I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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It is similar to the mobster Nicky Scary and Lioness of NJ. To win, he must be with the greatest; so he lets nobody become the friend of who is going to put him on top or above the game. When asked if the score is 200 to 0; iRush admits it but the disrespect is unspoken; they refuse to let up and play this game with scofflaws insisting we are at war. In attacking best friends or even those who are more trusted than he is; he starts a war and begins his rapid decline into hell; too greedy and always testing patients. Are we supposed to thank him for losing and utter failure or respect him as he demands around the clock? Regardless he keeps this flamboyant image and his phony life like the con man he truly is. So what they did after getting caught was go into a mode of damage control; to compound problems and to increase the workload from 15,000 pages to 20,000 pages. The erratic behavior and the quick career fall was witnessed across the world and before the eyes of millions. So to come into court with nothing and take the 5th or deny this is a far stretch of the imagination.
There is a cast of characters and years before turning 18 is full of characters and world leaders. Off the top of my head are just random people. Jarrod Scogna and his brother had a father who was never home but a station chief at the State Department. Bobby Aflatomi was from Iran and looked Italian; he dated Charlene who is the daughter of a US Marine Colonel. Two CNN anchors graduated with one of my sisters and one of them had a crush on my older sister. A girl amed Yong was the prettiest Asian that ever walked the planet, from South Korea. One of my close friends is named William Casey. We have a very rich enclave called Camelot; where top Pentagon officials reside. My ex girlfriend Linda is from Poland. We also have the Brezinski family there. Blake my wrestling buddy has a father in the Air Force and he never hangs around any of these people. There is a four star Air Force General; who has a daughter named Leah (Telfare maybe). Everybody on my soccer team is Catholic or has a parent in the US Navy.
My ex girl Linda (who I hate and cannot stand because her mom worked for the FBI and hates me) has a friend who looks like Tokyo Rose but lives at least 10 miles away (Yoo Chin); You Chin is engaged to a blue collar guy named Frank from Marshal HS. Then Yoo Chin does not get along with Linda's (ex and Ann Coulter look alike) other best friend who lives in Camelot because her father is an FBI agent (Jen Pimmentel or Agent Pimmentel). I did not like her either because of how stuck up she was but she dated Will Casey a buddy; and got to know her. Jen is a nice and sweet girl; just not to strangers. Gigi is from Peru. Freddy Burgos is from Chile. Arturo screwed my ex when she was 14 and drunk but she is embarassed now. It feels like a pressure cooker or some UN conference. So there is just a tremendous amount of jealousy in this case and it is directed at the most dominant, smartest, and who all the girls love or want. It could be a game or a trick; but there are at least 100 drop dread gorgeous females and mediocre or very intelligent males. The worst part is the females know who the king of the wolfpack is and so do the males. It will come up again and haunt those involved.
My neighbors is five very attractive girls; sought by guys across town and from out of state; NC men. Next to them are diplomats from India, their son is a playboy named Raj. Boss Hog Brian lives next to Raj; the Honeycutt name and very proud their family history. Down the street is Edie; a look alike of George W. Edie's father is a DC cop who arrested John Hinckley when she shot Reagan in DC. Next to Edie is Karwois, Polish name and another household of really pretty girls; one with Down Syndrome. There is a singing teacher across the street where we used to live. Michelle Parks; the gorgeous black girl (light skinned) lives behind us gives me lap dances all through sex grade; not the fake kind but the real ones. You put Michelle in a room with black guys and they will go nuts. Leslie and her sister are not as pretty as the Claussens but it is very close. Then you have those linked to my childhood buddies; the Davis' who are from New York and world class swimmers. It is a cast of world leaders and nobody knows who is who or what they are up to. Someone ruins my life and then expects me to drop out of school in 1988 and join the Army; with Tim McVeigh and go to war in Iraq.
I document my involvement in the Persian Gulf War and missing all classes; but was not enlisted yet. I end up in the war room drafting invasion plans and get engaged to Ann Coulter who ends up a superstar; so I am a faithful husband of a powerful female. It is like a cat and mouse game to figure out who in hell is doing this or was doing it. I also grew up with American Indians. Who else grew up with natives? Why is OK involved or the Bush Administration; is it TX or just LBJ? So who is the spy and communist spy ring? It feels like a guessing game and a puzzle to figure who Mr. Questionmark is or was. If we do not, we die or have to commit suicide. So things did not turn out as expected but the difficulty getting here is a legal case. Now we are hostages or some political prisoner and the female upstairs keep saying in a sad, soft, and weeping voice while attacking 24 hours and trying every trick imaginable; "we do not know what to do" over and over again. Worse, they still do not have a kid and Ann and I do not either. Are they looking for the best and brightest; or a leader?
This case is about rape and the sensation of being violated. It is about the sensation of being drowned, trapped under ice, and the real story or reality. This case is about an American story told through the eyes of criminals, scalawags, weasels, dirt poor immigrants, and the labor movement. It is fought on American soil by a diaspora of immigrants; who came here under the best and worst of conditions and found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow denied to them. It is a story about America and the labor movement; the careers of a cast of characters; their upbringing and life together; and how they ended up in life. At the heart of the story is about how communism is or was being fought on American soil; by the FBI and the US military; how lives were ruined and how one group relied on the other. It is the story of real estate and property; the basis of law and order; the fundamental theory of the police and firemen who are a regiment of public servants protected by a hidden shield called the labor unions. It is not their tale and it is not their country to tell it; however, it is being told or forced upon the media through back channels, crime, and terror plots. So once they came to America; they became heroes for each other; calling in the darkest times and being there for each other. This story of the left wing and the labor movement is about the plight of the Jews and the Catholics. Some of these characters are the best and the brightest, unmistakably irresistable and whom nobody can say no to. This is about their story in politics and more broad, global domination, where nobody can say no or face the wrath of the underworld. - From the New Chapter called, "The Story of America" by legendary author Alex Nguyen -
In the Bulger case, organized and labor union forces of iRush history are using the blacksheep of the family (Alex Nguyen) to invent human rights charges on the US and the FBI. The people behind it are the unions; a secret war; and the communist forces around the world. They call it union violence; we call it something else. After researching the profile of "Bite-me" look out like Whitey Bulger of Southie-Bostie, Massasschusettes; one name comes to mind out of the High School yearbook; Jamie Connolly. Connolly and I met through Chris Liebig because they grew up together and were childhood friends. When I got a job at Chesapeake Bay Seafood House at age 14, I did not know I was working alongside his older brother Chris who would do hand flips down the aile of the restaurant. I also was not sure if he knew I was using my older brother's ID and work papers. This means that when I turned 16 I had to get a new job and use my own papers; it was only one or two days a week. Oddly, both Chris Liebig and Jamie Connolly began working at a restaurant called "Sir Walter Raleigh" when they turned 16; so I was way ahead of them and got a job at NRTW and ran into the unions. Come to think of it; one person stood out, the Reiser family. They were the only Jewish family who lived in Camelot and with all Catholic. Reiser was on the soccer team and I met him through Chris Liebig who grew up with them. Reiser kept out of trouble.
Right at this period when I was seeking a girlfriend or going through an odd puberty stage; a girl two years younger drops in linked to JFK and LBJ. Here I met the knock out and drop dead gorgeous Moynihan who had me from hello. I am probably the only man who got to see her naked body and not feel like a peeping tom. I used to take Jamie and a few people down to Pax Naval Base because his father is a US Navy Captain. His father was retired and hey lived in the wealthy Camelot part of town. On one of these trips; a mysterious thug popped out of a run down restaurant at 3am while I was searching for cardboard boxes and had to take a leak. He began to make racial slurs and acted as if he was some racist or KKK member; similar to Tim Inspinger when I was 8 years old. Tim stole our grass cutting money and the NFL football that the US Army Ranger and Park Ranger guardian had given to us. I already documented this (search Inspinger). My family only eats at one steak house, the New Orleans Steak House in Rosyln, VA because it has been there for over 30 years. This is where I kept getting yellow light tickets. All of this DC sex blows up on the same people behind it all; take a guess who? It is like a gigantic orgy, who can cheat, who can be a mistress, who can have a secret life after their spouse dies or is whacked off.
They all date or know intimately one girl named Amy Callen on the HS cheerleading squad; another knock out. Amy is the only one out of all of them who went to Boston College and always brought boyfriends from out of town or visiting; it was the oddest thing. Amy was like one of the guys and really enjoyed my company; not flirtatious but curious all the time. Amy did go to our soccer games and did hang out with a few of us until I broke off the ties. Things were getting too crazy and I was not comfortable with what they were saying to me or how the relationship was turning out. Jamie is childhood friends with a fireman's son named Guy; his son and I became friends over a Mustang GS model; very rare he was fixing up and drove me in. It was the fastest car I had ever seen. His father died mysteriously of a heart attack our senior year and Guy was broken. Jamie runs with the Gregory girl who is another cheerleader and younger, Guy, and this one knock out who went to private Catholic school but had a dirty angel look and heavy metal rocker face. She had a really unique name and could make you look and fall in love easily; I met her a few times and ignored her. The most suspicious of them all is Dave Troung. Dave mysteriously ended up working in the same buidling as I did in 1998 while a Pentagon analyst. Dave was working at the FDIC and had a legal degree even if he was two years younger. He was the odd man out they grew up with and also wealthy. So all of them are iRush and all of them are Catholics who live in the Camelot district known to be very wealthy.
Mormon died the same way a fireman died when I was in North Carolina in 1999; at the Outer Banks (Oracoke Island). The fireman was caught in a riptide saving his son. Mormon may be from NY and upstate; Ben and Adam were. This sounds like the story of Boston; specifically South Boston when the iRush arrived and were housed in jails. They had nowhere to go; then were placed in run down squalor in South Boston where crime was encouraged. They struck some deal with the liberals and left wing; used as labor and menial jobs and spread across America; becoming rich and educated. So both the Jews and the iRush came to America and faced this diaspora. They spread out and had a centralized leadership; a ring or circle of power. Guy was an oddball and had a girlfriend. It was odd how David Troung and his family fell into wealth after being first generation Vietnamese; all are lawyers and possible politicians. Are they choosing the most dominant and aggressive of the bunch, Alex? Alex is a super soldier; raised by US Generals and WWII heroes. Are they mimicking or trying to match him? You do not have to be rich to be happy in life; why are they so unhappy and psychopathic? Is it prison life? Bad events in prison? Or is it this idea nobody likes them and they should just go away?

The FDIC building is on Fairfax Drive in Arlington. In my office there was a supervisor named Mary and a Two Star General; with warts and bandages on his hands. I have twenty of those warts right now and need them cut off soon. Jamie in 1998 was very wealthy. He worked for a mortgage company and based on reports, was raking in a lot of money doing mortgages. I went to lunch one day and low and behold, Dave Troung was walking down the street and said he worked at the FDIC. Then I met him in the same building. So Dave Troung, Chris Liebig, Patty Haddershell, Heather Brown, Pete and Russ Bennett, and this guy named JJ (Virginia Tech graduate) kept showing up mysteriously. I met JJ while he was working at the Vienna Bike shop at Pan Am Shopping Center (1995-1997) on Nutley/Lee Hwy at my bank ATM and CompUSA. So I do know a JJ: JJ Hetman (Nikki's brother and best friends with Patty Haddershell) and JJ (X) really handsome and athletic engineer from Vienna HS whom I never got to really get to know or meet. I ran into JJ's sister Nikki at GMU in the weight room and she is very athletic and another knock out. She was younger and I really never paid any attention or noticed. This is the same time I became close friends with Pete and Russ; Nikki dropped in occassionally.
As far as federal prison, I must have met their proteges. All of them are bank robbers at Butner Facility. All of them play tennis and have a soft GQ look. The two Hollywood looking guys are Bulger's creation; one meek and the other psychopathic and street brawler. They love tennis and love watching me play; I have a game identical to Ivan Lendl; full power and topspin. The bank robber I compare to Bulger is from AZ and described for me a female FBI agent who was cute and looks like Ann; a dirty angel FBI type face. It is very attractive and unique; a brawler and tough by nurture. He would crack on how she chased him and make sexual stories up; really odd. He also said he had a Porsche and was caught with this stripper who became his girl in New Mexico or in Mexico. So he robbed a string of banks and got 30+ due to the violent nature of them. His stripper girl, who is rich, hates her parents, and comes to visit another kingpin; is part of their buddy system. We are talking very good looking people; not whom you expect to be bank robbers. On Bulger's profile it says he worked as a janitor after prison. Odd, I worked for a Roudi family from Iran who owned a huge office cleaning business called Coverall International of Mclean. Sheila and I had a lot of hanky panky and she is a 35 year old Persian model; irresistable and unbelievable beauty. I thought about asking her out but was soon with Ann. All of this sounds like the Camelot crew.
A profile of each and every person who attended FCHS needs to be created. All of these characters came from Camelot, they mythological story of King Author. It is the story of the JFK and LBJ administration. What their parents did for a living around DC-VA has to do with the American story and her future. I have a mysterious bird who talks to me; I swear it is the reincarnation of a Colonel or a very capable US soldier. I describe the face like an eagle; looking around and spitting. I ask it what it wants me to do; it says nothing and flies off. It sits and waits for me to ask it questions; then leaves me only one answer to fit them all; a test. It feels like I call him in for a meeting and it is only one on one; my Sargeant and I trust his eyes and his experience. He tells me, "you do not have to do anything... I will" and then takes off and does not return until when needed. It is just to let me know I am good and not in need of correction or any advice; a moral support by something very powerful. Moreover, this began on Craig's List. The book was advertised mostly on there and searches on the love life of Ann Coulter steered them to my blog; what college did the killer go to?
As far as Italians; there are Italian females involved here; Jennifer (Jen Lawson, lives near Suzi Schrage and was best friends with her sister at UVA). Chris Liebig has one of them, Ann (Catalano). Ann lives down the street from the NRTW boss and founder; Ralp Reed. An Italian girl began to come over to my neighbor's house and spent a lot of time there. She looks like that Lisa D. promotor in Ann Coulter's life. Although not very pretty at all, she became best friends with Deana; whom is my age and whom her father wanted her to marry. Her father spoke to me often about this and if I had a girlfriend; then mentioned how Deena spoke about wanting me to give her a ride to school on my bike. Lawson would give me sensational massages in physics class. The teacher was almost 240lbs and it probably drove her nuts. I got the idea Jennifer was hitting on me or spying; but forgot about it because I felt paranoid. I avoided talking to Jennifer. All these people went to VA Tech. So a cross check can be made with Italian names, those who went to Va. Tech, those who live in Camelot, those affiliated with the labor unions, those from Korea, Those with parents in the US Navy, those who became firemen or are married to one, FBI agents, those who are politicians or married to one, Those from TX (a lot), those who are linked to the mafia or spy rings in DC; and those who are either communist or Israeli agents.
A few incidents stand out in my memory. Chill Casey and China Chatman sucked at tennis and I tried to teach them in 1988 how to play. Then we got tickets at a quarry and I ended the relation. Before I did, I was at Will Casey's home in Camelot and Kim the cheerleader came over. She was the girl who I met at Chesapeake Seafood House. Kim and Amy Callen have two things very similar. Their butts big. Everybody felt Amy was a knockout and she is just one of the guys. Until her butt was the topic, they said it was huge. It was big and very tightly gifted; same with Kim the cheerleader who was two years older. They all are very rich and educated. So a big tush was the reason that put them over 160lbs but striking looks. Also Cassandra my roomate in 1998 had this big tush problem while drop dead gorgeous. We are talking above average looks while young here; world class levels. You will need to bring on board the people who know the Bulger case well; there is a very strong smell and scent. My instincts are never wrong.
With all this commotion about New Orleans; were there anybody from LA? Yes. Two sisters named Sherette and Shareen; they look like female politicians and have short dark hair. Then a friend who lives in Vienna moved there after HS to be a deep sea diver for the oil companies; his name was Jim Laswell and his father worked at the Pentagon. Laswell hung around an odd crowd from Vienna. One of them was Rob McDonald; whom Jim Chatman and his brother would spend a lot of times with. He told he McDonald has a lake in his yard and they swim there. I do not know how they met but Rob dated Kelly Bowman; a girl who went to UVA and that is why he came around so much. Rob has bad teeth and is really skinny; like a punk; bad mouths a lot of people and says he is only joking. I never got along well with him at all. Laswell and I were good friends and Jim would do anything for you; an assistant who is very skilled to be deep sea diving on oil platforms. There are so many people who come and go there; it is hard to keep up.
After researching the South Boston mafia and the Atlantic City Mafia (Bulger and Scarfo); it is clear to federal racketeering investigators that organized crime prefers construction projects instead of owning them. So not only are they thinking long term; they can also wire the money making business up with bugs, peeping tom cameras, and all kinds of dangerous; such the case with Oklahoma City and WTC 1 and 2. Now it does not matter if they are phony or real; extortion money can flow easily. In the case of Scarfo, the banishment to Atlantic City was a blessing in disguise which caused him to live with his mom and scrape up any form of business possible; same with upstate NY. So the same winning formula may be in the works. The one thing about the Bulger files which stands out is the ability to escape capture or detection. Obviously, a big hole in the wall and a line between politics and crime has been crossed. Similar to Las Vegas; once you cross that line into legitimate profit; you fall prey to regulations, fines and fees, federal regulators, and taxes. So there is avoidance and also the use of front companies or some circus like atmosphere. Since we know the what, how, when, and where; the last and most guarded secret to this is who. This is the one stage or piece of the puzzle always hidden or kept in the dark. They will admit to the details and all the rest; but never who is truly behind this and why. The who is the closest guarded secret of all and the fixes must be figure out soon; otherwise, they will go belly up and loose all controls.
We know this is the communist forces which curtail any effort to verify or disclose their identity. What the underground or the politican enemies of America want is control; this means that if they are in the minority or show weaknss; they will fall victim to the currents and those legitimate forces. Also, we see severe or extreme decline and paranoia in the 80s; the crazy 80s of disco and drugs which propels the criminal world into paranoia and murder sprees. So we know a shock and a disruption had occurred; from what we are yet to know. The terror plotters claim they are mad and venting it at America; so it may be betrayal and revenge they seek; on their old allies and their new ones. They mystery is open on why someone was talking to Alex in his home on Shipman Court in Fairfax, Va. while at GMU; however, the mysterious voice claimed to be some federal agent who wanted him to be a "double agent" and penetrate or work for him. No deal was ever struck and no details were ever disclosed but it was a male voice in his 50s or 60s; a harsh, cruel, dictator like impression. Was this about revenge or just fear and profit seeking? So what they did after getting caught was go into a mode of damage control; to compound problems and to increase the workload from 15,000 pages to 20,000 pages. The erratic behavior and the quick career fall was witnessed across the world and before the eyes of millions. So to come into court with nothing and take the 5th or deny this is a far stretch of the imagination.
Another suspicious mobster is Henry Hill. While interviewing the revolutionary command upstairs for almost 8 months; the male subject presented himself as a drunk. Each week two to four cases of beer was drank between him and his wife. When asked about liquor, he repeatedly, constantly, and was obsessed with peach brandy. He said he likes to drink it in the winter. When asked if he wanted a bottle as payment for dinners; he said it was not peach schnapps but brandy. They are very sneaky but very obvious. They would play this game to terrorize you around the house; turning on the water at the same time, banging on the floor, sitting above you while you slept, creeping up while you least expected to "whack" you, talking to the walls 24 hours a day, stealing anything they could, etc... Another odd occurrence is the service center across the street. They washed limousines and expensive cars between repairing them; it was odd. Considering this was someone or something that was uniquely iRush; the biography of Hill stood out. When you made fun of or looked down on the iRush; he went beserk and was the messiest and filthiest human ever encountered.
There is a man named Albert Anastasia who looks like Don X who was the boss of the company ran by Sheila; Coverall International. Don looks like a grey fox and has the face of Anastasia; maybe put too much into the imagination; but this is the only man I ever met who was a look alike. My impression of Don was secretive and a cheap CEO; but he did drive an old Caddillac. I remember Sheila giving me sensous massages often; she loved to work together. My job was to call companies and ask them if we can send a representative over to put a bid on their cleaning services (not supposed to explain). They wanted me to just pick up a yellow pages and dial off the top of my head; as if I was a crime boss. I spoke to this one lady who offerred me a programming job at a medical technology firm; I declined and told her I was in night school. I saw Sheila once six years later while riding my motorycle at Tysons II; she looked stunning as usual in her 40s. Sheila (Celeste Dion look alike) does not look Iranian but Italian; same as the softball champion (Celeste) at Jaco in 2006.
As far as Gallo, I grew up with 4 girls with this last name; part of the Gorgeous, Inc. crew. Coverall is a cleaning business and they sell contracts to anybody who wants a won bid. We know we are dealing with the communists. If you analyze the death of Leon Trotsky; he died by an ice pick to the head. Trotsky was killed or forced out because he refused to advocate violence and felt revolution was intended to be peaceful. So if you compare the drama in the mob and mafia; you get the same pattern in the world of thieves. As far as Murder Inc., you can take it one notch up and globalize or internationalize it. The dynamics of the mafia is similar to the circle of revolutionaries such as Dherzinsky, Bukharin, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, etc... They are forced out or undergo terror and re-education and brainwashing.
There is a restaurant in Fair Oaks Mall, Fairfax that intrigued me. While at George Mason University; I met two girls that caught my attention while attending frat rush events. The first was named Michelle Snow. She said nothing and had a boyfriend; she just went to events and did not talk ever. The second was named Jennifer Mead. Jen would wait for me at the library and did "run ins." Her striking beauty and the most piercing eyes had this personality of clobbering you; but she was fun and always running or walking fast. So we became friends and she would tell me to come to her work at a restaurant called Luciano's. She asked me if I ever came in there a second time and I said I was planning to; I did not take it serious. It was a new restaurant (brand new 1997) and they had really good pizza. The frat I was with (Sig Ep) was attending gun shows and baseball games; so a guy named Nepalm showed me a .45 caliber pistol bought at a gun show; it struck me as odd. I remember writing to Katherine and telling her I had gotten out of the Army; if she was still at Villanova (Yes she was a senior once) and letting her know I would be at GMU in the Fall not Villanova.
There was a bunch of incidents while at GMU; attacks. I had never seen anything like it before; maniacs and lunatics. A stranger threatened to shoot me in the GMU library for just looking at him and had on a dark overcoat rain jacket. I called the campus police but did not report who instigated it; the computer lab administrater; he came in the room when I was there to be friends several times; and then one day flipped out so I got a bit mean and he backed down. He tried to show off his computer skills and would come around often. Suspiciously, I met this Cuban guy named Villaneuva who said he was a 29 series US Army satellite technician; similar to mine; he had been following me. Was this about my Army record and why were they coming to meet me at college; is this about a job? If so then Logicon is where they made contact and then Sprint PCS. I got a really bad case of food poisoning in 1998 and could not stop puking. Was this about satellite secrets or what mission I was on, or extortion by the labor unions as I report to the FBI in 1998? Did I or was I kicked out of Va. Tech for a possible crime job or a computer role? If so they slandered my grades at GMU; D to B grades (looking for a fight and I blew it off for now). It felt like someone was trying to make me unstable or feel very inadequate by relentless attacks and stalking. iRush does trace to GMU and Walter Williams and the economics department.
So I went to this Luciano restaurant several times and hung out with Jen. She said to sit and have a beer so I did. She never came around and that was it. I came in there once again; and she got hostile; "leave me alone" which freaked me out. It felt like I was set up so I just left it alone. That is just one of the many incidents at GMU. Stef Delacruz (Stef Seymour look alike and who was always with me in class and whispered about a BJ, no phone number before asking) also told me to come to her work "Carlos O'Kelly" and I never did; she would ask me also. So this might be a possible revenge for walking away from an arrangement. I worked in the mall at GNC so it was not really intentional; I did get the idea to eat dinner or go there while at work, chit-chat. I got the idea she was inviting me to work there and get to know her; rejection. So Jennifer Mead also came across as psychopathic or hostile; the same sensation I got from Moynihan. That was it; I did not talk to anybody at GMU and had really bad vibes always; I felt someone was watching me or out to get me due to the evictions.
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