I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Response: They refuse to GTFO-OAFO and refuse to admit they are inferior, inhuman, and some other species we cannot detect but has taken a human form (God said they took a human form and I have not figured out how to detect it). So now B'in Limbaugh upstairs and his campaign of kidnapping, invasion, and barriers-terrorism is saying, "we need help" and refuse to admit they are inferior lunatics and communists. I said they are looking at world class brawlers and warriors; GTF0-AFO before all hell breaks loose at 1325 on July 10, 2010. These are the dumbest and most inferior terrorists the world has laid eyes on or seen; most inferior trying to pretend and use our life as a book for geniuses. That is why they are in it; to get what they should and need to do; not what not to or what is illegal.
GTF off Air Force One: The solution is really simple, GTF off our Presidential ticket and GTF off of Air Force One before all hell breaks out loser. Do you want hell or keep this kidnapping ongoing. Operation God Project:
Update: The police union and upstairs said, "you are our doctor." I then said, go F your girl so she does not talk to me like I am her man or best friend. Also, how many times have I said need not apply or go home because I am fed up with the tricks and brainwashing mind games? They said nothing except, "we just want you to leave." Did I mention how they keep saying they want to die or spend every waking day and night talking to me or sit beside me? They claim I am their hope and doctor; lucky me! For criminals parading their race; something does not fit and make sense.

Question to the police union, power union leaders upstairs, Democratic Party, New York communists, liberal maniacs, peasants, bottom feeding American communists, etc: I have heard and listened tyrants, dictators, and Nazi Klan for nearly twenty years; now answer me and stop harassing me hourly and for another 20 years. You repeat the same thing over and over and I want to check to see if your mouth is working right or if you need therapy or can explain this. How the F do we get out of your life and leave when we are not in your life? You repeat this to me every ten minutes, on the hour, and endless all night long; explain to me how we get out of your life and your world when we are not in your life and your world. If we belong to you or you are who you claim to be; then write our biography. Write down in clear concise English everything you have said and tried; Ann and Alex's biography. So if and when you can go into court and explain why we have to get out of your life, why you are scared, and why you have repeated "leave... go home" for the past twenty years and now every ten minutes; I will believe your hope. A homicidal maniac, traitor, and communist spy are using hope as a legal defense? Are you F'in kidding me? We are not in your life so we cannot leave your life; your life is worthless and dirt rotten. As I see it, you are in our life and you need some power because your mouth gets you in so much trouble. Now you are fighting for your life; how do we get out of your life when we are not in "our" life? We know you are communists and liberals. We do not know if and when you are Democrats or Republicans; now we do. If you are willing to stalk us for over 20 years; why not pay us to leave? This does not make any sense; are you trying to recruit us or want us for some spy agency? Also, we know you tried to kill our first spouse; it is customary and how you move in. If you do not want to pay me or give me money; do not talk to me or Ann and do not tell us to leave; pay us and we will leave. As I see it, you are fighting for you life and are seeking pity but your mouth is too powerful to see it this way. We are not in your life nor want it to exploit; we are too elite for this.
July 7, 2010, 1:06 AM: Basic Liberal Fallacy: It's Possible to Do Good with Other People's Money - VIDEO: Milton Friedman on Govt Do-Gooder Programs
July 7, 2010, 12:54 AM: Churchgoers No Longer Defenseless in LA - Gov. Bobby Jindal signs bills allowing guns in church
July 7, 2010, 12:50 AM: The Night of the Long Knives Comes Next - Faced with internal division, liberal website clamps down on Obama criticism
Note: The Movie "The Golden Compass" will reveal which parts of Mrs. Coulter they are hiding and trying to destroy; it is a 300 count perjury charge levied on their total lies and fantasy.

As the world and millions of people can clearly see, they plot to destory Ann and Alex led to the plot to destroy America. We describe them early on as communist puppet masters, serial killers and a powerful inner circle of global death and destruction. All they had to say was "we are sorry." Before they could not lie or attack us into pulverization; they tried to keep Ann apart from Alex and the shouting matches and problems amplified how evil and distasteful they truly are. The bottom line was they refused and still refuse to pay for anything; no claims, no damages, nothing to suggest they did anything wrong or were so vindictive and homicidal; we caught them and millions of people saw right through their evilness and cloak and dagger deceptions. If there is any human compassion or any sense of right or wrong; then this would have ended in 2008, maybe even 2010. They vow to prolong the damage and make us suffer for the remainder of our life. They still heckle, chase, intimidate, and play this game of big brother bothered and upset for the heresy and speaking against their church of communism and terrorism. We spent over 20 years fighting them and now they were more accustomed to us then we were them oddly. Nobody in their right mind is able to cope with the level of charges and this type of pressure day in and day out; nobody. The question would be whether or not they wanted to risk a 300 count perjury charge on top of all else? They tried to destroy our life, our story, our case, and prevent it from being broadcasted across the globe or in book form. It was our life and nobody, not even them, could escape that destiny; but they tried and are very good at it.

So the reasonable and thinking person can piece it all together. They have the grades and the failed recruitments. They have the endless damage not to only our life but to hide a very dark side of their life. We were given access to this dark side and were able to expose it. We were kept in the dark, tied up, and held as a hostage or prisoner to lies and corruption. We saw first hand 300 counts of perjury and raw rotten lies as they denied, pulverized, and allowed no escape. In the end, they wanted to pay nothing or address any of this, claiming they moved on and we are distraught or mentally ill after a fight; sore of fighting or resisting. In the case of Ann, both Limbaugh and Hannity were copying and continue to steal her credibility to exploit this even more; to break free from the growing chains and problem coming. These characters were pure evil and thinking all the way to the end; not one sign of trouble or backing down. In the case of Alex, they hide the satellite warfare theft and Alex warned them they took the bait again; making the same mistakes over and over. In the end, they still claim to be partners, sponsors, helping us out, angry lovers, made up spouses, defiant staff, a desire to be in their show, and to be granted some freedom when they are and were worthless using humans as a puppet or ventriloquist act. Onlookers describe it as cloning or identity theft; we describe it as beyond a dialogue and incessant bullying and tinkering; to weaken and compel a complete surrender to their needs and demands; a slave. The claim we stole their life was utterly worthless; who wants their problems? Who in their right mind can deal with this? Show us human beings who can deal with this and battle them simultaneous; and then defeat them and dragged them to their demise fighting.
It is very difficult after 20 years and all the evidence to deny any of this. What they remain vigilante about is paying for some of these failed and pure evil; the bungled recruitment, the self destruction attempts, the black bag and boogie man like tactics, the murder plots and failed suicide plots, the overwhelming perjury and deception of lies and pure fraud. Oddly, the only thing which makes sense is the story Ann provided and the story Alex provided. More odd and conclusive is how they verify and prove their identity, expertise, and battle power. It is odd how they alerted the security forces and revealed the most sinister and evil plot devised by criminals in the history of mankind; to destroy America and weed out the left wing and labor movement of pure communist terrorists and homicidal lunatics. If the government concludes who Alex and Ann are; their story and biography; then they have also verified who is implicated in that story or who has their fingerprints in their lives. They were the ones behind 911 and we lived with this secret and burning vengeance for over two decades. As it unwound and was pieced together; they made mistakes and refused to provide all of the pieces as ordered. Again, they remain defiant and refuse to pay for any of this; claiming they are ready to die and everybody knows they are spies. They were calm, quiet, thinking always, and never out of control or loose cannon. In the end, you could not tell them from an average American family even if they were unhinged, unraveling, and imploding. They could not deny or defeat the fact we were already on the Witness Protection list and sacred.

We began this by confronting this evil ring of leaders over terrorism and bombing plots. The plot to destroy America was hidden in the same masterful manner. The murder and suicide plots were hidden and cleverly concealed. The same predator character weaseled through business and political circles to sink the hooks and complete the evil we were dealing with or had in our life. In the end, they could not destroy Ann or Alex no matter what they did. In the end, their characters were amplified even louder by the bungled and idiotic attempts to hold down, destroy, or censor any truth. Now we had a war. We had a domestic drug war and a crime spree. Alex took the mantled and the battle position as described by destiny for the upcoming battle; no training needed and already thought out twenty years before. No matter what they did or tried, how long they delayed or hide; the coming storm and the curse with it was too powerful for any human being to understand or stand in the way of. So how did things fall in line and end perfectly when they deny all of this? Every single piece fit but they had no story or nothing else to reveal, what else was there? In the end, they cleverly concealed their anger, evil, resentments, failure, misery, and self destruction to the very end as life and the world imploded on them and they suffered the ridicule daily for this plot to destroy America. We did not finish judging them or concluding if they would ever finish what they started. Would they commit suicide and perish off this earth leaving a total disaster? If so, then their destiny, mission, and sole purpose for existing; is to create and manage a total disaster on earth. They are born and here on earth for war and nothing else. Would they make it to retirement when all of it was now in the wide open blue? It is true, by bringing the human race to the brink of disaster, the likelihood mankind will surrender or fall to their demands are greater. It is true that in war, numbers do have a significant impact on the outcomes. However, like usual and with utter failure; their strategists look more ridiculous than ever. If it is war they wish against mankind; it will be war they have come to earth for; we continue to wait and grow stronger.

There are and were layers of lies. These traitors and spies had layers of passport excuses and lies. If caught, they would claim to be rapists, stalkers, or robbers. If escalation and stakes are higher; they claimed to be spies of Israel or the Catholic Church (The Octopus or Opus Dei). If facing war, then the entire charade of communist international (COMITERN) erupted as emissaries and diplomats. They still claim exclusive access to our life and wishing only to help; pressure free good feelings. They still claim an unbreakable bond and relationship; to be there every step of the way and an eternal friendship or destiny. Even in the face of war and retaliation; they remain defiant and deceptive to the end; a complete enemy, traitor, and the evil of mankind all merged into a tight package. They were comfortable with who they are and what they were caught for; not a loose cannon or emotional outbursts. Regardless, they felt no reason to run or insisted they were happy and enjoying life well beyond our means. This was so beyond the scope of a predator and serial killer; the world had no idea who they had or were dealing with. The problem is why they refused to provide all the pieces or tried to conceal so many lies? Now the FBI, AFT, DEA, DoD, CIA, and allies were celebrating already and they finally got it right. They could not escape now and were in the wide open blue, but so the case with our own life.
Who was safer and who would feel the lasting sting of this plot to destroy America and take over the world? One thing is for certain, even in total disaster the world was safer; but this depends ended on who your leader was and what they were hiding. How do they hide from whom defeated them and knew who they are? The whole point of suing and exposing them was to indicate they were not only a disaster in our life, private life, business life, and repeatedly refused to leave or incessantly gained access; but it was to also indicate they had also created a disaster on America and the world while looting anything within their reach until it was too late. At the core of this criminal intuition is pure evil genius and a severe disrespect for human beings; a homicidal lack of care. The degree of disrespect, talking and acting without penalty, and danger imposed on superiors or healthy humans were tremendous if not life threatening. Every effort to circumvent all barriers and keep this condition of captivity was imposed; a serial killer lunatic mentality. Every method to avoid or ignore 1000s of warnings and written notices was imposed; a tyrannical and dictatorial maniac. Around 2006, the attacks and captivity was so intense; new citizenship and escape by seeking political asylum from a new country was necessary just to alleviate the incessant bullying. A callous and simple apology was just not good enough to address this matter; neither was this insane idea the police were behind this and round the clock unwanted intimidation and bullying when it ended. Again, the message of some unbreakable bond or some unsuitable circumstance was imposed and curtains were used to prevent further access or apprehend those behind this plot to destroy humans, America, the greatest leaders, and the world.
Ann, there is a major problem here people need to know about. So let's say this is not my fault and this is not your fault; it is someone's fault. The truth is I do not have the money needed to move near you as you and I discussed. Do you see any of them fixing this or making sure we can email or set things up properly so we can work out our problems? I spent two years arguing with you and this spy ring about whether or not you were a loyal or faithful spouse. I feel like I was hit by a bus and I know you feel like you were hit by a train; all of this has led to this same standoff where both sides are saying, "you better make a move and fix it." I also posted my email so you can email me and "here is my email, address, and number; just come by and knock on my door." Also, from 2002 to 2008, we have not been together and were arguing or avoiding all contact; just close friends; we are going to argue and blow up at each other. So I do not know whose fault this is or who is acting suspicious; but I am sure this spy ring and terrorists want to make sure we suffer, are blamed, and flip flop. It looks as if you do not even care and I am lying through my teeth; a stalker. I have to deal with them breathing on my back day and night; both of us have to cope and break this grip of being their captive while they loose their minds and watch every move we make. So now they are lobotomized and have shown themselves; but the damage is immense. I posted my email and you did not email me. You also lost credibility when you lied to me about "being there" when you told me you were not at these dinners, drinking feasts, having such a good time, and the stalker problems with the social events you attend. They yell at me to leave, move, go away, and much more day and night; nonstop. The FBI cannot even get my rent refund and we are not allowed to do as we pleased; a slave or a prisoner.
So their story is why did you attend events if you do not want a stalker and why didn't you send me money or jump in at their command. This is why they are being sued I presume; tinkering and constant problems. I compare them to a rapist who leaves a victim on the side of the road and calls their family to say over and over, "at least I did not kill them, you are the one who refused to come pick them up, get out of your lush house, and left them there for dead." Yeah, I was on my way to her house and she was on her way to meet me; now they blocked both of us and claim we are not trying or broke things; our fault. So that is where this is at. The money is not there to accomplish your plan; they are watching me and have a peeping tom camera; they are doing everything possible to screw this up and block the marriage counseling you asked for. As far as pressure; every single block has been imposed while they claim an unbreakable bond and relation with both of us. They will use what they observe against us or to pit us against each other; to drive us apart. I know the truth, you were on your way to meet me. I was on my way to meet you; I actually mistook you for many of their females; thus, dinners, dates, and really odd events. I tried to make them sorry for trying; nothing worked. The grip they have on your life and mine is intense; but no matter what we do or how hard I or you try; they claim it is not good enough or they must be part of it. I also want the FBI to read this and know what I contacted them in 2006 and 2008 was about; also 1998 when I first reported a massive attack by the same people (Israel, labor unions, Catholic Church: all a communist spy ring). So that is where their power is from and why their story does not match ours or my story looks odd. They told me you were their girl and warned you to move on also; and it goes on and on 24 hours and every single minute of our life.
So they are guilty and totally nuts. What about you and I? I do not spend time with them and try to abuse or make them go away; repel them. You spend time with them and make them exhausted and look horrible. What has changed and who is damaged more or suffering? That is the whole point, to make you and I suffer the most and to make their story come true; an excuse and escape. Meanwhile, they are denying all of this and refuse to pay for any of the damages; this is why the money is not there also. I am and was mad you wasted your life with them. I am mad I had to and was forced to waste my life away while a prisoner to this MF and terrorist spy ring. Now their grip on both of us is tremendous while they deny trying to kill us, kidnap us, or harming us. They claim we were doing this when they were and are still spying on us and trying to hold us down, block us, or make us ours. Now we also know who they are and what they wanted; but the money problem has not been solved; that is the last one. The whole point is why we are trapped, a prisoner, and being spied on by a stalker and assassin. So do you love them or do I? What is the law suit about and who is allowed to speak?
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