Thursday, March 1, 2012


Letter Sent to FBI HQ about Cold Cases: Attack on Our High School and Virginia Tech

This centers around the Vietnam War, where the top officers went afterwords, the school the attended, and how their life turned out.

If you look at the cold cases; they implicate or sound like people at my High School, Falls Church HS. It is not. Most if not all the people I grew up with were government officials from 1975-1980 before DC was DC. They were very pro Vietnam War and helped our family tremendously. All of them are successful in life and of the college graduates 65% went to Va. Tech; 10% George Mason; and 5% UVA.

Some of the people I graduated with have Vietnam Vet fathers. Some of them have family members in the Senate or running for office. None of them are what I describe; yet there are a few people who do not fit in; but they are not launching attacks.

One case is the M family. Dan is a jock and honor student. There is a cold case of a girl; whose mom died and she had to take care of her siblings. It sounds like my own story. I saw it as the story of Dan M and April A. while in 11th and 12th grade. The guy is from Oklahoma which caught my eye because I was working on the McVeigh and Biker gang link to crime or drugs. The guy ends up killing the girl, proclaiming himself as a hero, and is caught.

If they are anti military and anti Vietnam; the Peurto Ricans and blacks are on this end now. They are with Limbaugh, Hannity, and the conservatives? How can this be? It is not Dan, it is a smear or attack to paint him with suspicion or cloud his life. I had 100s of these attacks and they are behind the Va. Tech shooting and what is going on there; murders, attacks, etc... the school name is crap now.

Our HS name is standing. Only because I avoided 2 HS reunions so far. This was dangerous and I know these people, they are good people. Their parents were in Vietnam and they were in the DC-VA area before 1980. They are trusted and come from very good and well networked families who have our best interest in mind. Now we have caught the people behind it; the attacks will not work.

The case of Michelle Q.; leads to a guy named Jason S. Jason just died recently; very diseased. Oddly, I was there when his mom died and it looked like fake drama. I spoke to Michelle about Jason and she sees him as a predator or predator.

The cold cases were smears against those who got powerful or entered politics. Their family has a long tradition of service and a good name. All of them are doing well and successful. Therefore, they are not suspects; they were victims of possible smear attacks or violent attacks; and this was why.


Second letter to FBI HQ: Centers on the Jews and The Boss of the Communists

FBI HQ: Alert security and HQ that the conservatives are the main thrust. They do not want a repeat of World War II and the Jewish diaspora or problem. In world war or a war with communism; it will be mass carnage. Therefore, the suspects are the conservatives; the infiltrators are the Jews; and the takeover is so that peace or war is avoided. This means they expect the right wing to surrender or live as a hostage.

They are using terrorism or this attack; world war and jihad, as a catalyst. The more catalyst the more they win and have control; a sacrifice and scare tactic.

The objective is crime and communism; on my blog. They use townhall the magazine, fox news, rush limbaugh, hannity, and all these suspects as a gigantic blockade and propaganda machine; a police force. A citizenry police force is impossible to outrun or escape. The media is more powerful than the police.

They are biased and do not have the full story or report anything close to the truth; but until you penetrate them or get them for 911; it is too difficult and so many layers. What I had was powerful enough for them to make the ultimate sacrifice. They showed me all their cards and jewels; they got nothing and planned on disposing both Ann Coulter and myself. First they wanted our genetics.

All of this has failed and we have them trapped, surrounded, and cornered; but they refuse to surrender and give up.

Alert HQ and see if they can get a special task force. I will continue on my course and strategy; to strengthen our forces and defeat them. I got satellites on the way for both military and police forces; how we take care of business.

The plan is centered around the liberals and the jews; however, these attacks are to scare us into peace; no more war and look at what Bush did. Bush and his family were not communist; they were bleeding hearts who do not want war with the Soviets; they would have handed the keys of the kingdom to the communist; without a fight or resistance. A very clever and cunning mole.

This is their last surge and chance; we have addressed it already; I am limited and holding them off; please hurry and get forces up, ready, and prepared for what they have next; also shut them down. They do not want peace; they want war and are accepting our surrender. It is the other side of the moon, jihad. Both sides jihad, us and them. The good and bad guys are in jihad but they want surrender; not stopping the bad guys.

All of it is on my blog and books.

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