I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Here is the truth. I have and had a lot of girls in my life; I mean a lot. I like to think I drove them crazy and they did not drive me crazy. Beginning in 1990 or so, a few who could not make the cut or had any chance got together for some payback. It is like the girl who would never give you the time of day; insane crazy stalker and communist terrorist problem we encounter everyday. Their message is they will always be there for you. So Ann Press began to report this and even investigate it and look where it all led and look where it all led them? So this is not really about Ann Pres life; it is about my life. It is about my biography and how I was treated while hiding this ultra secret and very high profile and top secret life. If you know who and what I am, the game is over and this chase with a communist and terrorist will be over or be for no reason. How many men are or have been in Ann's life or can even make that claim; dare them? Ann is in enough trouble and trying to explain what all this trouble is about no less erase it; yes, erase and do damage control. Why is it working so well? Did the men in her life die off and are not living anymore to tell this world? So why is the story or the evidence lost forever? Oh wait, by the way that is our story and my story which has now really stunned this enemy we call the new communist movement in America and the entire plot to take over the world using crime, thieves, drug profits, and violence.
Here is the truth. If there was any kind of contact or event; then we are trying to rid them, they are not trying to rid us or have any control; not even this police and the officers in my home berating me 23 hours and at 4am at night. The truth is we are not and I am not some stalker or raging lunatic; a killer on the loose, I caught them and they did not catch me. They can attack, agitate, and even call or anger me 300 times a day; the truth is they failed; they are not the police and we caught the police in the act of all this backstabbing, lying, and murderous rampage. They have lost so badly and been pounded on so much by their own failure; they are easily spotted, traced, and try to annoy or harm us in any way possible. That is the truth and why they face public humiliation and arrest warrants for much more. The truth is our life and our nation was invaded and we were given a ticket and an invite which we took, burned, and then stuffed in their mouth. So that police is really eager to kill and so are we; just for the wrong reasons and the wrong intentions. That is the truth and that is what they need to present or prove; it must be written down in clear plain English. It is a game with a stalker and a total loser who nobody will ever give the time to but is in our homes and watching us 23 hours a day. Also, the history of white wine in my life has to do with my time growing up along the Chesapeake Bay or old fishing tales of the one that got away. Beer is how you bring out the flavor of crabs. So if this was over stalking and dating; why didn't they let the FBI handle the situation when it turned into an undercover terror plot? Most reasonable human beings would naturally wince; not carry on as business as usual.
The truth is a game has been invented by the liberals, the communist, labor unions, and the new left. That game is called who can get rid of whom and for what legal reasons if any. That game of politics has become deadly and nobody wants to talk to them; but the game and the chase goes on and on. I and Ann had been the first, test subjects, of this particular game because we are the only ones who made it out alive or can speak openly about who is behind all of it and why. So why talk to us or are we dying to talk to them? Click here for...
ALERT: Remember, you are dealing with labor and the communists. So whomever is on top and bottom; determine the outcomes. In this case, we have the principles and they fuel hate and seek unity. The more they exploit hate and exploit the legal system or "proper use of terrorism" the more they can affect society. With cocaine and heroine the communists were forced to keep up and stake out the huge profits. So it all fit perfect with the violence, gangs, and extreme hate or brotherhood. Who is on the bottom determines who is on the top; total control. We took that and flipped it. Who is on the top; determines who is on the bottom. So the oil dumping is a prime example of who is on the top determines who is on the bottom; a chain of events. So it is all labor and the violence is directed at liberals and the outcome; all victims with their teeth knocked out or bleeding. It has no bearing on the truth, change, or sustainability; only keeping up or a stalemate. That is the drug wars and that is the criminal world; they call this "looking out for number one." It only matters if the outcome is desired and with a surplus of labor; crime will be unstoppable and corruption is God. We cannot avoid a war with these lunatics and maniac terrorists; an invasion force. The only way is to throw them out and into the streets or wage war on all of it. Of all their options, there is no more. This is not about control of a prison, Ft. Hood, city, gang territory, or military; this is about the future of the world and world war. So the communist and labor unions simply merged into gangs, outlaws, terrorists, and liberal victims; nationalists. Zero tolerance means tell the truth about yourself and why you came to America or such a powerful nation to seek control or acceptance. Zero tolerance means to tell the truth about your religion and most of all your politics; the damned must downscale and go away, not expand. We caught their leaders stalking, tormenting, taunting, mocking, and trying all kinds of horrible acts in our life and have a 600 million law suit on them; anything for control as the world is witnessing; no compunction to human respect and pure greed or selfish acts.
Dear Ann, Bin Limbaugh has a few comments and wants to talk to you or ask me to relay a message since we are close friends: 1. He is taking aerobics this week and is not a fat college kid who despises oil. 2. He no longer blames BP or wants more dead birds or more oil on Israeli beaches. 3. He has a new iPhone and is an expert now with the new one; yours is obsolete. He is a technology expert and I am not even if I have computer science and electrical engineering. 4. He wants to discourage as best friends. 5. Says he is not invited to a BBQ; he attends all of our events, all of them. 6. We are all spending more time with our families now. Says you love BBQ and going. 7. Says I fantasize about guns and you do not buy me anything or care; make me dumpster dive (I used to get computer servers, CPUs, monitors, 100s of computers, and all kinds of office chairs and desks by dumpster diving). He has cracked on my dumpster diving so many times and even how Asians eat rice [search rice cooker]. Did you know the FBI used to put reports, electric heaters, etc... for me? This is how I did a pick up; like spies. All you have to do is come in a store, throw it in the trash, and dumpster dive. Is he stupid? I got cases of beer, cases of A1 bacon, cases of A1 eggs, cases of orange juice, and cases of gourmet food. Ann would write about it afterwards each time so I thought it was her.
He says he is our best friend and is "discouraging" us. Says by marrying you, "minorities will be hurt the most... will be hardest hit... quotas, affirmative action, etc..." are all going to be rampant. So he claims this entire matter is about minorities and not the drug trade, mafia, crime, or biker gangs. I asked him about Clarence, SEAL, and other black on white rape and he says, "even the Republicans... know he is lying and that was a lie." So he wants Asian genetics, mine. He wants it with low ballers or white trash; for biker gangs or labor unions because I have Olympic power and capability unlike other humans; invincible. Bauerly claims their crew is teaching me "repercussions of my decisions." So I am only permitted to marry communist or labor union leaders. He claims I fantasize too much and still do. Rush says there is a "government lawyer" talking and "under strict orders... if this guy is totally independent... buck stops with him and Obama does not know how to get the buck."
He recommends that next time you have a meeting with him or I, "go into meeting... where a wire... number of agents down there has doubled... Obama has done nothing... comparing Golf game... under such strain does all of us good, good for Americans... control the agenda... everybody else is lying [he] never is... until he gets what he wants... what he wants... [when I was playing a bad boy, druggie, rogue, and disciple fighting him hourly] Judge Feldman... will appoint again... BP had this accident, no reason to punish them... environmentalist wackos... contributes 3 billion a year..." Bin Limbaugh is veering off Ann; I will tell him to say what he wants to you. "My dad was a lawyer also... do not say anything to the judge... if this goes the wrong way, I don't know... end of childhood best friends... discouraging best friends... they were inseparable... they told each other stories like which boys were cute... son of... scheduling play dates... wish I had someone to call... I never had play dates until I moved to NY... [compares you to a kid on a playground being supervised] childhood best friends is always romanticized in novels and literature... what about in real life... never comes up [calls us imaginary friends]... not good for kids... discourage... most children are flawed... says kids have at least one best friend... discourage... hints of exclusivity... hints of bullying... loves and respects each other... took the time to talk to each other... see if this comes close to describing... see if it involves two or three of the athletes, the best looking girls... acted like you wanted to be in the cliques... their clip [gang term for a street gang]... there is nothing real about them... always phony, staged, and follow a script... everybody wants attention and this is hurtful because it suggest exclusivity... clique does not work... still keep score, know who is winning and loosing... have to grow up... what you will go through... will be doing it on the sly and that will make them targets... [he is being targeted and this Jewish Judge is being targeted] do we want superficial relationships?... this is about wiping out individualism... this is appalling to me... baseless spineless... who try to take out the pain in life... SEIU."
Lets see if he has anything to tell "Ann Counter's best friend who has exclusivity, intimacy, and a lot more." He calls us "Ninja jail breakers... will it happen... get inside their system [hacker] and mess up everything... there are other versions out there and others {Israel} very worried and are ahead of this threat... [how to spy on the US, use Israel and Palestine to see who can win] you can totally wipe it out... ID theft is a big problem... can access your checks... there are people out there who are doing everything they can to get in... [they have hit me at least 1000 times, even starting fires and wiping out my frame ware, firmware, and disabling my hardware]. Rush says "that is the whole point." A caller says this is exactly what happens when you decipher all of the words, some form of sound check or message back to a recorder. Let's see if he has anything else in the final moments and us attacking North Korea and a lot of other rogue nations and destroying them. I want to see the white flag and the Dark Ages. They will surrender and give us all of their active dossiers so we can make the arrest and win our law suit. "The buck stops with me... he has got to be kidding... New Orleans Strip Club... so we will sue you." Yes I know you are trying to sue us and stop this; you tried so many times and the FBI is on it and your failures. I just sent a letter today to a handler and the FBI Army; June 21, 2010 on why the peeping tom camera and stalking problems; not cops but blackmail. It describes the bike gang like firebombing, the financial problems of those involved, the day to day bullying and intimidations, and the death threats and failed murder plots. I was told an arrest warrant is ready and legal teams are ready to take them down.
Dear Ann, Bin Limbaugh has a few comments and wants to talk to you or ask me to relay a message since we are close friends: 1. He is taking aerobics this week and is not a fat college kid who despises oil. 2. He no longer blames BP or wants more dead birds or more oil on Israeli beaches. 3. He has a new iPhone and is an expert now with the new one; yours is obsolete. He is a technology expert and I am not even if I have computer science and electrical engineering. 4. He wants to discourage as best friends. 5. Says he is not invited to a BBQ; he attends all of our events, all of them. 6. We are all spending more time with our families now. Says you love BBQ and going. 7. Says I fantasize about guns and you do not buy me anything or care; make me dumpster dive (I used to get computer servers, CPUs, monitors, 100s of computers, and all kinds of office chairs and desks by dumpster diving). He has cracked on my dumpster diving so many times and even how Asians eat rice [search rice cooker]. Did you know the FBI used to put reports, electric heaters, etc... for me? This is how I did a pick up; like spies. All you have to do is come in a store, throw it in the trash, and dumpster dive. Is he stupid? I got cases of beer, cases of A1 bacon, cases of A1 eggs, cases of orange juice, and cases of gourmet food. Ann would write about it afterwards each time so I thought it was her.
He says he is our best friend and is "discouraging" us. Says by marrying you, "minorities will be hurt the most... will be hardest hit... quotas, affirmative action, etc..." are all going to be rampant. So he claims this entire matter is about minorities and not the drug trade, mafia, crime, or biker gangs. I asked him about Clarence, SEAL, and other black on white rape and he says, "even the Republicans... know he is lying and that was a lie." So he wants Asian genetics, mine. He wants it with low ballers or white trash; for biker gangs or labor unions because I have Olympic power and capability unlike other humans; invincible. Bauerly claims their crew is teaching me "repercussions of my decisions." So I am only permitted to marry communist or labor union leaders. He claims I fantasize too much and still do. Rush says there is a "government lawyer" talking and "under strict orders... if this guy is totally independent... buck stops with him and Obama does not know how to get the buck."
He recommends that next time you have a meeting with him or I, "go into meeting... where a wire... number of agents down there has doubled... Obama has done nothing... comparing Golf game... under such strain does all of us good, good for Americans... control the agenda... everybody else is lying [he] never is... until he gets what he wants... what he wants... [when I was playing a bad boy, druggie, rogue, and disciple fighting him hourly] Judge Feldman... will appoint again... BP had this accident, no reason to punish them... environmentalist wackos... contributes 3 billion a year..." Bin Limbaugh is veering off Ann; I will tell him to say what he wants to you. "My dad was a lawyer also... do not say anything to the judge... if this goes the wrong way, I don't know... end of childhood best friends... discouraging best friends... they were inseparable... they told each other stories like which boys were cute... son of... scheduling play dates... wish I had someone to call... I never had play dates until I moved to NY... [compares you to a kid on a playground being supervised] childhood best friends is always romanticized in novels and literature... what about in real life... never comes up [calls us imaginary friends]... not good for kids... discourage... most children are flawed... says kids have at least one best friend... discourage... hints of exclusivity... hints of bullying... loves and respects each other... took the time to talk to each other... see if this comes close to describing... see if it involves two or three of the athletes, the best looking girls... acted like you wanted to be in the cliques... their clip [gang term for a street gang]... there is nothing real about them... always phony, staged, and follow a script... everybody wants attention and this is hurtful because it suggest exclusivity... clique does not work... still keep score, know who is winning and loosing... have to grow up... what you will go through... will be doing it on the sly and that will make them targets... [he is being targeted and this Jewish Judge is being targeted] do we want superficial relationships?... this is about wiping out individualism... this is appalling to me... baseless spineless... who try to take out the pain in life... SEIU."
Lets see if he has anything to tell "Ann Counter's best friend who has exclusivity, intimacy, and a lot more." He calls us "Ninja jail breakers... will it happen... get inside their system [hacker] and mess up everything... there are other versions out there and others {Israel} very worried and are ahead of this threat... [how to spy on the US, use Israel and Palestine to see who can win] you can totally wipe it out... ID theft is a big problem... can access your checks... there are people out there who are doing everything they can to get in... [they have hit me at least 1000 times, even starting fires and wiping out my frame ware, firmware, and disabling my hardware]. Rush says "that is the whole point." A caller says this is exactly what happens when you decipher all of the words, some form of sound check or message back to a recorder. Let's see if he has anything else in the final moments and us attacking North Korea and a lot of other rogue nations and destroying them. I want to see the white flag and the Dark Ages. They will surrender and give us all of their active dossiers so we can make the arrest and win our law suit. "The buck stops with me... he has got to be kidding... New Orleans Strip Club... so we will sue you." Yes I know you are trying to sue us and stop this; you tried so many times and the FBI is on it and your failures. I just sent a letter today to a handler and the FBI Army; June 21, 2010 on why the peeping tom camera and stalking problems; not cops but blackmail. It describes the bike gang like firebombing, the financial problems of those involved, the day to day bullying and intimidations, and the death threats and failed murder plots. I was told an arrest warrant is ready and legal teams are ready to take them down.
Bin Limbaugh says "[Anne] had aspirations for office", similar to Sara and was a major threat. So Anne was denied, "I needed credibility on this... experience was talking... I am still qualified from my parents... tough Sverdlovsk... wrote a check and it was scary... we were on death's door everyday." So they denied her and made sure there was no miscommunication. This was what was going on in October 2008 right before Ann's new book. The evidence fits his story and he was "protection." I also had to have one of their cronies, terrorists, and psycho communist females; I have pictures of over 200 of them. He is doing this for minorities. This was "my black bag... dispensed some medicine and left... it was really fun for him... I kind of liked it." He also says none of this is his fault, it is our fault and depends on what we do; he and them are only reactionary stalkers, "do not want a TV ad for anything they said... going to get it anyways."
Rush says they were "executing... cumulative affect [or effect]" their plan at the time and what was "occurring at the time." "What I said occurred, occurred." So the evidence fits their story and why Anne's mom found her body and her jaw was protruding from her head. Bin Limbaugh says, "[they] are standing firm on their position... nothing to do with this story." He also said at the time he was furious and demanded an apology. Claims a lot of Republicans (not Democrats) were behind him. This is how he cries and hurts, "he was out... friends with the girls mother." He made comments about how Anne's mom "made her go into swimming pools without bathing suits... she did not want him there but she did... can you get her number, no..."
Summary: Rush says "they" called the hit and it was an initiation killing from NY and Little Rock, AR. The reason is because Ann and I was fighting and "they" could not stop the attacks or stop "us." So it is total confusion and chaos, hit and miss, wait and check, and some knee jerk reaction by a psycho lunatic loser who cannot do anything right. That was what was happening in Ann's and my life. I had yelled at her for dinners, fake BFs, bar problems, and she said it was just lies and totally fake; but I was pounded with smears and pounded from upstairs. I mean round the clock, day and night, trying to blow me up and make me hate Ann. She eventually admitted fault and said she was going to hell because she did not know how to say it or what to do about how they tried to kill us both; self destruction by a black bag of tricks.
Note: I believe he killed the KY-Cincinnati girl who has a brother in the US Army and was on AOL as brwneyedgrl. She was a spy and a psychopath; I thought she destroyed my audio card; now the local or NY police claim they did. Remember the KY white supremest girl who was killed during an initiation or recruitment?
Hannity is using 911 to describe the Ann Pressly murder. "blood was shed... they stood firm... show of leadership... [he] was angry." His description of "their" murder plot on her was how honorable they were, the decisions they made which were not to be in doubt, and basically a trivial affair compared to what the real events were. Anne did not even know them or him; yet they really hurt her and really tried to. Then to make it more humiliating or a problem; her mom found her mutilated and raped body. Blood was on the ceiling and Hannity and Limbaugh would look Ann in the eye and smile; then tell me about what they did or were doing. So Hannity's version is just an account of 911 on June 21, 2010. He compares 911 widows to the murder of Ann Pres sly.
Lets see if Bin Hannity has a message for me to relay to Ann since he is certain I am best friends or have exclusive access and am extremely intimate with her for over 20 years. Hannity actually thinks he is a hero and presents himself as a great guy and a gift to our life; unreal. This SOB has been stalking, tormenting, torturing, ordering us around, and ruined all of us now and he thinks he is a hero, welcomed, and has special or exclusive access; our best friend. "Each side is lying about this... called him a liar... " what Hannity is saying is this; he is calling us a God and his God; but he wants us to accept or embrace him as our God; that is why you stalk, disfigure, torment, harass, bully, or kidnap someone to break them down. It is not to call them a God, it is to destroy them like God. Now he claims we are lying and are a God; yeah okay I am so psychopathic I actually act, think, talk, and this world knows I am a apathetic, an idiot, bone insane, psychopathic, and think I am a God, "if you do things like God and kill like God... eventually you will become God" - Movie: Manhunter. So all he wants to do is berate his witness or scold them; not seek the truth; condemn until they break or surrender.

I admit I am not the nicest guy in the world and I have more reasons to be upset, mad, or despondent than any other person. However, I did make a very quick recovery and you must ask why; after all that I had to go through or how my super top secret life was hidden and ridiculed or mistreated on such a grotesque level. I do not think others see me in a good light because if I even say a word, it is used against me and I am pounded day after day; exploited and used as propaganda by this enemy and stalker. Hannity is trying to live my life and he claims I stole his life or he should be living my life; even admitted this. He claims we are a thief and do not have any rights, none. This is why he is a terrorist and a cold blood serial killer; no respect for humans unless he is accepted or worshiped. I admit after this I do not like people and see human beings in a very bad light; just 300+ fights and stalking or shoving matches a day for 20 years with them. Now we must embrace them. Remember what the Love Canal was about and how the "environment" caused birth defects and problems for their children. Also what Exxon Valdez was about; how oil is evil and causes scarcity or nightmares about how much oil the Arabs can dump on Jewish beaches. Again, anger towards environment concerns or the impact on their lives.

Let's see if he wants me to relay anything to Ann or has something to say. "Criticizing... trying to make this about apologizing... [Ann owes them an apology] escaped... seized the Party [Democrats]... will liberalize to get their agenda passed... attacks designed to cripple the economy... instructs people on how to read the Federalist Papers... what he is trying to do [Hannity and Limbaugh]." This is about Ann Counter and Alex her bed buddy; stay focused pleased. "Even the President was out there... taking this sailing trip with his son... weekend trips... crisis... not a PR nightmare for you... until they declare bankruptcy, this will not be big enough... they wanted him out and now he is out... that is what happened." So the BP stunt and dumping oil was designed to expel me [Alex] and some dual story or symbolic method to tell their story because if "I say it occurred then it occurred." I have heard enough, Hannity is talking about concerts and BBQ; rambling and stupid emotional things; hey Hannity, go and get therapy and serious help; you are a total psychopath and a busted terrorist, spy, and communist infiltrator; no less behind mafia, crime, and drug wars; the leader of the communist US thrust. Now he says, "He is trying to figure out how to deal with us... still trying... does not know what to do." He means the entire communist and how they are trying to talk or take over the world, "Our enemies hate us more than ever now." He is off the topic and will not focus on Anne Pres sly or Ann Counter.
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