Do not listen to them when they describe what the British did to some of the founding fathers. The truth is, we would do the same to them unless they back down and get some smarts. We wiped them out and are bringing them to justice; they just refuse to go without a fight also and it is really annoying. We asked them on the air if they had anything else; they said no and instead of surrender; copied and became us. We were writing them up, call it tickets, charges, or fees, for 20, 40, 60, 200 million; and even 520 million. Eventually, their life and career was over but they still felt they won and said F you. Bullets and violence is not enough to wipe them out; we need the help of the public; they copy and steal everything; also use benefits and welfare to propagate and win all the votes. They claim we are bullies while ignoring the real problem and bullies; the communist and terrorists.
These are the identical cases. We and I have literally broke them short of wiping them out. In the case of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, it is some pride or honor. I am a martial arts master-champion with the mind and body near perfect. If we locked me in a room with them, it would be sad, I can literally take them down, take them to that airy edge, and break every appendage on their body and describe to them the name of the bone and how much pounds per square inch needed. But this is not the problem. In terms of military and US Forces vs. Communist-Terrorists; they are nearly wiped out and doing this in the similar fashion. It is not about winning. However, on this end I have to deal with a mouthy female, sex offenders, and peeping toms; not what I call a bully but it is equally threatening. The reason is they suck, are a throw away breed, are behind in every category, not many wish to deal with them; and they claim this is their "home" or their "school" and their "house." The same with the US. This is why they are behind the terror plots, illegal immigrants, and welfare. The problem is they cohabit the US and feed or funnel more and more of this problem until it is an Army. Then they do what Bush did; copy everything. Then when he is gone, they have Limbaugh, Hannity, and now Obama do the same things. Private security, hey just copy them with Blackwater. Strong military leader, hey just copy them and make a few lies. It is not about war or violence; they claim their civil rights are being violated. They use their religion as a legal defense.
It goes on and on until they are wiped out and nearly beaten down. It is not about violence; the US military has all the violence they could want and deadening. This is why they are behind communism, peace movement, hippies, liberals, labor movement, crime, drugs, etc... They fuel it more and more using welfare and illegal immigrants and tell us they have the votes and we are tyrants. If not, we are butchers and deny them religious freedom. If America wishes to wage war on them; we can expose and list all of their leaders, operations, and 20 years of intelligence; what would they do confess and surrender? Now we are in their princess program, web of deception, breeding program, and caught them badly; nearly wiped them out and they think it is still a game and about how we do not love them; not why, we reject them and they have the right to act this way. So now the problem has become us as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity has shown. On this end it is more of a female spy, psychotic stalker, and sex offender. Compared to Phoebe, I would multiply this every ten minutes in my residence; also over 500 times a day by a sadistic master spy who watches everything and then jerks off. Their message is this will never end; they will pursue us in our homes; it is their house, nation, and they are power. Trust me, nobody wants to hire them or deal with them but they breed like crazy. They ignore all of that and keep telling the public their rights are being violated, they are left out, others get more tax money while they pay taxes, this is good for America, and it feels like an infestation of illegal immigrants who are fighting to overthrow or take over the government. They also claim their civil rights are being violated while shredding the Constitution up in the most lawless manner. We had to cope with them shadowing, detaining, and capturing us while they acted like best friends. Now we wish them hell and much more. They use being poor or stupid as a legal defense.
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