


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


12/31/2008 12:15:34 AM Dear Sean, I want to take this time to beg and plea with you to consider the welfare of both your wife and kids. I plead with you to understand we are not a lynch mob and we are understanding people; however, the charges and the evidence against you will be much more than you can fight. You spent time to tell me about your childhood and how you grew up dreaming of a better life. It is never too late. I wish to bring you back to your childhood and ask why it had to change the way it did. Think about who you can hurt and what good you can do by helping us. I can make anything happen now that you care and are cut and wounded. Do not run for it and do not try to play the game of secrecy or keeping to yourself. I promise you to ask Rush and learn from how we were not happy with his decisions. You all do not even know how powerful of a force you are up against or who you are dealing with. You do not know what will happen or whether the forces are impossible. I do not see your caretakers running to your assistance or armies shooting wildly in the air for you to stay vigilante.

Prove to us you are not like him and will fight him also. If given the opportunity to give your wife and kids a better life and to raise them out of their misery; prove to us you will fight for this. This is the first time the public has ever seen commandos and psychics at work. We are not bad people but we no less have any tolerance for those who are not. I beg you to reconsider your wife and kids and to think about the good you can do for this world even if your life has changed for the worse. I ask you to look at myself and my ordeal with homicidal maniacs, being mortally wounded, what pain and suffering Ann had to face, what courage she showed, and how marriage and family is such a gift and so special. It is your family who holds this precious and if you let them down and betray their love; it will have a devastating impact on their lives. We have wounded you, that is enough, let’s stop it while we can. Let’s not push the envelope again and again.

Learn from Ann and I and how we lean on each other. You are talking to the brains and the best moves you will ever witness for the rest of your life. Do not pay with it and it is no game. Please consider your family and how they will view you and your choices. How will they survive and how much good you can do for this world if you just make that choice and take that step as we beg of you. We are not a lynch mob and we do not deserve this either; but we live in a crazy world and crazy things can happen, let’s not make it crazier and harder for anyone. Most especially, consider the future of your own family; we can make anything happen if it is possible. You must take that first step and not the last step. Rush has already sealed his fate, do not follow his lead. Again, you do not know how big a force and how powerful of a force you are up against; do not make that mistake again and again. You ought to know how powerful of a force you are up against by now; prepare for the worst. We must assume the worst. It is just a matter of time and unless God comes down to earth, he is not going to help you out of this; but consider who will end up suffering by your decisions. Let us know.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Movie: The Professional

Hannity and Colmes: "I do not want to date him" by Ann Coulter


Double Date Video:

Thursday, December 25, 2008



(Sean Hannity Show comes on about Chambliss in Georgia and how he is careful not to see his friends lose their jobs. Sean says government destroys all jobs, all, and he thanks GA for coming through for him; support our troops!) “The people who have caused a lot of these problems… their industries” Hannity says the Constitution and the right to exist has nothing to do with the government and the bail outs; or is this about mismanagement and political corruption? Is the full story being told and reported here? 12/24/2008 3:39:21 PM If Sean is guilty, then why does he not read the account with Rush and the request for solid evidence? We can make it happen and we are commandos and the masters of the situation; we have the authority and most especially at DEAFCON 5 if it will produce valid and good quality work. Keeping to you and letting the stealth candidates or sleepers to activate, as tried on us, will not work. You do not know what we have already.

We will overlap it with what we have but it is not known at this tie and not even sealed; to produce solid evidence is a very polite gesture and good quality everybody can live with. Hanging yourself can only hurt your work and effort for a pardon. “Shut down all government” while flying flags is not the answer Sean 12/24/2008 4:16:12 PM. You sound like the judge, jury, and executioner; but this is the problem with an honest debate and why it is not present. Nobody is looking bad or has to do anything they do not wish Sean 4:17:53 PM only you can or those behind it can look worse. When injuries are real then pretend ends. If you do not know what is coming, then you cannot say you are joining aboard and how it will make you look worse? Similarly, you will be in a position of why the rejection of this effort is being fought for, why is the full story or the full coverage of this being sealed on us or the masters of the situation?

We are one step away and this is no time to be negotiating a deal 4:21:52 PM; what are you or they looking for? “Capitalism will reign” and “the bail outs” will be at issue and no more cause will take place, we sent this terror and communist cell in disarray. They no less have a crystal ball then we do but how do they know someone had not cracked already and was going to get protection? Either you beat them to the punch as usual or fall victim to the opportunity offered 12/24/2008 4:23:58 PM; eventually, someone will. There are at least four intelligence agencies on the case and the entire allied military forces. We had identified ourselves; we need others to identify themselves. The crystal ball is in the favor of all those forces and allied powers. The crystal ball almost promises an eventual conclusion and eventual inescapability with the work of special psychics who had built the case; now we need solid evidence to make it a reality and public victory. We grant immunity based on the quality of the material or evidence produced and can make this a reality but we offer the opportunity; those accused or caught do not 4:28:31 PM. The first step is the quality of the material and how much is not being offered; such as disinformation, propaganda, a cover up, or another conspiracy.

Keeping to themselves is a detriment to the case and the effort and so is the gamesmanship being deployed. Brinksmanship never was a good strategy to victory during the Cold War. We also need to know what risks we are facing and what is around the corner while emissary calls us or talk their way out of it. The more the delay, the worse it gets because forces are amassing due to the false negotiations. That window of opportunity gets smaller and smaller now and it will become a big problem later on 4:34:48 PM even if the brinksmanship ends suddenly. Beat someone to the punch before it collapses and too late, consider what is worse. Pussyfooting and morsels of truth is not the answer to the situation but it does amass force and amass a larger army to combat this problem and “fearless fight” to the end.

We do not if the argument is for or against the history of who they are or how they got to this point of conflict; nobody knows what their true intent is or what they wish others to convey about their dishonesty. If those behind this have not felt the paralyzing aspect, how much force is against them for being on the wrong side, and then they have no idea what is coming for them or adding on to more tactics and strategy. “Who dares” who to sue you and phony “tactics” “let’s get this on the record and come after me, I am right here?” We cannot sue each other because we have never met and I know about you but you do not know about me; all you know is I am a US Army commando. Beyond this, you know a damn thing about me then I do about you. Furthermore, if you do not know my work, then it is difficult to say you were in the lead or can prepare for it. So you are forced into this position by me but as I have said; you know nothing about me except what I have told you and I now know nothing about you except what you have conveyed. This trap is impossible to defeat no matter what angle you view it at.

4:40:45 PM Again, this option and these demands are not yours to chose. We asked if you were willing to assist in the apprehension of this terror and communist cell; to say “The Republican Party” is not yet fully determined by anybody 4:42:04 PM. Again, this is gamesmanship and bad deception. “Put aside… for the safety and security of the nation” sounds like a heroic act but not being discussed at this time. Once again, the “overreaching” (which is coined by me during college as overreaching the Constitutional arguments and authority) has so aspect in this open ended talks or what is being conveyed badly 4:44:14 PM; “they won’t go after members of their own party?” (End of talks and negotiations) with “let them be the party of corruption.”

12/24/2008 4:45:05 PM We all understand their point of view or lack thereof, however, we disagree on the services being provided and the hidden material or the quality of work. People want to know what happened to them as we do; why our life was taken from us or stolen. People wish to know who and what the evil was behind the terror and the attacks which date back twenty, thirty, and even more years. They want to know if we made a vigilant effort to defend the nation and expose those who felt terrorizing human beings is a science and tactic to justify their science and moreover; allow them supreme access to control the politics or their colleagues. They use these tricks to gain advantage on others and beat them before those taken realize they had been deceived or cheated.

So we feel we are doing good work and quality work by making it known what we have and what we had to endure and go through to get to this point or obtain this level of work crucial for both the defense of the nation and a some standoff with evil who feels their political admission has been and was overlooked. We have taken steps to ensure nobody is hurt even if we had and are fatally wounded and are presently with real injuries. We do not accuse anybody; we only try to surmise an open debate until otherwise. Those who wish to enter the debate can and will and those who were behind it can and will join us as they sought so desperately. We can no longer stop them now then we did back when this began; so we make it known how nobody has accused them and only they have accused us wrongly by not reporting the full story or what they were doing behind the backs of others. If anybody had been accused of mind scratching wrong doing, then this is over and done with; now we collecting and gathering forensic evidence to suggest it was for a reason if not a good reason to attack the nation and overpower the right wing or conservative movement to complete this foiled plot.

So we understand their feelings and predicament; however, we no less can excuse them than they can excuse us and this is what they are grounded on; a not so open debate and honest debate about the science being gathered on us. What are they grounding their works on and where has that anchor led them but to the bottom and a passionate appeal to not have an open debate or discussion. However, we disagree about who is right in this matter and who in the public sectors wish to know was behind the conflicting and terrorizing attacks on both the nation and their own existence. They might be next and if they stand in front of it and try to stop it as we did, they might get dished the same punitive effort to break us or wrecked fight which has now turned into an amassing force against them or their party subversions. We need to know if and when this slaughter is going to stop and how it ever arose in the first place.

We understand but we have reached that point of excusing it; whether or not we get there is up for grabs at this time. Also, this idea we are in gross error or furthering a crime is absurd and a blatant tactic as always by the same suspects who have nothing to ground their terrorizing science on but the mere idea they are in control of their fate, our fate, and this nation and global fate. We have not gotten that far yet and they are insisting we are holding them up and in the way of their scientific analysis. This is like giving Charles Manson a college degree and a doctorate to teach others how to be the same as he is and how to capitalize on this sort of intervention and science so terrorizing it remains silent and keeps to itself; for good reason we hope also. It is a lonely place where they are now and they have surpassed the threshold of the edge, so if anybody is as fearless as they are, they will make this known and make this clear that they are and what their science is about. All we do is defend the country and the world and try to do the best we can and to prevent this ugly gesture that life is under their control and command.


The following chapters are the messages conveyed while listening to only the right wing and conservative voices; we can imagine the problem if we were to discuss this with others. Although they were not or have not been confronted about this and the date is stamped on each of the “subliminal” messages and conveyed messages; it must be understood what or how someone says something does not suggest it is what they mean or how they feel. Therefore, this is merely an analysis and thoughts which were conveyed while listening to certain people while investigating this terror and communist cell as described. It does not suggest we are protecting them or know what they are up to and it does not suggest we have debated or interrogated them fully about the Constitution, how to contradict and produce this science of politics, and the attacks and observations we had documented. Would an effort be made to fix it or apologize or would the message be sent to catch them if we could because sooner or later; one of them would break or someone who had been caught already would come forward to break them. So the question is it fears that someone would ruin it for them or the process of seeking a pardon which we knew they were doing.

We cannot say this was what they meant or how they felt but at the same time, we cannot either; it was simply the messages conveyed at a period where we had feelers and listening posts to determine who would show up or had anything to say or do about it. We released the information to see who would call, what they would call about, and whether they wished to give a public explanation because the inevitable was soon to come; an inescapable hunt for the people behind this. We were merely one step away and had one last stronghold before this occurred and the following were merely some of the items which showed up and some of the measures to send reinforcements to those who were fighting it or not trying to exploit the science of reality any further. This is twenty years of work and not some blind guess or stab into the darkness. Beginning in 2006, the case was released for public to see what came in and who was brave enough to stop this manhunt. In 2008, we finally got a break and the people behind it were there all along after we unsealed the last and final part. So these compilations were recorded and compiled from January of 2008 to the present.

We know they were watching intently and trying to figure out who and how the case on them developed. Furthermore, while this was being written; they got a hold of the work and beat everybody to the punch. So it deserves retaliation and a clear signal of how we feel about this ongoing effort to work on projects not even released or granted to anyone. Moreover, they now beat everybody to the punch and are considered some next best thing after the masters of the situation; which they are not. We have to make this very clear to them and let them know how hated their efforts are to squirm and sneak past everybody else by watching us and unable to explain their positions because they lack any and all education. We also have begun to encrypt some of the data and make it so complex; they will easily be identified if they try by dating the material. However, they found a way around that and were beating us to the punch and release of it forcing us to beat them back until they stop watching over our shoulders to see what they can get and how far they can go without explaining the situation. Naturally, all we have to do is ask for a written answer to see if they understood it or were merely stealing it and beating others to the punch and “31 seconds of sound bite.” If they want to beat someone to the punch, then the opportunity is being offered right now. We have ten years of evidence to go by and they know the news is shortening their rope of hope and fear. Again, how can they seek these analyses before it is released when they do not have the proper explanation to state how they got to this level? What are they doing in the lead and can they explain any of it or the charges against them. Why are they seeking help by those who are prosecuting them and who have amassed a multinational coalition to break them in disarray?

We do not know or can determine how they had more information then we had and how they knew more about this case then we had given the ten years since it began. This is what we were looking for and knows; how did they know more and what did they know or is it what they fear; what we have on them and on tape? How do this terror and communist cell know more about the situations then we do? Furthermore, where did they get it from and who if it is under seal for now? Certain aspect of the case is sealed until either an event occurs or a time period expires so that the empirical data can be processed. We let the public decide who and why those behind it were tricking them and how they knew about the cased before us or before we released it. Part of the problem was fighting this effort to unseal the case before they were prosecuted and apprehended; however, imprisonment twice and “over our dead body” was the only choice offered to us and our investigators. Again, the case had been sealed, parts of it are released when it is beneficial or when needed, many efforts were made to unseal, burn, change, and cover up various aspects of the case had it not been sealed. Now the process was too unsung and to unwind it and the evidence or lack of evidence we had, had to come up with, and the devastating result on both sides; the good and the unknown.

It is very hard to run and hide from millions of people but it is not very hard to kidnap or hold a few people prisoner to make sure their existence is not threatened. However, that is what the basis of the case is about and how it got to this point; by ignoring them and letting them chase, they could escalate it to give us an idea what level and how far they were going to take matters and how badly they wanted what we had. Yet they did not know what we had because that was sealed and that was the mistake they made. The idea is who has the authority to say no and why? Understand, by 2008 this terror and communist cell had made major advancements and their science had taken them either to the top or the bottom. How they got there is the case itself. How they dealt with the problem was also who they were to become.

They could not stop millions of people now when they were only stopping a few or one before. Meanwhile, they still insist we were not playing along with them and were very interested in how they had pursued and kept us a prisoner by this kidnapping. Yet, after they release us, the evidence changes and we do not play along for any fear of retaliation, opportunity to expose or accumulate data, and no further effort to bad mouth or spread fear as intended. Even if they had anything on us, we had discussed it and had a defense ready but would their case be ready for the proof and our documented effort? If they had isolated us and had only one person as a prisoner, that would be one thing; but if they now know how more than one person were working against their effort, then we had the upper hand and were playing along to ask what they wanted and were doing it for. This is how you catch these people and to do so, it is so dangerous not many people will volunteer after they recall the documented case with no reinforcements and backup. You are captured, tortured, and punished more than you know daily for ten years and we had five years just dealing with federal imprisonment; that is only five years to tell this story and case. So this will show the effort in only five years not fully ten as suggested.

Monday, December 22, 2008


12/22/2008 11:05:17 PM Dear Olly North and Rudy Guilliani. Who is telling the truth, I was not there. Is Ann telling the truth or is Sean? Sean says they passed love notes and Ann responded. Sean says they had their own engagement ring or some weird thing Ann never mentioned. Sean says Ann was doing it and then posted his picture so that everybody knows they have exclusive access. Ann feels ashamed and guilt for some reason. She also says it is good clean fun only. 911 widows? If you look at the video when Ann leaves the set, listen to her voice. Also, listen to her reaction when she was harassed in Connecticut “we have been friends for a long time” and she starts smiling like she knows something secret. Now how do I explain to my daughter why or for what reason their mother was plastering pictures of her and him all over the internet and her site? Is she trying to send a clear message? Does she wish me to know something secret? I am so none amused by Ann now and Sean said a lot. She feels that so long she is there for me, I will be there for her; it is so mind boggling. Ann said I was unfairly crucifying her and calls and argues and argues, “You have to see it my way”, just go to her web site and take a look at her attitude. Now is that who I want and who I call a mom? Is it confusing anybody? Listen to what Sean says also! He was spilling his guts and begging for me for some reason; just like Rush, go back and listen to the tapes. I was not able to pick up on what he said because Ann had not told me the story; it went right over my head. Rush did the same thing a long time ago (check records) but had nothing. Even right now, he stopped the bad mouthing but it sounded as if he was speaking for Sean.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Sean said about Blagojevich, “Unless they want to forgive them”; never forgive mass murder or criminal insanity 12/19/2008 10:20:23 PM. They do have the political will and the power for a pardon, but we cannot forgive or forget them. They are one step away and only have one last office to take over. I would not call the situation “in exile” and a “fearless fight.” “Everybody is listening” and “do not disturb only if you like them” and “be careful” 10:38:58 PM Note: in response to his “Alicia” comment; they are not kidding around! They have an army of gays also! They were kidding around and was not even gay; it was a sting and an act to harass others or pin them but you cannot swim against or with them while a prisoner, you have to figure out where they are going with it. If there was a way to escape them, then this would be deployed in 1998. Also, nobody was trailing them or stalking them with a terrorist or communist network. Alicia was their “prize” and she was not joking around. Sean knows all about the various nonsense to block their prosecution and cover up. 10:43:51 PM

Sean says if we go after them, they go after us and for us to consult a lawyer. Had I not been a prisoner and not kidnapped, none of this character destruction would be needed. They sent Alicia and an army of girls so that they could block and determine if I was meeting Ann secretly while kidnapped. They sent an army of gays also who were so aggressive they would grope you to antagonize and humiliate you. They forgot that one. 10:46:55 PM I am only into marriage and family and only monogamous. I was tested a long time ago, high school, and wanted to marry before this book came out. I interrogated each and every girl they sent to figure out what was their intent and whether they knew about matters.

t was a tactic to go after the prosecutor in order to cover up or avoid the real problem; you cannot swim against or with the current while kidnapped; they manage and chose every single aspect of your life. If you deny them they strike out and it is merciless. They are looking at one event while kidnapped which they failed but was using to “nervous” you. It is relative, sometimes you have to give them what they want (thinking it will pass) other times they scold you so hard you get confused at what their intentions are; the idea is to play along while they say that is not what they are looking for or want. Sean like Rush knows of one particular incident out of hundreds which was futile on both sides; a stalemate. They could not get anything whatsoever because you play along to see where they go with it or what they can reveal, any clue.

You just do not go through with it and let them snag you in their trap; just egg them you are cooperating. That is what they do but they want proof you are serious and for real; not wasting their time. You have to make them think you are eager if they become merciless. I am much better at this than Ann and I taught her how to do it, she just followed and duplicated it. When they pull a stunt, I feed it to Ann and she duplicates it. I give her every single detail, which is behind it, and what their goals are. When I get a weak lead, she throws it out as bait by pissing them off. Then she takes what I fed her and confronts them to see if they know before being partners. 11:14:36 PM I am much better behind enemy lines than Ann because I am a commando; she is more of a secretary or journalist. Her initial role was to be a wife and to document everything being allowed access and record keeping, a historian.

This was not our job or what we had planned for our life; it changed in 1998 and we had to adjust to this as documented. This is not my specialty and expertise; we adjusted to it once kidnapped. We had no idea what the hell was going on and communicating back and forth to find out what was happening to us. Ann’s primary goal was just support. We knew something very bad just happened and something very evil was unleashed on me initially and then her when she got loud about it around 1998 and 1999. Their attacks were so vicious they threw us in a fit of rage every single day and every time we went outside. The Clintons then went to quiet Ann while someone was on me. Ann was away from the battle then came to DC when they did this to be close to me.

That is basically how we did it and how they were not able to detect any anomaly; I told Ann it was time in 2006 and she moved on my lead also. What I am trying to say is I pretty much run it all; I do everything. Regardless, they managed to bring my income down to 400 a months and several bankruptcies and loan defaults, such as my measly 22k college loan, that is all I spent for ten years of education and costs. They were grading my work as a D or a C grade while in college and then some of it ended up with Dick Cheney and several others. The most valuable was my nuclear policy called “US Resolve: The Strategic Triad and Mutually Assured Destruction.” That piece is missing now; I do not know when it was taken. They were testing to see if I had SDI or some other defense system they had not seen before. Also, they did not feel I wrote it and graded me a D so I worked twice as hard for them. I just ignored them and did not confront them, they were totally nuts and once you did, they argued incessantly and got worse. They viewed this as my surrender to them and their control. 12:12:37 AM this is how they call you a liberal, a terrorist, or a spy. It is how they steal things while allowing no chance to identify them. When we ignored them and were about to leave the country, they came to us finally for final meetings. When they did, Ann moved in and played with their minds; they were going to take her out also in a worse way, she was a second witness and could prosecute them.

She now snags their leadership while I play along. Then we surprise them who the leaders truly are and let them try to “fight it” in small bits. Ann is strictly limited to promoting them and it is vague rules; she went too far and upset me. Worry free situation? Ann is not allowed to do anything while I can test them because it is so dangerous; I must remain totally silent and total communications silence because they check your money, wires, and any rescue attempt. There was a team on them to make sure life threats were ready. I know the most deadly fighting techniques; I was never taught sport, only life ending techniques by the best teachers and US Army Special Forces trainers. I am unarmed and rely on five martial arts after they took away my right to buy a weapon after arrest. They also revoked all clearances so I could not defend myself and cut all money off so lawyers are not called. They were convinced I was alone and nobody was looking; when convinced the leaders made contact when I posted the global notices. I have showed the tapes which announced the time each step was begun; I review them to refresh my memory and to recall the surveillance. The roles are switched and the meanings not known but it eggs them on and is a morale boost, for my eyes only, I have the key code and keep the meeting secret. I have showed several of them and it is barely noticeable.

You are not allowed a normal life and they are all fearless. You are not allowed to resist or complain, that is the entire point of kidnapping someone or destroying them. If you play along and give them what they want, they ease up and continue the kidnapping again and the lobotomy or training. Your best bet is to lie and play along unless you wish to be injured or disfigured more. It is torture and terrorizing. Sean knows about Alicia which nothing happened; nothing. Some of the girls had maniac boyfriends so they would confront you and turn into lunatics for playing along even if you were just seen talking to them. They always lie about what they can give you or what they want. Does he know about the gay armies, name one of their names if he does, they were obsessed with my looks and body; it was perfect and the most unique ever witnessed. Now they were relentless and would show you their private parts which made you puke (ie: when you go jogging, they stand by a tree in only shorts and get our attention; it is total shock.) if you do not complain they mark you a spy and move in, it is a surrender to their control.

Sean says it is about Reagan’s policy about growth 11:36:16 PM. They do not know anything about Reagan or Ann; both Reagan and Ann were allowed in the Pentagon. There is a massive problem at the Pentagon with political infiltrators and appointments. The Pentagon knows there is a problem with rogues and following all leads; they do not wish or lament over nuclear war. The Pentagon knows illegal wiretapping is going on and detected it a long time ago. What they detected is classified but more was needed. They also knew a plot was unleashed to steal SDI and other major projects. They did not expect the real deal and the leader of it to come down and fight them. This was not our primary objective and we were delayed for ten years at least and total destruction of our life. The situation is how it is now. Our objective was not to deal with this or to be blocked and taken out; instead we were kidnapped right out of college and even while in college. 11:48:55 PM now we have a twenty year cleanup depending on how quickly they can restore our life and the charges forwarded. They got the surprise of their life and the charges against them are unbelievable.

We do everything necessary before that nuclear option is used. Reagan had a zero tolerance on terrorism and destroyed communism but was not calling the shots, he prevailed over it. He was forced to abandon the fight on terrorism much similar to how we were attacked by it. It was an inside job and rogues trailing us and very close to him. It is very similar to how things are now, total insanity. There are intelligence agents inside the intelligence agencies to prevent these infiltrators and rogues. This particular operation of theirs had the equivalence of ten or twenty times that of the Rosenbergs. It was that important and they needed this very badly as competitors. 11:51:18 PM Sean calls us competitors and we will like what they have in store. Their goal is to antagonize us and strike upwards when denied or to attack it and break it down, wreck it, or remove all barriers. If they meet resistance, they strike out when denied or do not get what they want; it is a secret hit and a secret war. They like to play with the reality of others and Sean calls it the voice of the opposition 12:51:15 AM; no comments made on kidnapping, harassment, individual existence, individual talents, only taxes and spending. Says they will fight to the end and continue the fight as the voice of the opposition.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


12/18/2008 11:25:04 AM YOU TWO LIKE TO PLAY THIS GAME AND MAKE OTHERS THINK YOU ARE TOGETHER OR HAVE SOME EXCLUSIVE ACCESS. ANN ENJOYS THIS AND WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW THIS SO I WANT PEACE AND AM GIVING YOU THE VICTORY. END THIS CURSE AND STOP THIS NOW, I WILL HELP ASAP. Sean, since Ann Coulter is in on this “he is my boyfriend” (came out and said that) and she did without one thing from me as I had mentioned (“there was one thing she wanted to discuss with me face to face”) I will make a deal and broker a peace plan with you. You divorce your wife and begin to take Ann away so I can lay this matter to rest and “help her” scandalous little enthusiasm. If she destroyed or tried to destroy you, then you can play the game back on her now that she has pissed me off like you would not believe. I told Ann it was real and to prepare for this. The quality of work was so poor I could not deal with it but she said, “You have nothing to be jealous about” which was typical vague Ann. YOU WILL NOT BE ATTACKED OR GET ATTACKED AS I DID. ANN WILL NEED AS MUCH PROTECTION AND COMFORT AS YOU’RE TERRORIST AND COMMUNIST CELL CAN PROVIDE NOW; SHE IS VERY HURT AND NEEDS COMFORT. ANN WANTS TO BE USED AND WANTS TO BE HATED. SHE IS DEALING WITH SELF HATE, A LOT; THIS IS HOW SHE DEALS WITH IT. SHE THINKS IT PLEASES ME AND IT DOES NOT, THE QUALITY IS CRAP. YOU WILL ENJOY HER MORE THAN ME, SHE MAKES ME ANGRY NOW.

The psychos want to help and her stunts are delusional. Nothing is real. Her staff wants to help her and so I am going to treat them as one unit eager to help and cause raucous and vulgar poor quality. She is not a victim of a conspiracy; she has a problem with quality work. I am not able to convince her to raise that quality so I am forced to tell her and promise her that if I get my commission, I promise her she will be gone with two weeks notice. I want nothing to do with her and these people are so eager to act to save their asses. I told her if I get my commission, she is gone and she does not care; she feels her position with me is granted and solid. It is no longer based on voluntary or consent and her state of mind is fitting to the situation. Let them have her and let them do what they want, she is egging them on. I think mentally and by circumstances she is lost and lost it. So let them have her; she can only do damage from now on. She will have a massive fall when I turn on her and move on but I need my commission and things to change. I cannot deal with how disgusting and poor quality her work is getting. She is not crazy, it is self hate and this is how she deals with it; sacrifice or quiet regrets. They love this crap and this rank and file.

I do not know who Sean represents; Catherine, Lori, Amanda, or a few others. She duplicates my life in order to be my voice and emissary. I feed her all information. Nothing is ever enough and she cannot put the brakes on. Soon she will be one of them; the quality of work is very poor regardless of how smart she is. They will not let her put the brakes on even if she wants to. From what I see she does not want to put the brakes on or care who she hurts. She is neck deep and wanting more so let her be one of them and let them have her. She is no longer any help and can only hurt the situation. She said she was going to give her life for these maniacs and terrorists who are spies and they believe this and want to help her. Now you know why I am trying to get rid of her before something bad happens, the quality is so poor. I have not seen any evidence of reform or a reformer. I told Ann “one more stunt and that is it” several times; she always finds a way around it or some good excuse. Take a look at her private life now it is embarrassing; quality? She is beginning to self destruct after I disapproved of her but she said she worked so hard to get here. Don’t look at me I was trying to talk sense in her and put the brakes on; she is trying hard to avoid a fight while I disapprove.

So here is what you do Sean, I will broker a peace deal with you. It is called get lost or get stolen. You win and I will push her away. I hope my commission comes through because the reason why she has all of this power is because I am so dependent after 10 years being kidnapped. So I teach Ann a little lesson about love and how she needs to sober up and quickly. The taking naked pictures I have no idea about. All I know is there was something she was worried about. She admitted she was hiding something but claimed it needed proper explanation, it was risky. She also says she did this so that Rush (?) would turn on you or several others. You were some protector but someone said it was well known for years about you two. They approved you and rejected me. You fought hard Sean, so congratulations, you have yourself a fiancé, and I promise you my full support; I can do what you need to convince Ann what she knows already. Ann has always told me how much she dreams of a strong Irish Catholic like you.

If you think I care, I said and made a fair time scale. So since she is self destructing; I will just give her to you and you can marry her. She cannot find love again she is desperate; she is better off with her enemies. If she or you are lying, then it will be devastating to her. You seem to confront and antagonize me daily; a lot of others do this. She now appears to be protecting you and giving you exclusive access and also claims you had or will have exclusive access to antagonize me even more. Why fight it? She only has two weeks. She says you professed love to trick and lure her and your wife was in it. I do not know what your wife was doing but some country guy supposedly was sneaking around her apartment in Manhattan. I confronted him and he deleted the email but said it was exaggerated, he only was seen in the same bar with her which was first “we had a drink together.” She did not even know what I was talking about when I asked her.

I do not know why she protected you to antagonize me last night on your show 12/17/08. Based on how you acted and your voice, it was confirmed some sort of impropriety was going on. I have noticed Ann lets men have their way with her and I can confirm this; that is who she is in a relationship, she is a push over. However, her problem is with balance and harmony. Her balance and harmony is out of calibration so she must act this way. She has a psychological problem; I would describe her as more of a sacrifice. I view it as embarrassing and she views it as part of her pundit life. I cannot tell what is real and what is not and it is too difficult to stay focused with Ann around.

Awhile back, Ann stopped me when I had asked her a question. She said she wanted to wait and wanted to delay answering it. Then she made very defensive statements about how she never kissed, dated twice, or had any sexual trestle with anybody. I know Ann better so let me deal with her. So let’s test how enthusiastic Ann is, marry her and I will declare you the victor. That will sober her up quickly. Ann was guilty of something and would not say and she felt very bad; almost ashamed and would not say. However, based on Colmes’ action and “you two are friends” it is clear he also knows. Had Ann told me, it would not have gone this far. She was very worried but made it go this far at the same time worried tremendously how I would react and put the brakes on. She does not know what embarrassment is and how to put the brakes on. I told Ann to go back with Hannity, that is her best bet; he will accept her and approve of the poor quality, I will react to it differently and become very disappointed. Just like I told her in 2002, I am hit, I am down, I am gone; you have a chance. I have helped Ann out so much her entire life so I am helping her now, which is love, you let go. It is no longer consent and voluntary, it is nuts. Ann does not have a clue what love is and the sober danger she can loose it or ruin it. She is not mentally prepared to deal with the reality of it.

Ann needs to give me a timeline and her plans. I have given her mine. You just got yourself a fiancĂ© and I will do whatever I can to make sure of this. YOU WILL NOT BE ATTACKED OR GET ATTACKED AS I DID. So I need you to tell me when and if you and Ann are going to get married and why in the world Ann would object to this. You have my word and my guarantee of 100 per cent support. If there is or was a scandal, I will broker a peace and will make her very sober really quickly. You win Sean Hannity, congratulation; you are officially Ann Coulter’s new trick! I do not know who Sean represents; Catherine, Lori, Amanda, or a few others. She duplicates my life in order to be my voice and emissary. Ann was told she had some problem with balance and harmony and no more stunts where it makes them eager to help. I am trying to tell Ann and she is not fighting it, she is best off with Hannity; she did not fight this. Ann’s best chance in this is with Hannity as I am telling her now that I know what her little secret was about. I was not allowed into this little secret and Ann refused to tell me about it, so I cannot even confront Hannity or Ann about it. I cannot stand any of her staff or circle of friends; they all are nuts and totally fake. They call you liberals and Democrats no matter who you are or what you are about. They are all thugs and muggers also and I refuse to have any involvement; Ann was disapproved and encouraged to run to Hannity and if you listen to them, they have a very special camaraderie and this exclusive access. Ann did not deny this either, she withheld one issue she wanted to discuss face to face.

Now I have to deal with lunatics who are eager to follow every single word of hers. They have to save their ass and her work is so poorly misunderstood it makes them eager to strike out at anybody. The psychos want to help and her stunts are delusional. Nothing is real. Her staff wants to help her and so I am going to treat them as one unit eager to help and cause raucous and vulgar poor quality. She is not a victim of a conspiracy; she has a problem with quality work. I am not able to convince her to raise that quality so I am forced to tell her and promise her that if I get my commission, I promise her she will be gone with two weeks notice. I want nothing to do with her and these people are so eager to act to save their asses. I told her if I get my commission, she is gone and she does not care; she feels her position with me is granted and solid. It is no longer based on voluntary or consent and her state of mind is fitting to the situation. Let them have her and let them do what they want, she is egging them on. I think mentally and by circumstances she is lost and lost it. So let them have her; she can only do damage from now on. Hannity is like her backup if she gets disapproved. She told me it was a done deal, but she just did not give him an answer. Let the lovebirds have their fun and let them enjoy each other consensually. It is no longer voluntary with Ann and I due to the poor quality of the work, it is almost embarrassing.

She turned this raucous and this fame of field operatives back on me and now; has no argument or excuse, she says she worked so hard and the quality of work is so poorly fashioned it is a total headache. I do not even wish to work with her with this idea she cannot address good quality and danger. The quality of her books was mine; I built the skeleton of it. She keeps pushing deeper and deeper in the red and not addressing the quality of what she is engaged in or the balance and harmony. Intel already said she had a psychological problem and I concur. She is better off with her enemies but she is offended by them and wishes to stay with me while producing poor quality of work and this raucous of a little duckling. Let her enemies have her and win her so she sobers up quickly; it is not a good arrangement on either sides. Just let them have her, let her do what she wants and let them destroy each other because the quality of their work is so poorly based on cutting each other slowly to see who can take the most pain. I had been antagonized about my discipline while the quality of work went unaddressed.

If you have not noticed, every relationship Ann has been in has turned sour or ends up in some contest. While I refused to be in that contest, she made it thrive. Now she can no longer stop it then deal with the impacts or the regret and self hate she has. However, after watching all the men she has “exclusive access” to and the shows he prefers, my conflicting analysis is she is best with Hannity. She told me one story, him another, and nobody knows, and she feels she has the final say. She has chosen him to be a lifelong friend and confidant in the worse of times and always goes to him, not me. They are now teaming up on me and I warned her. You can watch the video tapes of her as I did to root out her stalkers, Hannity is obsessed with her and she is okay with this. Even if he is along with Rush and this terrorist and communist cell; I am embarrassed by their close association and dysfunctional sympathy for each other. They are very close friends, it is scary.

I have done the best I can to get her out and I am most qualified to make encourage her to consider her future. The burden and cloud of doubt is lifted and she owes me nothing. She has guilt she owes me. She has self hate due to my disapproval. She says if I cut her out of my life I will destroy her but that is love and that is the peril of love. You cannot destroy it and wish it back. She was afraid I would catch her lying so she withheld one item from me which I let slide; recently they overwhelmed her again and again. Hannity, her close friend was doing this to protest because they had a special relationship not even known by me, she said she hated him. He said he had a lot of female attention and she got in line over and over; some sort of jealousy maybe. Everything Ann told me, Hannity would contradict; as if he wanted a recount and claimed a Franken voter fraud. I am scared of their game and wish nothing to do with these lies. I do not know who is lying to me now while Ann claims it was just good clean fun. Everybody tells me it has been known for years and I have never seen Ann kiss anyone or tour with anybody. A lot happens and a lot of bonding takes place when you travel in the trenches together. Hannity follows her around the USA, I researched it.

I have never asked for anything only good work and a quality she can be proud of which is not what is happening. She is not guilty but she is shooting high and forcing a fit while she tries to avoid confrontations which will quickly end her goal with me. Her security and fans are eager to attack me and have and she does not spank them. A poor sign of discipline; her mess is best taken care of and left the way it is with Hannity who also does not care and is a total fraud. He cannot survive without her, it is obvious. They have locked me out while Hannity is protesting with me and antagonize how close he is and this exclusive access which Ann also keeps me away from. I do not see it as a professional relationship; they are friends in real life and life long companions who she has kept around for rainy days. I have no anger towards Hannity and am meagerly disappointed and disapprove of Ann’s private life; her career is fine. They know how to fight her and destroy her. Even recently, even with my involvement there is little if no progress and I can no longer blame myself than Ann. They are not the slightest bit nervous or deterred; neither is Ann. But she gets her power from me I get very little if none from her. She does it on purpose to make me… and test our… and you can see…

Her management of her private life has angered me and we were not able to resolve it; mostly due on Ann’s part. She is the creator of it and the destroyer of it which is a poor discipline and bad work. She should have just chosen him and surrendered to him rather than play both of us. When that game was turned on me, I have given her two weeks; she has appealed at least 100 times and cried all night sometimes. I think it is fair to say what goes around comes around and had she taken a stronger position with Hannity, I would have had a different attitude, but I hold no animosity with her. It is love and part of loving someone, when your life changes and you are different people, the reality and the sober peril is it is time to reconsider all options. She is plagued with too many problems as I am but our careers have shot off in different directions even. I know it hurts and I talk to Ann to explain and teach her love and what happens when you do not take care of it. There is a threshold and a point where even force and dependency cannot make up for. I would prefer if Hannity would just take her so I do not have to hear him talk about how much exclusive access he has to her life and lies. Ann antagonizes me with this also but she is terrified I will unfairly crucify her or judge her wrongly. I tell them to leave her alone and she makes them eager again. They attack me and claim to have exclusive access with her and get together with her all the time. It is true also; she does it deliberately and claims she does not deliberately try to hurt me. Umm, yeah… it’s easy. Do you hear her talking and who do you hear begging? So she also antagonizes me and then begs for love; I am just bewildered by it all. She is a smart girl, very smart and clever.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The situation with Sean Hannity was easy to figure out. Either he had some solid evidence which could disprove he was not stalking Ann or trying to drive men away from her, specifically decoys and most especially her lifelong mate. He had a choice to either honorably exit this chicken game or get smashed by it. The worst part was how he was fund raising money for the troops to promote his hidden and secret agenda which had not been revealed. But it began to clear up as he was not reporting the full situation and was reporting it secretly or stood against it. Even if he was a Mafioso, the care packages and the involvement with the truth was a low down trick. You and Rush are complying, so did Laura. Lisa DePasquale has not complied and we are still waiting for her.

Sean calls it a fight to the finish 12/15/2008 10:11:08 PM and pie throwing. What is this about a list of women you felt had been approved? 10:17:54 PM so you had to find replacements for this ring or inner circle, did the US Army commandoes make this difficult? 10:19:35 PM Sean, I want you to apply Reagan philosophy to the UAW bailout. You are glad we are with you? 10:21:25 PM explain for me the supply-slider view of the bailout, can you? Make up your mind; do you give out orders to union leaders or terrorist cells? We know all about the cells and the conspiracy hunting. 10:48:08 PM why would union leaders listen to Reagan? You are following him, for help or to hurt? Tell me about Laura Ingraham; you all hate Ann and contacted me to negotiate some demand, so tell me about this. How do you figure she has lifted me up so many times?

Did you know about me and Ann before 2006? You needed our gold? Did you know about us before 2006? Hannity, I do not want to hear an economist, I want to hear your opinion and what Reagan would say. 10:56:48 PM do not worry about lying, you are in a chicken game and we pretty much know everything. 10:58:04 PM you just saw and witnessed this happen before your very eyes as we did from you. We know how your ring and circle is making very bad personnel decisions and hiding it while moving behind the backs of others or watchdogs.

11:35:35 PM Sean you do not have a clue about economics or Reaganomics. All you do is repeat his words and quotes and when I ask you questions, you cannot answer any of them; another hope and change scam. It is like a historian and how you tell the history. How is your wife involved in this? Did she know what you were doing to Ann and how you all were trying to destroy her and had she as a prisoner? 11:40:10 PM are you a husband and wife team as Ann is? That sounds like the horrific wife swapping we ran into and what was going on. You want us to put it in the past and move on? 11:43:43 PM you do realize and understand that kidnapping and death penalty violations are very serious? Now you are using excuses to meet your agendas. We do not know who is the next victim or where you all will strike and when again.

12/15/2008 11:45:18 PM you do not want to dismantle and help us figure out the masterminds but you are quick to plea us to move on and forget about this affair. You need to read the reports and what was going on and address each and every aspect of the 12,000 attacks on one individual; not including those launched on the nation. When you say “I refuse to help” but will be transparent, you make it much worse for yourself. We are not done with Rush yet so we cannot focus our limited personnel on you unless you are ready to help fully. 11:49:17 PM you are second fiddle by going after only Ann; we are interested in those who went after both of us at this time but you are linked to those who did and you claim you do not know about what they did, only what you did. I heard you, you can deny it as I can also deny you did it; it could be a mutual mistake which I can correct; the same with Ann when she confronted you all.

Now I am confronting you on her behalf. It is your word against mine like a rape. I witnessed it along with Ann. You should examine the case with Rush and who was listening on the entire matter. You sound like the communist cell and only trying to save your own skin by telling us to move on as we had detected. If we give you our attention, then you must understand we are overwhelmed and we must grab your responses so that other personnel can focus on you while we deal with more vital leads. You may perish or get fired during that time and that is your own decision but we are prepared to act immediately when any of you want to clear this up before you tip off a global hunt for you. What would have happened if one of you sneaked inside Ann’s home or her apartment out of insane jealousy or fear of being captured? It is not as if you have restraint and can control your urge to attack others or even slaughter human beings for no reason.

(Interesting “Reaganomics” view too bad an economist had to be called in. He described the situation and using statistics well, very helpful.) Your obsession of Ann and bad mouthing the both of us is very similar to how you are a Dead Head and a hippie; a radical.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


12/13/2008 5:54:00 PM Sean, this is not about how you will not be intimidated. When we are at war and even world war and you identify yourself as a terrorist and even trying to control our forces and troops; I make the rules and give the orders and you tell me why not. So if you are IRA and feel you cannot be intimidated and run this investigation or are investigating us; then you show me how IRA you truly are. You hang out with the troops and even try to take over the conservative movement with complete this plot. If you do that, then you will have full control of both the right wing and the left wing. To be honest with you, we are approaching world war and your attitude will get you in a lot of trouble, a lot. So you show me and tell me why I must respect you or take you serious Mr. IRA and I will tell you the same. Your ring of 1960s spies is coming to an end and you still feel you run the nation and the show. We asked you all to step down before you are brought down and you say you are investigating us and won’t be intimidated? I’ll give you 30 days to plead your case why or why not; you wish to earn my respect and me to take you serious?

Friday, December 12, 2008


12/12/2008 10:51:29 PM Sean, keep in mind I am a US Army Commando and I know a lot. You get your weakling weasel ass out and ask me or Ann what is on your mind or else I will confront you if I ever meet you. You have antagonized and made me so insecure about how you and Ann had done this or that like Maher, then how women throw themselves at you and Ann is in line, and this same cat and mouse game of hiding while acting like some psycho pathetic phantom. If you wish to ask her out, then do it. If you have something to tell me, then do not lie about it or make it up. I knew everything before you even began. Your gamesmanship is pathetic and I said look, either knock it off or come out of hiding or else I might not treat you so well. This caused you to “snap” and get all violent about how you are IRA and I will tell you this. My job is to chase terrorists, you job is not to fight back, but we got walloped so hard and so fierce, blindsided and now; it is a bit more fair. At least I can see you all this time and my forces can also. You mess with us and claim you are sick of being poor and discriminated?

A US commando with full honors and hand to hand expert levels is not match for an IRA terrorist. I can pop your lip in less than 3 seconds and end the fight in 20 seconds. Do not go there and come out like either a man or an honorable weakling, this is why Ann feels you are a fraud but why she is friends discomforts my soul. She has not told me yet so I do not wish to take that leap of faith. Know your place and know how far you can get or go. If you are partners with Rush, then you will be the nest in line, I am overwhelmed with my problems and Ann’s no thanks to your IRA weakling leadership. You give no attention or respect to me identifying myself as a US Army commando or my open minded approach to you and this tells me who and what type of person I am dealing with. You can go down with Rush and if you threaten me about you being IRA because I said I have no problems with a face to face talk, then so be it. You were messing with Ann for years and with me since I have known about you. Where this audacity comes from and this hope Ann did love you? Search this sight for your name and read if it is true or not. My job is to dispose of terrorists not get fatally wounded by them. Right now, I wish to confront you face to face one day about what you said to me about Ann if you ever had the nerve to lie to my face like a fraud.


12/12/2008 12:19:34 PM Can I get some fire support please while I go after their leadership. I need RonDog and JeffersDodge taken out; they are walloping us and my faithful partner now has a mental paralysis. Intel says she has a psychological problem and I am going to prosecute her soon as a co-conspirator or plotter. Those two run some internet militia to read emails unwanted, circling web sites and blocking IP addresses, etc… unwanted stalking is more accurate and taking me away from the fight. It is amazing how my LOSER team just looks around when I have their leader. (search site for RonDog and Pop Modal for incidents)

Thursday, December 11, 2008


12/11/2008 10:40:28 PM
Sean, I do not feel you are a fear monger; however, I did write Ann a personal email (two nights ago) referring to some guy on free republic who claims to have taken you to “Ruth Chris’” which is a steak house. On the Sean Hannity Show he suggested he took you out to Ruth Chris’ and I knew immediately he was lying. He did not say he did but he did ask you out on the air and on record. You told me already you did not and he tried to imprint the idea you did. He did not say who began the rumor or who it came from, he merely antagonized it by suggesting women throw themselves at him and you two are together. Right now I have ascertained Hannity as a small fish and cannot waste my time but he is in on it.

If you two are together, we will know soon because if you are caught with your hands in the cookie jar, there are two excuses 1) hey wait, let me explain this 2) I didn’t do it (lie). He lied blatantly and has been suggesting all sorts of things such as you throwing yourself at him, he told me “we were supposed to do it”, and he was a weasel after you confronted him about doing this to me. One day he said he was IRA after I had said I would kick his ass and he would have to confront me one day if he did not stop lying like Rush. I said the same to Rush if you look at the records. When Rush begs, Sean begs, review the shows. When they follow, he follows. What pisses me off is him promoting every single night after they deleted 45 accounts and stop me from emailing you after reading them. After their stunt and plot on politico it is near collapse as a hostile site; but he promotes it every night because they were the cause of the failure. They thought if they kick me off and on all conservative sights, Ann would work with them and not protest their control even if they stalked her online and was reading everything. They were in complete shock to read our emails and knew they were busted.

This is why I have given you 30 days. In the last week, there have been several attacks but I am targeting personal and private ones which are false. Sean said he was a “weasel” like how Rush is. He is guilty as hell. The tapes from August to December will reveal what he said and did not say. I would not call it fear mongering but he tries purposely to make me feel jealous and so insecure about you and him. It is believable because you licked the dog’s ass onstage and have been friends with him for ten or more years. You might want to tell me everything and come forward with it so I can confront him; either you are going to take him out or he will take you out because he hated me when he did not even know me or who I was like Rush.

Now he changed the story and said he changed is antagonizing of us to a “hands off” policy after I mentioned his name. Sean did the same thing as Rush so I do not have to write it again. He claims he is the second coming of Reagan and is a total fraud. He is using the Ruth Chris to imprint the idea you are sneaking around and have been for the last 3 or 4 months. It is not fear mongering but close to what Bill Maher was doing; spreading lies and conspiring to not correct them. It is this bad cop, good cop; he is in control and like Rush investigating us. The Sean Hannity story is the same as the Rush Limbaugh story but he gave a very sad story about how he was very poor, discriminated badly, and he did it for his family.

If Hannity wants to know why Ann and I fight I will tell him. Ann hates it when I date and when we were separated. If I go to a concert, she does. If I go out to dinner 30 times, she does 1 time. My family used to eat our every week. This is how she says she is displeased and life partners. However, there are a few times which have got to me and made me upset and her wants to explain in private and in person. I had to date to learn how to walk again but like always, they choose who you go out with and I have investigated who, what, why and how.

Back in 1996, someone was up close with me and attempts were made to marry me to their choices that are always fat and disgusting. When you get 10 roommates who are all like this, you give up and just rent out a place with no complaint. Emil Matasareneu, the North Hollywood shooter, looks exactly identical to my roommate in 1996 and 1997 named Alice Hansbarger and she was weird and kicked me out after trying to get me to take her out or marry her, I ignored it. She was nuts. Before 1996, they rented from us and came in the house and instigated so much and wrecked the home; two remodeling had to be done and the white carpet was near black.

Did they decide where I lived? They drove me out and into these situations but it made me mad at my father for not noticing how sneaky and clever they were. They trashed our own home and drove me nuts then called the police on me. It caused my father and I to never talk again and almost a fist fight. He said I was crazy when they were driving me out of my own home. However, my father gave me their rent to get my own place. He gave me rent for years and then years later said I had a home if I need it. He said he did not want to get involved and it caused so much stress on him but gave me a lot of money and said do my best. It was sad because he worked two shifts a day or almost 15 hours. He never did what they did, they took advantage of him, but he never was controlling or nit picked. They had caused so much trouble and my sister was working at the White House at this time. It felt as if they picked and chose who they wanted and you had no choice but to cooperate.

The next girl did the same and I hit on her best friend who was never invited back and I too got kicked out and she stole my computer. She looked like Anna Nicole Smith but more muscular and hot. I took her out as friends after she asked me to dinner and she had a serious drug problem. While here, a suspicious mulatto moved in after 3 months and began to hang out with me and asked if I would take him out to clubs; then he said he could get in them with VIP status if I paid the bouncers. He had no money and I paid for it all. He is untraceable. All morning she took bong hits before work and she was the manager of a restaurant while in college. The other girl, in 1996 at George Mason University, was half Filipino and looked like Stephanie Seymour; I met three girls of mixed races, all Filipino, who could model; I swear she asked if I wanted a blow job and it freaked me out because I did not know where that came from. At least ask me out.

In 1997, the George Mason University Police was called after a supposedly federal agent of Asian decent claimed he was going to shoot me and another Asian campus officer, who I had gone to high school with, came to intervene but he just blew it off. It is documented and I do not know if he was a federal agent or not but he claimed he had a gun. They were blood thirsty back then and this guy was a total maniac; almost exactly like this police guy Jason Conte the house invader in 2006; both catholic. This is why I do not like catholic and specifically catholic police. Both incidents were documented and there are over 10 documentations of Jason Conte harassing, vandalism, home invasion, breaking in, yelling in my window, etc… it is impossible to avoid these people, for real. I was talking to Ann and they always showed up or blocked it. Ann and I were arranging a meeting and they always blocked it or pinned me down.

Search his name on this sight, they are behind this and it was about catholic issues. They are so angry and blow up in this maniac rage. The ones in charge are so apathetic and turn their backs. That was the first incident and the next was with my first job ever in 1998 with Logicon; I was fired by a catholic named Mary. After that assignment my life was under siege and I was kidnapped which then led to 911. The worst and worst example of the catholic problem was Sprint PCS in 1999; I was attacked daily by maniacs on the phone and some customer service team. My pay was humiliating and they were such poor managers it was so upsetting. I was fired from there too. So they want me to hate the police and hate management and companies. During this time they wanted me to love or follow blacks.

They are homicidal and so angry. It was some issue about Catholics and the police; like the Department of Defense. They revoked my clearance and played the race card when DC was under siege in 1998 to 2001. I was offered a three year assignment to live and work in Africa after Al Qaeda blew up the embassies and it was a catholic defense contractor for the State Department. Sean Hannity just said I was wasting their time 12/11/2008 11:48:48 PM and knows why I did not accept the Africa assignment. He is in touch with the people behind this and is Rush Limbaugh’s partner. There is a phantom and they know who it is. What I remember most is how normal they look but so angry and on the edge, it was terrorizing. At some point I just went on vacation to blow them off because I was so fed up and sick of it. (Check Barney Frank and “fishing expedition” because that is how I relax, I fish and work the water of the Chesapeake Bay).

So Sean knew and had known something about this attack on the embassies in Africa and says “you were wasting our time” because I needed a job and that was all I could find. I did not know why I was wasting time there or doing this. So I am to introduce cyber and satellite warfare to Africa? They revoked my security clearance anyhow because I was always defiant to their management but it was impossible to avoid them, totally futile. These people were so angry it was unbelievable. Even Mary, if you made a joke or said something wrong, you were disciplined and threatened of being fired. So they felt I was catholic or wanted to join them? They demanded I do something for the blacks to prove some charity. Sean Hannity is in some conspiracy and plot and knows about it. Plead guilty 12:09:45 AM?

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Ann, I do not know what you are doing on Politico nor do I care but it says you log on there daily. You have an email accout or something. To me it makes this problem grow even if I have been locked out. Also, Rush and particularly Sean, promotes politico every single day. If you say John Lott, he says John Lott. If you log onto politico, he probably is saying it every single day. This is probably why. All I have to say is I am so fed up and I do not believe it is because you are a pundit. From my observations, even with me, you feed the fire and make mre compete when I do not want to or even care to. You seem to have gotten all these stalkers to compete or something. Everytime you brag about your stalkers, another one brags and it gets worse and worse. I am sure you do not want to talk to them and neither do I. This is not about them asking if you wish to talk or not. This is about them doing crazy things because they want to piss everybody off or harass them. These stalkers think we are still talking on politico? I am so fed up I am about to throw up or faint.

I get this shit daily. In my case, I do not know who it is. In your case, you know who it is. I got someone doing this to me. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity make play by play of me making a sandwich. I will make sure they are in jail if it is the last thing i do on this earth and I would advise you to not play along with them. From my observations, it is not because of any pundit life but a social life you have or secret life. You play this secret life and you will end up regretting it. They are luring you in and luring you more and that is why I am worried and do not want anything to do with this secret life and crazy shit. YOU NOT ONLY HAVE STALKERS IN REAL LIFE THEY TOOK THIS ONLINE AS THEY DID WITH ME.

Ann, these people somehow knew where and what names you use. They were reading both my mail and your mail on politico. Now they know and I see you log on there everyday and I hear both Rush and Sean mention politico every single day as if you and them are in some club I was kicked out of. That is what they do to get even or harass me. I know what they are up to and am not afraid to say it to them or confront them. The worst part is I rely on them for intelligence on what you are up to even if I do not care or wish to know. it makes it worse. You make it worse. They implant the idea you are a horrible mistress and I walk away with this idea you are because they said so. The thought of you licking a dogs ass and bragging about it is paralyzing. I cannot express to you how awful it feels and how awful it is getting.

There is a lot of this going on and a lot of shit I still do not know. You better key on why they are doing it. These are derranged people and nobody wants to talk to them. They force themselves on others and they talk to those who do not even wish to be stalked or harassed by them in their homes and every hour so you blow up in a fit of rage. It is ever single hour and you... even I am made to think I am competing in our own life. Meanwhile I have to wait for the people who did this to admit or confess so I can have it cleaned up or my life back.

I am just so fed up with so much. You should just go to Rush and Hannity and ask them what their problem is. If you say something, the residual scrap goes to Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh or John Lott and a few others and to be honest with you; they make me disgusted. This staff is like a total fraud. Half the time they spend harassing and talking to people who do not wish to talk to them but those who we do, get caught in this nut job or derranged attempt to talk to us. Thank Sean, Rush, Lisa, McCain, Obama, Clinton, Bush, John Lott, and a few others who are intent on harassing and being derranged because others do not want to talk to them. Now they are on the staff and half of what they say is so phony; I can see right through it.

Rush is being investigated, Sean should be because he said something about "IRA" to me. Laura should also be and it is as if the Cambridge Spies and the Maclean gang are out to steal conservatism and SDI. I know what they want from me and are asking. I can tell you right now they have their eyes on the prize. A list is needed and to confront them, ask them yes or not, and if they lie, then escalate it. Hopefully they will step down but if not, then a list must be made and they must be confronted and careers in jeopardy. If they do the right thing, then it will save a lot of work and heart ache.