals have been so determined to exploit this tragedy to geld conservatives, they have told calculated lies about Loughner's politics. In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times -- which is saying something -- that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth.
5. So that's how the Times transformed Loughner from a sicko laughing about a dead fetus to a deadly earnest pro-life fanatic. (Never believe a news story written by Eric Lipton, Charlie Savage or Scott Shane of The New York Times -- or for simplicity, anything in the Times.) I wouldn't have mentioned Loughner's far-left world view immediately after a tragedy like this, but now that liberals have opened the door by blaming Loughner's politics, they better brace themselves. And when I say "brace themselves," I don't mean they need to actually strap themselves into a brace. That's a metaphor, Chris.

HOW CREEPY IS THIS PERVERTED, STUPID, HATED, AND RIDICULOUS MADMAN LOOSE? I do not know if anybody else noticed; but he and they come off as a creepy old man who is a complete stranger, but pulling the old "I am your father or mother" routine on those whom he thinks are dumbasses or flirting with him. Then we have to listen to his even stranger stories about love, power, being rich, and how there is no evidence to pin him for any of this. It sounds like he is trying to get in the pants of or trying to steal something from a little kid who called him a creepy old stranger; all of them. Did I mention they were fat and a repugnant facebook loser? Worse is how these creepy old men and women say there is no evidence; they are fine and did not fall hard on their head; and how angry they are about the situation; what situation? They only watch us in the bathroom, doing daily hygiene, and in the showers because they are in love and our parents; classic! Is that why they call them creepy old men, stalkers, psychopathic, madmen, sex perverts and molesters, and victims of violence? Did I mention the creepy stranger is also in love with girlfriends and partners; distraught day and night about how love went bad? Could this be the reason why they are called dumbass everyday, ripped apart, told to leave, fight us around the clock, and now unsure if any of this can be proven or shoved in their fat pudgy red face? Worse is how the creepy stranger comes back for more and more; drunk, stupid, or in a does not care state of mind. Before we were on US Army alert. Then we are on mental illness alert. Then we were on McVeigh alert. Then we are on Reassert and NBC alert. Then we are on 911 and white power alert. Then we are on Virginia Tech alert. Then we are on DC Sniper alert. Then we are now on psychopath and stalker alert. Is there any other alert or are they right in front of us? What kind of relationship are you speaking of where we try to gain from your friendship, rescue, power, or romance?

FROM HELPING TO CONSTANT SLANDER OR MENTAL EVALUATIONS: Now it is about their money and how powerful they are. Therefore, they only want to help; it’s all good. Do not freak and do not chase this creepy old stranger off; they only wish to help, not stalk anyone because they work closely with the poor. Limbaugh and them only want to help and not freak out anybody; now they are being ran off and chased off for strange reasons they do not understand; however, no is yes and yes is no; no thank you actually means go ape shit because they are looking for the smallest signal and sign from their master nappy runt. The creepy stranger only wants to talk, and talk, and talk; and talk some more while we yell and scream at them; they just do not want to fight and are not as mean; chasing ferociously now because we can escape. Wait until the perverted stranger go online with this; that should really freak people out; the molester comes over and refuses to leave. Remember, it is their home and creepy old people only want to help; not be treated so badly. So we need to sue the government and this creepy old man for "only wishing to help." The next thing we know our life partner is nearly killed, there are three mental evaluations and demands to force medicate us, our name is slandered, and this enemy keeps trying to help and put us in a mental ward or pumping drugs (illegal and legal) in us. Now they have their fingerprint all over; we have to listen to them and face a higher degree of stalking and harassment; in our own homes. How did we go from trying to help, working with the poor; to a creepy old man and mental evaluations? How did we go from here to there and why be their fingerprint all over this and us? Every single step of the way they are there and blocked off all escape, no escaping this creepy stranger who only wants to help.

MAKES THEM FEEL BETTER: The creepy pervert and stalker keeps running their mouth; hence, they get the hell smacked out of them. Now they face extinction and it did not occur to them they spend money they do not have or should be; yet they only want to help and everybody is a threat or trying to escape. These mental evaluations make them feel better but facing extinction is no fantasy and as real as it gets; the state of mind they are in remains disconnected and delusional; psychopathic and madman incompetence. At least we do not crank call people, wish to help, plead and beg, come to their homes, invite ourselves to dinner, lie about being conservative or Republican, screw with security and bodyguards around the clock, and much more. Not only did this creepy monkey create a total disaster, they claim they are suing and taking action on us. They claim we owe them money and made their life hell or jobs harder. They actually seek to gain or get some money and profit; so if we sue or press charges; they think a counter suit will keep their power or keep them safe. So they do not want to pay labor; they want to demand money also; only to help and just because they only want to help; they are our parents and we do not even recognize or appreciate them. We are here today because of a mutual effort and sharing life. They could and should write this down; we can make a living and a career on how insane this creepy old runt truly has gotten. Now the janitor is mad we did not offer them a job; that janitor needs to start doing their job. "What do you expect us to do?" I expect you to look up the American Civil War and the Battle of Gettysbug. Now look up Picketts Charge and ask what is expected?

On Jan. 18, 2011 The iRush Bin Bumass admitted to attacks on Ann and a lot more. At approximately 1330 a caller asked him about Arizona attacks on females and he said that Ann deserved being attacked. He then said how he was proposing to both of us; was tortured into submission, looks ridiculous, is hated, cries daily and begs, and all we have to do is love him. So he is upset with the treatment we imposed on him but does not want to admit anything about what he did to us or why. So he compared the AZ attack on females to the same situation; but said we deserve it and Ann deserves it. I identify him in 2008 as "negotiating" her death and assination. Then a murder plot on me which Ann bungled. Then the death of Anne Pressley in AR. Then the death of Amy Baker in 1989. Then a series of female "starlets" death in 2009. So the ice is now melting and he claims he is being tortured into a confession or surrender; he cannot take it anymore. He and they claim they cannot sue because we hate them but we are suing because they claim to love us and stalk us; we hate them and they hate us even more because we told the truth and the real story. So the government is liable now for anything that happens (reckless endangerment, wrongful death, derelictions of duty, conspiracy, etc...). The question is why did they try to kill Ann, recruit Alex; then try to kill Alex and recruit Ann? Why did they keep getting the story wrong? Ann sought the revenge or avenged her man's own murder plot and assignations; she was asked to talk to them as a lawyer and it turned out to be a ferocious fight where she got trapped and cornered. Ann is the point of contact for the satellite warfare program; not the inventor of it or the boss of it; the public relation arm only and my life partner. We are confronting our attackers; that is what this story is about. They claim they love us, need us, and only want to help. It ended up as the Battle of Gettysburg, Pickett's Last Charge.

I am the one who has to sit there and listen to an obese, stupid, runt like momma say, "Do you like me... that is so mean... would you like to know how we kill you... do you like torture... how do you feel about me... do you hate... do you want me to kill for you... we can be powerful together... do you know who I am yet... do you like me... this is how we kill them... do you like it... it makes me so horny... I feel powerful... yes we did 911... you know everything... we are dead... we are done... we cannot win... it is impossible to deny it now... I want to love you... I want you to need me also... can you cry, I want you to love me... you must cry, I cannot win... I can only kill you... we are very angry, do not push it... we will kill you, leave... do you want to see me kill again..." etc. After they got caught it was mostly about killing Ann while Ann was trying to make it look like she was with them and against me; being recruited. Then it got to beheadings, a bunch of dead blondes, etc... This is what I reported to the FBI in 1998 and I could not tell them who was doing it or why. Now I can; let's start with the leaders and escalation; Limbaugh and Hannity. Then lets expand to their deputies who hide and follow their battle drums; they march in unison. Their story, not the leaders but the deputies, are mental illness, paranoia, a secret police, a safety net, and whom puts the graphite rods down when the core overheats. They are the ones with the fingerprints on this and they are the ones who do the blockade. Why? They do not want me to succeed and expand this "mutually assured destruction" Limbaugh has snuck in. Now all I get is, "please master... we do not want to get hurt... we are only corrupt... I promise to be yours only... I will be good now... please let me go master" and it sounds like a filthy porn movie with a nappy runt and a fat degenerate who is acting sweet, cornered, secluded, and enjoying someone else's dinner table. What a sicko and what a worthless species we have lured into this trap by letting them attack us. All day and all night it is death threats or how angry they are now and will get even one day.

On Jan. 17, 2011 Limbaugh says "the both of us is responsible for this" when I asked why he is not escalating this? I am not escalating nor can any further. So how many people would work for his world class body-butt boy service and who would work for my little meager security company? Now you know how Limbaugh, Sannity, O'reilly, Ingraham, Horowitz, Levin, Malkin, Fox, DePasquale, CPAC, the media, and the Republicans feel. Don't even involve the Democrats in this equation; it will be a bigger disaster. Limbaugh and all of them think they are doing their own thing; we must respect their individuality now; we cannot but they can. If I gave you the chance of a lifetime; would you snatch it from the jaws of defeat? That is how they also feel about this. They also claim Ann is hiding secrets and are warning her with death threats; AZ was only the most recent one. The truth is people will loose their jobs over this. The truth is people are waiting for you to be more honest. Your job may not be on the line; but we have been through this same slander process, you get people fired over your total insanity. The truth and the story is right there; nothing is missing. How the government, the state, or any of you can keep your job is how insane this got. Everybody will say the same thing as we say; this was unpleasant for everybody but we know who is at fault and who did what; don't we? So if your job was on the line and entire existence; would you work for us or them, why? Next time, choose your company better. Karl "The Communist Mole" asked the last survivors on planet earth on Jan. 17, 2011; "What do you expect us to do?" I expect you to look up the American Civil War and the Battle of Gettysbug. Now look up Picketts Charge and ask what is expected? Karl The Marxist Mafia also said they were "done" and knows the five year plan is going to be enforced by the office of hurricane and earthquakes. They are now on psycho alert and shooter alert. What kind of relationship are you speaking of where we try to gain from your friendship, rescue, power, or romance?

IS THIS HOW THE STORY IS TOLD: When they got caught, they tried to get it their way; take out Ann or Alex. They asked each of us to determine their option. When their new scam failed again; they decided to turn on both of us. They changed the story to a romance and live in romance story; from stalking and murder more of a total lie. To clean all this up, they issued one psycho-terror-shooter alert after the other from 2001 to 2011. All those who died as a result of this violence falls on the cover-up process. But wait, this was not all of it. They were now counter-suing and claimed we betrayed them, turned them in, were not as strong, could not take as much pain, had to be shut up, and nowhere near the anger level or psychopathic level they are at. We heard on the radio escalation phone every single day from 2008 to 2011; daily lies about how they were tortured, bounded, severely or cruelly destroyed, will do "pay back", we got a book out of this, we got free training and education, and they are parents or love us. The degree of insanity and the total lack of security to allow this enemy do this falls on the political motives and those who gained from it. The only people who took action and did anything about this; are those who are also the victims now and seeking damages. They claimed we filmed them and they were not peeping, spying, or a sadistic molester in addition to a communist enemy and a mole. The degree of criminal motive and acting on it is out of the scope of laws or the Constitution. The only legal defense they had was they were poor and they were hungry; thus, hunger caused them do this extreme level and it should be avoided at all cost. Does this sound like they were bound, tortured, and murdered; or does it sound like we almost did? Why would they refuse any detail about how they got in this predicament and lost?

Everything we wrote or were ours; somehow ended up on their shows, as a new company, or were written about before it was even released or published. The spying got so disgusting; we called it a sex pervert and peeping tom. Even if they had no education; they were now in the highest table and most powerful risk missions in the world and talking to the well educated authors of it. That is the problem; we are not their slaves and are now serving as their teachers while spied on in our own homes. They stole most of it from Ann; then were copying all the satellite warfare material from Alex; even the most crucial parts called mutually assured destruction. This was their mutually assured method to stay toe-to-toe, tic-for-tac, and keep the in-your-face full court and double teaming pressure relentless. The bottom line is how hard it has become to lie now than before. They are dumb and steal everything; we mean everything. There is no way they can be Republican, American, or conservatives; just a total madman and insane spy. This nappy communist also claims this is their world and home; we are stealing from the people each time we open a company or make a business transaction; taking from mother earth. That is and was so crazy it needs no comment; but why colonialism and imperialism is all entangled. They debase and discredit everything and now even claim we are bounding, torturing, and murdering them. We seek the death penalty for a very good reason and a very well intentioned purpose. This is how they terrorize the Republicans, conservatives, and right wing. Not only do they rape and antagonize it; they terrorize it. What would the logical mind do or say; what is this brainwashing seeking as a goal? This was their first strike in war and we tripped over their trip wires and booby traps; we admit this if they admit we trapped them. We are not stupid and we are not their lamb to the slaughter. We would not give them the light of day, no less shut them up or let them do this. They also claim to love us, a lamb to the slaughter. There is no myth here and if there is, the gap between the sides is we are preparing for their next wave of attacks; they are now forced to fight their way out of this. They will not stop and will have to fight even harder now; if they will be victorious in world war. We have witnessed their deception for the past three years; it is all total lies when they win or when they loose.

Now they crank call and get in our faces still. The idea is nobody can stop them, they are the power. We can still be their hero and they are no longer taking violence or malice on us; they are willing to stop saying leave or stalking us. Imagine that, we are the heroes of the communists and they still need or love us. The record shows their life miserable, real hell, pain, crying, begging, and not even leaving my home. The record shows the sky fell on their mushy head and how much harder it got to stop them. The really annoying crank callers were Bohannon, Bauerly, Buchannon, Palin, Michelle, a few police officers, wave after wave of creepy strangers, and a few other media communist spies. They act sweet, nice, and conceal everything we describe as total insanity and a psychopathic core. Now it is harder to conceal because they are now fighting for their life and existence. They are testing, studying, and probing and we are feeding them as much disinformation as possible. This should teach them a lesson about spying and stealing our life. This is how we ended up with the mafia, labor unions, Democrats, drug cartels, terrorists, and communist moles terrorizing the right wing. They invented total chaos and fueled it with space age insanity. Worse, the real estate involved exceeded their labor payments and assets; those assets were a puzzle of crime that cause their politics to grow heavy, lazy, and in utter debt. The ability to steal was and always there; so was the power of the people. We ended up with this understanding and catching all their leaders, identifying al their deputies, and they just kept stealing our life and claiming it was love or romance. For the right price; these criminals can torture, torment, and hold any political foe as a hostage and terrorize them. For no price and our own self preservation; we destroyed them as a favor and a career objective. So the communist leadership, the moles and traitors, the mafia and drug cartels, the labor unions and left wing, and every form of terrorism on earth are all on the same page; telling the same story; and still going toe-to-toe.

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