Ann should know that she is dealing with sucidal and death penalty candidates. The damage they have done to her life and mine in the past three years is a clear sign they intend and had intended on causing permanent and deadly damages on our life. So what Ann does, the little details and the snide comments, can only hurt her and her cause. Even if she put a gun to their head and said "look what you did"; they would laugh and tell her she was crazy or had a mental illness. That is how they are and that is the communists. They also do this to America and the nation. So you have to be careful with suicidal terrorists because even if nobody volunteers to do the dirty work; it can be overkill, pointless, and continuous shooting in the foot. Copying them does explain what is happening to them or look in the mirror; but it does not facilitate their arrest or capture. So what will? What about this enemy do they fear? Do they fear Ann Coulter? No. Do they care for or about Ann Coulter? No. Do they wish Ann Coulter well? No. Is she trying to prove her pride or do photo ops as if she is in the face of deadly terrorists or impress little kids about how brave she is? No. They are arguing on this end the more confused and delusional they get. They hold on to her tighter each and every single time she talks to them, looks at them, or sits in the same place or room as them. Are they all irrational and fighting, yes. Are they all angry and trying to play games, yes. Are they all liars, yes. Do they make others miserable and lack any respect for human beings, yes. Are they paying Ann to gain influence in my life and claiming how things are good now, yes. It feels like a squirt gun fight while real terrorist shoot real bullets at us. Ann can take them into court right now and stop them in their tracks or force their hands; but she fights too hard and is so crazy mad to do this; she has to stop them using the only weapons they do not fear or has caused her so much grief. Does that sound like a warrior or a traitor? So why would my number 2 do such a thing? Ann was and has been imposing all of this on me while pleading for me to stay with her; it was insanity to begin with. She claims she is trying to keep me away from it and protect me from those who were doing it to me; is she being truthful or disingenuous? She was and did get in their face and they put a Fatwa or murder plot on her for it.
So is Ann that good or smart? Why not cut her losses and cut the safety line she has on them; she is pulling others in too close, why loose it all? Is Ann fighting heavily with this enemy, no. Is she taking a strong stance or a zero tolerance with them, no. Is she throwing her life away and rubbing elbows with them, yes. Why? Why lower your life down to their level and take it even lower and make it worse? Why not dump a drink on them or tell them to get their slimy hands off you instead of going to dinner with each and every one of them and then seeking forgiveness or repentance? Who is this stupid and this senseless? So if they merely join forces and our team; they can win also? Listen to the stuff they are saying to each other and why; meanwhile, the real victims are sitting and waiting for a rescue. Each of their families is taken down a dangerous road where starvation and retaliation is more and more real. Why would anybody want to match a crack dealer or try to beat a street hooker? It just does not make any sense and day after day; none of them make any sense. Are they hard fighters? No. All they do is sit and talk, feel good, copy everybody else, and try to steal everything they get their hands on. Ann can sit there and say how she is showing or exposing their mistakes; however, when it comes to people who are deadly terrorists, communist spies, lunatic thieves, and captured or ready to fall; what difference does it make but good photo ops and fake stories by some white ass Hollywood script writer. There are real victims and permanent injuries; why all the feel good celebration while a waiting process is endless and a stalemate? They said they are ready for anything we have, ready to die, do not know what to do, want us to leave, shut up, and are now a loose cannon so it will get worse. So who is the phony, the fake, and the liar here? Why are they in our life or America if they are a slave breed and so inferior?
Can Ann go into court and show them how they acted after being caught and busted? Yes. Can she prove they intended on inflicting deadly or permanent damage? Yes. Can she prove they acted in a manner so heinous, they show who they truly are and the grotesque length they will go to in order to achieve this permanent damage on others? Yes. Can it be proved they have no respect for human beings? Yes. Can it be proved they have ruined or intended to ruin others with this feel good politics and pretend as if they are helping or fighting harder? Yes. So why do all of them have their jobs and why is a slander case for over 515 million dollars not forced upon them or ripping them up at this time? Ann is too much of a gambler, much like a thief or phony, and is just like them or in the same boat; she just happens to be on the winning side or have a case-judgment on them. Ann let's people do whatever they want and expects the same; just a total lack of care or sensibility. There is a huge surplus of these types already and an effort to rid all of them; why is she screaming at us? The message from Ann is unconditional love and defense of all them; to scratch her back if they wish their back scratched also. Ann is trying to sell this to the military, royals, and the highest levels. The question is whether anybody believes her anymore or will ever again. If Ann was guilty and they blackmailed her or was going to take her out; she did not have to drag it out two years with hand holding, dinners, these fund raisers, funky web sites and FReePers, etc... I do not know who Ann thinks she is or why she is on our side; however, when they blow their brains out and she looks even more stupid than ever; she will understand why it is just shooting in the air and why her dreams are irrational and unreasonable. She made so many enemies, called her best friend, and trampled all over him also; then cried about it or how sorry she felt. The people behind this did the same god damn thing upstairs; then locked, loaded, and went on attack mode. How inferior can they be and hide? This is clearly a slave breed who cannot make it in America or why.
What all did they do or say to me? 1. It was one stalker after the other popping out. 2. Israel came to me and said she was their agent. 3. The unions upstairs (and Israel) said they represented her. 4. Day after day exchanges with crazed rapist-stalker Hannity about sharing the stage and how they were engaged. 5. Endless stuff on FReeP and the California stampede. 6. Endless harassment from NY and the State Police; a tug of war over Ann. 7. Endless reports of her and Jewish men or mysterious sightings suggesting infidelity. 7. Endless missed opportunity and blockades; emails, web sites, events, etc... endless rumor and pillow talk. 8. Total confusion and chaos in some tug of war and no end in sight. 9. The stress and medical pressures due to attacks on this end, emergencies, lack of opportunity, and being trapped. It was all bottlenecked, a stalemate, and all day long attacks by the unions upstairs and Sean Bin Busted Hannity to decimate his new enemy and new target. The surveillance tripled all day and night; waiting, preying, and trying to get that shot in to do permanent damage. The constant pressure to drive Ann Coulter away or get her in trouble while she said how wrong they were and she did no wrong; endless bickering and fighting. That was just with Ann, read my story and biography.
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