On Friday, March 26, 2010; Hannity says he and they mistook a girl named "Linda" for "Ann"; then he had a team wipe out all the photos of "Linda" form my computer, leaving only two which did not have me in them. He then mentioned "almost caught him in Afghanistan... guilty of terrorism" and then said we were lying and they took action so we could not win. So he and they were the ones wiping my drives and erasing pictures. I digitized them all of them and I still have intimate ones of the both of us. When we were young, they would not develop the underwear pictures. However, on his show on the 26th he admits guilt, they did it, and why; says we would have won our case and gotten them. So they wiped my drives and erased it but forget I back up everything and had all pictures on disk; the collage of Ann and I is what they erased. Then the scanner broke the next week. Here is why also.
So do they really know her...
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