Fact: Only three countries in Africa are independent (Liberia, Egypt, and Ethiopia). Libya is a colonial state of Italy and linked to the Mafia. Morocco and Tunisia is French colonial power granted independence. India and the impact on Mandela and South Africa are widespread. In terms of the British Empire; these events severely push the strategic chess board on America. As far as cold war and relevance; even today they remain impertinent or of little strategic conquest. Therefore, black liberation theory when inter-connected to India and Buddhism; can be viewed through Gandhi. Hence the door opened on Asians, Aleutians, Hispanics, and American Indians. What the history books failed to report or left out was Vietnam's economic plan to mobilize into the electronics and similar industries most other Asian economies were in Post World War II reconstruction. The French colonial period stifled this and students were sent to other schools that specialized in engineering and computers. We have an almost identical problem in 2010 and a 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit.
World War II and North Africa: it is not certain the moral or the strategic value in the North African continent; however, logistics and material could be the only analysis as far as Hitler’s North African adventures. When it came to soldiers or infantry; those who are Sergeants and Officers with high education and these infantry theater skills will be hand picked for the cold war. Based on our analysis, they tended to be of Calvin background, have college degrees prior to World War II, and are of Presbyterian or a protestant background. This collision course then takes fold in Vietnam where the Catholics were viewed as outcasts by sides, north and south. Due to the independent movement and the communist-nationalist plight of the communists; Catholicism was viewed as a major threat and unstable. Catholicism also brought back the days of European problems and a lack of self reliance and capitalist spirit. Vietnamese royals enjoyed the European models and material industry; however, war and invasion crippled this economic plan while Japan was forced to rebuild and follow an American business model proved to be highly effective. All of this leads or contributes to the Vietnam War but this similar invasion to bury all achievement is underway now in America.
Focal point: There are summits and meetings held in British cities during the 1950s at the height of the cold war. One location was Manchester, a blue collar district of England. Manchester is known for their sucker clubs, such as Manchester United. One of their best stars is the Beckham's who play for the Los Angeles leagues. Therefore, this black liberation and united front of communism or one world and one government is slowly building up power and momentum. If Gandhi was used for this united front, then it would spread like wildfire and become nationalized as Buddhism had. This is also why we identify two focal points, Upstate New York and a family named "Moynihan." Moynihan is the diplomatic or the US wing of the Deli Bema. This T-bone strategy has not caught like wildfire and is viewed as primitive or backwards by modernists. There are a lot of themes here but most significant are the police, prison, and this waiting process or loyal spouse. Most if not all African leaders were imprisoned at one point or the other. Therefore, this imprisonment or legal problems is not a focal or central theme in the Asia Pacific Rim.
Jonas Savimbi, Ho Chi Mind, and Osama Bin Laden: there are similarities in all these figures. If not all then most had came to the US or was under US foreign and military aid. The most famous was Ho Chi Mind who received the most military aid out of all and nearly blew up his entire countryside. Savimbi was a Maoist seeking anyone who cared to fund his wars. He had signed a pact with the Portugeusa to fight or defeat foreign militaries funded by communist powers; total chaos and insanity. So this plot was about foreign aid as early mentioned; however, the exact details were abstract and now have been revealed by the iRush and iHannity; those we caught and identified as the primary leaders. We identify them as stalking Vietnamese refugees who were the backbone of the South Vietnamese Police or anti-communist forces in Asia. Thus, all operations were filtered through this channel they had plugged into or were diverting. Black Liberation in terms of freedom and Africa was anti-European and very American or independence related; but then America had been very anti-Europeans at her birth in 1776. It makes sense to penetrate the police force or this global police force; the core of the Pentagon and CIA. After Japan, the most aggressive would be Vietnam; thus a form of preferential treatment and educational abilities.
Proxies, surrogates, fakes, posers, copy cats, profit, own brand, monopoly: we can now build the process of this strategy using the Mafia, drug wars, and black liberation of the Democratic Party. To make it work there must be an immigrant and homeland spirit; an un-American or foreigner status. Religion similar to the Buddha has had the most impact on the African continent; thus black liberation was replaced by this hybrid of Islam and radicalism. We saw this type in the 1980s and the push into the militant and extremist fringes of evil; not religion or beliefs. The most significant revolt or most powerful force in Africa was Kenya. Likewise, the most powerful in Asia was either Japan or China; now considered the two largest economies in the world and in the G12. Why would these huge economies give any attention or worries to such a small and grotesque problem? The Boar Wars is the cornerstone to the Mau Mau and the rise of Kenya. Most communist nations are refocusing towards economic revolution and business reputation; not war.
China and Japan: As the trade between South Korea and Japan has shown, the Japanese industries tend to lead and not follow. Until China has learned the same trade secrets that South Korea has, it will struggle to find a niche in the South Korean model and even more competitive, the Japanese models. Very few if any trading nations is able to reproduce the Japanese model while South Korea has resorted to their own identity. In terms of growth, China has grown at an average of 9% repeatedly for 20 years; Asian economies boomed at 12-18% for a full decay before the boomed settled and the weaker forces calmed. In recession times or global strain, the Asian economies grow according to China (6% consistently during severe strain) and this translates into Japan, Korea, and other Pacific economies growing at 3-6% yearly. Based on this analysis it is fair to say the Chinese economy is mobilizing towards heavy industry and large global operations while Korea and Japan continue to focus on high end electronic and automobile goods. It has been made clear by Chinese premieres they aspire to be an Asian giant and a successful business leader. They want students to attend their universities or seek jobs domestically; not travel abroad or make their fortunes elsewhere. They understand that war has revolutionized or changed the world but it has not fulfilled the dreams and aspirations of many humans.
Mafia or organized crime: although there are reports of mafia like activity in Australia, there are only few penetration points or opportunities. Since 911 and Islamic terrorism; Australia has been the most heavily hurt by terrorism. However, there has not been a significant growth in either Italian or American organized crime. The best penetration point would be Hawaii or American Samoa if they can mingle or draft contracts with these gigantic economies. As far as European or British interests, the most significant growth is the Australian and New Zealand sector and the growth of natural resources and heavy industries. The region has settled down and in a post boom period and wealth tends to enjoy their luxuries than work for more. The rise of the Australian bands was at their height in the 1980s and the birth of it occurred in the 1960s to the 1990s; a regional growth. The trend globally is reluctance to trade with traditional European nations for either crime problems or invasion; most especially are Catholic and Jewish-Slavic countries. The immigration trend is to flee to America due to these liberal stereotypes and reluctances to trade. This political asylum fuels the problem with liberals, crime, and the left wing. So they came here with nothing, are leaving with nothing, and only want to leave a total disaster or legacy of a buffoon.
The problem with the liberals, left wing, immigrants, labor unions, Catholics-Jewish capitalists, the War on Poverty and the Democratic Party USA is the preference for welfare or suffering instead of reform or clear thinking. A sequence of this ignorance and mental blockage of all reality would be the description we bring forth. Life has become so lazy and costly; the only system which could shorten their life was communism; however, rapid population decrease and trickery caused severe debts and an utter disaster. Glorifying these lies and the greatness of others became the only way to hide or remain under the radar. It is a cycle of stalking, attacks, and retaliation; and then suffering or somber humbleness. They glorify stupidity and laziness with violence, scams, trickery, superior crazed lunacy or crime. Freedom and opportunity for the wrong people is a formula for hell and the problems we are in now. There is no politics or system that can suit the needs of people who are no damn good or evil. Now they feel America is the Department of Corrections and flood the prison system to avoid offensive truth telling. We are fighting with eighteen cards, thrown down one or two and they have none and order who around? Help or not that bastard and SOB needs to go and to hell and back; see if they like it. So what they did to the federal system to beautify their state is the problem.
The problem with the Democratic Party is they are rotten to the core and outcasts but the welfare system makes them penniless and eager to take risks. End the welfare or place restrictions and this problem will die off or go away. End crime or the Democratic Party and these immigrants will go home and stop using America as a refuge for liberals and rotten lawlessness. So the stinker problem and outcast problem is heavily against America and her allies and in the favor of the communists. However, the prison system and the economic system are severely wounded and doomed; a total disaster due to the exposure of this breeds and doomed human being. So the nation is being pushed deeper into civil war and armed insurrection; hence, the terror plots and demon like domestic bomb plots. They are the loudest, most criminal, most jackasses, and most demanding of all immigrant classes in America. The academic scores and the criminal history explain it all; a boom and then a bust; buried in the rubble. A lot of these people are hit by friendly fire from two sides. All of them evade the truth while we have enemies on our borders and elites who feel offended. Unless it pertains to religious groups, Arabs, or minorities. Their crotch is over excited and their Euro liberalism is slightly hurt or broken; but they glorify lying and a goose smack on the bald head or chubby face does wonders for the poor.
Selected material from "China, Africa, and Oil" by Stephanie Hanson; June 6, 2008:
"Experts say Chinese companies see Africa as both an excellent market for their low-cost consumer goods, and a burgeoning economic opportunity as more countries privatize their industries and open their economies to foreign investment. Some textile manufacturers, for example, are reportedly investing in African factories as a way to get around U.S. and European quotas on Chinese textiles. China's foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa, however, is still only 3 percent of China's total FDI, according to a 2007 UN report... While China is often characterized as a monolithic actor in Africa, experts say Chinese trade with Africa has diversified beyond state-directed enterprises in recent years. "Chinese trade with Africa has become, in many ways, 'normalized,'" writes Ian Taylor, an academic who specializes in Sino-Africa ties. "The concept of a 'China Inc.,' complete with master plan, either at home or abroad is intrinsically flawed."
The Chinese Approach to Securing Africa's Oil...Because Nigeria and Angola, the continent's largest oil producers, have decades-long relationships with Western oil companies, China has developed a two-pronged strategy toward energy investments. First, it has pursued exploration and production deals in smaller, low-visibility countries such as Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and the Republic of Congo. Second, it has gone after the largest oil producers by offering integrated packages of aid."
If you check the records, someone was watching us. Mr. Frank and General Hamblen are commandos from World War II, very loved. Mr. Frank is a US Ranger, the original and commander who mounted for the invasion of Japan. He told me about it and how terrified he was of this fight. He felt the casualties were going to be immense due to the Pacific campaign. Meanwhile, on the other side of Europe, General Hamblen had parachuted into the Ardennes and was wounded in a fierce battle. Both of them move on to the Cold War and very covert or secret work. This also had to do with segregation, US Army, AR, Vietnam draft and JFK.
I feel that Mr. Frank and Gen. Hamblen were stalked and spied on. They were attacked. In 1975 the communists came to the US and tried to scam foreign and military aid. When this failed, they retaliated. I feel the danger was Angola; with the Chinese, Cubans, and North Korea each building landing strips for their advisors and military. Savimbi was just another Jonas Savimbi, dressing up like a Chinese boxer for drama; a coming to America and Asian theme to curry love or money. We see this copy cat and just the same or just in time again and again now. I think this retaliation came in the form of terrorism and also hostages. Also, the attacks were at US embassies and it was an extortion attempt. There is a duality with the Vietnam war and it can be used for defection; so this opportunity or vulnerability is an open door and exploited.
During this time, we spent a lot of time at the pool. Also, we were going to Quantico Marine Base weekly. If not we were at Cameron Station in Alexandria (now closed down and obsolete). During the years of 1979, 1980, 1981 we were at Quantico, mostly fishing and the FBI was building a building there. Quantico had a lot of land and was guarded; so an expansion at the Triangle occurred. Mr. Frank as the commander of the infantry or landing force was a great Pacific leader, his dossier secret; and he took care of the Marines. In Vietnam the US Marines are the most decorated. So I think these combinations fueled this bedlam. North Carolina is the home of Special Forces and the US Marines; also vacation homes on the Outer Banks; very significant.
This stalker or espionage is watching us, at a very young age. I describe events that trace back to our neighbors; all married to NC men. Like all the women I describe; they are drop dead gorgeous and very protected by their mom. They love kids and do not fit this model of insanity or communists. Harley is also a computer pioneer, US Army retired, and protectors. They are very close to the apex. The events appear to be focused on them also, the center of the storm. We think this is related to the FBI computers, technology, and also the internet. The satellite and SATWAR has always been the top of the price list for spies.
So during the week of September 13-16; iRush mentions Beirut out of nowhere. In the past, he never did. One of the oddest cases related to General Hamblen and Mr. Frank is Woody Allen, MIA Farrow, and Soon. If you recall the strange sensation of being kidnapped or a witch trial; there is this "look out for" an Asian guy and Asian girl plot. I also describe a little girl named Valerie and this Bolton look alike. Bolton turns out to be an ambassador and linked to the Plane Affair; the trip to Niger. We have never heard him speak of Mr. Frank or General Hamblen; only FDR whom was their leader or President during the Great Depression. Neither Mr. Frank or General Hamblen ever mentioned FDR, only how difficult it was or how fortunate they were in World War II. All of them and my own father never once told a battle story or mentioned combat. These were the most seasoned veterans alive.
These are US heroes and warriors; not rapist who specialize on Asian little girls; or some madman like Shawcross in NY - 1980s. The same Starr, Discovery HQ, Virginia Tech shooter, McVeigh, and smear campaign erupts in the media as MIA and that old guy parade Soon around like a goo-goo doll. During this time Alex moves from a Marine buddy to Ben and Adam; Rochester, NY very closes friends since childhood. It is some lawyer or witness counseling or brainwashing; a confession. The analyst or psychologist is scaring away protection or guardians while moving closer to their victim or high value target. For some reason, they are blinding or putting tremendous pressure on commandos and Pentagon officials who are close to the South Vietnamese center of power or apex.
So this is how the use of serial killers or dead bodies was used in the 1980s. Recently, we witnessed a slew of dead bodies and this process of sharing information. We call them the Red Dragon after the book by Thomas Harris. There were a lot more. So we get an estimation of the apex in NY and the communist USA or liberal HQ of Revolutionary Command. Then we have the reports of Katherine and Moynihan in NY where the Clintons take over or the thrown. You can see the process of the hunt and the closing in process. Keep in mind, Doug Tracht came to DC101 during the 1980s also; so this apex center is burning bright. What is odd is Tracht told war stories every single day. The DC-VA area is loaded with Vietnam vets and very combat seasoned personnel. The 1980s was a time when the military was under attack both domestically and abroad.
So if you understand the story of Mr. Frank and General Hamblen; you can figure out symbolically who Pvt. Ryan is and who or why they saved him. The key to this is the center of the storm and who is watching who. I think this was a thank you to the two WWII heroes while they also scared them off or kicked them out of our life. Then they tried to recruit and conceal a diabolical future based on a celebrated past. We know there is a big problem with the NYC-LA Hollywood connection. There is a history of mafia, communism, organized crime, scams to rip off, murder plots, and also the 1960s and communism. So they managed to chase off Mr. Frank and did not chase off General Hamblen or Dianna. The General and my father are very close. Also, they keep in touch through letters and other acquaintances; they know we have a stalker or an admirer called the Red Dragon, a serial killer terrorist or spy master on our soil.
The random or stalking killing of couples is a very difficult case to solve for this reason. We know it is Vietnam related for this reason. During the 1960s, it was a period of free love, youth, drugs, orgies, rock, and the stink of teen spirit. When the draft and Vietnam reality interrupted this cultivation of a cult like phenomenon; it ruined or caused things to go downhill. A lot of these draft dodgers became disgruntled and hated their country while others slipped into a drifter type of rebel on motorcycles or foot. The idea is they are cat like and very hearty on foot. There are cases of drifters who board trains or trucks; kill randomly or despise couples or happiness; all draft dodgers, deserters, or some Vietnam related hang over.
As the years past, the trigger of bad memories or the mental blockage grew to a volcano like rage. An old beaten down drifter runs the risk of being seen as dangerous. However, they sneak around looking for food or oddities; so they develop stealth. I met a 50 something drifter in 1988 when Jimmy Chatman and Scott Wilson went to "visit a friend" of theirs. It was odd and stupid to say the least. The idea is you cannot pinpoint or track a drifter; moreover, they must obtain weapons by entering homes or businesses. So it is very likely the sight of women or the public "panic attack" by some memory process caused this execution or relief. It also could be things "in the news." A form of programming.
People do see the connection between the Son of Sam, Ramirez (Night Stalker), and the Zodiac Killer; how celestial phenomenon may trigger this rampage or rage. Also it could be seen as cult like or having a support group and leader. We had concluded that a string of murders or a murder spree began as far back as the 1960s with a Special Forces officer whom reported hippies breaking into his home. Nobody believed this story and the details are vague; not even a suspect or suspicion. Then in 1989 another Special Forces officer from the Czech Republic had a Thai wife who was also murdered; it led to a lurid story of espionage and the Czech Intel services or the Eastern bloc. We know the communist are active in this region and had shootouts with the KKK in Greensboro; race politics or propaganda.
There is a string of murders in North Carolina and we know it is the communist and this Revolutionary Command behind it. First off, they are trying to take over the state. The method is the mining industry and the labor unions in North Carolina; typically a cotton, garment, or tobacco state. North Carolina also has a high black population so it is fertile soil for the communists. The motive is the battle over the military bases. These military bases draw in very "high profile" or rank; thus, puts pressure on the schools, managers, business, industry, police, etc... If they get bad marks or flunk out, they can be fired for account mismanagement. Things in Virginia a much better and the reason is Norfolk and the Pentagon.
The Eastburn family murder focuses on the 1980s. In 1985 a girl named Pope came to our HS, Christi, she was a cheerleader and another drop dead gorgeous one. Along with her was the principle, Mr. Powell. Powell was a very elite and academic black man who did a good job as our principle. In the 20-20 cold case report on the Eastburn family murders; the focus is Delta Force and terrorism. I cannot go into details but Delta created an air wing after Operation Eagle Claw in the desert of Iran, the disaster of the embassy siege. Also keep in mind NC is home to the Marines; the guards at all US embassies. So NC draws in all kinds of personnel from all branches to the state and is the HQ for the Atlantic Forces.
The report indicates a look alike, what I keep reporting or describing. I also mention the Breakfast Club and North Carolina; female murders. The look alike this time is a red head, very sophisticated, and tied into the Special Forces or Delta. In 2001, I reported a mysterious death at Tybee Island and the disappearance of a black US Army soldier whom was swimming with me in the water. I wrote in detail the 6 page report citing total befuddling of events of his death; how things turned wrong and how quickly they did. They were staff at Fort Stewart and Hunter Air Force Base; there for the day when I ran into them; very nice Army buddies. The death hit them really hard that day and I waded in the water with a search helicopter until midnight in the pitch dark. You could not see your hand in front of you so I was in the water.
North Carolina involves the girls next door and a few others who were from there or went to school there. This state is very important to the US Army and Marines; a place of heavy fighting. The John Hughes films were strange. They come from Chicago and deal with growing up. In this movie the focus is on a group of kids and the principle. If this link is established than our principle was Mr. Powell. The Alias TV series also is a look alike to Sydney. In the TV show, a black agent does what they call a drive by after a bungled espionage exchange, and then he kills the double agent who betrays them. This movie helped me deal with some decisions I was facing in 1986 but I was new to HS in 1984. Ben, Adam, Jen, and Debbie stuck together since we had been in JHS together and it was an easy transition. The 1984 and 1985 yearbook says it all; Asians (a cheerleader named Yong Baez, a Chinese guy named Roe, and a feminine Filipino named Tad; and a host of mixed race - Mia, the Kronbusch girls, the Shepard girls, the Ruth girls, along with the Gregg girls. There were a lot more and I had never met them or knew what this was about. So we did our own thing and ignored them since they were older and very rich.
The President at this time was Cartier and had a red head as a doter. I describe a problem with this already and how radical they are; not sophisticated and who refuses to accept no for an answer and keep away. The Reagan years were uneventful but he had been Hollywood. The 1980s were not good for the labor unions, communists, or the liberals; a decade of total disaster and decadence. At or around this time, there is a case of a Marine wife at Camp Pendleton. She was charged with poisoning her husband and HS sweetheart with arsenic and then celebrating or sleeping with men immediately afterwards; an insurance scam. We attribute all of these problems to the labor unions and left wing who are losing badly and an utter failure. To solve this case, you do not have to look far because we have caught the master minds or people behind all of this. It is going on now and we describe in detail how psychopathic they truly are and why. All day and night is spent fending them off or a chase around the house, if not by a male then a female. Meanwhile the landlord is trying to refuse a refund and evict; the labor unions, mafia, and communist all wrapped in one package. All of this led to Clinton or anti-war, anti-Vietnam, and the peace movement.
These cases have several key features. They are all domestic cases that involve an international police. They involve wives or spouses. They involve the possibility of infidelity and long term separations from spouses. They all involve regimented or very controlled lifestyles of military families. Worse, they are intended to puzzle and confuse investigators; every deception and mystery is added into them. So it plays on the imagination and fantasy in the mind, mystery and theory. None of these cases are clear cut or easy to solve and involve the possibility of a mole or a spy. Is it the wife? Is it the husband? Is it a combination of the two or both? Based on what we know, these spies and terrorist are suicidal and it is not always the male who is the suspect; however, it is the female who ends up dead. So the females are the key piece being moved on this chess board. A base commander will agree this is not good fort the military or other families who face this unpredictability or paranoia. This fear that if one enemy enters the base or family unit; the wife dies. There are cases where the husband is the murderer and cases where the wife appears to be a spy or a lookout. Also, it could be financial and cashing out of a lurid and illegal life of secrets. We know these terrorist and infiltrators to have an artificial relationship and lack any respect for human life. They act like a mafia and cannibalize their own ranks to cover up the tracks.
There is a mystery person watching the female in the NC Eastburn case. The schedule is routine. The total number of kids is known. When they go to bed, take a shower, or are finally asleep is known. The killer knows when the husband will return or how long he will be gone. The killer knows the husband is going to call on Thursday. Oddly, both Ann and Alex are undergoing the same watchful eye by the same suspects, captured and caught trying to get closer to us or court us into some form of rant or romantic interlude. They vary from compliments to insults; and the deception and denial is to cover up the intent. These cases indicate a helpless female; we have a predator, a spy, terrorist, and a psychopathic female; a very rare capture. On a psychopathic scale or malicious level; it is above 10 and Hannibal Lector does not even compare; but she hides and invents stories about her kids in danger. These cases are the perfect backdrop for this kind of scam.
Based on over 20 years of studying this terrorist bunch; we know them to not only rape and kill but to place the blame on the victims. To execute the crime and then to use any or all means of deception to suggest it was the fault of the victim. The primary motive is jealousy or a switch places which does not go down well. Jana only remembers a voice that children have inside them. They do not remember what they did that day or any events; but this voice has awakened them. The source is unknown but is an adult; to tell her or give her instructions "get out of the house... be quiet... mommy needs help." So the Katie stayed up for a phone call from her husband, she does not answer and there is a problem, she is in the living room and taken to the master bedroom. There for some time, the oldest hears cries or help or scary noises and runs to the aid of her mom where a gory slaughter takes place. The additional killings are erratic and to "get even" for spoiling his plans of that evening; ruined him. The voice may be her mom or a guardian angel but is so powerful it will be her last memory. Adrenaline works the same way and in matters that defy human understanding; people react to emergencies on a higher plane. So killing the children was out of anger or rage due to a change of plans or a fix.
The killer has stalked her or cased her for over two weeks. He knows when the husband is returning. He knows her Thursday schedule and how she stays up for a phone call. He is probably in the house already but hiding. Then he confronts her and makes her know nobody has to be hurt and to cooperate; she does and this is how the odd crime scene in two places happen. There is no blood or trauma, only lust, rage, and a willingness to fulfill a fantasy built up over two or more weeks. How or why this fantasy got the way it did is unknown and will never be known; but infidelity or jealousy may be one of them (very pretty wife on base or at the PX). So Katie is handicapped by the presence of children and must cooperate; expect more rapes of this kind. The frequency of the events indicate a planned event; not a random one. The planned event was a total lack of security with the dog now gone. So a game is being played covertly as it is being played right now; go away, leave, just leave us alone.
Things would have turned out differently had the oldest not come to the aid of her mom. There is also the appearance of infidelity or even previous attraction; again, part of the game. The hat might indicate a ski mask and demeanor suggest he walked out the front door. If this was the case, more evidence would be there such as blood splatter or fingerprints on glasses and cups; even the bathroom. It is difficult to believe he wanted to return the dog he adopted two days ago; this is part of the game and "watching" the other side being done to us now. If you watch the iRush or iHannity closely; they make it easy to finger them but difficult at trial. So everything fits except the forensic evidence but the person at the scene can easily clear this up.
I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
This is a hiring and firing process. It involves religion and whom is hiring two religious people. It is a clue for a larger case. To solve this case you must look at financial problems. I myself do not know or do not have the information to analyze who would kill Lindsay or Jason. I have a tendency of solving cases for the FBI. There are things occurring in Michigan that does not agree with the events in their life or their career. Is it possible Jason either used stolen money or got pulled into some money matter which led to his death? He spent or paid for a wonderful trip and had a wedding not long after they returned. This is a financial murder. So here is the question, are these cases mob rule, a terror plot, or a murder plot?
Therefore, I assume his Christian work reached out to unsavory characters and somehow or someone wanted to "help." I think they met or were being watched by this person who already judged them upon arriving at this Fishead Beach in Oregon. This location is the location of many other mysteries such as DB Cooper and a Portland mafia underworld. So people tend to do things without actually getting involved in the act itself. If you read the log book; there is a conversation with them in the final weeks; they are made to appear at peace.
I do not want to view their stay at this lover's lane beach as more than romantic; but nobody carries a .45 Marlin around unless they have a violin or music case. This individual was professional and left no trace; in the dead of night and dark. So they were lured to this lover's cove or where nobody would hear or could call for help; a meeting place. A couple's place that they had been there before; whatever they were involved in, they kept secret and remains one. What you are doing is looking for the wrong clues in a sea of unknown. Is this location easy to hide or hide a crime? Is this random or preplanned? Did he have a job or a financial plan involved? The question is who pays or paid?
How many people is skilled enough to kill two people from a far place; for a reason that is also hidden? I do not think Jason stole money and was caught because of his wedding or maybe a few hundred dollars to go on this trip. What I think is he may be a middle man; thus, he will receive a finders fee or bonus for only setting up a contract; thus a contract was being set up. I also feel he kept Lindsay away and truly loved her. Do not read the log left behind and put too much into it. Whomever killed them wanted it to be found. Never take for granted a crime scene where there are no shells, footprints, or clues left behind. Since there is nobody and this is nowhere; the difficulty is immense.
It is also possible they are running; thus this trip. It is possible a past love or relation was ending; however, I do not think a stalker can carry a weapon across the US in such a way. The Marlin in 1980 cost around $175 only; not the best gun or a popular one. The idea you have to walk up on a victim is part of why this is a very skilled killer. We can tell Jason and Lindsay were thinking about death or some end - sun, summer, day, etc... so there is some risk and uncertainty. So this is a financial crime and you cannot rule out any motives, good or bad. Had the crime taken place at a residence or a real property; the disposal of the vehicle and disposal of evidence becomes very difficult; so the circumstances indicate every method to prevent discovery. Nobody writes in a book if the tide will take it away and made to look as if a few weeks had taken place. Had the log been 1 or 2 years; then matters would be different.
Remember, Christians work with bad people and are drawn into things evil. They had been here before (Fishead Beach and Oregon). It is known for mafia or drug related activity; Jason does strike me having friends or from a background of bad characters. He may have found Christ but his friends have not; that is where to look. He is acting on the behalf of someone and has reached the most dangerous point. Who they are fighting is in Portland OR and very dangerous. It is unfortunate but the reality is they may have known danger or punishment was coming and were running. This was a meeting. This was a professional killer. This discovery was an accident. There is no evidence. This is not a murder suicide and that log is not a suicide note.
Had the helicopter not discovered the bodies, it would have been pulled into the water at tide. The weapon was disposed or traded by someone who knows weapons. This is a rare weapon; a very odd one. It is difficult to believe it just disappeared. Some form of theft or crime had preceded the event; it was not motivated by rape or kidnapping; an act of betrayal. The police missed the opportunity to stake out the "lover's lane" to see who else showed up or where they were from. This opportunity may still be available.
There is a string of these killings and the victims are always college aged kids. First was the most recent at or around Virginia Tech in 2009 and also 2008. There were two there and other cases that implanted this idea of communist spies or couples fighting. There was another case in Arizona that involved Lumbaugh-Gurrieri. All of these cases involved "couples killed while camping." The method and story sounds like the Zodiac Killer or the Son of Sam Killer in NYC. During this time, the case was stuck on a trip to Niger.
Since 2006, the upstairs suspects have gone camping regularly. At or around the time of the flash floods in Arkansas camp sites; they have since stopped. The frequency of this camping totals between 15 to 20 in four years. It also sounded like the days in Vietnam when the woods were haunted and some men were scared to go into the jungle at night. When there were a lot of killings or battles at night in a region; even soldiers refused to go there. The template we are using are the actions in our life, victories; and this process of compliments to the communist based on the Vietnam War; insults.
The one thing we know about the females is they try to convert men into customers. So they want a sex crazed lunatic, a pervert, or a sex addict to use their services. Sex can be healthy and it can be a business or exploited. So the people we are dealing with have chosen these two and want to send out a message; not rape or sex, something else. The analysis is they went here to fool around and have some privacy; they are engaged. That is not a crime and they do not need an audience; or do they? Onlookers wonder why or how they got there, if sex or rape was involved, etc... So it is just as this killer expects and we are on his trail as usual. Again, there is no clue and not only this, Portland, OR is a major hub for this revolutionary command.
In the case recently in NC and the police chief, it led to Niagara Falls and a quick manhunt. There wasn't all of these problems or bickering back and forth. In the case of Virginia Tech and the ongoing discovery of bodies; nobody knows what is going on there. Then there was the Ann Pressley murder in AR to represent an effigy. Then we get the Discovery HQ bomb plot and how it led to a group who grew up together, take on other kids, declared themselves the greatest generation, and have decided to fight it out to the end. Sex is not a crime; they have made looks, genes, superior qualities, and wholesome quality a crime; destroy achievement.
This group is a cohesive and a tightly knit bunch; very secretive. So if you have problems, you call them and they fix it or hide your secrets. Over the weekend of September 18-19, 2010 an attack was underway and it death of Clinton. The lurid sex stories, the continuance of their career and 1960s plots, the ongoing effort to seek revenge or avenge their father's name; and these promiscuous females they have in their circle who spread female sex or power has been shut down. They are in a precarious situation and do not know exactly how to handle it. So marketing the prostitution business was overlapping the internet revolution and why. To create as many sex crazed lunatics who can use the services or hookers as possible. This was why the demand shot up there with the supply.
CLICK HERE to watch the KKK and The Communist Party of NC shoot it out in Greensboro, NC!
Also, CLICK HERE for two year killing spree at North Carolina rest homes by fellow patients who had histories.
CLICK HERE to watch ICE units close in on sex traffickers and illegal immigrants in the Lake Powell region of UT.
CLICK HERE to watch Chris Kringle masturbating on TV to Christian rock, edited by Billy Graham ministries!
I remember Jennifer had moved away and used to talk to the principal a lot. The traffic was horrendous and she complained about it and arriving late all the time. She had a new Blazer and Debbie would have to talk to the principal also; to help Jennifer. In JHS, Ben-Adam-I used to play pranks on each other constantly. So I assume Jennifer was the bold one who shook our hands and brought Debbie into our group but she was smoking hot. I never noticed but I heard comments about her smoking hot body or looks a lot. Debbie lived near the Bolands; who I have mentioned as the sweetest woman I had ever met. Her husband was a spy catcher at the FBI and they had a daughter who was very pretty but got in some trouble. So she moved away and was distant for a while. For some reason there is a lot of attention on this Debbie girl and her relationship with the principal.
The story of Jennifer and Debbie; also the principal of our HS in 1987 and 1988; begins in JHS and the reason why it is interesting is because it sounds like Michelle and Amy Baker. Michelle moved away and her cousin went to our school. Then I met Michelle at a party at the beach upon graduation and did not know or never knew. Jennifer was the kind that went up to guys and was their buddy; hugs them and shows affection. We took her in and Ben and Adam was on the swim team with both of them. So I did not know them too well; but remember when they approached me in 7th grade and I was close to Jennifer. Through Jennifer I met Debbie; likewise, through me both of them met Ben and Adam. All of us were powerful swimmers when very young; Ben and Adam were stars on the swim team. Understand, when I was only 5 I was at the pool every day and scuba diving. So someone is watching us and trying to move in or rip us apart.
Ben and Adam go back to elementary school and were very close friends; laughing constantly. So the big problem was when Jennifer moved away and the issues constantly with the principal. Traffic in the area is horrible and up to a two hour drive. The school buses can also have an arduous morning drive. Jennifer liked Mr. Powell, Debbie did not and used to comment about him. Debbie was more of a protector and really close to her mom; so if there was a problem, she would tell her mom instantly. Ben and Adam had really good memories with me; as with Ann; I am usually the brains and initiator. We did a lot of things and had a lot of stories. I was not on the swim team but was a very powerful swimmer at a young age and scuba dived. I would take naps on the water and got swim lessons. My influence was through a US Army Ranger who gave us swim lessons when young. My interest was scuba diving; not swimming or the swim team even if the four of us grew up together.
I felt these two wanted to just be friends and I had a lot of women who were the protector types from my neighbors, Ann, and a few other girls. We were the champions of the school and this attracted them. Michelle was there also and she was the fastest runner out of all the girls; but never involved with us. Amy was nowhere until sophmore or junion year of HS. Essentially, there is a party of five from JHS: Me, Adam, Ben, Jennifer, and Debbie. When we graduate, it will still be the five of us mixed in the bunch of Camelot crew and this spy ring. The Camelot crew and the spy ring are the aggressive and violent ones; not our party of five in JHS even if Michelle Quinn is the champion female. As far as swimming, Michelle was a swimmer. I was the only one who had veered off and did not pursue the swim team in HS. I was never in a argument with Ben, Adam, Jennifer, or Debbie; until 1987 or so when things soured up because of Chris and Ukwang. All the bad memories are from 1987 to 1989; after Ann I never looked back.
I never noticed Debbie but I know Debbie drove them crazy. Jennifer had a lot of problems and always hugged us, a long commute to go to our school. I was friends with Jennifer and the funny crazy guy. Here is how to compare how pretty Debbie was. Valerie looks like Jennifer but she was never jealous of Debbie. This is why I heard comments about her all the time from them; as if their heads were going to explode. Michelle next door is not as pretty but lives near Valerie in NC. Jennifer Burr had a cool Blazer SUV and drove Debbie around all the time. When I met Debbie, I compare it like the Beaches movie at the boardwalk, one trying to be like the other. If you compare Debbie to Valerie, multiply two on the looks category and imagine a 5'8" lanky girl even more gorgeous and swim team superstar: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/nc-police-chiefs-daughter-killed-authorities-hunting-sex/story?id=11679635
This is a hiring and firing process. It involves religion and whom is hiring two religious people. It is a clue for a larger case. To solve this case you must look at financial problems. I myself do not know or do not have the information to analyze who would kill Lindsay or Jason. I have a tendency of solving cases for the FBI. There are things occurring in Michigan that does not agree with the events in their life or their career. Is it possible Jason either used stolen money or got pulled into some money matter which led to his death? He spent or paid for a wonderful trip and had a wedding not long after they returned. This is a financial murder. So here is the question, are these cases mob rule, a terror plot, or a murder plot?
Therefore, I assume his Christian work reached out to unsavory characters and somehow or someone wanted to "help." I think they met or were being watched by this person who already judged them upon arriving at this Fishead Beach in Oregon. This location is the location of many other mysteries such as DB Cooper and a Portland mafia underworld. So people tend to do things without actually getting involved in the act itself. If you read the log book; there is a conversation with them in the final weeks; they are made to appear at peace.
I do not want to view their stay at this lover's lane beach as more than romantic; but nobody carries a .45 Marlin around unless they have a violin or music case. This individual was professional and left no trace; in the dead of night and dark. So they were lured to this lover's cove or where nobody would hear or could call for help; a meeting place. A couple's place that they had been there before; whatever they were involved in, they kept secret and remains one. What you are doing is looking for the wrong clues in a sea of unknown. Is this location easy to hide or hide a crime? Is this random or preplanned? Did he have a job or a financial plan involved? The question is who pays or paid?
How many people is skilled enough to kill two people from a far place; for a reason that is also hidden? I do not think Jason stole money and was caught because of his wedding or maybe a few hundred dollars to go on this trip. What I think is he may be a middle man; thus, he will receive a finders fee or bonus for only setting up a contract; thus a contract was being set up. I also feel he kept Lindsay away and truly loved her. Do not read the log left behind and put too much into it. Whomever killed them wanted it to be found. Never take for granted a crime scene where there are no shells, footprints, or clues left behind. Since there is nobody and this is nowhere; the difficulty is immense.
It is also possible they are running; thus this trip. It is possible a past love or relation was ending; however, I do not think a stalker can carry a weapon across the US in such a way. The Marlin in 1980 cost around $175 only; not the best gun or a popular one. The idea you have to walk up on a victim is part of why this is a very skilled killer. We can tell Jason and Lindsay were thinking about death or some end - sun, summer, day, etc... so there is some risk and uncertainty. So this is a financial crime and you cannot rule out any motives, good or bad. Had the crime taken place at a residence or a real property; the disposal of the vehicle and disposal of evidence becomes very difficult; so the circumstances indicate every method to prevent discovery. Nobody writes in a book if the tide will take it away and made to look as if a few weeks had taken place. Had the log been 1 or 2 years; then matters would be different.
Remember, Christians work with bad people and are drawn into things evil. They had been here before (Fishead Beach and Oregon). It is known for mafia or drug related activity; Jason does strike me having friends or from a background of bad characters. He may have found Christ but his friends have not; that is where to look. He is acting on the behalf of someone and has reached the most dangerous point. Who they are fighting is in Portland OR and very dangerous. It is unfortunate but the reality is they may have known danger or punishment was coming and were running. This was a meeting. This was a professional killer. This discovery was an accident. There is no evidence. This is not a murder suicide and that log is not a suicide note.
Had the helicopter not discovered the bodies, it would have been pulled into the water at tide. The weapon was disposed or traded by someone who knows weapons. This is a rare weapon; a very odd one. It is difficult to believe it just disappeared. Some form of theft or crime had preceded the event; it was not motivated by rape or kidnapping; an act of betrayal. The police missed the opportunity to stake out the "lover's lane" to see who else showed up or where they were from. This opportunity may still be available.
There is a string of these killings and the victims are always college aged kids. First was the most recent at or around Virginia Tech in 2009 and also 2008. There were two there and other cases that implanted this idea of communist spies or couples fighting. There was another case in Arizona that involved Lumbaugh-Gurrieri. All of these cases involved "couples killed while camping." The method and story sounds like the Zodiac Killer or the Son of Sam Killer in NYC. During this time, the case was stuck on a trip to Niger.
Since 2006, the upstairs suspects have gone camping regularly. At or around the time of the flash floods in Arkansas camp sites; they have since stopped. The frequency of this camping totals between 15 to 20 in four years. It also sounded like the days in Vietnam when the woods were haunted and some men were scared to go into the jungle at night. When there were a lot of killings or battles at night in a region; even soldiers refused to go there. The template we are using are the actions in our life, victories; and this process of compliments to the communist based on the Vietnam War; insults.
The one thing we know about the females is they try to convert men into customers. So they want a sex crazed lunatic, a pervert, or a sex addict to use their services. Sex can be healthy and it can be a business or exploited. So the people we are dealing with have chosen these two and want to send out a message; not rape or sex, something else. The analysis is they went here to fool around and have some privacy; they are engaged. That is not a crime and they do not need an audience; or do they? Onlookers wonder why or how they got there, if sex or rape was involved, etc... So it is just as this killer expects and we are on his trail as usual. Again, there is no clue and not only this, Portland, OR is a major hub for this revolutionary command.
In the case recently in NC and the police chief, it led to Niagara Falls and a quick manhunt. There wasn't all of these problems or bickering back and forth. In the case of Virginia Tech and the ongoing discovery of bodies; nobody knows what is going on there. Then there was the Ann Pressley murder in AR to represent an effigy. Then we get the Discovery HQ bomb plot and how it led to a group who grew up together, take on other kids, declared themselves the greatest generation, and have decided to fight it out to the end. Sex is not a crime; they have made looks, genes, superior qualities, and wholesome quality a crime; destroy achievement.
This group is a cohesive and a tightly knit bunch; very secretive. So if you have problems, you call them and they fix it or hide your secrets. Over the weekend of September 18-19, 2010 an attack was underway and it death of Clinton. The lurid sex stories, the continuance of their career and 1960s plots, the ongoing effort to seek revenge or avenge their father's name; and these promiscuous females they have in their circle who spread female sex or power has been shut down. They are in a precarious situation and do not know exactly how to handle it. So marketing the prostitution business was overlapping the internet revolution and why. To create as many sex crazed lunatics who can use the services or hookers as possible. This was why the demand shot up there with the supply.
CLICK HERE to watch the KKK and The Communist Party of NC shoot it out in Greensboro, NC!
Also, CLICK HERE for two year killing spree at North Carolina rest homes by fellow patients who had histories.
CLICK HERE to watch ICE units close in on sex traffickers and illegal immigrants in the Lake Powell region of UT.
CLICK HERE to watch Chris Kringle masturbating on TV to Christian rock, edited by Billy Graham ministries!
I remember Jennifer had moved away and used to talk to the principal a lot. The traffic was horrendous and she complained about it and arriving late all the time. She had a new Blazer and Debbie would have to talk to the principal also; to help Jennifer. In JHS, Ben-Adam-I used to play pranks on each other constantly. So I assume Jennifer was the bold one who shook our hands and brought Debbie into our group but she was smoking hot. I never noticed but I heard comments about her smoking hot body or looks a lot. Debbie lived near the Bolands; who I have mentioned as the sweetest woman I had ever met. Her husband was a spy catcher at the FBI and they had a daughter who was very pretty but got in some trouble. So she moved away and was distant for a while. For some reason there is a lot of attention on this Debbie girl and her relationship with the principal.
The story of Jennifer and Debbie; also the principal of our HS in 1987 and 1988; begins in JHS and the reason why it is interesting is because it sounds like Michelle and Amy Baker. Michelle moved away and her cousin went to our school. Then I met Michelle at a party at the beach upon graduation and did not know or never knew. Jennifer was the kind that went up to guys and was their buddy; hugs them and shows affection. We took her in and Ben and Adam was on the swim team with both of them. So I did not know them too well; but remember when they approached me in 7th grade and I was close to Jennifer. Through Jennifer I met Debbie; likewise, through me both of them met Ben and Adam. All of us were powerful swimmers when very young; Ben and Adam were stars on the swim team. Understand, when I was only 5 I was at the pool every day and scuba diving. So someone is watching us and trying to move in or rip us apart.
Ben and Adam go back to elementary school and were very close friends; laughing constantly. So the big problem was when Jennifer moved away and the issues constantly with the principal. Traffic in the area is horrible and up to a two hour drive. The school buses can also have an arduous morning drive. Jennifer liked Mr. Powell, Debbie did not and used to comment about him. Debbie was more of a protector and really close to her mom; so if there was a problem, she would tell her mom instantly. Ben and Adam had really good memories with me; as with Ann; I am usually the brains and initiator. We did a lot of things and had a lot of stories. I was not on the swim team but was a very powerful swimmer at a young age and scuba dived. I would take naps on the water and got swim lessons. My influence was through a US Army Ranger who gave us swim lessons when young. My interest was scuba diving; not swimming or the swim team even if the four of us grew up together.
I felt these two wanted to just be friends and I had a lot of women who were the protector types from my neighbors, Ann, and a few other girls. We were the champions of the school and this attracted them. Michelle was there also and she was the fastest runner out of all the girls; but never involved with us. Amy was nowhere until sophmore or junion year of HS. Essentially, there is a party of five from JHS: Me, Adam, Ben, Jennifer, and Debbie. When we graduate, it will still be the five of us mixed in the bunch of Camelot crew and this spy ring. The Camelot crew and the spy ring are the aggressive and violent ones; not our party of five in JHS even if Michelle Quinn is the champion female. As far as swimming, Michelle was a swimmer. I was the only one who had veered off and did not pursue the swim team in HS. I was never in a argument with Ben, Adam, Jennifer, or Debbie; until 1987 or so when things soured up because of Chris and Ukwang. All the bad memories are from 1987 to 1989; after Ann I never looked back.
I never noticed Debbie but I know Debbie drove them crazy. Jennifer had a lot of problems and always hugged us, a long commute to go to our school. I was friends with Jennifer and the funny crazy guy. Here is how to compare how pretty Debbie was. Valerie looks like Jennifer but she was never jealous of Debbie. This is why I heard comments about her all the time from them; as if their heads were going to explode. Michelle next door is not as pretty but lives near Valerie in NC. Jennifer Burr had a cool Blazer SUV and drove Debbie around all the time. When I met Debbie, I compare it like the Beaches movie at the boardwalk, one trying to be like the other. If you compare Debbie to Valerie, multiply two on the looks category and imagine a 5'8" lanky girl even more gorgeous and swim team superstar: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/nc-police-chiefs-daughter-killed-authorities-hunting-sex/story?id=11679635
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The VC Gook upstairs was given a 24 hour ultimatum. They kept blaming or saying how we were "steering hurricanes" so I told them I will have to steer another hurricane on Las Vegas somehow and to put their boss on the line in 24 hours so I can grill the SOB with "what in hell do you think you are doing." Bill Clinton comes on NBC and begins to talk about how he lost 24lbs., he kept saying "here is the thing, what are we going to do", and would not answer any questions. So the reason why these red heads are acting stupid is him. The reason why there is bizarre, lurid, and the most perverted sexual allegations; is him and them. The reason why there are so many skanks who keep engaging in adultry is the standards they live by. The reason why it has to do with Vietnam or some retaliation or revenge, has to do with their stupid American experience. The reason why all of these marriages is because of their insane mating habits. The reason why I have complained about screaming "no" at them so much is because of their daughters and how grotesque their appearance is. When there is danger, they do what is programmed in them; bend over like a man or roll over like a hooker. That is why. So the leader of all this Viet Cong, Gook, and communist master plots is the Clintons. The odd part is they may be right; Clinton is in Paki-stand and Clinton II is in Hate-me. Oddly, they claim we are steering hurricanes so let me try to steer one on Las Vegas! So that is who is behind all of this and why. That was twice they were ordered to put their boss on the phone and address this; instead they keep saying, "what are we going to do?" So if God or something "steers" a hurricane or tornado on Las Vegas, tell Clinton to ejaculate and shut the F up. Nobody is interested in having sex with them or their daughters; no less be an adulterer; knock it off. It is also the mafia behind these terror plots and all of this crime; but Clinton is their leaders and we have their Generals. So they are terrorists and going around acting like VC, then telling everybody Asian are sympathetic or are in love with a piece of trash liar.
Although the VC Gook upstairs is a total inferior jackass; they are sneaking around at 2am or 4am and having meetings with me. The adultry levels are over the top and a game of these females. This Israel or Zionist plot to control the work is also immersed in this as I described; so the King Jackass is Clinton and their General; iRush is taking the fire and ice of it all. If you want to see the most disgusting human being imaginable; we have them now and he or they keep saying, "what are we going to do?" How about "talk to me one more time or try to sleep with me, man or women, I will retaliate and punch your lights out like the jackass and skanky slut you are. This is also why the landing strip traces back to red and this repulsive "cannot be beaten" imbecile who is a total disaster. All of them got married in the last two years and all of them are back at the sleeping around or adultry problem. Clinton like the moron and idiot iRush and iHannity is; is just dropping his stinky biohazard semen everywhere and we did not know who did it or why; now we do. They have a problem with reality, are oblivious to danger, cannot withstand facts, and are so psychotic they do not want to be insulted. This is why the global communist, North Koreans, terrorism, and police-murder problems. We have a string of murder and cold cases which indicate a police officer or an assasin, a death squad or serial killer. Nobody is happy when an idiot and jackass thinks they are God and is dropping their semen in the life of others mysteriously or annonymously; no less a fighting iRush to subdue superior or normal lives. None of them have a normal life, all of them are adulterers, all of them are skanks and perverted, but they only see victory and destruction. That was twice they were ordered to put their boss on the phone and address these complaints. They keep saying, "what are we going to do?" I want to personally tell the mafia and their rich leaders nobody wanted this; nobody. Nobody wants to make love to them married or not; red head or brunette. What are they going to do? Have they tried stop talking to us? Also, tell the mafia to get their lazy ass down here and F that fat skank; it is going to be a funny orgy when they get leveled and got bukaked! Also, I want each of them to get in an adulterous affair with a nit-wit jackass or piece of trailer trash and write stories about how powerful it feels.
Fact: The name of the Robere Gibbs look alike is Chris Dawkins (red hair, bully, trouble maker, mooch, stupid, nowhere or dead end life, rich parents, always wants in...); compare the two and ask why I keep saying they are the HS spy ring? Dawkins was insane and so annoying, I left parties and did not even want to be in the same room with him or his friends.
Fact: Did the South African girl I describe, the nanny for Sweedish ambassadors, have an accent? No. Oddly, she had no accent and was only in the states for a Nanny position. Did I ask to see her ID? Yes. She said she had none. Also, the name was her "roomate" who had to leave the country and she was a fill in. Did I offer to drive her home? Yes. She said she had to take the subway; I said let me drive her and she was very in control. To make it worse, they sent me a 25K bill; wonderful service. Not long after my email was bombarded and shut down by spam; often from Nigeria and this Prince, send money. Everybody thought it was so strange and a joke.
As mentioned repeatedly, we are easily mistaken as royals or the leaders of the cold war. So who would contact us and who are their Princes and royals? If this is about oil and terrorism; who is on the top of the list? To contact or sit at the table with royals; you must show your credibility and sanity; not send dirt balls or scum bags; who is credible enough to sit at this table and finish up the talks began around the 1980s after World War II and Vietnam? We know their church is spying on us but is it Islam or the communist trying to unite and become partners? To sit at this poker table, you must show you are credible and of equal power; otherwise, plead guilty. Is this about the Unabomber or bomb plots or only the impact of technology and Asia? Who out there is powerful and smart enough to logically sit at this table or lecture like a college professor; a master spy and the most elusive terrorist on the planet who can disappear and remain hidden for over 30 years? Who can pay for tuition or act royal? It is almost strange how the Civil Rights and race card in America resembles the one in Africa; if not dependent on each other. So is the American Taliban or jackass writing policies in Africa?
The immigrant period of 1850 to 1950 had already ruined their reputation and future; they needed a replacement or a proxy. Why use foreign enemies to unite or garner foreign aid? Why use us or a superstar status to lure in investments or rip people off blind when everybody knows who they are or what they are up to? How do the bad guys spy on the good guys legally? All compass points north; theirs points south and we know this; so they use ours and we not only know it, we caught them in the worst way possible, HQ video. So how insane are they or is it just a theater? A horror movie meant to give others perspective and intended to be scary? How big is this hole of insanity? This is how they mistook us as royals and leaders of the cold war; it is in their head and not ours. We do not take prisoners or have any use for them. Why are all compasses pointing north again when we know theirs only points south? So the world now knows they are not fake, only liars, and not inferior or scared; they are not going to reform, resign, or give anything back. This is their home, they are not scared, not inferior, united, and they are here to save America; buzz off.
At or around the late 1980s, a bank called BCCI was shut down. BCCI and the CIA go back a long ways; but so do drug dealers, arms merchants, and other crooks or criminals. When the criminal and communist world takes such an accounting error; the process of finding a correction must be made. The best way is to use cash cows. The best cash cow is oil. Oil is not only a commodity but the liquidity of it is easily traded; hence, Enron and the scandals in the oil and housing industries. So billions are hidden and moved offshore and returns in the form of oil and energy (i.e. uranium, gold, diamonds, etc...). All a crime organization has to do is set up a middle-man. A company is now a front to move this imported commodity from a wholesale to a market level; each cut along the way determines the process of sale much like the drug trade; to go from wholesale to retail. Guns are another lucrative product; hence the merchants who move billions in military goods. Cigarettes can be a problem but cigarettes are street goods traded for lunch money. Essentially, anything that can be bargered can be used to launder money.
Nations fight wars over oil. No nation fights wars over drugs or narcotics. Oil is so desired; billions of dollars move daily. In 1973 at the advent of the energy crisis; the entire money system was shut down due to the inability to meet foreign trade and debts. The same cash cow can applogize for banks or blood money involved in terrorism. In this particular case, the exchange is in a form of a promissary note, a loan and then sold internationally. The note is worthless or junk; and the life cycle of transfer disappears. The use of cash cows or imported goods is the most flawless method known on planet earth; the next is exchange rate and bank currency bonds. A proxy bank is formed and sells bonds based on the currency rates. When a bank dumps that currency; the note disappears in thin air or is traded off to a larger bank. So the problem with the Middle East countries and oil politics has always been a hinderance and barrier to communism and this religious process of forgiveness; liberals and liberation theory. The financial end of this terror plot is also a dancer like game of death; if you cannot beat them, don't join them, rob them blind. If anybody asks, it is a conspiracy.
STALKERS, ADULTERERS, PERVERTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, TOTAL FAGS: Spending this much time with both of our attacks has really F'd your life up with both sides; you now have no control or weakened. The question is how you wish to survive; on good terms, bad terms, or by yourself; to just go away and have peace. You can finish you life broken and by yourself insisting you are happy and the most feared pundit. You do not have a plan or else the huge gap would be fixable. This time with the enemy inspired them and won their trust and admiration; now they work 24 hours to figure out how to end this with a win or on top. They are dead; what happiness do you have with them or making your life harder? Your message is not to leave; your message is not to tinker or order others around; you have a very pathological ending to this. It is not leave, go home, we are not inferior, and we do not hate; it is we are hated; we are survivors; we suffer; we fight to the death also. So the way it ends shows how similar our goals in life are and how bad some humans get to get there or to win in life. A madman and sex offender as I describe intimately. Also a peeping tom problem and blackmail-sextape with some recording device or surveillance.
FOOD PROBLEMS: We got hit by food poisoning repeatedly and nearly hsopitalized in 1998 due to vegetables and lettuce from California. It was contaminated by the Salmonella strain. Then it was present when I was in federal prison, told not to eat the food. Then it returned in 2006 to 2009 to Upstate NY; this same strain of Salmonella. It causes your stool to become blood red and makes you think you are bleeding internally. This crisis or PR firing was about the food poisoning and salmonella around the anthrax and 911; a domestic labor union in California linked to FRee, Mickey, and this illegal immigration issue. This is also the source of the kerosene heater in 2006 after the 220 hot water bill bought from Southern California on eBay; and also the flesh eating bacteria in my headphones from South Florida which ate away half my ear and permanently scarred my right ear. We knew it was iRush and his ear problem; deaf in right ear. This bacteria could not be killed and is still present; from 2006 to 2010. The flesh eating bacteria was revealed in upstate NY or unleashed at or around 2008.
STUCK OR HOSTAGE: There is a reason why it has gone up from $100 million to 1.4 billion dollars in 2010. They claim they already lost, do not know what to do, and just wants to be left alone; go away and go home. They even have the police on us and doing this in a time when people are losing their jobs by the millions. It makes you think they must have a mental illness or a personality disorder; all day and all night, if it is not hacking, messing with something, yelling some degrading or outrageous comment, then it is pressure or duress. This on top of a prisoner status; so for over 20 years we dreamed of the day when they would beg for their life and it has come true. It sucks to be them but it feels even better when this is over. They just want it all to go away and to have their way and look how much worse it got and how bad they are. That is a maniac and a traitor all wrapped up in a flag of deceit and hate. Even if the economy is horrible; they show no care in the world about their job or how to make a living; a total lunatic. To have hackers on us all day long and the police to participate; along with day and night chanting is the theater of the absurdity.
I see what you are saying. There are two suspects who do not look the part. You are searching for someone who would have interest in my work or Ann's; they must obtain it to stay on top. At the same time, you are looking for some black politician in Africa who is smart enough to be a college professor, a puppet master, and has the stealth of a Nigerian prince. The link is oil and emails. Obviously, the race plot and politics in America has a deep impact on Afrikka and if they are Princes, then this cannot slip under their radar or remain an open question. Was this an open attack on the US? They are regional experts and puppet masters for an entire continent; former Soviet master spies. They could not stop or catch the Nigerian Prince; so I suspect he is still on the loose. We do not know if Nam was involved but he is the most sophisticated and as smart or smarter than Professor Sewer.
In the case of Moon, the labor unions and the unrest is the result of many labor factions. The riots they hold shut down the country and lead to looting, violence, and total chaos. It is strange that a South Korean has so much knowledge of US politics when they are not regional experts or know the right people. So in both of these cases, the point is to know the right people if you wish to stay on top of your game. It fits the "Limbaugh" or iRush Gatsby type; a spy master that is a media expert and can teach a college course. We know that foreign aid and was based on Jonas Savimbi; socialism. Labor unions and socialism go hand in hand; especially during World War II. When it comes to labor unions, one name comes to mind, the Catholic Church. When it comes to Catholics, only one name comes to mind, JFK. So there is a reason why this Prince would hide or go into hiding; such the case of Osama. The Koreans have not contacted me; only the labor unions.
Did the Nigerians contact me? Yes, in Virginia (2005 and 2006). Look up my previous vehicle (Buick Park Avenue 1998). I installed a computer chip in it that changes the engine, this is how they are doing these plane crashes. The chip controls the intake and fuel. It is installed in less than 10 seconds (tap wire method). I purchased the Buick at a DC auction for $3200 and sold it to a Black guy in cash ($5900 no questions). Then a car load of Nigerians came to my home and purchased subwoofers, a DVD dash stereo, and car alarms. I bought this surplus off eBay and sold it used. They were in BMWs and told me they were Nigerian. They wanted or were interested in "any electronic goods" I had to sell.
They call this a "blockade." My finances sufferred tremendous, just sitting here doing nothing. I put it to good use and wrote 4 books. I asked Ann 3 times to verify, she says come to FL in case of a problem, near her. She tells me she and I are in danger; stay close. They made it impossible to stay close and the danger becomes attempted murder. So the best computer scientists out there are the Nigerians. Oddly, I have a basement full of things I cannot sell, stuck. This is how I restored my Trans Am; buy five DVD players and sell them; get one free. I also fixed up computers at the landfill; I have pictures of a truck load of high end computers or office equipment. All of my cars have new computer chips; I assume a cop just hits a switch to shut it down. With 6K cash, I turned around and searched for my dream car in NJ; paid $5.2 K for the Trans Am and dropped 3K on restoration; total bill $3.5K.
In elementary school, I met the strangest foreign kids. They literally tried to beat me up; and then they disappeared or was transferred to another school. The area is a nest for diplomats and spies. There is a string of Filipino diplomats. There were North Koreans, Pakistanis, and Indian diplomats (worked at the embassy). The majority from K-12 was Filipino and Koreans; whether or not foreigners. I have never and did not meet any of these people mentioned. The area was controlled by my Godfather a General and controlled by the Pentagon; you do something wrong and can end up transferred to California or Washington State. That is how the Pentagon operates, a process of "meeting people" and high up. It is very similar to saying, "I served and worked with Reagan" or "I served under the command of Eisenhower directly."
As far as the Nigerian Prince; computer science has never been a strong ciriculum there. I have never met any Nigerians in computer courses or electrical engineering schools. I have no idea who is teaching them or who the school they go to. At these conferences for computer security, I never met one black person, let alone Nigerian. Most of them are caucasian and a few Asians. The Prince was requesting aid. They are interested in electronic goods and high technology. They do have oil and govern over radical Islamic states. My research 1993-1995 indicated severe drought, soil depletion, soil erosion, and an inability to grow food or feed their population; severe and catastrophic basic functions of the state. In oil states or diamond states, politicians looted the government who would loot the companies for protection money or political curry.
I had dispelled the idea Angola was the African Vietnam. In 2006, Savimbi popped up out of nowhere; a Jason Bourne like reappearance. I was writing my books then and just moved to NY. It seems like a lot of people made a reappearance or showed up; the entire cast. I describe a white supremacy group and severe abuse. The entire State of NY was controlled by blacks, oddly. There was a rogue police and some prisoner problem; it was Buckeye on the loose. Joseph Sullivan the mafia hit man is all that comes to mind, he is the only felon to ever escape Attica, a famous iRush mafia killer operating in upstate NY. I then wrote you to link the Craig Titus murder in Las Vegas. Also the Craig's List killer (Leonetti's son). All my advertisement and this book on the private life of Ann was advertised weekly on Craigs List all over the US. So I blended in and managed to keep the lions at the gate of hell for two years; then they moved in and attacked again. So this is how or why Nam was involved in this.
In 2008, If you searched "Ann Coulter, romance, marriage" it would come up with a link and this book. You could then read it for free; I advertised it in the book section of major cities. Next thing I know I need a phone number and address verification. They had shut down my eBay account the same way; false charges or trumped up accusations. Craig's list does not produce, eBay does. Yahoo does not produce. Newspapers do not produce. It was free. Now Craigs list kept this book running on all searches for a month free and it led you to my blog. So they failed to shut me up and began to cut off my phone, service, and put me on a secret WAN while a peeping tom camera kept watch.
To get away, all they had to do was steal it. All the sudden porn, sex services, and trash flood on to Craigs List (SF based and very liberal); I am a bad boy so I can go with the flow. They contacted me, a girl in South FL; a Sarah Palin look alike; says 5K for a weekend and I said, "I am prepared to offer you a generous sum of $15 for your services" and the girl goes psycho on me. Then I say, "I will reconsider and am willing to up the ante with dinner." Then I contacted her and asked if she has thought it over yet? So I knew someone was watching or wanted my business. They locked me out of eBay, now Craigs list, and was isolating me. I wrote to you about how I was locked out of Ann's life as we were emailing and goofing off online; advertising the dynamic duo on various web pages. So Ann was going to political sites and had a man or BF with her and this got shut down quickly also. I was banned from "all conservative web pages" while on this secret WAN. Whatever I did from 2006 to 2010; there is no phone, no internet, and no cell phone; how? How do I write you and tip you? Someone has to have an explanation but nobody does or can, how?
As you can see, they are studying Vietnam and the Asian economic dynasty. War does not produce economies and post war or World War II reconstruction is not the premise of the Marshal Plan. So all of these mysterious terror plots and linked to African or Middle East nations is not the process of profit and nation building. It is true war afflicted Asian nations since 1900 and it is true after they recovered and moved onto bigger or better things; but this is not the premise for a global terror plot or the revival of the 1960s and communism. Communism is war and it is not the impetus behind our success or this God like parent; only an idiot would kill off millions and expect to be paid or a pot of gold. Then again, the data clearly indicates a total madman and the most psychopathic serial killer we have every encountered. They are so inferior and justify it with the most insane scams; the duuplication process is similar to a serial killer; if you do as God does enough times, you too will become God. So this is how they stay competitive and match the good guys pound for pound; or smear and tarnish the world trying.
I rememeber a hooker, a red head in Las Vegas. She had a weird name like "Misty." I do not remember the actual method of contact but usually it is them popping up unexpected and surprising you. This girl was a red head and worked at the Bunny Rank in Las Vegas. I think her name was Ashleigh or Leah. I do not remember much, she was trying to parade this red head and how sex was on everybody's mind. She was not what we consider a keeper but she asked if I had ever been to Las Vegas and wanted to visit. Then I had people online I suspected or did not know what they wanted tell me they moved to Las Vegas and how happy they were. Oddly, they are behind it all. They all act like foreigners and total lunatics; you cannot tell them stop or go away. They demand we understand and tell them what they are going to do. So this was the only hooker and a really high priced one in South Florida. If I saw her picture I would recognize her, she sent me nudes to market the service and I did not even bother to keep it. Not even try to catch her because I felt sorry and she seemed to get a lot of direction from this business. The hooker in FL was stunning and from a rich family; the Clinton red heads were sort of funny. Take a look at the problems they caused and how they keep at it. Go tell their fat fart leaders to dump their gorgeous wives and get it on with a water buffalo or trailer skank and write about how powerful and in control they are. Nobody even wants to have sex or have an adulterous life with them; no less talk to them. Now they are going around Asia telling mobsters how Asians are in love with them or totally dig their Harley. If we breed an Sicilian with one of these losers; we would get a iRush Limbaugh.
There is failure and then there is gutless inferior and worthless piece of trash. Let's see if we can measure how big this hole is and how deep? There is getting caught, getting caught with your pants down, HQ quality video and youtube popularity, then there is footprints to your home, dye in the face lies, and then we have daily TV or radio messages guilt. No it is not a tele-evangelist, it is a communist spy and a freaking terrorist plot and their leaders. So why would a piece of trash and dirt ball want to deposit eggs and slimy semen into our life no less be a slave and sex slave? Their church is huge and global; they are uncertain about the future, so they do what they know best, sex slaves or rape. There is no mistaking the poor, the labor unions, and the communists. They said, "this is our home... this is our world... you are in our world... we want you to leave" every single day for a god forsaken two years. This mathematically is the voice of an imbecile, idiot, rotten terrorist, trash pit kidnapper, and total loser barking orders over 700 times in 24 months the same demands and the same things. The iRush says he and they did all of this "to get along... unite" but it somehow ended up "we were sworn enemies." He does not understand in his mind how or what went wrong; he merely says, "you must show pain... you have no rights... it is a death sentence." So if Vegas is shut down and they pick food out of the trash, expect their wives to be back at it or with every man on the strip; see how they like it? Sin and adulterous jackasses can be a hinderance to their life and happiness also! I got a better idea; why don't they sleep with the imbecile and idiot instead of ordering us to, then telling us we have the problem and are mean!
Q: memory serving, was htere any other girls who contacted me? Yes.
1. A very expensive call girl from a very rich family in South Florida via IM messenger. Coast $5K for a weekend.
2. A female on the C and O Canal, a bodybuilder, in 1996. Spent the day riding around and she refused to give me her ID or phone number after a full day and chatting at a bar. I ran into her twice, she refused to give me an email or contact; I could not track her down and question her; this was in 1996, a muscle bound female on a bike, very elegant and pretty. Again, I felt she was on steroids. I then meet Cassandra, a huge and gorgeous beauty queen as a roommate.
3. The same type of female in NY in 2007 named Leigh. All contacts were in 2007; 2006 the girls ran me over or had men try to beat me up. I forwarded the license plates of these females.
Leigh did not run me over. Most other girls ran me over or tried to win a fight. Leigh has a cheap bike, not professional. She is 170lbs but not fat, muscle or big builds. She is attractive and humble; does her own thing with no input needed. I used to bike every day; to the State Park and back. I sat there and talked to people, socialize and heard good stories. I used to take a camera and snap tourist pictures. Then she appeared when I began to ride 25 miles to Devils Hole or Lewiston. Leigh smoked me. She did not work up a sweat, superior and not inferior. I did not know how she met me out on the course; each time she appeared at or around the water plant. I rode with her at least 5 or 6 times; I had just been contacted by a female online with a fee of $5K. Was this a follow up? Leigh gave me her email leighnp@adelphia.net; and never responded. Why give an email and only meet face to face? I called her "Leah" and she said no "Leigh"; like "get lay." Did she want a date or romance? She appeared to me as arm candy; super muscles and pretty face. Leigh is very light and white. Courtney is very dark, almost Hispanic. Carmen is pure Italian and rough looking. Do they want to see light or dark into this?
The year is 2007. Even weirder are online contacts and steamy muscle ladies. I began to get contacts online. These girls are huge; not fat but full of right stuff; then like an angel from above, a female from Portland Oregon who had been resigned over steamy 911 pictures; come into the steamy picture. All of them are A+ quality; not ugly but super sexy. I had her on myspace.com and she slipped in a short skirt and no underwear picture of her; PS I love you. She was also on NBC and her name was Shaman. I kept the photos. Another girl was from Austin-Dallas, TX. Her father was in Vietnam, in the 82nd Airborne and she is very dark complexion. This one is a beauty queen and professional body builder. She has won number one and champions, Darknees. Darknees begins to send me nudes or steamy pictures; she is a professional model. Why are female body builders in this and contacting me? Are they hookers or potential wives? Darknees begins to get risky and sends really risqué pictures on her misplace account. The other girls do not; only the bodybuilders; I have mostly surfers, a few friends from HS, and a few bands. These girls contacted me, I did not contact them. Is this to sell me sex or steroids? If so none yet; they want to see risqué behavior and we are telling them to increase the stakes; will they? What do they want, where will it lead, and when will this end?
Remember the days with Leigh? This was no fake picture or a myspace account. Leigh was a joy, quiet, never a comment or complaint. I asked her if she was on steroids, she did not say yes and no but avoided the answer completely. She told me she rode all the way to Devils Hole and back 3 times a week and still weighed 170. I raced her full speed three times. She is so fast, by the time she reaches Niagara Falls State Park; she is not in a line of sight. I asked her where she got Olympic level strength and endurance; I have it. She said nothing or would not explore that road. It was hard for me to believe a girl carrying so much weight was able to calmly peddle like an Olympic athlete and had no answers. Is she some sort of super soldier? She said she lives close and in the area but when asked; nobody knows her. The "mom" with her looks like Lori in the FBI Buffalo office; or similar, very graceful and elegant. I did think she was or may have been an FBI agent sent to protect me; if so, thank you. Who were this girl in 1996 and all of this muscle? Why mimic Laura in the FBI Buffalo office? Is this a Kenneth Starr, Discovery James Lee, or Val Tech Choice? Is this some smear or clone; a different world of cartoons and criminal madmen? It led to Craig Titus and a bizarre murder case in Las Vegas involving his wife Kelly.
Carmine and Court-me are easy to find. They never solicited any money or wrote me directly; more tease and sexy time. Leigh is a ghost. Nobody knows her and she does not come around any longer. Lonely again, I rode my bike only at night in late 2007 and 2008; at 2am-5am only. Nobody came out there with me or met me. iRush was watching me and making comments about "Dumpster Diving"; Ann got mad and referred him to Denver and the Democratic Convention. He keeps repeating “dumpster dives” and knew I was, not kewl! They went into the trash and salvaged the flags; Ann used to tell me to do this and see what they say or do. She wanted to establish the fact they knew and was talking to both of us. So twice a week I went dumpster diving and it was a treasure hunt; not something you do, something you have to do. The gigantic whale was on the line as we suspected and established; it was on and a full fight was in order. Search Ann’s posting for dumpster diving in 2008 to 2009. Leigh now disappeared; so did her mom and super fast 60 something Italian with long flowing hair on the Specialized ($800+) bike. I guess if I can afford Ann, I can also afford them? What more do they want or how much further can they take this?
In 2010, I asked around. Nobody knows Leigh. I asked the fisherman on the banks; said only a mom and her daughter ride through there. Odd, I did ask around from 2006 to 2008; "hey do you see any hot girls through here... how about that one that looks like a body builder?" She was only out there when I was; but it has to do with this peeping tom camera and sex tape Ann is telling me about. I knew who rode through the bike paths from 2006 to 2008 from 6901 to NF Park; a security detail. Once I detected it, I began to test them; at night, late in the PM hours, events or crowds, etc... I personally do not think the FBI would do this or waste their time; meanwhile, I am swimming with the sharks and waiting for a signal. These girls are annoying, are they gold diggers, they sit there in a surprise and useless manner. What do they want? Have they ever seen Johnny Utah and his muscles? He has legendary muscularity and can easily operate on Olympic rings. That is the test of strength and power at the Olympics. So they are not inferior, not lazy, and do not sit there like a bump on a log with their hands out?
Have you ever met a guy who was caught on tape heffing a cow or a goat? How about a chick that films her husband heffing a dog; then goes around and tells everybody how he got it going on and he is a champion. Okay, well that is their hell and that is what is going on in their life. Worse, they are stoic and acting as if strategy and intelligence has taken them here, "we cannot deny it" or "we are ready to die." Do you need to remind everybody how stupid and what kind of an idiot you are every single day as if strategy has or is going to blow you away to some paradise? We are talking about human trash that is willing to be eaten by sharks for screwing up a suicide mission and crime. We are talking about guys who are diseased or women who are so insane; they have to use trickery to get sex or order men to give them pleasure. A tyrant, dictator, or control freak does not even come close to what and who we are dealing with. As the interview clearly shows, they are rational, logical, but mildly cunning and manipulative.
The worst part is they try to communicate it and expect others to take them serious; as if they have it going on, are special, or feel powerful. So iRush says it is only a sensation and your surrounding determines this; so how come they are oblivious to their surrounding or the facts? How come they are oblivious to the environment of danger or this dying effect? It is them who also said confidence is only a feeling you get from the surrounding. Ask this question, why they are oblivious to the problem if this is true? We can test this in war, to see if it is just a sensation you get from the surrounding or something else. Most people who are in war tend to avoid danger and accept the outcomes or consequences; not this inferior idiot or imbecile. It is that super smart and macho insider problem and why others are just not into them; people are not nice and the truth is not deeper than who your friend is.
So that is how this started, how it was in the middle, and how it ended. It began with upstairs and Sue-landlord; it ended up with only Sue-landlord and this plot. How it got that way is up for the investigators and I have documented only observations and how it got the way it did; I have not gotten the full confession or explanation yet; they deny it all. They also refuse any rent refund or the charge of attempted murder. Now they want kids and for the hubby to watch! How disgusting and how rotten can a human being get? They want a kid... so is this kidnapping or just a murder and terror plot foiled? Why in hell would they copy the females at the FBI office who are attractive but not criminals or have a secret life? Is it stealing their Mojo or more of the same embassy party we describe; to lure investments and rip people off blind? In the end and like all cowards, they insist they are "not fake... not inferior... not scared... do not hate... and dared others to punch them in the face." Why? We knew it would not be long until the mafia caught up to them and their family; for bringing their gambling operations to a screeching halt with these terror plots and endless scams. However, the wood chipper kept on chipping and pulling people deeper into this hole until their future also came to a screeching halt. Our future is fine and we seem to be very happy without them.
Even worse, Sue begins bacteria and starts a process of torture and medical injuries. As bad as it is they now inflict physical injuries and embark on calling in bomb plots from 2009 to 2010. While this is going on, iRush says it is "still up for grabs... [we or all] married now... a female cannot be accused of rape... king of pain... we have no rights... in this together... what is in it for me... shut up, you have a book now... mistakes were made... we are better now... better human beings... death sentence... do not know how they feel... " and all day and night is a crazed female and an impotent child molester saying, "we do not know what to do... we are not inferior or hate... we want to die... ready to die." If you can beat this trash and degree of inferior, then lets see it. There is getting caught and then there is standing there and asking where they are now and if we are closer to winning. They are asking where we are and how we are going to escape or get out of this; not the reverse, how will they? Hence, this repeated daily, "cannot deny it... already dead... we are dead." If the FBI or the best in this world can feel the pain of this piece of trash or Don's Jon in our life and trying to be a sex slave or some partner in life; then we have the most disgusting story the human mind could dream up or imagine while a piece of trash and caught like a deer in the road.
The VC Gook upstairs was given a 24 hour ultimatum. They kept blaming or saying how we were "steering hurricanes" so I told them I will have to steer another hurricane on Las Vegas somehow and to put their boss on the line in 24 hours so I can grill the SOB with "what in hell do you think you are doing." Bill Clinton comes on NBC and begins to talk about how he lost 24lbs., he kept saying "here is the thing, what are we going to do", and would not answer any questions. So the reason why these red heads are acting stupid is him. The reason why there is bizarre, lurid, and the most perverted sexual allegations; is him and them. The reason why there are so many skanks who keep engaging in adultry is the standards they live by. The reason why it has to do with Vietnam or some retaliation or revenge, has to do with their stupid American experience. The reason why all of these marriages is because of their insane mating habits. The reason why I have complained about screaming "no" at them so much is because of their daughters and how grotesque their appearance is. When there is danger, they do what is programmed in them; bend over like a man or roll over like a hooker. That is why. So the leader of all this Viet Cong, Gook, and communist master plots is the Clintons. The odd part is they may be right; Clinton is in Paki-stand and Clinton II is in Hate-me. Oddly, they claim we are steering hurricanes so let me try to steer one on Las Vegas! So that is who is behind all of this and why. That was twice they were ordered to put their boss on the phone and address this; instead they keep saying, "what are we going to do?" So if God or something "steers" a hurricane or tornado on Las Vegas, tell Clinton to ejaculate and shut the F up. Nobody is interested in having sex with them or their daughters; no less be an adulterer; knock it off. It is also the mafia behind these terror plots and all of this crime; but Clinton is their leaders and we have their Generals. So they are terrorists and going around acting like VC, then telling everybody Asian are sympathetic or are in love with a piece of trash liar.
Although the VC Gook upstairs is a total inferior jackass; they are sneaking around at 2am or 4am and having meetings with me. The adultry levels are over the top and a game of these females. This Israel or Zionist plot to control the work is also immersed in this as I described; so the King Jackass is Clinton and their General; iRush is taking the fire and ice of it all. If you want to see the most disgusting human being imaginable; we have them now and he or they keep saying, "what are we going to do?" How about "talk to me one more time or try to sleep with me, man or women, I will retaliate and punch your lights out like the jackass and skanky slut you are. This is also why the landing strip traces back to red and this repulsive "cannot be beaten" imbecile who is a total disaster. All of them got married in the last two years and all of them are back at the sleeping around or adultry problem. Clinton like the moron and idiot iRush and iHannity is; is just dropping his stinky biohazard semen everywhere and we did not know who did it or why; now we do. They have a problem with reality, are oblivious to danger, cannot withstand facts, and are so psychotic they do not want to be insulted. This is why the global communist, North Koreans, terrorism, and police-murder problems. We have a string of murder and cold cases which indicate a police officer or an assasin, a death squad or serial killer. Nobody is happy when an idiot and jackass thinks they are God and is dropping their semen in the life of others mysteriously or annonymously; no less a fighting iRush to subdue superior or normal lives. None of them have a normal life, all of them are adulterers, all of them are skanks and perverted, but they only see victory and destruction. That was twice they were ordered to put their boss on the phone and address these complaints. They keep saying, "what are we going to do?" I want to personally tell the mafia and their rich leaders nobody wanted this; nobody. Nobody wants to make love to them married or not; red head or brunette. What are they going to do? Have they tried stop talking to us? Also, tell the mafia to get their lazy ass down here and F that fat skank; it is going to be a funny orgy when they get leveled and got bukaked! Also, I want each of them to get in an adulterous affair with a nit-wit jackass or piece of trailer trash and write stories about how powerful it feels.
Fact: The name of the Robere Gibbs look alike is Chris Dawkins (red hair, bully, trouble maker, mooch, stupid, nowhere or dead end life, rich parents, always wants in...); compare the two and ask why I keep saying they are the HS spy ring? Dawkins was insane and so annoying, I left parties and did not even want to be in the same room with him or his friends.
Fact: Did the South African girl I describe, the nanny for Sweedish ambassadors, have an accent? No. Oddly, she had no accent and was only in the states for a Nanny position. Did I ask to see her ID? Yes. She said she had none. Also, the name was her "roomate" who had to leave the country and she was a fill in. Did I offer to drive her home? Yes. She said she had to take the subway; I said let me drive her and she was very in control. To make it worse, they sent me a 25K bill; wonderful service. Not long after my email was bombarded and shut down by spam; often from Nigeria and this Prince, send money. Everybody thought it was so strange and a joke.
As mentioned repeatedly, we are easily mistaken as royals or the leaders of the cold war. So who would contact us and who are their Princes and royals? If this is about oil and terrorism; who is on the top of the list? To contact or sit at the table with royals; you must show your credibility and sanity; not send dirt balls or scum bags; who is credible enough to sit at this table and finish up the talks began around the 1980s after World War II and Vietnam? We know their church is spying on us but is it Islam or the communist trying to unite and become partners? To sit at this poker table, you must show you are credible and of equal power; otherwise, plead guilty. Is this about the Unabomber or bomb plots or only the impact of technology and Asia? Who out there is powerful and smart enough to logically sit at this table or lecture like a college professor; a master spy and the most elusive terrorist on the planet who can disappear and remain hidden for over 30 years? Who can pay for tuition or act royal? It is almost strange how the Civil Rights and race card in America resembles the one in Africa; if not dependent on each other. So is the American Taliban or jackass writing policies in Africa?
The immigrant period of 1850 to 1950 had already ruined their reputation and future; they needed a replacement or a proxy. Why use foreign enemies to unite or garner foreign aid? Why use us or a superstar status to lure in investments or rip people off blind when everybody knows who they are or what they are up to? How do the bad guys spy on the good guys legally? All compass points north; theirs points south and we know this; so they use ours and we not only know it, we caught them in the worst way possible, HQ video. So how insane are they or is it just a theater? A horror movie meant to give others perspective and intended to be scary? How big is this hole of insanity? This is how they mistook us as royals and leaders of the cold war; it is in their head and not ours. We do not take prisoners or have any use for them. Why are all compasses pointing north again when we know theirs only points south? So the world now knows they are not fake, only liars, and not inferior or scared; they are not going to reform, resign, or give anything back. This is their home, they are not scared, not inferior, united, and they are here to save America; buzz off.
At or around the late 1980s, a bank called BCCI was shut down. BCCI and the CIA go back a long ways; but so do drug dealers, arms merchants, and other crooks or criminals. When the criminal and communist world takes such an accounting error; the process of finding a correction must be made. The best way is to use cash cows. The best cash cow is oil. Oil is not only a commodity but the liquidity of it is easily traded; hence, Enron and the scandals in the oil and housing industries. So billions are hidden and moved offshore and returns in the form of oil and energy (i.e. uranium, gold, diamonds, etc...). All a crime organization has to do is set up a middle-man. A company is now a front to move this imported commodity from a wholesale to a market level; each cut along the way determines the process of sale much like the drug trade; to go from wholesale to retail. Guns are another lucrative product; hence the merchants who move billions in military goods. Cigarettes can be a problem but cigarettes are street goods traded for lunch money. Essentially, anything that can be bargered can be used to launder money.
Nations fight wars over oil. No nation fights wars over drugs or narcotics. Oil is so desired; billions of dollars move daily. In 1973 at the advent of the energy crisis; the entire money system was shut down due to the inability to meet foreign trade and debts. The same cash cow can applogize for banks or blood money involved in terrorism. In this particular case, the exchange is in a form of a promissary note, a loan and then sold internationally. The note is worthless or junk; and the life cycle of transfer disappears. The use of cash cows or imported goods is the most flawless method known on planet earth; the next is exchange rate and bank currency bonds. A proxy bank is formed and sells bonds based on the currency rates. When a bank dumps that currency; the note disappears in thin air or is traded off to a larger bank. So the problem with the Middle East countries and oil politics has always been a hinderance and barrier to communism and this religious process of forgiveness; liberals and liberation theory. The financial end of this terror plot is also a dancer like game of death; if you cannot beat them, don't join them, rob them blind. If anybody asks, it is a conspiracy.
STALKERS, ADULTERERS, PERVERTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, TOTAL FAGS: Spending this much time with both of our attacks has really F'd your life up with both sides; you now have no control or weakened. The question is how you wish to survive; on good terms, bad terms, or by yourself; to just go away and have peace. You can finish you life broken and by yourself insisting you are happy and the most feared pundit. You do not have a plan or else the huge gap would be fixable. This time with the enemy inspired them and won their trust and admiration; now they work 24 hours to figure out how to end this with a win or on top. They are dead; what happiness do you have with them or making your life harder? Your message is not to leave; your message is not to tinker or order others around; you have a very pathological ending to this. It is not leave, go home, we are not inferior, and we do not hate; it is we are hated; we are survivors; we suffer; we fight to the death also. So the way it ends shows how similar our goals in life are and how bad some humans get to get there or to win in life. A madman and sex offender as I describe intimately. Also a peeping tom problem and blackmail-sextape with some recording device or surveillance.
FOOD PROBLEMS: We got hit by food poisoning repeatedly and nearly hsopitalized in 1998 due to vegetables and lettuce from California. It was contaminated by the Salmonella strain. Then it was present when I was in federal prison, told not to eat the food. Then it returned in 2006 to 2009 to Upstate NY; this same strain of Salmonella. It causes your stool to become blood red and makes you think you are bleeding internally. This crisis or PR firing was about the food poisoning and salmonella around the anthrax and 911; a domestic labor union in California linked to FRee, Mickey, and this illegal immigration issue. This is also the source of the kerosene heater in 2006 after the 220 hot water bill bought from Southern California on eBay; and also the flesh eating bacteria in my headphones from South Florida which ate away half my ear and permanently scarred my right ear. We knew it was iRush and his ear problem; deaf in right ear. This bacteria could not be killed and is still present; from 2006 to 2010. The flesh eating bacteria was revealed in upstate NY or unleashed at or around 2008.
STUCK OR HOSTAGE: There is a reason why it has gone up from $100 million to 1.4 billion dollars in 2010. They claim they already lost, do not know what to do, and just wants to be left alone; go away and go home. They even have the police on us and doing this in a time when people are losing their jobs by the millions. It makes you think they must have a mental illness or a personality disorder; all day and all night, if it is not hacking, messing with something, yelling some degrading or outrageous comment, then it is pressure or duress. This on top of a prisoner status; so for over 20 years we dreamed of the day when they would beg for their life and it has come true. It sucks to be them but it feels even better when this is over. They just want it all to go away and to have their way and look how much worse it got and how bad they are. That is a maniac and a traitor all wrapped up in a flag of deceit and hate. Even if the economy is horrible; they show no care in the world about their job or how to make a living; a total lunatic. To have hackers on us all day long and the police to participate; along with day and night chanting is the theater of the absurdity.
I see what you are saying. There are two suspects who do not look the part. You are searching for someone who would have interest in my work or Ann's; they must obtain it to stay on top. At the same time, you are looking for some black politician in Africa who is smart enough to be a college professor, a puppet master, and has the stealth of a Nigerian prince. The link is oil and emails. Obviously, the race plot and politics in America has a deep impact on Afrikka and if they are Princes, then this cannot slip under their radar or remain an open question. Was this an open attack on the US? They are regional experts and puppet masters for an entire continent; former Soviet master spies. They could not stop or catch the Nigerian Prince; so I suspect he is still on the loose. We do not know if Nam was involved but he is the most sophisticated and as smart or smarter than Professor Sewer.
In the case of Moon, the labor unions and the unrest is the result of many labor factions. The riots they hold shut down the country and lead to looting, violence, and total chaos. It is strange that a South Korean has so much knowledge of US politics when they are not regional experts or know the right people. So in both of these cases, the point is to know the right people if you wish to stay on top of your game. It fits the "Limbaugh" or iRush Gatsby type; a spy master that is a media expert and can teach a college course. We know that foreign aid and was based on Jonas Savimbi; socialism. Labor unions and socialism go hand in hand; especially during World War II. When it comes to labor unions, one name comes to mind, the Catholic Church. When it comes to Catholics, only one name comes to mind, JFK. So there is a reason why this Prince would hide or go into hiding; such the case of Osama. The Koreans have not contacted me; only the labor unions.
Did the Nigerians contact me? Yes, in Virginia (2005 and 2006). Look up my previous vehicle (Buick Park Avenue 1998). I installed a computer chip in it that changes the engine, this is how they are doing these plane crashes. The chip controls the intake and fuel. It is installed in less than 10 seconds (tap wire method). I purchased the Buick at a DC auction for $3200 and sold it to a Black guy in cash ($5900 no questions). Then a car load of Nigerians came to my home and purchased subwoofers, a DVD dash stereo, and car alarms. I bought this surplus off eBay and sold it used. They were in BMWs and told me they were Nigerian. They wanted or were interested in "any electronic goods" I had to sell.
They call this a "blockade." My finances sufferred tremendous, just sitting here doing nothing. I put it to good use and wrote 4 books. I asked Ann 3 times to verify, she says come to FL in case of a problem, near her. She tells me she and I are in danger; stay close. They made it impossible to stay close and the danger becomes attempted murder. So the best computer scientists out there are the Nigerians. Oddly, I have a basement full of things I cannot sell, stuck. This is how I restored my Trans Am; buy five DVD players and sell them; get one free. I also fixed up computers at the landfill; I have pictures of a truck load of high end computers or office equipment. All of my cars have new computer chips; I assume a cop just hits a switch to shut it down. With 6K cash, I turned around and searched for my dream car in NJ; paid $5.2 K for the Trans Am and dropped 3K on restoration; total bill $3.5K.
In elementary school, I met the strangest foreign kids. They literally tried to beat me up; and then they disappeared or was transferred to another school. The area is a nest for diplomats and spies. There is a string of Filipino diplomats. There were North Koreans, Pakistanis, and Indian diplomats (worked at the embassy). The majority from K-12 was Filipino and Koreans; whether or not foreigners. I have never and did not meet any of these people mentioned. The area was controlled by my Godfather a General and controlled by the Pentagon; you do something wrong and can end up transferred to California or Washington State. That is how the Pentagon operates, a process of "meeting people" and high up. It is very similar to saying, "I served and worked with Reagan" or "I served under the command of Eisenhower directly."
As far as the Nigerian Prince; computer science has never been a strong ciriculum there. I have never met any Nigerians in computer courses or electrical engineering schools. I have no idea who is teaching them or who the school they go to. At these conferences for computer security, I never met one black person, let alone Nigerian. Most of them are caucasian and a few Asians. The Prince was requesting aid. They are interested in electronic goods and high technology. They do have oil and govern over radical Islamic states. My research 1993-1995 indicated severe drought, soil depletion, soil erosion, and an inability to grow food or feed their population; severe and catastrophic basic functions of the state. In oil states or diamond states, politicians looted the government who would loot the companies for protection money or political curry.
I had dispelled the idea Angola was the African Vietnam. In 2006, Savimbi popped up out of nowhere; a Jason Bourne like reappearance. I was writing my books then and just moved to NY. It seems like a lot of people made a reappearance or showed up; the entire cast. I describe a white supremacy group and severe abuse. The entire State of NY was controlled by blacks, oddly. There was a rogue police and some prisoner problem; it was Buckeye on the loose. Joseph Sullivan the mafia hit man is all that comes to mind, he is the only felon to ever escape Attica, a famous iRush mafia killer operating in upstate NY. I then wrote you to link the Craig Titus murder in Las Vegas. Also the Craig's List killer (Leonetti's son). All my advertisement and this book on the private life of Ann was advertised weekly on Craigs List all over the US. So I blended in and managed to keep the lions at the gate of hell for two years; then they moved in and attacked again. So this is how or why Nam was involved in this.
In 2008, If you searched "Ann Coulter, romance, marriage" it would come up with a link and this book. You could then read it for free; I advertised it in the book section of major cities. Next thing I know I need a phone number and address verification. They had shut down my eBay account the same way; false charges or trumped up accusations. Craig's list does not produce, eBay does. Yahoo does not produce. Newspapers do not produce. It was free. Now Craigs list kept this book running on all searches for a month free and it led you to my blog. So they failed to shut me up and began to cut off my phone, service, and put me on a secret WAN while a peeping tom camera kept watch.
To get away, all they had to do was steal it. All the sudden porn, sex services, and trash flood on to Craigs List (SF based and very liberal); I am a bad boy so I can go with the flow. They contacted me, a girl in South FL; a Sarah Palin look alike; says 5K for a weekend and I said, "I am prepared to offer you a generous sum of $15 for your services" and the girl goes psycho on me. Then I say, "I will reconsider and am willing to up the ante with dinner." Then I contacted her and asked if she has thought it over yet? So I knew someone was watching or wanted my business. They locked me out of eBay, now Craigs list, and was isolating me. I wrote to you about how I was locked out of Ann's life as we were emailing and goofing off online; advertising the dynamic duo on various web pages. So Ann was going to political sites and had a man or BF with her and this got shut down quickly also. I was banned from "all conservative web pages" while on this secret WAN. Whatever I did from 2006 to 2010; there is no phone, no internet, and no cell phone; how? How do I write you and tip you? Someone has to have an explanation but nobody does or can, how?
As you can see, they are studying Vietnam and the Asian economic dynasty. War does not produce economies and post war or World War II reconstruction is not the premise of the Marshal Plan. So all of these mysterious terror plots and linked to African or Middle East nations is not the process of profit and nation building. It is true war afflicted Asian nations since 1900 and it is true after they recovered and moved onto bigger or better things; but this is not the premise for a global terror plot or the revival of the 1960s and communism. Communism is war and it is not the impetus behind our success or this God like parent; only an idiot would kill off millions and expect to be paid or a pot of gold. Then again, the data clearly indicates a total madman and the most psychopathic serial killer we have every encountered. They are so inferior and justify it with the most insane scams; the duuplication process is similar to a serial killer; if you do as God does enough times, you too will become God. So this is how they stay competitive and match the good guys pound for pound; or smear and tarnish the world trying.
I rememeber a hooker, a red head in Las Vegas. She had a weird name like "Misty." I do not remember the actual method of contact but usually it is them popping up unexpected and surprising you. This girl was a red head and worked at the Bunny Rank in Las Vegas. I think her name was Ashleigh or Leah. I do not remember much, she was trying to parade this red head and how sex was on everybody's mind. She was not what we consider a keeper but she asked if I had ever been to Las Vegas and wanted to visit. Then I had people online I suspected or did not know what they wanted tell me they moved to Las Vegas and how happy they were. Oddly, they are behind it all. They all act like foreigners and total lunatics; you cannot tell them stop or go away. They demand we understand and tell them what they are going to do. So this was the only hooker and a really high priced one in South Florida. If I saw her picture I would recognize her, she sent me nudes to market the service and I did not even bother to keep it. Not even try to catch her because I felt sorry and she seemed to get a lot of direction from this business. The hooker in FL was stunning and from a rich family; the Clinton red heads were sort of funny. Take a look at the problems they caused and how they keep at it. Go tell their fat fart leaders to dump their gorgeous wives and get it on with a water buffalo or trailer skank and write about how powerful and in control they are. Nobody even wants to have sex or have an adulterous life with them; no less talk to them. Now they are going around Asia telling mobsters how Asians are in love with them or totally dig their Harley. If we breed an Sicilian with one of these losers; we would get a iRush Limbaugh.
There is failure and then there is gutless inferior and worthless piece of trash. Let's see if we can measure how big this hole is and how deep? There is getting caught, getting caught with your pants down, HQ quality video and youtube popularity, then there is footprints to your home, dye in the face lies, and then we have daily TV or radio messages guilt. No it is not a tele-evangelist, it is a communist spy and a freaking terrorist plot and their leaders. So why would a piece of trash and dirt ball want to deposit eggs and slimy semen into our life no less be a slave and sex slave? Their church is huge and global; they are uncertain about the future, so they do what they know best, sex slaves or rape. There is no mistaking the poor, the labor unions, and the communists. They said, "this is our home... this is our world... you are in our world... we want you to leave" every single day for a god forsaken two years. This mathematically is the voice of an imbecile, idiot, rotten terrorist, trash pit kidnapper, and total loser barking orders over 700 times in 24 months the same demands and the same things. The iRush says he and they did all of this "to get along... unite" but it somehow ended up "we were sworn enemies." He does not understand in his mind how or what went wrong; he merely says, "you must show pain... you have no rights... it is a death sentence." So if Vegas is shut down and they pick food out of the trash, expect their wives to be back at it or with every man on the strip; see how they like it? Sin and adulterous jackasses can be a hinderance to their life and happiness also! I got a better idea; why don't they sleep with the imbecile and idiot instead of ordering us to, then telling us we have the problem and are mean!
Q: memory serving, was htere any other girls who contacted me? Yes.
1. A very expensive call girl from a very rich family in South Florida via IM messenger. Coast $5K for a weekend.
2. A female on the C and O Canal, a bodybuilder, in 1996. Spent the day riding around and she refused to give me her ID or phone number after a full day and chatting at a bar. I ran into her twice, she refused to give me an email or contact; I could not track her down and question her; this was in 1996, a muscle bound female on a bike, very elegant and pretty. Again, I felt she was on steroids. I then meet Cassandra, a huge and gorgeous beauty queen as a roommate.
3. The same type of female in NY in 2007 named Leigh. All contacts were in 2007; 2006 the girls ran me over or had men try to beat me up. I forwarded the license plates of these females.
Leigh did not run me over. Most other girls ran me over or tried to win a fight. Leigh has a cheap bike, not professional. She is 170lbs but not fat, muscle or big builds. She is attractive and humble; does her own thing with no input needed. I used to bike every day; to the State Park and back. I sat there and talked to people, socialize and heard good stories. I used to take a camera and snap tourist pictures. Then she appeared when I began to ride 25 miles to Devils Hole or Lewiston. Leigh smoked me. She did not work up a sweat, superior and not inferior. I did not know how she met me out on the course; each time she appeared at or around the water plant. I rode with her at least 5 or 6 times; I had just been contacted by a female online with a fee of $5K. Was this a follow up? Leigh gave me her email leighnp@adelphia.net; and never responded. Why give an email and only meet face to face? I called her "Leah" and she said no "Leigh"; like "get lay." Did she want a date or romance? She appeared to me as arm candy; super muscles and pretty face. Leigh is very light and white. Courtney is very dark, almost Hispanic. Carmen is pure Italian and rough looking. Do they want to see light or dark into this?
The year is 2007. Even weirder are online contacts and steamy muscle ladies. I began to get contacts online. These girls are huge; not fat but full of right stuff; then like an angel from above, a female from Portland Oregon who had been resigned over steamy 911 pictures; come into the steamy picture. All of them are A+ quality; not ugly but super sexy. I had her on myspace.com and she slipped in a short skirt and no underwear picture of her; PS I love you. She was also on NBC and her name was Shaman. I kept the photos. Another girl was from Austin-Dallas, TX. Her father was in Vietnam, in the 82nd Airborne and she is very dark complexion. This one is a beauty queen and professional body builder. She has won number one and champions, Darknees. Darknees begins to send me nudes or steamy pictures; she is a professional model. Why are female body builders in this and contacting me? Are they hookers or potential wives? Darknees begins to get risky and sends really risqué pictures on her misplace account. The other girls do not; only the bodybuilders; I have mostly surfers, a few friends from HS, and a few bands. These girls contacted me, I did not contact them. Is this to sell me sex or steroids? If so none yet; they want to see risqué behavior and we are telling them to increase the stakes; will they? What do they want, where will it lead, and when will this end?
Remember the days with Leigh? This was no fake picture or a myspace account. Leigh was a joy, quiet, never a comment or complaint. I asked her if she was on steroids, she did not say yes and no but avoided the answer completely. She told me she rode all the way to Devils Hole and back 3 times a week and still weighed 170. I raced her full speed three times. She is so fast, by the time she reaches Niagara Falls State Park; she is not in a line of sight. I asked her where she got Olympic level strength and endurance; I have it. She said nothing or would not explore that road. It was hard for me to believe a girl carrying so much weight was able to calmly peddle like an Olympic athlete and had no answers. Is she some sort of super soldier? She said she lives close and in the area but when asked; nobody knows her. The "mom" with her looks like Lori in the FBI Buffalo office; or similar, very graceful and elegant. I did think she was or may have been an FBI agent sent to protect me; if so, thank you. Who were this girl in 1996 and all of this muscle? Why mimic Laura in the FBI Buffalo office? Is this a Kenneth Starr, Discovery James Lee, or Val Tech Choice? Is this some smear or clone; a different world of cartoons and criminal madmen? It led to Craig Titus and a bizarre murder case in Las Vegas involving his wife Kelly.
Carmine and Court-me are easy to find. They never solicited any money or wrote me directly; more tease and sexy time. Leigh is a ghost. Nobody knows her and she does not come around any longer. Lonely again, I rode my bike only at night in late 2007 and 2008; at 2am-5am only. Nobody came out there with me or met me. iRush was watching me and making comments about "Dumpster Diving"; Ann got mad and referred him to Denver and the Democratic Convention. He keeps repeating “dumpster dives” and knew I was, not kewl! They went into the trash and salvaged the flags; Ann used to tell me to do this and see what they say or do. She wanted to establish the fact they knew and was talking to both of us. So twice a week I went dumpster diving and it was a treasure hunt; not something you do, something you have to do. The gigantic whale was on the line as we suspected and established; it was on and a full fight was in order. Search Ann’s posting for dumpster diving in 2008 to 2009. Leigh now disappeared; so did her mom and super fast 60 something Italian with long flowing hair on the Specialized ($800+) bike. I guess if I can afford Ann, I can also afford them? What more do they want or how much further can they take this?
In 2010, I asked around. Nobody knows Leigh. I asked the fisherman on the banks; said only a mom and her daughter ride through there. Odd, I did ask around from 2006 to 2008; "hey do you see any hot girls through here... how about that one that looks like a body builder?" She was only out there when I was; but it has to do with this peeping tom camera and sex tape Ann is telling me about. I knew who rode through the bike paths from 2006 to 2008 from 6901 to NF Park; a security detail. Once I detected it, I began to test them; at night, late in the PM hours, events or crowds, etc... I personally do not think the FBI would do this or waste their time; meanwhile, I am swimming with the sharks and waiting for a signal. These girls are annoying, are they gold diggers, they sit there in a surprise and useless manner. What do they want? Have they ever seen Johnny Utah and his muscles? He has legendary muscularity and can easily operate on Olympic rings. That is the test of strength and power at the Olympics. So they are not inferior, not lazy, and do not sit there like a bump on a log with their hands out?
Have you ever met a guy who was caught on tape heffing a cow or a goat? How about a chick that films her husband heffing a dog; then goes around and tells everybody how he got it going on and he is a champion. Okay, well that is their hell and that is what is going on in their life. Worse, they are stoic and acting as if strategy and intelligence has taken them here, "we cannot deny it" or "we are ready to die." Do you need to remind everybody how stupid and what kind of an idiot you are every single day as if strategy has or is going to blow you away to some paradise? We are talking about human trash that is willing to be eaten by sharks for screwing up a suicide mission and crime. We are talking about guys who are diseased or women who are so insane; they have to use trickery to get sex or order men to give them pleasure. A tyrant, dictator, or control freak does not even come close to what and who we are dealing with. As the interview clearly shows, they are rational, logical, but mildly cunning and manipulative.
The worst part is they try to communicate it and expect others to take them serious; as if they have it going on, are special, or feel powerful. So iRush says it is only a sensation and your surrounding determines this; so how come they are oblivious to their surrounding or the facts? How come they are oblivious to the environment of danger or this dying effect? It is them who also said confidence is only a feeling you get from the surrounding. Ask this question, why they are oblivious to the problem if this is true? We can test this in war, to see if it is just a sensation you get from the surrounding or something else. Most people who are in war tend to avoid danger and accept the outcomes or consequences; not this inferior idiot or imbecile. It is that super smart and macho insider problem and why others are just not into them; people are not nice and the truth is not deeper than who your friend is.
So that is how this started, how it was in the middle, and how it ended. It began with upstairs and Sue-landlord; it ended up with only Sue-landlord and this plot. How it got that way is up for the investigators and I have documented only observations and how it got the way it did; I have not gotten the full confession or explanation yet; they deny it all. They also refuse any rent refund or the charge of attempted murder. Now they want kids and for the hubby to watch! How disgusting and how rotten can a human being get? They want a kid... so is this kidnapping or just a murder and terror plot foiled? Why in hell would they copy the females at the FBI office who are attractive but not criminals or have a secret life? Is it stealing their Mojo or more of the same embassy party we describe; to lure investments and rip people off blind? In the end and like all cowards, they insist they are "not fake... not inferior... not scared... do not hate... and dared others to punch them in the face." Why? We knew it would not be long until the mafia caught up to them and their family; for bringing their gambling operations to a screeching halt with these terror plots and endless scams. However, the wood chipper kept on chipping and pulling people deeper into this hole until their future also came to a screeching halt. Our future is fine and we seem to be very happy without them.
Even worse, Sue begins bacteria and starts a process of torture and medical injuries. As bad as it is they now inflict physical injuries and embark on calling in bomb plots from 2009 to 2010. While this is going on, iRush says it is "still up for grabs... [we or all] married now... a female cannot be accused of rape... king of pain... we have no rights... in this together... what is in it for me... shut up, you have a book now... mistakes were made... we are better now... better human beings... death sentence... do not know how they feel... " and all day and night is a crazed female and an impotent child molester saying, "we do not know what to do... we are not inferior or hate... we want to die... ready to die." If you can beat this trash and degree of inferior, then lets see it. There is getting caught and then there is standing there and asking where they are now and if we are closer to winning. They are asking where we are and how we are going to escape or get out of this; not the reverse, how will they? Hence, this repeated daily, "cannot deny it... already dead... we are dead." If the FBI or the best in this world can feel the pain of this piece of trash or Don's Jon in our life and trying to be a sex slave or some partner in life; then we have the most disgusting story the human mind could dream up or imagine while a piece of trash and caught like a deer in the road.
Friday, September 17, 2010
WARNING: If you get an email from a prince in Nigeria to send money; do not reply in your email!
I met a girl from South Africa in 1999 while living with Cassandra. The lady who set this "date" or mixer up was from Great Expectation who had been flooding my mail. It was clearly a scam and I was upset about it. Then they sent me a bill for $25K. The lady looked "cheap" or "worn in"; in her 50s and very dark black hair with a cheap black suit appearance. I did meet the South African girl and she said she was working as a Nanny for Swedish ambassadors in DC. Then she said she got tangled in this and not to blame her. The white girl was not dressed up in a Mao suit typical of South African leaders. She also did not have Kung Fu slippers; and she knew nothing about music or radio-TV. During this time, they kept setting me up or playing cupid with these fat-disgusting flaring nostril red heads who were just gross. They lady said to be patient and it takes time to develop a working relationship. I said F you and left the office, got evicted, and reported odd events to the FBI; then got a lawyer for a slander lawsuit.
According to her statements; her roomate put her name down on a form while in the mall and left the country to go home. Therefore, she did not really know what this was about or where this was heading. I did this because I was fed up and to play a joke on Ann; to see if she will meet me and "hit it off" on the first date. In other words, I am setting up the conditions in DC-VA around 1998 while Ann is in town and beginning her career. The other choice was to work at the same place, vacation, or frequent a bar or social event; maybe a run-in after calling her. A bike path or the same gym is a good one; perhaps a friend of a friend? Falling in love and getting married is not a one shot deal; you must be patient and let the course of nature take place; do not push and prod, let things flow easily. Also, we had been intimate but only as partners and friends. Who the hell rights a romance story about kidnapping, rape, murder plots, bombing plots, and this total insanity? Le'ts ask iRush, the labor unions, or iHannity who would do such a thing?
Like the female upstairs; her appearance was repulsive and a typical reaction is "stay away" or "go away" you loser. I had investigated a South African firm linked to biological weapons in FL while in college (NVCC-Annandale) with the tutelage of a Professor named Perino in 1989. Perino was from the University of Chicago and a sociology teacher; part of the police science course at NVCC while in night school. This Frontline follow up and investigation also led to Saddam Hussein and Iraq; the source of the chemical weapons used against the Kurds and Iran. Saddam was getting it from a South African company who was getting the ingredients from Florida. In the same class, I also studied the Angolan Civil War between (Roberto, MPLA, and Jonas Savimbi). Savimbi disappeared for over 30 years. This is why the sexy Portugeusa is involved. They contacted me in 2007 on a site called "meet-me-in-Toronto" and we had daily chats. They were so hot and gave me Portuguese recipes and restaurants in Toronto.
I documented the similarity to Vietnam and Savimbi's US trip to America. The Angolan Civil War was the bench warmers kick into theory; phony soldiers or jackasses. One of the most striking parts were the street-sweepers recruited for "Mercenary Duty." These were no the SAS or Rhodesian Scouts, these were conscripts who were on welfare. The South Vietnamese governement in the late 1950s sent a diplomatic team to DC to request "aid and counter-intelligence" training. Hence, my father fresh out of Dalat, the military academy, sent their best students and royals to the military police academy in the US headed by the Pentagon and FBI; hence Ann Coulter and her father. They somehow had met or worked together and did not know this. When they returned to South Vietnam, the CIA and Pentagon had sent special forces and covert agents to plug the leak in the Ho Chi Minh Trail on the Cambodian and Laotian border.
This strategy and plan intensified and escalated the war in South Vietnam; also cause heavy activity of men and material. Angola based on my estimation and analysis; tried a deception, to appear as South Vietnam. Afghanistan was headed in the same direction but the Civil War was won by the Northern Alliance. The Taliban then returned and tried this radicalization process which confused everybody. So it was a Trojan Horse technique; to use the history of Vietnam to request aid, military equipment, and stage a military coup. Roberto was defeated in less than two weeks; Savimbi lasted almost two years before going into hiding. He then magically showed up in 2006 as I am posting my chapters and then again in 2007 after 30 years in hiding or MIA - Bin Lazy. So Savimbi pulled another Bin Lazy but got the aid and the military arms they wanted; for the drug wars. The post behind this was North Korea and Cuba; also China. This is about African foreign policy; a region I had skipped. It is about trade and jobs; safety and women. At most, they want to help and are trying to get along; but now we are sworn enemies. This is about Africa and foreign aid; the Vietnam of Africa and MIA for 30 years; who cares? Are they POW or MIA in the Phillipines?
The case of the missing 727 from Angola has to do with scary movies. Specifically, it has to do with North Korea and Cuba; two rogue militaries operating in this locale. The plane is not for refueling, it is to suggest they have biological or pesticides. My estimation is the plane is in Angola where the region is controlled by rogues and communists; if not check Somalia. Look for a fleet of them (5 to 20 already). Also, look for someone who is skilled with this transponder system. After it sits in a hanger for five or ten years, there is really no point trying to fly it again. So if you cannot find it; then the bad guys cannot either; who sucks now? The only use for the 727 is for parts; to avoid maintenance. When you begin to interchange parts, you can avoid high bills and also expensive mechanics. Diamond mines or oil, there is very little black investments in the Western or Souther African continent; very little foreign policy and high foreign aids.
The case is about Joseph and Gabriel pushing the matter until everybody is disgruntled and upset. Then they replace Gabriel with Padilla. You cannot link the events now when they make this change. The history of Savimbi is he disappeared in 1976 and then reappeared in 2006. Osama might reappear in 30 years also. Saddam was taken out in 2002. Like Ann and with Alex; when they make this change and carry out the murder plots; you cannot link the events. These people are clearly experts at this type of theft. Who is on the other end of this peeping tom camera and recording device? None other than what I have wrote and this socialite or embassy party where we are crazed stalkers and not them; we are ticking time bombs, not them they are superstars and their parties are utter money. Who the hell is doing this or behind it?
They did this to my father also, smeared him and proclaimed themselves as partners. Mandela used to "dress and look" like my father. So did Kim Jong IL. My father looks conservative and smart as a military officer; suprisingly he is infantry and has Commandos, US Generals, and Marine Generals as friends. They do dress alike and keep in touch; their kids play with us and we have a good relation; defection. So they used the liberals and Clinton to stage a defection as the stunts in North Korea showed; the labor unions and communist are behind this. Ask my sister who works at the White House for pictures of my dad through the years and General Hamblen; those two are close. Hamblen and my father shared the same life almost and my dad is a carbon copy of Prince Charles; weak and feeble looking until you see him in uniform. Then he looks like a King. Have you ever seen Prince Charles in a uniform? This is why Diana and Ann have very similar characteristics; based on an ex and my critique; which Ann perfected and got right. If I put a picture of Linda and Ann next to each other; you would not know their body or face; but Ann is the total package when Linda was annoying, dumb, and had a good heart; I hated her and being with her. Why I chose her was the $300 Bennetto white and black dresses and her gorgeous blond hair with glasses; a trophy model. She turned out to be an annoying nympho and the biggest Polish-Catholic mind game I had ever ran into; suicide material. She is a very shy and leggy-elegant type; a knock out when you meet her. No man can resist the jeans and tight cocktail dresses. I went from her to Ann but had problems in between; constant pressure and this cupid trick we describe.
Princess Diana has an identical personality but has an IQ; Linda was just sex, hair, and drugs; after 12 months it was total insanity. After 14 months I could not get rid of her and plotted out affairs, dates with classmates, trips and concerts with girls, older women, etc... nothing worked until Ann and the US Army; but Moynihan made an introduction and put me on this chase for the ultimate sex pot or this princess type. It felt like they were and are studying me in the most annoying way; what I liked, how I reacted to BJs, if I like big boobs, nice butts, etc... can he love one girl? I called it total insanity. Even going to church on Easter with her felt like a spy movie; the Preist was talking to me like a secret mission. Then girls flocked on me and she said lets leave now... When we went to the beach, the minute the door open, she was an animal and on all fours barking at her parents condo at the beach. That is why I stayed; the trips in the winter to the beach and the nympho act; which made things worse and worse. Then she got some STD when it did not work and by then I was fuming mad but could not express it; I wanted out a long time ago and Ann is sitting there telling me to hurry up, she is waiting. I finally did the same back to her and got her mad and pushing me away; but she used this guy Chris Garland who is a Bill Maher look alike to follow me to parties and suggest she was sexually active. No matter what I did it felt like I was losing; then I just gave up and said to Ann; leave it the way it is.
Around this time I met a girl named Jessica, a gorgeous dancer and blond who lived only a few blocks. She was hitting on me while at Roy Rogers. So I began talking to her and her friend took off for a bit. I got her number and she said she knew Luke who is Ben and Adam's little brother. I called her and wanted to use her to smash this problem I had with an ex. Jessica calls me 8 months later and asks me out; dinner at her house and says her parents are gone. I find out she just graduated from HS and are moving to Oregon; her father and family were already in Oregon. So we dated for a few months while she was waiting to move and we did have a sexual relation which should have ended this insane ex problem. Jessica said she also knew others I had grown up with and I did use her and date her similar to Suzi whom had a crush on me in HS. Jessica is a bleach blonde, olive light skinned, super hot perfect looking girl who has a blue collar background. She had only dated one guy in her life and we were intimate for a very short period before she moved to Oregon. I never knew or notice her; nor had any idea she live four blocks away from my house. I know they are marketing stupid, goofy, chubby girls who cannot dance or need to be smacked around; this should work and scare off the Don's "Jon."
So she got my attention and what she wanted while I dated and tried to smash this problem with a stalker and ex problems. It felt like a game with a total loser. All of these females and new GFs from 1988 to 1990 should have ended the marriage, cupid, or this lover problem; but it did not. This is why Stormy hit me and made me feel she was right below my nose. Also why Ann looks like my HS sweetheart; Ann and I are and have been intimate for over 20 years; zombie proof and locked them all out. Beyond Ann, Jessica was the most striking blonde I had been with but it was to end this problem I had with HS girls; a fling for a few months, she moved. Jessica was the cleanest female I had met beyond Ann. It was no game or fake. Jessica is a perfect bond with the most incredible body; almost Suzi like and you cannot ask for anything more, she called me up and asked me out. In 1988 Suzi had a kid and I asked her if she wanted another one and she said she was on birth control while on a date as I stated; so that was why she messed up. So I forgave her after all those years, and then Amy got killed. This is stupid because it is stuff in HS or while growing up; I been with Ann for over 20 years and this is 1980ish. Ann knows I been with other cougars and likes the Johnny Utah stature. Who can beat her of all these girls trying?
(For my female fans or readers of my masterpiece books, I no longer carry a pineapple grenade in my vehicle or on my body. I gave this up at age 18. I am also happily married with a very sexy lady, you might know her. I worked with a Padilla at Democracy Plaza, Electrical Contractors in 1989.)
The LA crew contacted me on myspace.com after I was told to get a myspace account via the Toronto site. I was relunctant and never had a myspace account. Once I got a facebook one nobody contacted me except Towsend MD girls. So I am on the internet and a chat in Toronto at 2am to 7am; it is a secret meeting place. They start taking their shirts off and acting like a sexy boob. I act cool. It is funny. I am like that. They get violent. I try to ID them; only "Anthony" and Hamilton Ontario; then two people knifed in a bar as "Anthony" said in 2007 at a Hamilton bar. Then a murder spree in Hamilton. How did Stormy contact me? It began with random people I added because I knew nobody. Several strippers from TX and this girl from LA who had a boyfriend. Then I added Buckcherry and Motely Crue because of the videos; then Stormy showed up on Nikki's LA sight. Stormy had hot pictures but you had to be a member; what the Toronto girls had told me. I would hound them about pictures and to send me a picture (clothes on); they would say email me on myspace and I did. So they have known me for almost 30 years and I know this and gluing on. I am gathering evidence but he and they do not know yet. A trap is set but not told yet or why. Once I was with Ann in 1989, nothing out there was as tough, as clean, and as smart; the game was over at hello, PS I love you. Once I was with Ann, there was no going back but did they know this also and why? After Ann there is no going back! It got me off thinking of the 20 years with Ann and how far we got together; they they tried to toy and destroy us. They tried anything and was on a suicide mission.
I describe HS girls who either had a thing or we had been secret lovers. There was sex and a door very hard to shut; such the case of Stormy Daniels, that is what it is like after 30 years if you still want it. The sensation of seeing her and remembering penetrated me in spots I could not describe. It was so hard not to think of Ann and whom I know the best, a stranger inside. It felt like Cathy was right in front of me and her all American BF was gone or was not there. Stormy is still cute. We are with someone, married, and have brothers and sisters; you just do not advertise or do this stuff. However, I want nothing to do with this and I am sure Cathy has moved on; hence Stormy. It was not just one girl, I was miserable and sorting this out; then it got worse and worse due to Linda and her stupid tricks. In my opinion, she wanted to be friends with benefits and so did a few other girls; but I stuck with Ann and kept it this way for 20 years. None of them showed up and if they did, it was thru proxies or messengers. All of these girls and 1000s of girls there is one name and all roads lead to one girl, Katherine or Moynihan who lived across town in Fairfax. I even dated a girl named Moira in 1989 who had been around the block a lot. In her 30s ate time, Moira was what you call a "one date deal." What I did was parade Moira at parties to send out street rumors, kissed her at parties, and had friends flock around her. It did not work for god sakes even if she was in her 30s and we are 18-19. Moira had a reputation of walking around naked or watching TV with guys incognito. Cassandra was not like this, just a massive drug problem. My theory is they all married imbeciles or some jackass with a limp wrist; so they have affairs or lovers; communist spies and extreme risk takers.
Lying to an investigator, how many layers: If they lie to an FBI investigator or a homicidal detective; the trap is set and baited for a competency test. Explain how they got in this situation and who was involved; this can take 10 or 20 years; or it can be a speedy trial. They showed no respect for others and were oblivious to the rights of those investigating them or whom caught them; at every step they showed no care or care for danger, punishments, or damages. The only conclusion is they are a danger to themselves and others due to stupidity, organizational pressure, suicidal tendencies, psychopathic or sadist predispositions, or utter failure and humiliation. They even sent the FBI and others warnings; ordered to stop this repetition and put the brakes on; stop calling or talking to Alex and Ann. Stop holding them or bombarding them with false pretenses or scams; more and more violence added to the fire. I would grill them with "do you love or like sex... a girl like you obviously is the anal type." They would immediately jump to conclusions but was not listening and knew what to say; an interview. I would ask these girls, "how many men have you been with? 5? 15? 40? More than 50?" Some of them answered more than 40 and I would never reveal what I wanted. If they said 5, I would say goodbye. If they said 40 I would say "too much, do you like them big or small?" The rule is no lying and never lie to an investigator; you will get busted or caught. I could tell they got off messing with my head and toying with me.
If you check the records from 2006 to 2008 there should be dead police officers all over. From 2008 to 2010 it should be chaotic or settles down. You should see Asians or Japanese murders soon, robberies. The most notorious murder of an Asian appears to be a gay motive; John Lennon. So if this is a reverse NY and mafia Pearl Harbor; then the BP-British and Asians are involved in this conspiracy. The whole point of trying to court me is to cure stupidity and obesity; they swear by this. Also, the message is they are my best friend, partner, and taking names. I am crazy, do not get along with others, and am a gangster; dead bodies everywhere. The message or warning is stay away a marriage is underway; so who is this gal? Sue Place says it is her. Chris Young says it is him. iRush does not want to say anything when I asked him. These are not rich people; they are the super rich; why is an AZ dirtball movie about kidnapping being acted out (Raising Arizona).
Let me explain what occurred when I moved here in 2006. First I explored. I went to any event, frequented local bars, and did not go into Buffalo or other locales. They said to go to Ditzy Rats or a beach called Sunset Bay or something. I never made it because my home was invaded in June 10, 2006. However, there were events that led up to it. Within one or two weeks I purchase a deadlock and security padlock (double tumblers) because my instincts were eyes, surveillance, and someone inside my residence. I set up traps (bubble wrap placed, things you had to move and not notice to put back, objects that indicated a stranger or visitor, and used darkness to avoid any camera or work schedules). My security techniques indicated a very skilled and highly volatile situation. I then secured all windows with plastic thermal and began to trap them. It is impossible to discard or seek a "recording device" so I did not bother; discard all belongings; clothes and even shoes. If these are world class spies or enemies; they operate above CIA and I know CIA already. I will catch the mole or this problem, trust me and be patient. I was running security almost every single day.
First was the fury or the sense of being watched. Anywhere I went, any concert, and any form of shopping or entertainment; an entourage followed. I describe it as verbal scolding; an FBI tactic of saying, "we are watching you." So someone is paying for security and this is a form of police or security; bodyguards. The worst was at Elmira, NY; at a Collective Soul concert. When I went to the Canadian concerts, there were no attacks or problems, no verbal attacks. I went to the Cult concert in 2006, a special event. A french guy sold me the ticket and then invited me to some event after; so I went to the restaurant. I met some girls and they were of no help; also French; look up Ashley Doucette of the college town North of Toronto, Bainbridge or Banner something. It was just a random dead end encounter. Not long after, problems began with M and T Bank. Citibank problems seemed like they were hiding. Then the fees began and my checking account raided. I wrote the VP and as usual, nothing. The gambling, oil, cash cow, and this training camp or hideout has to do with banking and Casinos.
When I got to Elmira in April 2006 for a Collective Soul concert, there was something wrong. The tickets were sold online as The Cult concert. I did not know if it was a server, hacker, or tapping my signal; who knew? I identify "Sawma" as the hunter or tracker in my blog, search "Sawma." I emailed you he had been blocking and doing DOS attacks in 2008; then the fat, bearded, Jewish lawyer I met as friends of Chris and Sue Place upstairs. He came over for dinner several times in March and April 2006; then came back in only 2010. That is a 4 year absence. Elmira began with a man and woman in a large SUV (Suburban, brand new and expensive) following me. I was in my Trans Am and smoked him. Then he got on my tail and was less than 5 feet on my bumper. I slammed the brakes. He got mad and honked, honked, and honked. I felt it was harassment and a form of verbal scolding, "shut up... too bad if you do not like it... we are pros." So this car comes out of the mountains and plays a dangerous game on the highway. Check the concerts in NY from 2006-2008; odd? Now check the concerts in Ann's life from 2006-2008, odd? Sound like a stalker or terrorist?
We are talking huge and the future of the communist and labor unions; I hate them and they feel I am their leader and love them. There are dead bodies everywhere and terror plots; my own ordeal and I am really upset. The Collective Soul concert is not solved. I had four tickets and needed to sell them; but could not. I did pitch Chris and Sue Place, and their son; they said they would take it for free but did not want to pay for the concert. So I got stuck with three tix. Then a man and his wife were on my bumper and I laid down treads at least three times in my Trans Am; smoke-tires and everything. I would relax and they would come up again; I should have pulled over but did not expect such insanity. I even offerred them dirt low price $10 bucks. Instead they went and bought Rush tickets for over $175 dollars the next week and bragged about it. For a few months I was competing with them over tix and concerts. That is how they are; stalkers but play it off and claim you are crazed or a threat. They are going to get the biggest surprise in their life soon!
It turns out he followed me to the concert. For over 30 or 60 minutes, I am playing games on the highway with a man and his wife. I report this to the security upon coming in the concert site. I told them that guy back there is trying to run me off the road. It was a bearded Jewish looking guy and his fat wife. They looked off key and odd at this concert and even parked near me. He even said a few vulgar comments and I almost walked up to him in public. But this is fun and a concert so I blew it off. During the concert, security unleashed a stampede of kids into the VIP section. I paid extra for the tickets (four total and tried to sell it). So this scam or trick cost me $80 dollars for one ticket and they let all the crowd up to the VIP section. That was the worst concert I had ever been to and I have been to a lot. I knew this was a big problem and it was getting bigger, the communists, labor unions, and liberals.
Second, was when I tried to go to Sunset Bay or that Rats Beach. All of it was closed. So I asked the local police some intelligence. The officer said it is a laid back and very popular summer place. In the winter and this time of season, there is only a few places open. During the summer, college kids get places and it is very crowded. As far as violence he said no. I asked if this was the only place if I was new to the area and he mentioned a college town south of there, an hour away. It was Foster or Folksome, an F city. He said it was a college town and it is something to do or a place to go. So we went there and near the fire station was this bar; it looked like a concert hall or a live band. I decided to just check it out.
The name "Padilla" keeps showing up. In 1989, I worked at Democracy Plaza (electrical construction) for the summer wiring it for power and computers. The employment was with Jenn's Electric who did the service at our church FC Presbyterian Church. When I got on sight, my partner was a good looking guy named Padilla (search employment 1989, Jennings, Democracy Plaza-Interstate 270 in Rockville, MD). I met a Russian girl here also with construction named Julia; I wrote about her extensively on my blog and have pictures. She then moved to Orlando, FL in 2006. She told me she was going to move to Ocean City, MD and changed it to FL after I changed plans. The Catholics and Democrats charged my church and babysitters (General Hamblen and Mr. Frank of neglect and some their sex life. This was not true and the same with both Ann and myself. This is about Vietnam and foreign aid; embassy parties and investors. So they stalk us and we turn out to be mental patients and crazed lunatics?
When I got there it was basically empty. So I talked to the bar tender, a pretty cute small petite girl. We hit it off and only talked. She did not tell me she was the owner of the bar or who she was. While there, she said she wanted to put on some Disturbed and knew every word to the lyrics; similar to myself. She did not look it at all, clean cut and nice. Then I asked her about bands and she said in the summer they had bands there all the time. I said why is it a ghost town and she said the kids went home for the summer. I said oh. Then she began to show me pictures of her. She claimed she was close to Sully of Godsmack and I said if you want I can get them here. I said if she is okay with it, I will try to have them play at her bar, I knew people. She then says she dated Sully and shows me pictures; like Ann. Ann has pictures of random people and all of them said they dated her when contacting me. So I said nothing but I did not believe it. I said in a fecetious way, have they ever played here? She said no and the picture was at a concert; so I knew it was a lie to win me or impress me. Then she closes the bar. Out of nowhere she just shuts the bar down and says it is not busy. I said I did not want to drive and was in a jam. She said to hang out on the porch and it was okay.
I got the impression it was a come on. I wondered if there were any problems. I really did not know her or them. I was only told what was going on when I said what do I do? She said, "my dad is going to get mad if I keep the place open [during summer or no students]" and mentioned how she got the bar as a present or gift. I wondered why Sully did not buy her. It was abrupt and out of nowhere; she said it was the last call and only a legal or dad problems.So I wanted to wait an hour. I had two beers and it was an hour talking to her, she was not behind the bar or working there until 30 minutes after talking. It was only 1am. So on the porch were guys. I am very open minded and began to talk to them easily. One buy was a American Indian of mixed caucasion, very humble and pleasant. I bonded to him easily because he looked military. I said he looked like Ray an Army Ranger I met. We talked about weapons and guns and he knew a lot; so I began to impress him or show him some tricks. I am a walking encyclopedia with firearms; but only read every book at the library or sent to me by the Pentagon from 1982 to 1985. I had planned to be a gunsmith for college costs; to do this while at college. My sisters had no problems going to school so I did not get desperate or save up. I was working at age 14 using a fake ID, I plead guilty.
So we are on the porch talking for hours (2 hours total). They were cool and normal kids. They like everybody admire Johnny Utah and he has stories you would not believe. I am quick with jokes and conversations. Next thing I know the girl comes outside and hugs all the guys. I am thinking now she is interested. So she is talking to them and I just watch; she shows them new tatoos and all her tattoos. After that we talked and I did not really get the impression it was a door being opened; more of a buddy system. So I left it at that and just talked to her like the guys. it was fun and I would do it again; they would agree. They did ask me what I did for a living and I was extremely secretive. I disclosed nothing. An answer was met with a question; if they persist then it was "I am trying to set up an online business and move to Canada." I did not get any new messages from Ann so I was not expecting her to show up. We had a plan and stuck with it. Nobody even knew our plans but when this is over she is or going to be with me, no matter what.
If you search my HS, you will find Thomas Moore, the Aragon family (Argentina), but no Catherine or Moynihan. This is why South Carolina, Falkland War, and Argentina show up. If you search a professor at George Mason named Francis Harbor; she looks like the female on Forrest Gump with the helmet. She was trying to debate me or get my view on the atomic bomb and Japan. She pitched it at least 5 or more time. If you look at her class, the students with me are all foreign students. There are Argentine, Algerian, even a Sorensen (JFK). None of them showed any boobs as usual. There is an Asian guy that looks like Brandon Lee; a Hollywood star. The Pakistani guy who drives the Black Corvette starts the Martial Arts club or the Jeet Kune Do class. As far as Russians or Italians, search Sigma Epsilon; there was a girl named Rebecca from AO Pie or the one Michelle Snow and Jennifer Mead was in (DD). I knew I was being set up and something odd was occurring; I felt it was a training or some background check. So you can see the two teams or sides. They waited until the General and Mr. Frank to pass away. They are following and stalking Delta commandos or Ranger veterans from World War II; spying on their church; it is a game or a spy game still. They are stalking the leaders of the Cold War; getting closer.
So that was it. I was in the area and not long after this, Buckey showed up and was the road runner in the entire NY state. If there is guns or sale of illegal guns, then it has to do with the Indians. This is a college town and the guy I was friends with said he was going to college for an American Indian; so I was glad to see this. I had grown up with the American Indians and know them well. I got the impression someone was "contacting me" or messaging me when Buckey came around. By then I was stuck in a home invasion and trying to reduce the amount of damage or stop the bleeding. I know how they are; it will get insane and overwhelming; to bury or overload someone; how do you clean it up or where to start; a total disaster and start over in life. So I am taking drastic actions before it gets out of hand because I have done this before and each time; it is total insanity. There are at least 20 civil suits each year; that is 200 civil suits over the course of ten years when this began. I try to show you the volume and the incident reports, just day to day with this ghost or stalker. iRush calls it a "death sentence."
Both General Hamblen and Mr. Frank were in North Africa during World War II. I know the evolution from the Rat Pack to the modern Fast Attack Vehicle of the SEALs. General Hamblen worked and nearly died with my father in the early 1960s. Mr. Frank is a US Army Ranger covert; the commander of the VJ Day or invasion of Japan. He taught me a lot when young; a lot about the outdoors and told me about war and work as a Ranger). These people are ruthless, dividing us, and using sex as a smear and weapon. Only Diana is living and she is a British beauty; close to the royals in the UK. I would say General Hamblen is the father of Delta Force; covert and always in the background. I am the authentic father of satellite warfare; I take all the risk and am an open target right now because of this plot. You can ask Ann, she knows everything; she can debrief you or post a message-article. Mr. Frank was involved in the Manhattan Project.
So this is from the prisons or the leadership. It is about a guy on the loose or in hiding. I did say I am in hiding and laying low because of an event in a bar years ago at Ocean City, Md. They might have looked it up. I did tell the girl who owned the bar what happened and how I was sick of it and laying low; relocated here do to problems in my past. My story is I was attacked and so was my girl and I could not do anything about it. So I just ran away or was in hiding to let things boil over; it was partly true and dependent on several factors; not a lie. As an example, you can sense how many people I can entertain at one time; just a really cool guy. After this Chris Young told me about hiding places, a nuclear shelter around here, caves and hiding places, and buying illegal guns (Uzi or AK47) from the reservation. He felt or I led him to believe I was a recovering drug addict (Heroine and hardcore) and did not want to talk about it; running from debts and intense problems. I was in a self defensive mode and starting life over. This DUI accusation is false; I am no dummy and take insane risks. It is a shakedown by Buffalo and the political machine; like cigarettes and the Buffalo Casino. I compare it to a hooker who is pitching; "you know you want it... oh who needs you anyways." What can you do?
So he hinted of what he could do or how he would help. I was contacted and told he was the bad guy and watching closely; to see what we knew or how much. I did test him and ask how much of a fight or skill he had. He is only good with a knife and how to maximize it; nothing else. He admitted he had a cold case and a murder investigation in the past; but did not wish to talk about it or how I knew. He said he served his time and nobody could get him on a new charge or worse one; it was over. He was talking about this or what he is closing in on. So as things escalate, closes in or up, they need a story or some way to divert or get the focus off the obvious. The obvious we found them and knew everything; hence, Sue said, "they know everything... we are ready to die" and I said "Shut up and let me talk to your leader immediately before you make this worse. Who is your boss or leader." I kept saying this until she did as I asked. It led overseas so I did not pursue it further and was attacked with this long reach; satellites and various other methods profusely and so was Ann. I said to her to relax and lay low; so they were doing it to Ann also. They said shut up and also to talk; confused on what to do or how to fix this. They needed our help and also who, what, where, when, and why.

According to her statements; her roomate put her name down on a form while in the mall and left the country to go home. Therefore, she did not really know what this was about or where this was heading. I did this because I was fed up and to play a joke on Ann; to see if she will meet me and "hit it off" on the first date. In other words, I am setting up the conditions in DC-VA around 1998 while Ann is in town and beginning her career. The other choice was to work at the same place, vacation, or frequent a bar or social event; maybe a run-in after calling her. A bike path or the same gym is a good one; perhaps a friend of a friend? Falling in love and getting married is not a one shot deal; you must be patient and let the course of nature take place; do not push and prod, let things flow easily. Also, we had been intimate but only as partners and friends. Who the hell rights a romance story about kidnapping, rape, murder plots, bombing plots, and this total insanity? Le'ts ask iRush, the labor unions, or iHannity who would do such a thing?
Like the female upstairs; her appearance was repulsive and a typical reaction is "stay away" or "go away" you loser. I had investigated a South African firm linked to biological weapons in FL while in college (NVCC-Annandale) with the tutelage of a Professor named Perino in 1989. Perino was from the University of Chicago and a sociology teacher; part of the police science course at NVCC while in night school. This Frontline follow up and investigation also led to Saddam Hussein and Iraq; the source of the chemical weapons used against the Kurds and Iran. Saddam was getting it from a South African company who was getting the ingredients from Florida. In the same class, I also studied the Angolan Civil War between (Roberto, MPLA, and Jonas Savimbi). Savimbi disappeared for over 30 years. This is why the sexy Portugeusa is involved. They contacted me in 2007 on a site called "meet-me-in-Toronto" and we had daily chats. They were so hot and gave me Portuguese recipes and restaurants in Toronto.

This strategy and plan intensified and escalated the war in South Vietnam; also cause heavy activity of men and material. Angola based on my estimation and analysis; tried a deception, to appear as South Vietnam. Afghanistan was headed in the same direction but the Civil War was won by the Northern Alliance. The Taliban then returned and tried this radicalization process which confused everybody. So it was a Trojan Horse technique; to use the history of Vietnam to request aid, military equipment, and stage a military coup. Roberto was defeated in less than two weeks; Savimbi lasted almost two years before going into hiding. He then magically showed up in 2006 as I am posting my chapters and then again in 2007 after 30 years in hiding or MIA - Bin Lazy. So Savimbi pulled another Bin Lazy but got the aid and the military arms they wanted; for the drug wars. The post behind this was North Korea and Cuba; also China. This is about African foreign policy; a region I had skipped. It is about trade and jobs; safety and women. At most, they want to help and are trying to get along; but now we are sworn enemies. This is about Africa and foreign aid; the Vietnam of Africa and MIA for 30 years; who cares? Are they POW or MIA in the Phillipines?
The case of the missing 727 from Angola has to do with scary movies. Specifically, it has to do with North Korea and Cuba; two rogue militaries operating in this locale. The plane is not for refueling, it is to suggest they have biological or pesticides. My estimation is the plane is in Angola where the region is controlled by rogues and communists; if not check Somalia. Look for a fleet of them (5 to 20 already). Also, look for someone who is skilled with this transponder system. After it sits in a hanger for five or ten years, there is really no point trying to fly it again. So if you cannot find it; then the bad guys cannot either; who sucks now? The only use for the 727 is for parts; to avoid maintenance. When you begin to interchange parts, you can avoid high bills and also expensive mechanics. Diamond mines or oil, there is very little black investments in the Western or Souther African continent; very little foreign policy and high foreign aids.
The case is about Joseph and Gabriel pushing the matter until everybody is disgruntled and upset. Then they replace Gabriel with Padilla. You cannot link the events now when they make this change. The history of Savimbi is he disappeared in 1976 and then reappeared in 2006. Osama might reappear in 30 years also. Saddam was taken out in 2002. Like Ann and with Alex; when they make this change and carry out the murder plots; you cannot link the events. These people are clearly experts at this type of theft. Who is on the other end of this peeping tom camera and recording device? None other than what I have wrote and this socialite or embassy party where we are crazed stalkers and not them; we are ticking time bombs, not them they are superstars and their parties are utter money. Who the hell is doing this or behind it?
Princess Diana has an identical personality but has an IQ; Linda was just sex, hair, and drugs; after 12 months it was total insanity. After 14 months I could not get rid of her and plotted out affairs, dates with classmates, trips and concerts with girls, older women, etc... nothing worked until Ann and the US Army; but Moynihan made an introduction and put me on this chase for the ultimate sex pot or this princess type. It felt like they were and are studying me in the most annoying way; what I liked, how I reacted to BJs, if I like big boobs, nice butts, etc... can he love one girl? I called it total insanity. Even going to church on Easter with her felt like a spy movie; the Preist was talking to me like a secret mission. Then girls flocked on me and she said lets leave now... When we went to the beach, the minute the door open, she was an animal and on all fours barking at her parents condo at the beach. That is why I stayed; the trips in the winter to the beach and the nympho act; which made things worse and worse. Then she got some STD when it did not work and by then I was fuming mad but could not express it; I wanted out a long time ago and Ann is sitting there telling me to hurry up, she is waiting. I finally did the same back to her and got her mad and pushing me away; but she used this guy Chris Garland who is a Bill Maher look alike to follow me to parties and suggest she was sexually active. No matter what I did it felt like I was losing; then I just gave up and said to Ann; leave it the way it is.
So she got my attention and what she wanted while I dated and tried to smash this problem with a stalker and ex problems. It felt like a game with a total loser. All of these females and new GFs from 1988 to 1990 should have ended the marriage, cupid, or this lover problem; but it did not. This is why Stormy hit me and made me feel she was right below my nose. Also why Ann looks like my HS sweetheart; Ann and I are and have been intimate for over 20 years; zombie proof and locked them all out. Beyond Ann, Jessica was the most striking blonde I had been with but it was to end this problem I had with HS girls; a fling for a few months, she moved. Jessica was the cleanest female I had met beyond Ann. It was no game or fake. Jessica is a perfect bond with the most incredible body; almost Suzi like and you cannot ask for anything more, she called me up and asked me out. In 1988 Suzi had a kid and I asked her if she wanted another one and she said she was on birth control while on a date as I stated; so that was why she messed up. So I forgave her after all those years, and then Amy got killed. This is stupid because it is stuff in HS or while growing up; I been with Ann for over 20 years and this is 1980ish. Ann knows I been with other cougars and likes the Johnny Utah stature. Who can beat her of all these girls trying?
(For my female fans or readers of my masterpiece books, I no longer carry a pineapple grenade in my vehicle or on my body. I gave this up at age 18. I am also happily married with a very sexy lady, you might know her. I worked with a Padilla at Democracy Plaza, Electrical Contractors in 1989.)
I describe HS girls who either had a thing or we had been secret lovers. There was sex and a door very hard to shut; such the case of Stormy Daniels, that is what it is like after 30 years if you still want it. The sensation of seeing her and remembering penetrated me in spots I could not describe. It was so hard not to think of Ann and whom I know the best, a stranger inside. It felt like Cathy was right in front of me and her all American BF was gone or was not there. Stormy is still cute. We are with someone, married, and have brothers and sisters; you just do not advertise or do this stuff. However, I want nothing to do with this and I am sure Cathy has moved on; hence Stormy. It was not just one girl, I was miserable and sorting this out; then it got worse and worse due to Linda and her stupid tricks. In my opinion, she wanted to be friends with benefits and so did a few other girls; but I stuck with Ann and kept it this way for 20 years. None of them showed up and if they did, it was thru proxies or messengers. All of these girls and 1000s of girls there is one name and all roads lead to one girl, Katherine or Moynihan who lived across town in Fairfax. I even dated a girl named Moira in 1989 who had been around the block a lot. In her 30s ate time, Moira was what you call a "one date deal." What I did was parade Moira at parties to send out street rumors, kissed her at parties, and had friends flock around her. It did not work for god sakes even if she was in her 30s and we are 18-19. Moira had a reputation of walking around naked or watching TV with guys incognito. Cassandra was not like this, just a massive drug problem. My theory is they all married imbeciles or some jackass with a limp wrist; so they have affairs or lovers; communist spies and extreme risk takers.

When I got to Elmira in April 2006 for a Collective Soul concert, there was something wrong. The tickets were sold online as The Cult concert. I did not know if it was a server, hacker, or tapping my signal; who knew? I identify "Sawma" as the hunter or tracker in my blog, search "Sawma." I emailed you he had been blocking and doing DOS attacks in 2008; then the fat, bearded, Jewish lawyer I met as friends of Chris and Sue Place upstairs. He came over for dinner several times in March and April 2006; then came back in only 2010. That is a 4 year absence. Elmira began with a man and woman in a large SUV (Suburban, brand new and expensive) following me. I was in my Trans Am and smoked him. Then he got on my tail and was less than 5 feet on my bumper. I slammed the brakes. He got mad and honked, honked, and honked. I felt it was harassment and a form of verbal scolding, "shut up... too bad if you do not like it... we are pros." So this car comes out of the mountains and plays a dangerous game on the highway. Check the concerts in NY from 2006-2008; odd? Now check the concerts in Ann's life from 2006-2008, odd? Sound like a stalker or terrorist?

It turns out he followed me to the concert. For over 30 or 60 minutes, I am playing games on the highway with a man and his wife. I report this to the security upon coming in the concert site. I told them that guy back there is trying to run me off the road. It was a bearded Jewish looking guy and his fat wife. They looked off key and odd at this concert and even parked near me. He even said a few vulgar comments and I almost walked up to him in public. But this is fun and a concert so I blew it off. During the concert, security unleashed a stampede of kids into the VIP section. I paid extra for the tickets (four total and tried to sell it). So this scam or trick cost me $80 dollars for one ticket and they let all the crowd up to the VIP section. That was the worst concert I had ever been to and I have been to a lot. I knew this was a big problem and it was getting bigger, the communists, labor unions, and liberals.

The name "Padilla" keeps showing up. In 1989, I worked at Democracy Plaza (electrical construction) for the summer wiring it for power and computers. The employment was with Jenn's Electric who did the service at our church FC Presbyterian Church. When I got on sight, my partner was a good looking guy named Padilla (search employment 1989, Jennings, Democracy Plaza-Interstate 270 in Rockville, MD). I met a Russian girl here also with construction named Julia; I wrote about her extensively on my blog and have pictures. She then moved to Orlando, FL in 2006. She told me she was going to move to Ocean City, MD and changed it to FL after I changed plans. The Catholics and Democrats charged my church and babysitters (General Hamblen and Mr. Frank of neglect and some their sex life. This was not true and the same with both Ann and myself. This is about Vietnam and foreign aid; embassy parties and investors. So they stalk us and we turn out to be mental patients and crazed lunatics?

If you search my HS, you will find Thomas Moore, the Aragon family (Argentina), but no Catherine or Moynihan. This is why South Carolina, Falkland War, and Argentina show up. If you search a professor at George Mason named Francis Harbor; she looks like the female on Forrest Gump with the helmet. She was trying to debate me or get my view on the atomic bomb and Japan. She pitched it at least 5 or more time. If you look at her class, the students with me are all foreign students. There are Argentine, Algerian, even a Sorensen (JFK). None of them showed any boobs as usual. There is an Asian guy that looks like Brandon Lee; a Hollywood star. The Pakistani guy who drives the Black Corvette starts the Martial Arts club or the Jeet Kune Do class. As far as Russians or Italians, search Sigma Epsilon; there was a girl named Rebecca from AO Pie or the one Michelle Snow and Jennifer Mead was in (DD). I knew I was being set up and something odd was occurring; I felt it was a training or some background check. So you can see the two teams or sides. They waited until the General and Mr. Frank to pass away. They are following and stalking Delta commandos or Ranger veterans from World War II; spying on their church; it is a game or a spy game still. They are stalking the leaders of the Cold War; getting closer.

Both General Hamblen and Mr. Frank were in North Africa during World War II. I know the evolution from the Rat Pack to the modern Fast Attack Vehicle of the SEALs. General Hamblen worked and nearly died with my father in the early 1960s. Mr. Frank is a US Army Ranger covert; the commander of the VJ Day or invasion of Japan. He taught me a lot when young; a lot about the outdoors and told me about war and work as a Ranger). These people are ruthless, dividing us, and using sex as a smear and weapon. Only Diana is living and she is a British beauty; close to the royals in the UK. I would say General Hamblen is the father of Delta Force; covert and always in the background. I am the authentic father of satellite warfare; I take all the risk and am an open target right now because of this plot. You can ask Ann, she knows everything; she can debrief you or post a message-article. Mr. Frank was involved in the Manhattan Project.

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