I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
Let's recap some of your fine work and all of the mistakes you have done or caused. What the hell will save you and all of the scams and loss of life, property, and honor?
1. Families at war; more attention to the mafia and Sicilian than ever wanted; all rules broken by your criminal failure. Try anything and say anything approach. 2. FBI, DEA, DHS, Pentagon, ABC, CBS, Fox News, etc... after your ass and trying to hang you including hard rock stations and NPR. 3. Worst in college, worst in elementary school, worst at business and too greedy, lying and cheating fool, totally reckless and dishonorable, and a complete mess. 4. Still in our face, defiant, trying to win, trying to blame and save your politics. A total shank nobody wishes or wants to breed with; plus you are so stupid even the mafioso think you are stupid and a complete buffoon. 5. Violent, always plugging yourself, mouthy, brag, graceless, oppressive, dictator, psychopathic lunatic, and trying to be normal like everybody else. 6. Keep flooding here because of your home country is a total wreck or mess. Keep sending your dirt criminal and empty your prisons and throw it on the Sicilians; now they get blamed for all of your failures while you wage war on the families and use communism or Russians Jews to save your ass. Israel and communism must be the bottom of the totem pole with the Irish Catholics and the labor unions Zionists. 7. So the communist are waging war on the mafioso; thus we have a circular firing squad and must deal with and mate with a complete idiot and buffoon trying to mimic everybody or steal anything they get their hands on; total peasant. Even the mafia thinks you are an idiot and dead meat; world war is your only way out of this. 8. Your home country is dirt poor; you come to America and think you are hot steaming crap; and now you feel special and need a peeping tom camera so you can order me around or use information maliciously; what a god damn loser and communist. No wonder you are still stupid and dirt trash; but your criminal life has produced a total disaster and even screwed up the criminal world; no less the police. Your fake spank ass is not even worthy to suck our tinie-weeny finger either; so give up on that fantasy you poo-tang fiend.
Only collectivism, hoaxes, scams, and screwing over everybody will save you; communism will not even save you or your destiny; now what jackass? How about refunding my god damn rent and get this F'in peeping tom camera out before you start world war 4 and have no allies whatsoever. Worse, you all have not even made one effort to clean up any of this but wreck what is or anybody who will survive; god damn loser and total buffoon. A peasant who is now challenging any form of power on this earth and all the rules; just because you are a total phony and communist; but you also claim to be superior and Nazis; completely inferior and stupid. I find it difficult to have a skank, dirt trash, scum, fat asses, dirt poor, dirt stupid, and degenerate idiots as Nazis; but you have convinced yourself of this based on race and racism. That is also why the bottom is superior and communists; comrade labor union leader. So now the communist are into terrorism and the drug revolution of the 1960s also. All you do is crash into others, act defiant and lunatic, act like a victim, are complete morons, cause a total disaster, and say or do anything to trick anybody. You then label it Nazism or superior; which is the hoax of your delusional patriotism and communism; wonder who created your stupidity or just you? I give you the peeping tom and the Jewish or Israel spying problem which is so oppressive and present right now.
The mafia is going to get in a lot of problems due to this impersonation and pretending. He and they know I will chase them to the ends of the earth; never backing down; they surrendered. I will even take them into and give them a chance to start WW4 if they so chose and refuse to retreat or surrender peacefully. He and they should know who they are dealing with; how far I will take them, and how I will not let go or release my bite or poison. I will take them and lead WW4 if I can have my lawyers reactivate and petition the Pentagon. This is not the "mafia" this is the "Russians" invading America and crime facilitates it all. As the "police" they re removing all competition in the name of the peace movement, liberals, and communism. However, there was one thing they did not anticipate or know about; the cook and the playboy bunny. Study the case with Gotti, French Connection, Opium, Gravano, and Carmine. They are or were all illegal immigrants; stowing on ships from 1850-Present. With no jobs, they need welfare reforms or no passport system because they end up in federal detention or Gitmo.
DC-VA in the 1990s (Fairfax, Va 22030-32); Pop. decrease problem, The Police, Irish Catholics, Construction Companies, mafia communists, Nazi element, IRA, labor unions, illegal immigrants, DA, Democrats, stupid, lawless, radical and fake, peasants, profit and jobs, real estate, media clowns, insane, guns and hot women, Comrades, Zionist Financiers, Oppressive liberals, safety or welfare, future of America, prison-warden, recruit the bottom of society, police and hollow case:
That is why I am in so much pain or she is also. The criteria of the Japanese in World War being interned or place in prison camps was a hair trigger and based on mere speculation; now we have terror plots, kidnapping, captivity, incessant bullying, murder sprees, rape, and outrages crime sprees. Had this been World War II; the criteria would be immediate death and not internment. The truth about Ann and I; why we need marriage counseling because we were hit by rediculous coon asses labor union folks:
The FBI has infiltrated the mafia before. They know the rules; the mafia will never bring in outsiders or seek attention. They retreat and withdraw at the sight of undercover agents; not stampede or run them over incessantly. I know the bad guys are reading this so maybe I have some advice. Stop pretending to be the mafia, the FBI union, or some protector. Even if this terror plot was the mafia; if the principals embarrass them or pretend to be such a nuisance and pest; they will call them in and ask for their jewelry and belongings. So this is not who they claim. However, if they blame the mafia and pull this heist in the name of ridiculous labor unions or communist terrorists; the mafia will problems goes after their families and has a meet and greet in prison. So the advice is how much trouble they can get in, try to cause as much pain and suffering, and have no respect for the FBI, military, or federal forces. This is a total jackass and moron; yet they play this game with the mafia and the federal forces while pretending or copy cat, similar to forging and pretending to be our voices, as some powerful mob boss. So I hope the mafia clean up their trash and get it out of ours or go after them also as we are doing; three levels (civil, federal, military) and the criminal world. They probably infiltrated, took over, or used and copied the mafia. After all the legitimate powers and police forces seek justice; only their family and blood relatives remain or is intact; that is all the mafia can choose from if they seek pay back for the bad name, identity theft, and copyright problems.
Unions and mafia go hand in hand; however, union violence and communism is something else that overlaps. What they fight over or have a problem with is welfare, getting caught, honor, respect, and taking out the trash. So they can be caught by the real mafia and the FBI simultaneous and the mafia will come after their families or make them pay dearly. So why have they waited and let them blames or pretends to morph if they are desperate and destitute; near bankrupt? Prolonging the pain and suffering on undercover, military, or federal personnel is a death sentence and determines how their prison life will be. This is not how the mafia operate and most especially; their most powerful and the top leaders. When they find out what these communist and terrorist have done; they should come after them and make them pay dearly; a family problem. Their name is on the line while the communist and labor unions pretend and hide behind everybody. Sean Hannity just said, "So you have a right to work also." He knows I worked for the National Right to Work Committee at age 16 and have fought the unions all of our life. We fight all of them but hate the communist and Irish Catholics the most. They might be communist infiltrators who use the criminal world for revolution and weakening the state; also for communist spying. So do the mafia leaders have a crisis with the communists and terrorists; or only the Democratic and Catholic Church? I want my rent refund and my living arrangement problem ended immediately; get the peeping tom and illegal surveillance out of my life ASAP! Now it is an act of war on the military and federal levels also. Keep dishing out trillion dollar bail outs and benefits for illegals. Them claimed to be rogues, not the police union; the "army of the damned" who are doomed.
UPDATE: So I know the bad guys are reading this and I will warning them clearly. If you keep me hear and try to get your max miles or keep the pain and suffering up daily; I will make sure you understand how scrumptious you are to a black man in prison and how big of a pain in the ass you can have it your way. My goal is to take your spy ring and terror plot out; you keep this ongoing and refuse to refund my rent, my medical problems, and just keep the daily insanity of us wishing to mate with you or the pain and suffering of over 20 years and I promise to speak to the BOP and feds about how you make an excellent prison bitch and how forceful you can truly be as a sex offender and peeping tom. So if that is not a threat, then I do not know what is, do not get arrested; you have a way of trying to make others surrender and we have a way of breaking your bread in two and ripping you a new hole in your head. Every single day and each time I increase it by one million is a signature to how your prison life will be. Also, my medical complications must be worth it and our happiness and peace of mind must be worth the wrath and war path; really brite you F'in lunatic and moron; all to win and inflict as much pain and suffering as humanly possible when wrong and defeated; nice future and life coming your way. I have a judgment and protection order; so I dare those celebrities to invite themselves in our iffy life in the future and get a royal smack; I do not mind explaining why. You better surrender honorably or vow not to be captured alive okay you F'in honky coon tard? Leave her alone and let her screw up her life... I will deal with Ann myself.
The worst part of this is how they see themselves; how they see or view us; this constant and ongoing effort to mate with us; and the sensation of a a complete jackass and total insult of a coon ass Irishman or Catholic. Per Diem we have to do as they say or wish; the worst and most rotten on this earth who is scared of the Vietnamese or wish to clone the genetics of the most powerful, smartest, and royals. The Vietnamese fought every superpower; and so did the Americans and Presbyterian; so this was a total and complete insult by a cockroach and sucker; the ultimate coon MF; and here they are laying in wait for us. It is humiliating and a complete insult by a trash ridden ^%^%*(*&(*(_)_). Who are they? The Jews, The Democrats, rotten immigrants, union labor, bullies, coon ass police unions, dippy academics, and a host of forceful sex offenders. They keep impersonating us, interceding, trying to get closer, steal our voice, speak when uninvited, and play this game of defiance and superiority. What a effin commie and a total moronic lunatic; who is offended now? Super or phony soldiers?
Beirut Bombing: Catholic immigration 1850 to 1940 and multi-national forces; World War II; Vietnam. Ronald Reagan and the history of the Irish in the American military; Sean Hannity and stories about Marty to match my upbringing by the US Rangers of WWII; Sean Hannity and the IRA links to bombs, Israel, and events in our life following Vietnam; 1982 to 1986 Quantico, Va. The link to Vietnam, Reagan, his Vietnam Generals and Staff, French involvement in Inch china before 1954; and the Vichy French in Vietnam from 1942 to 1944 (Bao Dai); the god damn link is Reagan and we hear Hannity, Knut, Botchman, Leavin, and Stein do this incessantly. Who is in this battle with the communist moles? This is the link to NY, Albany or "downstate", and the Catholic welfare-immigrant suffrage-welfare trap. It is about welfare, seasonal or illegal immigrants, and landlords or real estate prices (both commercial and residential). I wrote that a Colonel moved near us and Kevin K. was my best friend during this time; who the hell is the Red Dragon watching us in DC with this peeping tom camera? Who all did we catch, whierd, and what did they say if anything? They are not Republicans, they are terrorists cloaked as communists. They do not realize the Pentagon and FBI are investigating the left wing, immigrant, religious, and Democratic Party; it is safer to hide in the Dem-Rep Party while undercover. Meanwhile, the liberals feel it is a conspiracy on them and Nazis everywhere. All the WWII commandos parachute in and will sit next to them; they know the situation. We infiltrate anything or anybody; they will not realize this until the last moment; they caught me and I needed extraction but was not in an INFIL mission; they used me to flush out a handler.
Anthrax Letters: smear in my life and led to Tim Rushin cover-up at NBC; dreams about his father Marty. US Army "researcher" on our team and side; wishing to learn more and using terrorism to extract information, correct it, or promote policies such as socialized medicine. The link to the Love Canal and the Salmonella scare in 1998 with CA spinach and lettuce; and then miraculously in NY in 2007 in spinach only; leaders wish to change my diet and do not like Asian diets; trying to unify or suggest they are powerful and source of power; anger and homicidal rage through parent abuse and getting decked all day long; a proper fag and bastard diet for POW bitches. WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE MENTALITY; SCHOOL OF SCOUNDREL LIKE DIRTY TRICKS. Anthrax letters go to Ground 0 liberals: Daschund, Leavem, and Brokit; follow me or die halocause. There were others who were protected but I was sending out faxes at this time; why turn around and shadow me in 2000 to 2002 with Anthrax letters; that is my favorite band until I found out they were from NYC. Are they among the living and trying to make contact or just do a union protest? The protest is "you are not our friends... we need protection... you are not our leader... we are not violent people... peace movement." Who the hell keeps claiming to be my tormentor and best friend; who the hell is the Red Dragon watching us in DC with this peeping tom camera; again, links to the Irish, French, immigrants, military, IRA, Black Partners, and Vietnam, fighting Nazis, and communism or government service unions. So where is your God now?
Clue: A really fat and repugnant female contacted me in 1998. She identified herself a student at Mary Washington, pretty, not a threat, and her father worked at the FBI Civil Rights Department. I thought it was Ann playing games with me; so I wanted to "get back" or "punish" both of them and took her out, just in case. Our house was invaded by immigrants and who I felt were VC or communists; I was not sure but the wrecked our rental property up; this is happening now (home invasion, firebombing or walls all black, constant problems by the unions, incessantly bullying in our own home, a spy camera or illegal surveillance). In 2002, we set a trap at Ocean City, Md. The same type of women keep showing up; repugnant, behemoth, union leaders or "Mama Jones" type bastards, Eleanor types, really fat and disgusting, wish to be friends, loves minorities, thinks Asians wish to manicure them in bed, etc... Now they get a taste of Ann and are totally "we are sorry... we are wrong... we are ready to die... we do not want war." This sounds like the unions, upstate NY, same communist bunch hitting the DC area, Black Panthers, George's wife, VA cell, Zionist, etc... Who killed the couple in Ocean City, Md. in 2002 and cut up their bodies? They claim it was a robbery and not a sexual attack; only to be friends with them until things turned bad or out of hand. All the same fuckers, the communist, the Catholics, and the Jewish; topic is terrorism, prison, aggressive DA, and incessant bullying by the unions in a holocast.
"...Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind communism/socialism. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is one-world government under the control of the Zionists and the Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers." – Jack Bernstein, The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel Part I
"In Germany, the average Jews were victims of the Zionist elite who worked hand in hand with the Nazis. Many of those same Zionist Jews who, in Germany, had worked with the Nazis, came to Israel and joined hands with the Zionist/Communist Jews from Poland and Russia. It is the two faces of communism and Nazi-style fascism that rule Israel. Democracy is merely an illusion." – Jack Bernstein, The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel Part I
1987: Practice and easy transition to Ann from Linda. Nobody will know, perfect marriage, continuation of family values or high school sweetheart, FBI families, all problems and complaints removed or fixed. 1988: Research projects and personal life blows up due to bad girlfriend or free fall problems. HS friends invite me to Georgetown for a few parties (very odd) and I ride my motorbike there and do wheelies all over campus. After, I race down Rock Creek Pkwy. Leaning and nearly wrecking due to high speed; inside I am torn and in pain. Someone is watching me and thinks I am insane or extremely courageous for an 18 year old. 1989: Ann replaces Linda and takes over role; staying hidden and contacting clandestinely only. We plan out the next 20 years and our entire life from begin to end; including retirement, what or where we wish to live, etc. No detail is spared. Our plan is to continue the research in SATWAR and satellite projects; this is only the birth of it. A girl named Catherine Moynihan shows up in 1986, 1987, and now in college 1989 (stalking - lives 20 miles away at least). I investigate and begin to call her and talk to her; who is she and what does she want? No answers. 1989: Bush Sr. makes contact and says like Limbaugh on the state controlled media, "advanced training... special schooling... highly talented" while I am writing a GUI program to determine bullet drop, distance, and caliber; also caliber to MM conversion for ballistics. Someone is watching and knows I wrote it in only a few hours, highly impressed. Next, Danish D'Zhousa makes contact at Georgetown and identifies himself as a researcher for American Enterprise Inst. The topic on both of the minds is the 1960s and the black movement; specifically affirmative action. 1990: Official contact with rogue government. Feel have Black Panthers in my unit and being bullied by them; really poor quality soldiers. Also have Rangers and Delta in my unit; Australian Signal Forces, and various officer ranks in the same program or training. My basic and training turns into 9 months of basic and schooling simultaneous and additional physical training to lower scores (This after 3 years of varsity soccer, tennis, and wrestling). 1991: Broken by the bullying, bad blood and relations, and this Black Panther problem. Repeated fist fights by the incitement of violence or relentless bullying and annoying presence. Also, my buddy tells me his family is the mafia (Sean Knapkin) and gives me two addresses in FL and CA. 1992: Injured in training and retired; option to seek rehab and it is just too much trouble. MRI shows heightened state and psychosis; first signs of problems and fixes; blame is placed on the Black Panthers and some really bad elements in unit. I love the military and active duty; my family is military; father an Army officer; we ran VN; why all the problems now and smearing me; I do not understand; I accept my fate; the stress and containment also contribute to the rapid decline and incitement or agitation; similar to upstairs by the Irish, Catholic, and labor unions. First presence of insurrection or infiltration by left wing; similar to prison politics and jobs/positions. Was this a bad idea since we ran VN and are military families? Why all the liberals and blacks in my unit? 1993 New car (RX7) for trip home and stopover at VA Tech to visit buddies; should be seniors or graduate school. We all go to breakfast, says I look incredible and like a body builder; muscles everywhere and looking like a US Ranger (haircut). 10 gallons of gear oil is dumped (confession by Jason Conte and Chris Young in 2006-2007) inside a brand new RX7 while parked at Pep Boys in Annandale, Va; causes my mind to go haywire and explode. ________BREAK CIVILIAN AGAIN_____________ 1994: Ann comes to DC as plans were changed. Things are good between she and I; we talk and meet clandestinely during these periods; waiting for my career and things to pan out. I am back in college and already have an associate’s degree in computer science by transfer of credits. I also have my top secret special training in satellites and the same officer rank course, same school, teachers, material, and equipment. Contact by two suspicious people 1) Asian at NVCC who is mocking me and looks like a stalker 2) Mexican on a Yamaha FZ750 race bike; asks if I want to go riding or be friends - I accept. We go riding on 495 and Beltway on two race prep motorbikes. 1995: Begin to develop the strategic and research notes; evolution of warfare, evolution of politics after collapse of communism, revision of Pentagon postures, revision of strategies in each continent or theater, review of history and lessons, and complete overhaul. My goal is to develop the manual and the manual for the last shooting match on earth; my work attracts attention, is severely criticized, and labeled a failure (typical "D" or "C" grade). I am made to look as if I struggle in class again; similar to Virginia Tech; so I must morph and absorb the attacks or the attempts to wreck. A Filipino girl comes in named Steph Delacruz and it is a sexual advance. There are a lot of odd or bizarre people; thus avoidance is now the strategy; a cat and mouse game. 1998: First job and night school. Catholics are the first to make contact and they work for Logicon; I sense a problem and am fired; something was not right. I begin to talk to Ann online and tell her to hurry up; so I go live with a female to get experience with cohabitation. Cassandra begins to ask for dates and wishes to get high and have sex with me; I refuse and all hell breaks out. Next in this trap is a black-Mulatto from Chicago. He asks me to take him out and we go to BET or football like parties, very exclusive, very black, and very expensive; makes me pay. Weird contact while I am at the gym; as if I am chosen and isolated; nobody is allowed to see me or bother me. All hell had broken loose already, bankruptcy, stalking, lawsuit for slander, etc... Feel like a prisoner. Decide to file a lawsuit and report this to the FBI-FC. Oddly, my computer is stolen in less than 30 seconds while moving; who is watching me? 1999: My father finds me and asks if I wish to return home or need a place. Things are not well and I did contact him. The strings of firing, evictions, and bad events are happening again. I report to Ann of a shadow and four times; mix of stay away, stay down, let me investigate, need a team, contact central command or backup; will be in touch again. This is a hodgepodge of events and mixed messages to Ann; I end up asking her to come and extract; need her help and cannot wait. Tell her plans of mobile and to have central command aid or assist; under attack. 2000: Traveling around US, trying to draw out, trying to put in escape and evasion tactics; two way with central command and traps; Ann still has not showed and do not know where she is (tells me to go to beach near her home in CT, secret one and meet; I go to Red Roof Inn near there). Insanity going on; do I go to her or does she come to me? Ann had a place in MD near Walter Reed AMC; now mobile and trying to meet up while on road or traveling USA. Someone has me in cross hairs; either a stalker, a sniper, or some predator; shaking him hard; multiple use of escape or evasion tactics fail; trail picks up again and finally conclude a SATELLITE TRANSPONDER AND BUGGING EQ. Test conducted for satellite live feed; central told to trap or trace satellite surveillance of US Army; negative. Low level presence, high intensity, domestic and foreign, and conclude it is a spy ring. Begin to use porn, sex, bizarre behaviors, incite, strip clubs, partying, sex clubs, etc... To draw out gray agent; identified as gray form and highly intelligent; Central and Ann confirm situation and also hot on their ends; we are under full and total attack. Confirm in my truck, camera, listening device, no remote control; detect a gas or some anesthesia device. 2001: 911 and I go into Manhattan. Anthrax antidote also delivers to NC for delivery. I begin to debrief everything. Set up new trap, decoy of female, living arrangements in Ocean City, MD. Trips there prove clear and not strong hold. If they show or fall for it; will need the Pentagon and anti-terrorist forces; Begin setting up and contacts; also FBI field office faxes just in case; will they show? Ann is nowhere to be seen; where the hell is she? Time is running out and she is being yelled at for "too patient." I need her in here immediately. 2002: More of the all hell breaking loose. Drive and job around US shows pockets or "safe havens." More legal problems with police and contact only in certain safe havens; Concerted effort to signal or display presence in locations. Scale of reduction while mobile is 80%; however, one or two problems result of over 1000 in costs and expenses (legal). The game was won by me but cost me some bucks. Let’s see who shows up...fuck! In the bar, on me and close; proximity extremely close and very brazen; Attacking decoy or pressure, breaking her down; No visible signs of before; only threats and suggestions about her safety or mine now; Living at beach now ditched; calls for backup and "encroachment" must stop; call for full showdown, time to take a stand and showdown; enough is enough. Ends up in arrest and false charges or more of the same; legal problems and incitement; no $2000 cost; this time 2 years in federal prison because of this mother fucker. 2005: Pictures show crippled and disfigured face. Fights daily in prison and constant incitement by real Black Panthers, mafia, and left wing; Chris Liebig shows up twice while in Federal detention; then again in 2006 on 95 N on the side of the road. Again, no answers; only coincidences; Sister and I go and get a passport; again, low level and not full or total control. Ann's life is totally upside down; I do not recognize her, her voice, ask her who she is, and she is distraught. I am not able to talk or make a full sentence; do not know why. I pace my room and the house for some reason; some chemical or some form of drug induced anxiety; do not know why or what it is; decapitates and wears off. My family is taking care of me 24 hours; planning meals, taking me on errands or supermarket, etc... Pictures show severe physical changes from Olympic athlete to vegetable state and comatose. Tests indicate no permanent damages or severe; can recover fully. 2005 to 2006: actually let me recover and get better; but not for long... 2006, begins the same old story again. Hence, relocation and ending this chapter; engagement and finalization; this leads to 2008 and springing the trap and 2010; taking them down and out forever; My family relocates, Ann relocates, I relocate, and a lot of changes underway in 2005-2006; preparation for showdown and ending. 2006: home invasion, vandalism, online bullying, denial of service, phone line cut, finances cut, all contacts cut, no escape, check for wire, peeping tom camera, 24 hour surveillance, etc... I am in their nest and HQ. _________BREAK RECORD SHOWS FROM DIARY FROM JUNE 2006 TO PRESENT, DAY TO DAY_________
Chris and Sue Young upstairs are the first to key in. Also, a neighbor and tenant. Chris says, "they are not our friends." Now the act is how they are peaceful, friendly, and seeking friends; just playground kids doing their thing. Of course, how did we see through all of the lies and deceptions; how did we catch a spy ring and capture all of them, obtain all of their plans, and why our entire life was destroyed or ruined each step of the way. Either we have them or our life was not ruined; think about it. Also, think about three trials underway; a civil or civilian, a federal, and a military tribunal; choose which one is easier to escape or none? Actually, I would be lying if I said we were not friends but lovers; even targeted mates and make excellent companions for them while they nose dive and free fall into hell. The lunatic, serial killer, maniacal terrorist, and spy ring is just trying to talk to and find friends! What a cute story and a history they have to tell; we are waiting for it and more of the pathological lying. I bet they are fighting Nazis and terrorism also. Why even comment? We report ongoing, persistent, stalking, intrusion, a peeping tom camera, and bad tenants or renters endlessly. There is a long history and unwanted or the most illegal form of stalking and communications by a terrorist, communist, and spy ring. Why keep commenting or even suggesting innocence? These were career ending, life ending mistakes, colossally and terminal crimes, and just a fantasy which keeps it alive or ongoing.
So we are trying to figure out who is doing this or behind it. They feel they are the voice of Ann and myself. They switch back and forth representing each and pitting us against each other. They claim they are also my voice; need Ann and is her voice. We now know who they are and what they are up to; we want them gone and the death sentence for their crimes. They resist the idea and are defiant to the fact we are bringing them in dead or alive; they can choose. Instead, this fantasy about how we are friends, partners, promoters, and close associates who allow them in our bedroom or install spy and peeping tom equipment is total insanity. They have not, are not, will never be, and will get killed if they do not surrender or end this; even after 2 years after getting caught and interrogated. Now they claim they are not strong enough and need both Ann and myself; so why do they think we are pressing charges? What the hell is going in their mind and can they go away, shut up, and get the fuck out of our life before they get themselves killed? Ask next time won't they? They will get 20,000 no and no thank you again; why stick to this story still? All we hear is how angry they are, we must show pain, we are damaged goods, we must cry, we must give them our life, we must do as told, we cannot marry or be happy, etc... Now we ask for 550 million and have their leaders and future.
RESPONSE OF NOT ON HIS OWN, UNITY, UNION, HERITAGE OR POWER: Hannity on Friday, April 23, 2010 in clandestine meetings claimed repeatedly (more than 5 times) he is FBI. I asked for an address to send a written letter and he changed it as usual to "leader of their union." Now Hannity claims to be the leader of the Irish, Police, and Catholic labor unions. Last time he gave me a dead letter address in CA; and some false impersonation he is the police. I myself state I am in no way law enforcement and at most a legal aid to the FBI; what I am is an amateur spy catcher, an apprentice of Delti Force, and a privateer. If they do not like my work, they can remove them self from my course and my inventions; turn off the channel and radio. Nobody tied their hands, used a peeping tom camera, stalked them, threatened their family, read their legal and personal mail, contacted their wife, tried to rape their wife, etc... I do not care if he is the leader of the police union, the FBI union, the labor unions, etc... or is Jimmy Hoffa. Hannity plays this game how he is a super cop or Batman; we are under heavy water boarding and interrogation; not him. Meanwhile, he impersonates both Ann and I; a broken record to hide behind anything; like a spy or a scam artist. If he is the FBI, I can post an address and will: FBI, Quantico, VA; Behavioral Science Department, ask for the secretary and starting point. Now that is not a game and as real of a challenge as he can get with this; they know who I am also and my work; I also teach them. They are better but I have my own skill sets and am a real legend. All I claim is my military background and the father of Satellite Warfare; that is all.
They claim it is a death sentence and if they confess, is another death sentence, double jeopardy. They use the environment to morph and erase their evil. They use public funds, public institutions, the police, the legal system, and public office to impose sanctions, disrupt, and then erase their sins similar to the church of charity. Ask skeptics, they ride the wave of anger or discontent, "they should just blow it up and not even bother, it is a waste of time." So the blame and the trail is now easily hidden and untraceable. As flawed as they are and as guilty, they can make a clean getaway and use the value of the police and political dominance. The same victory was developed in Vietnam and the fall of Saigon.
Drafted again! This time for peace, love, suicide missions, terror plots, profit, hippies-liberals, Clinton, NG U why E ends, and the new communism or 1960s Revolution:
LA Guns, Ocean City, MD: 1999 (Masters of Metal Concert) Bar had 25 pple and I am the one who sang every song and went crazy! PFC R Picard, US Army from Kennebunkport, ME; LA Guns 1992 in Georgia.
The first attempt to bring them to justice blew up on us. The second one produced a string of arguments and bio-terrorism; more stalking. So we sought permission to reduce them 50% globally by 2012; they are coming in and standing trial dead or alive. After three strikes; they are going out. Right now they refuse to come in or face trial; forces are in suicide mode and free fall with the stick pulled back all the way; why are they not using their mouth in the appropriate manner or end the stalemate? I cannot even get my damn rent back or relocate; they keep saying how they are giving our plans and copyright material away for anyone who needs it. Right now, what they are doing is called witness tampering, obstructing justice, and creating as many disruptions as possible. We have the entire 1960s bunch; from liberals, communists, radical terrorists, IRA, Red Army, Black Panthers, SDS, moles, traitors, left wing, Zionists, labor unions, hippies, and most of all feminists; all in one explosive package. Their next level is same sex marriage, AIDs prevention and treatment, social impact of drugs, terrorism or field dressing, reproductive freedom, love and sex sanitation, and socialized medicine. All of this from 1980 to Present is the next platform; to keep turning left and into a free fall. They refuse to come in or face justice peacefully. They claim they cannot be denied, are persistent, invested a lot in this, and will not take no for an answer; homicidal angry. My view is the pleasure of smelling the stench of their dead and morbid body repugnantly stinking up our life, our nation, and our earth; how is that for a marriage proposal? Oh, as far as sex, don't even think about it when you already smell dead; no thank you for the 10,000th time.
Here is what the SOB did and why:
It all lead to the Land of OZ and the Wizards who are total communists; Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity acting on behalf of the Clintons. One did the dirty work while the other would do the rescue effort; ambulance chasing. Now all of it is upstairs and linked to all of this terrorism, Tim McV, and socialized medicine and a host of other double welfare. The Bush family are the ones who tried to recruit us and train us.
So now they were using what they got and charging fees to sit next to them or for consultation. Their employers were arranging special and exclusive access to events; to use them as celebrities or some caricature of one hell of a handful of insanity. They still claim special relations, personal friendship, special access, and ability to sit in the seat of royals, kings, and the most VIP of seats. That is their scam and what this is all about; also why we are suing them for kidnapping, intrusion, stalking, and slander. This was supposed to be their come back and how to use former spies and espionage for profit. They claim they are offended, not taking the news well, and do not understand why they are being sued; it is an opportunity, we are better people, it is for charity, the nation is stronger, and this is no time to be arguing. I want the god damn spy camera out of my life, stop reading my legal-personal-financial mail, stop going to my new location and residence, and stop trying to talk to me or gain special access to the top 1% and near royal status. Using the spy camera was one thing; making it impossible to escape or stop was another. They expect us to snap our fingers or tell us to leave when they should leave both Ann's and my life. They claimed it was free and would impersonate our blood relatives. There was no end to how far they would go, even murder and terrorism. They spoke on my behalf and then on Ann's; always pitting us against each other.
Now they want a SATWAR and wish to prove how they are superior hackers; I say so be it. I want a god damn immediate refund of my rent and out of some sex tape or some spy camera. This is why we filed charges with the FBI and demand a rent refund; and immediate end to the stalking and in your own residence spy cameras. They tired to lure Ann into this trap and claim we cannot get out or are making it impossible. It is not worth the trouble they are in already. Now the strategy is good behavior; incite violence, and throw more fake blood on it. Now they are trying to duplicate all of our achievements again; a forgery and copyright violations no less unwanted or illegal contact. They claimed we had no rights and they could do anything they wanted and also had political power to prove it; also, they were the police because they had money and were spying 24 hours. They demanded payment but did not specify details; only constant use of the data maliciously and to incite violence; relentless bullying. They just refused to address these complaints and made it impossible to live life, be happy, or rejoin society. It all came down to a spy camera, foreign espionage, and some insane game we had to fight or use against them; stop or catch them if we could. If you hire them, you could not get rid of them or fire them; it was for life. They use business and services to build up scams and extortions; to implant spy cameras or illegal surveillance. We knew them as communist and terrorists. This goes all the way back to high school or the early 1980s. It is so annoying and you feel totally violated; ran over 100s of times per day; then they say it will never end. ___________________________________________________________________
The scam involves throwing fake blood everywhere, using charity as pressure, and trying to steal anything valuable. This was clearly a scam and it is aimed at cyber and satellite warfare. It was an endorsement and a recruitment effort. The scam revolves around a peeping tom camera and studying us intentionally and without reason. They would watch the computers and steal any information available or presented, as if they had free reign or some right of way. They had operating system data, security, resumes, financial data, family mail, legal mail, etc. and then would use what they had back in a malicious or homicidal manner; even a path of dead bodies. When we caught up and sprung a trap, they made it impossible to collect a refund on he rent so we took this to the FBI. This is what they get for putting us with lunatic terrorists, dangerous felons, and uses a peeping tom camera to make you feel violated. How did it become our fault or our expenses? If that was not over the line, we were kept in a bad situation and forced, against our will, to honor them. This is what they get for being dangerous felons, terrorists, and peeping toms; why are they complaining or throwing more fake blood on others? After losing 10 for 10 and getting caught; they wish to graduate to the SATWAR where everything is blind or invisible. They claim it is still up for grabs, right there with us, and matching or superseded us; a perfect score. You be the judge. How will they do with higher difficulty or totally blind? They claimed they were the best in the world, the best students. They had taught us terrorism; we taught them SATWAR and cyber warfare; so they need to be challenged and work closer or this is forever. None of them have any schooling and we treat them as total strangers with a peeping tom camera.
There seems to be a conflict of interest because this is what you get when you are a predator and spy on unsuspecting people; use data or information back on them in the most malicious ways; and even try to cause a divorce or relationship problems. They would flood the airwaves with charity to make you feel guilty or was doing a disservice; we had to honor the heroes and patriots. Everything was made more difficult. They would virtually make it impossible to relocate even if you demanded a rent refund and refused to be under the watch or teachings of a lunatic terrorist and predator. It was impossible to complain or take actions on them. Then they would come on the radio and say "you have no rights" and are expected to remain silent about the matter. Their view of this was a stalemate; it was in a no win situation and kept there for a long time. It was impossible to take action so we went to the FBI to help with a refund. They have been doing the exact same thing, coming in our residence, since 1990. It was virtually impossible to ignore them even at home. The complaint is a spy camera and some trap by a predator to access our life and intimate information; it is no longer about their behavior or captured dangerous felons in a conspiracy. It is similar to a stalker watching your kid 24 hours and making obnoxious claims; this is done to adults for theft, copyright, extortion, advantage, legal problems, evidence tampering, harassment, intimidation, obstructing justice, robbery, banditry, or espionage. Even the highest law enforcement and federal agents do not have this permission. They claim it is a special relationship with us and special access; getting closer and VIP status.
The urgency was also medical. The more they waited the longer the delays in medical complications which erupted from 2006 to 2010. Living in this residence led to surgery; however, that kept getting delayed by the games between spy camera master and their servant. This was not what military funds were for and certainly not to advance criminal conspiracy, terror plots, espionage, or the loss of sensitive and crucial data. In some deranged and delusional state of mind, they kept insisting on helping or were our teachers. Now we all are in a stupor and a stalemate. We are forced to honor them and the rent refund was purposely used to make it impossible to take any action, a stalemate, while fake blood was thrown everywhere. Now they were masters of cyber and satellite warfare and we had to help them develop new products. They were superior and better than all of the rest. This shows who they are and how they pretend in a malicious manner to injure or for profit. Spying has gotten high tech and so have career criminals, former spies, liberals, unions, and mafia like immigrants. They expect us to live as captives or under some control factors; which is off the charts illegal. You cannot use the data or personal info back at us either or destroy life, property, or to profit. Whoever is behind it now is telling them to be on their best behavior; all the sudden they snap to attention. So now they claim what Ann did insulted them or annoyed them; however, it is about a spy camera, stalking, and robbery.
The curse of throwing fake blood at others was also burying dead bodies on top and telling elaborate hero stories to boost credibility or honor. The problems they faced were so life threatening; they could not hide it any longer but had to seek a stalemate and take enormous risk or a police line-up. They could not fathom why we or others may be upset or wish to lock them up for the rest of their life. Usually, if or when they loose; they would be a step of the game. They would shut things down, evict us, or remove the situation; then set up a new or enhanced situation that did not allow the previous loss. So now they were all showing up at our new location while we had to wait for the rent refund if ever. They would not remove the peeping tom camera and expected this to keep going or would be with us in the new location. Even with so many countries, the DEA, CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and others hot on their trail, they continued to take life threatening risk and felt this would never end. So throwing fake blood on others is real and it allows them to tell grandiose lies. The reason why it involved the construction industry is the use of illegal immigrants to do home repairs and boost sales; however, it backfired when they went back home and opened new construction industries or businesses. This is where “go home” came from. If they are going to just plead guilty, then refund the rent and remove the spy cameras; stop contacting us all day long. They want it their way; for both Ann and I to leave but they refuse to leave or end this endless stalking and spy camera problem.
How to summarize the life of Alex The Legend and Ann Coulter in 16 steps: How to summarize the 520 million law suit in 28 steps:
This is the best presentation in the world and comes with a soundtrack! How do we define the world we live and the conflict we face in less than 1 hour? It is only funny until you see it on the screem and on film!
Ann says they wanted my sperm and was watching and stalking me. I am a super soldier. As communists and terrorists, they wanted 1) super soldiers or Generals 2) super moles 3) terrorist candidates 4) Olympic athletes or really good genetics. I am what they call a natural, like Erin Andrews is. I would like to think my personality gets me places and my brains. However, there are two people in the military with Olympic level strength; Scott Hevelston, US Navy Seal and myself. Look what they did to him and how they removed the competition; they felt we were partners. Also, Ann put herself in this breeding program or cupid show. They trapped her for mating with blacks. I was trapped for both, black and white. It was to go to the Zionist and Catholics who were playing with race mixing; as Rush explains early off, "obsessed with multi-culturalism." The problem is the Sino-Soviet split. They could have done major damage with either Ann or myself; won the entire world if determined. Rush says they tried obsessively to make me "damaged goods" like disfiguring models; a sick serial killer and lunatic. Ann tried to stop them but had to wait because we did not know who all of them were; or the leader. They wanted the most insane, in your face, obnoxious, wrong, wild eye, dirty, unbathed, and what I call "negrosis." They took me, someone who tried obsessively to be a perfect 10; down to a 1 or 2 and I just stayed there. If I tried to make a come back to a 4; they would run me over again and again. So I gave up and told Ann to meet me in Canada. Now they got major problems and we know who their leaders are, who they are, and why or how. Rush said it best on day 1; they are obsessed with multiculturalism and are pure red; as hardcore communist as they get or become.
This is a deadly labor union, Catholic-Jewish, New York based, police impersonator, communist terrorist group who refuses to let Ann Counter go and refuses to keep away or let me go. They claim we must leave them; they do not have to do anything. We are in their trap and den; thus, we are in danger and not them. We started this when we got the police involved so all they did was clean it up and correct it. They refuse to keep away and refuse to stop stalking, slandering, or let us go. Now exposed, they claim it was not a murder or death trap for anyone who wandered in the web or deadly game. We did not invite them, allow them, consent to this, or let them do as they pleased. They just want us to love them, be friends, and for it to last forever. If not, they will hurt us and damage our life and us. Keep in mind, they do not have a motive right now and cannot get away; even if they tried something crazy.
Everybody is watching them but they insist they are not scared and will see it to the end; we must leave them and forfeit our rights. As Rush said it, we do not have any rights at this time while in their trap, den, or web of deception. Ann said they had a murder plot on her and are obviously or was using me to lure her into some spy camera or trap; this is clear because I am having a lot of problems with it right now. We know it is Clinton-Hannity-unions-communist-Catholics-IRA-Israel-Rush-and the 911 terrorists upstairs. They demand we prove it. It all comes down to the spy camera, why, and for how long. Hannity says "who do you think is going to be hurt more?" ___________________________________________________________________
UNION AND LABOR RESPONSE: We know this. 1. Someone is stalking someone else. 2. Someone does not want to leave. 3. Some is claiming injustice or being framed. 4. Someone is being recruited. 5. Someone is anti-war; but the path to peace is to destroy one's enemy. 6. Someone is being slandered. 7. Someone is making death threats. 8. Someone is committing a major fraud. 9. Someone claims to be the police. 10. Some has left a path of dead people, close associates, and is weak on crime or "not ultra conservatives." 11. Someone wants to be a hero or has a hero complex; a small minded goal. 12. Someone hates Americans. 13. Someone has invaded or is usurping the legal system. 14. Someone is lying to investigators, federal, military, the media, or even amateur spy fathers. 15. Someone is using government to destroy businesses. 16. Someone is running others over and then buying them ice cream. 17. Someone is a deadly terrorist and spy. 18. Someone has brought back the 1960s, radicals, peace movement, communist conspiracy, and is trying to force the US to go left and in the dark; to make it more communist. Someone does not like the labor unions either. 19. Someone does not want to help, does not know what to do, is in tremendous danger, does not want to leave, is ready to fight to the death, is angry and not happy, hates government for a reason, and knows what is wrong with America or these people. 20. Someone has been violated and on the trail of a deadly enemy; we need scientific data for this complex science. We need experts and masters of their realms.
All we have is the data presented and the sworn statements of those involved so far. All we have is a complex maze and 17,000 pages of data, books written on the plot and topic, and the masters of the universe. All we have are the usual suspects and an effort to fix the 1960s; do we take a hard right and smash the left or do we take a hard left and smash the right? Anger does not necessarily result in guilt. Wounds do not necessarily mean guilt. Stupidity and creating danger is a big indicator. This is as dangerous as it gets and can be conceived. When kidnapers or a hostage; all rights and privileges are turn off or shut off; do we have some incitement of this or indicator? Do we have witnesses or accounts from catnappers or hostages who butchered up or was behind all of these murders and dead bodies? Do we have every detail to build a case yet or only a civil law suit and minor complaint?
When I heard about Scott; I was infuriated and could not believe it. The same mistreatment; the same employer-employee pressure to be fired; the same breathing down our backs; the same emails to complain and being stonewalled. I could not believe I was watching my own life. Here is the kick, I know a lot of people in Oceanside, CA and have a close relationship to US Marine officers and SEALs. I was looking up people in 2006 and they were watching, stalking, and noticed our similarities, the financial problems, and also why. This SOB serial killer was watching us in 2006 and me searching Oceanside for my Marine and SEAL buddies. I had more raw power than Scott but he had twice the endurance; Olympic levels. Odd how all of us were attractive, admired, and Hollywood.
I need your help to initiate the rent refund and evacuate by summer. They are ordering me to shut up and want to know if we can live together after we have caught them in the act and exposed all of their plans; the terror plots, etc. In other words, I am kept here to determine if they are safe and can take or steal what they want and just walk away unscathed. They are doing tests and pushing the envelope to see what the breaking point is. Will you or can you help by initiating the rent refund? I would like to draft formal charges and ask them if it is worth it to not refund my rent and pile on more problems or rip me off blind. They claim they are in charge and some "employer." They must study us to determine if we can live together now that the world knows about this. Ann and I are ordered to cooperate and be in some study illegally or against our consent. They think we are married to the mob, communist, labor unions, terrorists, left wing, the police, etc...
This is about running us over; and then trying to "pick us up" or "you clean it up." Would like to take the initiative, file charges, and ask for a refund in good will. I am upset more the longer I am housed with sex offenders, under illegal surveillance, a peeping tom, dangerous felons, and communist terrorists. This standoff and being forced to plead or bled to death could have been avoided had very simple steps been taken or very simple questions asked. The first is to ask in writing why a refund is being requested and if there is any grounds for this? Instead, innocent people were injured and problems piled up more and more. So there is a pattern of behavior here and business decisions which are arranged far beyond the scope of logic and what a "reasonable person" would do or say. It was a scary situation and thankfully, the military, public, lawyers, and FBI was on the other line and immediately ready or monitoring the situation closely. The motive is also crystal clear; to injure as many people as possible while making a few bucks and stonewalling everybody involved or enforcing a double standard. The interest of the wrong party is being protected and here is why.
1. Did you know you are or were housing a dangerous felon, a murder suspect, and even a dangerous terrorist? 2. Did you enforce a double standard or try to help him/her? Let them get ran over and then pick them up? 3. Did you throw it back at either of them so that the stronger or last man standing would leave? 4. Were there any complaints filed and when on the dangerous felons and terrorists? 5. When did you know and did you take actions to security the safety of undercover, informants, or trapped federal officials? 6. Was there any complaints filed about a peeping tom camera or some form of illegal surveillance? How many times did they run them over and then try to pick them up? 7. Is anybody involved your family member and did you make any preferential treatment? How many times did they run them over and then try to pick them up? 8. Did you try to protect yourself? If so what steps did you take and why? Do you know who is the dangerous felon and terrorist; or who the undercover agent is? Do you know now? How many times did they run them over and then try to pick them up? 9. Do you know what steps were taken to vacate or seek safety? Did you know one or the other was being bled to death and why? 10. Did you know medical conditions or injuries had been incurred by a massive fight; an effort to emergency evacuate was underway and when? 11. Did you know one or the other was a US Army veteran under attack or being detained illegally; do you understand what the Constitution states pertaining to housing of soldiers in time of war? How about when they are injured, taking them in, and helping them? 12. Did you try to get even, retaliate, or somehow weaken the case against you? To do this, an innocent person had to be in the line of fire and bled to death; and then when a peeping tom camera was identified and complained; no rent refund arrive but instead angry reprisals? Do you believe now a dangerous felon and a dangerous terrorists is in that residence and are you convinced yet? 13. Did you try to get even; even trap or injure his girlfriend and family members who had to come to the rescue? Do you know who is fiancee is? Do you know why or how this began in Virginia with their rental property? Do you are all of you still blaming him and his family? Again, run them over and then pick them up? 14. Do you think he deserves a refund and can you take a guess how much of a refund is due? When did you know this and why did it take so long to evacuate and prevent this? This should not have happened if steps were taken; what steps were taken and why? 15. Did you know that if you play a game with the FBI; all they have to do is sent in a female, a cute cuddly teenager, and substantiate all that has been documented? It can be reproduced over and over; and the same results will arise. Do you now know the tenant-landlord agreement has been violated and housing a dangerous felon or terrorist while enforcing a double standard or preferential treatment is illegal? It is also grounds for punitive damages even if no medical complications arise or should come up. 16. To add one last one, did you know the violations were so grotesque and outrageous; they were talking to him, contacting him in the most unwanted manner, trying to bond and get closer? They would even talk to him while he was on the toilet or in the shower; a form of intimacy and sensation of being violated? Did you know it was so outrageous they would call him "nigger" afterwards or tried to masturbate while he was sleeping to encourage him to leave immediately and express anger towards how this ended? Do you even care or does it matter?
I do not understand why the spy cameras are not removed and try to take steps to protect my privacy. My defiancee, partner, and girlfriend has already taken extreme measures to prevent this. We are blamed and pulled deeper into this when it should not have happened; nor pile on more problems to see who is more powerful and who will be the last man standing. I had to demand a refund; go to astronomical lengths to seek relocation or removal from danger; and was forced to endure tremendous pain and suffering while in the web of deception and criminal trap of dangerous felons, career criminals, and deadly terrorists who kept repeating over and over, "we are ready to die... we were wrong... we do not know what to do... give us what you have" along with much more. There was relentless bullying and constant surveillance to curb the damage or stifle the effort to get it out or publicize what was occurring. Business decisions and financial transactions were being conducted under the worst of conditions and terms; meanwhile, a total facade was presented far from the truth. We all have interest in business; but we all are not pliable to the idea the money used is going to commit a felony or further a terrorist plot involving already captured national leaders. Also, the national leaders were getting strong and their credibility was enhanced as the situation was sporadic or prolonged; they were stealing everything and their credibility was slowly growing again. So the incentive here is very easy to see and logically hidden behind many deceptions and a culture of union violations grotesque and constantly erupting. The history of the area even suggest a criminal conspiracy and a political motive. All that had to be done was refund the rent and charge the guilty party or clear suspects. A girl or undercover FBI agent can just walk into this web of deception and trap as I had done.
This plot began in the 1980s. The communist and a spy ring were watching my family and those who were in Saigon, VN during the final moments of the embassy scene. We were all hardened cold warriors and military families. When the property was open for rent in 1990s, they contrived a "seasonal" or "welfare" plan to fuel terrorists, Viet Cong, or immigrants for rent or pilfering the government. We were expected to play along and agree. Then the police began to be called daily as they ran us over and then would come in a try to pick you up politically. The plot surrounded Nazis-Police pretenders to do a hit and run. Then the communist and trustworthy unions would come and pick you up, help, or take you to the hospital. From 1990 to 2008 we counted and documented over 10,000 incidents and efforts. If it did not work, the impact would be harder or the frequency variable. So if we reproduced this, we would hit an animal 100 times and observe what the 101 attempt would be. Then send in a female or some "soft and cuddly" figure to either play cupid or buy ice cream to make things better. When we reported this in 1998 to the Falls Church office of the FBI; the Black Panthers arose and corrected the records or indicated they were dead serious. When we dragged them to strip clubs, bars, and all kind of lurid consorts; they adopted it to suggest we were in it also and trying to further it. There were other incidents but it was so vague or ignored; it is not worth chasing or a dead end. This all came to an end in 2008 and they could not deny any of it and threw all the cards down.
Note: Hannity on his show April 12, 2010 wants to know "if we can get along now" or "why didn't we tell them this earlier?" Ann says he "tried to throw em off the 13th floor." (13th floor refers to the Lubyanka, mental ward; also the usual floor at hospitals for the mental wards. The 13th floor of the Lubyanka is world famous.) Hannity wants to be friends and laugh it off; no time to criticize now; we must unite and stick together because they are reformed and better people now. Everything is okay; no need to panic or worry. A family show and no predators or stalkers allowed; just constant attacks by liberals or Marxists IRA terrorists. They are always right there in the thick of the action; what action? Huh? Who is Ann Counter? 6:22:22 PM
Not to steal the wind from the sails of these people; but if you read my profile, I can prove 190 college credits. Ann Counter on her biography indicates "magna cum load" and superior honors in academia. This is as elite and as high as you will ever get in either military science or political science; history is being written. So when and if I claim we are the top 1% or royals; along comes the albatross and labor unions upstairs with that peanut peasant philosophy to cap our knees and chase us around. Then you get these reports online about how we are under attack, incessant bullying, spy cameras and deadly communist agents or terrorists. It sort of sounds too good to be true if you ask me but them; we are either this mean or total and complete liars. Even the Prince and King of England does not have this access or is even granted this privilege level and somehow our descriptive profile on them either sound perfect and accurate or we have violated every single Christian ethics code on this earth using our hard and provable work in college. I have 17,000 pages and 200 chapters; so this world knows I am in the very epicenter; take me and you will hit the nerve center. Take me out and all hell will break loose or fighting will erupt all over. Now we have a dialog with a pile of feces and a dung heap king nothing who is ruled by the constant command center upstairs. ___________________________________________________________________
Here is what I do not understand. If I was the landlord, I would refund the rent or what I can; then collect from those upstairs and cite criminal or an FBI investigation on them. They will not go into court and challenge it. This removes any guilt or suspicion. Even if he was guilty, this is the logical action; guilty of sin or not. Instead, I am keep in this "school" told how offensive I am, and dragged deeper into this mess. As I see it, the terms of tenant and landlord has been violated. When they did this to my father and our rental property in VA; my father gave me the rent money and said not to worry, go find a place near the university and how he approved. So my father relocated me to an apartment near George Mason but I kept getting evicted in the most cruel and callous manner. So confused all I got was this, "have you called the local police?" Total insanity. As I see it, the rent is being used to further or cover up a crime. I see an effort to keep pressure and not "cut loose" the prosecutors; maybe even demand ransom or face eviction. That was the last action taken; eviction. I kept asking what they wanted; sex was one of it and a demand on my partner Ann; made by Sue Place. Next were bills from the local hospital, some court for my condo fee, and a few other bill collectors.
So there is a demand for money and I have sent them at least 10 letters to contact you or go to my web site and read my predicament and lawyer Ann Counter. If there was an emergency or "co-signer" why did they not contact her to fact check or verify this? Was it a game or bad idea; a lose-lose situation? Why try to get maximum miles, get more spy camera charges, have a 19 year old female walk into the spy camera scam; or risk the loss of everything? The logical action, guilt or not, is to blame the unions and the history they have of this. The problem is I know they want my Convt. Trans Am and my belonging on the street; that is the problem. That is and has been the goal. They took actions to cover their tracks, "he knew what he was getting into" or "so why did he stay for more abuse if his home was invaded at night?" It was to suggest I was a suspect and aggressive, the police charges suggest, "weapons" and "assault" charges so that is where they were going and tried to get a guilty verdict to make it work. It would have and could have been really quick. We are protected and have a worry free life; we are that good and won 20 years ago. Things do not get this way on its own. Our life is not this perfect by itself. We cannot crush or wipe them out this easily unless we have taken all preventive measures. We had to deploy something they did not or could not see; never seen; or was so powerful, they would buckle. They claim we have a conspiracy; not them; all of this is BS and they are not phony or have a paper trail. We are schizophrenic and have a mental illness; in need of care or to be competent for court.
So it is clearly an emergency plan and a rapid backup plan that failed. Had I been an FBI undercover agent, they would know or have my files. Some handler would have contacted them or told them "get your hands off my agent." They kept checking for a wire on me or my money with the high bond or "fees." Meanwhile, the pressures loaded up; they watched me go into my bank account, they studied closely my military finances. I have an account at the Pentagon Federal Credit Union; never a problem or theft there. Never a problem in pay with the federal government. So how would you extort or collect some form of ransom? Eviction. Why would a refund defeat this end? It would be like cutting a hostage loose and telling them; you are free now, it has finally ended. So what did they do instead? Ann needs to come here immediately, he is in serious peril and will be injured if she does not; under studious or constant attack with bio-weapons or pursuit around the house. Why? Why do they want Ann here immediately? She says it is a trap and murder plot; to catch it before it all got out and I heard her side of it. They knew we would "get it on" or be intimate once she arrived so they felt it was killing two birds with one stone; well, that did not happen and we can see why now and how much more of it there was. Instead, they flipped the coin and said, if we are going to loose, then let's loose badly and with full impact.
The problem was they were never convinced. We hid and kept a lot from them or still do. We have proven a deliberate attempt to take preventive steps while spy cameras, stalkers, deranged fans, smears, or slander is in full swing among other things. These are all preventive steps to catch, capture, and expose the communist in action. We were dragged into this against our will, kidnaped and made to watch or turn on each other; to add one difficulty on the next. It was about credibility and using spy cameras to disrupt and steal copyright material and clone how good we are at this. We defeated their system and trapped every single one of them after 20 years. Then made sure if they advance one of us or the other; the table would flip and the outcome would always be the same. We are and were the winners no matter what they did or tried. They are still not convinced. They still feel it is up for grabs and they can advance by hiding behind us, the next human shield, and then using obstacles to advance further like a battlefield. These are humans or organizations in place and they run up behind them and then move to the next while being tracked. They know they are in cross fire and we warned them not to move; the more they do the worse it gets and here is why. If this was a demand for money; they took every step to avoid asking Ann or contacting my lawyer; the amount was menial.
The reason they are roofers, career criminals, burglars, robbers, and bandits is because burglary is access. Once access is gained they can set up the spy equipment. My handler and recruiter is upstairs and I reported him in my own apartment to the local police while I was outside. Also, this is linked to the mafia and construction or seasonal workers. This is how they sneak them in or fuel the "votes." In 2006, they made contact with Russian emigres who had construction businesses in Russia; a model and a very elite Russian Jew who loved "samurai swords" and Chinatown, NY. She took me to Brighton Beach and showed me around. The reason why it involves construction industry only is the low amounts of explosives and the plot in the book. The Mexico Plot was discovered in 1963 and leaked to the CIA station chief in Mexico City; but this is different, this is not the same one, bigger. Then the CIA got one leak after the other which was determined to be disinformation; like Rush and Sean, total propaganda and duality. Clearly, the Earned Income Credit (EIC) was directed towards construction and seasonal workers but the illegals never complain or stay in the US; they go back to South America and start up businesses. On the hit list is SDI, satellite technology, encryption, drones, automation, but now it is silicon valley and satellite warfare and we are in full battle right now; we are and have been under attack since the 1980s as I describe when this began. They keep saying creepy things like, "we are your parents... they do not even recognize us... we only want to help."
1. Did they pull a weapon or brandish one? Yes. Did I use martial arts and disarm him and how? Yes. Do I have photos of a knife mark on my leg (very minor)? Yes. 2. Did he call me a "nigger." Yes. Did he threaten to "blow up the FBI office who arrested him... go to the home of the FBI agents?" Yes. Has he and they? Yeah. 3. Did he and they refuse to remove the spy cameras as ordered and why we were taking these preventive steps? Yes. Can an 19 year old or cheerleader walk into this now? Yes. Whose in it also? 4. Is there a crime in progress? Yes. Is there an effort to distract, disrupt, incite violence, harass, and intimidate? Yes and a lot. 5. So let's say he and she did not make a death threat on Ann Counter or myself; is there any motive why we would? So there is now, lying to Federal investigators and filing false charges with the intent to inflict maximum distress or disrupt? So why is Ann telling me about a sex tape, a trap to murder her and myself, allegations of rape, and why is Sean Hannity speaking upstairs? We are either really mean or complete liars but also legends and near worship levels? 6. Lastly, why is there is anxiety? This fear exist of total insanity and always lawlessness. One of them will pop up out of nowhere and do something totally insane or ghastly? I even state it is a crime scene and if they are the police or FBI investigating; than stop the evidence problem and buy it for $6000-7000; the police claim is false. No police would ever, while in hot pursuit, act in this manner. The spy camera is not the police and is a scam or part of it.
STRANGE: burger flipper, skank, and insane lunatic illegal-seasonal-welfare-single mother-Irish, bully, and spy camera operator upstairs thinks it is date night. She and he thinks we have to "hook up" or "have sex" with them even while they keep saying, "we were wrong." Yes, read our personal and legal mail, continue to pursue or clone us; and keep saying they are co-equals or how wrong they are; smart and clearly an "ultra conservative." 4/12/10 6:50:40 PM. The big ones, the dumb ones, the bully type, the white trash, the football rough types, etc... make the best soldiers and are superior! They are also into muscle business and industry; but lack Olympic level strength or good grades.
It is like those porn series where the girls says, "I love your N bleep... F me N... show me you are a N..." and it is a cross between jungle fever and a racist convention of sick cheesy hookers and pimps. While they have sex they call each other racist names and pretend it is normal behavior. Hannity says it is about "subservience" like child pornography or pederasty (as Rush describes it to me); yeah thanks for the tip fag. We have to stick a sock in their mouth and club them with bats; and that is just so they do not suck our dingle-ling. Dippy upstairs also said, "we are dead... we are wrong about this." Good stop reading my legal and personal mail; then refund my rent please. When I take you to court and demand to be paid; if you take it to trail, it can double the jeopardy and risk all involved; roll the dice more. Some of your accomplices face $29.99 and all court and legal fees; plus I demand a public apology; otherwise, I will bring them to civil trail.
How about stop using words I like or use often such as sanctification (versus justification), internecine, magnanimity, ensconce, loquacious, ubiquitous, sustainability, affinity, lackadaisical, rancid, gaiety, saunter, deviant, aversion, irregular, complicit, prankster, melodic, musical, etc. I do not mind others using it; but you using it is to facilitate a terror plot and felony. So if you can stop using my work to commit terror plots, I would appreciate it. This goes for Malkin X, Marked Leavin, Sean Hannity, CPAC crew, YAF crew, and the bone heads that circled my partner Ann. You have no written law or records; thus, have the charges above and we caught you red handed you god damn communist spy and jack off terrorist. I want the spy cameras gone and my rent refunded immediately or else will seek punitive damages for each and every day on who is keeping me in this criminal conspiracy and trying to make me "equally guilty." I am not in this or wish to be part of a peep show; nor pay rent while you steal everything and relentlessly bully me hourly. Are you mad or just slightly insane? Sustainability and "economic sustainability" shows up in no textbooks. It is traced to two authors, the original is a female; the application of it in satellite warfare is by a male. Reagan and sustainability is moot but it shows the complete lack of knowledge and the attempt to produce a forgery and defraud the public. I AM CHARGING PER DAY PUNITIVE DAMAGES!