


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It is kind of odd how all of these "Conservative leaders" and "Industry leading" politicians, media names, and fund raisers are on stage with a card carrying communist. I will gleefully expect a candid and honest answer from each of them on why and how they ended up with photos and such a close working relationship with these captured card carry communists. It is like they are doing a great job and grew up together; a pack of wolves and thieves raising money for us and pushing us to the top. As I said, it is odd what they are doing with a card carrying communist or shred the stage up with them. I will say this again, there is no fact checking and they are card carrying communists we caught behind these terrorist plots. This gang and pack of wolves must be going down and drinking the pool-aid together like Whacko, TX. I expect them to be more professional and heed our warnings. They pretend as if we do not know and nobody can see them or has a clue. The people we caught, implicate, and are suing keep contacting us to "accuratize" and teach us the "proper way" to see this. I am glad their high school education was good for something and none of it is true or meaningful; full of propaganda. Sean is a career criminal and card carrying communist; beware.

1. If the public records are checked, my FBI contact was notified in 2008. I have the email. I informed Rush Bin Busted they are ready to receive him and my FBI team was ready for his surrender. He said he was scared and I told him I understood. In order for this to work, he has to work with me and help me; not upset me or come after my family or the opposing General. Knock off the recurring rape dream, the games, deception, lies, and "we are your parents." It is always the same excuse or blaspheming lies; you were dumb, you got tricked, and you should feel ashamed and move on. You feel jealousy right now and are causing lackadaisical problems for others.
2. Now search "surrender" and how many times we asked; he said yes. Search "safe" and how many times Rush Bin Busted was told to place in writing a confession and implicate those behind terror plots we specifically demanded answers to. He said there was so much more and this was just scratching the surface; I said, to start writing and put this in his safe. Then I specifically instructed the FBI to guard the safe and his insurance. He not only ignored this, he wrote down some very insulting comments in there. You circumvented the FBI contact and came to our homes; not once but every day for twenty years as a stranger. We had to chase you off "a couple times."
3. I asked if he was suicidal or felt it; he said no and went on attack. Did he report me coming to him or his home from 1990 to 2010? Not once. Do I or explain what he was trying? Instead, he has some slime ball union communist spy ("with strong relations with the Catholic Church) chase me around the house and demand I have a baby with her or demand how I must show affection for her womanly looks. Now all I got was not a cent but death threats and warnings about how this will never end and I will be running for the rest of my life from Israeli spies or labor communists. You make a joke out of this also just to get a laugh; how insensitive and uncaring. It is always the same excuse or lies; you were dumb, you got tricked, and you should feel ashamed and move on. You feel languished right now and are causing problems for others.
4. Rush Bin Busted needs to stop this ranting and criminalizing others, he is not the police, he is exaggerating his danger, we set up a witness protection reception for him, he said he is not suicidal and went on attack, and he has been slow to provide good information. Now it is how he is being threatened, by whom is yet on the indictment; he is in danger and scared; and he has not even read or remembers what he did or said. It began at 100 million, "we would like to be paid Mr. Bin Busted" in 2008 and just a simple on air suicide (hyperventilating, cotton mouth, coughing, a near nervous breakdown); and now it is how he is close to being caught and in danger. The god damn story changes all the time and the truth is the FBI is ready for him; I notified my contact team immediately on week 1 via email and confirmed it in person. He is not reaching out for help but instead committing on air suicide but says he is not suicidal and on attack. It is always the same excuse or lies; you were dumb, you got tricked, and you should feel ashamed and move on. You feel jealousy right now and are causing problems for others.
5. You tried to win, use the victory, exploit us even more, and try to come closer. Your staff sent Ann all around for things which they were or had been charged with until I was fed up with her life and dealing with you using it as proof you did nothing wrong; how uninvited I was, how much money you had, and how money talks faster than the laws or principles. You and your staff, the so called "Republicans" then tried to work closer with us and wreck our life even more claiming we made these decisions and are to be blamed; we were stupid and was tricked and now feel bad. Almost like a date rape where the next morning you taunt them about what you did and what you want now. Be the daddy and parent you claim to be and live up to your obligations, pay up you cheap skate. Pay up for 20 years of being faithful and a good person; I don't want to hear how you love us or how much you want to help. I have crying babies and hungry kids you dirt bag and slime ball terrorist.

The truth is and under oath, you have made death threats all day long since 1998 and acted on other ones to show you are a deadly terrorist, serial killer, and serial predator; we need to fear you and take you seriously. Then you try to criminalize or blame us; how we are fake-phony and do not act on our threats and warnings; no teeth and a paper tiger. You showcase your knew heart machine by going to Hawaii and putting yourself in the hospital and some showcase press conference; while you use it to keep the pressure on us. I called it a "squirt gun" for boys who have no balls and how water will seek out your bunker when it rains because you are that stupid. So I have the police coming buy now; used by the unions in McVeigh-land terrifying me about false arrest or total lack of fact checking while Cong. Masta resigns like a fag. Sara was honorable but that lackadaisical sailor was just a total fag. Dr. Hussie was also a fag in the Army. You got more flag or you want to shoot off your blow mouth; it don't mean a thing and you don't gots nothing on meh!

Isreal upstairs says this is your life; you want to help; they are scared, do not know what to do; and we have to give it to them. Just ask for it and cut off the games will you fag? It is not a threat, they want to help and we are living their stolen life and pride. Odd, helping ends up begging every ten minutes and constant whimpering; and then surges of attacks and death threats. So the IRA and unions upstairs keep reporting death threats and a potential murder, a real warning to the police; and then read my graduate work and make comments using a high school diploma and brass knuckle blashemous anger. I say Nazis need not apply and not for a slimeball drunk and they call me a "common nigger" every time he talks to me which angers me because I am royal and from the other side of the tracks. If you are going to call me a nigger, do not talk to me or claim you wish to help; please. Sean Bin Busted says he is the best and the IRA are the most deceptive infiltrators. The death threats are still a harassment today and even if they are ignored; we get the same boloney and extravagant caviar lies by a coffee face loser like you. All you had to do is tell the truth and ignore us; being caught and facing tremendous punishment and you would not or could not find the pride to toot your own egomaniac demand we move on and you walk away as winning or a permanent being in our life. The scars and injuries on us and others are real and long lasting; so pay up you cheap skate.

Tell NY-Moynihan they are still beggars in America and not honorable, sexi best dirt poor communist or not. Next time, don't come around with the fat one and it won't get stuck in ours you cheap skate. I want to be paid and I deserve every single penny because I was a good man and a damn good opposition General. You could have taken the easy way out in 2008 but instead you keep calling, acting sexy, telling me how scared you are, telling the world you are in danger, the usual "sorry, I want you back", how unhappy I am now, and how sexy you still are. Is this how you treat a another "revolutionary" and lover? Is this how you treat your family and your commitments when you stick the fat one in our life and refuse to leave? I have had it and demand to be paid for 20 years of my life. Stop criminalizing others and be accountable for your actions; all you had to do was walk into an FBI office and they would have had the case and was ready to house and feed you. Now they are being blamed and look very bad and so do I; Ann is nowhere in sight and you continue wrecking our life. Just ask your other cheap skate partner and number 4, Mullah Sean Bin Rapist. I want to be paid and how dare you point that smelly finger in my face and chest, how dare you... how god damn you dare me.

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