I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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The most unusual events as renters came into our home and forced me to live elsewhere. Once this occurred, it was from one place to another. One place was 6 months, the next could be 14 months. You had no say and they would do the oddest things; such as dress in wedding gowns before you went to work, search your belongings, etc... Then once college was done; the next phase began. It was one job after the next; as if you are being checked out or given an approval; every single job ended up a firing at first for no reason and then for customer complaints. It was just nonstop. If it was not the job or the supervisors; then it was the police. I started to get paranoid or hated life; I wanted to embrace revolution or left wing politics; to revolt against an evil system. I felt trampled on and used; every minute of the day was one thing or the other. In one position delivering newspapers at 4am (NY Times and Investors Business Daily - IBD; Renzo the supervisor was a eastern block new immigrant); the job lasted almost 12 months strangely. I noticed only two FFX stations were dirty; Springfield and Mclean; the name "Chin" kept showing up also in police matters on TV; a female or spouse.
There was another girl who has links to Virginia Tech whom I met while at NVCC; the Black girls. The Black girls (Kimberly, Jessica, Melissa, etc…) lived in Vienna (Pope X Circle - Vienna HS) and were taking classes at NVCC for the summer. She was a Valerie Plame (identical) look alike, a blond with striking looks but a skinny, frail, and book worm demeanors; quite the contrary to Moynihan and her dominating presence. Remember, these are not legitimate or authenticated NY housewives; only Moynihan is or has passed the muster. After graduation came a wave of girls from Marymount (Arlington, VA) - New Jersey girls and Cassandra F and the Chicago girls. The girls from Chicago said they had "fibromyalsia" which is regarded as the source of laziness. It is said to be an afficionado of the liberals or the Jews and causes random tired spells; also the Yuppie disease. Fibromyalsia is a bloodborn disease that induces a sensation of laziness in primarily white races and is not typical in black races. The Black girl I met seemed to be afflicted with something; her legs were frail and lanky; but her face was very beautiful and she was a Valerie Plame look alike, identical. It was odd when I found out her address was named after a Pope.
So that is just how things turned out after college and ten years; total hell. I was made to think I could not do anything right and was dependent or needed some type of guardian or guardian angel; to get even or settle the score against the system; an equalizer. I recall in 1999, while living in FFX (22030) four different girls from Mary Washington University began to contact me with a psychopathic or pathological style, one lie after the other. Most of it were related to their looks and weight since I began to devise traps and took this matter to a lawyer, they began to brag about their father working for the FBI, specifically the Office of Civil Rights; I did meet and get a facial on one of them, it was not the same girl. They end up or this ends with a 200lb girl, a joke, and everything total lies; it is only to get information or toy with people. All four girls were extremely defensive about their looks, weight, and personal appearance; thus, the murder case in 2002 (Fairfax couple, Mary Washington Athlete, US Navy SEAL, eviction, robbery) in Ocean City, MD with a decoy named Lori, an Ann Coulter look alike and drop dead gorgeous platnum blonde cheerleader. They felt defeated or had a sensation of humiliation, losing, and hostility. This ended the same way in 2008 and with Sue-Chris, iRush-Katherine, and these other couples and marriages. This is how or why things led to a UN Navy SEAL or a Navy Captain whom I was living with and whom vandalized my brand new vehicle; he was not homosexual but very bizarre.
If it was not one thing, then it was another. The Fairfax County Police got word and began to write running the yellow light scam at 4am; this got me upset about the job so I quit. I kept getting tickets and nobody knew where this was headed or who was doing it. We know now it was the DC-VA communist forces doing a recruitment. One time a pickup got behind me and sat there. When I pressed the gas on my pickup truck; the engine died and rolled backwards almost striking the tail or suspicious car at 4am. I felt they were bombarding the oxygen sensor or the combustion sensor will RF or electronic warfare. This also happened on my Subaru; a vehicle not vandalized but oddly stalled and had to be towed in 1989 after a year of perfect service (Subaru GL sedans do not break down at 130K and last forever.) Then after it was fixed; my brother told me he started the vehicle and the engine blew; so they discarded it while I was in the military (90-93). Then I bought the RX7 Turbo and someone dumped 10 gallons of gear oil in the back seat and made it look like the cap had fallen off. They do this kind of stuff. It seems as if in 1993 all hell broke loose after my oldest sister was hired by the White House. There were several occassions when the Presidential limo drove by as I was rollerblading or biking in DC, 96-98. Just strange and unexplainable stuff that would not stop until Ann got there; all hell broke loose. After 1993 and return from the Army; nothing was ever the same or worked; everything fell apart. iRush explains it as an employment and sponsor; he and the communist are the bosses.
I believe there is a criminal organization ring that is linked to spying and also terrorism around the DC-VA area. The DC area is known to be a hot spot; a nest of all kinds of lucrative, espionage, arms dealing, terrorism, and global events. The reason I suspect this is during the 1998 to 2000 heydays; an old gang memeber showed up. His name is Tony Kronbusch. The place he showed up at was a silk printing facility I was working at. At the time, computers was changing the way printing was done; so I was interested in the silk printing; however, did not expect Tony or another guy named Tam. Tam is a biker type; a very tough stern type you would expect in a gang or to knock your lights out. The Kornbush was a half German-Japanese family at our HS. Tammy the girl was 6'3 and had nice but mean looks; she was a scrappy and hostile type. The owner of the place had state of the art machines; contracts for the entire Midatlantic states and they made billboard or bus stickers; gigantic silk prints. I remember meeting the owner and oddly; Tony and Tam who were living a dual life and acting strange. They also liked to hire younger people; football types or Abercrombie types which struck me as odd. My suspicion is they were sent by the Catholic Church to our school or to watch and see what the Pentagon was doing; were they race mixing or trying to challenge the liberals as Ann has? The story of the mafia is always about a rival, a new up and comer, a very similar or clone, and a murder plot from within.
The only person I know or have ever met after 1989 from Buffalo, NY was in 2004. I met a guy named Robere Lewis (black guy) who camed to DC because there were no jobs. I spoke to Robere about NY or Buffalo. I also tried to show him around; he had a nomad life and oddly his son was in Catholic or private school. I followed the AAA job to see where it would lead; maybe a master car theft ring or some challenge by the labor and socialist. They always want to know if you are inferior or weak; they claim they are not and use work or jobs to prove it. So Tim Russert used that Anthrax attack to silence me and we had them; or at least Ann did. Then she took off for NY and the heat in DC was smoldering. These fights are ferocious and it feels like a hidden, invisible, and deadly terrorist trying to jumble your head and turn you into a rag doll; an invalid. The one thing that just kept recurring were these women; then all the sudden they were gone and were sworn enemies unless you delivered on your end; high profit or some get rich quick plan. This is why Ann just squashed them when they found out how big her purse was and how tiny theirs was now matched against. They also mistook Ann as a gold digger; an iRush ring leader. We know them as the communist but they have taken many other forms; a powerful spell released on America and crime.
Tim Russert at NBC for some forsaken reason; called the FBI and had said I was writing them threatening letters which was false. I was trying to figure out why Tim Russert was contacting me and referred me to Stuart Taylor of the National Journal. Since 2008, Ann has confronted or interviewed Stuart Taylor, NBC, the Clintons, and even Chris Amolsce - the defense lawyer on the case and trying to get me to plead guilty. Russert refused to say anything; even had a book in 2007 to match my book. So if this idea I have no rights and the group is much stronger than the individual; then these are the people who during a severe period right after college; went into attack mode and were coming into or sneaking up to me. I did not know who exactly they were and why; I only reported one, two, twenty, forty, two hundred... and so on like how it is with Sue and Chris; just no let up. All they have to say is "we are ready to die... leave... we do not know what to do." We always see these murder plots from within crime organizations; especially before the head is caught.
As a historical note, there is a high penchant for predatory or molester type behavior. Moreover, it is hidden and very difficult to scare off. What protects you is to use the world they resist and fight; the heterosexual one. Therefore, unless you have a physical female or a spouse; you can only ward off a sadistic homosexual with porn or pornographic material. It confuses them and makes them angry; a state of given up and obsolete or insolent in brainwashing or exhausted. By forcing them to watch porn you want to reverse the brainwashing or the failed attempts. It is crude but the only defense against this kind of an attack or enemy. In otherwords, X rated pictures of your girlfriend or a made up fantasy wards off and suspends them; keeps them locked out. We know their sexual history or profile and it is disgusting; the problem is we do not have our partner in life and have to invent some stall method; just wait and fend for ourselves. If you know they hate women or are losers; keep women around and have gorgeous ones abuse them. You must and have to shut each door they open or else it will remain open and get worse; they do not give up or take no for an answer. So they get very defensive and very offended. This also explains how they got the way they did in the end. This is your chance and you cannot waste any moment; the objective is to solve the case and catch them; not listen to their complaints about spying or stalking your life. The role of undercover work is to corrupt what is already. Also if they have a dog, you play wolves in the wild all night to corrupt their dog. By misjudging you, the false pretenses are deflated and obsolete.
What this sounds like is the Catholic Church and a much stronger and powerful group; above the mafia and even more vicious or deadly. So this is how we ended up with communist spies or terrorist at the gates of hell; the source is labor, labor unions, and the underworld. After the crime bosses were taken down by the federal prosecutors; the guardian angels came out and invented violence that allowed them to continue this master spy and mole game. This time they were on our side and our guardian angels; the third head to the father, the son, and the holy spirit. When you take out the bad guys; they play this game with the good guys or ride their coat tails in life. That is how moles and terrorist operate and that is how we detected or got in a ferocious fight after they emerged from the wood works. They snuck up and we circled and followed right behind them. In the end, it was how the chips were stacked and how they fell. They claim I am a prisoner and have no rights, do you hear me iComrade? We are dealing with the top of the mafia; the liberals, labor unions, bikers, and communists. I am not even allowed to do laundry or else face poison ivy or bacteria attacks; these construction people have a long term plan and scam, but they have to scare me off and garrison the entire area. It is about gambling, Indian property, and picking on who they need for crime. Now they are angry and seeking revenge on me.
As you can see, the same is repeating and the people behind it have finally been caught after twenty years of this total hell and hitting you all day behind a curtain or tormenting every waking moment of your life. It had to do with work at the National Right to Work Committee and lurking around there or near there; casing the place and using spy cameras or surveillance to win legal battles and court cases; exclusive access and illegal recording devices. The reason why they use peeping tom cameras or some recording device is to know when the game is over, when the lies are exposed, and when to call it quits. Hence, the recording and the behaviors of iRush and Bin Hannity; Sue and Chris; Israel, Democrats and liberals, and this terror plot and communist revival. The question is why doesn't it work and why they did not know they were being watched carefully? We are dealing with the top of the mafia; the liberals, labor unions, bikers, and communists. I am not even allowed to do laundry or else face poison ivy or bacteria attacks; these construction people have a long term plan and scam, but they have to scare me off and garrison the entire area. It is about gambling, Indian property, and picking on who they need for crime, profit, and retirement funds.
"If you understand the story or the history of crime in America, you know the story of Carlo Gambino. Gambino is the only Don who retired and died of natural causes. Furthermore, Don Carlo was so beloved by his family that after he died; they instilled misery into the ranks to mourn his loss by imposing his cousin Paul Castellany to oversee operations like a dictator or a tyrant. Now you had the head and the body; total revolution in the ranks because of a power vacuum. This will inevitably be the entrance of The One. We know and have studied The One for over twenty years; we can not only tell his story but beat him at his own game. The One is a master communist spy, marinated by a legal background and a rich life spoiled silly by power brokers and influential parents. The One learned his experience in life and by reality; he needs no books to navigate the earth. The One is the new leader of the underworld and the boss of all labor unions, labor movement, racketeering, manufacturing, profits, and the left wing; he is the most powerful communist and master spy on this earth. We know the body but what is the head? In every family there is a male and a female; this is the male story and we are missing the female one or the secrets, private, and untold story of the puppet master, the children maker, and the ones in the background. Where are the females who actually lay the eggs and take care of the revolution? The Teflon image lives on and is now a political message.
In a wide-ranging exclusive interview with GSN on August 23, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, the military intelligence operative who collaborated with Rep. Curt Weldon (R - PA) to draw worldwide attention to the Able Danger’s origins, explained how it tracked terrorists as they visited individual mosques around the world, discussed the CIA’s refusal to cooperate with the program, acknowledged the supporting technical role played by the Raytheon Company, and described Able Danger’s ultimate demise. - The Secret Birth, Extraordinary Life and Untimely Death of a US Military Intelligence Program, by Jacob Goodwin; GSN: Government Security News Magazine -
At the end of the mafia wars in America; a new horizon and a New World Order was a play. Who will become the head of it and what will the body look like in an age of technology, computers, and the information era? From the looks of it, science has taken on the world of electronics and the source of all this electronic goods; a foreign nation and government free of any touch or any reach. Therefore, during the 1980s a cultivation of a culture was in the works that blasted the previous generation and their military or foreign policy in Asia and the world. Now foreign policy ruled the earth but based on the Constitution; foreign policy has no laws, borders, or rules. This now will be the primer for which this madman and mad scientist begin to paint on; their recover, revival, and global takeover of the communist and capitalist forces in the name of the poor and Democracy. The One has guardian angels all over the world there to ensure that his goals and his policies become a reality and set into motion a continuous world based on bottom up and not top down management. Blood relation does not even dictate this mission but The One has tremendous experience on how to take over families; good and bad using power or peaceful methods, profit. In the end, everybody has a price but nobody has a soul; only The One. So this story is about birth, being pregnant, and a mysterious force called The One. The Pope may be a figurehead and a symbol; The One is as real as it gets."
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