I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Note: As I am writing this, Hannity made this comment at 7:46pm on June 25, 2010; "going around as the big man on campus but refused to accept money from foreign countries (domestic terror groups such as Black Panthers)." He then raises his voice and begins showing anger and frustration. I was pretending not to hear it and he mentions how the reputation was being judged; so the payment was to give them a closer view what was going on "in the house." He is suggesting a bribery attempt in 1998 and I describe it as shutting my entire life down; not bribery. Then I began to impersonate MC Hammer and say "Hammer Time... you suck, get the hell off the field." Hannity responds right back, "it is not our home." They conclude that waging war determined the loss or getting caught with "not our home."
This clearly describes the events of 1998 and my own account of events. Limbaugh all week has been talking to Ann, as usual like Hannity, changing everything to fit. We can contradict everything; they will change it. So I have two confessions this week; June 21 to 25. Hannity said, “Going around… acting like the big man on campus.” Then he got angry and pointed out how money was refused or denied, a sign of disrespect. Says I refuse to give them money now; another sign of disrespect. Hannity said, “Refused money from foreign countries (Clinton)” and then he mentioned how it made people angry. Hannity says their reputation was being judged and it got worse and worse.
What Hannity saw me writing in a letter: The whole house is rigged up or some safe big brother home. There are cameras, bugs and listening devices, electric remotes, and all kinds of tricks. It is like an "isolation tank" to check out recruits. I would say a model home to teach you the ropes of how they remain invisible and communicate around the globe. This according to the NY State Police is their prison or home detention; everybody is guilty according to their PR. Rush says we are "ninja jail breakers... ahead of this threat." Ann compares my case to the Conrad Black case; who she is. The problem is nothing is written down and I filed this in 1998 in Falls Church. After I file this, I went and paid $325 for bankruptcy at age 28; 28 and graduation. When asked who I thought it was; I had one answer; the labor unions and Catholics over Vietnam. I am not 100% sure but worried that agent was murdered by Muhammad and his US Army skills; another trainee. They say it is a prison. Ann says she is taking care of business while I am appealing my release. They deny it but do not release me or address 300+ felony charges. Limbaugh calls us "Ninja jail breakers."
So four years (4x365 days they have heard, “go away, stop talking to me, leave me alone, you are an idiot, stop ordering me around, etc…) it has been the same thing filed in 1998. That is 12x365 days. Do you suspect us filing attempted murder charges or terrorism charges might be taking this too far? As far as the landlord, he better hope you did not have a reward or set him up to deliver money-refund; so I can help Ann and she can help me resolve some of this. Even RICO is not enough and here they are playing games with us while taunting both of us about murder plots and details. Wonderful people aren’t they? They also must participate when I am writing music and songs; really deep. Sue is trying and still trying to market herself as a total babe; they just do not stop. From June 21 to 25, Limbaugh is still obsessed with Ann (so he says and is faking). It is the only way to clear the stalking charges or failure. He is responding to Ann on Geraldo: Alvin Greene. He is Alvin Greene. All week he is trying to talk to Ann, even through me. For a terrorist and sick stalker; he knows he is going down and this is really dangerous. He targeted me first; now it is clear he is after Ann. The way they do it? Wife, spouse, and sue. All of them are fat, stupid, disgusting, and meaner than the Hells Angels; but ugly. That is how they are hitting and you are dealing with assassins; some married. Obviously, they are all for sale and in the drug trade; now communism. So that is who we were fighting and who hit all of us hard; like a ton of bricks. Hit back. This is no mafia, biker gang, liberal, or labor union; 12x365.

Response from NY State Police: We have a confession. The state of NY Police union claims they are in a conspiracy and are rogues. They claim they do not have the men and material to combat terrorism and orchestrated or participated in an elaborate plot. It is similar to a kid who gettos killed over a tennis shoe. They admit to ordering me to buy a new laptop and ran into crossfire; then laid down cover or suppression fire for the suspects. In the end, they could not achieve the desired result or outcome. They admit to hacking and destroying my firmware; then ordering me to purchase a made in the US laptop; part of a union first campaign for the Governor. Now they are shoring up and the gov is not able to save them. We have since banned them and moved West Point; so they went back to their ghetto methods and intimidation; blackmail. So these punks are now running from federal forces and on the lamb; in hiding. So there is overlap between drugs and terrorism; clearly a rogue and a loser who keeps on trucking and trying. The motive has to do with HS; the yearbook killer. New York (upstate) was a constant reappearance ever since the Yorks, Ben and Adam Davis, and then the Moynihans or Clinton's. The motive was sympathy for Weatherman, Black Panthers, and radical communists; who are now the drug trade and wars. They were scared to lay a second hand on me; so they put me in some mental ward for $5K to suggest how I was not billed and they were only doing as told; nothing personal. They want and ordered me to learn Chicago police methods; the machinery of Daley and the Democrats where the outcome is decided by the politicians and also the futures markets; absurdity. Review the history of upstate NY from 2000 to 2008; the Iraq Wars and the movements by the state leaders. The entire state is the cell; socialized and in it together; need a counterforce method. The brainwashing was just the liberals way to making humans dependent and a slave to the machine.
Dear Mitch Bin KY big Mac:
(Daniels is "Ashley Daniels" a girl who was from Britain and contacted me online via random 1000K to 1 odds, Ann remembers her but I did not! Ms. Daniels works at a grocery store and is very polite, very British like; no problems. I only spoke to her about living in UK and what life was like, really weird but she is from the UK for real.)
Carla from CA: if you know Carla, then you know Ann and I. Carla is the Bubba-Luva and a friend from California; that is how Ann and I do it; for the past 20+ years. Ann comes to me; I never went to her. Carla is an educator and was only a friend who enjoys talking. Ann will spend all day talking to me, all day long.
RESPONSE: (Article sent to Ann about Gore accused of sexual harassment) The Russian girl in 2006 was not a hooker. She was not a goody-good either; however, she wanted marriage. She was the best they had, so far. Ass far as hookers; I have seen their $20 street crew, the $300 sex club type, and then the $5,000 a pop and even $100,000 a pop sluts. At $100K their husbands make follow up calls and schedule exclusive dates. With the $300 ones at sex clubs or strip clubs; you will have to touch them, kiss them, and go to second or third base. The drugs and the sale of drugs are when you get to the hotel and the end of the weekend date. As far as fees or scoring; it depends on the money made, the risk, and then the method. I have seen where couriers in VA go to warehouses and never met a single person. If busted they do not even know what is in the package, who and what is being bought, and the warehouse or business cannot be traced. So they have remained invisible until now. I live on only $400 a month; so these claims are ridiculous; total legal malpractice. It is not a website, it is a god damn blog. There are 10 million blogs in this world. Ann knows everything about me and what I do; she advises me on these dates. I do not know anything she has been up to and demand the truth; demand it. They act as if they died and the truth was lost. They act as if we must tell how we caught them or why they stalk and kidnapped us; Ann is only an imprint of it; a dual reality. In other words, she is not an active participant, subordinated. Ann is a biographer and tries really hard to please me, really, really hard and it makes these enemies go insanely angry. Also, a peeping tom learning a lesson and so miserable? A peeping tom crying and begging for mercy; hey who are you again? Why are you contacting us for communism and terror plots?

TRUTH: I am not mad at Ann. What I am mad at is her asking my help and being in the dark. I am upset because the truth and our story has not surfaced while pop shots are made at both of us. If they can split us up or cause enough resentment; then the poison can be injected to dull and even kill. Ann knows it all and I have told Ann who and what I do; she is the one who advises me. This Russian girl whom contacted me was tested and she wants marriage but was not whom she claimed. I had known this and Ann had known this; but she had a decent heart and a very good personality. As far as singles clubs or web sites; I have tested them and used them as a decoy; to accomplish several goals, image problems, and to gain trust while angering those who contact us. The whole idea here is to end the career of a stalker who will not let go of our life or let us go; clearly. So now they spin the story of how we caught them. Ann is like a nun while I am the street smart and super soldier; you cannot tell who is whom. Drugs have no impact on me and if we were to sit down and do bong hits, shoot heroine, or get tested; there is no doubt of my power; yet they do not even know how ridiculous they are. As I said, I have not and never do drugs; only while under the age of 18; that was 22 years ago? I am allergic to hops and cannot drink more than 3 to 4 beers in any 24 period; in 4 to 6 hours it is the hops. What did have an impact was the psychoactive drugs which made my skin peel off or burn as if it was on fire. It made my teeth grind and feel numb; odd. It was responsible for the coma and loosing my speech. So they got the story all wrong. They keep saying I did this or that; a total disaster who made our life a huge disaster. How did their life get this bad? How do they know us or do they?
FACT: the role of government is not biased to government or the free market. The role of government is to make sure undue pressure, intimidation, and things are perfect. Labor exploits the best. Crime wages war on society similar to terrorism, terror plots, hoaxes, and even sex offenders. Do we see high education being exploited? No, they exploit college loans instead. Do we see criminals and enemies exploit truth or demand this? Yes but not well. The whole point is what they choose to exploit and how this was a set up; we know they will. Is hot free lunch a good thing for the entire nation? No. Is education and a smart voting class? Yes. Is it good to have the poor fight the wars for the rich or the elites? No. Wars are now drug wars and the poor will wing that won. So how did I-won or did we make them say I-ran? Sheer torment, sheer insanity, and sheer madness; a disaster which was in our life and caused a massive disaster. They must now make contact and come in for a pickup; no more options are on the table or choice; now or never. LOL. Did I plan or plot this? LOL, yes. Did it arrive early? LOL, yes. Was I surprised by what came and what was in the net? LMAO, yes. Do they know and can they see as clear or clearer than I? No, maybe as clear but not clearer. How do I know? LMAO, puzzle. Are they powerful and can they do damage or permanent damage? Hell yes, read the transcripts; deadly and global massacres. Is there anything left in their black bag? LMAO, no. They are angry and stuck in quicksand. Is there a way out of this? Yes, I can roll off at least 10. Who are they and what do they want? LMAO, wait and watch as I throw cards on the back table; make them scream and ask for mother! Now watch while I ask them WTF are you doing. FOMCK (Fell off my chair, missing keyboard), listen to their answer! So why would Ann love me so much and put all her life and money in my stock? BFF, of course. Okay, much more but I do not kiss and tell; I am the only man to have sex with her and will; I am fine with that, but are they? Boys are always bad; and they only want the good ones. The rest is relative and illogical; trial and error. Girls who are bad; end up with broken marriages or single moms.
Lying through his missing teeth: knows that if criminologist study well behaved societies; they will immediately notice Asian crime rates. Japan has no crime; high college rates. Singapore has no crime; high college rates. China, Korea, and other Asian societies lag behind; low crime and high education rates. Now he acts like they (iRush, communists, labor unions, white and black trash, mafia, et al) are being targeted or fighting for their life because they are so well behaved. What we get is a disaster in our life, constant mocking, terror plot hoax, oil is evil, anti-scarcity, and this idea they are God or a co-equal partner in our life. What they are is a total loser and a total disaster; really stupid and fake; rotten to the core. I used to walk down a beach and girls (with their moms) would run outside and offer me a sandwich. I would walk in a room and the lumps of muscles, the cuts, the sheer look of Olympic power stunned people. My hair was perfect and so was my hate for this idiot stalker; now we got them and look how they explain their behavior. How beyond pathetic can you get; I have to leave right and they have the right of way? We are heartless and treat them with cruelties? Why am I in their iRush research study; also why attack Ann? Now look in my criminology college courses and who is in them with me; Catherine (links to the US Navy, iRush, Clinton, Moynihan, and Upstate NY). So Ann is my girl and has been for over 20 years; she will answer any question they have about Asian females; who do you suspect they are looking at or the data on their tiny study? What or why do you think a crime and drug syndicate would want with this data or brainwashing; to lower our standards for? Now all the public is allowed to see is her partying, with idiots, and photo ops; did they die or has the truth been lost? Ask Lisa D and some of her close cohorts; who do they suspect had a murder plot on her?
Dear Bin Hannity, the Labor Movement, and the Communist: let me give you a hard look at reality and your affect on our life. It is going to be really hard to escape the fact your breed and existence is a disaster and well known disaster. You Catholics have this affect on normal people and it has something to do with bringing out this total savage and the worst in others. I have never seen or witnessed a piece of scum unlike your breed; yet you insist on helping and how you participate or control a prison labor camp like a federal penitentiary. You all even need special schools to cope with how hated you are and how you have this stup-perior motive which enthralls you to be a pain in the ass and stalk others. Your disaster made my life and Ann's life a gigantic disaster and now you have been caught red handed and look like the scum bag and idiot you are. I have never screamed foul language at others all day. I have never dealt with such an arrogant knuckle dragging ditch digger with some odd imposition to others who are royalty or set for life. I have never seen elites who are so rotten to the core; they beg and must make up a fantasy about being our parents. Now you crack on my looks, my royalty, and my appearance; odd how before you had no problem with this; now you thnk you are in some fight about my lack of looks. After 10 years of ferocious fight with a communist terrorist; I do not look Hollywood or have my perfect hair and body for a reason. My life and body has been disfigured. I do not think your lack of human quality is escapable either. However, you Catholic and Irish F'ers are as much of a scum bag as this world can produce and your disaster has now placed tentacles all over our life. Yet you claim to help and are welcomed. So this is just your labor union antics and your police; imagine what kind words I have for your street crews and gangs.
As far as royals being near your homicidal and lunatic hate; it makes our hate ten times worse than yours. You are also a pathological liar and invite violence or pain; all you can do once you create a disaster in our life is drink yourself to death or snort your way to heaven. So your intelligence has much to be desired and you just live to this reputation of wishing a fight and determined to win it. Do you not see the destruction and disaster you have created? Do you have any sound inkling of a human being or are you just that foul and that much of a pest? You even kidnap royals and tell them you are co-equals or in this with them. You go after any race to tell them you are awesome and do not hate. Your secret is as ridiculous as how you string people along and trick them to get what you cannot otherwise beg for. So shouting matches and lip service all day with such a foul and rotten to the core loser has an impact on us, others, and royals. Your history with royals is as foul as your existence. Again, you claim we think our crap don't smell or we are so much better than others. I have never met such an ignorant and insane mother fucker in my life and that is just the police. You try to give us gifts; we tell you to go away; and you keep coming back and it ends up as abduction or some insane terrorist plot. You fucking communist have this magic on the lives of others; always picking a fight and never keeping away as told or ordered to; imagine the public and the foul citizen who live by no standards and moral compass. Now you claim you have a broken heart? Are you fucking insane and bone headed lost your fucking head? So your fantasy is your perfumed gigantic rear and how well behaved you are as a useless idiot clinging on our life for death or suicide. You tried to brainwash us into loving or being your partners in suicide terror plots and now you are totally busted and brainwashed all of America with this well behaved pathological lie.
Do you know or understand how insane and what a scum bag we and millions of others see you as? This is your impact on our life; pollution and total disaster. So go and get drunk and knocked up; tell yourself how loved and how your broken heart is suffering. You are one god damn mother fucker unlike any useless human being I have ever come across. Odd you call it power and total control. Your elites and rich are even worse, trust me. So you fucking Catholics really do think you are equal and the same or are you this fantasy; we live your life or are living your life? Even your disaster of a ghetto is affect others; crime spilling all over the place; total disaster. So now you want freedom and are great Americans? Are you fucking nuts? You get in my face 23 hours a day; make death threats hourly; crack on how you are so superior when we were hit and put in a coma because you are so jealous. You drive us to ruin and a total disaster so now our looks are your topic of debate? I am ready to level you and knock your teeth out; do not worry about my looks because it has hit rock bottom so you can feel the same. I compare you to the Irish and the history you claim is an injustice or conspiracy. Are you aware of a disaster in our life? Who do you imagine brings this kind of bad apple and violence; who is with such a foul homosexual witch? Look at you parade how well behaved you are and how you are so superior and calm; like a rock in a sea of thunderous waves. I have never seen a traitor or an enemy such as your measly butt diaper life; never. You are as traitor as a traitor can get; and you think you are so well behaved. Now you are switching lives with an Asian and claim to be family? Are you boneheaded insane? Do you want to pick through trash for your life or be thrown in the streets? Do you dream of war with America and the best in this world? You are a disaster and you Irish and Catholics need to be segregated or put in some internment camp.
Let me guess, our lovers, admirers, and spouse! You got some nerves. You have literally brought this world to the brink of world war again; yes the communists and the labor unions. Now you tell others they have a personality problem? What kind of species are you and how do you breed so rapidly? You can get a normal person and the most powerful human beings on this earth; you can choose the most powerful Asian or Caucasian on this earth and the result will be the same as we are held prisoner or captives by your pristine and superior existence. I have never raised my voice at anybody and you can measure my life by what I have done for Ann or what she has done for me; you deserve to die; not have a murder plot on us or keep trying. If I ever see you, I will say fuck you and we will seek payback and major life ending career choices for your measly existence. So bad things do happen to rotten people and we know how you feel and how you are. How does the disaster feel now? Does it sting that bad? Does it make you pray for death? Do you feel drowned or mistreated? Do you feel like you are being dragged by a truck or hit by it? So that is why we are a disaster and what really happened to us and America! I wish you luck in America from here on... as you know it is a military base and you are kicked out of it. You face attack and perpetual retaliation due to the silence and escape plans. You are a disaster and think you are so behaved and always ahead of the curve don't you; so do anything or say anything to win; a superior idiot challenger. I am Asian and I have never ever in my life raised a hand to a female or yelled at one; look at your vile breed and what you do to others; just to anger them and declare how well behaved you are as a criminal terrorist; terrorist.
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