I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
WARNING: Let me guess, my Katrina law suit on you is a massive criminal conspiracy where I and others sound the alarm, get falsely arrested, scream or shout, and hit every alarm on this planet? It sounds to me like they are using human shields to bulldog me and I do not know what to do or say but know how to catch them in the act. I have proved how they put us in pain, make things horrible, try to evict us, fabricate death threats, and have a hero complex which turns them into maniac pursuers, stalkers, and terrorists. Now they tell me I am in trouble instead of how they put us in danger. Let me guess, everything they touch turns into a dung heap and they need our help? If we turn them down, they will turn into bullies and then terrorists; we can also prove this. Now we are the Marty in the Bra and want them to join us or use human shields to evict them, flood them with pain, and keep money in the frig as a tourist site? The truth is everything they touch turns to shit; and then you call FEMA. Why not call Hugo Chavez and ask for beads? One minute you are in total control and want war; the next you are our best friend and on your knees. Instead Hannity and Limbaugh says to bring it on and get behind them. How about this one, "he is unstable now and desperate." So expect more of the same also and me doing a spell check on you for Mississippi and Huck Finnish.
WARNING: Do not collect, file any new charges, send fees or bills, or try any legal pressures and intimidation; I will declare bankruptcy if you do this again. That will ensure you will never be paid; and it is also punishing. Address the focal and earliest charge; the biggest and most important; and the highest paying so we can determine who loses their job, who is still standing, and who is able to pay or collect. If you make a false move or a fatal error; you will be punished severely for your actions; and then expected to pay at the end of this case. This is clearly irresponsible and intimidation or harassment; they do not want to get paid; a good way to cover up their tracks. Even if they had a criminal offense, "rape" or "a letter" (most famous and favorite); it is only a first offense, not violent, and merits only marriage counseling. Please read my chapter on marriage counseling and my documentation of this. The effort to drag us out of the court room in chains is ongoing and utterly failure; it is berating and legal tactics; any garnishments or bills can be sacrificed by bad legal counsels. Even if I was guilty; I would appeal it until this is completely over and thoroughly prioritized and perfect. You still have to prove fuel tickets, a warrant for surveillance, probable cause, and all of the observations to match our observations and records. There is a lot of missing data, erased evidence, tampering, gross negligence, gross error, malicious prosecution, corruption, obstruction of justice, and cover-up or conspiracy. Who in their right mind would pursue this strategy or legal defense; it is not worth the effort and worsens the punishment. There is culpability for a repeat offender already and a lunatic pursuit with the death threats. The cracker jack legal degree is not amusing.
THE TRUTH: The truth is, my FEMA lawsuit will Katrina your life and level your F'in delusions. At least you sounded the alarms and worried about the safety of others; not a criminal conspiracy to shut up. Safety must be your middle name and you are an American tourist site sounding the alarms. It might save your skin and build a new future. If I was God, I would Katrina your racist pig every day for the crimes you caused and the pain; to kidnap me and call me a common nigger every single day and not let up. At least you saved the French Quarters and we know your white honky ass tits float. It ain't no joke with all those brothers coming at you is it and your service pistol does not work underwater does it. So sue me for being insensitive because if I had my choice; you would not be in America anymore. What I touch is gold; what you touch turns to a marsh of memories and if I had my choice; you would not be so entertaining or showing your tits waterlogged. I am suing you for 520 million and you bring the worst out of me. Let me guess, you either slept thru it or floated away because you waited so long? You like to argue with us, care, and we are better people now? You mean no harm and want to help; this is a conservative victory and an opportunity? One minute we are fine, laughing, and cracking jokes; then the next we are filled with blind hate and rage (intentional infliction of emotional distress and a lot of it; it only looks like harassment). At least you mean no harm and can explain it all or five questions. Me, I am desperate; I will say and do anything to get you out of my life and tell you to keep away for one day and so far 20 years. Does it look like it is working or helping; or does it all turn to shit?
THE TRUTH: We say Katrina and you throw flotation devices on like a B52 to Fork Polk? You see a thunderstorm and act like a peeping tom or sex offender who is hungry? We must love you that much and we love to suffer at your hands. Explain that one again? How about this explanation, "you are angry... you get the bad end of this... you got leveled... you got caught... it will never end now... you are even more disgruntled than we will ever be... and you are lawless." The truth is you want support and want to make us look terrible or humiliate us with bullying and lawlessness. The truth is I will do anything in my power to make you let go, leave us alone, stop your crime spree, leave me and Ann intact, and stop attacking us every ten minutes. At least you can claim this also. If I have to pray for 20 Hurricane Katrina's; then I will so long as you are uncomfortable and your head explodes as a nasty insidious and raucous and uninvited rancor. Next time do not lie about it or us. If I have to go "am I SS i owe you" and end your career criminal invasion; then I will; thank you. So expect 100 more and do not go near the water.
FACT: I have a burger flipper who pretends to be a sexy professional Israeli secretary and it is disgusting; she learned it from some military movie and that soft professional voice. You will claim we are your partners and family; some close relationship and stalk us or keep tabs. That is proof we are more desperate than you are; you are a lunatic and a maniac terrorist; your acting class is total lies and a total scam. The truth is no; no, no, no, no again; if you ask one more time, no. I have a check list and five questions you cannot even answer or even bother to. Again, they hear "nuclear" and expect us or others to run; but when it comes down to terrorism; they cannot even tell good from bad. Now it is about watching what we say; surveillance; peeping tom; wanting sex or marriage from us; and getting fired when we do not work for them, with them, or need to be dragged behind their truck after being hit by it. Who is doing what again and who is unstable and a threat? Oh, I loved this one "we have to arrest someone before one of you get killed; unfortunately it has to be you." Even that did not float or take you down the river. At least you did not claim to be in the movies with us or on some exclusive access date. ___________________________________________________________________
I have legal advice if they want free legal advice. Go into court and say, "Your honor, we fucked up. No, we fucked up badly. How badly is unspeakable, it is a good book. They put a lot of pressure on us. We tried so hard to pressure or push back. When we could not, we tried to hurt them badly. They sprung a trap on us. The media was there also and filming. What they say is true and our case is frivolous if not pure guilt. We do not deserve to live, cannot stand the pain, do not know what to do, and are prepared to die for our crimes. The pressure is immense, I wish you knew or could feel it also; that is how we defended ourself. The truth is they do not care for us and here is why or how; we failed to recruit them." After the opening statement, go into the closing statement. "Make it short and quick; easy and clean; and pay up mother fucker! Makes a great horror movie. The other version makes a great comedy movie. The third one is the best love story movie and it even has theme songs and soundtracks. The only part of the history of America and satellite warfare that is out of place is who the book is about." If you try to sit between the cracks, you and your legal team will look like a total kaka and joke. You are up against an amateur spy catcher and an apprentice of Delti Force; those odds are stacked against you already. Then leave the court defiant, "we might cash in and write a book, our version of this; we were framed. This will not stand. We will correct the record and destroy their book. We are the winner and have not spoken. They will pay for this and we will hunt each of them down." That is how I would handle it and do this.
Here is an example of my controversial tactics: 1. If they are girls and try to meet me; I go in strip clubs and do not go anywhere else. 2. If they look respectable, I go in strip clubs or the beach; some risky culture or extreme sports. If they are fat, I find a place that makes them look like an odd ball. 3. If they call me; I talk worse than John Holmes; totally leave them feeling like a dirty whore and slut; they come back every time angry. If they act kind; I go ape shit. 4. If they try to pamper me; I abuse them and make them pay, buy me things, and act like a total pimp. I try to make them run, keep up, and stay unhinged. 5. When I think someone is listening; I find the most lewd and sexually promiscuous female and talk to her all day long; then try to make them jerk off and determine if it is a total fag. 6. My objective is to fill their heads with fantasy and marriage dreams; to make them angry and contact; to make them feel we are slipping out of their hands and they need to hurry up and take charge. 7. If I know they are in my bedroom; I will play porn or the most grotesque porn; they love it and enjoy it; they fight and will not be denied. Then they send someone who can match us or be the "same." I would slam the hell out of them for "trying to be the same" and "unifying." 8. It is hard to unify and "clone" us and if they do; they end up F'd in the head; totally confused about who and what they are; they will act like some preacher and guardian and we cuss at them and call them the worst names. 9. The objective is to suggest we are high prize and sneaking around; we talk to them nice one moment and then enrage and blow their minds the next; Ann is on the other end doing the exact same so they can only follow and ask what we are doing. They want us to know they are not intimidated and will not accept no for an answer; it goes on and on for over 10 years and now I ripped a few of them up badly. Try listening to John Holmes all day and for months on end; then listen to death threats all day and while trying to be our friend; total whacko. The point is it does not pay to be a predator, sex offender, stalker, and communist spy or terrorist recruiter. Yes, I am the one who designed it and it is torture; the worst kind. The stuff I did caused them to be so angry they ran me over with a truck and I looked it.
So what to do? They use the media and itinerary to suggest they are working close, are close friends, conducting important meetings, and somehow in a circle of power or a spy ring. In reality, it is a lawless and total chaos; but the anchor and the real story is what we have just presented. Now they are all trying to fix their defenses; go out of the country; visit CA and the Reagan library; go to Tea Parties; and hashing out books that repeat what is either common sense or the obvious. What they need to key into is the future of satellite warfare; that is the future. What they need to understand is the biography and history of satellite warfare and the personnel problems at this time. How do we know there are moles and spies crawling everywhere like the atomic program? Getting caught was one thing; circumventing justice, apprehending, and punitive damages was utterly heinous. It comes down to when and why they refuse to fix my biography and Ann's; she was put in the same situation and now they know how it feels; get to work now and before the real bite comes in federal indictments. The PR and damage control makes it worse and worse; all we have to do is ask them 5 questions and it will end their career; end their legal defense; and already have a warrant for their arrest. That is how fragile their life and "getaway-taking off" is getting. Worse, these are career criminals and communist spies; so sneaky and clever nobody would ever think they were this close or so deadly in America. They are that close and this close to winning; had they gotten me and SATWAR, it would be game over; that is how close my Katrina law suit is to them and the future of America; they are on the march and we have leveled them and will some more. They pretend things are fine and this is an opportunity or their calling. We are watching them trying to steal the future and the future of the military; not a bad show huh? Only 5 questions separate them from being locked up for the rest of their life. We are going after their leaders; which places the communist cells and forces in tremendous peril; no leaders and increasing dependency. We can now eradicate the weak on crime culture and mentality.
It is going to be very interesting when the FBI and lawyers ask YAF and CPAC some basic questions: 1. Do you know anything about a conspiracy on Ann Coulter? 2. Do you or had you known about any man in her life or what she was working on? 3. Do you have any regrets about hiring or spending more money on her security? 4. Is there any reason you can think of why anybody would conspire to murder or quiet her up? 5. Do you know about a top secret program called satellite warfare, the founder of it, and his biographer and life?
Oh Rush and Sean have several doozies also: 1. How long have you known them? 2. How do they know you? 3. When did you find out they had a law suit on you and did they contact you? If so, what was this about? 4. Can you explain in a nutshell what the complaint is? Did you say something wrong to them or do something to anger them? 5. Since you are an American; can you tell me a little about satellite warfare, the people behind it, his biography, and a little about history?
After catching the King of the military; they know the odds and how they have no chance; so it is a good act and so is their show in the US; total fraud and totally faking. My biography should say, "he taught us the program and how to wipe them out." This is why they go to such great lengths and take such insane risk to acquire this level of power; they say they are addicted.
This is satellite warfare, not a party, a photo oops, and certainly not kitchen duty. If you want to hang out in the kitchen, then get the fuck off the battlefield and for god sakes; when you crash the beach and hill; do not hug those defending it or look at them shocked and say, "oh, how could you." Rip their shirt and hair out or go home and take your clothes off; this is not a party; it is nearly world war 4 and they are getting sucked deeper in it by the sucking sound and it is not coming from a woman. Also, someone has to go; this is the most exclusive poker table; not poke her table. Ann, you want to be a warrior or get court martial ed again for cowardice and as a conscientious objector? This is war, invade their land, and break a beer bottle on their leaders head; not preach Christianity okay. Breaking McCain's other arm or biting the ear off of Lindsay is a good start; go Limbaugh JAG's. They are communist; get rid of them before we are appeased, stink, and end up as a drunk idiot with Catholic fight in us. Tell them to get the fuck off the battlefield and get back in the kitchen where they belong; but for god sakes keep the clothes on. Do they know how close this mole and terrorist group is? It is an "Indian Run" and from soccer tactics; the top attacks the tail end and it pushes the loop continuously. This enemy is very close and we need to go after the leaders; not the tail end; they are merely dependent.
So I caught the communists and terrorists on the left wing; Ann has the ones on the right wing; and together we have tied two ends; it was the labor unions, Irish and IRA, mafia, liberals, left wing, communists (Catholic and Jews), and a few other stragglers.
What really gets me mad and upset is when I fight with Ann. This is going to be frank but it is between a man and woman and this qualifies as an emergency. A man might call his girlfriend and say something similar to, "Ann, I am mad at you because I love you and want all other man and wife; maybe stick... and have you get on your... and do what you like so much." That is why I am mad and upset. Ann will say, "Alex they are trying to watch and film us so they can make a few bucks and also humiliate me." This is true. They watch me 24-7 and breath on my back every god damn second of the day; like a guard sits there and makes sure I cannot be happy, must show pain, and I have to obey. Ann says they are looking for a way to humiliate and embarrass her; it is burning in them. Now with all these mistakes they made; their sickness gets worse and comes to the surface. We are talking about erasing someone's identity; erasing their life; making it fake or total lies; and then pursuing them as if they were special. You heard that; we were kidnaped and our entire life was erased; so now we have a total surprise and the pain or fear they feel is ultimate real. Putting pressure on them takes so much time out of our own life; it destroys it or makes us fight. The games are intended to manufacture terror and fear; jealousy; or to hold us down and make us feel unwanted or discarded. This from bottom dwellers and people worth nothing in life. The worst part is how it cheers her up when I brag about sex; she always brags about sex and how over the top it is in marriage.
It is not as if either one of us is chump change. I never had problems with girls and sex has never been deprived or a problem. So what is? The upstairs people (Sue) keeps saying, "we will take care of it" and suggest I have to have sex with her. Meanwhile, Ann is telling me they are trying to do the same thing; to suggest they will take care of all her needs. So Lisa got Ann a "gigolo" for those long trips and lonely cold nights; YAF makes sure Ann is away and on the road all year long. I get lied to by Rush and Sean; and a few others about how she and them have a special relationship and I have been warned. Does Ann tell me this? No, she tries to hide it and says "there is nothing you have to worry about." So I am back to what I said to my alter ego, "I want to get my D wet... I would like my girl to... I am a man and I do not feel right or like a man anymore." So their idea of answering honestly is, "they know we are lying"; the same usual rhetoric about how we caught them and know they are communist and terrorist spies. Now they want to "rehire us" and "take care of all our needs." Take a look at the beast and the sadistic lunatic female upstairs; she is in the movie Fatal Attraction and I have not one bit of interest in her. She attacks and pursues me around the house (2008 to 2010) to suggest this will never end and that is how determined they are. Ann does pursue me or has tried. Meanwhile, they try to sneak up on Ann and play this game of a stalker and sexual predator; while her bodyguard holds her down or keeps her under the gun. I want them to go to jail for life and want to sue them for 520 million. I hate court battles and cannot stand court because of two false arrest, brought in by chains, humiliated, and made to strip so many times. But I can show a genuine and true side to this evil and demented terrorist spy who just will not give up or stop this pursuit and murder plot of us. In the end, Ann and I suffer and we even fight; our relationship "hangs by a thread" and they keep playing these games about how we have to believe them; they are hope; and we are total liars and lunatics. They are not even worth a dime and are a total fraud; pathological liars. Worse they are deadly terrorists and until you get in a fight with them or defy their demands; you cannot tell or know how evil and psychopathic they truly are; worse than a serial killer. You can even read the records and how things got distorted, destroyed, and we ask them in a demanding way to explain. What they say is worse than what they do; it is just insanity and pure rotten evil. They are not bullies and angry; they are full blown maniacs and terrorists about to loose it all. The bottom line is they have no respect for our life, our rights, and lie to cover this up. They have absolutely no respect for others or human life but claim it is about their kids and the future of their children.
What this shows is how we are not allowed and ordered to obey. We cannot even decide or choose for ourselves; who we want to love or have sex with; not even if we are married. Furthermore, it shows the degree which they will go through to suggest the forces against us are too strong and we cannot beat the odds; the same game the communists play with America and our own future. At most, they will say how they will take care of everything and we need to shut up because everybody knows they are lying. They do not want to acknowledge how we are not liars, genuine, and really upset about the entire horrific ordeal of being their prisoner; nor do they care if we are to be paid what we are asking to be paid for the entire ordeal of their fantasy, mistakes, and demented fantasy for power. If that is not evil then what is? That is why they are ready to die and have a traumatic heart attack when exposed; they sting is so bad and what they do is so evil; they just keel over and croak. They know best because they got themselves into a no win and ultimate suicide block. Now the block has failed and they must go on the offense; uncertain and blind to the next peril and trauma of getting caught. The best thing is to ignore it and even that is hard if not impossible. Now she has to hang them; clearly they are fact checking and have doubled the trouble or charges on them. ___________________________________________________________________
Look at it this way, what would you do if you had been kidnapped or abducted; and you could not identify them but only recognized their voice and smell? Would you follow or pursue them and ask your partner to lay "clues" or what I called "Popcorn Tactics" so it leads to us and our path? In the woods, you mark a tree or place leaves under rocks; some form of "marking" when lost or in deep cover. So that is what you see and the person who ordered it was moi; I am the one who was kidnapped; Ann merely is an assistant and dropped popcorn as I chased or threw out as many deceptions as possible to get closer or make ultimate contact. I had learned these tactics when young and how to "escape and evade." Just remember, it is a maze but the trail will lead to us and to me; I thank Ann for this. The reason why you are chasing her or on her trail is because I told her to drop popcorn down so we can find our way back or call for help. So while I chase; Ann rips a part of her clothes or marks something to follow; her objective is to stay hidden. Are there more "Ann" like decoys out there? Yes.
I think it is fair to say the crime here is defrauding the public on the surface. Then invading and kidnapping opposition and political prisoners while terrorizing them or harshly interrogating, ruining, pressuring, harassing, smearing, slandering, copying or cloning, and murdering off any left over failed efforts. It is also very phony and dishonest when they try to create an image to pursue the truth only when it fits their material. So the scam is about how they pursue the truth but when the truth surfaces; they ignore it or show a lethargic pursuit only because it is detrimental or cannot further the invasion and assault. The case against them is beginning to go extremely south and the time delay when it hit them and when they got up or did anything about it is clearly guilt and a confession. Furthermore, it is a continuous demand we prove our case while they ignore the case against them; or how artificial our case against them is. The truth is there and now they cannot pretend or defraud the public about how aggressive or eager they intended to attack it. We caught the people behind all of the terrorism, espionage, and a steep decline into the debts of hell. Did it correct the record or make them anymore ferocious or competitive? Why don't we let them tell us and find out.
It was already a gross injustice what they did to us. Now it was even more unfair to suggest we lied about it or were trying to conspire to coverup some hidden information. There were lies about kidnapping, who we were, who they were, what we did, what they did, trying to sworm out of this, and putting us in greater danger as a captive. Then to top it off, they went before the public to show a confidence and pushy attitude about how government and authority was only about process and not the truth or what is the right thing to do. They say the process and motion are necessary for the left wing and liberals who are mired with trickery, deceit, fraud, and outrageous criminal charges. There was a climate of toxic corruption where fact checking was a burden or failure; but no pursuit of the truth was a process of winning and being accepted. So when the time came to fix all of this or this terrifying and horrific ordeal; they pretended to be our friends again or tricked others to trust them. Meanwhile, they did the minimal so they could keep attacking and demanding surrender or peace from us, the conservatives, and the entire world. The truth was they were trapped, could not expand, and going down heavily in our favor. Now that was made into a process lacking all truth or justice.
This is not about conservatives, very clever communist spies have hijacked it and are using it to overlap the conservative message with one for unionism. Their definition of conservatism is ethnicity and race. So while we fight it out with this deranged and complete lunatic terrorist who have hijacked the conservative message; we must deal with them calling us hourly, constant surveillance, and deranged stalking. Their form of conservatism is a maniac. It requires you start as much trouble as possible, a total bastard, Nazi like psycho behavior, embracing a sexual offender and rapist, weak on crime and shunning the truth if possible, and using money to suggest they garner a higher price or are abused. This is not about hatred on conservatives; it is about hatred against Jews and Catholics; which the communist are careful to exploit and use as communism while advancing labor unions, total surrender, total prisoner, and total war. This is the invasion of America by the army of the damned and bastard communists. Caught red handed and being prosecuted; they carry on as if life never passed them up or they did not try to start trouble or a civil war. Furthermore, the psycho claims to be us and claims opposition against them proves this is about hatred towards conservatives. It is not, it is labor, the damned, and the communist; also known as the radical 1960s crowd. We cannot get rid of them and they cannot detach from our life or turn themselves in; however, they define conservatism as power and money; thus, they have the votes, are in total control, and we must seek approval. Right now they need help desperately or else they will be taken down and go down swinging wildly.
Again, ask why I am offering her 25 to 50 per cent of this 520 million dollar lawsuit if I win? All she has to do is ask and I will understand; am I happy with her, psst. Do I demand an explanation? Hell yes, is she crying or have? Yes. Do I care for her even if I am so mad and embarrassed? Yes. Now read why she would take such risks and why I would also on her blog.
On Friday, March 26, 2010; Hannity says he and they mistook a girl named "Linda" for "Ann"; then he had a team wipe out all the photos of "Linda" form my computer, leaving only two which did not have me in them. He then mentioned "almost caught him in Afghanistan... guilty of terrorism" and then said we were lying and they took action so we could not win. So he and they were the ones wiping my drives and erasing pictures. I digitized them all of them and I still have intimate ones of the both of us. When we were young, they would not develop the underwear pictures. However, on his show on the 26th he admits guilt, they did it, and why; says we would have won our case and gotten them. So they wiped my drives and erased it but forget I back up everything and had all pictures on disk; the collage of Ann and I is what they erased. Then the scanner broke the next week. Here is why also.
About two years ago, I asked Ann why she kept pushing me away and never showing up; just neglecting marriage, family, kids, and a normal life. She did not answer. I then said, you realize I did want kids and you cannot have kids; she said proudly that adoption is a option. Then I asked her why she delays, waits until the last minute, and has used her life to create so many controversies, anger, and bad blood; she said because it leads to love. So if you ask her, as she gets older and weaker; the more it leads to love but rules out all other things we view as logical and normal. Then I asked her, what makes you think a gorgeous or sweet woman would not court me and I would not fall in love with her if what I had planned 20 years ago was used by her and now she is telling me she messed up badly? She said nothing. I said, did it occur to you to fix it? She said this horrific ordeal and the experience of being a captive of the communist while fighting the terrorists brought out so much blind hate and fury. I agreed and understood; I said it brought out homicidal impulses when they attack all day and every ten minutes. I got it worse and she said she felt guilty now and had as much fun as she could while men threw themselves at her. I said are you all that and such a prize; and she said not any more. I said, so why are you guilty or what are you guilty of? She said nothing and told me a secret. I said you are going to hell for this; and she said I think so also. Did I force that from her or force her to surrender and confess; yes. Did she want to? No.
Ann kept on saying she did nothing wrong and is right now saying the same; running up a hill, dressed all nice, looking sexy, really close to them, always fixing things, really close to "her" bodyguard, and taking off on 2 or 3 week trips with her staff and conservative men. It is disgusting and no man would ever chose her unless they were in the conspiracy or had the truth; YAF and CPAC is behind it and I am proud to tell them I will make sure they are locked up for life; get used to it and enjoy the moment. While I was kidnapped, I was forbidden from hygiene and upkeep. If I showed any sign of happiness or glamor; they would punish and try to make you go nuts. They would scare me by pricking my butt with a pin; like some poison or biological weapon (20 times). I kept getting blood in my stool in 1998 to 1999; then it left and came back from 2007 to 2009. If I insulted their stomach or said it was ugly; the next day or next time I did laundry, there would be rashes or big marks all over my stomach. If I insulted their butt; I would get a rash or a open wounds on my butt. If I said "I bet you have pimples all over your butt" or "she and they"; I would have a break out for the first time of pimples on my butt. This is why I had to shut down life in 1998. I bet 2k dollars on a stock; it looses 4 pets. If I date or do a probe; they bombard me with 14 year olds. I am holding Rush and Sean; and upstairs who did this. All of them said they are ready to die and "F you" before each attack. I have pictures of the injuries and scars. The attacks on them is not valid; it is like one mafia against the other; one felon on another; all of them are weak on crime and you cannot verify if it is a scam or a hoax to seek insurance. They demand an investigation and an end to all attacks; but they are weak on crime; who let them in the US and government; the worst and permanent poor. We are asking for 520 million because it is so reckless, demanding, and so outrageous.
As I said clearly, sometimes it would be over 200 incidents a day and the SOB would sit there over your shoulder and administer this insanity; until they got caught and the look of shock or others knowing every single detail traumatized them. Some of them had a heart attack from the knowledge someone knew every single detail and everything on them. The leaders and the hardcore are remaining; the middle level has been "weeded out" by their leaders cutting off a clear path. That is their defense, there is no middle level; only top and bottom. We have to provide and furnish the middle level to connect it. It is the same people behind this, fundamentalist. Like a cult group, the danger is when you leave the group; look at them gather and plan for a seat while all in the same place; the train to hell. Now, Ann's only chance is to get them for a life sentence and hang them; she has no other choice and will be off the mission with a percentage she must come to peace with. I will know based on the number what she is guilty of. In my opinion, Ann has to hang them and get a life sentence on them; I have the 520 million law suit on their leaders and now they can only do damage to Ann for buddying with them. They actually financed her career and shut me down and took me out; now the most exclusive poker table is open again and it is all in print form; every single detail. Rush said it was "a death sentence" and he is correct. They force themselves here and come to America as the worst; then they invade and demand we give them things or be punished; now they refuse to leave even when caught and nearly slaughtered for terror plots and some new battle plan that failed but is still out there. We have not stopped them but we have made things harder, even if they want to walk away and prevent us from apprehending them.
Ann will be off the mission when she provides me the percentage she deserves. YAF AND CPAC should beware and be really cautious unless they are really that suicidal. It is one big family and the radical left. Ann is only trying to help and just trying to have some fun while helping others. She is a great thinker, never complaining, exciting, always fixing things, eager to correct anyone, a clean freak, sees problems and diagnosis them accurately, and can be trusted. They are the same people who create all the problems in America; the worst of the bottom and the worst of the top; all trapped and going down. Ann can only win if she shuts them down; all of them; a win or loose situation. I give her 100 per cent support for courage and also stupidity; will she fall on the sword or pretend like they do? If she fails to shut them down; her entire life will be worthless and a total failure; a total mess and sick disaster. Her entire life and biography is a total lie right now; she must correct that or go down fighting. All I want from Ann is a percent; I am waiting for a percentage from her and all of this is done with. That is who they all are.
About the white powder, hate speeches, and outbreak of attacks: it is a bit difficult to explain when it is weak on crime and one mob against the other. The attacks on them is not valid; it is like one mafia against the other; one felon on another; all of them are weak on crime and you cannot verify if it is a scam or a hoax to seek insurance. They demand an investigation and an end to all attacks; but they are weak on crime; who let them in the US and government; the worst and permanent poor. We are asking for 520 million because it is so reckless, demanding, and so outrageous. They force themselves here and come to America as the worst; then they invade and demand we give them things or be punished; now they refuse to leave even when caught and nearly slaughtered for terror plots and some new battle plan that failed but is still out there. We have not stopped them but we have made things harder, even if they want to walk away and prevent us from apprehending them. Beginning to see them now? They force themselves on America and come here to the reservation; could it be the Midwest, Catholics, Jews and New York, or the Irish?
Ann, you are not listening to me. I said "no" 10,000 times already. I want them out of my mission now; no questions asked. I am suing them for over 500 million just to get them out of my god damn mission. I do not care if they are your indentured servants, shine your shoes, or walk your dog; I want them out of my god damn mission and for you to stop marketing and trying to peddle their life on this mission. What is the delay and problem? Did you hear me, I want them gone and out of my mission 10,000 no thank you's ago; and now it is way over the top. You claim it is not you and you push and peddle them at the most exclusive poker table on this earth. We did catch them for just about everything in the book and much more. Now they want to help and think they are somehow in charge of this mission and do not even know who the leader is or what it is about; they are just in and helpful. Who the hell brought them here and into this; that SOB has some answers and has vulnerability and security problems everywhere; but you are a great lawyer; now finish up.
Objective: I have given my objectives and what I need for this mission; I do not need to hear about what they will do for me or how they want to work while a suspect or apprehended. I do not want to hear how they are living their dream and will continue to work close with us until removed or fired. I find this part of their abhorrent uninvited crass when a simple no thank you should be sufficient when repeated over 10,000 times already. Their ability to understand complex words such as no is beyond the scope of the dictionary but they claim it is genius to redefine it.
Sean Bin Busted knows his strategy is so clever; I had to shut down my technical advances. Take the case with AMD and Intel. Intel has been in competition with Motorola for decades. The architecture of the chips make it more able at certain functions but more difficult when processing raw mathematical equations due to storage and power usage. Therefore, Intel was able to defeat the RISC processor when it developed the Intel Pro CPU and this was the downfall of Motorola and the Apple chip. (Note: I began to overclock Apple computers in 1988 up to 128 Mhz and unheard of; one of the very first in the world and a new trend) The battle between AMD and Intel has not ended but Intel is so far ahead; it is almost impossible for AMD to match their chip; however, there is always the bottom end of the market and a low priced quality chip. The only way to draft this new strategy is to wait for AMD to go bankrupt and buy the company. However, the interoperability of the two CPUs have always been a sore spot much the same as the Intel chips and new speed requirements. Thus, it was myself and a host of engineers who sought a solution for this; the dual and quad core. That invention blew the market out of the water and led to an open ended requirement on how to tame the beast.
So they knew I am easy to bankruptcy and give up easily; what they saw in 1998 and shutting my life down. Then I became a bum, never excercised, and went to strip bars and traveled around attending concerts. That is what they saw; meanwhile, I was tracing and drawing them in closer and trapping them with my concept or theoretical NORAD II and III. We were testing only the theories and proving, similar to white papers, the effectiveness and if it could produce the results we wanted. If the results are near expected; then it is ready for further development; I am the founder and am not disclosing a lot for intellectual property reasons. I am a certified programmer, satellite warfare expert, and founded the topic no less wrote the strategy based on my discoveries and theories. It is arduous and extremely difficult when spies are circulating and busing around you. They damage you to the point where waking up is difficult and finding meaning in life so distorted and obscure. Then they probate erectile dysfunctions with your spouse and have you argue with them so they can exacerbate the damaged goods and acquire it at rock bottom or enhanced purchase power. They also have expertise in medical and specifically dermatology; what their bio-terrorism was based upon and we were a sample of. We will ask the US Army to identify it and trace it to the researchers in this area who has access to it.
What frustrated them was my retired US Army status; they damage with bio-terrorism and it is fixed in a week; now they want it and need it.It is the only way to injure us on that topic of biological weapons. As financial scammers; this is the best we have ever seen. While trading stocks; there was so much manipulation and fraud; rigged. I had to wait until closing time and place my next day purchase or else they would raid it; load it and then drive it down. As a day trader, this was fatal. The loss in the end was nearly 8000 just from tech stocks and their tricks in New York. Right now, immigration and welfare is being used to seize the tech-knowledge sector and to imprison it with political domination. These spies and these communist terrorists are that good; you will never catch them and they will cripple you or kill you if you try; hence I had to call backup and draft a very deceptive strategy and plan based on the information feed I was getting in 1998; deadly. Odd how Delta Force was the first ever scene during the Clinton administration; nobody has seen them or watched them in action before. Odd how chemical and biological weapons keep recurring in the Bush wars; and was pervasive with and during the Bush administrations. It is deadly and a violent fight; count how many died from 1990 to 2010.
Note: Hannity has not mentioned their recruitment plot. Either you choose to be a terrorist or a communist once in it and damaged. Afterwards, if you are too powerful or too good mentally; they will pick you as number two and test you. If you fail their test, they will remove all evidence and kill you. The point is to jump through hoops and their maze; if you defeat them as we did; Bin Limbaugh tries to chose you as number two and if you opt out of this last ditch effort; you are dead; we pushed them through the maze and also began at the end of it; when it intersected we knew we had it all. It is the blind man's game with spies who cannot be caught and cannot see us either. If they select you, there is only two choices before you are promoted; after that promotion, you must meet their leaders and make a decision; they feel for that also. They have not given up on Ann yet and still claims she is their leader; I have not cleared her yet either, but she is in major league danger. They are signaling how they will go through and how it is still up for grabs; I have signaled we know everything and they will not get away with it; will pay dearly. So they are sticking to the hacking and damaging the goods; a total lunatic and sadistic murderer. All you have to do is watch these videos:
For the records: Hannity never has anything good; hardly even if he tries. He uses women because sex sells and holds charity events to keep the machine running; to bribe certain groups; keep others in the dark; and what the IRA did in the US or developed. Nobody was able to catch them and thus they closed down; believe that one? These charities allow him to do photo ops, loose associations, recite Reagan speeches, and is a real employer who pays really well. However, he admits he will get nailed when an audit investigates his activities and soft money. Hannity says he is living out a dream and this is an opportunity for him and them to become real statesman; but of this entire blog, he lied 85 per cent and actually provided only 15% of all valuable information. That is a really low statistic and he just wants to park his ass in the classroom and stare into our eyes.
They were trying to draw US and allied forces into this but notice how the Dutch were not sacrificed and were not hostages either; odd. The Dutch claim they had nothing to do with it and it is all on film; they got rescued by the allies. During this time, we had been contacted by the Afghans fighting the Soviets. So they also knew about that or picked up on it.
Health care bill signature: 1. Impeachment underway. 2. Election 2010 by public impeachment. 3. Impossible to make profit or money on the sick. For every dollar spent, you must pay five or more. Insurance industry is seriously at risk and will bankrupt with massive welfare and lawsuits on fees, abortion, perjury, errors, etc. My advice is to relax and we are over 20 years ahead; but there is a reason why we have to use caution and not share this. Yeah, just show up and sit down at the most exclusive poker table in the world and harass the best players with how valuable and great you are to be there; as a matter of fact, show up in America the same way and with the same demands. What now, buy a steamy jpile of love or photo ops? ___________________________________________________________________
Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh responds to the 520 million dollar lawsuit on them and their employers on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. Rush begins and says:
1. Going to "remove these politicians who are doing an injustice to the people." Hannity is mad and a hot head; a loose cannon and even more dangerous. 2. Not the "ending but the beginning" of the entire matter. 3. It is not for "the better of America" and "makes no sense; face the reality." He wants us to "face the reality now!" 4. About "our... self preservation." The usual vague and universal things every human being is seeking or wants; but which side and what secrets are hidden is not sure; what is the true story behind Hannity? 5. Hannity says "we are seeing some of the most ruthless and corrupt tactics... it is true he uses it and will not take this lying down." Hannity says "we are telling the truth and he will never compromise his values and bounce back quickly... this is about winning in 2010 and 2012." He is not going to sit "and whine or complain... take this lighting... disgust... will do something about it." He "wrote this book." 6. Hannity says, "this is about all of us... not enough to fit in this message." He wrote this book about everybody and what we all want.
We all want freedom, jobs, and prosperity. How we achieve this is another thing. What we do on the road to the top is different than how we fall from the top. So he will have to list all his errors and then list all of our errors; read the response by Rush and why. Again, he takes a strong and defiant stance; but this is not reality or what is going on in his life; quit differently. He is safe and with the right people and side; he did not want this either. The story does not make sense but it is his version and how he sees it. The upstairs (Irish, unions, HS drop outs, sex offenders, Clinton, Israeli command center, etc...) says "go home." Slaughter and a few others said, "they are in training"; very highly sought personnel and superb Americans. We call them red carpet immigrants we seek out and beg for approval and to hire. Worth every dime this enemy has stolen from America and her future; and more to come also!
Search: Huey Long, David Duke, and the Refrigerator. Rep. Joseph Cao, the Sole Republican to Support Plosive Health Bill; Saturday, November 07, 2009 11:14 PM; By Daniel Stone. Nothing slips Hannity and his ultra conservatism. We also know this is about the race and the unwanted. Hannity also says: "he" is a big tennis star and is always playing tennis; even when on vacation he is playing tennis in FL and we know he and they...
Want to know why I am so mad and disgusted? Who the fuck wants to be an Irishman? They are the underclass and the permanent poor. Who the fuck wants the communist or some honky to call you a "common nigger" all day to bring out blind hate? Who the hell wants to join a terrorist and communist group who terrorizes us; kidnaps us; involves themselves in everything we do and every event in our life; and who the hell wants to listen to the god damn Jews tell their story about how nobody cares and how they are in danger as a black man? It was a horrific story to tell having Irish, Catholics, or Jews in my life; being kidnapped one day and filled with blind hate; dead people; and watching them kill people indiscriminately to tell me how much they loved me and wanted to talk. Now I have to listen to them clone my life or do everything my career has led me to as a legend. So why the fuck would Vietnam era and military families want to have the Irish, the Catholics, and this dirt poor communist "only want to help" and fill you with blind hate and anger. It is not superiority and not power; it is lunacy and total psychotic insanity of an idiot and loser. Stay out of our life and go away; that is why we demand to be paid 520 million; 200 or 500 times a day sometimes for months on end or years; ignoring you and trying to draw you in and reveal who you are. Then to watch when you are finally caught in 2008. Now we listen to how important you are, how good this was for our life, how we are better people today because of this ordeal and your total lunatic insanity. Stay away and get out of my life; stop terrorizing me and my family; and for god sakes; stop contacting us about terrorism, welfare, immigration, unions, a mean sexy bitch named Kathy Moynihan, the Navy, a bunch of fags, closet "negrosis", and having a dirt poor loser tell us how superior and deadly he is. Also fuck the liberals and communists in New York; who the fuck said I wanted help, wanted to be recruited, wanted to be hired, and want you in my life; you messed it up and got me in so much danger and trouble trying to figure out how to catch you and bring you to justice. All you keep saying is to fuck your fat women and how much you love me or us; what a total loser.
The inestimable but "lackadaisical" (Limbaugh) Mark Stingy strikes again! This time he is "Asking For It":
Remember, when it comes to satellite warfare; I am the founder and I do the verification and mission. I can tell you that these people are not on our mission and they not only tried to steal it; they tried to figure out what it was, how to sell it (espionage), how to match it, and was caught and told to leave. Our defense and security have clear orders to find, expose, and identify potential threats and the communist who are looking for this or our new "contingency." They instead put theirs out and said to match them; that is what we are looking at now. So once caught, they came at us like a bulldog and pretended to be on the mission or who we can trust. We had just caught them as spies and communist traitors imposing their underclass, damned, labor, and permanent welfare ass on our chest; now they spoke nothing about history, their church, their experience, or any 'conflicts' which might disqualify them or make them a potential suspect. In other words, this is a bad and primary suspect. This is someone who fits our profile of a terrorist. This is who hates America so badly they imposed all of this on us and said change our future. We are on a crucial mission and they just hijack and steal it. Again, get out of our mission or have your ring and associates banned also; GUILT BY ASSOCIATION. We will not make two warnings at the most exclusive poker table; no cards or false cards need not apply. What next is theirs or on their list to steal? Stop using human shields to advance.
They do not hate America but Americans; the truth. America made life hard for them, their parents, or their experience; that is their brainwashing. I will say this again; I need a clean system and the spies to be cleared out; what is taking so long and why are there delays in taking them to court and exposing them; we need to be paid, have a right to demand it, and are confronting our attackers. Listen to the communist spies and traitors lie incessantly and as if they are not a career criminal. Here are just a few doing damage control or spoilers while following us: Rush, Sean, Michelle, Sara, Laura, George, Karl, Dick, All Democrats, All Liberals, All of New York, Mickey, Mark, Lisa, Newt, David, Hussein, Donny, Hillary, Tim; and that is just the ones on OUR side. They are all Democrats and they are all in trouble and trying to change their future; one crack pot special forces intended to attack our forces and take it over. Their people are dependent, they are career criminals, and they have wreaked havoc on this country in order to assault and seize it.
If you have that first name; you are NOT on our mission or side; were sent to stop us or intercept; we will inform you and take the fight to you also; we also have a list of more we caught, spies, clones, and total phonies. Their leaders are getting a fair trial and being questioned; they need not show up. Again, get out of our mission or have your ring and associates banned also; GUILT BY ASSOCIATION. We will not make two warnings at the most exclusive poker table; no cards or false cards need not apply. What next is theirs or on their list to steal? I hold the Republicans liable and responsible; clean out their system and make it free of spies or saboteurs; we need a clean side; at least one, not two dirty and hijacked by communists who are doomed. I would like to ask this be executed and done immediately please; for mission objectives and need to know only! Everybody is in a trap right now; but only one side will win or end up with the mission; we have that mission. Please clear and clean one side immediately as instructed by Ann. The Pentagon is in peril and serious danger; I do not need or know another Fort Hood. Fighting has already began on the military base.
If everybody was sitting at a poker table, then we know what happens when you are caught cheating. We have thrown our cards down and the pot is ours; we can tell the liberals and left wing; even the Republicans this before they even see the cards. However, not able to see them we asked for them first; why are they still hiding the cards? The pot is ours and unless they have stronger cards; nobody likes a cheater in poker. Then again, they know why they are being escorted out and expelled from the highest table and the most risky one; it is where legends and power is made. So all the cards are on the table now; why are they still hiding theirs? The pot is ours and it grew really big due to their mistakes, over confidence, and cheating to stay ahead of the rules. All they can say, then repeat over and over is how they are on our side, it is us versus them now and they did not want this, others refuse to listen to the American people, and how angry they were finally caught.
The truth is they are sitting at the highest table and they do not have any cards let alone any cards they can play but they want the pot. Doing it is one thing; getting caught is another; trying to sit there and play it off or hold cards is dangerous. Everybody at the table knows they are communist; just not them yet and if we ask them, they do not deny it. So they cannot figure it out or how; do we know or have something on them already? We caught them as a communist spy and an execution squad and they expect us to let them go. They think the Pentagon is in love with them and they can lead our military against communist forces. Now they tell us “this is an opportunity to be a statesman” or “how much they are willing to pay in bribery.” Why don’t they just ask we be a traitor or an espionage spy? The truth is we caught them as an infiltration unit and communist spy; we are not going to promote them and let them into the corridors of power no matter how much it is worth to them or plead. It might be dangerous for them to be asking in such a forthright and naked manner. ___________________________________________________________________ HERE IS 3 YEARS OF EVENTS - DAY TO DAY SECRETS; IS HE SAYING THEY ARE HIDDEN 3, 10, 20, OR 60 AND MORE YEARS OF EVENTS OR ESPIONAGE? OF THE 3 YEARS; WHAT PART ARE THEY WILLING TO DISCLOSE? OF THE 10 YEARS; WHAT PART ARE THEY WILLING TO REVEAL? OF THE 20 YEARS; ARE THEY LIVING A SECRET LIFE? WE KNOW THEY DO NOT WANT THIS BUT WE WANT THE TRUTH. IT PILES UP BIGGER AND BIGGER; THEN GETS BURIED UNDER NEW STUFF AND IT JUST KEEPS GOING. READ THE BOOK, WE DO THIS FOR KICKS!
We will never know if Hannity wrote his book or if his cohorts put together more propaganda to flood the airwaves. The public seems not to care if they are defrauded or if they loose their life savings due to trickery. However, reports and financial investigators say he uses charity events to make "bribes" and payoffs. He uses charity events to write checks, hire staff, and it is all based on stolen or unverified propaganda. With no research notes, we cannot determine the author or whether it is his material. They watch and copy everything we do; everything, down to our poker hand or how we play them.
Placing Hannity or Limbaugh in charge is like putting Al Theda in charge of Fort Hood or the mafia Don as the Police Chief. Who is this stupid? What result do you expect out of it? Even if they claim to be "living out a dream" or "this is a major opportunity to be a statesman" or "you are not listening to the people" and various other delusional and trickery; the true story is hidden cleverly. They are verified communists, both Sean and Rush know we would not take this strong stance unless we had something or knew something they did not. They made this mistake already and upstairs even said, "they know everything." So who do they run to when hurt? Who do they call when in trouble? Where does his last drop of support come from? When on the run and in jeopardy, who are their partners in crime and why? Pat Buchanan is also another communist and conspirator; he even said "we did not want this, we are on their side... trying to work with them."
At least they did not try to make a profit defrauding the public and are giving some back. At least they know they are sitting at the world's most powerful and exclusive poker table; the highest cards you will ever see in this world; ever. We card checked them; card for card; and called their cards while laying all of ours down. Now they claim we are not listening to the public, they did not want this, they are or were on our side, we pushed them away and are to blame. Do we even get along and why is "he and she" having so many problems? They claim they can bribe us more than the asked amount and to look at their charity events. All we have to do is start one and they will try to end or stop this.
At least they did not say "he and she do not get along" or "he is trying to scare and intimidate her" or "he is using and exploiting her for his own selfish reasons." There are a lot of other things he and they are guilty of. After we are paid, because we demand to be paid and have a right to claim our life back and be whole; they will have to face the Pentagon, FBI, and the public. Offering us a bribe just came in and was just "bounced" off us as "this is an opportunity to be a statesman." As the heart and soul of the Pentagon, would I place Al Theda in charge of Fort Hood? Who in hell would or for money? That is who this nation is dealing with and looking at right now; we are the heart and soul of the system and world. These are the most hidden, deadly, and clever communist spies this world will ever witness.
Did they start a revolution? Did they write a book which details the next 200 years? Did they expose the most evil plot or simply get caught trying to peddle it and were the masterminds? Did they throw their cards down and say the pot is in my favor? Did they do a card check to see who was cheating or sitting at the most exclusive table? Did they walk away when caught cheating at poker and the most exclusive game on earth? What did the terrorist do? They hijacked us, mad a rush at us to bulldog our defenses and we were ready and they got hurt badly; very badly. Now it is a flurry of lies, deceit, and propaganda daily. Here is the other part; we know something obviously and have something clearly; but the evidence has not been revealed. If everything is known or they were in a sting; their actions are recorded and any events that follow is not our fault. They (all of them) must face the public, cohorts, enemy forces, and seek a safe zone or "base." We seek closure and will move on; they can fight it out with the FBI and Pentagon afterwards; but first the cheap skate has to pay and I demand my rights and to be paid. ___________________________________________________________________ Note: The massacre at Murambi, Rhawanda fits the same pattern and involves the same players of this propaganda. Jihad compels Muslims to fight; not be sheep as the Bosnian War suggests. At Murambi, the massacre was done on Catholics seeking protection by the church. Hannity says they should attack because nobody cares, they are in danger, and it is self defense; they are not lunatics, psychotic, or terrorists-traitors. It is "their home" and they "do not want to leave" but "do not know what to do" and "are scared now."
So why would the IRA and communists be involved in Middle East terrorism if it is not about unification but communism? Why would New York, the labor unions, and the Jews join up to brainwash the Arabs or Americans to unify?
So why is terrorism widespread in America now? It is linked to the Middle East propaganda and brainwashing; to utilize atrocities and blame the Christians. It is to condemn the Nazis publicly using the media and to boost the liberal and left wing camp; also boost ratings and make their information or data more accurate. We already know they are manipulating the Middle East and using religion to indoctrinate and re-educate their political prisoners for class conflict. Atrocities shock the mind to flash backs of the hollow cause and murder; something in their minds often. However, telling the truth is not in their minds or getting it right. In the The Srebrenica Massacre we cannot determine whose story or voice is speaking because the outraced or hollow cause is aimed at the Christians, much like World War II. In the case with the Palestinians, we have a unification effort; to be their boss and leaders; to promote their cause and plight fighting self defense. Do the Palestinians enjoy being used as a prop; no. Do we enjoy being ripped on or apart constantly; no. Do we appreciate they try to unify with us; no. Do we want to listen to them teach us about terrorism; no. Do we need to be a prop in their little stage presentation; no. So the Koran is being associated with class conflict and communism, or civil war, and the atrocities are intended to aid in the brainwashing or propaganda process. The question is who are their leaders and can we catch them and have them confess on air and before the world? Yes, we can and have. Their response is a murder plot and retaliation which we are currently fending off while exposing them and taking them to trial. Afghanistan was their Vietnam and to test if anybody knew or would stop them. We have the best idea of all: 1) Keep away. 2) Stop trying to contact us about terrorism or communism; no less make us their leader or hire us. 3) Tell the truth and end this game of correcting their data and ours. We are now suing for the same things just on a smaller scale. They want to know who knew and who can stop them; now they know. They used us as bait and released an execution squad on both ends. We caught the rich end and those who can pay for their crimes; I had intentionally focused on whether or not capturing them was worth the effort since they were the poor and communist spies.
Once again, we need more information than "the police" on the indictment. This game, hoax, or prank is not being received well by the FBI, Pentagon, or NATO forces. This siege on our ranks and forces must end immediately or there will be some pain and permanent expulsion. Also, this peace surrender and World War battle plan of anti-war has been detected and broken; we have a breach in security and a traitor and conspiracy underway. It is unacceptable and unprofessional to put down "the police" on the indictment. A bit more information and accountability would be fair and even truthful. This is a warning; there will be no more warnings about this "police" problem. The release of biological weapons or bio-terrorism to gain medical insurance or correct the data is not pleasant; nor is eco-terrorism and spill cites. They claim we are hit men and an execution squad; so they are matching us. They used us for bait and this "terror plot" to release internal and external execution squads because of the Vietnam War and liberals; the anti-war, hippies, and drug culture.
Our lawsuit is for 520 million and we were kidnapped, used for bait, brainwashed, and abused severely to propagate this new strategy and battle plan for the left wing, liberals, and communist forces; shut down the oil in the Middle East or blow it up. Now we are their children, their students, and they wish to rehire us. All of this directed at the Pentagon and Christians.
So why is terrorism widespread in America now? It is linked to the Middle East propaganda and brainwashing; to utilize atrocities and blame the Christians. It is to condemn the Nazis publicly using the media and to boost the liberal and left wing camp; also boost ratings and make their information or data more accurate. We already know they are manipulating the Middle East and using religion to indoctrinate and re-educate their political prisoners for class conflict. Atrocities shock the mind to flash backs of the hollow cause and murder; something in their minds often. However, telling the truth is not in their minds or getting it right. In the The Srebrenica Massacre we cannot determine whose story or voice is speaking because the outraced or hollow cause is aimed at the Christians, much like World War II. In the case with the Palestinians, we have a unification effort; to be their boss and leaders; to promote their cause and plight fighting self defense. Do the Palestinians enjoy being used as a prop; no. Do we enjoy being ripped on or apart constantly; no. Do we appreciate they try to unify with us; no. Do we want to listen to them teach us about terrorism; no. Do we need to be a prop in their little stage presentation; no. So the Koran is being associated with class conflict and communism, or civil war, and the atrocities are intended to aid in the brainwashing or propaganda process. The question is who are their leaders and can we catch them and have them confess on air and before the world? Yes, we can and have. Their response is a murder plot and retaliation which we are currently fending off while exposing them and taking them to trial. Afghanistan was their Vietnam and to test if anybody knew or would stop them. We have the best idea of all: 1) Keep away. 2) Stop trying to contact us about terrorism or communism; no less make us their leader or hire us. 3) Tell the truth and end this game of correcting their data and ours. We are now suing for the same things just on a smaller scale. They want to know who knew and who can stop them; now they know. They used us as bait and released an execution squad on both ends. We caught the rich end and those who can pay for their crimes; I had intentionally focused on whether or not capturing them was worth the effort since they were the poor and communist spies.
Your union and Timmy McVeigh trainers upstairs can keep trying to take a swing or get bolder with a face to face (more endless pursuit and how they have bio-terrorism or chemical weapons). So parade what you have and how it is not just boom-boom stuff. Also, let me know if you have something good. I report and continue to report about the vandalism of laundry, bio-terrorism sprayed on clothing, and showing off chemical and biological weapons as a training tool and to take a swing at us. If you are innocent and falsely accused; your actions say differently. So we will expect a quick and clean confession; 520 million now for the continuous harassment and recruiting attempts and continuous communication, taunting, or illegal contacts related to terrorism and Delti Force. The chemical and bio-terrorism was produced by a medical expert in Dermatology and is "persistent" and aerosol. We will expect you to hand this over and provide all of the goodies when the time comes. As far as taking a swing; keep swinging and missing; you know I am a champion and only hit home runs; I never "take a swing." So the communist and the unions have moved up in the world of terrorism and have "dermatology" related active cultures or material; how fitting. Now we are asking for more from this cheap skate. The noose is only getting tighter; trust me on that one. So you want me to "go home" because "we are terrorists" and "this is our home." What are you doing on our side or so close "making it correct and more accurate?"
First it was using terrorism to make the communist collapse more accurate and winning. Now it is using terrorism to raid the federal coffers and pass socialized or medical insurance. Now it is the use of bio-terrorism and chemical weapons on the population to cover up the population decreases, sanitation problems, and inundated with tax issues and unemployment. Also, you are not taking a swing but trying to get in our face and show you are unmoved or the least deterred. Yes, keep going and tell us some more; it is almost over. The FBI and Pentagon will take over where I left off you cheap skate and total loser. Either you are very courageous or just plain stupid; or both. It does not help your case either to increase it to 520 million or why you want to "take a swing" at us so we know "this will never end... dealing with a loose cannon now." They are cultivating dermatology germs and releasing it (door knobs, handlebars, steering wheel, ropes, counters, food utensils, etc); used it on us and pressured us to sign on or carry out some mission. McVeigh-land wants us to know they are more dangerous and powerful now. One minute they represent Israel and the next it is "go home... we are terrorists... this is our home... we do not know what to do... we are ready to die." Let's start with retard or totally retarded. Now it is how they are "national coaches... teachers... and communist-Israeli spies who have been caught."
For the record: General John Sheran said the Dutch soldiers, practicing open homosexuality, led to the execution of Muslim in the Baltic region due to the ill equipped, leadership, planning, and attitudes. I will say this; real leaders and real military officers would not let this happen or other things which are despicable; furthermore, the Dutch are not respected in their use of drugs, sex, or open display of homosexuality. Their minds are afflicted with some rotten beef disease that turns them into lunatics to prove some inner weakness and doom. The General made his testimony about the largest massacre in Europe committed by Christians (former communist forces) against the Muslim population. It also sounds like a betrayal led by Israel and the communist on Muslims and real Jihad. We will never get the truth from them but they will create a new enemy and go after them as heroes. Review the "plot and battle plans" I discovered and wanted to know why they sought to blow up our HQ and if they wished to provide details. This is World War 4:
I am almost positive Sean Bin Busted and Rapist will claim he and they did all they could to welcome us into the Party of Labor, the Unions, the left wing, and the voice of the poor. The only problem is we also hate this enemy and their welcome mat was more than an insult. This idea he and the Irish unions call us a "common nigger" hourly is disgusting and their constant betrayal of the Constitution is so despicable; you wish them for dead. Yet the same problem is before us; a communist and a begging lunatic keeps calling us in the most harassing and paralyzing manner. We hate their guts and they keep spewing off this self love and ridiculous political message that borders on pathological phoniness or a total complete moron. Now do we seek out morons or wish to hire them day after day? Do we really need them to sit there and approve or teach us college graduate level material on how to be a courageous scoundrel, weasel, or a complete communist spy? We are charging them for being a terrorist and waging war on America and directing all of their anger and malice at the Pentagon or crippling us with their insanity and constant begging by the poor. Not only did the voice of the poor abuse us; they let go a career criminal and serial predator; a stalker and sex offender.
We call them a cheat skate, a total fag, and every name in the book and they call us in a manner to suggest it is a favor and some untouchable leverage logic and laws cannot even explain. Now it is petrified rambling, discouraging us, weakening us with an insidious presence, and then flipping it around so they can demand an immediate investigation or share some victory is beyond a traitor and a spy mole. You and them do not even know who you are and why you are in our life; but you try to paint some image of how this will never end; we are trapped, our backs are against the wall; we are with you and are out of control; we want this and deserve this; or how they are doing all they can to welcome us or make this easier. Now it is how they are in control and trying to teach us or lead us from evil or some damned life; we are from ther other side of the tracks and the heavens; not hell. We never knew hell was so taxing and helpful. It feels like being drugged and raped; even abducted and violated in the worst manner. So this cheap skate just refuses to pay and is a dead beat terrorist and communist; don't bother to call and don't bother to try to get a date or some recognition; what a total loser and complete disaster of a pest. They do not know who they are or why others want them gone; not even a clue. Instead of turning themselves in and going on our program of surrender and confession; they now racked up 515 million in punitive charges and try to discourage us by remaining calm and not silent. You have a right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. If you give up that right...
Note: that girl and the Senator said she was "Dutch Irish" and from Pennsylvania. Since then, these women began showing up at the beach and in bars; for what I had no idea before or had some suspicious feeling about. They are in the Navy and this problem is heavily rooted in the 1960s and drug cultures. The goal is to bring back World War II and the ending; what the result was and punish those who oppose them. It is all deception and the same people who now have collapsed; they did it for communism, "are you happy now?"