I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Keep Away: I heard Rosalyn Carter speak and it was repulsive. The boring broad has a speech impediment and sounds mentally ill. She does not even understand how vicious and compromising communism is and she and Carter sound all passive or fake. I was offended listening to her talking about mental illness and their work in Georgia. Here is the truth; stick with farming. The speech impediment does not hide the psychopathic and imposing manner they injected mental illness and struggles with mental illness, depression, and all sorts of insanity in my life. They are just like iRush; a manly mean menace with a female or stupid voice. It is like a killer and a tormentor who is retarded. Try to talk to them and they will say how vicious politics is or it is vicious; as if they are clueless about the liberals and left wing. This is their god damn king and superior standards. This is the people who go and be friends with terrorists and communists. Then they all kidnap people and this loser or retard negotiates their freedom. Obviously, the mafia cannot make money on a massage therapist that blows farts on men and is a retard but acts big and bullying. So why would the fart masseuse try to kidnap or make kids for Israel or communist spies using a gas bag retard to instill the proper jungle fever or orgasm? No matter what you say or do, they are always in total control and psycho mode. They do not report anything, answer to anybody, and this is the worst thing that could have happened.
So this is who and why the mental health smear and slander is all over my life; the F'in Carters. You can hear and feel the stupidity in them; how they cope with it and are relaxed by a healing process of needing or acting wanted. iRush and iHannity are Carter protégés. Now would any of these flamers try this with the football team? How about the wrestling team? So why would they try it on Ann and Alex? The insane witch even acts calm, in control, and admits she is communist; we are going to be released and respected now on August 30, 2010. We have to call DHS and CIA to ask them if this is mental illness or just a retard? Drop what they are doing, we have a passionate red head on the line who wants to make love and not degrade anybody; it is just a tragedy, a repeat of Vietnam but they know it is suicide now and they learned to respect us. This is why the mafia do not want to deal with this iRush threat; the females are known to blow a fart on others. Michael Coreleone says limp dicks, loose snitches, ugly witches, and no ditches; welcome to America retard, crime is yo business. So why do they want to or are ready to die? iRush says he is the heartbeat of America.
Super Rosalyn does not realize the football players and the champions want to zing the ball at her and she wants to show her red flaming hair and thick ankles off to drive them wild and have babies with her farmer ass. Rosalyn does not realize she stinks and is repugnant but she does not act like a dictator; persistent and unrelenting. A doctor needs to explain to Mrs. Carter that retarded read only red heads do not win the heart of champions or top athletes; but this is part of her stupidity; seek some advice next time you idiot. Now you cost iRush and iHannity a lot of money, us 20+ years, and a total disaster that must be paid one way or the other okay retarded idiot? We do not seek or aspire to have red headed, stupor driven, and such a loser type of King but we can see iRush in the same way. What you need is an Italian or a real woman to put this fart masseuse in their place. Everybody is laughing at the mafia for getting stuck with the retards and the labor unions; go on a diet or bury them in a fat farm. iRush says he is the voice of the American public and we shun them or do not listen. Primarily, the family upstairs served as a messenger, lookout, and a spy or lookout. To stop Isreal and the communist; you must first stop NY and the mafia.
So why don't Rosalyn go and divorce Jimmy and marry a 20 year old quarterback if she is that wonderful? That is her mental illness she is describing and this Alice Hansberger or special Ed kid with the wedding dress. This is the learning disability child they want upstairs and the constant child molester or rape sensation; some mysterious loser or kid who makes you nauseated. Look at what the F'in Carters and the terrorists put us through; now they agree it is suicide. They wish us well and hope we are not irate or can get better. Rosalyn has tried so hard and is so frustrated with how they are treated or those with a mental illness; but they are showing what America can offer. Their work in GA became my work in 1990-1993; and they did not even bother to ask. Rosie does not want to talk or ask; she just wants some action and reaction. She wants to be ravaged and ripped apart by passionate barbarians who love how septic sweet she is and how frustrating life is. This female trash can has cost the mafia their entire retirement and the public image that cannot be repaired. Ann says they are stealing kids for spy work and to go against this Pearl Harbor reproduction terror plot in NY. I forgot they are child molesters and need the genetics. They do not have the genetics and the fart masseuse female to produce a F'd up kid they want.
Mrs. Carter says it hurts and she has to get better; it is best for the country, yeah okay. iRush was playing cupid with his master and lover Rosalyn; that is his fantasy. Rosalyn says they are just learning about this and it is a tragedy, so frustrating. F you F'in witch; you hide this well with the retard act. At 1355 she admits they are communist and we are in "mental health court." We are forced to care for our mother and she is going to release us. Thank you so much, you make me so happy Rosalyn baby! Rosalyn wants her girls to make love, have babies, is not fighting anybody, is calm and nice, and is not hurting or fighting anyone. However, she and they respect us now and realize it is communism. Her new mommy is upstairs. So here we are telling them not to look, talk, or call the head coach or any of the team captains. Then we zing footballs at them, call the police, leave town, and try to kill them or worse; and they think they have our attention and a dialogue to fix the romance?
Worse, iRush and iHannity then tries this on Ann Coulter. Who in their right mind would even talk to Rosalyn or "it" and walk away from Ann? So this is how we got here and this is how we got the way we did with the communist and labor unions. We are just dying to talk to them or have a baby. They are so hurt and so angry; trying to heal and get better; but at least they respect us now. She admits we were in mental health court and will release us now; we will get better. She is so sad now. This was worse than rape and so degrading. Rosalyn says she feels so frustrated. It sounds like you are horny, stupid, and a retarded idiot that lost the mafia gambling operations or Las Vegas. The massage therapist who farts on men does another fat one. This time she kidnaps undercover agents so her whistle can be blown, not blown up like a terrorist. Kiss the gambling operations goodbye and in the name of red flag who is now sad and so frustrated. Now take a look at the reports of how they tried to silence both Ann and I; the pictures and the reports of their activity. Kidnapping, stealing your kids, bacteria attacks, bombing OK, bombing WTC, and their behavior does not even touch upon who they are or what they did. iRush says they represent the American public and we are not interested in what they have to say and have no rights.
They might try to ask me next time or ask if I am even interested in such a retard and a F'in loser whore who is not connected to reality. So here we have all of these people dying for nothing and chaos erupting everywhere in the 1980s and an idiot and his sidekick is acting like Kings and a retard. They are unrepentant and going to hell and they claim it is just a mental illness; like God would ever get the truth or honesty from them. What a god damn piece of F'in trash; and the worst part is they sound stupid and have this stupor. Rosalyn keeps saying in a really stupid and annoying repetition, "we need you... vicious... secrets about struggles... sorry about it... trying really hard." See the problem with the Carters and why so many people had to die in the 1980s; then we get an iRush genius and Republican in the 1980s; another twist of the problem. Rosalyn is retarded and has a mental illness and she is trying to communicate and act like a Queen who needs soldiers.
She says we are mad at them and their stupor now; it changed their life and they respect us. Females and moms of this IQ level get their kids killed and the bodies are everywhere; they are not repentant, "Oops, I am an idiot... I am sorry... they can get better... no chance of a meaningful life." You got to be kidding me; does she know how many people died under the Carters? They were not behind this; we have those behind it now; they are too stupid to match us. She does not even care how many people died and say it was suicide; it was really annoying listening to a repugnant female act like a diva among royals. She admits they are communist spies and hid it; a tragedy now; they needed us. Rosalyn says they have learned to respect us and it is just a tragedy; yeah okay. Call DHS and CIA, I think we struck gold and in love! This woman does not want to talk about it; she only wants to make love and babies; it does not matter who it is or how they turn out; any takers! So lets ask the mafia, WTF do you do with an idiot who is repulsive, cannot smell herself, and is a semen monster? Why did it take someone's wife to put this fart masseuse in her place? Why did they keep going while whimpering about how good their puss was or how they wanted to die? Can we all say retard who cost a lot of people a lot of life problems? Ann is afraid they will harm our kids and wants this completely over before having kids; so she has made the ultimate sacrifice. Rosalyn says they need Asian genetics and the best.
This is about the history and the finances of the mob; gambling and legalized sin. If you have Indian Casino plots ran by the FBI or FEDs; the emperor will destroy the Germans, Italians, Pope, iRush, and Blacks. I say lock and load; fearless in any fight and when the chips are down; never let up. Fix the wounds, pick yourself up, and follow the lead. So if they have their game face; their gambling operation is now on the table; will they play to win or suicide? They are testing their power and revolutionary command; will they survive this if we know everything? God is profit and power; take profit and power away and they hate the Indians or naturism. FDR and Donovan did the same shakedown to the Japanese (internment); so they think it is revenge and dollars talking. Threaten their cash cow and they will attack; a bee hives. So I did it, what is the deal; bring it. So McVeigh is coming. Also their kid Nick who has an ear piece and training already; psychotic kid who you cannot stop and in training. The "implant" spies with surgical earpieces are their best, so their kid is one of their leaders. This is ultra secret CIA stuff but how they do it.
I am an open target. As the father of Satellite Warfare; both Russia and Israel have hit me badly; hence I am wounded. I got hit with their SATWAR program in its infancy; I did not advertise I was wounded or targeted. I am hunting them; they do not hunt me. I threw one card on the table and they did not take it; I need the remaining 18 to last me 20 more years; I am a dead man, trust me. Ann is sticking to her guns and sticking with me on this fight, fearless and relentless; never blink. So you are watching me play one card so far and their terror plot. If this erupts, I will need the remainder 18 for the next 20 years; I am an open target; you must understand this and why and how we got here or to this point. I did a sacrifice play; they have not played it. I need to know how long this card lasts; 10, 20, 30, or more years. I have 18 total; 1 down so far. 1 card is keeping me alive and there is 17 left for the next person; cross your fingers.
This is the communist forces USA and world. It is not Gotti or Castalano, iRush is a circle of power; in and out of government. I measured him at 4X Gotti; maybe more, but he has no cameo or hiding places; a sitting duck and tarnished; wounded with blood in the water; come in on him, I have him in a submission. I need protection and this was not supposed to happen; Ann and I planned it and they trapped me; this terror plot and to flush the emperor. So now you are the emperor plot and this conspiracy; the right wing effort to destroy Catholics and labor; to assassinate the Pope and eradicate him from America. In our world, this is ludicrous. In the iComrade world it is a daily reality. So the last line of defense is up and they got their General; he is ready and on the table are all of their pensions. Play to win or suicide? House rules says it is suicide but are they logical or not?
US Open: the FBI is going to look at the time and frequency you buy tickets to the US Open. So if you are pretending and using this to bother Annie or I; it is not working. If you want to ask Ann out; why don't you just do it and not report it? Instead, you play this mouse and cheese game as if you are a female with a really hot wild side. Those homocons Opie and Andy just got caught for this; take them out to the US Open tennis loser.
Dear iSean Bin Hannity: you may like tennis or you might be faking it but here is some advice. Your son is too young. Wait until puberty to find out how tall, fat, or quick he is. Then you will know how good his game is at age 12-16. The reason why Ann likes or watches tennis is because I began when 12 years old and studied pro players. I know Lendl and just about every strategy on the court. If you are tall, I play a low game. If you are not flexible or cannot read spin, I play a slice and spin game. If you want to baseline, then I go straight into your body. I have the most beautiful one hand backhand and I hit as hard as I can on both hands; until the string explode. I know how to run you if you are fat. I know how to wear you down if you are eager. I know how to bring you in or whether you can baseline with me. I can put serves on the line; but serve like Becker for height and angle. My point is a pro is not made when 5 years old or 6 years old. Tennis is a sport you play 5 days a week and have to a science. When you are told to put the ball on the line, you must. If you are aggressive, the opponent will neutralize you. There are ways to draw out your weakness. There are no champions over 6 feet tall, only Becker and the Frenchman, very few. Tennis is a thinking game. I know what the ball will do when the racquet is strung at 60. How it flexes at 70. Then how the ball weakens and spins at 80 pounds. I know racquets, graphite, composite, Kevlar, and even ceramic. I like the traditional graphite or braided to give the flex. Even the ball has to be perfect; or else the tension of the string and racquet adjusted. So I scientifically learned how to do things on my own and play-rewind matches between Lendl-McEnroe; Borg-Lendl; Becker-Lendl; Connors-McEnroe; Lendl-Connors; and a few others.
Tennis is not something you just do; you must play it at least 2 to 4 hours daily. It gets to the point where the muscle memory is so sharp it is natural. So I do not believe you have just picked up the sport of Tennis or mimic Ann; why does Ann like tennis or watching it? If you get a pro level player on the court with me and allow me to practice for one month; I can stay with them and hit the ball even harder back. I can baseline for five minutes at maximum speed; the pro level. There is nothing I do not know about shooting, fishing, football, basketball, or tennis. I just like a few of them. Using your son as a tennis novice is sad. Using tennis to leech off Ann or to show similar likes is how you got in so much trouble. You son is not going to be a serious tar until he is 12; when his body fills in. To learn the shots you would have to watch pros every weekend as I did and record them. If you want to learn serve-volley; watch Mac. If you want to be a baseliner, study Lendl. If you want to mix it, study Becker. If you want to consistent and wear out your opponent, study Connors. Each of those players has two to three strategies for their matches. Lendl comes out hard and wears you down. Mac attacks and does not let up. Connors will take what you give and send it back until you show him you are champion. Becker will mix it up and use his power to blast by you. You have to be really quick and snappy; any hesitation and it is picked up on; to run you all over the place. So this is why Ann chose this sport and likes to watch it; she knows I have that natural ability and pick up stuff quickly. I taught myself this tennis science when only 14 to 16 and then gave it up for soccer; my lifelong choice. My soccer game is also very complex; 3-3-3; 2-4-3; 3-2-4; etc... I cannot say I am good at soccer though; it depends. So if you are trying to hit on Ann like all these other losers; give it up will you F'in loser. Do you want to get fired or something; loose your entire life? I am not bragging but it is difficult to keep hearing or watching. My point is I am the player that hits topspin lobs or curves the ball around the post, which is me.
Fact: iRush said this is the Alamo. The Indians and Mexicans have been used for the last Alamo! So those ties must be cut to NY and the mafia; get the Indians away from the PR so they can be more threatening. It comes down to gambling and taxes. They know the Indians are easy to fool and history says they have perfected this. He explains the NY-Indian matter in 2008 and 2009; just does not say it right.
Note: Freedom Watch does not have a 1.4 billion dollar law suit on iRush and iHannity; they cannot rationalize their anger but how much do we take or are expected to take? We know they need and they take; but how much do we take? Do I let them steal my kid? Do I let them steal my wife or kill her? How much do I have to take from a lunatic before I throw down three of my best cards and say to hell with them?
The most unusual events as renters came into our home and forced me to live elsewhere. Once this occurred, it was from one place to another. One place was 6 months, the next could be 14 months. You had no say and they would do the oddest things; such as dress in wedding gowns before you went to work, search your belongings, etc... Then once college was done; the next phase began. It was one job after the next; as if you are being checked out or given an approval; every single job ended up a firing at first for no reason and then for customer complaints. It was just nonstop. If it was not the job or the supervisors; then it was the police. I started to get paranoid or hated life; I wanted to embrace revolution or left wing politics; to revolt against an evil system. I felt trampled on and used; every minute of the day was one thing or the other. In one position delivering newspapers at 4am (NY Times and Investors Business Daily - IBD; Renzo the supervisor was a eastern block new immigrant); the job lasted almost 12 months strangely. I noticed only two FFX stations were dirty; Springfield and Mclean; the name "Chin" kept showing up also in police matters on TV; a female or spouse.
There was another girl who has links to Virginia Tech whom I met while at NVCC; the Black girls. The Black girls (Kimberly, Jessica, Melissa, etc…) lived in Vienna (Pope X Circle - Vienna HS) and were taking classes at NVCC for the summer. She was a Valerie Plame (identical) look alike, a blond with striking looks but a skinny, frail, and book worm demeanors; quite the contrary to Moynihan and her dominating presence. Remember, these are not legitimate or authenticated NY housewives; only Moynihan is or has passed the muster. After graduation came a wave of girls from Marymount (Arlington, VA) - New Jersey girls and Cassandra F and the Chicago girls. The girls from Chicago said they had "fibromyalsia" which is regarded as the source of laziness. It is said to be an afficionado of the liberals or the Jews and causes random tired spells; also the Yuppie disease. Fibromyalsia is a bloodborn disease that induces a sensation of laziness in primarily white races and is not typical in black races. The Black girl I met seemed to be afflicted with something; her legs were frail and lanky; but her face was very beautiful and she was a Valerie Plame look alike, identical. It was odd when I found out her address was named after a Pope.
So that is just how things turned out after college and ten years; total hell. I was made to think I could not do anything right and was dependent or needed some type of guardian or guardian angel; to get even or settle the score against the system; an equalizer. I recall in 1999, while living in FFX (22030) four different girls from Mary Washington University began to contact me with a psychopathic or pathological style, one lie after the other. Most of it were related to their looks and weight since I began to devise traps and took this matter to a lawyer, they began to brag about their father working for the FBI, specifically the Office of Civil Rights; I did meet and get a facial on one of them, it was not the same girl. They end up or this ends with a 200lb girl, a joke, and everything total lies; it is only to get information or toy with people. All four girls were extremely defensive about their looks, weight, and personal appearance; thus, the murder case in 2002 (Fairfax couple, Mary Washington Athlete, US Navy SEAL, eviction, robbery) in Ocean City, MD with a decoy named Lori, an Ann Coulter look alike and drop dead gorgeous platnum blonde cheerleader. They felt defeated or had a sensation of humiliation, losing, and hostility. This ended the same way in 2008 and with Sue-Chris, iRush-Katherine, and these other couples and marriages. This is how or why things led to a UN Navy SEAL or a Navy Captain whom I was living with and whom vandalized my brand new vehicle; he was not homosexual but very bizarre.
If it was not one thing, then it was another. The Fairfax County Police got word and began to write running the yellow light scam at 4am; this got me upset about the job so I quit. I kept getting tickets and nobody knew where this was headed or who was doing it. We know now it was the DC-VA communist forces doing a recruitment. One time a pickup got behind me and sat there. When I pressed the gas on my pickup truck; the engine died and rolled backwards almost striking the tail or suspicious car at 4am. I felt they were bombarding the oxygen sensor or the combustion sensor will RF or electronic warfare. This also happened on my Subaru; a vehicle not vandalized but oddly stalled and had to be towed in 1989 after a year of perfect service (Subaru GL sedans do not break down at 130K and last forever.) Then after it was fixed; my brother told me he started the vehicle and the engine blew; so they discarded it while I was in the military (90-93). Then I bought the RX7 Turbo and someone dumped 10 gallons of gear oil in the back seat and made it look like the cap had fallen off. They do this kind of stuff. It seems as if in 1993 all hell broke loose after my oldest sister was hired by the White House. There were several occassions when the Presidential limo drove by as I was rollerblading or biking in DC, 96-98. Just strange and unexplainable stuff that would not stop until Ann got there; all hell broke loose. After 1993 and return from the Army; nothing was ever the same or worked; everything fell apart. iRush explains it as an employment and sponsor; he and the communist are the bosses.
I believe there is a criminal organization ring that is linked to spying and also terrorism around the DC-VA area. The DC area is known to be a hot spot; a nest of all kinds of lucrative, espionage, arms dealing, terrorism, and global events. The reason I suspect this is during the 1998 to 2000 heydays; an old gang memeber showed up. His name is Tony Kronbusch. The place he showed up at was a silk printing facility I was working at. At the time, computers was changing the way printing was done; so I was interested in the silk printing; however, did not expect Tony or another guy named Tam. Tam is a biker type; a very tough stern type you would expect in a gang or to knock your lights out. The Kornbush was a half German-Japanese family at our HS. Tammy the girl was 6'3 and had nice but mean looks; she was a scrappy and hostile type. The owner of the place had state of the art machines; contracts for the entire Midatlantic states and they made billboard or bus stickers; gigantic silk prints. I remember meeting the owner and oddly; Tony and Tam who were living a dual life and acting strange. They also liked to hire younger people; football types or Abercrombie types which struck me as odd. My suspicion is they were sent by the Catholic Church to our school or to watch and see what the Pentagon was doing; were they race mixing or trying to challenge the liberals as Ann has? The story of the mafia is always about a rival, a new up and comer, a very similar or clone, and a murder plot from within.
The only person I know or have ever met after 1989 from Buffalo, NY was in 2004. I met a guy named Robere Lewis (black guy) who camed to DC because there were no jobs. I spoke to Robere about NY or Buffalo. I also tried to show him around; he had a nomad life and oddly his son was in Catholic or private school. I followed the AAA job to see where it would lead; maybe a master car theft ring or some challenge by the labor and socialist. They always want to know if you are inferior or weak; they claim they are not and use work or jobs to prove it. So Tim Russert used that Anthrax attack to silence me and we had them; or at least Ann did. Then she took off for NY and the heat in DC was smoldering. These fights are ferocious and it feels like a hidden, invisible, and deadly terrorist trying to jumble your head and turn you into a rag doll; an invalid. The one thing that just kept recurring were these women; then all the sudden they were gone and were sworn enemies unless you delivered on your end; high profit or some get rich quick plan. This is why Ann just squashed them when they found out how big her purse was and how tiny theirs was now matched against. They also mistook Ann as a gold digger; an iRush ring leader. We know them as the communist but they have taken many other forms; a powerful spell released on America and crime.
Tim Russert at NBC for some forsaken reason; called the FBI and had said I was writing them threatening letters which was false. I was trying to figure out why Tim Russert was contacting me and referred me to Stuart Taylor of the National Journal. Since 2008, Ann has confronted or interviewed Stuart Taylor, NBC, the Clintons, and even Chris Amolsce - the defense lawyer on the case and trying to get me to plead guilty. Russert refused to say anything; even had a book in 2007 to match my book. So if this idea I have no rights and the group is much stronger than the individual; then these are the people who during a severe period right after college; went into attack mode and were coming into or sneaking up to me. I did not know who exactly they were and why; I only reported one, two, twenty, forty, two hundred... and so on like how it is with Sue and Chris; just no let up. All they have to say is "we are ready to die... leave... we do not know what to do." We always see these murder plots from within crime organizations; especially before the head is caught.
As a historical note, there is a high penchant for predatory or molester type behavior. Moreover, it is hidden and very difficult to scare off. What protects you is to use the world they resist and fight; the heterosexual one. Therefore, unless you have a physical female or a spouse; you can only ward off a sadistic homosexual with porn or pornographic material. It confuses them and makes them angry; a state of given up and obsolete or insolent in brainwashing or exhausted. By forcing them to watch porn you want to reverse the brainwashing or the failed attempts. It is crude but the only defense against this kind of an attack or enemy. In otherwords, X rated pictures of your girlfriend or a made up fantasy wards off and suspends them; keeps them locked out. We know their sexual history or profile and it is disgusting; the problem is we do not have our partner in life and have to invent some stall method; just wait and fend for ourselves. If you know they hate women or are losers; keep women around and have gorgeous ones abuse them. You must and have to shut each door they open or else it will remain open and get worse; they do not give up or take no for an answer. So they get very defensive and very offended. This also explains how they got the way they did in the end. This is your chance and you cannot waste any moment; the objective is to solve the case and catch them; not listen to their complaints about spying or stalking your life. The role of undercover work is to corrupt what is already. Also if they have a dog, you play wolves in the wild all night to corrupt their dog. By misjudging you, the false pretenses are deflated and obsolete.
What this sounds like is the Catholic Church and a much stronger and powerful group; above the mafia and even more vicious or deadly. So this is how we ended up with communist spies or terrorist at the gates of hell; the source is labor, labor unions, and the underworld. After the crime bosses were taken down by the federal prosecutors; the guardian angels came out and invented violence that allowed them to continue this master spy and mole game. This time they were on our side and our guardian angels; the third head to the father, the son, and the holy spirit. When you take out the bad guys; they play this game with the good guys or ride their coat tails in life. That is how moles and terrorist operate and that is how we detected or got in a ferocious fight after they emerged from the wood works. They snuck up and we circled and followed right behind them. In the end, it was how the chips were stacked and how they fell. They claim I am a prisoner and have no rights, do you hear me iComrade? We are dealing with the top of the mafia; the liberals, labor unions, bikers, and communists. I am not even allowed to do laundry or else face poison ivy or bacteria attacks; these construction people have a long term plan and scam, but they have to scare me off and garrison the entire area. It is about gambling, Indian property, and picking on who they need for crime. Now they are angry and seeking revenge on me.
As you can see, the same is repeating and the people behind it have finally been caught after twenty years of this total hell and hitting you all day behind a curtain or tormenting every waking moment of your life. It had to do with work at the National Right to Work Committee and lurking around there or near there; casing the place and using spy cameras or surveillance to win legal battles and court cases; exclusive access and illegal recording devices. The reason why they use peeping tom cameras or some recording device is to know when the game is over, when the lies are exposed, and when to call it quits. Hence, the recording and the behaviors of iRush and Bin Hannity; Sue and Chris; Israel, Democrats and liberals, and this terror plot and communist revival. The question is why doesn't it work and why they did not know they were being watched carefully? We are dealing with the top of the mafia; the liberals, labor unions, bikers, and communists. I am not even allowed to do laundry or else face poison ivy or bacteria attacks; these construction people have a long term plan and scam, but they have to scare me off and garrison the entire area. It is about gambling, Indian property, and picking on who they need for crime, profit, and retirement funds.
"If you understand the story or the history of crime in America, you know the story of Carlo Gambino. Gambino is the only Don who retired and died of natural causes. Furthermore, Don Carlo was so beloved by his family that after he died; they instilled misery into the ranks to mourn his loss by imposing his cousin Paul Castellany to oversee operations like a dictator or a tyrant. Now you had the head and the body; total revolution in the ranks because of a power vacuum. This will inevitably be the entrance of The One. We know and have studied The One for over twenty years; we can not only tell his story but beat him at his own game. The One is a master communist spy, marinated by a legal background and a rich life spoiled silly by power brokers and influential parents. The One learned his experience in life and by reality; he needs no books to navigate the earth. The One is the new leader of the underworld and the boss of all labor unions, labor movement, racketeering, manufacturing, profits, and the left wing; he is the most powerful communist and master spy on this earth. We know the body but what is the head? In every family there is a male and a female; this is the male story and we are missing the female one or the secrets, private, and untold story of the puppet master, the children maker, and the ones in the background. Where are the females who actually lay the eggs and take care of the revolution? The Teflon image lives on and is now a political message.
In a wide-ranging exclusive interview with GSN on August 23, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, the military intelligence operative who collaborated with Rep. Curt Weldon (R - PA) to draw worldwide attention to the Able Danger’s origins, explained how it tracked terrorists as they visited individual mosques around the world, discussed the CIA’s refusal to cooperate with the program, acknowledged the supporting technical role played by the Raytheon Company, and described Able Danger’s ultimate demise. - The Secret Birth, Extraordinary Life and Untimely Death of a US Military Intelligence Program, by Jacob Goodwin; GSN: Government Security News Magazine -
At the end of the mafia wars in America; a new horizon and a New World Order was a play. Who will become the head of it and what will the body look like in an age of technology, computers, and the information era? From the looks of it, science has taken on the world of electronics and the source of all this electronic goods; a foreign nation and government free of any touch or any reach. Therefore, during the 1980s a cultivation of a culture was in the works that blasted the previous generation and their military or foreign policy in Asia and the world. Now foreign policy ruled the earth but based on the Constitution; foreign policy has no laws, borders, or rules. This now will be the primer for which this madman and mad scientist begin to paint on; their recover, revival, and global takeover of the communist and capitalist forces in the name of the poor and Democracy. The One has guardian angels all over the world there to ensure that his goals and his policies become a reality and set into motion a continuous world based on bottom up and not top down management. Blood relation does not even dictate this mission but The One has tremendous experience on how to take over families; good and bad using power or peaceful methods, profit. In the end, everybody has a price but nobody has a soul; only The One. So this story is about birth, being pregnant, and a mysterious force called The One. The Pope may be a figurehead and a symbol; The One is as real as it gets."
The whole point to these females and stories is simple. They are used as a lure or bait. They will meet men at a young age and proposition them, "Do you want to F me or just talk about it?" When you are on the hunt or chase them, for whatever reason, they will then say, "Well, if you want to F me then I will show you how. First you must sign up and get with the program." That is how a recruitment is done. I do not describe these women as sluts or high priced hookers; however, they parallel the role or the duties. Over the span of their life cycle; they are used when in the prime age. They are used in risky matters or to open doors; far stretches or mission impossible. Their love life is already decided and they are with men who will never leave them or show them unconditional love; a pimp like guardian and friend. So the family is what they are marketing; but the males will never leave while the females are used as a stepping stone to power and the highest level. If things go awry, then a domestic story or some bizarre plot is introduced. On the scale of highest priced females; they carry the strongest and highest price. The union is not for love or what we typically view marriage; it is more sex, bad behavior, risky mission, and survival or taking care of any needs. It appears on the surface as a form of prostitution but is more island hopping or a lease program. They start them out young and it is impossible to escape the grip or the break free from this spy ring and plot to take over the world. Unless you are willing to kill them or look like some insane human who has gone off the deep end; there is no escape except death; hence, it is described as a death sentence. Everybody got a taste of how they operate and the 24 hours of this day and night from 2008 to 2010.
So not only is this about a wedding, a Godfather, female breasts, and the 1970s; there is an attack on the Capital and other politically motivated attacks by other groups. The Hollywood movie The Godfather is an obvious twist from the two films Francis Ford Copola is famous for. The movie was made in 1972 during a period of angst and public relations problems with America. The idea of an Apocalypse and now the corruption of the youngest son of the Corleone Family strikes a chord with the story being told. In one symbolic character is the high school friend named Marlon. Marlon is bigger than the average Asian and from Tahiti. Marlon's last name cannot even be pronounced and his best friend or sidekick is named Doug Francis. Doug has a stutter and Marlon is as goofy as a six foot Italian can get; with a low deep nonthreatening voice; almost clumsy. Marlon ends up a personal trainer at Holiday Spa and marrying the aerobics instructor there; a pretty white female. Doug impregnates Suzi Schrage and this is how she got her frist child; and then was always near Alex. The movie has a scene where the youngest son is shocked by the bride; she drops her clothes and exposes her breasts. This was a rare and a very adventurous milestone for a Hollywood screenplay.
After Moynihan showed her breasts, there was a repetition of girls but only one other one who went so bold to show off her breasts. D'Allesio was pure 100% Italian with very strong features; however, she was a grundge dresser and more of a tom boy. For a pure blood Italian, her face was striking. Moynihan looked elite and twice of what Kathy Ireland was in looks. Another girl who lived with only her mom or had a single parent was Jennifer. Jennifer had striking black hair and was not as striking as Moynihan; very close. I liked to see her outfits and clothes; a fashion hipster, she wore ripped jeans with black buckled belts and plain shirts. Then out of nowhere, one day while in an Islamic Studies class; Jen Miner walked in with a tight white Tshirt and no bra. It was the same trick Moynihan did but this was for everybody and it was amazing. I sometimes would be jogging or working out; so I came to class in workout clothes. I was not expecting Jennifer to do that and I had never seen how transparent a Tshirt can get. Moynihan was more conservative and wore summer dresses with nothing underneath; and unless you knew her or there at the right time and place; never knew. I would say the scene in the Godfather is similar to how this was acted out in class. Again, these girls are one in a million types; not average looking females.
The FBI Files indicates constant death threats and all kinds of sordid inventions on the late Ted Kennedy. Well, the ghost of Teddy is upstairs in the form of a pencil neck labor union drunk who makes death threats every god damn hour for quite a long time now. Kennedy and the Irish have this game going on; do not get caught. Also, make sure nobody traces anything back to you. In the case of McVeigh and the IRA; they want to make sure they appear "not inferior and do not hate." It is a shame we live in a world of shameless, frauds, and pathological liars; it is impossible to avoid or ignore them; no less escape their stupid homo lies. Then when they get abused or after getting the door slammed repeatedly; they go on a witch hunt because their feelings are hurt. Now they feel inferior and hateful; this is their legacy now. So if they were real men and real human beings; they would resort to the truth. Instead, the SOB died and took it to the grave and he was afraid we were going to read his mind or disclose everything we knew about their politics. Here is the truth and what their FBI files should say. What makes it worse is their kids seek to avenge their parents; so they become lawyers or the police. We are stuck in the world of crime and they are stuck in the world of secrets and the military.
1. The late Ted Kennedy tormented both Ann and Alex before he died and when we told iRush to think of a alpha numeric number and we will read his mind; they cut his brain out of his head to stop or make sure we could not. Unfortunately, it was too late them and even the late Senator knew it. These F'ers are the Don Jons of modern society and America.
2. They are a total fraud and shameless. They call these people ambulance chasers. They invent accidents and then put a brace on their neck and call the media; it has happened repeatedly and in a nonstop manner for the past 20 or so years. They think or use a conspiracy to cover up their dysfunctional and self destructive shameless life. The truth is they are utter failures who do not want to be viewed as hate or inferior.
3. The mafia was being "shadowed" by the late Senator and the legend of Camelot. The entire Democrat Party and labor unions benefit when things happen under their umbrella. We on the otherhand cannot fire them or get rid of them; a germ in our life and country.
4. To think anybody would stalk them or give them the time of day is a dream and fat fantasy. To think we would hate or spend endless hours is a far reach. The truth is they knock on our doors, call us all day and night, and then invent this idea we are focused on them now or in some fight or struggle for first place. That is who and what the Kennedy family is all about and both Ann and I got a taste of it. They are upstairs now; do they know how difficult it is to avoid or ignore them?
5. In our hostage or kidnapping; Ann was being locked out of the negotiations. When it ended, they tried to lock Alex out of Ann's negotiation or own marriage. Kennedy keeled over and croaked before we had a chance to smack the F out of him also. Most if not all of these left wing and labor union clowns are shameless, liars, or mega predators. They will do anything to win and then claim they have fight or heart; not inferior, and do not hate. Then they trash mouth you and stalk you just so they can get a piece of the action. Yes, their politics is based on hoaxes, lies, scams, and reverse psychology or them chasing us. They cannot win unless they chase us because nobody will give them the light of day; ask the blacks to verify or confirm this.
During the 1960s, they had fooled the entire nation into thinking Oswald was a fall guy and there was a conspiracy to get them. The reverse is true; nobody wants to deal with them and they are very sneaky clever; acting normal one moment and holding secret meetings from upstairs or some illegal method. The fall guy is them; but the trick is you have to catch them or else they will take it to the grave. They will take what they can get and if you try to take it back, it will be war with them. Do I feel sorry for them or their people? I feel sorry for the people in Africa who have nothing to eat or any chance in life. However, they do not call around the clock and they make no effort to change; so I know the limits of feeling sorry for others who will lie, cheat, and steal for power or domination. The only difference between this mash of skin and bones is the Africans starving do not have the energy or the skills to call us around the clock and torment us; no less kidnap either Ann or I. I am sure they would if they could; but they cannot. The Kennedy's could and they did. They could starve or get killed; they refuse to change or realize what is wrong. That is just how human beings are made and why they can become no damn good. What they do instead is get more violent, more sneaky, and more demanding or insane. What made it worse is he tried to avenge his brothers and hired more and more police to his side; and then he died before it all imploded and crashed. After the 1980s, all of their money began to dry up and they went belly up; the welfare state was created.
The name Katherine shows up repeatedly in crime files the same way Michelle or Laura does in politics. I recall several odd events when I went over to or drove past Moynihan's residence or was at Marty's house. There was a blue unmarked Impala (1984-1987) with a spotlight on the driver side always parked outside. It made me think her father was a police officer at first because I met her in police science class. When I got news her father was a Navy Captain, I was sure she dated a cop or was the girlfriend of a cop. Then I found out by her sister that she dated or had dated a football player. The problem was getting information or being kept in the dark. Moreover, I was suspicious about how the family was never at home and what her sisters looked like. I did not feel Catherine was a biological member of the family, maybe adopted or by a second marriage. She was the third of four siblings and had one sister who went to Va. Tech. I was sure she had been adopted and an oddball in her own family. I myself am an oddball or the black sheep.
Moynihan showed up the same time Liebig and Connolly showed up; like in 2008 when Ann showed up and so did this entire plot. Then in 2010, iRush gets married to a Katherine also. This name symbolizes a powerful crime family and how things were in 1988. The only other girl with strong Italian or some NY link is a gorgeous Italian named D'Allessio I also met in one of my classes (English 1994). First and foremost, Italian women did not strike me as this pretty with dark features. What shocked me was her boyfriend. He look like a thug, wore a suit and struck me as a thug or a mobster; yet D'Allesio was sweet looking. D'Allesio is the thinnest, prettiest, and most average Italian I had ever met. When I got a chance to talk to her she told me she only lived with her mom and as I asked her about her father; she rushed off the phone. Her father was some wall an insult. Jen Mead and D'Allesio had the same soft looks, same body, but different ending. This is when I met her brute boyfriend but I only wanted to know how and why I kept meeting these odd women. Had I gone to Villanova as Catherine did; the chances of meeting the richest and most elite Catholics in America was highly likely. The quality or the number of these drop dead gorgeous women would be three fold or more; this was a small community college where GMU students went because of the class size.
My life does not start on time or as expected. I did an enlistment and then returned to college. So by age 28 I had almost 10 years of college and over 190 college credits (a bachelors [120 credits] and an associates [60 credits]). I was certified with an associate in science and a bachelor in arts. Ann had come to DC around 1993 when I returned and waited. At this time my sister was hired by the White House. Then Ann and the Clintons began to fight while my sister worked there; about interns and torrid sexual affairs. In 1995 it felt like a meet and greet at GMU; an odd atmosphere and hostile territory. I stuck to my guns and was diligent in my work outs and school work; I was out to write the post-cold war knockout. I researched everything and listened to over 120 hours of lectures from various Ivy League colleges to make sure my education was up to par or the best. Instead I began to get D grades. No matter what I did it was C or D. I stopped fighting or complaining; they wanted to put me on some path or chase; I ignored it. Then in 1997 while a senior, I began to work full time for a contractor and for the Pentagon. I was fired for attending a conference in MD and staying there all day; against the orders I was given by the supervisor Mary. I felt it was harsh and cruel; but it was not a fun or likeable job due to the location [subway, parking, and food - $8-$12 daily in cost].
Dispirited and buried in problems, I began to use the internet to locate jobs. I told Ann to contact me on AOL and what to do; need advice. She was in town and I knew around this time she had a townhouse, a new Apple iMac, and was writing her first book, soon to be released. Mine was done also and in pure college scientific form, edited and graded by professors. This continued for some time and then I began to notice odd or unusual events again; bad things kept happening. Someone was watching me or following me and I knew this. I began to drive all over VA-DC-MD to see if they would pick up my tracks. My used car broke down, I bought a brand new one, and then my new one was foreclosed on. The traffic tickets began to roll in, nothing was right. I decided to sit out and hide; lay low because someone does not like me and wants to do harm; I also declared bankruptcy to ease the stress. So now I knew I was being followed and took them all over; I got online and began to talk to people in chat rooms; yahoo and AOL. I told Ann to contact me briefly and wait to see if someone would contact her; find out who it was. So I was bait; and then she was used to follow up. I met odd people and I do not remember much; only stuff with Ann. Then I got this idea, talk only to people in West Virginia. I had reported to the FBI in FC, 1998 about black people, communists, and the labor unions - Catholics. So I will cut off the world and talk to only West Virginia people.
They are on the computers and messing with me. I think it is a tap or some super hacker. I try to focus near the FBI technology center or the computer center; talk to some good people. There were no blacks as I expected; only two girls. One was a big softball girl but striking gorgeous blonde (2Cute2Have or 2Cute4You) and she did the same mixed message and chase. I was suspicious and kept the contact up until 2007. The other girl was named Devine. She was upset how I pronounced her name and made sure to say "Dav-in" not "Day-veen." She said she was in college in West Virginia; not WVU; a smaller and well known one. Devine was more suspicious; dropping in, never giving info out, defensive when I asked for a picture (I refused to talk to her or answer any questions). I scolded people sometimes online; to see if they were defensive or had their guards up; one day it could be looks, the next could be shoes, the next it could be hair; a nit-picker. From these two girls I remained in this hidden state and spoke to (ArsenicChck) as if she was my assistant. The two WV girls were elusive; ArsenicChck was not defensive or hiding anything. I stayed hidden and told her everything; asking for advice and just a friend. It was very bland; we did not connect; I needed help and advice. Things changed and I was fed up by 2000 so I got a trucking license and became an owner operator; to drive around the US for several years and to "shake this tail." In other words, I am being followed and I am trying to shake them. I do not know who it is but they are very cruel and deadly; damage is severe and my life is being drained slowly.
At 30 if I did not move and hurry up; I will not make it or can fix this. My book is done but I have security problems or threats before I bring Ann aboard. I have personal problems and need to clear it before I endanger a female; so I try a decoy at Ocean City and someone who is a look alike. So I met and chose a girl who looks like Ann and stood back to observe. I wanted to create the idea she and I are getting married or were together. They jumped all over it; was in the bar and on hostile mode. This now set off all the panic buttons; was this jealous female or some goof ball? Lori acted like she was in love and my girl; a cheerleader like with drop dead and the most gorgeous at the beach hands down. When I walked into the room, she would thrown everything down and scream my name which was funny; I barely knew her. The threats or the hostility was periodic and then all hell broke out in 2001-2002. This is the time I was on the road and also got arrested. Honestly, I did not know what to do now except to look for a place to move; so I chose Buffalo and Canada; to live in Canada. The place that had no contacts, no hostility, and nobody tailing me was Ontario and the Niagara region. Out of the entire east and Midwest; the top of the list was Canada. There were other places in the US but Toronto was a metropolis and a large population center with a waterfront. I will stay down at the beach and then move; but never made it. The trap has to be launched and I need Ann to hurry up; now it was total disaster; I will have to change it and go to them. There is no way to stay on defense; so an offensive plan was underway. They are looking and want a fight as I report; using me as bait.
The JFK murder is identical to the 911 attacks. The goal is to tip the scales in the favor of NY, liberals, Democrats, iRush, and the labor unions or the communists. It is very hard to believe that communists would kill JFK, the iRush, or a Democrat. The mafia do kill their own and betray each other; however, based on the data and the trap we had secret deployed; it shows the communists and labor unions infiltrating the right wing. Therefore, a trojan horse in the CIA and FBI was already open; a mole and a super secret spy ring was in place. The iRush were newcomers and easy targets. They are not superior and as awesome as the killing of JFK made it. However, when you cut things down the center; this tips the scale in their favor and states they are not inferior and they do not hate. That is the same message we got from the labor unions upstairs. So killing JFK is the same message and we already solved this case by stating the communists did it, not the mafia. Unless you see the mafia and communists as the same underworld or thieves. Consider also Cuba and Las Vegas; these plots are about construction companies, labor rackets, and pension funds being invested in mafia projects. Also, as a weapons expert; the Chicago hit team used M1 or 30-06 rounds; why? Oswald uses a Mauser, a WWII 7.92 round (8mm); why? Any sharpshooter would use a rifle with a soft point or a .223 at that distance; even a 9mm submachine gun will work. Why not silence it also? Oswald is a loon; an outcast. He was being used by someone; perhaps the mafia, iRush, or Jews; even Israel could have used him to send a world message. So why would we focus on a bunch of losers and drunks? Who the hell cares right? We now you care and now you are in love with the man and how he was killed because he and his family are awesome. This is the same trick or hoax of 911.
As far as New Orleans and the assassination of the Kennedy brothers; iRush said they have never been caught or stopped. So we know the communist are the top of the Democratic Party and the Kennedy's were on the bottom of the food chain. By killing Kennedy; the communists set off a massive manhunt and a conspiracy similar to 911. It is a cloud of suspicion and empowers the investigators; go against them and face the wrath. It is not provable but the Kennedy's may have propositioned Jimmy Hoffa and Hoffa then escalates or takes it another level. However, as the evidence with Ann shows; the primary motive was ideology and support of Vietnam. It was a combination of things that had nothing to do with money or profit; however, this was used as a cover or a lead in story; the mafia did it over greed or money. The mafia at this time had the power of a drug cartel and was expanding three fold in Hollywood, Cuba, Las Vegas, and soon Atlantic City. The sale of narcotics is what kills them and ends up causing them to war against each other. The person of interest and who goes on to the top of the NY and Democratic Party is Moynihan and O'neil. We know about one of the Moynihan's already and the other was killed on September 11.
On the behavior or the way the underground works there are links. Gambino is linked to the assassination of Albert Anastasia. Gambino is linked to the assassination of Columbo. Gambino is linked to the assassination of DeMeo. Marcello is linked to the assassination of Kennedy. Bush is linked to the assassination of Noriega and Hussein. Scarfo is linked to the assassination of the Philadelphia mob. Accardo is behind wiping out Giancana in Chicago. Gotti is behind the assassination of Castalano. We can link the mafia to Prohibition. This means Buffalo, NY, New York City, Wild Bill Donovan, the CIA, World War II and Italy, the labor movement, the Catholic Church, Wall Street and profits, Jewish Bankers, liberals, and the communist movement. Oswald is arrested in Dallas at a theater playing "War is Hell" with Van Heflin (Dutch). I identify the peace movement and anti-war forces (liberals) as the revolutionary cause or catalyst behind 911 even if they end up looking like the victim; war is hell. Lee Harvey Oswald is a puppet similar to McVeigh and Muhammad was. I also state that Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and other serial killers are the same kind of puppet for the underworld or Murder Ink. Like Oswald, I report odd events while in the Army; constant harassment by blacks and a few southerners. I describe it as placing street kids in a Ranger unit and watching them cannibalize each other; constant feuding and fighting.
As far as defecting to the Soviet Union; I report someone in my residence talking in 1996 (Shipman Blvd - Hansbarger residence) ordering me or informing me they were the FBI and the police who wanted to use me as a double agent; I ignored this and Alice the crazed bride there. I could not identify it or knew who it was; only a mysterious presence and being forced into this. I had no idea what was about to happen or how life was about to change. Not long after this I met Kate Dillon from Bucknell at Ocean City, MD and her parents. This defector game is the same game the liberals are playing with the right wing (Horowitz, Limbaugh, Hannity). It is similar to a prison swap and then human rights abuses; a Solsynitsyn moment. Oswald takes a shot at a General and I identify this man to be working at Logicon; a two star who then led to General Crystals. Oddly, Oswald takes a shot at a General Walker. I met a Pollard in 2003 while at Butler Prison; but no Walker. Remember, these spies are always impersonating the FBI or CIA; hidden and ghost like. Oswald has been tricked by a clever mole; then used as a double agent and he sends mixed messages and ends up confused. In his mind, he is fighting Nazis and sees the Catholics as Nazi or fascists.
In the Kennedy case, there is a Russian girl involved here and a former US Marine; a mole among the Navy ranks. Israel is credited with Penetrating the US Navy and was caught red handed. The Russian girl is from Russia and now reversed the defection; a Russian Jew. So as the data and our conclusions prove; the Jews were upset over Vietnam and domestic events; however, it was mostly over the Vietnam War and foreign policy. As the 911 case indicates; a cloud of suspicion, a revival, revolution, and real estate or law is the same themes. Clearly, someone is building me up and programming me to be another Oswald. These women may be the same Hinckley or Jodie Foster problem which I had pulled off by paling with them or playing along. TX, MI, LA, NY are mobilized. The problem is this wedding and plot failed and was bungled by undercover agents. So Kennedy is just bait and the communists used him and the mafia; but ultimately it was the Jews and the bankers who wanted to save their people, Israel and the world. They keep impicating the CIA or spies; there are a few moles but deep and hidden.
There are attempts to take out Kennedy in Chicago and Tampa. Like Waco, the local police and mafia tip off the raid. They must get a coast is clear signal if they are to go forward; they keep getting negative or suspicious in 1998, 2000, and all the way up to 2008. Now they need to have the Red Dragon assess the matter and fix it; figure out why a negative probe is there; who it is or why. Why are so many of these open cases or closed easily McVeigh, Muhammad, rape=murder, and others? Why are they embarassed or fighting the idea the FBI thinks they are psycho and serial killers out to rape, sex, or pee on others in the most disgraceful way? A serial killer, are you serious?
So where are the mistakes and missteps? NY Organized Crime Unit thinks they got the Red Dragon or the boss of the serial killers. They narrow it down to either Gotti or Gambino; so they close down their search. Then in 1993, 1995, and 2001 they realize they were wrong. In 1986 Alex, who is chosen because he is Vietnamese; is baited. The bait is set to lure in a Kennedy like family or leader. Ann is coming to DC to marry Alex. It turns out to be Moynihan setting the bait for a coup and a coup of the Democrats; to clean out the left wing of anti-communists. So Alex is baited and like Vietnam; they seek the new leader or The One. They send a decoy and some phony from their underground; focus on him and they will get away easily. Also, they have political cover and even say how the messiah will protect them. Alex is baited and Ann is told to keep away; she ignores Alex and comes in. They mistake Ann for a Kennedy and send in Hannity; an iRush Catholic.
Moynihan has passed on the torch to his surrogate daughter. Now Ann and his daughter are in a ferocious fight and sneaks up on the Red Dragon; passing the test of the Kennedy. Alex feeds Ann information and she is able to exploit their needs or goals. Alex then makes his move and Ann ends up sitting right next to them and makes a second fatal mistake. They attack Alex and Ann boosts their confidence. They think it is a counter-attack or a rescue to get them out of this trap now foiled. Now the FBI and NY Organized Crime get to meet the Red Dragon and how he invents or chooses his protégés; Alex is one. This is how they accomplish an inquisition, inspection, and clean out their forces. There are also financial needs and their spies are belly up; under severe strain. So the FBI felt they shut down the Red Dragon and the underworld; they were making a revival and return. They used the same playbook and their best moves; billions and trillions of dollars on the line.
The Chicago Mob: Around 1997, I was talking to a female online from Chicago who went to a University called Sacred Heart in Chicago. It felt suspicious so I asked "Melissa" or Mel for a number. He or she knew a lot about me and was making me suspicious. During this time odd things were happening; also Ann was supposed to contact me so I waited. Mel was just one of the people who passed by from Milwaukee, WI. She refused to give me her phone number. When I began to corner her about school; she said she went to Sacred Heart. The web page looked totally fake but was located in Chicago. I am naturally suspicious. Not more than a year later, I had a roommate named Troy Barnharx from Wisconsin and in the US Navy (Captain). Troy had a sidekick (Trevor) who vandalized my brand new Mazda sedan and was linked to the 10 gallon oil dumped in my RX7. Troy went out a lot and finally dated a girl named Sascha (a dog) who worked at Fairfax Fitness Club. They were weird people and had neighbors next door who listened in (blasted music to see who was listening). Mel told me about her grandfather "Papa" or "Grand Pappy" and then how she wanted to buy him a Mercedes. Also she said that Chicago is where she and her friends like to go shopping; it was some Mecca for the entire region; only an hour away. I had no idea the Mexicans and the Chicago Mob was linked.
After getting arrested and meeting over 200 bank robbers; I fell upon the tennis crew. The tennis crew consisted of a SC druggie and an Arizona blonde hair brawler. The Arizona guy robbed a string of banks and was on the run from a "hot tie at the FBI" named Laurie. Laurie arrested him and he described her as the classical female cop. He said his family had money and his girlfriend left him after visiting and meeting a cocaine kingpin from Newport Beach. So I was in and accepted easily with this big player; that is just how HS was also. People grow found of me very quick and my tennis game amazed them; so did my muscles. The tennis crew at Butler, NC said he had relatives in Mexico. When I looked at his family photos; they were on a huge boat and looked like a normal family. He said he was going there next and out of the country. After researching Al Capone, Herbert Hoover, Tony Accardo, and Sam Giancana; this was a Chicago based crew who was well established in Mexico; hence, Bush and his cronies to the Mexicans and Cubans. Once again, rental or roommates are used as a recruitment tool; a way to spy or gather information. Online it was a game; in real life it was not and they had it all backwards. Troy and Trevor were linked to police problems.
In 2005, I met a girl named Valerie the same way. Valerie is a code word and so was Vanessa; I was immediately suspicious. When I tried to lure Valerie into sending me information about her; she got stubborn. Usually, she gave the impression of an open mind, really sweet and nice, and your best friend. Ask her questions about whom she was and she grew evasive. So I began to build a relationship with his Hispanic female with the goal of flushing her out or making her heart be lit on fire. Either she was going to have heartbreak or reveal who she was; if she got pregnant or had a child out of wedlock; that was not my fault. This girl was full of tricks; even trying to make you jealous and lead you down a road where she was having an affair. In the end, no information was acquired but we traded a jacket for a watch; I gave her a De La Renter snakeskin leather jacket and she sent me a Fossil watch. I admit it is fun to play these games and it is like a gold hunt; you can pit one against the other or make them panic with the more you can fool; it is part of undercover or keeping a well guarded secret. In other words, layers make it hard to detect or eat through; an easy target. I suspect she was linked to this crime problem which then led to California and "Carla"; but it all ended in 2006 with Jewish females. All paths and trails led to a Jewish boss.
Sammy "Bull" Gravie-train - sounds like my own biography down to the "name" of gangsters who protect or ward off bullies. Sammy reminds me of a guy I met my senior year and whom I used to hang out with occasionally with his girlfriend; Andrew Wimbledon. What was odd about Andrew was his looks and his height; 5' 4 and he enjoyed fighting a lot. Andrew was a driver and could do the most incredible stunts in a car, fearless. What made me buy an RX7 in 1993 was the time spent in Andrews RX7 while he was in HS. Andrew hung around a subordinate and also a passive guy named Jeremy; childhood buddies. The younger crowd was bad and did not get good grades; the older crowd went on to good colleges and careers; I somehow fell into this younger crowd. His girlfriend's older sister is a cheerleader and there is a striking difference in the two girls. Our relationship ended after they stripped another RX7 of its wheels and tires; I was not into this stuff. Also, his girl is the neighbor of Rosemary Clooney; a girl whom in 12th grade decided to put her locker next to mine. Rosemary and I became really good friends and every time I saw her she would hug me and ask me about girls or if I was still going out with "that girl." Rosemary caused a lot of jealousy with my ex and she began to visit my locker every morning oddly. It was strange because all the seniors were there and Rosemary had been placed next to us and had a great personality. It says that Gravie-train was drafted in 1964 and sent to Vietnam.
The Mafia Wars and Communism: The Relationship Between Religion and the Constitution by the legendary kidnapped author and authority being held by Marxist rebels and terrorists:
Case of Madog Sullivan: Obviously, in the 1970s there is a war in NY. Joe Sullivan is a famous gangster for his ability to break out of Attica; the only person who ever has. Usually, when the guards let you loose; they tear down the walls and build a modern facility. So Joe begins to take out rivals; the muscle and security of those who are involved with lucrative 200-500 million dollar construction projects. He runs into a final rival; but does not know who and what he is up against. Like clockwork, the pieces begin to fit. His marriage goes to crap; his wife has a stable life; he has made his peace with the world; and the same story we see with the DC Sniper. So his family will be taken care of and Joe is ready to get back into this war; but they have no idea who they are up against. For his Jewish wife to suggest she is kept out of the action; is like saying who is writing the script. Everything falls into piece perfectly in a life and world full of danger and chaos; that is the 1000:2 ratio occurring.
So a takeover is underway in the 1970s and 1980s with only one man standing; Gotti. Either by luck or strategy; Gotti is the only one who survives the implosion and explosion; to lead to 911. What is on the radar or across the horizon involving lucrative 200-400 million contracts that have the communists, Jews, and NY mafia in a killing spree about? Exactly, rebirth-revival and a coming war to bring back the dream bring back the hope, and revitalize the 1960s on the backdrop of drugs and the social impact it had by leveling society. So it is a stroke on the same canvas that is supposed to paint a different picture but does not. Do sane people do this and think it is show and tell time 24 hours a day? So that is why they are a germ that infest and infest America; and then some high value target they want or have to stop. Usually a police officer would hit them with a stick to neutralize them until arrest and trial; the house or living arrangement prevented this or any escape; a sure victory. They are not panic or the least worried; but their forces are and their future is severely ruined now, do sane people do this? It turns out to be a heist, a very bad business plan, and no such story as Atlantic City.
Case of Jimmy Hoffa: there is an exact match with Moynihan. Although she has a secret life and not much was known or found on her; her father was traced to the Pentagon. Other than this, short burst phone calls and rushed conversations revealed she did not drink, smoke, was "very" Catholic, of an Irish-Dutch background, was obsessed with Pennsylvania, had two older sisters and one younger sister, second oldest went to Virginia Tech, had a violent or "snap on a dime" side hidden, did not put out, said nothing about dating or personal life, and was very excited about Villanova University. There is a perception that she wants to be your best friend while this other side said she was your worst enemy; a traitor or some germ you pick up, do not know, and can kill you if infested and not cared for. There was absolutely and never any talk about the unions or anything; predatory behavior. The only person who knew my plans to attend GMU after an associate’s degree was Moynihan. However, I was "cornered" to join Signal Eps where other National Right to Work employees had risen to the President and executive positions (Russell).
This frat and who was in it freaked me out in 1995 when I got to GMU. Rob had a sister who was very attractive but a goody-good; outgoing. I met Rob while working at NRTW and he came across as shrewd. He would tell me about the most incredible parties every Monday at work; he showed it on his face. He never said he was the President of Sig Eps. I had one choice and the son of the University President was my big brother. I had to come to his home, eat dinner, he wanted me to live or be a roommate (unbelievable residence), meet his girl, etc... This Sigma Epsilon and the son of the current President of GMU mentoring me or sponsoring me freaked me out. There were no attacks or any sign of problems; just Rob from NRTW, a few HS friends in the frat, and how I was cornered or had only one choice in this. Odd faces were now coming back from the NRTW and linked to the Fairfax or Lake Braddock area of town. Also, George Mason was only three miles way west on Braddock Road so a lot of students worked there for the shifts and pay.
There was one person I did not expect to meet or did not want to meet, Paola. I met Paul Alexander who appears years later in 1996 and 1997 as a lawyer. Paul Alexander is a shark and everybody knew to watch out for him. He said he was going to law school while working at the NRTW. There was a Lake Braddock crew and most suspicious was Rick Greenberg (Elementary classmate) and Mike Powderly (Irish friend of Liebig and Connolly). Powderly took a cheap shot on me one time when he took me down in a two leg takedown and chicken winged me; he said he wanted to show me something. My neck was injured for nearly 2 months and he was a very skilled Wrestler at Woodson HS. He is linked to Matt Lee; whose father is Korean and works in the spy business. All of them are linked to Chris Liebig, Ook Hwang, and the labor unions. You can trace the NRTW employees and then track the Sig Ep-FCHS links; it was really odd and caught me by surprise. I had no idea they had a boss or chosen leader; some underground figure trying to show me her magnificent body while a goody-good chasing me around DC-VA. I had no idea or was suspicious until 1998 when I filed formal charges or went to the FBI. Nobody I knew worked at the NRTW except Tim and Linda who I got a job for; it was only phone calls and asking for money.
This is why I think someone mistook Amy Baker for Suzi Schrage; whom I was dating or finally hooked up with; she drove a yellow VW bug also and had a kid. So it may have been jealousy, a warning, or some message being sent and it hit Suzi or spooked her. They did live in the same house or frequented the same place (iRush said Wilson who is Cassandra's boyfriend living there). Scott Wilson (FCHS) was accused of rape by my ex and was childhood friends with Sean Boyd. Boyd's father was a police officer but so was Debbie Ice, who I grew up with and who is the hottest girl on the planet. Debbie and I became friends back in Junior High when I met her through her friend Jennifer Burris; then she moved but drove 30 miles to attend FCHS. Suzi kept away and moved not long afterwards (1990s when I was in the Army) but we did not have a kid and dated in 1988, 1989 and then stopped when I was with Ann. I kept track of Suzi (who attempted suicide many times and had a messed up childhood); she moved to Chantilly, got a job at AOL, raised her son and met a guy named Barney whom she was engaged to; her sister was a straight A student and got a law degree at UVA; and then all hell broke loose. We know this is about union violence, a Mafia War, Irish and Jewish spies, Catholic foreign policy, real estate, the communists, and NY politics to determine who can stop them. They are spies and terrorists, hiding a secret life, and are not going to stop or tell the truth as people expect.
There was a really odd event in 1997 while working for Logicon. There was a computer security conference in Baltimore, MD which we were told to attend. I had just written about Network Intrusion Devices (NIDs) and encouraged their propagation. While at lunch and walking around the Inner Harbor; a girl popped out of nowhere smack in front of my view. It bothers you when women do this and you want to investigate it or stop it. The best way to stop or end these games is to first find the objectives and then address it in a negative manner. Ignoring them or this problem has proved to be obscene, obese, or ineffective. So recognizing the girl as an Alexis Glick look alike, she was followed and disappeared into thin air. Alexis is a media superstar; her appearance is striking and so is her mental acumen. Later that day, a very important meeting was being conducted with the inventor and designer of the DoD NIDs. This was a meeting with SRI representatives and how the computers were to be defended; I had a notebook and took notes of everything. The computer whiz kid was from SRI; a bunch of technology geniuses on the West Coast.
I sat there and was jotting notes; and I swear a female next to me with the name "Francesca" on her ID began to talk to me telepathic or in some psychic way. Francesca was a striking blonde who sat next to me and said nothing. It was the same quiet form of flirtation or corporate foreplay; bothersome and very distracting. It was not only annoying; when I spoke to her she was quiet and just toying with your mind. Annoyed by this conference and how it led to me getting fired from my job; I researched these two girls. The Alexis look alike (yes the same computer virus of 1998 which infected over 10 million computers and all government ones) was on a guest list from a company called SAIC. It did not show her name or location; only SAIC. Francesca was traced to a military site in "red rocks"; she worked for the Department of the Energy. I do not remember how exactly I traced or found them; but I did. When I emailed Francesca at Red Rocks; she blew it off and did not admit to even attending the event. I began the email as "I went to the computer security conference in Columbia, MD on... do you remember me?" No reply was ever given; I could not track down the other girl and she disappeared into thin air once the cat and mouse game began. This led to communist spies and mafia like terrorist plots; a revolutionary command made of criminal and organized syndicates.
This chase and game was occurring all over DC-VA; I took them through alleys, back channels, one way streets, circles, around DC at 3am, underneath Georgetown, and around the beltway thinking exhaustion and wasting their time was how you tire out a stalker. Besides this and the FBI speaker who spoke about terrorism and vulnerable targets; I did not expect things to turn for the worse and become a victim soon. The next week I was fired from the job for staying there all day instead of only 4 hours as expected; so I was to drive there (2 hours), stay for 4 hours, and then check back in (2-3 hours in traffic); and I did not do as told and was fired. I just said there was no point in driving there and staying for a few hours and coming back; so I stayed there, ate dinner, and drove back after rush hour. That is how I got fired from Logicon who was only paying me 33,000 in salary; my first job while a senior at GMU. I began to hate working for corporate America and these bad nightmares impacted the way I saw others or the world. The world now was evil and I did not know why or why it was so bad in my life. So they do not appear radical or how we typically see crazed lunatics and domestic enemies; however, their leaders are beyond radical and just refuses to keep away or stop this absurdity. In 2010, it ended with a repugnant, backwards female who bullied you and drove you insane while claiming to never leave you, wanted to help, demanded you leave, and was bipolar or unstable.
There are similarities to the life of Henry the Goodfella and this case. When you hear the story of Henry, most mobster experts will notice his ability to be liked; a royal upbringing around real men. His father is trying to keep him out of trouble and is working construction; specifically the electrical union. We know the electrical union is on the scene and even a dental hygenist (Lisa D); or a few other mobster girls introduced in 2006. Henry entered the US Army and was with the elite paratrooper unit as a cook before being kicked out. I have a suspicious squad around me while in the Army; surrounded by a Sicilian who turns out to be my buddy (Knapik); a Brooklyn native who likes motorcycles (Porter); and a handful of bad characters who cannot stop getting into trouble. It felt like I was surrounded by bad people who caused so much trouble. So the wife problem and the witness protection program is how things got hairy. The Jews ran the mafia Henry was in and they watched him closely with his wife as they indoctrinated him. So that is what they either did or tried with me using the slew of iRush females. These people steal anything and are also very violent.
The Lufthansa Heist at JFK International Airport shows what their next heist is. This was an inside job and why Greenspan stepped down. In the 1970s global trade caused a floating system; before this, these types of heist were a vulnerability. They are planning a new heist and robbery; to bring back the gold standard and then back again with the floating system. They are waiting for a larger armed robbery. However, this is the work of the Jewish mafia directed at Germany for a human rights campaign. It is a conspiracy by a small sector of the American public. The operators are mostly Italian mobsters and an Italian job. 911 and these bombings are mortgage driven and federal reserve or bank meltdowns. The best and the brightest in NY are very stressed; need help; and want to recruit so they can cover up or leak out information. This is also who we caught and the criminal syndicate links. They are not only casing us, they kidnapped us and wish to be married. So the search for talent, new personnel, and very high IQ or technology genius has begun and was shut down in the early stages by those targeted.
The point is this, none of the Europeans want to take any responsibility for World War II or the history of Christianity that led to disaster and civil war. In the case with the Germans, they wanted compensation for World War II and humanitarian reasons; to charge America for it all. The end result is the same leaks and crumbs of evidence, the FDIC. Now the problem with the FDIC has grown to 2 trillion in bailout and stimulus money. There is over 20 cases against the Obama Administration for various federal violations in the first year of his Presidency; that is three more years at 20 federal cases each year by state attorneys. While reviewing the suspects; one of the six robbers looked like a person I worked with named Jake at GNC in 1996-1997. Jake walked in 3 months after I was there and was raking in business left and right; he was selling vitamins like hotcakes. I never met him and did not know him; but the manager there looked exactly like a famous Hollywood criminal. The manager was disgruntled about how he was treated after 20 years and left.
This was such a long time ago and my memory is vague. What caught me as strange and really suspicious was Jake had a Porsche and said he worked on them; an auto mechanic or German car enthusiast. Jake said he went to GMU but I never found out who he was or met him there. Not long after Jake, a guy named Sullivan came to work at GNC. The schedule usually only has one cashier on duty at a time; now they had two per shift. So I would work with Jake the super vitamin salesman and then this balding 20 something who was attending GMU three days a week. Jake and I got along well; Sullivan acted odd; like he was trying to fit in. Jake took initiatives and innovated his ability to sell products; Sullivan just made you want to keep a distance. What is odd is the girl who showed up in 2006; it had to do with NY and the criminal world. This was the only girl out of 1000s that was sane. Julia looked like Gail "Mad Dog" Sullivan - Julia's family had a construction business and the number was listed as a company (Russian 2006 contact -
The NYPD chief said in the Lufthansa case the FBI did not get along with local and other federal agencies. I personality am not here to make life long friends with the FBI or any law enforcement agency; like professors, they teach kids and prepare them for life. We teach military and law enforcement and we also have to go to war or face the bad guys; read our biography. So around 2000 or so Tim Russert was doing what iRush is doing in 2008 to 2010; hooking you and getting you to feed them information. So this began a three way document flow; to the National Journal (Taylor) and to NBC; the FBI was not on the complaint. This 911 and anthrax scare all the sudden creates a cloud of suspicion on who else, the primary victims and investigator. So someone at NBC files this threatening letter case and it is all total lies, rumors, speculation, innuendoes, etc... This entire matter was worse than an inside job; it was an invasion plan and the new revolution; a new enemy; a new communist central command; and a new form of crime perpetrated by the same enemies before. Would they remain undetected or escape again? As spies and communist moles; they refuse to keep away and overwhelm their defense with layers and layers of total disaster and a lack of response; to keep people in the dark or keep the chase up. This is in total violation of all protocal and they keep this up on a level that is never before witnessed; 24 hours surveillance and captivity. Someone had pointed me to a similar heist in Toronto Canada involving a Vietnamese immigrant who stole goods from the cargo terminals.
When you analyze the plane hijacking; you notice the events prior to the 6 million heist. First is his marriage to Karen (Leah in California); obviously she is a command center and the shot caller. There is a shakedown all at the same time, a set up. They all go to prison, Karen suffers hardship and like a mafia wife; knows what to do. They all go to prison; so they plot revenge or a prison break. Drugs are transported via his wife while in prison. The family has severe hardship; they must make a comeback and Karen or the Jewish mafia plot their recovery; 6 million stolen. Someone is leaking and we do not know how the setup begins; but they end up on the Witness Protection Program. Henry has to dump Karen his wife; so they get kicked out of the FBI program; hire a female and junky to have an affair or fall in love with Henry; and Karen finally is out of danger or the hell of a federal informant program. So now Karen has made her escape, Henry is no longer acting erractic and has a new wife. So the setup was before he was inducted in the mafia by the Jewish bosses over Paulie Varrio. It leads to Henry becoming a superstar and an informant; why would she leave a movie star? Also, things do not return to normal until she is gone; as the same predicament with Alex and these women; kicked out and scared off by Ann in 2008 to 2010. So the females are a control rod and a way to feed them intelligence and security; just like Total Recall and the movie. He recalls a war on Mars and working construction; exactly how this plot is built up and expands.
So in 2002, a horrible turning point in this case plagues both Ann and Alex. Alex is arrested, Ann goes insane, and this problem gets worse and worse. Now Ann is left to vindicate and save Alex; nobody else can. In 2007 both Tim Russert and John Edwards began to contact us in upstate NY and Ann jumps on Edwards. Russert was already linked to Moynihan and the anthrax letters; someone shut the entire case and our life down. This was the last straw and Ann goes insane in 2000, 2001, 2002; and then from 2002-2006 she is a total disaster. Things from 2006 to 2008 are based on events in NY and contact; the pieces falling in; the noose getting smaller; the meeting face to face; it is going to blow very soon and hit the fan. So someone took out Russert and Senator Stevens of Alaska; both of whom were instrumental in solving the case. Stevens was indicted on 7 counts by the FBI and Russert created an utter disaster and was following Alex's material; menacing the situation. So where it starts and where it ends is the problem and how the crimes are evaded; you have to start with the people who are guilty and have the most to loose out of this chase game. Like in chess, most people start with the pawn; not with the King or Queen. So the case of Phillip Leonetti shows how they make you turn on your own loved one or partner in life; total control and the relief once escaping their power. These are thieves who are in the wrong industry and they tend to hide information or leave out missing pieces; then act God fearing or patriotic. They arrest people for no reason other than living and when it comes to their political future, career, and trial; they are not the slightest bit interested.
NBC and Tim Russert had set up Alex and his arrest; but was hiding his links to the case or involvement; so someone took him out in 2009. The next year Senator Stevens was taken out as pay back or an equalizer. So the bad blood with the FBI is there but we are not here to become forever friends with the FBI; we want to solve this case and catch the bad guys or whom is ultimately behind all of this. Someone or something may have jinxed or hijacked the FBI to be diplomats for the broken politics and facilitate false arrest under a cloud of suspicion. Even retired FBI agents have bad blood with the FBI because they have bosses and answer to Congress. This is why they invented the buddy system in the US military. Compare the pressure Limbaugh is under to the suffering Russert caused in 2002; is there any doubt why Russert was the first to go or could withstand the pressure cooker? The suspects mysteriously lead investigators on the wrong chase in Ocean City, MD that same year; case closed. So the weakest link was a convicted Senator and World War II hero who died a felon; and a news reporter that was behind a false arrest in 2002 and 2006; he would have cracked under the circumstances and it was suicide one way or the other. The germ and flesh eating bacteria problem returns in 2008 and is from upstairs; revolutionary command and the only female this leads to. She on the otherhand is speaking on behalf of a host of enemies and foreign spies; the Axis of Evil as we call them. Who among them can withstand this pressure and scrutiny?
So Ann does look like the FBI and the complaints against her are real; it is a one way street, she gives nothing but expects everything in return. Ann surrounds herself with bad guys and causes them tremendous harm; meanwhile, they kidnap Alex and says he is mean and not interested in what the American people has to say. All you have to do is read the story and how we describe it to a T with no exagerations. We are not here to make friends with law enforcement, the FBI, upstairs, revolutionary command, NAACP, iRush and Hannity, or anyone else; we are here to complete our life mission, save ourselves from harm, and escape this terror plot. Why things turned out the way it did is exactly how we describe it; both Ann and Alex are the key to open this door and blow the case wide open. Once you step into that world and unlock that door; everything fits perfect and you will have 20-20 vision. So that was why the Anthrax attacks were needed or vital to arresting or quieting Alex; someone had to trump up charges after creating a cloud of suspicion. Then Alex was forced to admit and plead guilty; no choice as explained by his defense attorneys. The case was not complete or fully investigated but they managed to put a huge wound on the investigators and nearly killed both Alex and Ann. Government employment and public service does not automatically make you the good guys or the rotten cops; but to these maniacs and communists, it does.
All the evidence and reports point to a bride and the one girl that has tried to beat all the others, Moynihan. Moynihan is linked to JFK and LBJ; plotting one's murder and then the others public demise. All of this leads to one status, a black widow. All of this leads to one name, a survivor. When you add the combustible fuel of Vietnam; you get the military link; thus there is only one road; the Naval Academy, Bush family, JFK, and all of this Navy SEAL chicanery. I report vividly very short, abrupt, and motor mouth like spurt talking which threw me off. It was done to look sexy or sound aloof; as if the female was mumbling and you had to listen and focus hard if you wanted to know more. This is about drugs and the drug wars. This is about crime and the police. Most important is the impact of immigration and the national destiny; politics. The HS gang even has local police matched against the FBI; however, they are neighbors. Southside Al “Scarface” Capone and Northside Bugs Moran; even Capone’s bodyguard Tony Accardo legend is a striking feature.
So this focus and listen closely followed by repeated persuasions of "he does not even care... partners... sponsors..." fits the contagious bride acts. In phone calls, there was one element of this which added a Dutch rarity to the NY based politics. If this was Tammany Hall and the days of Prohibition; then in the 1980s drugs was fueling the return of the roaring 1920s. I report three and four parties a week at times; endless frat like atmosphere when a suspicious character named Chris L and the Camelot crew entered our (Ben, Adam, and Alex). We were the show and we were the ones others wanted to know, be with, and be scene under. They came in and tried to break us apart or take over our life; and so a split occurred and we went our separate ways; only the girls keeping the bond of elementary school secret. To compare Moynihan, all you have to do is match Alexis Glick and her beauty; now add two times the brains and tricks. It is a form of secret weapon that no man can resist or ignore. Moynihan has that punch and flips on a dime. In 2010, it ended with a repugnant, backwards female who bullied you and drove you insane while claiming to never leave you, wanted to help, demanded you leave, and was bipolar or unstable.
When we take a look at all these girls trying to implant a nightmare and a horrible experience in the mind of Alex, the bride acts returns. Then the idea that minorities need to know their place in society is used to explain or cover-up the immigrant and mobster like inadequacy. Given they are known to have the "IQ of an ashtray" the girl representing them or labor unions is so unique and qualified, it leaves you guessing and scared. Of all the groups in America, this is trying to put the best face on the worst problem; sugar coating it and using tricks or gimmicks to lure, bait, and school a potential newcomer or a very powerful target; a royal family hidden and in exile. So all the families are keeping a low profile for fear of danger and enemies; however, the goals and the intentions are much different. Thus, these hates, severe abuse, and constant stalking are to implant nightmares and horrible experiences; a persuasive technique. It is like a germ in your life; the more you fight them, the more they infest and overwhelm you.
When we examine the crime of the last 20 years; the big headliners pop out. Dutch teen in Aruba stalking an American mystery. OJ and Nicole's marriage ends in murder and rumors of infidelity. McVeigh and upstate NY avenges their long time nemeses. WTC 1 and 2 confirm that Arabs are trying to kill Jews and NY has the best skyline in America. The VA Tech shooter is not only mentally ill but Asian; a police impersonator. The Unabomber is white and of a Polish background; a genius at war. It is not only a return of the brother and twins act; it is a spiritual war. In religion, the sole benefactor is always the female. Therefore, the role of the female is greatly emphasized. There is a party atmosphere and also a roaring 20s look and feel; girls, booze, and contraband. This is about the liberals, Germany, World War II, immigration, Pennsylvania, and race mixing in America. Most of all, it is about the American story told through the eyes of the Jews and Irish; the modern labor movement. They continue to apologize and give in to the simple mistake or idea life is not always perfect.
Now we move to crimes in a closer circle; immediately friends and family. By closing in the focus; the goal is clear, suspicion. Everything is done to Alex in order to paint a cloud of suspicion. Alex reports a kidnapping or abduction but the difficulty of identifying who did it and why. He reports this to the police and is punished repeatedly so he stops and becomes paranoid with the world. Ann and Alex devise a clever scheme to trap and silence who this spy ring, terror hijackers, and this enemy is. Murder is used to smear Alex and make him a potential suspect. Women are used to destabilize or make him feel inadequate; to listen and learn from their advice. Control is sought by a weakening process. The house he is living in is used to recruit and watch him 24 hours a day. In the do or die moment; it all boils over and explodes with the full details. They claim it is up for grabs, shaking our trees and Christianity, and how they will win and win elections. When you are asking who is who or when the wrong people do it for the right reasons; the dynamics of "I will get you before you get me" changes.
This has to do with Murder Ink and how it began; the name Luciano is there in 1997. The Moran gang of Chicago comes up also. We see how Luciano removes two hostile rivals and sets up a revolutionary Congress called the Commission in NY to oversee crime. Other lineages with mobsters or their political factions are present in 1988 to 2010. Crime and the underworld has grown due to a lack of business at home. Debts and cities are dilapidated and most profit is from abroad. So this is about a global commission or a new spy ring; consisting of the most deadly terrorists and spies on earth. This is about cutting the planet earth into small portions and deciding which crony can have what or how. So crimes like the labor unions suffer when foreign competition drains their swamp and rice paddies. The pressure in America is for brains, not brawn; but this mission is made much more difficult by this stubborn foe and mean menace to society. So popularity and peer pressure is a process or encirclement, peer review, deviant behavior, and battling the organization. It is a mental trap, a process of confromity, a demand for assimilation, and a mental trap or psychological warfare. This climate ever since 1988 to 2010 has done nothing but to hide the bad guys while they loot the government and steal everything. Their excuse or cover story is trying to prevent or stop a war between Iran and Israel on a nuclear level. Their real mission is to unite communism and plot out the next 100 years.
The left wing and the world of criminals want us and the world to know they are not inferior, a conspiracy is underway, they will win, they are deadly and ready to die, and they do not hate. They came here dirt poor and with nothing and are angry now because they are worse; public enemy number one. When it comes to crime, motive, invasion, and all of this deception and robbery; the flamboyant and moniker of this bunch is clearly unmistakable as thieves or felons that steal everything. So their war is on a psychological one and the bodies are used to send a message and leave a clue; strategic and as humiliation. When it comes to robbery and heists in the billions or trillions; only the mob and mafia can pull it off or have the political wherewithal to see it through. They have done it before and they will do it again. When it comes to looting the government and destroying or burning America down; only a few groups and a set class of people come to mind.
This is about hitting the reset button. The world of crime and the world of violence goes hand in hand. Crime exists through violence. Similary, conflict resolution is the violent nature of crime; to choose winners and losers. In the world of thieves, immigrants, and communism; there is no distinguishing factors others than secrets and what is hidden. So to defeat this world of crime and communism; a huge and powerful army is needed; can they be stopped or taken down? When commumism collapsed in 1988 as the result of management suicide; the politics of the mobsters and gangsters were placated. Profits were shipped to foreigners and taxes stripped them naked and violated like a child the most violent and cruel. To keep the dream alive and to bring back the hope of traditional labor union, left wing, immigrant, mob families, and the usual suspects; union violence became violence on America. In the communsit world, it is the Christian and the most honorable who become the criminals and murderers; not the enemy within.
If you listen to their message, it is about love, unity, nutty IQ of a ape and tree climber, academic athletism, racism and hate. It began as union violence and the control factors which govern the left wing, crime, labor unions, mobsters, lousy immigrants, bad grades, and a few known ethnic groups. These lies and the politics of the moment have replace America and her love with the love of the worst or the dummest. It is not only union violence, it is violence directed at labor and brain dead zombies that do not quit, go away, and are in a state of constant hostility and anger. So union violence has or was replaced by this cunning political corruptive class violence against America. We are at war; with enemies abroad and at home; that is the suspicion. Get in the way and they will either detroy you, arrest you, stalk you, or implant this horrible nightmare about how they are loved and you are not. They are experimenting with the best and brightest of their political enemies for a reason; looking for a target or some HQ; some leader they must take out or rid of by a violent strategy. They also must use this climate of war and suspicion to stay ahead and imprison their foes as murderers and criminals. So they want to torture and interrogate until they can figure out how to turn off what they think is plaguing their world of crime; America is their home and they are defending it at any cost. As enforcers for the huge criminal syndicates; murder and violence is the police and the way business is conducted.
So the best and the brightest of DC and NY are stressed and in a free fall; they have to hit their reset button. Can we go into their minds and their world and explore what they are panicked, threatened, and scared about? Yes. This began with three childhood friends; two were from NY and one from VA. All three were immigrants; two from Greece and one from Vietnam. They are the elite of society and their parents rose to the top; one royalty and in exile after the Vietnam War, the other a Patent Attorney and a prime target of spies and Wall Street. In the 1980s when drug and crime hit the shores of America; something occurred in manufacturing; it is called the computer age and the Japanese invasion. This Japanese invasion put many patent offices working 24 hours to meet the demands of large global electronic companies. The impact were devastating to the Irish, blacks, and Jews. Violence quadrupled in the 1980s and lasted for decades with no end; murder topped 300 and 400 in one city. So if killing is business, than business was really good. Globally, the Catholic church and the left wing took the opposite approach. Liberals were filing human rights charges on the US Army, America, and foreign allies. Congress intervened and cut off funds to the Pentagon, FBI, and CIA; just to win this domestic war on violence.
The impact of all this decline and rise of minority groups around the world (Asian region) led people to think whites were inferior instead of superior. The story of America sufferred and the labor movement grew retarded or lethargic. On the numbers, city by city, population decreases were either by rationing, defection, or some form of exodus; to escape the political disaster. The story of these religions and how they rose to power and fame in America became a watershed on what not to do. So with the steep population decline, the role of the female and the meaning of religion was lost. The cost of a child in terms of welfare or government spending was huge; now it was hard to balance the books. Also, a term called political development stunted the growth of population areas; instead of growth they faced huge deficits and turmoil. Political development is the supply and demand of politics. The more population grows, the more spending and demand for government services; thus the more government and power grows for these organized groups and criminal syndicates. Without population growth; there is no demand for their politics and the funds and taxes are cut off and left to dry in the sun. So like the boomtowns in the early industrial period; a new form of bust-towns literred the horizon from sea to shining sea. The only business they managed to salvage and grow was crime and violence; thus, terrorism and murder.
What is the goal or objective of the best and brightest in DC and VA? This case is about rape and the sensation of being violated. It is about the sensation of being drowned, trapped under ice, and the real story or reality. This case is about an American story told through the eyes of criminals, scalawags, weasels, dirt poor immigrants, and the labor movement. It is fought on American soil by a Diasporas of immigrants; who came here under the best and worst of conditions and found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow denied to them. It is a story about America and the labor movement; the careers of a cast of characters; their upbringing and life together; and how they ended up in life.
America is the land of the free; not the slaves. At the heart of the story is about how communism is or was being fought on American soil; by the FBI and the US military; how lives were ruined and how one group relied on the other. It is the story of real estate and property; the basis of law and order; the fundamental theory of the police and firemen who are a regiment of public servants protected by a hidden shield called the labor unions. It is not their tale and it is not their country to tell it; however, it is being told or forced upon the media through back channels, crime, and terror plots. So once they came to America; they became heroes for each other; calling in the darkest times and being there for each other. This story of the left wing and the labor movement is about the plight of the Jews and the Catholics.
Crime and politics intersect similar to the bootlegging or the roaring twenties. This is about the Democratic Party and left wing as it is decided by the Republicans and the right wing; one is depending on the other. However, this plot and takeover is being told by the left wing and underworld. Some of these characters are the best and the brightest, unmistakably irresistible and whom nobody can say no to. This is about their story in politics and broader, global domination, where nobody can say no or face the wrath of the underworld. Will we or can we catch those behind this bombing plot and invasion of the US; in the name of mystery and profit? Will they be restored as heroes of the destitute, outcast, and the leaders of the poor once again? This is a story about their women; not their men. It is a story about their religion or lack of it; a counterfeit happenstance of danger and fear. We know who did the crime and who paid the time; but who are the ring of fire, the circle of power, and the puppet masters; can we bring them down or make them pay for what they have done. If we can take them down and take them out; our world and the future of America will be safe; if not, we face world war and they must go up against and now fight their way out of the future of America; not the past.
Our future is at risk and our destiny is being made one day at a time. This is a story about war, who America is trying to save or fight for; who she is talking to the moms of the fallen and the boys sent off to world war. So far their faces and identity have been hidden; but we managed to break through and defeat their trick or first defense. We cut through and blazed a fire in the upstairs cordon; where strongmen were held up and resisting. We are looking for someone and a few of the stragglers who we knew about but never before saw, until now. Are they all they have made themselves to be or just a pest and a ghost haunting our life? When they are powerful enough to become the police; they can decide who wins and who runs the streets. They are not mobsters but spy masters and terrorists using the street credibility of a psychopath in a game of death with each other. The communist and the spy agencies of this world are ten time more powerful than a common street gang.
This ended in a hail of lies and deceptions. It ended with a demand for a rent refund. It ended with two females fighting around the clock over the same man. It ended with the largest mafia story of money making; the story of Nicole Scarface and how the construction industry and labor unions built Atlantic City and America in 1976. It ended with the story of the Native Indians and their plight in Oklahoma. It ended with the role of gambling in society and the vast effort to reach out to natives; their lands and their businesses. It ended like all horror movies and nightmares; someone had to get hurt and it all could have been avoided. It ended with the story of the mobsters that built America; those who tore it down or blew it up; and the politics that was now even closer to communism than ever before in American history; a war and an invasion. Is this about what is popular or those who are not popular and hated? Who walks away with all the money, all the accolades, and all of the book deals? Who walks away with an arrest warrant and a legal slip for bankruptcy and management suicide?