I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Thursday, October 21, 2010
When the files of Timothy McVeigh is reviewed, it indicates the radicalization period the result of his mom. As I mention with the female dog and constant pressure to have a baby; they are psychopathic and demanding; always criticizing or showing anger. This eruption of suspicion and devastation of the nuclear family is dignified by his mom having a secret life, his family torn apart, his dad viewed as a victim, and severe anger towards the world. Even divorces at this period of age causes males to become rebellious towards females and most of all authority. Based on our observations and how they try to trick people as parents, adopted parents, or mentors and teacher; it is fair to say his mom began the radicalization and indoctrination period. Then a hidden or mysterious figure will step in as he is on his own; mafia or local. We know they are doing this to pity seek and imprint a winning image. They do not fight but wish to take away the ability to fight them.
Based on observations of Revolutionary Command, it is contact via television or radio; a sponsorship. They begin to drop his leads and hints; to make his alertness peak. Then he begins to trace the steps his mother took and follow the same footprints; thinking he is chasing after his identity or whether or not his demons are haunting him. He finds out his mom is a revolutionary and laid the groundwork for him; his future and this Sara Conner like female in T1 and T2. He begins to meet her friends or associates, those who knew his mom across the US. His radicalization or indoctrination is not complete until he is introduced to the radical elements in the bush and enlisted in the US Army, the black wing and the revolutionary guards. Now his journey begins and he is given orders and instructions; to become like God or take orders from one. This female event is very important and needs to be heavily explored and scrutinized. Notice how no female is involved with him; only a friends sister.
The female who is the focus or has him locked is his mom or this friend of the family; someone she has turned him over to. The family is broken up and he is ordered to go his separate way upon her moving to Florida with his sisters. The leaders of Revolutionary Command are contacting him clandestinely. They are doing it over the radio and television because it is very rural and a sleeping town. He is made to become addicted to his experiences and this radicalization period; he also does not write anything down or tells anyone. Most likely, he has a female who keeps him focused and wards off other females. McVeigh's biography sounds exactly like my own and my brother. We read Soldier of Fortune, were into survival gear, had guardians or were taught the outdoors, and were into computers and video games. We all go to war at the same time and fight for the nation at or around 1990. Interwined in this is the Unabomber Manifesto. The Unabomber and the impact on the Catholics and labor movement are similar themes of this Revolutionary Command and upstate NY. The one thing about these females is radicalization and insanity. He is surrounded by awful or very manipulative ones and this will lay the groundwork for what is to come.
The one thing about the upstate NY area is how awful the women are and how demanding they are to be self reliant or independant. The females in upstate NY are more domineering than the males. His constant hit and miss with pretty girls was a game and a courtship similar to the insanity of stalking described as Jihad Jane and internet dating. It is also to make him feel insecure, need a big break, must do something big, and how they are waiting for the arrival or delivery of some big event in their lives. The same was done to both Alex and Ann; a cupid game or a stupid order to jump through hoops. These females are arrogant and narcissistic. So they choose a superstar or very capable male to put the best face on the entire matter; to team up on one single male and radicalize them. McVeigh was not smart enough to counter-act or pick up on this; similarly, his mom mysteriously left the picture all the sudden. A lot of this motherhood and love was drained out of him until there was nothing left but hate, anger, and a lot of false misconceptions. All of this is the result of these females; they are the ones who are ring leaders or the puppet masters, witches.
Strangely, the mafia is behind this and the Catholic Church; yet he is not able to find a job or plug into their crony system. He also does not know anybody whom is able to get him on the right path, why? So there is a clandestine and hidden teacher here, a master spy or a crime boss. The job with the Armored car was very similar to the security jobs in 1988 and 1989; and then again in 1998 with Loomis and Fargo. Most people knew what to do or where to go; so he is being pushed around and will end up landing in their terror recruitment plot described in heavy details. The same process of transferring people from other states into military units or stations; was similar. A person named Nichols was in our unit but from Fremont and Fresno California; both Hispanics.
The upstate NY area is hostile. All they want to do is fight outsiders. If you are not local, they will fight you and try to steal anything. They do not trust anybody and will scare you off, ward you off, and give repeated warnings they do not like you and do not want you around. So the level of clandestine activity and this garrison for mafia, labor unions, and this evolving Revolutionary Command is beyond the scope of insanity. The females are in your face and as cruel as humanly possible, always wishing to battle or ready to die. Due to the weather and cold, they are constantly viewed as victims of the climate; a harsh reality.
What is odd is his Army career. His unit, The Big Red One, is known for their Anzio campaign and Panzer battles. They are the most famous unit in Italy. Fort Riley is the station of the Colonel I met while working in the medical corp. She was married to a enlisted Sargeant and I was told about Fort Riley. Although not a tanker, my brother DJ was and has similar facial features. DJ is hardcore Army, considered an Army brat and whom had survivalist friends. Alex is more of a academic and GQ type; very athletic and won at anything. Until this bunch entered the picture; life became a daily struggle and this blockade was paralyzing. They shut down everything and it was impossible to win at anything. DJ has a different personality, easy to get along and a leader of men. Alex is more of a commander, always critical and yelling at subordinates about messing up. They said it was a blockade and death was imminent.
It said he read and reread the Turner Diaries while stationed in Bleeding Kansas, home of the Civil War and history of the first bloodshed in America. Although these similarities point to a slave revolt or even Revolutionary Command, a race war, the communist part is hidden and so are the puppet masters. It is impossible to read one book or have one experience and become this extremist. Therefore, much of this has been left out; however, killing now was no longer a fantasy or unreachable reality. Reading a book, being in the military, growing up in NY, or forming misconceptions about guns and government does not happen overnight. The Turner Diaries is about blacks and Jews but it does not say which side McVeigh is on if this conspiracy was true; so the book radicalizes him even more. He grows up in a dark, Jewish, and Italian area; so he must be biased and made up his mind.
The possibility of these "unwarranted arrest" is being implanted in the minds of people. It happened not once but at least 10 times; brush up with dirty and corrupt police officers on attack mode. We find out it is the labor unions and the iRush. When it came to farms and land sales; the Germans were the most productive of all immigrant groups. Not much is known about this militia problem however, there is a history of upstate NY and AZ. It is a long tradition of mafia and labor unions to seek refuge in AZ, sometimes during winter months. If this is the labor unions; then his Michigan contacts were indeed part of this militia group.
Essentially, the crime groups and the immigrant groups have nothing and join the unions due to severe hardship and the door to Revolutionary Command begins. The source of this drugs, crime, immigrant, and labor union rackets are the mafia and the Italians; now calling itself black liberation or slave liberation. The communist US groups are just poor and they do not have anything in life. This is why they associate with the American Indians at times or anti-government sentiment. The militia groups remind us of the times labor unions had shootouts with private or federal forces. Afterwards, they were thrown out or evicted; blacklisted or ran out of town.
So whomever his mentor is, this liberal leadership is reliving the World War II experience, fighting Hitler in the sands of the Middle East, and post war or boom felt by liberating Europe or this white supremacy plot. There was a tremendous feeling upon returning home from Europe. It is difficult to determine if it is the Democrats or a religious group such as the Catholics and Jews. However, the footprints are similar to DJ as he and his wife head west in 1993-1994 to start a new life in Silicon Valley and the high tech industry. DJ came home from the Persian Gulf War in a tanker unit (Fort Hood); and then finishes college on the GI Bill and goes west. His army buddies from Michigan (blacks) send him their resume and auto industry experience (saw their employment at Ford Motors, etc...) They were not only tough but they were in pictures with a special Bushmaster M16 with a silencer and so many corpses. My brother showed me the amount of dead bodies and I was shocked.
I remember the weapon his Army buddy had and how big he was; thus a huge silencer. Additionally, the CIA kept sending my brother recruitment fliers and the name was Frank Huff. I ended up getting this flier and sent my resume to Mr. Huff at CIA and they said he no longer works there. Mr. Huff may have been linked to the Bush family or was a minority; it is unsure. They are heading West at the exact same time while I am heading back from the Army. So DJ takes the course of Mr. Neubauer and transitions back to civilian and private life; I am more of the General Hamblen type who ran the cold war. Both of these men are very important in our life; General Hamblen parachuttes into Saigon in the early 1960s and does not leave until the 1970s. He ran so many covert operations, it still is not known today. Both men had been US Army Ranger commanders and paratroopers. DJ is the hardcore type and still sports a military haircut, travels the world, and mountain climbs. He still is physically fit and into the outdoors but he only keeps Asians around him; making it difficult to sneak up on him.
When Revolutionary Command says, "a right wing para- military unit" they mean a communist militant unit. If they are trying to kidnap our family, then it is difficult with my brother and taking me became the worst mistake ever. The idea is they need political cover and are blacklisted or told to leave, stay out. We suspect the NY-AZ link has to do with the Senecas, Pueblo, and Goldwater Indians. The tobacco history is mostly southern states such as VA and NC. Keep in mind, the FBI office in DC was the arresting authority at the call of Tim Russert and NBC. So if this plot was to bomb the HQ, then it has not occurred and the team of "friends" are really sneaky and here now. If they can cause enough problems, enough FBI animosity, and stack more of these rogues in the FBI; they can recruit by radicalizing victims.
Thursday, October 14, 2010

1. Strange incident when 17. Pulled over on the first week after getting a motorcycle and a class C or motorbike license. The ticket was minor and "nit picking" but had no impact on insurance (Texas plates on a Virginia motor vehicle after 30 days). He could have gave a warning and it was not a large fee or process to register in VA.
2. Was caught in the back seat of a car having sex during the winter of 1988. The female was asked if she was there against her will or was enjoying it; it scared the hell out of me.
3. Tresspassing in Woodstock, VA at a quarry where they tested US Navy ordinance. It was a place where people snuck in, dove off cliffs, and the sheriff said a few kids had died.
4. Odd and strange timing the night before shipping off to the Army. A female Arlington police officer accused me of making a turn without coming to a full stop on a yellow light that had turned red. It was complete insanity.
5. On a dark road late at night before coming home from the library while in college. The incident got me upset, really angry, and I wanted this harassment or black liberation to stop; like upstairs it is ongoing and continuous harassment for "a political experience" and way of thinking; minority rights, black liberation, racism, race baiting, hate, Irish, and the labor unions. That is the key there my job in 1986. Somebody was calling assasinations and Al Queda like inside jobs.
6. Parking ticket in 1998. Yellow lights in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. There is a string of five yellow lights after the 1996 Springfield yellow light incident; a hit and some altercation or pitch.
7. Immigrant baiting or making our family go bonkers. They were watching in 1993, 1994, 1995, etc... constant domestic calls and this immigrant-welfare "we want to help" problem with NY also and the DC Democrats. It was hard to tell if they were VC; but they spoke no english and were hostile when inside your home; they acted as if they were the boss and you must give them room. My father's war buddies were not a problem. They had two mentally ill (Down Syndrome) renters who sat there all day on welfare smoking and drinking inside our home. They would sit in the yard as if it was therapy or soothing; right in the middle for hours. It felt like a hit; an attack or this same police problems. The left and labor unions accused DC and Pentagon of evicting them and bringing the Vietnamese to the VA area; a buffer. They loaded the MD-DC area with other immigrants from weird places or very strong homeland and immigrant pride. They were very poor but did not have any civil war; communists.
8. Pulled over in some speed trap in Adrian, Michigan. Adrian is the name of my brother in law who went to Virginia Tech and worked at Ford in Michigan. My sister hated it and they moved to Japan for four years. Then my sister have a massive brain seizure that almost killed her. They flew her to the US medi-vac on life support for brain surgery. I read the report and I felt it was rattlesnake poison or some toxin concoction. Regardless she is okay and doing well after surgery.
9. Another strange and late night pull over in Marysville, Ohio by the Ohio State Police. This is where Honda USA is and the only US manufacturing plant. It freaked me out how they gave me a speeding ticket when it was nit-picky. Now there is a pattern of offenses and an explanation for this stalking and harassment; black liberation, labor unions, and the communists; Al Queda like assasinations. It begins with a break down on the road. I report numerous and repeated incidents of anesthesia or some gas that inoculates the driver and Ann screaming at me what is wrong.
10. 2002 was the last of these harassments or "stop rocking the boat so much... how does it feel to be inferior (immigrant)... how does it feel to be a minority (nobody likes you leave)... we are not inferior and we do not hate" Irish and black liberation labor union nonsense, assasinations, Mafia Wars, and NY powerful families unification. They were taking out other families and what Ann confronted the Bush family about. Bush denied it all and has not made any comments to Ann or us about 2000 to 2008; they were chased off and too scared.
11. There was a second arrest in 2006 and this evolution of police problems or Mafia Wars. When they were questioned, the 911 terrorists said "you have no rights... you must cry... show pain... we want you to commit suicide." In other words, there is a war and both Ann and I got caught in it; an eye for an eye; last man standing duel with a huge political nuisance and psychopathic terrorist group.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
FYI: my ex was a Pole, a very pretty girl with Polish ethnicity. The decoy or girl I met in 2000 at Ocean City was also a Pole from Pittsburgh; this time four times the looks of Linda; a first class cheerleader. She looks identical to Ann on PI with the tan leather jacket. I understand they had a bad history or may be traumatized; I was delicate and very nice; a great friend. Ann looks identical to her in beauty; yet Ann knows Linda was dumber than dumb and no matter what she did or how she did it; it caused suspicion. Either she was a thief, messing with your mind, or was a slick trap. I never knew Martha was a Pole but I guess that is why they teach etiquette and went to jail; Linda taught me the finer things in life and how to be filthy rich. I grew so sick of her and could not stand her at the end; just had to escape or leave planet earth stuff. I honestly pretended she was my girlfriend and we were engaged after one day and her dropping her bikini twice in the dark. There was no sex just a lot of flirting on her part. So Lori would ask me out or stay there until she got off. I played this out to the end but know it was an act or fake; a fantasy or decoy. I will say this again, she was a decoy and Ann refused to call her off; I had told Ann to hurry up and meet me.
Once Chris Johnson and his sister took me to their house and yelled at me, walked around the block and made me think they were yelling at me or I was lost, then they began to freak me out or flip me out, acted violent and even made it feel like a gang initiation. Chris Johnson's sister looks exactly like Sue Place; not much difference. You can look up Chris Johnson in the yearbook, if not Bishop Ireton or Catholic schools. These guys at our school were expelled and was kicked around from one school to the other and someone put me in their company. After Chris Johnson and his sister did that; I felt his sister was eager or sexually attracted to me but I never saw them again; never wanted to and moved on. That is the way I am; cross me once and it will never happen again. Chris and Linda grew up together, hung out together, and were childhood friends. I felt she put him up to this and to punish me for hurting her or the pain of a bad relationship. They were so rude and in your face. Chris Johnson denied he was put up to this. Then one day I found his wallet in my car and returned it; at the beach he would steal expensive sunglasses and say, "do you like this one or this one... its yours for ten bucks."
At the end of the year (1988 and graduation), he came up to me and asked if I wanted to buy a leather distressed bomber jacket for my motorcycle. I said yes after seeing it. My ex (Linda) had an identical one and it cost over $300. This was her style of saying thanks. I asked him where he got it and he said he did not know or some stranger. Then Linda comes along and at a party says how she likes my jacket and she had one; but it was stolen. This just flipped me head in circles and backwards. I saw her as an idiot or dumb; now she was pulling strings or causing more suspicion. Then she wanted to keep me around or be friends; until I met Ann. I suspect for sex or occassional dates; but she would call me out of the blue or ask me if I knew anybody who would sell her dope. That got me upset and jealous at the same time; just the entire matter and not able to move on. In all honesty, I wanted her around for kicks and sex; but when she got closer or I had no say; I wanted out and to move on. I was okay with me calling her one day and saying, "come over okay" and then not seeing her for six months. Worse, she became a party animal after being with me and I did not or was not into this, she liked the lime light I tried to escape or hated. This is why I used it again after a 10 year haitus; to see who the hell this was or what they wanted.
There is a highly suspicious case of a mom who kills a female child in Tracy, California; makes the crime scene appear to be an abduction, rape, and murder crime scene; then broadcasts this along with the Caylee Anthony abduction case. The thread, threat, and matrix to these cases is similar to terrorism but heavily covered over. Lets break the two up and start with the base or formula.
First, Cantu can be found in the HS. The name is Beth and she was at a private get together in 1997 after almost ten years. I never knew her but Pete and Russ Bennet did; twins. What was odd with Pete and Russ were timing, showing up, running into them at the gym, running into them at GMU, going to their house and meeting old lovers or interested girls, and whom they chose as their wife or fiance. Pete chose a Filipino girl who had straight A's in electrical engineering; his profession. I found this weird. They both bought a very nice house before graduating from college. In 1989 while working at Coverall, International; Sheila a Persian knockout (Nadine look alike and upstate NY in 2006), drove a brand new Infinity called a Q30. In 1997 while over at their house, I met his father who looks like an agent or a Mossad agent. He had a beard, carried a black combat bag, and drove a new Q30. I got suspicious and did not like the Filipino girl. I do and did have Filipino friends; she was annoying. This was about girls, sex, and marriage.
Russ chose or was engaged to a girl named Mary Beth or Mary Anne; had a southern accent and was sweet. I met her after a car accident and she was crying to Russ. So one day I bring over two bottles of wine and he said to air them. After two hours we forgot and it stunk. I then drank a few glasses and felt drunk but like a bus hit me. I could not tell if I was drugged and thought the airing process was the problem; it altered the wine and they said it did something, maybe a secret trick. So spaced out and hallucinating; out of nowhere is Beth, a total cutie. Beth never parties, dates, or goes out; her parents are very protective and we constantly stared at each other. I did not talk to her and I was told she and Mary Anne were friends or Russ met Mary Anne through Beth. Whatever the case, Beth did not change and was still hot; a lot of light brown hair, wide hips, not petit or slim but not fat, your all American girl who reminded me of Ivana at Virginia Tech in 1988. Ivana and I had classes and was Jackie's roomate (See Jacqueline on the soccer team with sister the basketball star, super gorgeous white and rich athletes.) So Ivana had a reputation as easy.
Beth did not but I did not say anything or talk to her; she said nothing. She also did not drink. I had such a horrible experience I never drank wine again. I recall Russ or Pete used to ride a bike with Bobby A. an Iranian at our school. Bobby Aflatooni was from Iran and a diplomat family; I met him through Jared Scogna whose father is a station chief or State Department official. So that was the Iranian link. At the time, I did not know what they were up to or why they kept showing up everywhere; so I hung out with them to see why. If we went out, they always drove or bought me drinks. After GMU, I kept running into them also. I saw them at the gym. I saw them at work sites (security guard). It was strange and I did not like them or the Triggar triplets (Barney Frank look alikes). So that is the last time I saw Cantu; at a party having a bad trip or hallucinating extensively on wine opened for two hours. I had this bad trip in Canada at a strip club in 2001 in downtown Toronto while an American was in the bar and we hung out. He did not tell me anything but was odd or a bit crazy.
So that is the first major clue and the matrix, a perfect match. The rest is the female police chief, the daughter, and the murdered victim. The names struck me as odd or flash backs, a memory trail. During this time, I used to ride my motorcycle into a brick wall. I got 200 feet, rev'd to 8,000 rpm, coasted and engaged into almost a standing wheelie and rode it up to 80mph or the wall. Then I lowered it and at the last minute, slid the wheel; executed perfectly to test my nerves and skill. After I did this Sheila showed up near her work in Tysons II and the offices there. I met Dillon and his hippie wife at this time after HS. They invited me to the American Cafe which was a hot hang out (Dillon was into major drugs and his girl Ann was a total hippie and Dead Head; they were and are major league hippies). Dillon Greenbaum did not go to our school but I met him through Jimmy Chatman and Will Casey; trouble makers.
Then I met Amber and this Jimmy Hendrix guy who were from out of town; total hippies. They even dressed in hippie clothes and Ann was from a rich family, Dillon was poor and had a single mom. Dillon and my ex Linda; used to date. Dillon told me they used to hang out and when I asked Linda, she told me the rape or how Scott Wilson had taken advantage of her. When I asked if she kissed him; she said yes and I knew she was lying but she cried hysterically and it freaked me out. I never liked her and her Polish background suggested a whore or some trauma or history. On a scale of 1 to 10, she plays hard to get, daddy's girl, but in bed she flipped and was a nympho, a 10 or more on a scale of sex. I liked this during this period and why I wanted to get a girlfriend. She turned out to be a disaster whom had fallen in love and I could not get rid of her but meant well. He drove me nuts and played with my head all the time. I met a lot of hippies in a few months and even went to my first Dead concert this summer. This was 1989 and after returning from Va Tech. I describe it as a hard and difficult time; right before Ann Coulter and stepping over that line to a new life and world.
I disappeared and stopped attending class in 1989-1990. I spent most of it with Ann and then the Persian Gulf War arrived, before I got a chance to join the US Army; check the records. I disappeared and got F grades at night school or criminal science classes; I had met Ann and spent all day with her around DC. She told me what she wanted, our dreams and this is when we began to plan and start a new life; we talked it all out and planned all of this around 1989 and 1990. I could not explain my absence or the importance so I had a GPA of 1.5 now due to one semester of dropping all classes. I also did not withdraw and they gave me an F, but it was erased after I transferred. The classes only cost 40 dollars per credit; so that was only five hundred dollars. It was no big deal to me and I was excited to meet Ann and spend all day with her and night. We basically committed to lifetime or were engaged then; total commitment and secrecy. We would get married after college or in 1998 after 10 years of school.
The second matrix is the Caylee Anthony story. The report says had it not been for the duct tape, an accident was highly probable as the story of how she died. She being the child we are dealing with. The girl I met in Montgomery County, has a construction company, is Russian, is Russian Orthodox, is a total hottie and wanted to get married - Julia; dated for a few months. We met the usual way, on face the She was the only girl who was real off that site; all of them are men who use pictures so I collected them, their names, and tried to make contact. Out of 10,000 profiles over two years it was only Julia Buckstein. Her aol name is destroy_shiva and the other one is chloroform_dream. I got suspicious and it even triggerred my PTSD when I heard chloroform while in her room in 2005. She said she just graduated and was 18, deciding on college or not. So I took her to NY for a week and she showed me Brighton Beach and Chinatown; Russian enclaves.
Julia spent hundreds of dollars in NY, shopping. I did not pay a thing; she was loaded. We ate exclusively at Italian restaurants in Little Italy where dishes are around $25 or more a plate. Julia wanted me to stop dating her and get engaged. Her parents had money and a construction company and she grew up in Rockville, a very high class area. Julia then told me she was moving to Ocean City, Md; getting a place there with 10 girls; and if I wanted to live with them. I asked her where I would stay and she said with her. I said how much and she said, she did not know yet. I asked who was sharing the room and she said just me and her; same bed also. I asked who she plans on paying rent until I got there and she said her boyfriend; so that was a signal for me. We had slept in the same bed but no sex, this was clean fun and an engagement. She did not solicit money unlike all other girls, she had money and was not fake; 100% super hottie and ready for a wedding. In 2006 at the end of the summer, I called her and asked her how the beach was. She said she did not go and it fell through. I said I was moving out of town and she said she was also. I asked where and she did not know yet. So there is a problem here and I am being driven off; to Orlando, FL in 2006 and then again in 2008. Orlando lights up with this mom, daughter, missing, kidnapped, beat up, and murder or rape case.
Then I called her after I moved and she said she was now in Orlando, FL with her boyfriend; living together. I began to get psychopathic girls or major action; all my security and alarms were triggerred; a shark was on the line and it would not surface. They sent me false or fake pictures; I would call them, they said they were coming over or was going to pick me up and then nobody showed up. When I called them back; they said I was there, in the parking lot and you did not come out. I had no idea who they were talking about or how they were here or on the premise. I saw no car, saw nobody, and it was a trick; but I also suspected it and how it was too good to be true. This elusive girl even had me walk to an empty apartment where McVeigh used to live during a snow storm. All I saw were females in their 40s and 50s married, shovelin snow. I walked up to them and asked them questions. The address was not built yet. The apartment building was an empty lot under construction; a plot of land for sale (500 acres) smack in Wheatfield; behind Summit Mall and near Love Canal (less than 1 mile). This elusive girl said her father was American, she was Jewish, and her father was in the Air Force, an officer. I could not look it up and it came back blank; possibly security or done to protect her identity; so I understood. So I would call her and she would not answer. When I got home and told her later, she said she had stepped out and was home at the time; I had missed her.
The matrix and the biggest pieces are Iran, Coverall International in Chicago, office buildings and cleaning contracts, Don my boss McLean, Moira a girl I met while working there in her 30s, Joe Gilbert who introduced me to Moira, some odd Irish guy, a Danish guy, and steamy office flirting with Sheila. Sheila was drop dead gorgeous, a perfect 10 in her early to mid 30s and ready to marry. The next matrix is the GMU crew and high school yearbook; Cantu and who she is. Tracy is a fictional name in my Va Tech essay; called "The Price of Freedom." I awoke in a dream to a girl named Tracy and told her what the Price of Love is and then it slipped away because it was only a dream or the distant future. What is real is a lot of hit and misses; up to 1000 girls; a process of keeping tabs; a familial relation with strangers or a peeping tom stalker; unwanted or predator behavior; and climbing a ladder or growing. Ann is growing while Alex is diving; in free fall without a chute; then he pulls up on the stick at the last minute before crashing and burning (beginning of Golden Eye and 007). The Golden Eye is a spy satellite and 007 goes after the largest and most powerful in the world by himself. If it was a barger, auction, or baby sale; then they got the price and values all wrong in the end, a big surprise and ending.
Someone had abducted Alex and Ann came to the rescue or wanted to. He was now a political prisoner. Then she acted against Alex's orders and fought to win back Alex. In that fight, she was nearly killed and destroyed herself. So they are trying to lure her rescue also but fail; it was Alex, another mistake they made. He is the Golden Eye and hide it do to danger and complex threats. So Alex waited and hid all of this until we knew who messed us up, who was behind it, demand their leaders, climbed their rung, sought their HQ, and a whole lot more. What we found was a treasure trove and the enemies of America; all gathered and huddled for their new plan. Well, so were we and we had our new plan to match or beat theirs; they were tricked by a forgery and had the original all along. So they got ID'd and quick as they collapsed on it and had to assess the damage, massive. They needed ground troops immediately and already used 911 as a layer of deception and to throw off the scent of a woman. It is a psychopath trying to determine what they can get away with or telling one lie after the other in the most normal and calm manner before millions of investigators. So who is the baby going to be sold to and why the drama?
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