I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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We are dealing with people who program killers, make human beings a ticking time bomb, and target the Pentagon and employees who are military or fighting the communists. One theme is persistent, observed, and used as a placebo for control, fantasy. So whether or not it is sex, abnormal or deviant behavior, drugs and alcohol, or other vices; the establishment of some fantasy must be present or else the control factors are obsolete. To do this, these communist spy master come in, come close, and use environmental stimuli and control. They call this social engineering and it is part of the overall fantasy where information between the master and slave is based on what the slave wants and needs. So a prisoner or captive can tell this personal Jesus anything and it shall be delivered. The contract or the employee relationship is based on each party fulfilling their set objectives. In order for any of this to work you must have evil or the breakdown of moral values; otherwise, the services rendered will not have any desire or possible facilitation of a crime or a conspiracy. Terrorism operates on the same principles a serial killer and their God operates; a mentor or master. All humans are violent so all humans have a fantasy of being or becoming God. The act of God is killing or death and if you do this enough times; you can become God also. To the weak or a loser; this is a big deal.
All relationships; sexual, business, romance, marriage, media, etc... revolve around preferential treatment. So preferences and special treatment tend to be the stimuli and the scent of a woman which drives men crazy. Do not fight it and do not question it; just see where this leads or the leader. If this person is in prison, has a gas mask on, wears a rubber suit, or is disgusting in appearance; then the differentiation process begins; Judgment Day. The key is our taste buds; preferences and choices. How someone is treated does not define reality or the events taking place; images and pictures help to reveal this only. Similarly, terrorism and this new drug called communism is launching initiatives in drug wars and profit making power. In capitalism, power is money and vice versa. The trigger of homicide and even war would be credibility; the same street value the criminal world exists on. People seek protection and victory in war; the same applies to drug wars. Would you fight alongside a wimp or a target? That credibility is fantasy, total lies, and ends quickly. So here is what we are trying to do or did, to try and appeal to their good side if there is any. As we can see, it is the anti-christ and there is no good side about them; a short term memory and recidivism; to never be taken alive. To appeal to a human rationally, or to use this data to deprogram them; there has to be a good side about them.

What fuels this fantasy is opportunity. There are pretty humans everywhere; day to day sequences. Captivity fuels fantasy; how do you justify captivity? This particular communist spy ring is fueled by terrorism and drug wars; the hope of the people. There are two fantasies at work, the master and the slave. It is so devastating for one of the parties when this fantasy is blown or the air is let out of the bubble that homicidal impulses are uncontrollable. Logically, the serial killer rationalizes a kill or be killed mentality. Drugs and gang wars feed this criminal life where it is the battle of the strongest; to kill or be killed. It is possible to program a human being to fetishes and even a history of prison camps so long as the fulfillment and lack of social norms do not hinder this reward. So drugs break down the social norms which separate war from normal existence. As a soldier and the founder of military strategic initiatives; there is no assimilation between what occurs during war and what occurs in peacetime. These former communist spies are still programmed for destruction and suicide. In their minds, they are in a war and waging war, similar to crime and thug life, where violence and predatory behavior is the social norms. To be a criminal or in a gang, you must wage war on society or those not suspecting it. An armed citizen or a properly armed police is able to repel the attack and prevent the crime.
So we have a hierarchy of mental thought. At the apex is war, waging war on society, predatory behavior, criminal compunction, the proclivity towards violence, inadequacy or retaliatory measures, vulnerability, and a menu of personality disorders. The reality between us and Bin Limbaugh and Hannity is identical; their goals and the outcomes are not. Their goal is a Robin Hood or the people's war; where the poor never have to worry again. Our goal is to ensure military and police forces are properly trained or selected to perform a very complex and violent task on an enemy of mankind. We thus have this rogue or element which steers or manipulates events so they inflict harm on the opposing side or in order to represent a foreign nation, corrupt practice, or disaster. It can be a total insane asylum. The problem with the government and the police forces; is the peace movement and the left wing. The liberals, also synonymous, exploit the legal system, business, and human beings so they do not get hurt. They live through others or become middle men. They lie, cheat, and steal in the name of religion or lack thereof of a moral compass; meshing with others to cling or fly their wings. It is this elusive sweet sound of phony and total lies. The hierarchy of thought, or disaster, has no compass to seek the truth; thus no antidote is possible. So they are a stampede of the living dead; worse, their politics is based on hunger and need. To threaten the basics of survival such as food, water, shelter, or family; you elicit violent, defensive, and even war like mentality.

That is on the individual and family unit level. We can climb the macro-scopic level to the concepts behind economic sustainability and economics itself. All you have to do if you are a spy or a criminal element, a thief; is to seek out humans who have a self destructive personality. In this case, we have deadly terrorists and spies who seek out the best genetics; those who do not have self destructive personalities so they can brood or create a leader. Once this mating is complete, the village then leads and cares for this chosen leader, a messiah. We have caught their master parents and the most deadly element on this earth; they are the ultimate leaders of the left wing and the most powerful of the labor movement. So their fantasy came to a really quick end and this elicited more homicidal impulses and broke their camouflage or ultimate below the radar calm; extreme subtle and serial killer assimilation. As serial killers they are in total control and have perfected, fear, intimidation, control, retaliation, and destroying other human beings without a single trace of evidence. What they found out was someone is even ten times better than them; thus, they were lobotomized at the last minute before crossing the finish line; a total fantasy now in the clean air open stage.
Summary: With these new communist and deadly terrorists it comes down to one question, who runs the streets? Who is in control? With Bin Limbaugh and Hannity we get the answers; profit and violence. Again, it is the classical model of the good vs. the bad; what is the breaking point when the good or the bad switch sides? In a climate of total lies or election rigging; you can decide the outcome and the winners and losers. If you can establish this prison camp; you can decide who is free and what is needed to do a "Ninja jail break." To this weakling, liar, and total terrorists; life is just about profit and violence; the material and consumer world of business and power.

Hanging by the moment: This enemy is disconnected from reality completely. Those captured think there is another level to this when in captivity or pure truth. Again, the game is to agree, say anything, do anything, and copy each other. However, it is also about capturing the enemies leaders. When they caught us, we agreed and told them how beautiful they were or defiant. Now, they do the same; camouflage. The problem is multi-faceted. First, as the original people who ran South Vietnam; we knew they were coming and we set and staged a clever trap. Second, there is no second tier or level after being caught beyond a trial in court. Surely, it can get worse and really bad but this is a really stupid enemy. Now they know with certainty we are on the Witness Protection List but we also run the show; welcome to my world and satellite warfare. Also, if I put a gun to your head and tell you to "get the hell of my house"; shut the door on the way out and do not argue or tell the world why and why not. If I point a gun at your head or even your family; than say "don't even think about laying a hand on my partner"; just do it and leave. You do not have to replicate some total lie.
Read more on the Ann Coulter page (her beau):
Note: 10 spies caught in DC by X and charged with money laundering and a host of non-espionage crimes!
Note: Kagan is not a good choice, but neither was Sotomayor!
Note: Cities like Las Vegas, Phoenix, and inflated real estate markets have not addressed the real problem; who created this disaster and whom is a total disaster in our life; who we have caught and have right here.
Note: We can clean out the entire system and walk away with an even bigger bag of goodies; this enemy does not know when to quit or hang it up. Nobody in their right minds would wage war when they are the most vulnerable; nobody.
Note: It is the way they wage war; not the way they declare peace. Flip that around and we look like the bad guys waging war on them or have some personality disorder which makes life itself a total lie.
Note: State's rights and localisms is the new communism and war; corruption and control. Who controls and runs the streets? Who is avoiding a fight but is overthrowing the government one state at a time; to eliminate Constitutional merit? Is it the federal, state, or local levels which embody this enemy? So their is a crime and a war with the quintessential thief; a master spy and enemy. It is a fight against evil and a religious crusade.
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