


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Friday, November 28, 2008


11/28/2008 3:10:32 PM

Global terror alert: we have detected a plot and a conspiracy within the US government to what appears to be the upper echelon of a large terror group. As we were closing in and undercover a jackpot of information, they struck with a two prong attack to assert themselves. The first was to use a technology called an APS high frequency crowd dispersal technology to numb the hands so that penmanship was difficult and painful. When this was ignored for four to five months, they began to use the technology in all parts of the body, specifically targeting vital organs to see if any long term or terminal results would occur. This fell in step with a second massive attack on the financial district of formerly Bombay, India; what is now Mumbai, India. The reports are being written and under the duress of their Supreme Commander who tipped us off about an imminent attack.

They too were in touch with this suspected leader who had made contact with us and boasting as he was basting in the sunlight of his victory and prize, our soon to be death. He wanted to know what our reaction was to his grandeur before the nails were put in the coffin. Our response was to show him the undercover agents and the methods used to apprehend him, his terror network, and the evidence we had on him. He offered to pay reparations but never wrote down or went beyond a gentleman’s agreement. Every deal or offer for three full months was hearsay and apologies. It was heartfelt but never responded to fully, this hope was never taken away and he continued to sing like a bird for the investigators who were listening in. We heard him give out the orders but did not know or were able to decrypt them. He even told us what he was doing to boast. The people upstairs, identified as authentic and not imposters, verified his orders with angry and fist shaking defiance or day long foot stomping.

The Indian 911, some near perfect identical, highly planned and organized, terror operation was announced a week before it occurred. Everybody heard it but did not even know what it meant, it was encrypted. These hate groups were angry with the financial collapse and stumbling errors with the bail out. Their side was getting bashed and tormented by those who were closing in on their charade and poser scams. They were unraveling and soon to face massive pressure. The Indian 911 was to assert and protest this harm on them while draping the flag and terrorism flag around the little guy. If you drape the terrorism flag around the little guys, they skirt them off as fallen messiahs or comrades.

The single threat and thread is Asians. Targeting Asians is their strategy and the suspects are both black and white of all heritages and ethnicities. Their intelligence is being humiliated and their economic posture is unraveling with overwhelming debt. Meanwhile, the Asian economies are teaming up to produce cars and mostly electronic goods by strong partnerships and technology personnel. There is no way to catch up or defeat this business scheme because the level of engineering is beyond what the losing side can muster. The Indian attacks were to signal the motives of the first attacks and how invincible they are as failures. Their strategy of helping the little guy keep up will never catch up to the engineering numbers which the Asian economies have taken over and will dominate for the entire next century. Military arms will go to the technological victor.

They took the APS technology, what we had slowly leaked to one individual two years ago in 2006 and used it back on us not knowing whether it was enough to create a stalemate. By our response and the global reaction, they understood it as another failed brokering of this unraveling unconditional pardon. Their pardon was denied and ended by public sentiment and anger of this chicanery. This was the devil himself we were listening in on. They were gaining back this road of humiliating and shutting us down by breaking our spirits. This risk taking is an early sign of suicidal tendencies and insane posturing by failures whose gamesmanship is shock and awe. It is meant to foment sympathy for the devil and to seek material aid while making the little guy more powerful and righteous, more self confident.

They claim they are learning from us daily and must keep us licked and locked up for the better of society. They are the leaders and they need us as a human experiment so that they can ascend to this communist messiah. It is not from the heavens but money to them; they are devoted to saving their comrades, socialists, and communists at all costs and risks. If this means the death penalty, then they are well past this point. They feel the people will understand and pardon their righteous and substantive effort. It is an underground sewage of immigrants, illegal aliens, and the flux of 1960s activist and social justice campaigners who do not want to go back to where they had been. The right of the individual and the trust between the individual and government is the needed sacrifice and this was their test. If you fail, you die; a vendetta of the Cold War and right wing challenges against the communists in history.

The strategy to help the little guy regain power and authority was deeply rooted in political parties in the United States or European nations. They mirror and duplicate with near identical goals of the “opus dei” and “Zionist” religious clandestine factions to dominate the world. Those two groups do not abide by the Constitutional upbringing which was advanced by the founding of the nation, the right of the individual to exist and the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Rule and power to them is not from the heavens but the economic system, jobs, and money. Now they are in serious trouble because they Asian economies have dominated the high technology sector for the next hundred years or more. This too was revealed by their captured leader as why they were destroying our computer equipment, it symbolized this Asian elitism and a stalemate which they were symbolically killing and blowing up. He had indicated why he destroyed the four thousand dollar laptop or the ten high end gaming machines back in 2006 with no intention of repayment, only reaping the victory of emotional distress.

The Indian 911 was an assertion, rapprochements which investigators were asking from the suspects. Rather than give up, they created opportunities and freedom for those who were under the microscope to give them confidence and to say “do not give up.” This opportunity broke the détente and declared cease fire, thus the rapprochement itself. This is a skilled political tactician who can easily outfox the authorities as they are witnessing before their very eyes. As we have said, they are huge and to not take it lightly, it looks surreal and feels like a fantasy; but they do not shoot blanks and are dead serious. They have a lot to loose and the risk taking they are displaying is never before seen. It is near suicidal and sheer madness of lunatics. It is not going to lessen the pressure or scare off the governments of this world, terror never works even if they are the victims or the ones fixing it. We do not care who fixes it and we know that is a hoax intended to scam others into trust and material support. We can even rationalize it and verbally word it lucidly if they care to also.

This is the same sort of risk taking we observed before 2001 and by the same people. It is a slew of them and a mass movement to overwhelm in unison. The distraction takes the media away from the epicenter. At the same time, the hydra grows to a unanimous level and proportion. Their supporters know that targeting Asians will not incur any punishment; it has been done twice blatantly without any remorse or punishments. It is very unlikely the investigators working this matter will alter from this set plan and strategy. They have their own investigators and team of conspirators. There are strings attacked to any such investigation. Targeting Asians revives these threads and strings. It is happening all over the world in stupid and thuggist societies who do not have a foot in high technology economies.

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