I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Keep Away: I heard Rosalyn Carter speak and it was repulsive. The boring broad has a speech impediment and sounds mentally ill. She does not even understand how vicious and compromising communism is and she and Carter sound all passive or fake. I was offended listening to her talking about mental illness and their work in Georgia. Here is the truth; stick with farming. The speech impediment does not hide the psychopathic and imposing manner they injected mental illness and struggles with mental illness, depression, and all sorts of insanity in my life. They are just like iRush; a manly mean menace with a female or stupid voice. It is like a killer and a tormentor who is retarded. Try to talk to them and they will say how vicious politics is or it is vicious; as if they are clueless about the liberals and left wing. This is their god damn king and superior standards. This is the people who go and be friends with terrorists and communists. Then they all kidnap people and this loser or retard negotiates their freedom. Obviously, the mafia cannot make money on a massage therapist that blows farts on men and is a retard but acts big and bullying. So why would the fart masseuse try to kidnap or make kids for Israel or communist spies using a gas bag retard to instill the proper jungle fever or orgasm? No matter what you say or do, they are always in total control and psycho mode. They do not report anything, answer to anybody, and this is the worst thing that could have happened.
So this is who and why the mental health smear and slander is all over my life; the F'in Carters. You can hear and feel the stupidity in them; how they cope with it and are relaxed by a healing process of needing or acting wanted. iRush and iHannity are Carter protégés. Now would any of these flamers try this with the football team? How about the wrestling team? So why would they try it on Ann and Alex? The insane witch even acts calm, in control, and admits she is communist; we are going to be released and respected now on August 30, 2010. We have to call DHS and CIA to ask them if this is mental illness or just a retard? Drop what they are doing, we have a passionate red head on the line who wants to make love and not degrade anybody; it is just a tragedy, a repeat of Vietnam but they know it is suicide now and they learned to respect us. This is why the mafia do not want to deal with this iRush threat; the females are known to blow a fart on others. Michael Coreleone says limp dicks, loose snitches, ugly witches, and no ditches; welcome to America retard, crime is yo business. So why do they want to or are ready to die? iRush says he is the heartbeat of America.
Super Rosalyn does not realize the football players and the champions want to zing the ball at her and she wants to show her red flaming hair and thick ankles off to drive them wild and have babies with her farmer ass. Rosalyn does not realize she stinks and is repugnant but she does not act like a dictator; persistent and unrelenting. A doctor needs to explain to Mrs. Carter that retarded read only red heads do not win the heart of champions or top athletes; but this is part of her stupidity; seek some advice next time you idiot. Now you cost iRush and iHannity a lot of money, us 20+ years, and a total disaster that must be paid one way or the other okay retarded idiot? We do not seek or aspire to have red headed, stupor driven, and such a loser type of King but we can see iRush in the same way. What you need is an Italian or a real woman to put this fart masseuse in their place. Everybody is laughing at the mafia for getting stuck with the retards and the labor unions; go on a diet or bury them in a fat farm. iRush says he is the voice of the American public and we shun them or do not listen. Primarily, the family upstairs served as a messenger, lookout, and a spy or lookout. To stop Isreal and the communist; you must first stop NY and the mafia.
So why don't Rosalyn go and divorce Jimmy and marry a 20 year old quarterback if she is that wonderful? That is her mental illness she is describing and this Alice Hansberger or special Ed kid with the wedding dress. This is the learning disability child they want upstairs and the constant child molester or rape sensation; some mysterious loser or kid who makes you nauseated. Look at what the F'in Carters and the terrorists put us through; now they agree it is suicide. They wish us well and hope we are not irate or can get better. Rosalyn has tried so hard and is so frustrated with how they are treated or those with a mental illness; but they are showing what America can offer. Their work in GA became my work in 1990-1993; and they did not even bother to ask. Rosie does not want to talk or ask; she just wants some action and reaction. She wants to be ravaged and ripped apart by passionate barbarians who love how septic sweet she is and how frustrating life is. This female trash can has cost the mafia their entire retirement and the public image that cannot be repaired. Ann says they are stealing kids for spy work and to go against this Pearl Harbor reproduction terror plot in NY. I forgot they are child molesters and need the genetics. They do not have the genetics and the fart masseuse female to produce a F'd up kid they want.
Mrs. Carter says it hurts and she has to get better; it is best for the country, yeah okay. iRush was playing cupid with his master and lover Rosalyn; that is his fantasy. Rosalyn says they are just learning about this and it is a tragedy, so frustrating. F you F'in witch; you hide this well with the retard act. At 1355 she admits they are communist and we are in "mental health court." We are forced to care for our mother and she is going to release us. Thank you so much, you make me so happy Rosalyn baby! Rosalyn wants her girls to make love, have babies, is not fighting anybody, is calm and nice, and is not hurting or fighting anyone. However, she and they respect us now and realize it is communism. Her new mommy is upstairs. So here we are telling them not to look, talk, or call the head coach or any of the team captains. Then we zing footballs at them, call the police, leave town, and try to kill them or worse; and they think they have our attention and a dialogue to fix the romance?
Worse, iRush and iHannity then tries this on Ann Coulter. Who in their right mind would even talk to Rosalyn or "it" and walk away from Ann? So this is how we got here and this is how we got the way we did with the communist and labor unions. We are just dying to talk to them or have a baby. They are so hurt and so angry; trying to heal and get better; but at least they respect us now. She admits we were in mental health court and will release us now; we will get better. She is so sad now. This was worse than rape and so degrading. Rosalyn says she feels so frustrated. It sounds like you are horny, stupid, and a retarded idiot that lost the mafia gambling operations or Las Vegas. The massage therapist who farts on men does another fat one. This time she kidnaps undercover agents so her whistle can be blown, not blown up like a terrorist. Kiss the gambling operations goodbye and in the name of red flag who is now sad and so frustrated. Now take a look at the reports of how they tried to silence both Ann and I; the pictures and the reports of their activity. Kidnapping, stealing your kids, bacteria attacks, bombing OK, bombing WTC, and their behavior does not even touch upon who they are or what they did. iRush says they represent the American public and we are not interested in what they have to say and have no rights.
They might try to ask me next time or ask if I am even interested in such a retard and a F'in loser whore who is not connected to reality. So here we have all of these people dying for nothing and chaos erupting everywhere in the 1980s and an idiot and his sidekick is acting like Kings and a retard. They are unrepentant and going to hell and they claim it is just a mental illness; like God would ever get the truth or honesty from them. What a god damn piece of F'in trash; and the worst part is they sound stupid and have this stupor. Rosalyn keeps saying in a really stupid and annoying repetition, "we need you... vicious... secrets about struggles... sorry about it... trying really hard." See the problem with the Carters and why so many people had to die in the 1980s; then we get an iRush genius and Republican in the 1980s; another twist of the problem. Rosalyn is retarded and has a mental illness and she is trying to communicate and act like a Queen who needs soldiers.
She says we are mad at them and their stupor now; it changed their life and they respect us. Females and moms of this IQ level get their kids killed and the bodies are everywhere; they are not repentant, "Oops, I am an idiot... I am sorry... they can get better... no chance of a meaningful life." You got to be kidding me; does she know how many people died under the Carters? They were not behind this; we have those behind it now; they are too stupid to match us. She does not even care how many people died and say it was suicide; it was really annoying listening to a repugnant female act like a diva among royals. She admits they are communist spies and hid it; a tragedy now; they needed us. Rosalyn says they have learned to respect us and it is just a tragedy; yeah okay. Call DHS and CIA, I think we struck gold and in love! This woman does not want to talk about it; she only wants to make love and babies; it does not matter who it is or how they turn out; any takers! So lets ask the mafia, WTF do you do with an idiot who is repulsive, cannot smell herself, and is a semen monster? Why did it take someone's wife to put this fart masseuse in her place? Why did they keep going while whimpering about how good their puss was or how they wanted to die? Can we all say retard who cost a lot of people a lot of life problems? Ann is afraid they will harm our kids and wants this completely over before having kids; so she has made the ultimate sacrifice. Rosalyn says they need Asian genetics and the best.
This is about the history and the finances of the mob; gambling and legalized sin. If you have Indian Casino plots ran by the FBI or FEDs; the emperor will destroy the Germans, Italians, Pope, iRush, and Blacks. I say lock and load; fearless in any fight and when the chips are down; never let up. Fix the wounds, pick yourself up, and follow the lead. So if they have their game face; their gambling operation is now on the table; will they play to win or suicide? They are testing their power and revolutionary command; will they survive this if we know everything? God is profit and power; take profit and power away and they hate the Indians or naturism. FDR and Donovan did the same shakedown to the Japanese (internment); so they think it is revenge and dollars talking. Threaten their cash cow and they will attack; a bee hives. So I did it, what is the deal; bring it. So McVeigh is coming. Also their kid Nick who has an ear piece and training already; psychotic kid who you cannot stop and in training. The "implant" spies with surgical earpieces are their best, so their kid is one of their leaders. This is ultra secret CIA stuff but how they do it.
I am an open target. As the father of Satellite Warfare; both Russia and Israel have hit me badly; hence I am wounded. I got hit with their SATWAR program in its infancy; I did not advertise I was wounded or targeted. I am hunting them; they do not hunt me. I threw one card on the table and they did not take it; I need the remaining 18 to last me 20 more years; I am a dead man, trust me. Ann is sticking to her guns and sticking with me on this fight, fearless and relentless; never blink. So you are watching me play one card so far and their terror plot. If this erupts, I will need the remainder 18 for the next 20 years; I am an open target; you must understand this and why and how we got here or to this point. I did a sacrifice play; they have not played it. I need to know how long this card lasts; 10, 20, 30, or more years. I have 18 total; 1 down so far. 1 card is keeping me alive and there is 17 left for the next person; cross your fingers.
This is the communist forces USA and world. It is not Gotti or Castalano, iRush is a circle of power; in and out of government. I measured him at 4X Gotti; maybe more, but he has no cameo or hiding places; a sitting duck and tarnished; wounded with blood in the water; come in on him, I have him in a submission. I need protection and this was not supposed to happen; Ann and I planned it and they trapped me; this terror plot and to flush the emperor. So now you are the emperor plot and this conspiracy; the right wing effort to destroy Catholics and labor; to assassinate the Pope and eradicate him from America. In our world, this is ludicrous. In the iComrade world it is a daily reality. So the last line of defense is up and they got their General; he is ready and on the table are all of their pensions. Play to win or suicide? House rules says it is suicide but are they logical or not?
US Open: the FBI is going to look at the time and frequency you buy tickets to the US Open. So if you are pretending and using this to bother Annie or I; it is not working. If you want to ask Ann out; why don't you just do it and not report it? Instead, you play this mouse and cheese game as if you are a female with a really hot wild side. Those homocons Opie and Andy just got caught for this; take them out to the US Open tennis loser.
Dear iSean Bin Hannity: you may like tennis or you might be faking it but here is some advice. Your son is too young. Wait until puberty to find out how tall, fat, or quick he is. Then you will know how good his game is at age 12-16. The reason why Ann likes or watches tennis is because I began when 12 years old and studied pro players. I know Lendl and just about every strategy on the court. If you are tall, I play a low game. If you are not flexible or cannot read spin, I play a slice and spin game. If you want to baseline, then I go straight into your body. I have the most beautiful one hand backhand and I hit as hard as I can on both hands; until the string explode. I know how to run you if you are fat. I know how to wear you down if you are eager. I know how to bring you in or whether you can baseline with me. I can put serves on the line; but serve like Becker for height and angle. My point is a pro is not made when 5 years old or 6 years old. Tennis is a sport you play 5 days a week and have to a science. When you are told to put the ball on the line, you must. If you are aggressive, the opponent will neutralize you. There are ways to draw out your weakness. There are no champions over 6 feet tall, only Becker and the Frenchman, very few. Tennis is a thinking game. I know what the ball will do when the racquet is strung at 60. How it flexes at 70. Then how the ball weakens and spins at 80 pounds. I know racquets, graphite, composite, Kevlar, and even ceramic. I like the traditional graphite or braided to give the flex. Even the ball has to be perfect; or else the tension of the string and racquet adjusted. So I scientifically learned how to do things on my own and play-rewind matches between Lendl-McEnroe; Borg-Lendl; Becker-Lendl; Connors-McEnroe; Lendl-Connors; and a few others.
Tennis is not something you just do; you must play it at least 2 to 4 hours daily. It gets to the point where the muscle memory is so sharp it is natural. So I do not believe you have just picked up the sport of Tennis or mimic Ann; why does Ann like tennis or watching it? If you get a pro level player on the court with me and allow me to practice for one month; I can stay with them and hit the ball even harder back. I can baseline for five minutes at maximum speed; the pro level. There is nothing I do not know about shooting, fishing, football, basketball, or tennis. I just like a few of them. Using your son as a tennis novice is sad. Using tennis to leech off Ann or to show similar likes is how you got in so much trouble. You son is not going to be a serious tar until he is 12; when his body fills in. To learn the shots you would have to watch pros every weekend as I did and record them. If you want to learn serve-volley; watch Mac. If you want to be a baseliner, study Lendl. If you want to mix it, study Becker. If you want to consistent and wear out your opponent, study Connors. Each of those players has two to three strategies for their matches. Lendl comes out hard and wears you down. Mac attacks and does not let up. Connors will take what you give and send it back until you show him you are champion. Becker will mix it up and use his power to blast by you. You have to be really quick and snappy; any hesitation and it is picked up on; to run you all over the place. So this is why Ann chose this sport and likes to watch it; she knows I have that natural ability and pick up stuff quickly. I taught myself this tennis science when only 14 to 16 and then gave it up for soccer; my lifelong choice. My soccer game is also very complex; 3-3-3; 2-4-3; 3-2-4; etc... I cannot say I am good at soccer though; it depends. So if you are trying to hit on Ann like all these other losers; give it up will you F'in loser. Do you want to get fired or something; loose your entire life? I am not bragging but it is difficult to keep hearing or watching. My point is I am the player that hits topspin lobs or curves the ball around the post, which is me.
Fact: iRush said this is the Alamo. The Indians and Mexicans have been used for the last Alamo! So those ties must be cut to NY and the mafia; get the Indians away from the PR so they can be more threatening. It comes down to gambling and taxes. They know the Indians are easy to fool and history says they have perfected this. He explains the NY-Indian matter in 2008 and 2009; just does not say it right.
Note: Freedom Watch does not have a 1.4 billion dollar law suit on iRush and iHannity; they cannot rationalize their anger but how much do we take or are expected to take? We know they need and they take; but how much do we take? Do I let them steal my kid? Do I let them steal my wife or kill her? How much do I have to take from a lunatic before I throw down three of my best cards and say to hell with them?
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