I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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WARNING: If you get an email from a prince in Nigeria to send money; do not reply in your email!
I met a girl from South Africa in 1999 while living with Cassandra. The lady who set this "date" or mixer up was from Great Expectation who had been flooding my mail. It was clearly a scam and I was upset about it. Then they sent me a bill for $25K. The lady looked "cheap" or "worn in"; in her 50s and very dark black hair with a cheap black suit appearance. I did meet the South African girl and she said she was working as a Nanny for Swedish ambassadors in DC. Then she said she got tangled in this and not to blame her. The white girl was not dressed up in a Mao suit typical of South African leaders. She also did not have Kung Fu slippers; and she knew nothing about music or radio-TV. During this time, they kept setting me up or playing cupid with these fat-disgusting flaring nostril red heads who were just gross. They lady said to be patient and it takes time to develop a working relationship. I said F you and left the office, got evicted, and reported odd events to the FBI; then got a lawyer for a slander lawsuit.
According to her statements; her roomate put her name down on a form while in the mall and left the country to go home. Therefore, she did not really know what this was about or where this was heading. I did this because I was fed up and to play a joke on Ann; to see if she will meet me and "hit it off" on the first date. In other words, I am setting up the conditions in DC-VA around 1998 while Ann is in town and beginning her career. The other choice was to work at the same place, vacation, or frequent a bar or social event; maybe a run-in after calling her. A bike path or the same gym is a good one; perhaps a friend of a friend? Falling in love and getting married is not a one shot deal; you must be patient and let the course of nature take place; do not push and prod, let things flow easily. Also, we had been intimate but only as partners and friends. Who the hell rights a romance story about kidnapping, rape, murder plots, bombing plots, and this total insanity? Le'ts ask iRush, the labor unions, or iHannity who would do such a thing?
Like the female upstairs; her appearance was repulsive and a typical reaction is "stay away" or "go away" you loser. I had investigated a South African firm linked to biological weapons in FL while in college (NVCC-Annandale) with the tutelage of a Professor named Perino in 1989. Perino was from the University of Chicago and a sociology teacher; part of the police science course at NVCC while in night school. This Frontline follow up and investigation also led to Saddam Hussein and Iraq; the source of the chemical weapons used against the Kurds and Iran. Saddam was getting it from a South African company who was getting the ingredients from Florida. In the same class, I also studied the Angolan Civil War between (Roberto, MPLA, and Jonas Savimbi). Savimbi disappeared for over 30 years. This is why the sexy Portugeusa is involved. They contacted me in 2007 on a site called "meet-me-in-Toronto" and we had daily chats. They were so hot and gave me Portuguese recipes and restaurants in Toronto.
I documented the similarity to Vietnam and Savimbi's US trip to America. The Angolan Civil War was the bench warmers kick into theory; phony soldiers or jackasses. One of the most striking parts were the street-sweepers recruited for "Mercenary Duty." These were no the SAS or Rhodesian Scouts, these were conscripts who were on welfare. The South Vietnamese governement in the late 1950s sent a diplomatic team to DC to request "aid and counter-intelligence" training. Hence, my father fresh out of Dalat, the military academy, sent their best students and royals to the military police academy in the US headed by the Pentagon and FBI; hence Ann Coulter and her father. They somehow had met or worked together and did not know this. When they returned to South Vietnam, the CIA and Pentagon had sent special forces and covert agents to plug the leak in the Ho Chi Minh Trail on the Cambodian and Laotian border.
This strategy and plan intensified and escalated the war in South Vietnam; also cause heavy activity of men and material. Angola based on my estimation and analysis; tried a deception, to appear as South Vietnam. Afghanistan was headed in the same direction but the Civil War was won by the Northern Alliance. The Taliban then returned and tried this radicalization process which confused everybody. So it was a Trojan Horse technique; to use the history of Vietnam to request aid, military equipment, and stage a military coup. Roberto was defeated in less than two weeks; Savimbi lasted almost two years before going into hiding. He then magically showed up in 2006 as I am posting my chapters and then again in 2007 after 30 years in hiding or MIA - Bin Lazy. So Savimbi pulled another Bin Lazy but got the aid and the military arms they wanted; for the drug wars. The post behind this was North Korea and Cuba; also China. This is about African foreign policy; a region I had skipped. It is about trade and jobs; safety and women. At most, they want to help and are trying to get along; but now we are sworn enemies. This is about Africa and foreign aid; the Vietnam of Africa and MIA for 30 years; who cares? Are they POW or MIA in the Phillipines?
The case of the missing 727 from Angola has to do with scary movies. Specifically, it has to do with North Korea and Cuba; two rogue militaries operating in this locale. The plane is not for refueling, it is to suggest they have biological or pesticides. My estimation is the plane is in Angola where the region is controlled by rogues and communists; if not check Somalia. Look for a fleet of them (5 to 20 already). Also, look for someone who is skilled with this transponder system. After it sits in a hanger for five or ten years, there is really no point trying to fly it again. So if you cannot find it; then the bad guys cannot either; who sucks now? The only use for the 727 is for parts; to avoid maintenance. When you begin to interchange parts, you can avoid high bills and also expensive mechanics. Diamond mines or oil, there is very little black investments in the Western or Souther African continent; very little foreign policy and high foreign aids.
The case is about Joseph and Gabriel pushing the matter until everybody is disgruntled and upset. Then they replace Gabriel with Padilla. You cannot link the events now when they make this change. The history of Savimbi is he disappeared in 1976 and then reappeared in 2006. Osama might reappear in 30 years also. Saddam was taken out in 2002. Like Ann and with Alex; when they make this change and carry out the murder plots; you cannot link the events. These people are clearly experts at this type of theft. Who is on the other end of this peeping tom camera and recording device? None other than what I have wrote and this socialite or embassy party where we are crazed stalkers and not them; we are ticking time bombs, not them they are superstars and their parties are utter money. Who the hell is doing this or behind it?
They did this to my father also, smeared him and proclaimed themselves as partners. Mandela used to "dress and look" like my father. So did Kim Jong IL. My father looks conservative and smart as a military officer; suprisingly he is infantry and has Commandos, US Generals, and Marine Generals as friends. They do dress alike and keep in touch; their kids play with us and we have a good relation; defection. So they used the liberals and Clinton to stage a defection as the stunts in North Korea showed; the labor unions and communist are behind this. Ask my sister who works at the White House for pictures of my dad through the years and General Hamblen; those two are close. Hamblen and my father shared the same life almost and my dad is a carbon copy of Prince Charles; weak and feeble looking until you see him in uniform. Then he looks like a King. Have you ever seen Prince Charles in a uniform? This is why Diana and Ann have very similar characteristics; based on an ex and my critique; which Ann perfected and got right. If I put a picture of Linda and Ann next to each other; you would not know their body or face; but Ann is the total package when Linda was annoying, dumb, and had a good heart; I hated her and being with her. Why I chose her was the $300 Bennetto white and black dresses and her gorgeous blond hair with glasses; a trophy model. She turned out to be an annoying nympho and the biggest Polish-Catholic mind game I had ever ran into; suicide material. She is a very shy and leggy-elegant type; a knock out when you meet her. No man can resist the jeans and tight cocktail dresses. I went from her to Ann but had problems in between; constant pressure and this cupid trick we describe.
Princess Diana has an identical personality but has an IQ; Linda was just sex, hair, and drugs; after 12 months it was total insanity. After 14 months I could not get rid of her and plotted out affairs, dates with classmates, trips and concerts with girls, older women, etc... nothing worked until Ann and the US Army; but Moynihan made an introduction and put me on this chase for the ultimate sex pot or this princess type. It felt like they were and are studying me in the most annoying way; what I liked, how I reacted to BJs, if I like big boobs, nice butts, etc... can he love one girl? I called it total insanity. Even going to church on Easter with her felt like a spy movie; the Preist was talking to me like a secret mission. Then girls flocked on me and she said lets leave now... When we went to the beach, the minute the door open, she was an animal and on all fours barking at her parents condo at the beach. That is why I stayed; the trips in the winter to the beach and the nympho act; which made things worse and worse. Then she got some STD when it did not work and by then I was fuming mad but could not express it; I wanted out a long time ago and Ann is sitting there telling me to hurry up, she is waiting. I finally did the same back to her and got her mad and pushing me away; but she used this guy Chris Garland who is a Bill Maher look alike to follow me to parties and suggest she was sexually active. No matter what I did it felt like I was losing; then I just gave up and said to Ann; leave it the way it is.
Around this time I met a girl named Jessica, a gorgeous dancer and blond who lived only a few blocks. She was hitting on me while at Roy Rogers. So I began talking to her and her friend took off for a bit. I got her number and she said she knew Luke who is Ben and Adam's little brother. I called her and wanted to use her to smash this problem I had with an ex. Jessica calls me 8 months later and asks me out; dinner at her house and says her parents are gone. I find out she just graduated from HS and are moving to Oregon; her father and family were already in Oregon. So we dated for a few months while she was waiting to move and we did have a sexual relation which should have ended this insane ex problem. Jessica said she also knew others I had grown up with and I did use her and date her similar to Suzi whom had a crush on me in HS. Jessica is a bleach blonde, olive light skinned, super hot perfect looking girl who has a blue collar background. She had only dated one guy in her life and we were intimate for a very short period before she moved to Oregon. I never knew or notice her; nor had any idea she live four blocks away from my house. I know they are marketing stupid, goofy, chubby girls who cannot dance or need to be smacked around; this should work and scare off the Don's "Jon."
So she got my attention and what she wanted while I dated and tried to smash this problem with a stalker and ex problems. It felt like a game with a total loser. All of these females and new GFs from 1988 to 1990 should have ended the marriage, cupid, or this lover problem; but it did not. This is why Stormy hit me and made me feel she was right below my nose. Also why Ann looks like my HS sweetheart; Ann and I are and have been intimate for over 20 years; zombie proof and locked them all out. Beyond Ann, Jessica was the most striking blonde I had been with but it was to end this problem I had with HS girls; a fling for a few months, she moved. Jessica was the cleanest female I had met beyond Ann. It was no game or fake. Jessica is a perfect bond with the most incredible body; almost Suzi like and you cannot ask for anything more, she called me up and asked me out. In 1988 Suzi had a kid and I asked her if she wanted another one and she said she was on birth control while on a date as I stated; so that was why she messed up. So I forgave her after all those years, and then Amy got killed. This is stupid because it is stuff in HS or while growing up; I been with Ann for over 20 years and this is 1980ish. Ann knows I been with other cougars and likes the Johnny Utah stature. Who can beat her of all these girls trying?
(For my female fans or readers of my masterpiece books, I no longer carry a pineapple grenade in my vehicle or on my body. I gave this up at age 18. I am also happily married with a very sexy lady, you might know her. I worked with a Padilla at Democracy Plaza, Electrical Contractors in 1989.)
The LA crew contacted me on after I was told to get a myspace account via the Toronto site. I was relunctant and never had a myspace account. Once I got a facebook one nobody contacted me except Towsend MD girls. So I am on the internet and a chat in Toronto at 2am to 7am; it is a secret meeting place. They start taking their shirts off and acting like a sexy boob. I act cool. It is funny. I am like that. They get violent. I try to ID them; only "Anthony" and Hamilton Ontario; then two people knifed in a bar as "Anthony" said in 2007 at a Hamilton bar. Then a murder spree in Hamilton. How did Stormy contact me? It began with random people I added because I knew nobody. Several strippers from TX and this girl from LA who had a boyfriend. Then I added Buckcherry and Motely Crue because of the videos; then Stormy showed up on Nikki's LA sight. Stormy had hot pictures but you had to be a member; what the Toronto girls had told me. I would hound them about pictures and to send me a picture (clothes on); they would say email me on myspace and I did. So they have known me for almost 30 years and I know this and gluing on. I am gathering evidence but he and they do not know yet. A trap is set but not told yet or why. Once I was with Ann in 1989, nothing out there was as tough, as clean, and as smart; the game was over at hello, PS I love you. Once I was with Ann, there was no going back but did they know this also and why? After Ann there is no going back! It got me off thinking of the 20 years with Ann and how far we got together; they they tried to toy and destroy us. They tried anything and was on a suicide mission.
I describe HS girls who either had a thing or we had been secret lovers. There was sex and a door very hard to shut; such the case of Stormy Daniels, that is what it is like after 30 years if you still want it. The sensation of seeing her and remembering penetrated me in spots I could not describe. It was so hard not to think of Ann and whom I know the best, a stranger inside. It felt like Cathy was right in front of me and her all American BF was gone or was not there. Stormy is still cute. We are with someone, married, and have brothers and sisters; you just do not advertise or do this stuff. However, I want nothing to do with this and I am sure Cathy has moved on; hence Stormy. It was not just one girl, I was miserable and sorting this out; then it got worse and worse due to Linda and her stupid tricks. In my opinion, she wanted to be friends with benefits and so did a few other girls; but I stuck with Ann and kept it this way for 20 years. None of them showed up and if they did, it was thru proxies or messengers. All of these girls and 1000s of girls there is one name and all roads lead to one girl, Katherine or Moynihan who lived across town in Fairfax. I even dated a girl named Moira in 1989 who had been around the block a lot. In her 30s ate time, Moira was what you call a "one date deal." What I did was parade Moira at parties to send out street rumors, kissed her at parties, and had friends flock around her. It did not work for god sakes even if she was in her 30s and we are 18-19. Moira had a reputation of walking around naked or watching TV with guys incognito. Cassandra was not like this, just a massive drug problem. My theory is they all married imbeciles or some jackass with a limp wrist; so they have affairs or lovers; communist spies and extreme risk takers.
Lying to an investigator, how many layers: If they lie to an FBI investigator or a homicidal detective; the trap is set and baited for a competency test. Explain how they got in this situation and who was involved; this can take 10 or 20 years; or it can be a speedy trial. They showed no respect for others and were oblivious to the rights of those investigating them or whom caught them; at every step they showed no care or care for danger, punishments, or damages. The only conclusion is they are a danger to themselves and others due to stupidity, organizational pressure, suicidal tendencies, psychopathic or sadist predispositions, or utter failure and humiliation. They even sent the FBI and others warnings; ordered to stop this repetition and put the brakes on; stop calling or talking to Alex and Ann. Stop holding them or bombarding them with false pretenses or scams; more and more violence added to the fire. I would grill them with "do you love or like sex... a girl like you obviously is the anal type." They would immediately jump to conclusions but was not listening and knew what to say; an interview. I would ask these girls, "how many men have you been with? 5? 15? 40? More than 50?" Some of them answered more than 40 and I would never reveal what I wanted. If they said 5, I would say goodbye. If they said 40 I would say "too much, do you like them big or small?" The rule is no lying and never lie to an investigator; you will get busted or caught. I could tell they got off messing with my head and toying with me.
If you check the records from 2006 to 2008 there should be dead police officers all over. From 2008 to 2010 it should be chaotic or settles down. You should see Asians or Japanese murders soon, robberies. The most notorious murder of an Asian appears to be a gay motive; John Lennon. So if this is a reverse NY and mafia Pearl Harbor; then the BP-British and Asians are involved in this conspiracy. The whole point of trying to court me is to cure stupidity and obesity; they swear by this. Also, the message is they are my best friend, partner, and taking names. I am crazy, do not get along with others, and am a gangster; dead bodies everywhere. The message or warning is stay away a marriage is underway; so who is this gal? Sue Place says it is her. Chris Young says it is him. iRush does not want to say anything when I asked him. These are not rich people; they are the super rich; why is an AZ dirtball movie about kidnapping being acted out (Raising Arizona).
Let me explain what occurred when I moved here in 2006. First I explored. I went to any event, frequented local bars, and did not go into Buffalo or other locales. They said to go to Ditzy Rats or a beach called Sunset Bay or something. I never made it because my home was invaded in June 10, 2006. However, there were events that led up to it. Within one or two weeks I purchase a deadlock and security padlock (double tumblers) because my instincts were eyes, surveillance, and someone inside my residence. I set up traps (bubble wrap placed, things you had to move and not notice to put back, objects that indicated a stranger or visitor, and used darkness to avoid any camera or work schedules). My security techniques indicated a very skilled and highly volatile situation. I then secured all windows with plastic thermal and began to trap them. It is impossible to discard or seek a "recording device" so I did not bother; discard all belongings; clothes and even shoes. If these are world class spies or enemies; they operate above CIA and I know CIA already. I will catch the mole or this problem, trust me and be patient. I was running security almost every single day.
First was the fury or the sense of being watched. Anywhere I went, any concert, and any form of shopping or entertainment; an entourage followed. I describe it as verbal scolding; an FBI tactic of saying, "we are watching you." So someone is paying for security and this is a form of police or security; bodyguards. The worst was at Elmira, NY; at a Collective Soul concert. When I went to the Canadian concerts, there were no attacks or problems, no verbal attacks. I went to the Cult concert in 2006, a special event. A french guy sold me the ticket and then invited me to some event after; so I went to the restaurant. I met some girls and they were of no help; also French; look up Ashley Doucette of the college town North of Toronto, Bainbridge or Banner something. It was just a random dead end encounter. Not long after, problems began with M and T Bank. Citibank problems seemed like they were hiding. Then the fees began and my checking account raided. I wrote the VP and as usual, nothing. The gambling, oil, cash cow, and this training camp or hideout has to do with banking and Casinos.
When I got to Elmira in April 2006 for a Collective Soul concert, there was something wrong. The tickets were sold online as The Cult concert. I did not know if it was a server, hacker, or tapping my signal; who knew? I identify "Sawma" as the hunter or tracker in my blog, search "Sawma." I emailed you he had been blocking and doing DOS attacks in 2008; then the fat, bearded, Jewish lawyer I met as friends of Chris and Sue Place upstairs. He came over for dinner several times in March and April 2006; then came back in only 2010. That is a 4 year absence. Elmira began with a man and woman in a large SUV (Suburban, brand new and expensive) following me. I was in my Trans Am and smoked him. Then he got on my tail and was less than 5 feet on my bumper. I slammed the brakes. He got mad and honked, honked, and honked. I felt it was harassment and a form of verbal scolding, "shut up... too bad if you do not like it... we are pros." So this car comes out of the mountains and plays a dangerous game on the highway. Check the concerts in NY from 2006-2008; odd? Now check the concerts in Ann's life from 2006-2008, odd? Sound like a stalker or terrorist?
We are talking huge and the future of the communist and labor unions; I hate them and they feel I am their leader and love them. There are dead bodies everywhere and terror plots; my own ordeal and I am really upset. The Collective Soul concert is not solved. I had four tickets and needed to sell them; but could not. I did pitch Chris and Sue Place, and their son; they said they would take it for free but did not want to pay for the concert. So I got stuck with three tix. Then a man and his wife were on my bumper and I laid down treads at least three times in my Trans Am; smoke-tires and everything. I would relax and they would come up again; I should have pulled over but did not expect such insanity. I even offerred them dirt low price $10 bucks. Instead they went and bought Rush tickets for over $175 dollars the next week and bragged about it. For a few months I was competing with them over tix and concerts. That is how they are; stalkers but play it off and claim you are crazed or a threat. They are going to get the biggest surprise in their life soon!
It turns out he followed me to the concert. For over 30 or 60 minutes, I am playing games on the highway with a man and his wife. I report this to the security upon coming in the concert site. I told them that guy back there is trying to run me off the road. It was a bearded Jewish looking guy and his fat wife. They looked off key and odd at this concert and even parked near me. He even said a few vulgar comments and I almost walked up to him in public. But this is fun and a concert so I blew it off. During the concert, security unleashed a stampede of kids into the VIP section. I paid extra for the tickets (four total and tried to sell it). So this scam or trick cost me $80 dollars for one ticket and they let all the crowd up to the VIP section. That was the worst concert I had ever been to and I have been to a lot. I knew this was a big problem and it was getting bigger, the communists, labor unions, and liberals.
Second, was when I tried to go to Sunset Bay or that Rats Beach. All of it was closed. So I asked the local police some intelligence. The officer said it is a laid back and very popular summer place. In the winter and this time of season, there is only a few places open. During the summer, college kids get places and it is very crowded. As far as violence he said no. I asked if this was the only place if I was new to the area and he mentioned a college town south of there, an hour away. It was Foster or Folksome, an F city. He said it was a college town and it is something to do or a place to go. So we went there and near the fire station was this bar; it looked like a concert hall or a live band. I decided to just check it out.
The name "Padilla" keeps showing up. In 1989, I worked at Democracy Plaza (electrical construction) for the summer wiring it for power and computers. The employment was with Jenn's Electric who did the service at our church FC Presbyterian Church. When I got on sight, my partner was a good looking guy named Padilla (search employment 1989, Jennings, Democracy Plaza-Interstate 270 in Rockville, MD). I met a Russian girl here also with construction named Julia; I wrote about her extensively on my blog and have pictures. She then moved to Orlando, FL in 2006. She told me she was going to move to Ocean City, MD and changed it to FL after I changed plans. The Catholics and Democrats charged my church and babysitters (General Hamblen and Mr. Frank of neglect and some their sex life. This was not true and the same with both Ann and myself. This is about Vietnam and foreign aid; embassy parties and investors. So they stalk us and we turn out to be mental patients and crazed lunatics?
When I got there it was basically empty. So I talked to the bar tender, a pretty cute small petite girl. We hit it off and only talked. She did not tell me she was the owner of the bar or who she was. While there, she said she wanted to put on some Disturbed and knew every word to the lyrics; similar to myself. She did not look it at all, clean cut and nice. Then I asked her about bands and she said in the summer they had bands there all the time. I said why is it a ghost town and she said the kids went home for the summer. I said oh. Then she began to show me pictures of her. She claimed she was close to Sully of Godsmack and I said if you want I can get them here. I said if she is okay with it, I will try to have them play at her bar, I knew people. She then says she dated Sully and shows me pictures; like Ann. Ann has pictures of random people and all of them said they dated her when contacting me. So I said nothing but I did not believe it. I said in a fecetious way, have they ever played here? She said no and the picture was at a concert; so I knew it was a lie to win me or impress me. Then she closes the bar. Out of nowhere she just shuts the bar down and says it is not busy. I said I did not want to drive and was in a jam. She said to hang out on the porch and it was okay.
I got the impression it was a come on. I wondered if there were any problems. I really did not know her or them. I was only told what was going on when I said what do I do? She said, "my dad is going to get mad if I keep the place open [during summer or no students]" and mentioned how she got the bar as a present or gift. I wondered why Sully did not buy her. It was abrupt and out of nowhere; she said it was the last call and only a legal or dad problems.So I wanted to wait an hour. I had two beers and it was an hour talking to her, she was not behind the bar or working there until 30 minutes after talking. It was only 1am. So on the porch were guys. I am very open minded and began to talk to them easily. One buy was a American Indian of mixed caucasion, very humble and pleasant. I bonded to him easily because he looked military. I said he looked like Ray an Army Ranger I met. We talked about weapons and guns and he knew a lot; so I began to impress him or show him some tricks. I am a walking encyclopedia with firearms; but only read every book at the library or sent to me by the Pentagon from 1982 to 1985. I had planned to be a gunsmith for college costs; to do this while at college. My sisters had no problems going to school so I did not get desperate or save up. I was working at age 14 using a fake ID, I plead guilty.
So we are on the porch talking for hours (2 hours total). They were cool and normal kids. They like everybody admire Johnny Utah and he has stories you would not believe. I am quick with jokes and conversations. Next thing I know the girl comes outside and hugs all the guys. I am thinking now she is interested. So she is talking to them and I just watch; she shows them new tatoos and all her tattoos. After that we talked and I did not really get the impression it was a door being opened; more of a buddy system. So I left it at that and just talked to her like the guys. it was fun and I would do it again; they would agree. They did ask me what I did for a living and I was extremely secretive. I disclosed nothing. An answer was met with a question; if they persist then it was "I am trying to set up an online business and move to Canada." I did not get any new messages from Ann so I was not expecting her to show up. We had a plan and stuck with it. Nobody even knew our plans but when this is over she is or going to be with me, no matter what.
If you search my HS, you will find Thomas Moore, the Aragon family (Argentina), but no Catherine or Moynihan. This is why South Carolina, Falkland War, and Argentina show up. If you search a professor at George Mason named Francis Harbor; she looks like the female on Forrest Gump with the helmet. She was trying to debate me or get my view on the atomic bomb and Japan. She pitched it at least 5 or more time. If you look at her class, the students with me are all foreign students. There are Argentine, Algerian, even a Sorensen (JFK). None of them showed any boobs as usual. There is an Asian guy that looks like Brandon Lee; a Hollywood star. The Pakistani guy who drives the Black Corvette starts the Martial Arts club or the Jeet Kune Do class. As far as Russians or Italians, search Sigma Epsilon; there was a girl named Rebecca from AO Pie or the one Michelle Snow and Jennifer Mead was in (DD). I knew I was being set up and something odd was occurring; I felt it was a training or some background check. So you can see the two teams or sides. They waited until the General and Mr. Frank to pass away. They are following and stalking Delta commandos or Ranger veterans from World War II; spying on their church; it is a game or a spy game still. They are stalking the leaders of the Cold War; getting closer.
So that was it. I was in the area and not long after this, Buckey showed up and was the road runner in the entire NY state. If there is guns or sale of illegal guns, then it has to do with the Indians. This is a college town and the guy I was friends with said he was going to college for an American Indian; so I was glad to see this. I had grown up with the American Indians and know them well. I got the impression someone was "contacting me" or messaging me when Buckey came around. By then I was stuck in a home invasion and trying to reduce the amount of damage or stop the bleeding. I know how they are; it will get insane and overwhelming; to bury or overload someone; how do you clean it up or where to start; a total disaster and start over in life. So I am taking drastic actions before it gets out of hand because I have done this before and each time; it is total insanity. There are at least 20 civil suits each year; that is 200 civil suits over the course of ten years when this began. I try to show you the volume and the incident reports, just day to day with this ghost or stalker. iRush calls it a "death sentence."
Both General Hamblen and Mr. Frank were in North Africa during World War II. I know the evolution from the Rat Pack to the modern Fast Attack Vehicle of the SEALs. General Hamblen worked and nearly died with my father in the early 1960s. Mr. Frank is a US Army Ranger covert; the commander of the VJ Day or invasion of Japan. He taught me a lot when young; a lot about the outdoors and told me about war and work as a Ranger). These people are ruthless, dividing us, and using sex as a smear and weapon. Only Diana is living and she is a British beauty; close to the royals in the UK. I would say General Hamblen is the father of Delta Force; covert and always in the background. I am the authentic father of satellite warfare; I take all the risk and am an open target right now because of this plot. You can ask Ann, she knows everything; she can debrief you or post a message-article. Mr. Frank was involved in the Manhattan Project.
So this is from the prisons or the leadership. It is about a guy on the loose or in hiding. I did say I am in hiding and laying low because of an event in a bar years ago at Ocean City, Md. They might have looked it up. I did tell the girl who owned the bar what happened and how I was sick of it and laying low; relocated here do to problems in my past. My story is I was attacked and so was my girl and I could not do anything about it. So I just ran away or was in hiding to let things boil over; it was partly true and dependent on several factors; not a lie. As an example, you can sense how many people I can entertain at one time; just a really cool guy. After this Chris Young told me about hiding places, a nuclear shelter around here, caves and hiding places, and buying illegal guns (Uzi or AK47) from the reservation. He felt or I led him to believe I was a recovering drug addict (Heroine and hardcore) and did not want to talk about it; running from debts and intense problems. I was in a self defensive mode and starting life over. This DUI accusation is false; I am no dummy and take insane risks. It is a shakedown by Buffalo and the political machine; like cigarettes and the Buffalo Casino. I compare it to a hooker who is pitching; "you know you want it... oh who needs you anyways." What can you do?
So he hinted of what he could do or how he would help. I was contacted and told he was the bad guy and watching closely; to see what we knew or how much. I did test him and ask how much of a fight or skill he had. He is only good with a knife and how to maximize it; nothing else. He admitted he had a cold case and a murder investigation in the past; but did not wish to talk about it or how I knew. He said he served his time and nobody could get him on a new charge or worse one; it was over. He was talking about this or what he is closing in on. So as things escalate, closes in or up, they need a story or some way to divert or get the focus off the obvious. The obvious we found them and knew everything; hence, Sue said, "they know everything... we are ready to die" and I said "Shut up and let me talk to your leader immediately before you make this worse. Who is your boss or leader." I kept saying this until she did as I asked. It led overseas so I did not pursue it further and was attacked with this long reach; satellites and various other methods profusely and so was Ann. I said to her to relax and lay low; so they were doing it to Ann also. They said shut up and also to talk; confused on what to do or how to fix this. They needed our help and also who, what, where, when, and why.
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