Thursday, March 14, 2013


Do you see any reason why the FBI would turn to me when their backs are against the wall or if they have a massive fight on their hands? I do put on my resume, I helped them solve the most complex and mind blowing cases; and I did it day after day. Insofar as a liaison to the FBI and CIA, it makes sense right? It is not a marketing scam. My father was really head of counter-intelligence during the 1960s. That is also why I was a target while growing up by internal and external forces; I am cool about it.

WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND VOTING RIGHTS: When it came to women in the workplace, it was a hostile climate. "Why don't you stay home and be a housewife instead of going on TV and causing so many problems." This was on the tip of their tongue but they could not find the courage or the truth to say it. The same applied to CPAC, the "ultra conservatives", and the Republican Party. Yet the only group not blind or totally out of control were the Democrats and the radicals. This is and was about females, soccer moms, and the improper use of cameras.

Is this about or was this about looking good in front of the cameras, similar to Vietnam? This is about the police and cameras, an agenda.

Rape in the Military, The Invisible War:

Ice Chest Murders, Ann Marie Fahey:

Chandra Levy, 2001:

This murder-rape case is about a lot of things, specifically looking good on cameras or the dynamics of cameras in the media, crime, politics, rape, police work, politics, business, etc... The suspects are skaters, parents are doctors or lawyers, and they are involved in drugs or work closely with Southern Baptist criminals. They are thinking this through and they are pure evil. They are NOT Nazis, totally dumb-asses and imperfect.




Interview-Transcript of Interview of Rush Limbaugh on ‎Wednesday, ‎13 ‎March, ‎2013
The 1989 Case of Amy Baker

Q: We know they were behind the murder of Amy Baker and they face criminal charges; they need to clear it up

Chris Plante answers before Rush Limbaugh comes on (unexpected on ‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎13, ‎2013); this was designed for Rush Limbaugh and the "Wilson" lead:
1. Chris Plante says it will affect public safety, 10:20:24 AM
2. They believe it is their business, 10:21:12 AM
3. following us around chastising us, this is why, we are not them 10:24:26 AM
4. it is for the greater good and public health, it is up to them to teach their children, 10:25:13 AM
5. land lord says when are you going to leave and not about money, 10:43:22 AM
6. dishonest about who is doing what, 11:13:45 AM

Rush Limbaugh on ‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎13, ‎2013:

"Q: Who killed Amy Baker? Names?
several items on the menu, outside contractors, laboratories, paperwork to justify, working as a team, lab to test it, logistical nightmare, getting harder to write the specifics, print the labels called "signage", wants to argue about it; 12:19:26 PM

Every item has to be individually tested, (sounds like you are learning the DNA process), same problem and same brand, you knew, no clue this was coming, applying for benefits, look how they are wording this and put his name to it, they are troubled; 12:22:46 PM

Q: Rush this is vague. Who is Wilson? Who needs him or how does he play a role in this, important? Does he have some long term strategy we should know?
Applying for benefits, now on the internet, 15 pages for a 3 person family, first step to determine if you qualify for Obama-Care, form you must fill out, if you qualify...
So Wilson is a go to guy. No paperwork needed and can get the ball rolling; a contact or who to call...
Is Wilson helping to work with single women, benefits, or some kind of go to person also?

Q: Did Wilson do it or did a contractor? Is it the Navy or Marines? How does Wilson link to contractors?
Chose him, doesn't care, transfer of control, if there is an uprising he will act like he does not care, same stuff he believes in, Middle Class and health care, it was about the government running it, every aspect of your life, you will be too scared not to do it, health care has always been first goal of all socialist regimes, if you get that then you can control how people live, 12:41:38 PM

Q: So Wilson has to do with control and benefits or health care?
Unintended consequence, end user

Q: How did the car get disabled?
pumps, 12:44:48 PM (I am not sure about that one but it does have to do with liquids)

Q: Why Amy Baker?
Are you saying nobody cares and she was not a very popular girl, some form of phony dog and pony show?
We know it has to do with government and control of our life.
Why explain now, people just get ticked off, they will do whatever they want to do, what good will it matter, don't like agenda but approve of the job he is doing 12:50:28 PM

Q: Nothing you have said about "Wilson"...
not just one person, not just one individual that got this in gear 12:51:55 PM
the Republican questioning him is (Rush Limbaugh got caught)

Q: Rush, they are going to nail you for this. It is the only body in 1989 even if you meant well. You cannot deny it. You need to get the info to me so you do not take the fall for it.
kids in the regime
lesbians and gays

Q: Rush do you have anything else to provide since the name "Wilson"
the secret service did it? I don't think so Rush, wild fantasy.
I do not think it was aimed at the media either, that was a lie.
The White House was involved, I agree 1:30:21 PM
I agree, the people who did this did not know of unintended consequences or how this would end, 1:31:35 PM

Q: You said this was about security and public policy, kids getting home safely or women getting home safely if they do not have the funds to ensure their safety. This was about the public good and go to people.
Q: You said "contractors" and I think someone is applying for a job or circumventing the media. They want to make history but they are expecting a promotion.
Something is cheapening this? What? 1:37:38 PM Mocking this whole thing, no rudimentary education? 1:38:42 PM Latest popularity contest and celebrity news? 1:39:06 PM There was us... the state controlled media, other media... us, telling people... Obama-care... condoms were a medical device... 1:41:06 PM

Q: Rush, you keep on mentioning the secret service; I do not think the secret service murdered this girl for the media or economic motives.
seems unseemly, people do not want to believe it, secret service came to us with their decision, told us they could not do it but we had to make the decision, it did not have to go up to the White House, we are the only ones who can, there is the lie about child vaccination, 1:45:26 PM there is the Congressional testimony on this, it is amazing how things never change, he can change it but he does not want to, Obama will say the exact same thing, I been doing this long enough to know the Democrats..., has not come up with a strategy in 25 years to defeat this stuff, we know it and what they are going to say, after 25 years there is still nothing to defeat it, completely free lunches, were given completely free lunches, double the numbers, I remember Junior High - the Principle, an STD lecture one day (gone a reah, blue balls), there was hell to pay, it was a screwl sales pitch, the screwl will be open, I have no idea, free lunch, show up to eat breakfast... 1:54:55 PM

Q: This is not the first time you have been involved in a rape and murder case, do you realize this Rush? Also, this is not the first time you mention some secret government or the secret service, an underground regime. Based on what you are saying, you made the decision but it is compartmentalized and you either do not know or contract it out, is this correct? We also know this is very informal, not official.
(Getting mixed up, has black guy on radio) Smoke could accommodate 02:09:12 PM, how much money are they making with all these media people, is that white or black, (interference on radio) I do not want you to hold on as long as you have, a life-long Democrat, (black guy on radio) I want America to fail, did you hear me report this and did you get mad at me (Rush is talking to a black guy 02:12:07 PM; black guy is saying he did not know about these kooks on the right; he was hoping for the opposite or envious, taking from others; radio goes dead; ownership and role model, blames himself).

Q: We know this is about blacks. Are you saying the contractor is black? (Rush asks if the black guy is alone in this 02:16:01 PM); what is the unintended consequences?
Black guy says he works for a living and do not mind helping others. Says they are Tweeting and talking back and forth. Black guy says they are not going to take control in 2013, don't worry about that. Black guy says irony and beauty is Obama is half black-white; they have 5 years of this and nobody will label him a racist 02:17:48 PM; says he is a part owner of a financial group and refuse to be robbed for nothing.

Q: So this is about blacks. It involves the Secret Service for this regime or the blacks. It involves contractors. What else? All of this is nothing, water flowing and not in any container.
I am hoping these things happen, nothing is happening to me, nothing happening is a surprise to me (half black and half white people), they are all the same people half bent, it is so easy to see the truth here, they can just as quickly change tomorrow, 02:20:46 PM Los Angeles or New Mexico, all of them are moving to Texas and will turn it into California... Dream Ticket

This has to come to an end. We cannot break the ice or this gap, a drift; it is just lies, innuendos, hints and allegations, and a whole swirl of underground regimes. The underground stuff is hard to prove and questions end up unanswered or vague. 02:24:12 PM

Q: Any last comments Rush? I am getting ticked off.
how grateful I am (watching our interests and making sure we are alright)

Second Interview of Sean Hannity regarding the murder of Amy Baker:
Does not even want to answer, rebellious and trying to insult or aggravate.

First Interview of Mark Levin on Amy Baker:
Does Mark Levin want to help or hurt? Help us solve the murder of Amy Baker.
‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎13, ‎2013; 06:08:25 PM

Q: Is the contractor white or black Levin?
smoke and mirrors, increased spending, have they absolutely lost their minds,

No cooperation from both Levin and Hannity. End."

1. In 1989 I was a security guard and in night school.
2. I was offered free housing by a man who looks identical to Amb. John Bolton.
3. I live one mile from the site of the murder, Backlick Road Exit at the 395-95 Junction.
4. In 2006-2007 I wrote Day of Reckoning and the Va. Tech Shooter tries to trash it or harass the matter. My last employment was on Park Meadown Drive; across from his High School. Virginia Tech is my Alma Mata.
5. I was offered a job to go to Africa in 1999, construction job, to install CCTV cameras for 4 years. I was reassigned before Somalia but was serving with Delta Force and Rangers; hard to say if I would have died.
6. Doug Smith shows up in 1995 when I am living across the street from the Springfield Police Station, where the Backlick Road exit is on Old Keene Mill Road.
7. I am harassed by the police while my bank accounts are looted; wave after wave of tickets; wave after wave of fees.
8. It appears to be a death threat and a warning to keep my mouth shut.

If Amy Baker was killed by a police officer, I think I know who it is! Then in 1999, I was offered a job from the State Department to go to Africa and investigate/build a new embassy; to install CCTV cameras! This was the bomb plots. The company was located at the Springfield, VA exit; same exit Amy was killed at. They installed the CCTV cameras at the Embassy in Africa after it was bombed. This is as close as I got to terror plots or Africa; other than a romantic trip to Somalia with the Rangers and Delta in 1993; my unit.

In 1989 when Amy Baker was raped and murdered; I met a man who offered me a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting his daughter. His name was Doug Smith and he said he was a CIA employee. He had a Thai wife, which I felt was an odd coincidence. He too had a bad female in his life or some personal problems. My goal was to move away and a change. So I called him and took him up on his offer. I had been knocking on doors for a coupon and flyer company. They sent me to this neighborhood in Springfield and I met Doug Smith.

His appearance is goofy. If you put two pictures of Ambassador John Bolton and Doug Smith; there is absolutely no difference. Kimmy or Kim from Mary Washington University had this look or appearance. Maybe that is where the two of them got this Asian males love them. Doug Smith lives on Woodview Drive in Springfield and had this address in 1989. I was in martial arts classes and had ATF and federal agents I met at the gun range teaching me how to shoot. They had everything and brought it home from work. Oddly, they were snipers and federal agents. This tied into the Waco or Ruby Ridge agents.

I never put the two together or Doug Smith. I kept on asking how I remember Amb. Bolton. His daughter is half Thai, very pretty; Valerie Smith. I assume she knew or knows the girl who jumped off the NY building to commit suicide. I suspect they had something to do with the murder of Amy Baker and was watching us closely. They may be a target. I never had any suspicious feelings or suspicions. Next door to Doug Smith was a couple who gave me $30 to live in their home and babysit their dog for a week. I was grateful.

Doug knew the bible and told me to read it. Learn it and if there were questions, ask him. He wanted me to attend church with him and I declined; stating I was Presbyterian. Around 1997 or 1998 while at GMU, college in Fairfax; I lived with a Hungarian female named Gayle from Boston Massachusetts. One day Doug Smith drove by on Old Keene Mill Road. I did not think anything as it is a well traveled road. I asked him where he lived and he said he moved and was a block away. I should have moved in with him and Valerie.

Doug never charged me rent and never asked for rent, food, or anything. However, when I wanted to begin school or night school; I just left and did not want to live there; free or not. The most unusual thing about Doug is how much hard liquor and cigarettes he smoke. He drank hard liquor all day, 24-7. He chained smoked all day long; often lighting a cigarette and forgetting it. Odd he drove a rust bucket, an old Green Grenada Car. He had a big and nice house; I had no idea it was rented. He said he owned it.

I found him to be a great guy and if I had a girlfriend or wanted to raise a kid; he was there for me; an offer. A lot of girls liked me and a sexual relation with a girl was no problem, not at all. I could call several girls from HS or ask them out; ex girlfriends or others. I lived there; went shooting; took martial arts; and then went back to school and night school. By then my family went off or moved to other states and I had moved back home because I had the house to myself; until the renters arrived and all hell broke loose.

What was odd is Doug had a wife who stalked him and came around. He said the police knew and they imposed a court order on her. She would stand at the garage at night in the dark; at times when we came home. He said not to worry it was no big deal and she is harmless.

I felt Gail was a communist spy and wearing a wig. Also I felt she was or had something to do with the altercation-argument with the Polish FFX County Police Gargantuan at the Springfield, VA Office. Were they her killers or was it them? Rush said it was Wilson. He never said Bolton, Gayle, or Springfield. Gail liked to rummage through my belongings. She had that NY accent, Bostonian. Gayle lives right across the street on Old Keene Mill Road where the police station is. There is a red light there and the police station is 500 feet down the road. I got a ticket in 1995 at 2am from the police officer. I felt it was very suspicious. The next day I went in and had an argument, it was outrageous and ridiculous. My address is on that ticket! So are the names of those people in 1995. I had a Mazda RX-7 and it lasted only 30,000 miles; it broke down mysteriously at 103,000 miles. I had paid $7,000 for that car and drove it 30,000 miles. They gave me $900 on the trade in because it had over 100,000. I was in college, I needed a car! When I bought a new Mazda 626 it was a total disaster. It ruined my credit. This is how things got totally crazy; Gail, Springfield FFX Police, and Doug Smith; all around Springfield.

At or around this time, I had a lot of problems with my car, tickets from FFX County police, and they kept writing one ticket after the next for parking, or frivolous things. I felt it was a harassment attempt by them. Were these people harassing me and was this or the murder of Amy Baker a harassment tactic?

Odd how these crimes have a particular signature. Odd how the patterns are. Odd how the police work is very shabby. If someone is watching me or kidnapped me; they were behind this and left evidence; even commented about it after being caught.

1. Drugs
2. Highways
3. Corruption or Protection Racket
4. Good Guys Wear Black (1978)
5. Southern Baptist police and military problem
6. Psychopathic females
7. Rape-murder
8. Public safety or policy, spending
9. Economic and financial motives
10. Africa and attacking embassies
11. Drugs and smuggling in Vietnam
12. New HQ in DC-VA
13. Targeting VIPs
14. Police Union and Government Union
15. Drugs, Females, and Crime on Military Bases

There is a link between drugs, New Orleans, Florida, New York, and other places; and the police or military unions. There are two females, one raped and murdered; the other had to fight for her life or the plot foiled; attackers scared off. Then there is the epicenter, an Asian male.

We have a terror plot. We have a few and a lot of bombing plots. We have radicals and racial radicalization by Phony Jihad and the Southern Baptists. We have shabby police work. We have massive problems with money-control indicating the labor unions. We have problems with Congress and the endless undermining processes by the Southern Baptists.

We also have espionage and illegal surveillance equipment and the drug war. We have the communists trying to care for this drug war, claiming to be superior. There is a tangled mess and total insanity.

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