So Ann is Jewish and does not like Asians. We hate them because we hate ourselves as Chinese brethrens. We hate liberals because we hate whites and are anti-Semite. We hate blacks because we are all racist and this is a racist world; ask the blacks. So we should leave and they are sorry for everything. Right now, they are not the problem because they are experts with Chinese and minorities and they are us; we are actually them and angry; very confusing isn’t it? It has the earmarks of a terror plot all over and a failed defection and bungled recruitment. It comes from the same playbook and tactics the labor unions use and deploy when they destroy others. They do this day and night and refuse to pay labor wages while the communist demand we join and pay dues for protection. No matter what we do or what we prove; they order us around and attack. So I said to put the badge away before I get Air Force One and drown your ass for pulling this shit and rank. They keep saying what benefit or reward will they get for turning themselves in? So it does not matter what we say or who we are; only what we do and how we do it; now they claim we are the problem and they are filthy rich. I thought they hated rich people and royals; no just races they have no control over or cannot extort from. The problem is they have no formal education and follow spy masters or orders from communist leaders; a communist in our life and trying to kill or order us around is just part of it.
1. We despise how smart he is and how hateful we are towards Jews, specifically white. Ask Ann about this okay. They want to recruit us first. Then they wanted us to understand. Now they have to kill us but failed. So now they cannot stop and want us to know how they feel and love them; otherwise we will be punished and attacked. They claim we are the problem, not them. Who is them? They are America and America is free and power.
2. Claims Asians come to America in order to take advantage of welfare; not whites and not blacks. They work hard, want jobs, and waited 200 years. All the sudden we come along and win everything; they are pushed to the bottom. So this is their revolution and “American” revolution; to return America to its “rightful owners” the communists and the blackened damned. Liberals and Catholics do not like the Chinese; only the Clinton family does because they are viewed as NY Jews.
3. Says we are denying him and his white race because we secretly love him; so he must impress himself on us and he knows he is irresistible. Alex hates white officers and is a military wash out; a convict and a felon. His father even knows this as an US Army JAG. iRush has hired the black panthers and the white supremacy upstairs to write the Asian part of the Turner Diaries; Asians are not included in America strangely. So the communist must kidnap us and talk to us to finish the Ann Diary. We must bring them on board and include them or be destroyed by America. They claim they want to save Ann and nobody can tell them differently; she is their property and we have no choice in this matter; Jewish spies ordering Americans around day and night; comparing and contrasting by attacking to shut us up and censor any truth. I do not know what to do with them either; serious but they do not want to leave or be deported.
4. Says he is not a racist and Jews are the same as Chinese Americans; but we are not really Americans because we deny him. Jews love us; we hate Jews. We hate whites, not the labor unions; they only want to help because we live in squalor. They and “we are losing out freedom.” This is no time to be talking about food and restaurants. He and they compare this to the imprisonment of the Japanese in WWII; but this is the communists and what they did. We are the ones who refuse to end this fantasy and stupid matter; we want to bring them along, not kick them out; they are awesome!
5. Claims the real criminal here is Ann and I. We are not as smart as he is. We do not work as hard. We do not try as hard. All we want to do is steal from him and get a free ticket in life. Ann and I do not even know the ingredients of greatness and misjudge him or the communists; we oppress them and this is a conspiracy. We are lying. He is the top cop of Catholics-Jews; not a communist master mind, puppet master and deadly terrorist.
6. He claims America hates everything about Ann (white) and Alex (Asian) and we act like we are so much better but we are actually misfits and liars; bigots and hypocrites who just want to steal and take advantage of the system. He is smarter, more powerful, and not jealous; but we are doing this to spite him and there is no reason or justification.
7. Says blacks are not the problem and always picked on. Whites are superior and are always right. Wants to only help and impress their race and help on us; that is why we are destitute and doing what we are doing. Asians and Whites actually hate each other and Ann and I are sworn enemies; not him and his communist spy ring who are now deadly terrorists.

9. Upstairs said, “They know everything” and high tailed out of the building immediately; they will be back and at it again later; reset each day like Clinton said. Things were fine and their story was so well until 1400 on July 20, 2010 when I began to write this. The reason why they are doing this now is to shut us up; whites not blacks and communists.
10. These police unions want football like officers. They do not understand detectives and bosses are little guys and really smart. But all of them claim in a fight they are superior. It takes 15 to 25 pounds directly on the kneecap before it explodes. When you are on the ground and cannot get up; expect to be kicked and stomped on in a real fight. So their weight is a big disadvantage and it is easy to anger them and jog them into an alley; they do not understand the science and the principles of a fight; size is relative. Even the women are stupid and think they are superior warriors; we have communist problems with women terrorists. It is impossible to repair a kneecap; never will it be normal. So professionals target areas that cannot be fixed to punish them; they think throwing punches is God and superior; bulldogging others on their terms is going to win all fights. They claim they are not fake and not phony soldiers; we are. They want jobs as the police-liberals and Democrats. Their women are so corrupt they are fat; while their men are so stupid they are scrawny losers and serial killer stalkers.

So who is delaying the inevitable? Is it the blacks or the whites? Like all liberals and Democratic foes, they only want to get paid or spend. They demand extortion or bail payments when in their jail. All they have to offer us at this time is welfare entitlements. Ann demanded marriage counseling and they fulfilled this immediately by stalking her and going back to their delusional slobbering love affair to tick her off and condemn her in the name of Bill. They now agree we should murder them or kill them and we will have to because we are stuck in a gladiator camp; a terror plot. The military was being converted into a gladiator training camp for criminal gangs. They are powerless now and cannot do a thing; however, they are not delaying the inevitable, are fake and phony, and only liars. They are asking us what we are waiting for; do something or they will impose it on us. They do not belong but they march on as if they do and are invincible.

So the liberals and the communists have no choice but to invade and were stopped cold; now their sides are chopping up the waters; almost wiped out. They must find out what we will do to stop them now; kill it. iRush says we are giving this out and there is no significant benefit to consumers; no advantage. They do not even know if they are a fat slob and lazy; if their spouse hates their obese essence; there is just no incentive or benefit. Unless life is a total mess and a sickening disaster, they have no power and no leverage; no victory. Wars in the 20th Century gave them this advantage of destruction. They claim we cannot sue foreign spies or Israel because it is their home; they only are surrogates. They are only protecting their agents in self defense against any and all harm. It is confusing how we are supposed to view the private sector and the government sector when it is a circus, a total disaster, and trying to stop them. Do we fire them all or do we kill them as they keep barking back; they said they are waging war and invaded; fight or leave. They actually mean “fight for them or be kicked out by them.”
They will keep on claiming it is self defense so long as we are here and do not leave because it is the home of the white man and blacks; that is the core of this and the communist forces. They paid for the land and it is their home; so they claim they can do what they wish and shut us up. Meanwhile, we cannot get a rent refund and they want to bleed us to death so we leave upon their commands. Here is another lie; so I live with a hot female named Cassandra for a year, share the same bathroom, watch her get high daily, and take her out on dates as she asks. Why didn’t I have sex with her or get it? Why didn’t I take her underwear or even a picture if I admit she is hot and looks like a porn star? She is an Anna Nicole look alike and superior; she will kick any girls butt; but I am not who they claim and never was. Sounds like I could have had it anytime and she pushed herself on me by asking me out; no big deal. Now the story is how we have women problems; not them.
They were trying a lot and were in dire straights; desperate. It is like fighting ignoramus every single day who has invaded America and your life. Ann knows them best and if she tells me to find out if they want sex, money, or marriage; I am not going to complain. Does it piss Ann off; well she has a right to be mad at the person who is doing it and keeping us apart correct? Ann is also studying these women and building their case file; she knows every inch of their life and body. Cassandra was built like a man but I did see pictures of her when she was younger and gorgeous. You cannot tell the difference between plastic surgery and the real thing and it is very difficult to tell when it is another lie or an attack. Even for their size, they can hit the smoking hot levels without plastic surgery; trust me. The good thing and the comfort with Cassandra was she was desired and did not pester you day and night; but she was a hot head and hostile as all of them are. The thing with Cassandra is she likes to get high; a lot.

We have women problems, not them. They keep giving me medical problems and claim they are not cutting services to save money; making things better. iRush is worried about batteries on hybrids when everybody knows it is cheaper than gas and dirt cheap. Also, the state of NY is trying to suggest smoking and cigarettes is causing prostate cancer and brain cancer to crash the health and insurance system. The truth is once you get throat cancer, it is surgery and a voice box. Once you have other cancer, it is long, arduous, and expensive. As far as the military, smoking and performance is based on genetics and training; there is no relationship. Even the British and Canadians admit they cut cost by reducing service; the same with insurance companies; but now iRush says it is about nonprofit. Look at the disaster and the impact this matter has had on our life, the nation, and the future of America. The only way they can win is to create disaster and say it is up for grabs and use leverage or duress to intimidate us all day long. This idea it is their home or they belong is as horrible as a communist can make it for them and for us.
So the communists and labor unions do not want to leave or step down because there is no benefit to them and they are giving out jobs; just jobs. That is why they are here in America and why they need slaves; jobs and communism. We are helping people by making everybody know jail or death is the communist destiny; meanwhile, they keep throwing it back and trying to kill us by talking to us all day long. We are the problem, not them; and they will invade America and lie endlessly. Everybody knows the car industry is the big cause of change in the world and warfare; however, the cost of fuel and the cost of electric power are being matched against each other; the cheaper the better. The Russians and Israel, no less China will not defeat Ford, Toyota, or newly formed electric car companies; but domestic terrorists can put them in a bad position as we witnessed and saw clearly; just to spite the Japanese and big companies. They keep saying we are getting more benefit with them in our life and this is just no true either; but they say what is in it for them? Well, the same in it for us. The idea we must pay them is the last and final insult.
If they would let us talk and stop stalking or trying to kill us; we can explain and tell the truth; in the name of science and justice; they just keep billing and claim we are the problem; leave. We need robots to replace terrorists and communists; not jobs or lies. We want the iRush to leave and take the unions with them because they are too real and too tough; constantly trying to pick a fight with legends. We do not need to be fired or illegal; we need robots and no labor unions. Business people are not stupid and know how to keep their business healthy; these people are stupid and communist spies who are very sneaky. All they want to do is save their own slob mentality and tell lies; give them a choice and they will lie; corner them and they will lie; tell the truth and they will attack. They act like they are self sufficient and others are constantly stealing from them anyway they can. Nobody even cares about them or likes them; they created this fantasy we do. They should have walked away from this fantasy and the dangers; instead they are animated and continue to round the clock harassment and bullying. They do not want to be quiet and call us all day; blurting out insults and it will come back and haunt them at trial. It gets more difficult to deny matters as the stakes increase.
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